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Nonprofit Insider L

U H Y LLP C e r t i f i e d P u b l i c A c c o u n t a n t s
November 2010
Vol. 4 • No. 5

6851 Oak Hall Lane Suite 300 Columbia, MD 21045 410-423-4800 Fax 410-381-5538

Navigating State Payroll Tax Credit

Available for
Charitable Registrations Smaller Tax-Exempt
by Carol Shepherd, Senior Staff
H ave you ever
traveled down
a country road,
contribution, regardless of whether
the person who makes the request
receives the charitable contribution.
by Kerry Duvall, Manager

crossing from one

small town into
Charitable solicitations include, but
are not limited to —
D oes your organ-
ization provide
health insurance to
another, without
• Fundraising drives, events, cam- its employees? If so,
realizing the speed
paigns or other activity, you may be eligible
limit had changed?
I have. And I got a $125 speeding for a refundable pay-
• An announcement to the news
ticket! It can be an expensive way to media that you are seeking chari- roll tax credit begin-
learn you weren’t paying attention. table contributions, and ning in 2010. This
credit is part of the massive healthcare
Something similar happens to non- • Distribution of a publication direct- legislation that was passed earlier this
profits as they cross borders from one ly or implicitly seeking charitable year and is targeted toward smaller
state to another, soliciting for their contributions. tax-exempt organizations.
charity, not realizing the rules have
changed. In my driving scenario, if I In the District of Columbia charitable For years 2010 through 2012, the
had seen the speed limit sign alerting solicitation is the request directly or credit is generally equal to 25 percent
me to lower my speed, I would be indirectly for any contribution or the of the organization’s non-elective
$125 richer. Please consider this arti- plea or representation that such con- contributions toward the employee’s
cle your speed-limit sign, so to speak, tribution will or may be used for any
health insurance premiums.
for cross-state charitable soliciting. charitable purpose. If you are solicit-
Beginning in 2013, the credit rises to
ing, take note of some basic rules for
Here in the Mid-Atlantic region, it is generally 35 percent of the non-elec-
organizations in Maryland, Virginia
likely that your nonprofit organiza- tive contributions. The full credit is
and Washington D.C.
tion will be, or is currently, soliciting available to organizations with fewer
contributions from Maryland, In Maryland than 10 full-time equivalent employ-
Virginia and Washington D.C. Each continued on page 2
If your organization receives more
state, and the District, has its own
than $25,000 as direct support from
rules relating to charitable registra- PREFER TO GET YOUR
the public (not just from Maryland),
tions and exemptions. So, it is
the charity must register. However, NEWS DIGITALLY?
important to know the varying defi-
you are exempt if —
nitions of a charitable solicitation. Sign up to receive our newsletter
• You are a religious organization. A through email. Just email Kathy
In the states of Maryland and Virginia,
copy of the IRS determination let- at, and
charitable solicitation is defined as an
ter and other documents may she’ll take care of the rest.
oral or written request for a charitable continued on page 2

UHY LLP brings specialists in nonprofit solutions in accounting and tax.

November 2010
Vol. 4 • No. 5

Navigating State • You have no office within the • Your solicitations are for the
Commonwealth and are soliciting American Red Cross, or are made
Charitable Registrations through phone or other electronic exclusively from membership.
continued from page 1 medium and have a branch or
Regardless of the reason for your
need to be filed with Maryland to chapter located within the
exemption a form FR-164 must be
obtain this exemption. Commonwealth,
filed with the District of Columbia
• You solicit only from your mem- • You are a nonprofit debt counsel- to claim this exemption. The District
bership. You may need to file your ing service, of Columbia also requires charities
organization’s bylaws and a state- • You are a trade association, and/or to obtain a business license which
ment detailing from whom solici- must be renewed biennially.
• You are 501(c)(3) which solicits
tations are made to obtain this Happy soliciting ... and remember to
contributions only through grant
exemption. watch out for those speed limit signs!
proposals to other 501(c)(3)s, pri-
In Virginia vate foundations or for-profit
organizations. If your organization needs to reg-
You will need to register if you ister or file an exemption, you’ll
intend to solicit contributions with- In Washington, D.C. find useful forms and information
in the Commonwealth, or have on these websites.
You will need to register if you are a
funds solicited on your behalf. In
nonprofit organization soliciting Maryland: Secretary of State
the Commonwealth of Virginia
within the District; however, you
there are several exemptions. To
may be exempt if — CharityHome.aspx.
claim exemption you must submit
to the Commissioner certain forms • You have received less than $1,500 Virginia: Virginia Department
outlining your claim of exemption. in gross receipts in a calendar year of Agriculture and Consumer
Here are some reasons you can resulting from activities carried Services
claim an exemption — out by volunteers,
• You are an accredited educational • Your solicitations are for educa-
District of Columbia: Department
institution, tional purposes,
of Consumer and Regulatory
• You solicit only within your mem- • You are a church or religious group, Affairs
bership, and/or

Payroll Tax Credit wages of the employees of the 2. Does your organization employ
Available for Smaller Tax- organization as income tax with- less than 25 full-time equivalent
holding, amounts required to be employees for the tax year?
Exempt Organizations
withheld from the wages of the
continued from page 1 3. Are the average annual wages of
employees as Medicare taxes, and
the employees less than $50,000?
ees whose average annual wages are amounts of the taxes imposed on the
less than $25,000. As with many tax organization as the employer por- 4. Does your organization con-
credits, the credit begins to phase out tion of Medicare taxes.” tribute at least 50 percent of the
as these parameters increase. So, is your organization entitled to premiums for the employees’
any of this credit? Let’s find out. If health insurance coverage on a
The credit is claimed against payroll
you answer “yes” to the following uniform basis?
taxes paid during the calendar year
in which the organization’s tax year four questions, you may be eligible If you answered yes to these general
begins. Payroll taxes, for these pur- for at least a partial credit. questions, please give us a call at
poses, are defined as “amounts 1. Is your organization described in 410-423-4800 to determine if you
required to be withheld from the Code Sec. 501(c)? are, in fact, eligible!

The statements contained herein are provided for informational purposes only, are not intended to constitute tax advice which may be relied upon to avoid penalties under any federal,
state, local or other tax statutes or regulations, and do not resolve any tax issues in your favor. Furthermore, such statements are not presented or intended as, and should not be taken
or assumed to constitute legal advice of any nature, for which advice it is recommended that you consult your own legal counselors or professionals.
UHY Advisors, Inc., provides tax and business consulting services through wholly owned subsidiary entities that operate under the name of “UHY Advisors.” UHY Advisors, Inc.,
and its subsidiary entities offer services from offices across the United States. UHY Advisors, Inc., and its subsidiary entities are not licensed CPA firms. UHY LLP is a licensed independent
CPA firm that performs attest services. UHY Advisors, Inc., and UHY LLP are independent U.S. members of Urbach Hacker Young International Limited.

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