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For 21st century teenagers, English is vital. The speed of technological advancement and the ever increasing
growth of social media mean that teenagers today have far more access to English than at any other time in our
history. In order to actively participate in this world of global connections and international media, mastering
written English is of the utmost importance.


An important feature of Think is the approach to writing. Students are asked to not only focus on what they
are writing, but to reflect on why they’re writing and who they’re writing for.
To encourage students to focus on these issues, Think uses a guided approach that requires the student
to critically engage with planning, preparing, and producing a piece of written text in a structured and
logical manner.

The Developing Writing sections in the student’s book and workbook allow us to engage with writing in different
ways. The approach used in the student’s book allows the teacher to guide their students through each activity,
highlighting the various stages required to produce a piece of written work.
The Developing Writing sections of the workbook allow for a greater degree of flexibility. As it may not be
possible to study these sections in class, the activities have been designed for learners to work through a set
of structured activities that take them through the writing process. Students make discoveries along the way,
coming to their own conclusions about how to create a written text before undertaking a final productive task.

In order for students to benefit from this guided approach, the Developing Writing sections are available here in
a pdf format which can be printed and distributed to the students. As the person who knows their learners best,
the teacher can decide whether to cover the work in class, or whether their students would benefit by doing the
work at home.
The final writing task in each Developing Writing stage has been included in the online workbook. It is for
the teacher to decide how they want their students to work through the activities, but the online workbook
provides a forum for students to complete the final written task which will then feed into the gradebook.

Think Starter Developing Writing PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2016

1   O N E WO R LD

About me
1 Read the mini questionnaire. Then complete the text with the missing words.

Bournemouth Sports Academy

Be the Best – Summer Sports Camp on the English Coast!

Tennis, football, volleyball, athletics – we can help you be the best!

We want to know all about you.

Hi, my name is 0 Pedro .
What’s your name?  Pedro Velho I’m Brazilian. I’m from 1 .
I’m 2 years old.
Where are you from?  Nova Friburgo in Brazil My favourite athlete is
3 .
How old are you?  12
He’s a football player from Argentina.
Who’s your favourite athlete?  Lionel Messi He’s amazing. I love football!
I love music, too. My favourite pop star is
Who’s your favourite pop star? 4 . He’s awesome.

2 Use the text to complete the questionnaire.

Bournemouth Spor ts Academy

Be the Best – Summer Sports Camp on the English Coast

Hi, my name is Amy Davies. I’m American.
Tennis, football, volleyball, athletics – we can help you be the best!
I’m from Seattle. I’m eleven years old.
My favourite athlete is Serena Williams. We want to know all about you.
She’s a tennis player from the USA.
She’s awesome. I love tennis! What’s your name? 
Amy Davies
I love music, too. My favourite pop star 1
is Taylor Swift. She’s great. Where are you from? 
How old are you? 
Who’s your favourite athlete? 
Who’s your favourite pop star? 

3 Complete the text about you.

Hi, my name is 1 . I’m 2 . I’m from 3 .

I’m 4 years old. My favourite athlete is 5 . He’s / She’s a
from 7 . He’s / She’s 8 . I love 9 !
I love music, too. My favourite pop star is 10
. He’s / She’s 11

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A text message 3 Look at the text messages in Exercise 1. Use likes or

doesn’t like to complete the sentences.
1 Read the text messages and underline the
adjectives. 0 Kate likes the book. It’s a happy
1 Tim the film. It’s .
Hi, Amy. Are you still bored? Read a book! My 2 Lara the song. It’s .
favourite book is Anne of Green Gables. It’s a
great story. I really like Anne. She’s friendly and 3 Hannah the film. It’s .
funny. It’s a happy story . Please read it. 4 Jake the song. It’s .
4 You like a book and you want to text a friend about
it. Complete the text message.

Hi, Matt. I’m at the cinema. The film is terrible. I

don’t like it. The actors are very bad. I don’t like
them. I’m really bored . Where are you? Text me. Hi, . Are you still
bored? Read a book! My favourite book is
. It’s a
story. I really like . He/She is
c . It’s a
story. Please read it.
Hi, James. Are you at home? Listen to this song.
It’s great. The singer is excellent. The guitarist is
good. I really like the song. Do you like it? Text me. 5 You don’t like a film and you want to text a friend
Lara about it. Complete the text message.

Hi, . I’m at the cinema. The film
Hi, Sally. Thank you for the film. It’s very funny. I is .I it.
really like it. My sister likes it too. The actors are .
Jim Carrey is great. He’s a very funny actor. The I them. I’m really
other actors are good, too. Speak soon. . Where are you? Text me.

6 Think about a film, a book, a band or a song and

write notes about it.
Hi, Tony. The song is terrible. The singer is awful.
How is it number 1? I don’t like it. My friends
don’t like it. Do you like it? like / don’t like great / terrible

2 Write the adjectives in Exercise 1 in the correct

Writing tip: Some useful language
Positive Negative
bored I like / don’t like the film.
I really like / love the film.
The film / book / band / song is funny / exciting / sad.
The actor(s) / singer(s) is / are great / terrible / awful.
The ending is happy / sad.

7 Now write a short text message about the film,

book, band or song. Write 35–50 words.

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3   M E A N D MY FA M I LY

My bedroom
1 Read the text. Find three or more differences between Jake’s perfect
bedroom and his real bedroom.

My perfect bedroom and my real bedroom

My perfect bedroom is big. The walls are yellow and the floor is brown. The bed is very big – it’s 2
metres long and 1.6 metres wide (I like big beds!). It’s very comfortable, too, and it’s the colour
that my favourite football team plays in. So it’s black and white because my favourite team is
Juventus. The desk is near the window, with a comfortable chair for me to sit and work on my
great new computer.
My real bedroom isn’t big. The floor is brown but the walls are blue. The bed is OK but it isn’t very
big and it isn’t very comfortable! The bed is black and white – yay! My desk is near the door and
the chair is small but it’s OK. And I like my computer. It’s old but it’s really good!

2 Complete the sentences with and or but.

0 The walls are yellow and the floor is brown.
1 The bed is big it’s comfortable.
2 The bed is comfortable it’s in Real Madrid colours, too.
3 The computer is old it’s really good.

3 Think about your perfect bedroom and about your real bedroom. Use the ideas
below to help you make notes.

My real bedroom My perfect bedroom

big / small?
wall colour?

floor colour?

big / small bed?


bed colour?

near the window?


4 Use your notes to write about your real bedroom and your perfect bedroom.

My real bedroom My perfect bedroom

My real bedroom big. The floor is My perfect bedroom big. The floor
and the walls are . is and the walls are .
The bed is . The bed is The bed is . The bed is
. The is near the . The is near the
window. The chair is . window. The chair is .

Think Starter Developing Writing PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2016

4   I N TH E CIT Y

Your town/city
1 Read the text. Does the writer like weekends in her town?

A weekend in my town
I like my town. It isn’t very big but the people here are nice.
At the weekend, there are lots of things to do. The town centre is small but there
are some nice shops and cafés, so I go into the centre on Saturday morning to meet
my friends. We have coffee or a sandwich together, or we do some shopping. Some
days we don’t buy anything, but it’s always fun.
There’s a cinema in the town too, so on Saturday night or Sunday afternoon, my
friends and I see a film together. I like football, so on Sunday morning I play with lots
of friends in the park. There are three football pitches in the park. It’s really good.
Not far from the town centre there is a river. It’s great to swim there, but only in the
My town is OK and my friends are great, so the weekends here are not bad.

2 Complete the sentences with or, and 4 Think about a weekend in your town/city. What do you do?
or so. Use the ideas below to help you make notes.
1 On Saturday evening we go to the What I do on Saturday
cinema we see a film.
2 Do you want to play football
volleyball? What I do on Sunday

3 My cousins live 300 kilometres

away, I don’t visit them What I do with my friends
very often.

3 Match the words 1–3 with the What we do in summer

phrases a–c.
1 in
What we do in winter
2 on
3 at

a the weekend 5 Use your notes to complete the text.

b the summer
c Sunday afternoon Weekends in my town/city
I live in .I my town/city.
the weekend I
Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon I
. On Sunday I . With my
friends I . the summer
we but the winter we

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My week
1 Read the text. On which day does Bruno not do
any homework?


Bruno’s Busy Life

A typical week …
From Monday to Friday, I go to school from 9 am to 3 pm every day. But my day doesn’t finish then!
After school on Mondays I have piano lessons from 4 pm to 5 pm. In the evenings I do my homework.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to Tennis club from 4 pm to 6 pm. In the evenings I do my homework.
On Wednesday afternoons I go to Dance club from 3 pm to 4 pm. And in the evenings? Yep, I do my homework.
On Fridays I do my homework after school! I go to Glee club in the evenings. It finishes at 9 pm.
On Saturdays I do things with Mum and Dad. We go shopping or visit Grandma. My dad sometimes takes me to
watch the football.
On Sundays I sleep! Oh, and then I do some homework.

2 Complete the sentences with the 4 Think about your life. Use the questions to make notes about the
correct prepositions. Use the things you do.
text in Exercise 1 to help you. What do you do in the day?
1 I play tennis
Tuesdays and Thursdays. I play What do you do in the evening?
4 pm
6 pm.
What do you do at the weekend?
2 Wednesday
afternoons I go to Dance club.
It starts 3 pm and 5 Use your notes to complete the text so it is true for you.
finishes 4 pm.
3 Monday to Friday A typical week …
I go to school. From Monday to Friday I go to school.
every day! But my day doesn’t finish then.
3 Match the parts of the phrases.
Then check your answers in the After school on Mondays I .
text in Exercise 1. In the evenings .
1 do On Tuesdays .
2 go In the evenings .
3 have On Wednesdays .
In the evenings .
a a tennis lesson
On Thursdays .
b to Dance club / shopping
In the evenings .
c homework
On Fridays .
In the evenings .
On Saturdays .
On Sundays .

Think Starter Developing Writing PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2016

6   FR I EN DS
In my story, there’s a singer.
Describing people in a story He’s in a boy band. He’s very
1 Read about a singer from a story. tall. He’s got short black
hair and blue eyes and he
Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
wears glasses. He’s got a
1 He’s short. short beard. I think he’s
2 He wears glasses. very good-looking. He’s
3 He’s got a moustache. very active. He likes football and swimming, but
4 He hasn’t got a beard. he doesn’t like tennis. He’s very friendly. Look! He’s got a big
smile. I think he’s cool.
5 He doesn’t like tennis.

2 Think of a person from a story. He/She can be a singer, a sports person, an actor/actress, a prince/
princess, etc. Choose the adjectives that describe him or her.
glasses beard
tall big red brown moustache
short black blonde friendly smile
strong small curly straight good-looking
long short

brown friendly
big blue nice funny
small grey black clever kind

3 Write notes about your story person. Use the questions to help you.

What does he/she look like? (hair, eyes, other features)



4 Use your notes to complete the text about

your story person.

In my story, there is a/an . Writing tip: adjectives to describe people

He/She is . He/She has got
and . ●● He/She is tall / short.
He/She has also got and ●● He/She has got long / black / curly hair.
. And what about his/her ●● He/She has got brown / blue / green eyes.
personality? He/She is ●● He/She has got a black / grey / brown / long / short
and . He/She likes moustache / beard.
but he/she doesn’t like ●● He/She is nice / friendly.
I like him/her very much.

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An amazing person
1 Read the text. Imagine you're the writer of the text
and answer the questions. My cousin Tom is an
amazing person. He’s
0 Who is he? from Newcastle and he’s
My cousin Tom. the junior champion of
1 Where is he from? North-East England at
tae kwon do. He’s only
13, but he can pick his dad up and throw him
2 What does he do?
on the floor. He’s got a black belt. Tom’s also really
good at school. He’s really great at Maths and
3 What sort of things can he do? Science and he can speak three foreign languages:
French, German and Spanish.
4 Why do you like him? But I like Tom because he’s a really good friend to
me. He’s also really funny and he can always make

me laugh.

2 Read the answers to the questions and

use them to complete the text. My 0 Grandmother Ana is an amazing person.
1 Who is she? We live in the same town, 1
so I see her a lot. She’s 72 years old and she still
Grandmother Ana 2
every day. She’s in a
2 Where is she from?
team and does races most weekends. She swims in
Derby special races for people over 65. She always wins. She’s
3 What does she do? really fast. She can
swims 3
4 What sort of things can he/she do? She loves swimming. It makes
swim 400 metres in five minutes her feel young.
5 Why do you like her? I like her because she’s really
friendly / makes great cakes
to me. And she

3 Answer the questions about an amazing person 4 Use your answers to the questions in Exercise 3
you know. to write a short text about that person. Write
1 Who is he/she?
35–50 words.

2 Where is he/she from?

3 What does he/she do?

4 What sort of things can he/she do?

5 Why do you like him/her?

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Describing a scene 3 Imagine it’s Sunday afternoon. Use the ideas

below and make notes.
1 Read Nicole’s diary entry. Who phones the
writer? 1 Choose a place:
●● the shopping centre
Sunday ●● the beach
●● your house
30 ●● another place
My Sunday afternoon 2 What are you doing? What’s happening near you?
Who can you see and what are they doing? Use
It’s Sunday afternoon. The sun is shining. I’m the verbs in the list to help you.
sitting in the park. I love sitting here. It’s quiet and I
like watching other people. buy  | have | listen | play | read | sit | watch
There are some children here. They’re laughing
and playing games. There are four people over there.
They’re sitting on the grass. They’re having a picnic.

They’re having fun.

Me? I’m relaxing. It’s Sunday! I’ve got my phone
with me, and my headphones. I’m listening to music –
my favourite music. In my head, I’m singing the song.
I’m having a good time here. Uh, oh! Now my phone’s
ringing. It’s my friend Steve. What does he want?

3 Something happens – it changes things. What


4 Use your notes to complete the text about your

Sunday afternoon.

It’s Sunday afternoon. I’m .

2 Match the parts of the phrases. Then read the are
diary entry again and check.
0 watching b
1 playing .
2 having I’m
3 listening
4 singing .
a a song Uh, oh! Now
b other people
c games
d to music
e fun

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My meal plan 3 Complete the diagram with the words

from Exercise 1.
1 Plan three meals for the day. Write your food choices
in the columns. Use the words in the list and your own
bread  | burger | cereal | chicken | chips 
not very healthy
chocolate  |  chocolate cake  | coffee | cola 
eggs  | fish | fruit |  fruit juice  | honey |  ice cream  burgers
jacket potato  | jam | pizza | salad | tea | toast 
vegetables  |  vegetable soup  | yoghurt

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

very healthy

2 Read the text about Sam’s lunch. Then answer the

questions. 4 Use your notes in Exercise 3 to complete a
healthy meal plan.

Every day, I eat a healthy .

I often eat a healthy lunch. I never eat Sometimes I eat and
burgers and chips. Sometimes I eat fish sometimes I eat . I always
and sometimes I eat chicken. I always eat eat with my meal. I don’t
salad or vegetables with my meal. For like or .
dessert, I usually have fruit. Today it’s an For dessert, I usually have .
apple. But sometimes I have ice cream. But sometimes I have .
My favourite is strawberry ice cream. I I really like . I usually
always have a drink with my meal. I usually have a drink with my meal. I usually
drink water but I sometimes have orange
drink but I sometimes
juice. I never drink cola.
have . I never drink

0 How often does Sam eat burger and chips?

He never eats burgers and chips.
1 What fruit has he got for lunch today?
Writing tip
Add more detail to your writing by using
2 What is his favourite ice cream? adverbs of frequency.
●● How often do you eat things?

You can answer this question with
3 What does he always have with his meal?
always, usually, sometimes and never.
I sometimes have fish for lunch.
4 What does he usually drink with his meal? I never drink cola.
I usually have fruit for dessert.
I always have vegetables with my meal.

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10   H IG H FLY ER S

A short biography 3 Look at the notes about Spider-Man and Tobey

Maguire. Then use the notes to write a short
1 Use the information in the list to complete the biography of him.
actor  | American |  Christopher Reeve
four Superman films  |  New York City
the superhero, Superman  | 
25th September 1952  | 52
1978  | 1987 | 2004


Name: Tobey Maguire

Nationality: American

Superman Place of birth: California

Name: Christopher Reeve Date of birth: 27th June 1975

Nationality: Job: actor

Place of birth: Played: the superhero, Spider-Man

Date of birth: Acted in: three Spider-Man films

Job: First Spider-Man film: 2002

Played: Last Spider-Man film: 2007

Acted in:

Date of his first Superman film:

Date of his last Superman film:



2 Look at Exercise 1 and complete the short

biography of Christopher Reeve.

His name was . He

was . He was born in
on . He was an
. He played .
He acted in . His first
Superman film was in and
his last film was in . He died
in . He was
years old.

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11   A WO R LD O F A N I M A L S
DEVELOPING WRITING 2 Complete the sentences with but or because.
1 We were happy, there was a
The life of an animal problem.
2 We weren’t cold we had thick coats.
1 Read the text. Which animal wrote it? Tick (✓) 3 It was cold that was OK for us.
the correct animal.
4 People killed us they wanted to eat
5 We lived in a cold place the weather
Why we died out started to change.
6 We died out we couldn’t live in the
W e were great animals. We were very happy for a long
time. We lived in a place that was a long way from
hot weather.
the sea. It wasn’t very warm, but that was OK. We could 3 Look at the text in Exercise 1 and match the
keep warm in the cold weather because we had thick adjectives with the nouns.
1 thick a weather
But we had a serious problem. Other animals – we called
2 cold b problem
them ‘people’ – wanted to kill us and eat us. Well, we
didn’t like that very much, of course. But we lived anyway. 3 great c coat

And then, a long time ago, the weather changed. The 4 serious d animals
days got hot. Our thick coats became a problem, and we
4 Choose one of the other two animals in the
couldn’t live. Then, we died out.
pictures. Look at the text on page 106 of the
Student’s Book and make notes about the animal
in your notebook. Think about these questions.
●● Where and when did it live?
dodo ●● What was special about it?
●● What could/couldn't it do?
●● Why did it die out?

5 Use your notes in Exercise 4 and write a short

text about the animal.

Why we died out

We were

sabre-toothed cat We lived

We had

We could/couldn’t


We died out because

woolly rhinoceros

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12   G E T TI N G A BO UT

Writing about a journey

1 Read about Eric and Dawn’s favourite journey and complete the table.
from to transport time it takes why I like it

Eric Dawn
My favourite journey is the one I do every The journey I like best is the one from my house
Sunday morning to play football. I leave my to the airport. My dad lives in Greece and three
house at about ten o’clock and get on my bike times every year I fly there to spend some time
to cycle the two kilometres to the park. It takes with him. The journey starts really early. The taxi
me about 15 minutes. At the park I meet my picks me up from my house at 4 am! But that’s
friends and we play football for two hours. OK, because I’m always really happy. It’s only 30
Then I get on my bike and ride back home. I minutes to the airport but I can’t wait to get there.
like the journey there because I get excited The plane journey is about four hours. It’s OK,
about playing football. I don’t like the journey but I’m usually a bit nervous about flying. My dad
back so much because I’m usually quite tired. always meets me at the airport and then he drives
But when I have a good game, the journey me to his house. We don’t stop talking the whole
back is great, too, because I think about the journey. I never like the journey back. I’m always
game. really sad to leave.

2 Read the texts again and complete the sentences.

0 Eric likes his journey to the park because he gets excited about playing football.
1 He doesn’t like the journey back because
2 Dawn likes the journey to the airport because
3 She doesn’t like the journey back because

3 Make notes to complete the table so it is true for you.

from to transport time why I like it

4 Use your notes to write a text about your favourite journey. Write 35–50 words.
My favourite journey is

Think Starter Developing Writing PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2016

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