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Over the years, Bangladesh has undergone a process of environmental degradation, which is
cause for great concern. These are illustrated by deforestation, destruction of wetlands and inland
fisheries, soil nutrient depletion and inland salinity intrusion. Furthermore, natural calamities like
floods, cyclones, tidal surges and tornadoes have resulted in severe socio-economic and
environmental damage (MoEF, 1992: 5) by a combination of factors. These factors include: a
large and rapidly growing population; industrial development without sufficient controls on
industrial pollution; improper use of agricultural chemicals and pesticides; poorly designed flood
control, drainage and irrigation works; over cutting and indiscriminate felling of forests and
artificially lowered stumpage prices and royalties for forest products; lack of community control
over open access resources; inadequate land use planning; and institutional weakness among the
public agencies in charge of environmental protection and natural resource management (WRI
report, 1992:2). The major root of man-made problems is lack of understanding of ecological
principles, poverty and lack of adequate alternate resources (MoEF, 1992). The single most
critical factor that will increasingly hamper development in Bangladesh, if not addressed
properly, is the size and rate of growth of an already overwhelmingly large population. High
growth rate with an existing large population will tremendously strain the country‟s land
resource for development in the years ahead (MoEF, 1992: 5). Furthermore, poorly designed
development activities, misguided policies, flowed development models, global changes and
inequitable access to these resources can also contribute to the degradation of natural resources,
as much or more than population pressure. Bangladesh is facing a number of serious
environmental issues. These ranges from global worming that can have potential devastating
effects on the country‟s people and its resources, to a variety of regional and national issues.
There are so many environmental acts, laws and policy in Bangladesh but those laws are not
implemented properly. In developed countries the implementation of environmental policy is
much better than Bangladesh. Therefore, in this work it will be examined that the environmental
policy of Bangladesh will be compared with the environmental policy of developed countries.

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Environmental policy .................................................................................................................................... 4
Overview of Environmental Policy of Bangladesh....................................................................................... 5
Major Features of Environmental Policy of Bangladesh .............................................................................. 6
Agriculture ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Industry ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Health and Sanitation ............................................................................................................................... 7
Energy and Fuel ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Water ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Land .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Forest, Wildlife and Bio-diversity ............................................................................................................ 8
Fisheries and Livestock............................................................................................................................. 8
Food .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Coastal and Marine Environment ............................................................................................................. 8
Transport and Communication.................................................................................................................. 8
Housing and Urbanization ........................................................................................................................ 8
Population ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Education and Public Awareness .............................................................................................................. 9
Science, Technology and Research ........................................................................................................... 9
Goals/ Objectives/ Strategies of Environmental Policy of Bangladesh ........................................................ 9
Environmental Laws in Bangladesh ........................................................................................................... 10
Laws and relevant regulation .................................................................................................................. 10
Legal Framework of Environment Policy ................................................................................................... 11
Brief description of Environment policy of developed countries ............................................................... 11
North American environment policy ...................................................................................................... 11
Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Principles............................................................................................................................................. 12
Strategies ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Environment Policy of Western Europe ................................................................................................. 13
Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Principles............................................................................................................................................. 13

Strategies ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Environment Policy of Asia Pacific ........................................................................................................ 15
Signs of Environment stress ................................................................................................................ 15
Responses to sustainable development Challenges............................................................................. 15
Environment Policy of Australia............................................................................................................. 16
Environmental policy statement.......................................................................................................... 16
Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Priorities .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Environment Policy of Scandinavian Countries ..................................................................................... 17
Key environmental indicators ............................................................................................................. 17
Priorities .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Environment Policy of Nordic Countries................................................................................................ 18
Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Priorities .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Comparative Analysis of Environment Policy of developed countries ...................................................... 19
Policy Statement ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................... 19
To maintain and enhance the productivity of the environment ........................................................... 20
To maintain inter generation and intra generation equity ................................................................... 20
To protect country‟s unique and diverse cultural and natural heritage ............................................... 20
To encourage and ensure stakeholder participation ............................................................................ 20
Sustainable lifestyles and patterns of consumption and production ................................................... 20
Livelihood security for the poor.......................................................................................................... 20
Integration of environmental concerns in economic and social development .................................... 21
Principles ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Strategies ................................................................................................................................................. 22
Author‟s Justification .................................................................................................................................. 22
Drawbacks............................................................................................................................................... 23
Recommendations ................................................................................................................................... 23
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 24
Reference(S) ............................................................................................................................................... 25

Environmental policy

Environmental policy is any action deliberately taken to manage human activities with a view to
prevent, reduce, or mitigate harmful effects on nature and natural resources, and ensuring that
man-made changes to the environment do not have harmful effects on humans. It is useful to
consider that environmental policy comprises two major terms: environment and policy.
Environment refers to the physical ecosystems, but can also take into consideration the social
dimension and an economic dimension. Policy can be defined as a "course of action or principle
adopted or proposed by a government, party, business or individual". So, environmental policy
refers to a set of guidelines that define action taken by human beings to mitigate the harmful
effects of changes to the environment.

Environmental issues generally addressed by environmental policy include air and water
pollution, waste management, ecosystem management, biodiversity protection, the protection of
natural resources, wildlife and endangered species, and the preservation of these natural
resources for future generations. Relatively recently, environmental policy has also attended to
the communication of environmental issues.

There are some definitions of environmental policy. Those are given below-

I. Environmental policy refers to the commitment of an organization to the laws,

regulations, and other policy mechanisms concerning environmental issues and
sustainability. – Wikipedia
II. Environmental policy is the statement by a supranational, national, or regional
government of its approach to environmental protection.

– Oxford Dictionary of Geography

Overview of Environmental Policy of Bangladesh

In pursuance of the Stockholm mandate, the government of Bangladesh, like all other developing
and developed countries, actively participated in the evolutionary process of protecting global
environment. As a result, the first Water Pollution Control Ordinance was promulgated in 1973
followed by the promulgation of the Environment Pollution Control Ordinance in 1977. In 1985
Department of Pollution Control Ordinance was established which subsequently renamed and
structured as Department of Environment (DOE). The idea of environmental protection through
national efforts was first recognized and declared with the adoption of the Environmental Policy
1992. In the formation of Environmental Policy, different actors and factors played some direct
and indirect roles. The actors were basically of two types, external and internal. Among external
actors, United Nations General Assembly, international forum, international organizations, donor
agencies (IDA, USAID, UNDP, ADB) were major players. Internal actors include,
environmental NGOs (CARDMA, BCAS, IUCN, FEJB, ADAB) government agencies i.e.
Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF), DOE, Planning Commission, concerned
ministries, consultants, bureaucrats, and civil society and so on. All the actors, whether external
or internal, played very pertinent roles in the formulation of the Environmental Policy. An
important step in this regard was the formulation of the national Environment Management
Action Plan (NEMAP) by the Ministry of Environment with participation by some NGOs and
other organizations.

The Government of Bangladesh has also adopted a number of supplementary policies where
environment and development issues have been addressed. Important policy documents in this
respect are the Forest Policy (1994), the Fisheries Policy (1998), the Water Policy (1998), the
New Agriculture Extension Policy (1995), The Energy Policy (1995). Besides these sectored
policies, the National Conservation Strategy (NCS) and especially the National Environment
Management Action Plan, 1995 (NEMAP) have been formulated to provide action plans to
respond to environmental issues and promote sustainable development.

The second Poverty Reduction Strategy has recognized environmental degradation as one of the
most crucial factors that causes and perpetuates poverty in Bangladesh. The PRSP also sorted the
need for a comprehensive strategic approach to address environmental challenges and issues.

Although some of these policies are not judicially enforceable according to the constitution of
Bangladesh, they are still potentially important in guiding and influencing the activities of the
concerned Ministries and other governmental agencies.

The policies of the Bangladesh Government have been developed mostly from a sectored
approach. However, the Water Policy, the Fisheries Policy and Agriculture Policy have
rosssectorial approach and tried to address environmental issues. These policies call for a
precautionary approach to minimize impact from other sectors like industry, transportation,
urbanization, flood control etc. Policy documents generally refer to the principles that govern he
action directed towards given ends. It provides a basis for plans, prescriptions and framework to
maintain the dynamic growth of the sector.

Major Features of Environmental Policy of Bangladesh

The policy covered all geographical regions and 15 development sectors like Agriculture,
Industry, Health & Sanitation, Energy and Fuel, Water Development, Flood Control and
Irrigation, Land, Forest, Wildlife and Bio-diversity, Fisheries and Livestock, Food, Coastal and
Marine Environment, Transport and Communication, Housing and Urbanization, Population,
Education and Public Awareness, Science, Technology and Research, Legal Framework and
Institutional Arrangements.

The policy has provided guidelines for the following sectors:


Environmentally sound agricultural practices are to be encouraged and ensured for attainment of
self-sufficiency in food. Among the various specific measures, use of natural fertilizers and
insecticides is encouraged as opposed to the application of agro-chemicals and artificial materials
exerting adverse impact on the environment.


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for new industries, corrective measures for polluting
industries, ban on establishment of polluting industries and development of environmentally
sound and appropriate technology is required for sustainable and efficient utilization of natural

Health and Sanitation

Healthy environment and sanitation facilities for rural and urban people need to be ensured by
the government.

Energy and Fuel

Reduction of the use of fuel-wood and agricultural residues, exploring alternative energy
resources, precautionary measures against potentially harmful use of nuclear energy and nuclear
radiation, conservation of forest fuel and development of improved energy saving technology are
recommended options for the sector.


Environmentally sound water resource management is suggested in utilization and development

of water resources, construction of irrigation network and embankments, dredging of
watercourses and in taking measures against river pollution.


Activities that cause or result in land erosion, salinity and alkalinity, and loss of soil fertility are
prohibited. Compatible land use systems for different ecosystems and environmentally sound
management of newly accreted land are recommended.

Forest, Wildlife and Bio-diversity

Conservation and expansion of forest zones, conservation of wildlife and biodiversity and
conservation of wetlands are recognized as priority areas for action.

Fisheries and Livestock

Conservation of fisheries and livestock, mangrove forest and others ecosystems and prevention
of activities that diminish the wetlands and natural habitats for fishes are the basic objectives in
this sector.


Hygienic and environmentally sound method of production, preservation, processing

and distribution of food and measures to ensure prohibition of import of harmful food items

are recommended.

Coastal and Marine Environment

Coastal and marine eco-systems are identified as potential areas for intervention, where all
internal and external polluting activities should be stopped. Fishing in coastal and marine
environment within regeneration limits is recommended.

Transport and Communication

Road, rail, air and water transport systems should be operated without polluting the environment.
EIA is required before undertaking any projects in these sectors.

Housing and Urbanization

Environmentally sound planning and development of housing and urban centers is required.
Existence of water bodies in the cities is recommended for maintaining environmental and
ecosystem balance in the urban areas.


Planned and proper utilization of manpower including ensuring the participation and
mainstreaming of women in all spheres is targeted for environmentally sound development

Education and Public Awareness

Eradication of illiteracy through formal and non-formal education, building and raising public
awareness of the environmental issues, dissemination of environmental knowledge and
information are the policy guidelines for the conservation, improvement and sustainable use of
natural resources.

Science, Technology and Research

Research and development institutes are required to consider the incorporation of the
environmental issues in their research programs. For the implementation and leadership, the
Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) was assigned to play the role of lead agency. A
National Environmental Committee was created with the Prime Minister as the as the
Chairperson to give overall direction for implementation of this policy.

Goals/ Objectives/ Strategies of Environmental Policy of Bangladesh

Bangladesh National Environment Policy approved in May 1992 sets out the basic framework
for environmental action, together with a set of broad sectorial action guidelines.

The objectives of Environment Policy are to:

1. Maintain ecological balance and overall development through protection and

improvement of the environment;
2. Protect the country against natural disasters;
3. Identify and regulate activities which pollute and degrade the environment;
4. Ensure environmentally sound development in all sectors;

5. Ensure sustainable, long term and environmentally sound use of all national resources;
6. Actively remain associated with all international environmental initiatives to the
maximum possible extent.

Environmental Laws in Bangladesh

Although Laws relating to environment can be traced to as early as the Penal Code of 1860, it is
only during the last decade or so that we see major environment law reforms taking place in
Bangladesh. With new development in the energy sector and rapid urbanization and
industrialization, it is surely a pragmatic step to enact reforms at this point of time if not earlier.
Needless to say, further development in this field is required before the Environmental Laws in
Bangladesh is in a position to meet the need of the sector.

Laws and relevant regulation

Environmental conservation act of 1995, environmental conservation rules of 1995, EIA

guidelines of industries of 1997, environment court act of 2000, environmental pollution control
ordinance of1997, factories act 1965, motor vehicles act 1939, non- agricultural tenancy act
1947, state acquisition and tenancy act 1950, town improvement act 1950, municipality
ordinance 1977, local government ordinance 1982, land reforms ordinance 1984, land reform
board act 1989, Chittagong Hill Tract regulation act 1990, pesticide ordinance 1971, agricultural
pest ordinance 1962, dangerous drug act 1930, dangerous drug control order 1982, agricultural
and sanitary improvement act 1920, poison act 1930, explosive substance act 1908, explosive act
1884, private forest ordinance 1950, forest act 1927, wildlife act 1973, private fisheries
protection act 1889, conservation and protection of fisheries act 1950, marine fisheries ordinance
1983, territorial water and marine zone act 1974, mines act 1927, petroleum act 1934, antiquities
ordinance 1986, antiquities act 1986, policies for management of closed water body 1990, water
supply and sewerage authority ordinance 1963, inland shipping ordinance 1976, embankment
and drainage act 1952, water hyacinth act 1939, IWTA ordinance 1958, canals act 1864,
irrigation act 1876, EPC ordinance 1977 etc.

Legal Framework of Environment Policy

The policy directs to amend all laws and regulations related to protection of environment,
conservation of natural resources, and control of environmental pollution and degradation with a
view to meet present day s needs without compromising the ability to meet future needs. Frame
new laws in all sectors necessary to control activities concerning environmental pollution and
degradation. Ensure proper implementation of all relevant laws/regulations and create wide
spread public awareness in this regard. Ratify all concerned international laws/conventions/
protocols which Bangladesh considers rectifiable and amend/modify existing national
laws/regulations in line with the ratified international laws/conventions/protocols.

Brief description of Environment policy of developed countries

There are various environment policies of various developed countries. These developed
countries include North American countries, Western European countries, Australia, Asia
Pacific, Scandinavian countries, Nordic countries etc. To compare the environment policy of
Bangladesh, we need to know about the environment policy of these developed countries.
Environment policies of those developed countries are given below-

North American environment policy

North America is the leading producer and consumer of goods and services-and of waste-on the
planet. North America mostly includes Canada, Mexico and United States but Canada and
United States are ranked high between them. Both nations are concerned about global, regional,
and national implications of today‟s resource use patterns, with the increasingly obvious negative
feedback on the quality of life. In both countries, major Government policy statements are made
to bring environmental issues to public attention (Marchi, 1996; Christopher, 1996).


The policy has targeted very few objectives. Those are given below-

a) To sustain development and reduction of poverty.

b) To develop and implement integrated land management.
c) To improve the efficient use of water resources.
d) To increase the global share of renewable energy sources


These principles are adopted in the North American environment policy to harmonies economic
development goals with environmental imperatives. These principles are:

a) Stewardship of the environment.

b) Conservation of nature‟s vitality and diversity.
c) Continuous improvement in the quality of the environment.
d) Sustainable use of natural resources.
e) Integrated decision making.
f) Role of the private sector.
g) Transparency and accountability.
h) Active participation in the environment community.


In 2009 the Council set forth a change in the CEC agenda and adopted a new strategic plan for
2010-2015. Those are –

a. Healthy Communities and Ecosystems

b. Improve environmental health of vulnerable communities in North America.
c. Increase resilience of shared ecosystems at risk.
d. Enhance regional approaches to sound management of chemicals and
e. Strengthen regional enforcement and wildlife law enforcement.
f. Climate Change – Low-Carbon Economy and
g. Greening the Economy in North America.

Apart from the Strategic Plans, the operational Plans present how the goals and objectives of the
Strategic Plan will be implemented through project activities and key initiatives. The Operational
Plan is updated annually.

Environment Policy of Western Europe

Western Europe is the region comprising the westerly countries of Europe. Western Europe
consists of 9 countries- Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg,
Monaco, Netherlands, and Switzerland. There are various environmental issues in Western
Europe such as air pollution, water pollution, industry, tree damage, energy production, climate
changes, marine pollution, transportation, resources etc.


Western European environment policy has various objectives. Those objectives are mentioned

a) Reduced climate impact.

b) Clean air.
c) A protective ozone layer.
d) A safe energy environment.
e) Effective water management.
f) A balanced marine environment.
g) Sustainable forests.
h) A varied agricultural land.


Western European countries need these principles to achieve those objectives. Principles are
given below-

1. Promotion and protection of fundamental rights.

2. Solidarity within and between generations.
3. Policy coherence and governance.

4. Policy integration.
5. Precautionary principle.
6. Making polluters pay.
7. Improvement of the environment and quality of life.
8. Education for sustain development.
9. Involvement of citizens.
10. Public participation in environmental decision making.
11. Sustainable use of natural resources.
12. Biodiversity conservation and ecological networks.


The strategy sets overall objectives and concrete actions for some key priority challenges. Those
are given below-

1. Climate change and clean energy.

2. Sustainable transport.
3. Sustainable consumption & production.
4. Public Health.
5. Global poverty and sustainable development challenges.
6. Prevention and recycling of waste.
7. Protection and conservation of the marine environment.
8. Improvement of soil.
9. Sustainable use of pesticides.
10. Sustainable use of resources.

Environment Policy of Asia Pacific

Rapid economic growth in Asia and the Pacific during the last four decades has posed a
formidable challenge to the region- that of achieving continued economic progress without
compromising social and environmental sustainability. Rapid development has led to industrial
pollution, degradation of natural resources, increasing levels of poverty and inequitable income

Signs of Environment stress

The expansion of the economy and population over the last 40 years, based mainly on the
exploitation of cheap labor and extensive natural resources, has degraded the environment- now
the most serious obstacle to continued economic and social development in the region. While
these threats are significant at local and national levels, trans-boundary environmental problems
constitute a major challenge in the region.

Areas exhibiting signs of significant environmental stress

1. Freshwater resources.
2. Marine and coastal environment.
3. Air pollution.
4. Climate change.
5. Natural disasters.
6. Land degradation.
7. Forest and biodiversity.
8. Hazardous substance and waste.

Responses to sustainable development Challenges

1) Regional responses addressing sustainable development.

2) Mechanisms and initiatives for improving environmental governance.
3) Sub-regional mechanisms and initiatives.
4) National mechanisms and initiatives.

Environment Policy of Australia

Environmental issues in Australia describe a number of environmental problems which affect the
environment of Australia. There are a range of such issues, some of them relating to conservation
in Australia while others, for example the deteriorating state of Murray-Darling Basin, have a
direct and serious effect on human land use and the economy.

Environmental policy statement

Environmental policy statement is necessary for continuous economic, social and cultural
progress and enhancement of the quality of life of Australians, through environmentally sound
and sustainable development.


Australian Environment policy 2012-2013 mentioned these objectives-

1. Complying with all relevant commitments of the current government, including

applicable legislation, policies and standards;
2. Upholding the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development and Intergenerational
3. Maintaining the Environmental Management System (EMS);
4. Reducing carbon footprint;
5. Preventing pollution; and
6. Continuously reviewing environmental aspects and impacts.


Australian Environment policy 2012-2013 mentioned these priorities-

1. Minimizing energy and water consumption;

2. Minimizing the amount of waste to landfill generated by operations; and
3. Communicating relevant environmental information in order to facilitate a strong
environmental ethos within the Department, including staff, contractors and other stakeholders.

Environment Policy of Scandinavian Countries

Scandinavia is a large region of Northern Europe that is mainly made up of the Scandinavian
Peninsula. As such, it includes the countries of Norway and Sweden. In addition, Denmark,
Finland and Iceland are also included in Scandinavia. Geographically, the Scandinavian
Peninsula is the largest peninsula in Europe. There are some environmental indicators of
Scandinavian countries. Those are given below-

Key environmental indicators

I. Climate change.
II. Air pollution.
III. Water pollution.
IV. Water consumption.
V. Waste management.
VI. Biodiversity.
VII. Marine and coastal issues.
VIII. Energy efficiency.
IX. Agriculture.
X. Sustainable development.


a) Climate change.
b) Biodiversity.
c) Environmental protection.
d) Energy and water consumption.
e) Marine.
f) Land management.

Environment Policy of Nordic Countries

The Nordic countries are a geographical and cultural region in Northern Europe and the North
Atlantic. It consists of five countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The
Nordic Region aims to be a pioneer in the environment sector and to share its experiences with
others. Their patterns of consumption and production impact upon the environment, which
means that the economy has to be seen in an environmental perspective, and vice versa.


Environment policy of Nordic countries is based on some environmental quality objectives.

Those are sanctioned by their countries. Those are given below-

a. Reduced climate impact.

b. Clean air.
c. A non-toxic environment.
d. A protective ozone layer.
e. A safe radiation environment.
f. Zero eutrophication.
g. Good-quality groundwater.
h. A balanced marine environment, flourishing coastal areas.
i. Thriving wetlands.
j. Sustainable forests.
k. A varied agricultural landscape.
l. Waste management and biological diversity.


Environmental co-operation during 2009–2012 will focus on the following themes:

a. The climate and the air.

b. Seas and coastal zones.
c. Biological diversity and eco-system services.
d. Sustainable consumption and production.

Comparative Analysis of Environment Policy of developed countries

To compare the content of the environment policy of Bangladesh with the content of the
environment policy of developed countries like Canada, Australia, U.S.A, United Kingdom etc.
to identify the directives that can be incorporated in the environment policy of Bangladesh to
make it more effective. Though policy of different countries could be different due to the
contextual aspect but there are some features, norms of public policy that can be compared.

Policy Statement

Australian policy has a very specific „policy statement` which provides the notion of that policy.
„Policy statement` is very essential for environment policy of any country. Every developed
country has its own „policy statement` or „preamble`. Environment policy of Bangladesh does
not have any „policy statement` or „preamble`.

Countries Objectives
North American Four
Western European Eight
Asia Pacific Eight
Australian Eight
Scandinavian Ten
Nordic Twelve

These Objectives are basically outcome oriented. Environment policy of Bangladesh mentions
six explicit objectives.

Some issues which are not addressed, in the light of the environment policy of these countries.
They are-

To maintain and enhance the productivity of the environment

It is necessary to enhance and maintain the productivity of the environment to promote the
agricultural growth and overall sustainability.

To maintain inter generation and intra generation equity

Environment and its elements are the common property of the present and future generation as
well as every member of every generation as well as every member of every generation. So
equity among those stakeholders should be kept under consideration.

To protect country’s unique and diverse cultural and natural heritage

It is necessary to protect and nurture the available cultural and natural heritage for the sake of
civilization and social trust building.

To encourage and ensure stakeholder participation

Monitoring and implementation of environment regulation bears huge transaction cost which can
be minimized by ensuring peopl‟s participation. Therefore stakeholder participation should be

Sustainable lifestyles and patterns of consumption and production

Both over consumption and unplanned or unsustainable production process are harmful to
environment. Therefore these issues should be regulated through environment policy.

Livelihood security for the poor

Each and every national activities of Bangladesh are now guided by the PRSP. Therefore it is
wise to emphasis on the reduction of poverty through integrated approach of every national

Integration of environmental concerns in economic and social development

Sustainable development refers environmentally sound and friendly development. Therefore

environmental integration of environmental concerns in economic and social development
should be kept as a major objective of environmental policy.


Environment policy of North America identified eight principles whereas environment policy of
Western Europe mentioned twelve principles. Environment policy of Bangladesh did not
mention any principles. Principles of the environment policy should provide broad guideline to
formulate strategies to achieve the targeted objectives. Principles are common guideline for
every part and section of the policy. As a environment policy following principles can be

i. Sustainable use of natural resources.

ii. Integrated decision making.
iii. Active participation in the environmental community and all sectors.
iv. Decentralization.

According to the environment policy of developed countries following principles could be

incorporated in the environment policy of Bangladesh

1) Conservation of nature‟s vitality and diversity

2) The precautionary approach.
3) Preventive action.
4) Continuous improvement in the quality of the environment.
5) Commitment and accountability.
6) Economic efficiency.
a) Polluters pay
b) Cost minimization
c) Entities with “incomparable” values
d) Equity.

7) Legal liability.
a) Fault based liability.
b) Strict liability.
8) Environmental standard setting.

Countries Strategies
North American Three
Western European Ten
Asia Pacific Four
Australian Three
Scandinavian Six
Nordic Four

Environment policy of Bangladesh addressed 15 sectors to address overall environmental issues.

For each of the sectors some goals and targets need to be taken. Then the necessary action plan
to achieve these goals and targets need to mention in the environment policy of Bangladesh.

Author’s Justification

Bangladesh has been able to create a facilitating policy system for better management of its
environment and natural resources. The policies have adopted in principle the concept of
sustainable development and it has also recognized the importance of economic development
that goes hand in hand with the control of environmental pollution and maintaining ecological
balance. The formulated Environment Policy although fairly rich in content is not supported by
necessary actions of implementation. Various research studies have noted that the
implementation of the Environmental policy and the Environmental Protection Act have been
bogged down due to some institutional and functional limitations (Khan, and Belal 1999,
Hanchett, 1997).

It is found that following major issues are not addressed in the environment policy of
Bangladesh. Those are- soil pollution, climate change, noise pollution, proactive approach to
regional and global environmental issues, environmental decision-making etc.


Every environment policy has some limitation or drawbacks. Drawbacks of the environment
policy of Bangladesh is given below-

1. Lack of Inter-agency coordination.

2. Inconsistency with other policies.
3. Lack of inter-sectorial coordination.
4. Lack of regulatory and Institutional capacity.
5. Limitations of the environment laws.
6. Outdated environmental laws as well as ignorance about these laws.
7. Non-punitive approach of laws.
8. Politician- Polluter connection.


Some of the immediate policy and procedural interventions can be suggested to address the
proper implementation of the Environmental Policy and supplementary Acts and Rules.
Suggestions or recommendations for the environment policy of Bangladesh is given below-

1. Need for a Sectorial Policy Approach.

2. Addressing Policy Gap.
3. Regional and Bilateral Approach.
4. Public awareness campaigns and community involvement.
5. Changes in institutional, administrative and organizational arrangements.
6. Strengthening the legal system.
7. Strengthening fiscal measures.


It is a challenge for Bangladesh to design and implement an environmental policy which can
address both economic progress and environmental protection. On the other hand, frequent
incidence of disaster added new dimension to the necessity of having effective environmental
policy to protection environment. It is needed to observe whether the environmental policy of
Bangladesh, 1992 is capable to ensure the environment protection. This policy adopts only
command and control mechanism to implement its guidance. It does not adopt monetary tool,
fiscal tool, and market-based mechanism and so on to make the implementation effective and
efficient. Environment policy should address all the major environment related issues and all
these issues should be addressed properly. If the environment policy of Bangladesh addressed all
the major concern issues properly, then it will be examined by comparing this policy with the
policy of the developed countries. . If the environment policy of Bangladesh does not address all
the major concern issues, then apparently the environment policy of Bangladesh should be


MoEF, 1992. Bangladesh Country Report or United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development, Government of People‟s Republic of Bangladesh.

World Resources Institute, (WRI), 1990. Bangladesh: Environment and Natural Resources
Assessment, CIDA, Washington.

McCormick, John (2001). Environmental Policy in the European Union. The European Series.
Palgrave. p. 21.

Bührs, Ton; Bartlett, Robert V (1991). Environmental Policy in New Zealand. The Politics of
Clean and Green. Oxford University Press. p. 9.

Concise Oxford Dictionary, 1995.

A major article outlining and analyzing the history of environmental communication policy
within the European Union has recently come out in The Information Society, a journal
based in the United States. See Mathur, Piyush. "Environmental Communication in the
Information Society: The Blueprint from Europe," The Information Society: An
International Journal, 25: 2, March 2009 , pp. 119–38. Accessible:

Asian Development Bank, Country Environmental Analysis Bangladesh, 2004

Baqee, Abdul Environement Degradation: Issues and Challenges, Key Note Paper presented to

Annual Conference of the National Geographic Association, 17th April, 2010.

BBS. 1999. Statistical Year Book of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Dhaka.

BBS. 2000a. Statistical Year Book of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Dhaka.

Aminuzzaman, S.M. (2010). Environment Policy of Bangladesh: A Case Study of an Ambitious

Policy with Implementation Snag. Available from:
projects/paper_salahuddin_aminuzzaman.pdf [Accessed 24th December 2010]

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