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Department of Physics

Savitribai Phule Pune University

PHY- C-205 (2018 Pattern): Solid State Physics
Tutorial # 8 March 16-21, 2020

1. The wave function of the hydrogen atom in its ground state is

1 −𝑟⁄
𝜓= 𝑒 𝑎0 , where ao = 0.529Å. Assuming the charge density to be given

by 𝜌 (𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧) = 𝑒|𝜓2 |. Show that for this state < 𝑟 2 > = 3𝑎02 , and calculate the
molar diamagnetic susceptibility of atomic hydrogen.

Note: The susceptibility per mole is just the volume per mole (a number of order
unity) times the susceptibility per unit volume. Since the latter is dimensionless,
the units of molar susceptibility are cm3/mole.

2. Consider the Bohr orbit of radius r in an Hydrogen atom. The orbiting electron
moving with the speed v along the orbit in a time period of rotation T. Show that
the orbital magnetic dipole moment ml is given by 𝝁𝒍 = − 𝒍ℏ 𝒃 ⃗𝑳 ( Vector
equation), where 𝜇𝑏 is the Bohr magneton (𝜇𝑏 = 2𝑚 ) and gl the orbital g factor, L
is the angular momentum.

3. Using classical theory show that there could be no net magnetisation in a system of
electrons in a solid (and hence the quantum theory is required to describe
magnetisation). Hint: recall that the magnetisation by definition is the magnetic
moment per unit volume and that E = -µB (and thus the magnetic moment can be
viewed as the rate of change of energy of the system with applied magnetic field).

4. A magnetic material has a magnetization of 3200 A/m and flux density of 0.045
Wb/m2. Determine the magnetic field and the relative permeability of the material.

5. The magnetic field intensity in a piece of ferric oxide is 106 A/m. If the
susceptibility of the material at room temperature is 1.5×10-3, calculate the
magnetization and the flux density in the material.

6. Sodium metal with a bcc structure has two atoms per unit cell. The radius of the
sodium atom is 1.85 Å. Estimate the order of the diamagnetic susceptibility in

7. Consider a helium atom in its ground state (1s). The mean radius in the Langevin
formula may be approximated by Bohr radius 0.529 Å. The density of helium is
0.178 kg/m3. Calculate the diamagnetic susceptibility of a helium atom.

8. Find the ratio of the effective magnetic moments of the Mn2+, Mn3+ and Mn4+ with
electron configurations 3d5, 3d4 and 3d3.

9. Use the Hund rules to determine the ground state and the effective number of Bohr
magnetons for:
(a) Eu++ with the configuration 4f 75s2p6 (b) Yb3+ with the configuration 4f 135s2p6
(c) Tb3+ with the configuration 4f 85s2p6

Department of Physics
Savitribai Phule Pune University
PHY- C-205 (2018 Pattern): Solid State Physics
Tutorial # 8 March 16-21, 2020

10. Calculate the allowed values of the magnetic moment along the field axis of an
atom which has J = 1 and g = 2.

11. In this problem we will calculate the electronic structure and magnetic properties
of an important transition-metal ion: Fe2+.

(a) What is the electronic configuration of an Fe2+ ion? (Note that the transition
metals give up their 4s electrons before their 3d electrons on ionization.)
(b) Use Hund’s rules to determine the values of S, L, and J in the ground state of an
Fe2+ ion.
(c) Calculate the Land´e g-factor .
(d) Calculate the total magnetic moment of an Fe2+ ion, 𝑔√𝐽(𝐽 + 1) 𝜇𝐵 ,and the
magnetic moment along the field direction, -gMJµB.
(e) Try calculating the total magnetic moment using the value of S determined in
(b), but assuming that L = 0 (so J = S). In fact the measured value is 5.4μB.

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Problem 2
selection rule; selection rules and physical, or mathematical, symmetries; l N
dependence of parity of eigenfunctions for spherically symmetrical poten-
tials; selection rule violations; metastable states ^
superiorities of the modern theories




In this chapter we continue our study of the one-electron atom. First we shall discuss
experiments which measure the orbital angular momentum L of an atomic electron.
These experiments do not actually measure L directly. Instead they measure a related
quantity µl, the orbital magnetic dipole moment, by measuring its interaction with
a magnetic field applied to the atom. We shall develop the relation between p i and L
that forms the basis of the measurements. We shall also remind the student of some
of the properties of the interaction between a magnetic dipole and a magnetic field
used in the measurements, and in others frequently carried out in atomic, solid state,
and nuclear physics.
When considering the results of measurements of atomic magnetic dipole moments,
we shall discover the very important fact that electrons have an intrinsic angular
momentum called spin, and an associated spin magnetic dipole moment. The effect
that electron spin has on the energy levels of a one-electron atom will then be ex-
plored. Finally, we shall develop a procedure for calculating the rate at which excited
one-electron atoms make transitions to lower-lying states by emitting the photons
that form their line spectrum.
Our treatments in this chapter will employ a combination of simple electromag-
netic theory, partly classical physics such as the Bohr model, and quantum mechanics.
Completely quantum mechanical treatments will not be presented because they re-
quire a more advanced knowledge of electromagnetic theory than has been assumed
in this book. This procedure is justified by the fact that the results agree with those
of completely quantum mechanical treatments. Of course, the justification is available
to us only because someone has taken the trouble to work out the completely quan-
tum mechanical treatments.



Consider an electron of mass in and charge — e moving with velocity of magnitude y

in a circular Bohr orbit of radius r, as illustrated in Figure 8-1. (Since it is conventional
to use for magnetic dipole moment, here we do not use it for the reduced electron
mass. No confusion will arise because the inherent accuracy of the experiments, and
calculations, generally does not warrant making a distinction between the reduced
électron mass and the electron mass m.) The charge circulating in a loop constitutes
a current of magnitude
e ev
= = (8-1)
T 2nr
where T is the orbital period of the electron whose charge has magnitude e. In elemen-
tary electromagnetic theory, it is shown that such a current loop produces a magnetic

Figure 8-1 The orbital angular momentum L and the orbital magnetic dipole moment µ1
of an electron —e moving in a Bohr orbit. The magnetic field B produced by the circulating
charge is indicated by the curved lines. The fictitious magnetic dipole that would produce
an identical field far from the loop is indicated by its poles N, S.

field which is the same at large distances from the loop as that of a magnetic dipole
located at the center of the loop and oriented perpendicular to its plane. For a current
i in a loop of area A, the magnitude of the orbital magnetic dipole moment 1.11 of the
equivalent dipole is
= iA (8-2)
and the direction of the magnetic dipole moment is perpendicular to the plane of the
orbit, in the sense indicated in Figure 8-1. The figure shows the magnetic field pro-
duced by the current loop. It also indicates the two fictitious poles of a dipole that
would produce a magnetic field which becomes identical to the actual field far from
the loop. The quantity µ1 specifies the strength of this magnetic dipole; it equals the
product of the poles' strength times their separation. Because the electron has a neg-
ative charge, its magnetic dipole moment µ1 is antiparallel to its orbital angular mo-
mentum L, whose magnitude is given by
L = mvr (8-3)
and whose direction is illustrated in Figure 8-1.
Evaluating i from (8-1), and A for a circular Bohr orbit, (8-2) yields
ev _ evr
µi = iA = 2rcr 7.0.2 2 (8-4)
Dividing by (8-3), we obtain
µ1 _ evr _ e
L 2mvr 2m
We see that the ratio of the magnitude µ1 of the orbital magnetic dipole moment to
the magnitude L of the orbital angular momentum for the electron is a combination
of universal constants. It is usual to write this ratio as
µ1 __ Alta (8-6)
L h
lb= 0.927 x 10 -23 amp-m2 (8-7)
2m =
g1 = 1 (8-8)

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The quantity µb forms a natural unit for the measurement of atomic magnetic dipole
moments, and is called the Bohr magneton. The quantity gi is called the orbital g
factor. It is introduced, even though it appears here to be redundant, to preserve
symmetry with equations we shall develop later in treating cases involving g factors
which are not equal to one. In terms of these quantities, we may rewrite (8-5) as a
vector equation specifying both the magnitude of µ1 and its orientation relative to L.
=— glub L (8-9)
The ratio of 1u1 to L does not depend on the size of the orbit or on the orbital
frequency. By making a calculation similar to the one above for an elliptical orbit, it
can be shown that gi/L is independent of the shape of the orbit. That this ratio is
completely independent of the details of the orbit suggests its value might not depend
on the details of the mechanical theory used to evaluate it, and this is actually the case.
Upon evaluation of µi quantum mechanically (which cannot be done here because the
electromagnetic theory required is too sophisticated), and dividing by the quantum
mechanical expression L = .Jl(l + 1)h, the ratio of 12 1 to L is found to have the same
value that we have obtained. Granting this, the student will accept that the correct
quantum mechanical expressions for the magnitude and z component of the orbital
magnetic dipole moment are
gh b L = 9^ b ^l(l + 1)h = glµb^l(l + 1)
µi = (8-10)
L Z = 9^ b m lh = — giµbmi
g^ b
µiz = —
(8 - 11)
The minus sign in the last equation reflects the fact that the vector µi is antiparallel
to the vector L.
Now we shall remind the student of the behavior of a magnetic dipole of moment
u1 when it is placed in an applied magnetic field B. In elementary electromagnetic
theory it is shown that the dipole will experience a torque
= gi x B (8-12)
tending to align the dipole with the field, and that, associated with this torque, there
is a potential energy of orientation
AE = —µi • B (8-13)
Example 8-1. Assume that a magnetic dipole, whose moment has magnitude µ i is aligned
parallel to an external magnetic field, whose strength has magnitude B. Take µi = 1 Bohr
magneton (typical of the magnetic dipole moment of an atom), and B = 1 tesla (typical of the
field produced by a fairly powerful electromagnet). Calculate the energy required to turn the
magnetic dipole so that it is aligned antiparallel to the field.
► According to (8-13), the orientational potential energy when the dipole is parallel to the field
is —µ 1B, and it is +fi1B when the dipole is antiparallel to the field. So the energy that must
be supplied to turn the dipole is
2µ1B =•2 x 0.927 x 10 - 23 amp- m 2 x 1 joule/amp-m 2
= 1.85 x 10 -23 joule = 1.16 x 10 -4 eV
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