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Coursework Title : The Walk2live (W2L)

COMP1648 : Development Frameworks & Methods

Center : KMD Institute (Myanmar)
Date : 29 Nov 2018

Table of Content
Section (A)
➢Principle (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) ---------------------------------------------------- 2,3
➢Advantage of DSDM------------------------------------------------------------4
➢Disadvantage of DSDM--------------------------------------------------------4
➢ DSDM Filter-----------------------------------------------------------------------4
Section (B)
➢ Not appropriate high level requirements--------------------------------5
➢ rewrite, add and list for high level requirement. ---------------------5,6,7
➢ Moscow Prioritize the requirements--------------------------------------8
➢ Reason of why we define Moscow for each function. ---------------8,9

Section (C)
➢ Role of Data Controller-------------------------------------------------------9
➢ Legal Issue---------------------------------------------------------------9,10
➢ Ethical Issue---------------------------------------------------------------------10
➢ Social Issue----------------------------------------------------------------------10
➢ Professional Issue-----------------------------------------------------10

pg. 1
C2. Four BCS Code of Conduct ------------------------------------------------11
➢ Public Interest--------------------------------------------------------------------------11
➢ Duty to Relevant Authority---------------------------------------------------------11
➢ Duty to the Profession---------------------------------------------------------------11
➢ Professional Competence and Integrity-----------------------------------------12

Section (A)
Walk2live is one of health and fitness center which established over 20 years. Janet moore was
founded this company and in this center containing such as wellness center, offering classes spinning,
yoga and Pilates. Currently, they register with their center’s name and hiring financial consultant as a
part time. They are using spreadsheets and desire changing to system development and head office
want to control centrally for all of their franchise. But they have no experience about IT and they have to
hire developer who starting develop manual to system for the whole of their transaction.

Principle (1) Focus on the business need

Organization make a list all of requirement and outcome detail that discussed with their
employee and including project manager. So both of developer and business exactly know especially
user needs and what they want. This is so important for both of them to get their goal. As developer,
finally they can deliver software according to business needs and all of this case absolutely suitable for
this principle 1.

Principle (2) Deliver on time

According to scenario, they want to get system within 3 months for running and another 3
months for beta version of control by centralized system. So the system need to deliver on time before
end date. In DSDM, one of this principle 2 including time box to restrict work to finish on time and
choosing the prioritization in detail depending on business needs. So this fact will help to get business
target effectively and also suitable with DSDM.

Principle (3) Collaborate

People are eager to participate who are the right stakeholders and they discuss in groups
workshop about system and including decision maker such as CFO, franchise owner. So principle 3 is
match with this scenario.

pg. 2
Principle (4) Never compromise quality
They have place to facilitate for workshop and gathering data from different selected member
of the company. In workshop, discus about compromise quality, customer requirement, time box,
design and document. Using the principle is compatible with the whole project.

Principle (5) Build incrementally from firm foundations

Project Manager is accompanying for workshop to know user requirement and disuse with
responsible persons. So he knowns what they need and general predictable the project scope.
Depending on scope and user requirement, appear outcomes High level requirement and developer
know appropriate way how to write code for them within time box. So software is conformation with
norm of standard including user satisfaction. So, principle 5 is appropriate and can solve the solution.

Principle (6) Develop iteratively

According to user requirement, there often have iteration such as functionality, design
prototype, tools, user feedback and even time box. So it must consider your choosing methodology that
is suitable and acceptable for iteration. If you choose traditional waterfall methodology, they restrict
and do not allow to go previous stage. But in DSDM methodology, they allow iteration and accepting
changing back if necessary especially in principle 6. So, this is why this principle 6 is suitable for project.

Principle (7) Communicate continuously and clearly

Walk2live, most of member are eager participating to convert computerize system. They often do
meeting to discuss about changing system and then collected in detail different aspect of perspective
member view by doing workshop. So communication team are so strong to meet face to face
communication. This is the main reason why this business is suitable with this principle (7).

Principle (8) Demonstrate control

Both of software team and business known the requirement information for project due to
workshop. So, they are visible what to do work communication between them and also plan proactive
for monitoring and controlling. Besides analysis user requirement list that is for to meet business
objective and monitor not to being out of control user need. The main thing is stakeholder must be
visible doing their plan for development software. Using principle 8, can deliver products with user
satisfaction and only focus on product-based rather than product-activity.

pg. 3
Advantage and disadvantage of DSDM
➢ Accept changing requirement if user want to add some more details and DSDM can accept the
requirement although how much it will difficult and focus on user requirement.
➢ Cost is less expensive to deploy the whole project because duration time is short so that cost is
economically running during project.
➢ Using DSDM, extremely most of documentation and information do not need at all because
DSDM approach is specific and enough to guide how to gain data.
➢ Final software can deliver with good quality because all of DSDM stage will be protected from
occurring risk and prevent loss standard.
➢ The only good point is to communicate face to face with user. So, they know easily their need
within limitation time and can allow improvement and modification during developing project.
➢ Quickly get user satisfaction. So final launch software is useful and effective for them.
➢ DSDM mainly focus on user needs and interactions between user and developer. So, developer
collect data easily from them.

➢ There has no enough time to develop such as planning, design and documentation.
➢ If user cannot give specific data what they need for project, project will be destroy.
➢ Decision making is only for senior level to deploy during doing project.
➢ According user requirement, prototype will modify although which is good design and this
impact is to cost more for iteration.

DSDM Filter
No DSDM Yes/No Justification
1 Do they accept user involvement during Yes According to case study, they do
development project? workshop to communicate with user
and accepting user involvement.
2 Do they accept changing iteration if Yes There has no fix and limited to do in
necessary? case study and they accept iteration.
3 Is the project small? Yes Project duration is only 3 months.
4 Do developers have appropriate team Yes They call project manager who has
skills? technical skill to develop system.
5 Do they accept agile philosophy before Yes According to case study, there is no
starting work? people against using this agile.
6 Can they spend to meet face to face Yes According to case study, they do
communications for project. workshop to communicate with user

pg. 4
In section (A), After analysis, we already know DSDM is suitable for what scope of project. Moreover, analysis how
to work DSDM and what kind of principle including in there. DSDM is suitable for most project because most of user
can be involving in project and achieving the quality standard and user needs rather than other methodology.

Section A word count = 1000

Section (B)
B1. In this Section, we have to define high level requirement given case study.

B1.1 Not appropriate high level requirements

No Function Name Category Reason
1 Login Security This is only secure for who are authorized or
unauthorized by to login to divided user type
such as already register or not yet.
2 quick to load Performance This is relevant to internet speed and technical
when user can see website
3 Arrange site on the internet performance Relating to domain arrangement and
performance and
4 Register URL performance Relating to domain arrangement and
performance so that need to buy domain name
and pay for charge.
5 Easy to use usability This is relating to design usability and depend
on programmer who has to do design for user
that must be easy to use and simple.
6 The system replaces at usability It is not appropriate as functional and relating
franchise center to management of usability.
7 The website must resemble Interface This refers to system design and interface and
the healthy lifestyle developer has to do design that must resemble
like healthy lifestyle.
8 Link with others charities interface This is design interface and we can go others
page charities if we click link
9 User can use system like interface This refers to system design and interface that
Facebook must resemble like Facebook.

B1.2 In this part of section, we have to rewrite, add and list for high level requirement.
No Function Name level By whom/Position Reason
1 Buy Mid Level Ben Brode (CFO) This is one part of function for
order system and it is useless if
user can’t buy what they want to
buy product or marketing
2 Search and Browse Mid Level Ben Brode (CFO) This is a part of function and user
can search product, food and find

pg. 5
what they want to know and how
much product price and others.
3 Management Reports High Level Ben Brode (CFO) Every product will generate
report and this is important data
when they check information.
4 Pay Items Low Level Dave Davidson This is not the whole functional
(Shipping) requirement and assume as a
text box. If customer order items
and they need to pay charge for
that and customer can pay under
this function.
5 Pack and Ship High Level Dave Davidson This function is relating to order
(Shipping) function and if they order
product, it need to arrange how
to pack and ship for order
6 Return Items High Level Dave Davidson Assume as function because this
(Shipping) is essential and must receive the
item that user don’t like and
cause some problem.
7 Ask Questions High Level Dave Davidson Important to know what they ask
(Shipping) what product and assume as a
8 Register Mid Level Laine Conway Need to register customer
(Marketing) information data and should be
one functional requirement
9 Bookkeeping Service High Level Paige McMan This function is relating to
(Franchise Owner) accounting function
10 Booking Class Mid Level Paige McMan It is useless if there is no booking
(Franchise Owner) to appoint class
11 Pay Membership Fees High Level Paige McMan It is requiring customer payment
(Franchise Owner) when they do book and
attending class and get incomes
from this.
12 Schedule Class High Level Sue Thompson If there is no schedule class,
(Franchise Owner) customer can’t know which time
is suitable for them. Schedule is
essential and some customer can
teach with their favorite teacher
and they see that teacher will be
available which time.
13 Select Items Low Level Dave Davidson It is one part of function that user
(Shipping) can choose item from selecting.
14 Marketing Material High Level Sue Thompson It should have material list when
(Franchise Owner) user order
15 Product High Level Sue Thompson It should have Product list when
(Franchise Owner) user order and product list is

pg. 6
essential both of organization
and user. Because organization
need to list what have product in
16 Rating system products their company and customer can
with comments section know what product can gain
from them according to Product
Mid Level Dave Davidson User can see the rating of their
(Shipping) system and this is one functional
17 Order Items High Level Paige McMan This is the main function and
(Franchise Owner) basically user can order for any
system what they want to buy for
18 Stock Level High Level Paige McMan This functional is control all of
(Franchise Owner) stock level like food, product and
other marketing material. So in
this stock level, organization can
manage what product is sold out
and which product is remaining
for order.

19 Write code and High Level John Oldman This is relevant to coding and
connect with database (Consultant) connect with database and it is
essential to do transaction.
B1.1 and 1.2 totally word count= 803

1. Management Order System
2. Management Report
3. Return Items
4. Ask Question
5. Pay Membership fees
6. Bookkeeping Service Management System
7. Management Timetable schedule for class
8. Management Customer
9. Management Staff Schedule
10. Management Marketing Material
11. Management Product
12. Pack and Ship
13. Manage Stock Level
14. Management Database
pg. 7
B2.1 Moscow Prioritize the requirements

1 Must Management Order System, Management Timetable schedule for class,

Management, Management Staff Schedule, Management Product, Pay Membership
fees, Bookkeeping Service Management System, Management Stock Level
2 Should Management Customer, Marketing Material, Pack and Ship, Management Report
3 Could Ask Question, Arrangement Return for Items

B2.2 Reason of why we define Moscow for each function.

1 Must Management Timetable Schedule class is essential as a priority to
schedule for class do “must” because it can’t manage staff
(trainer) and appointment without class
schedule. Besides Schedule is important
for user and they want to know which
class is suitable for them and which class is
available to join.
2 Must Management Staff Schedule It is necessary to know staff(trainer)
schedule and do “must” because it can do
appointment that who will be available
which time after finished staff schedule
and customer can know their favorite
person will be available in what time.
3 Must Management Product If you want to order product, it needs to
have product list first. Then, customer can
order from this product such as which
product is available to order and also see
their product price.
4 Must Management Order System Order is main thing for user where they
order such kind of product or others. So,
we can know customer order with which
item, which price and which quantity from
5 Must Pay Membership fees Payment is the essential for organization
income and we need to prioritize to do as
“Must”. According to requirement list,
they need to get this function by Franchise
6 Must Bookkeeping Service This is relating to accounting and assume
Management System “Must” as a functional requirement.
According to case study, they need to
ensure that function as priority.
7 Must Management Stock Level This functional is control all of stock level
like food, product and other marketing
8 Should Management Marketing Material If you want to order Marketing Material, it
needs to have material list first. customer

pg. 8
can order from this Marketing material
such as which material is available to order
and also see their product price.
9 Should Pack and ship After all of transaction of order, it needs to
pack and ship for product and assume as
“should” to do.
10 Should Management Customer Customer registration and other
management are including in this section
and we need to define as “should”
11 Should Management Report After ordering product, usually generate
report for each product. According to
saying Ben Brode (CFO), he wants to see
this report. Report is essential when
someone check to list item and follow
their previous background. According to
report, there can show which item, which
price, quantity and other information in
12 Could Ask Question If customer don’t know some information
and they want to ask, some are using and
so that we need to consider as “could”.
This is only asking question from customer
and not including others important data
and just has to link with other franchise.
13 Could Arrangement Return for Items Has to arrange when product is something
wrong and return to organization and can
complain from customer. But the chance is
less That is why assume as “Could”
14 Want to have Management Database This is only relevant to coding and connect
with database.

B2.2 word count totally 502

Section (C)
(A) Role of the Data Controller
➢ Data controller has responsibility to state what the collecting data is and why that data has
to collect and responsible do not reused and apply that data other projects or share data
with colleagues who are not relevant project.
➢ Under GDPR, there are different kind of justification. Data controller comply with GDPR and
has to decide which data is suitable for what kind of justification.
➢ Basically, admit and claim to consent relevant people for collecting data or they can
withdraw before starting data.

pg. 9
➢ As data controller, comply fairly and lawfully for customer when operating their personal
data and that must be accurate and up to date.
➢ Consider only way of processing compatible for data and avoiding too much excessive data
that lead to irrelevant information and divergent their purpose.
➢ Responsible delete personal data if it is no longer needed and not to divulge that data at
➢ To prevent important personal data, make adequate for both of physical and technical to be

(B) Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional Issues

Legal Issue
Example (1)

According to case study, The Walk2live is selling not only their own health food but also product
and there is no describe getting FDA certificate. For example, as a consumer something happens such as
sickness and queasiness when they eat their food. Legally, they sue to this organization and it can a
huge impact on organization goals. Organization can stop the whole of transaction and getting worse
and losing reputation. So, organization should not sell their product and food if it is unhealthy and not
appropriate to eat for public.

Example (2)

After development system, developer give complete software to user and user possess all of
design and code. If developer will share and sell their design and code to other company without their
permission and authority, possessing organization will sue to that IT team and this is one of legal issue.

Ethical Issue
For example1, Walk2live is selling their product and food to user on website. Some products are
need to express fully description for customer because some customer can’t drink some product due to
their health problem and disease. So as organization, need to describe product in detail and this is
ethical issue unless they do not describe in detail.

Moreover, in organization they are changing to computerize system and need to offer
developer. So, developers will do system for them and create design within agreement duration time
box. But sometime developers do not finish the system on time and they test generally just overall and
launch to user without completely certainty testing and consequence risk can impact on user.

For example2, every people do exercise and play gym at this health center. Among them, can be
including people like heart beat attack person and got other type of disease. As the organization, they
have to keep customer personal information data in detail and no need to show at outside of public.
Some records are essential information and important for user that they do not want to know others.
Ethically, you should not disclose customer information at outside.

Social Issue

pg. 10
If organization is selling unhealthy product and food to public, there can be social issue in them
because most people do not trust that organization anymore and organization can loss their reputation
among competitors. Finally, the organization will stop their work due to lack of customer.

Another fact is misunderstanding between developer team and customer. They do

communicate face to face to do system and there have a lot of information from user. As developer,
need to ask user in a specific way and make a document from them. Besides, asking user must be the
essential person who knows all of their work and transaction. As customer, needs to know clearly asking
question from developer. If there is misunderstanding between them, can be causing social issue.

Professional Issue
To be changing system, organization has to hire software development team and this team will
arrange all of their business needs and desire. But the team must be qualified in technical skill and
knowledge and know about business transaction generally before. If lack of technical skill, they cannot
give to user all of their interest and expectation and this can be one of professional issue.

Another example, currently they want to change new system instead of manually. So, they need
to train for staff easily to use for system. In case, staff don’t know how to use system and they can make
mistake some financial of income and other budget or some accounting is incorrect, impact on
organization goals and mission.

C1 word count totally 750

C2.BCS Code of Conduct

Public Interest: It is required to hire developer when Walk2Live using system. Besides, it needs to
consider hiring developer must be qualified and has skilled about technical even though hiring is
expensive fees because this is important that developer can be given to Walk2Live that they claim
according to Requirements List.

According to case study, they want to do project within 3 months. As developers, it is

responsible their project to finish on time and need to test carefully to be smooth without error
problems before giving to user. developer must be considered not to be mischievous for user due to
developer fault and to be achieving user requirement and their desire. For example, according to require
list in case study, Franchise owner need to ensure about bookkeeping service so that developer need to
do as important list for customer needs.

Moreover, professional developer needs to know legislation, environment, regulations and

standards. Between senior developer and junior developer, senior developer should not do by force on
junior to finish project on time and this can be consequence a huge impact risk on user. Besides,
developers need to fraternize for every user without discrimination according to their background.

Duty to Relevant Authority: It should have proper standard between developer and Walk2Live
when they work together and face to face communication. As developer need to consider customer side
without gaining personal advantage and responsible Organization essential data.

pg. 11
For example, a Walk2Live depute project to developer and they have compact as a contract
such as project duration period and Budget using DSDM. Moreover, they have duties not to disclose
Walk2Live personal data at outside. Besides, developer has to do project within limited duration and it is
important to finish on time according to their agreement.

Developer needs to prepare estimating budget and timebox before doing project and analysis
the whole project. To finish on time, project manager must arrange allocating duty to relevant
developer that which work perform which developer. If it doesn’t finish on time, can impact on that
organization and further consequence can be destroyed relationship between Walk2Live and Developer
Team. So, Developer carried out plan B if necessary and this plan to prevent from occurring risk and
reduces impact as soon as possible.

Duty to the Profession: Accept responsibility from Walk2Live that shall act dutifully and not to be
disrepute developer personal and relevant organization. Developer need to seek to improve
professional standards and advance public knowledge.

Especially DSDM that can aid and useful for profession. Being mistake and misleading statement
are detrimental on Walk2Live and require to counter or reduce becoming consequences of impact. As
Project Manager, must encourage and allocating duties for coding. Moreover, use and enforcement
professional standard of DSDM methodology and act integrity on Walk2Live’s organization. As senior,
help junior member when they work together and need to lead before becoming professional. Besides,
provide opportunity teaching them to be qualified in their professional development and avoid
disclosing essential personal data at external of other development.

Professional Competence and Integrity: Project Manager shall work and service to
Walk2Live only their professional relevant region and avoiding claim where they do not possess, need to
promote their personal professional knowledge, skill and apply all of things at organization.

For example, Project Manager decide to use DSDM methodology for Walk2Live’s project. So,
they need to seek and learn about DSDM and how to work and clearly must know DSDM advantage and
disadvantage. So, they can analysis possible risk and plan Proactive and reactive before starting project.

The main essential thing is learning and knowing legislation of health and fitness. It should need
to consider that legislation when developer develop their system and analysis all aspect of system
perspective. Respect other perspective alternative viewpoint and seeking update information that
relevant doing project DSDM. Modify if you accept criticism from work and avoid not to damage
Walk2Live interest due to developer fault. As professional person, should not act like injuring other
property reputation, malicious other partner, negligent action and inaction. Besides, if somewhere offer
project unethically and giving inducement, need to avoid even though lose developer’s job and
responsibility. Do not terminate doing assignment.

C2 word count totally 692

pg. 12
➢ Baase, (2003), A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal and Ethical Issues for Computers and Internet,
(Chapter1), Pearson.
➢ The British Computer Society (2011). Code of Good Practice [ONLINE]

Available at:

[Accessed 12 Nov.2018]

➢ Frank Bott (2005). Professional Issues in Information Technology [ONLINE]

Available at:


[Accessed 19 Oct.2018]

➢ DJ & IJ (2010). The DSDM Atern Student Workbook [ONLINE]

Available at:

[Accessed 24 Nov.2018]

➢ Andrew & Keith (2012). The DSDM Agile Project Framework for Scrum [ONLINE]

Available at:

[Accessed 12 Oct.2018]

pg. 13

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