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Charge Disproportionation in RNiO 3 Perovskites: Simultaneous Metal-Insulator

and Structural Transition in YNiO3

J. A. Alonso,1 J. L. Garcı́a-Muñoz,2 M. T. Fernández-Dı́az,3 M. A. G. Aranda,4 M. J. Martı́nez-Lope,1 and M. T. Casais1

Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid, Spain
Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, CSIC, Campus UAB, Bellaterra, E-08193 Barcelona, Spain
Institut Laue-Langevin, BP 156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Departamento de Quı́mica Inorgánica, Cristalograf ı́a y Mineralogı́a, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Málaga,
E-29071 Málaga, Spain
(Received 16 October 1998)
Neutron and synchrotron diffraction data provide the first observation of changes in the crystal
symmetry at the metal-insulator transition in RNiO3 perovskites. At high temperatures, YNiO3 is
orthorhombic and metallic but below TMI ­ 582 K it changes to a monoclinic insulator due to a
charge disproportionation s2Ni31 ! Ni31d 1 Ni32d d that develops at the opening of the gap. We
report the presence of two alternating NiO6 octahedra with expanded (Ni1) and contracted (Ni2) Ni-O
bonds and a magnetic structure fk ­ s1y2, 0, 1y2dg with unequal moments at Ni1 and Ni2 octahedra.

PACS numbers: 71.30. + h, 71.45.Lr, 71.38. + i, 75.25. + z

One of the long-standing questions associated with is a dx 2 2y 2 ydz 2 -orbital ordering that breaks down the in-
RNiO3 perovskites sR ­ rare earthd is the origin of the version center at the Ni site in the orthorhombic symmetry
first order metal-insulator transition and the nature of [8]. Nevertheless, the structural distortion from such or-
their insulating state [1–9]. The current scenario for bital ordering has so far not been observed.
the transition suggests that the closing of the Ni-O-Ni More recently, the scenario has changed after the
angle sud by thermal contraction when temperature de- observation of very large positive 16 O-18 O isotope shifts
creases reduces the 3d-2p-3d orbital overlap beyond its in the metal-insulator (MI) transition temperatures of
critical value producing a gap opening [2,3]. Conversely RNiO3 with Pr, Nd, Sm, and Eu [11]. These results
with the isostructural RMnO3 oxides (believed to be of establish the importance of the electron-lattice coupling
the Mott-Hubbard class in the framework developed by for the MI transition and suggest the presence of Jahn-
Zaanen, Sawatzky, and Allen [10]) the rare earth nicke- Teller polarons.
lates are probably at the boundary between “low-D met- We have investigated the very distorted YNiO3 per-
als” and “charge-transfer” insulators (D, charge transfer ovskite in an attempt to enhance the electron-lattice
energy). When electronic localization occurs, an isotropic coupling. The previously investigated RNiO3 oxides
expansion of the Ni-O bonds sDdNi-O ø 10.004 Åd has (R ­ Pr, Nd, Sm, and Eu) have the perovskite-distorted
been reported in Pr, Nd, and Sm nickelates [3] that ac- GdFeO3 structure (Pbnm) and exhibit MI transitions at,
counts for the observed volume expansion of DV yV ø respectively, 130 K (Pr), 200 K (Nd), 400 K (Sm), and
6 1 3 1
0.25% sM ! Id. Ni31 st2g eg d as well as Mn31 st2g eg d are 460 K (Eu) [2–4]. For Pr and Nd TN ­ TMI but the
Jahn-Teller ions with a single eg electron with orbital de- difference between the magnetic sTN d and the MI transi-
generacy. In stoichiometric RMnO3,00 oxides static Jahn- tions systematically increases when the size of R is reduced
Teller deformations break down the twofold degeneracy sTN , TMI d. The difficulties found in the synthesis, in-
of the eg orbitals stabilizing a layered antiferromagnetic herent to the stabilization of Ni31 cations, are more
(AFM) structure. In contrast the NiO6 octahedra are very severe for smaller rare earths. We have been able to
regular in all the investigated Ni perovskites, probably as prepare YNiO3 in a piston-cylinder press [12]; this sample
a manifestation of the higher covalent character of the had not been prepared within the last 25 years [13],
Ni oxides. Moreover, based on the discovery of an un- and nothing was known about its structure, magnetism,
precedented magnetic ordering of S ­ 2 Ni moments in or metal-insulator transition. Synchrotron and neutron
PrNiO3 and NdNiO3 , a nonuniform orbital occupancy of experiments on polycrystalline YNiO3 were performed
6 1
the single eg electron in the low-spin Ni31 st2g eg d con- at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility and the
figuration was predicted [8,9]. In the insulating state, Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble. Synchrotron
the magnetic structure is characterized by an unexpected x-ray diffraction (SXRD) patterns were collected at the
1 1
propagation vector k ­ s 2 , 0, 2 d. This magnetic sym- BM16 high resolution powder diffractometer using a short
metry is not compatible with nearest-neighbor (NN) ex- wavelength of l ­ 0.518 056s3d Å. Eleven patterns were
change coupling of the same sign and requires alternating collected across the MI transition, previously character-
ferromagnetic (FM) and AFM Ni-O-Ni couplings along ized by differential scanning calorimetry measurements.
the three pseudocubic axis. This can be achieved if there A room temperature (RT) neutron powder diffraction

0031-9007y99y82(19)y3871(4)$15.00 © 1999 The American Physical Society 3871


(NPD) pattern was collected at the D2B high resolution (DV yV ­ 0.10% for Y) is approximately half of that
diffractometer of the ILL, using a wavelength of 1.594 Å. found for Pr, Nd, or Sm sDV yV ­ 0.20% 0.25%d.
The magnetic intensities were obtained from the low- Below the transition, the deviation from 90± of the
temperature NPD patterns collected with l ­ 2.52 Å at monoclinic angle b is illustrated in Fig. 1(b). These
the D1B diffractometer. The data were analyzed by the results represent the first observation of a modification
Rietveld method, using the GSAS [14] and FULLPROF [15] of the crystallographic symmetry concomitant with the
programs. electronic localization in Ni perovskites.
The inset of Fig. 1 illustrates the DSC curves for It is interesting to note that in the P21 yn symme-
YNiO3 obtained during heating and cooling runs. The try there are two crystallographically independent Ni po-
heating (cooling) run exhibits an endothermic (exother- sitions (Ni1 and Ni2), as well as three nonequivalent
mic) peak corresponding to the insulator-to-metal oxygen atoms (O1, O2, and O3) all in general sx, y, zd
transition at 582.1 (579.2) K. In the heating process the positions. A simultaneous refinement of the SXRD and
entropy gain is associated with the electronic delocal- NPD data taken at RT allowed us to obtain very accu-
ization entering the metallic state and the concomitant rate oxygen positions for the monoclinic phase, listed in
structural change. The SXRD patterns of YNiO3 Table I. In Fig. 3 we have represented the octahedral
above TMI could be refined in the conventional Pbnm oxygen coordination around Ni1 and Ni2 atoms, which al-
orthorhombic symmetry [16]. However, a close exami- ternate along the three directions of the crystal. The most
nation of the high-resolution SXRD profiles below TMI remarkable finding is that the monoclinic symmetry is a
showed a clear splitting of some reflections, characteristic consequence of very significant differences in the average
of a monoclinic structural distortion. This is illustrated size of both kind of octahedra. The mean Ni-O distance
in Fig. 2, where the orthorhombic (224) reflection, single in the Ni1O6 octahedron is 1.994(3) Å, to be compared
above TMI , splits into the separated monoclinic reflections with the shorter value of 1.923(3) Å in Ni2O6 .
(224) and (22-4), confirming a lowering of crystallo- In other members of the family with small-size
graphic symmetry. Below TMI the structure of YNiO3 rare earths we confirmed that the monoclinic splitting in-
was successfully refined in the monoclinic P21 yn space creases as R size decreases. In addition, it is found that the
group from SXRD data. Figure 1(a) shows the tempera-
ture variation of unit-cell parameters of YNiO3 across the
transition. Conversely with less distorted members of
the RNiO3 family (for which Dbyb ­ 0.11% 0.14%),
the b parameter contracts at TMI sDbyb ­ 20.16%d.
As a consequence the relative volume expansion

FIG. 1. Temperature dependence of (a) the cell edges and FIG. 2. Selected raw synchrotron x-ray diffraction patterns
( b) the monoclinic b angle across the metal-insulator transi- showing the splitting of the orthorhombic (224) reflection
tion in YNiO3 . Inset: DSC curves obtained on heating and in (224) and (22-4) peaks due to the monoclinic distortion
cooling runs. below TMI .


TABLE I. Atomic parameters for YNiO3 at RT, from octahedra skdsNi1-Odl ­ 1.994 Åd shares its corners with
combined SXRD and NPD data. Space group P21 yn, six distorted Ni2 ones skdsNi2-Odl ­ 1.923 Åd. The phe-
a ­ 5.179 32s5d, b ­ 5.515 29s5d, c ­ 7.416 56s7d Å, nomenological Brown’s bond-valence model relates the
b ­ 90.081s1d±.
bond length ri and
P the valence si of a bond (for each cen-
Atom Site x y z B sÅ2 d tral atom y ­ si , si ­ expfsr0 2 ri dyBg; r0 ­ 1.686
Y 4e 0.9816(2) 0.0729(1) 0.2502(4) 0.52(2) for the Ni31 -O22 pair) [17]. Using this approach, the
Ni1 2d 0.5 0 0 0.55(5) calculated valences in the ionic limit are 2.62(1) and
Ni2 2c 0.5 0 0.5 0.28(5) 3.17(1) for Ni1 and Ni2 cations, respectively. Conse-
O1 4e 0.0998(3) 0.4705(3) 0.2457(5) 0.54(4) quently, the appearance of two alternating Ni states with
O2 4e 0.6973(7) 0.3080(7) 0.0467(5) 0.55(6) 3 1 d, 3 2 d0 valences represents an important new
O3 4e 0.1882(6) 0.2038(7) 0.9465(5) 0.57(7) element for the understanding of these oxides. This find-
ing constitutes the first observation of a charge dispropor-
1 P
tionation phenomenon associated to the insulating phase
distortion parameter of NiO6 octahedra, Dd ­ s 6 d n­1,6 of pure RNiO3 perovskites. Although the ordered local-
fsdn 2 kdldykdlg2 where kdl is the average bond length, ization of breathing polarons has been reported in Ni21
increases substantially reducing the size of the rare based R22x Srx NiO41y oxides [18], it should be under-
earth. In the insulating phase Dd ­ 1.4 3 1026 for Pr, lined that present Ni31 oxides are stoichiometric and un-
1.6 3 1025 for Sm, and 1.0 3 1024 for Y, the value doped. We are thus led to conclude that the occurrence
for Y being the average of Dd sNi1d ­ 1.2f1g 3 1024 of a charge disproportionation is the driving force for
and Dd sNi2d ­ 0.8f1g 3 1024 (in the metallic phase the orthorhombic-to-monoclinic transition concurrent with
Dd ­ 1.4f2g 3 1024 ). Namely, the static Jahn-Teller- the charge localization at TMI . A mutual self-doping
like distortion of the octahedra is enhanced by 2 orders process occurs at TMI , in which a fraction of nega-
from Pr to Y (Dd ­ 3.3 3 1023 in LaMnO3 ). The tive charge leaves the Ni2 octahedra and goes to neigh-
increase in the relative strength of the electron-lattice boring Ni1 sites. Regarding the antibonding nature of
interaction is mainly due to the electronegativity increase the s p sO 2p Ni 3dd bond, Ni1-O bonds expand (from
along the 4f series that induces more ionic Ni-O bonds kdsNi1-Odl ­ 1.958 to 1.994 Å) at the expense of the
(at RTkdsNi-Odl ­ 1.942 and 1.959 Å for, respectively, Ni2-O contraction (from kdsNi2-Odl ­ 1.958 to 1.923 Å).
Pr and Y). In other words, in the insulating phase each oxygen atom
The structural reorganization at TMI gives rise to al- is linked through one short bond to a Ni2 and one long
ternating contracted and expanded NiO6 octahedra along bond to a Ni1. A similar disproportionation was reported,
the three directions of the crystal cell. Each distorted Ni1 for instance, for CaFeO3 perovskite [19].
Finally, we shall focus on the magnetic structure.
Neutron data in YNiO3 reveal, below TN ­ 145 K, the
magnetic reflections shown in Fig. 4. Interestingly, the
relative intensities of the magnetic reflections do not co-
incide exactly with those reported by some of us for Pr
and Nd compounds [8]. The refinements of the mag-
netic structure using model 1 of Ref. [8] do not give
a satisfactory agreement sRmag ­ 29%d in YNiO3 . A
complete charge disproportionation of the type 2Ni31 !
Ni21 1 Ni41 would lead to high-spin Ni21 sS ­ 1d and
diamagnetic Ni41 (model 2 in Ref. [8]). In our case we
expect an intermediate situation between model 1 and
model 2 (see Fig. 4). A satisfactory fit of the magnetic in-
tensities (considering the smallness of the magnetic peaks)
was obtained for the collinear magnetic structure sketched
in Fig. 4 sRmag ­ 15%d. This magnetic structure is not
uniquely determined by the present data, the proposed
model being the most simple to explain the data. A
noncollinear structure cannot be totally disregarded. As
shown in Fig. 4, all magnetic moments lie in the a-c
plane, deviated around 45±s610±d from the z axis. One
of the main findings is that using this model the fit clearly
converges to unequal moment values for the two Ni sites.
FIG. 3. Oxygen coordination for Ni1 and Ni2 in monoclinic The best magnetic fit corresponds to the moment values
YNiO3 . Each Ni1O6 shares corners with six Ni2O6 octahedra, 1.4(1) and 0.7s1dmB at, respectively, Ni1 and Ni2 sites,
and vice versa. which implies an accumulation of extra electrons at the

previously reported for less distorted RNiO3 compounds,

although they share the same magnetic propagation vec-
1 1
tor k ­ s 2 , 0, 2 d. Corroborating the charge disproportion-
ation, unequal moments are found at Ni1 and Ni2 sites
in the low temperature monoclinic phase. The magnetic
interactions between second nearest neighbors (Ni1-Ni1)
moments appear to be essential for the stabilization of the
magnetic structure. These findings represent an impor-
tant advance for the understanding of the charge localiza-
tion in transition metal oxides with orbitally degenerated
The authors thank Dr. Eric Dooryhee for assistance
during data collection on BM16, Professor E. Canadell
and Dr. J. Rodrı́guez-Carvajal for fruitful discussions, and
the ESRF and ILL for making available the beam time.
Financial support by the OCYT-CYCyT (MAT97-0699,
FIG. 4. Detail of the main magnetic reflections (shadowed ) PB97-1181, PB97-1175 projects and funding the D1B
refined at 1.5 K. Inset: Magnetic ordering described in the
text. CRG instrument). One of us (M. A. G. A.) thanks the
Junta de Andalucı́a for Grant No. FQM-113.
Ni1 sites at expenses of inducing charge defects at the ad-
jacent Ni2 sites. The moment values along the three pseu-
docubic axes are successively 1 1 Dm0 [Ni1], 1 2 Dm
[Ni2], 21 2 Dm0 [Ni1], and 21 1 DmmB [Ni2], with
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