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E. A. EapawKoBa

c6opHHK yrrpa)KHeHMH
-iJaCTb 2
K y'l-e6uuKy H . H . Bepeurazuuou, 0 . B. A<]JauacbeBou
yqeHH KJiacca _ _
_ _ _ _ IIIKOJihI _ _

Y4e6Ho-MeTOAH4eCKH'1 KOMn11eKT

E. A. 6apawKosa


aHrlli1ll1CKoro fl3b1Ka
c6opHUK ynpa)l(HeHUU
4acrb II
K y4e6HHKY l!l. H. Bepe~arHHOH HAP·
«AHnrnlAcKHIA .RJblK: IV KJlacc»
(M. : npocse~eHHe)

4 KJiacc
p e KO.Me liOOBa liO
HCMO PoccuucJCou AKaoe.Muu 06pa3oBanua

J13aaHue nRmHaau,amoe, cmepeomunHoe

i-'13AaTe.n bCTBO
MOCKBA • 2015
Y,[{K 373:811.111
EEK 81.2AHrn-2

HMeHa aeTopoe H Ha3BaHHe UHTHpyeMoro 113,D;aHHJI yi<:a3aHbl Ha THTYJlbHOM JlHCTe 11.aHHOH

KHHrH (cr. 1274 n. 1 qaCTH qeTBepTOH rpalKAaHCKOro KO,D;eKca PoccHHCKOH ct>e11.epaUHlf).
J.1306palKem1e yqe6HHKa <<AHrnHHCKHH R3b!K: yqe6. AnR IV Kn. lllKOJJ c yrny6n. lf3)"ieHHeM
aHrn. ll3., 1rnueea H rnMHa3HH I H. H. BeperuarnHa, 0. B . AQ>aHacbeBa. - M. : Tipoceell(eHHe»
pHana (cT. 1274 n. I '!acr11 qeTBepToH fpIDf<AaHCKoro Ko,neKca PoccHHCKOH <l>e11.epamrn).

liapamKoea E. A.
E24 rpaMMaTHKa attrmiHCKoro 'i:3bIKa. C6opHHK ynpIDI<HeHHH: lJaCTb II: 4 KJiacc:
K yqe6HHKY 11. H. Bepemanrnou 11 .up. <<AHrnttucKHH H3hIK: IV KJJacc». <I>roc
(K HOBoMy yqe6HHKY) I E. A. EapawKosa. - 15-e mn., cTepeoTHrr. - M. :
lbnaTeJJhCTBO «3K3aMeH», 2015. - 125, [3] c. (CepIDI «YqefiHO-MeTO.[{HlJeCKHH
ISBN 978-5-377-08422-8
)J.aHHOe noco6He IlOJIHOCTblO COOTBeTcTByeT ct>e.nepanbHOMY rocy.n.apcTBeHHO-
My o6pa30BaTeJJhHOMy CTaHP.apTy (BToporo IlOKOJleHml) .n.m1 HaqanbHOH llIKOJibl.
Otto npe)lCTasm1eT co6oii BTOpOH KOMilOHeHT yqe6Horo KOMilJieKTa, COCTO}llllero
I13 '-leTblpex KHHr:
• fpaMMaTHKa attrm1iicKoro }13bJKa. C6opHHK ynpa:>KHeHHH. qaCTh I
• rpaMMaTHKa aurnHHCKOl'O HlblKa. C6opHHK ynpa'.llCHeHHH. 'lacn. II
• fpaMMaTHKa attrnHHCKoro }13hIKa. Kinira .llIDI pO.llHTeneii
• fpaMMaTHKa attrJIHHCKOfO }13b!Ka. CTposepoqHble pa60Tbl.
C6opHHK co)lep)l(HT 285 rpaMMaTHY:eCKHX ynpa)f<HeHHH, 06ecneY:HBa10rnHX ycsoem1e
11 3aKpennem1e npaBHJI rpaMMaTHKH, KOTopi,1e 113yqa1:0TC.H B 4 KJiacce. XapaKTep ynpa)l(-
yqall.IHXC.11 H n03BOJl11eT B KOpOTKHe cpOKH no6HTbCSl xopornero 3HaHHH rpaMMaTHKH.
)J.JI}l yqamHXCSl lllKOJl c yrny6neHHblM H3yqeHHeM aHrJIHHCKOro 113b!Ka, m1ueeB H
rnMHa3HH, 111yqa1:0rnHx }13bIK no y<1e6HHKY 11. H. Bepemarnttoii H ap. «AHrnHHCKHH
}13hIK: IV Knacc».
CTpHKa3oM N!1 729 MHHHCTepcTsa o6pa3oBaHIDI M HayKH Pocc11iicKoi1 <t>er1epau1111
yqe6tth1e noco6H}l H3.ZJ.aTeJJhCTBa «3K3aMeH» .uonyI.UeHbI K 11cnoJJb30BaHMl:O B o6I.Ueo6pa-
30BaTeJJbHhIX opraH113aUIDIX.
Y.l(K 373:811.111
liliK 81.2Aurn-2

flOllilHCaHO B neqaTh 30.06.2014. <l>OpMaT 70x100/J6.

rapHHTypa «illKOJlhHasm. EyMara o<t>ceTHal!.
Yq.-lf3.U. Jl. 4,63. Yen. nel.!. n . 10,4. THpa)f{ 20 OOO 3K3. 3aKaJ N!11448/ 14.

ISBN 978-5-377-08422-8 © EapallIKOBa E. A., 2015

© lfa,uaTeJibCTBO «3K3AMEH», 2015

CBOPHHK BRJIIO"tlaeT B ce6.H 285 ynpamHeHHH

Ha 0Tpa60TKY rpaMMaTH"t!eCROro MaTepHaJia no
nporpaMMe "tleTnepToro RJiacca.
C6opHHK yrrpamHeHHM cocTOHT H3 ~nyx qacTeli.
8TO BTopa.H "tlaCTh, B Hee BRJIIO"tleH MaTepHaJI BTO-
poro noJiyro,n;H.H. K Kam,n;oMy ypoRy 6aaoBoro
y-qe6HHRa rrpe,n;JiaraeTCH no n.HTb rpaMMaTH"tleCKHX
Ilepe,n; Ra.iK,n;:bIM ynpamHeHHeM yRaaaH rraparpacp
KHHrH ,ZJ;JI.H po,n;nTeJieii, B RoTopoM o6'b.HCH.HIOTCH
B KOHD;e c6opHHKa ecTh TeMaTH"tleCRHH yKaaa-
TeJih, c IlOMOIIJ;bIO KOToporo MO.iKHO 6hICTpo HaHTH
ynpa.mHeHHSI Ha Ram,n;oe rpaMMaTH"t!eCROe npaBHJIO.
C6opHHK peRoMeH,n;yeTc.H rrperro,n;anaTeJI.HM aHr-
JIHHCKoro SI3hIKa B KaqecTBe ,z:r;onOJIHHTeJihHOrO rro-
co6H.H ,ZJ;JI.H oTpa6oTRH rpaMMaTHRH. OH TaRme
MO.iKeT 6hITh HCilOJih30BaH y-qam;HMHCH H HX po,n;H-
KJIIO"t!H R yrrpamHeHHSIM Haxo,n;.HTC.H B KHHre
,n;JI.H po,n;HTeJieii.

By,n;eM o"CJeHb 6Jiaro,n;apHbI BaM

aa BarnH saMe"tlaHHH H nomeJiaHHSI.
IlpocHM npHChIJiaTh HX no a,n;pecy:


151. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17 .f8)

1. Red Square
2. Trafalgar Square
3. Admiral Nelson
4. British Museum
5. Baker Street
6. Tower of ... .... . London
7. Houses of Parliament
8. Buckingham Palace
9. Piccadilly Circus
10 ........ . High Street

152. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. I like porridge. Who cooked it?

2. Have you ever cooked ........ porridge?
3. I'm going to have ........ party ........ next
Saturday. After ........ classes I'm going to do
........ shopping, I must buy ........ lot of
4. Where is ........ dog's food? It was 1n
fridge ........ minute ago.
5. Kremlin is ........ heart of ........ Moscow,
isn't it?
6. Is ........... Red Square ........... centre of .......... .
7. There is ........... monument to ..... ... .. . Admiral
Nelson in ... ....... middle of .. .... ..... Trafalgar
8. ........... British Museum is well-known all over
........... world.
9. Can we visit ............ Buckingham Palace?
10. .......... Tower of ......... London was ......... palace
many, many years ago.

153. Han~wvne no o6pa3UY.

(§§ 24-27)

he/ see
Has he seen her?
Yes, he has seen her.
He saw her a minute ago.
1. he/ come

Yes, he ............................... .
He ......................................... an hour ago.
2. you/ read
the book?
Yes, I ....................... ........... the book.
I ............................................. it two days ago.
3. she / translate
................................................. the text?
Yes, she .............................. the text.
She ........................................ it ten minutes ago.
4. they / meet
the teacher?
Yes, they ........................................ . the teacher.
They ................................... him five minutes ago.
5. he/ build
.............................................................. a bridge?
Yes, he ............................................ a bridge.
He ............................................. it ten minutes ago.
6. they / have
.............................................................. lunch?
Yes, they ......................................... lunch.
They ............................................ 1unch ten minutes
7. the taxi / come

Yes, it ................................................................. .
It ................................................. a minute ago.
8. he/ see
.............................................................. Red Square?
Yes, he ............................................ it.
He ............................................... it two days ago.
9. the lesson / begin

Yes, the lesson ................................................ .

It ................................................... five minutes ago.
10. it/ drink
.............................................................. the milk?
Yes, .it .............................................. the milk.
It ......... ..... ... ..... ... ..... .. the milk two minutes ago.

154. BcTaBbTe apTVIKJlVI vi HanviwviTe npe.Q-
11o>KeHV15! no o6pa3UY.
(§ 17 ,/3.6, § 25)

- What a funny monkey! (see)

- I have never seen such a
funny monkey!
1. What ........ interesting book! (read)

2. What ........ wonderful people! (meet)

3. What ........ cold milk! (drink)

4. What ........ terrible food! (eat)

5. What ........ bad meal! (have)

6. What ........ nice shoes! (buy)

7. What ........ lovely house! (build)

8. What ........ nice picture! (draw)

9. What ........ nice honey! (buy)

10. What ........ silly song! (hear)

155. Bo3bMll1Te KpacHyKJ PY4KY 111 111cnpaBbTe
ow1116K111. noA4epKHYTbte cnosa ocTaBbTe 6e3
1113MeHeH 1111:1.
(§ 17, §§ 24-27)




, ·I
7. H
8. H ~ad lu~ch
9.1 H
jJst ca~e. - ··+
- +--·-- -
---·- :·-- --·-
10.j I ha~en' s~en hilm
_ l-- - ______L_ _ ____ ) ___ ·-·-._._L ____ J_____L_____


156. BcTaBbTe apT111K1n1.

(§ 17 .f8)

1. Kremlin
2. Red Square
3. Piccadilly Circus
4. North Street
5. Westminster Abbey
6. St Paul's Cathedral
7. City of ........ London
8. East End
9. West End
10 ......... Park Avenue

157. BcTaBbTe apTVIKJlVI.

(§ 17)

1. Once there lived ........ king. ........ king had

........ daughter ......... daughter had ........ kitten.
........ king, .. .. .... princess and ........ kitten lived
in ........ very beautiful palace. ........ palace
was on ........ Thames.
2. Do you like ........ fairy tales about
3. Who was ........ Queen of England at
........ end of ........ nineteenth century?

4. Once there lived ........ king and ........ queen.
queen had magic mirror.
mirror could speak.
5. Did you visit .. .. .. .. Westminster Abbey
last year?
6. Did you visit ... .. ... Tower of ... ..... London . on
.. .. .. .. last trip to .. .. .. .. London?
7. Today is last day of our holidays.
8. Did .... .. .. Porters go to South .. .. .. .. last
9. Did ........ Mr Porter go to ........ South Africa
........ last year?
10. I don't remember ........ last words of ........

1ss. BcTasbTe already, yesterday L11nL11 yet.

(§§ 24-27)

1. I haven't cooked dinner ........................... .

2. Did you cook dinner ............................. ?
3. - Has she come ........................... ?
- Yes, she has. She has .......................... come.
4. They have ................................... bought a present
for Ann.
5. I haven't met him

BcTaBbTe to 111nL11 in.

6. They have never been .... .. ... ... . Africa.
7. They were .. .. .. .. .. .. . Africa last year.
8. Have you ever been .............. North America?
9. I have never been ........ London.
10. My friend was ......... London two years ago.

159. PacKpo~Te cK06K1.1.

(§§ 24-27)

1. Yesterday Bob .................... (come) home late.

2. He ....................................................... (already/ come).
He is in the room now.
3. H HHKor,n;a ero He BH,ZJ;eJI.
I ....................................................... (never/ see) him.
4. H He BH,ZJ;eJI ero cero,n;H.H.
I ...................................... (not/ see) him today.
5. I ...................................... (not/ see) him yesterday.
6. .H He BH,ZJ;eJI ero Ha 3TOH He,n;eJie.
I ..................................... (not/ see) him this week.
7. OH HHKor,n;a He 6hIJI TaM.
He ................................................... (never/ be) there.
8. She .. .. .. .... ....... .. ... ... ............. (not / be) ....... . London
in 2003.
9. H HHKor,n;a He mHJI Ha <PepMe.
I ..................................................... (never I live) on a
10. I ............................. (live) on a farm when I was

160. Bo3bMll1Te KpacHyta py4KY 111 111cnpasbTe
ow1116Kll1. noA4epKHYTble CJlOBa OCTaBbTe 6e3
1113M€H€H 111 ~.


161. BcTaBbTe apTVIKnvi.

(§ 17)

1. How many bridges were there in London at

........ beginning of ........ 11 th century?
2. Have you ever travelled to North?
3. Do you like to travel by ........ plane or by
. ?
........ t rain.
4. Did you go to ........ seaside by ........ car?
5. Can we get to ........ nearest railway station
by ........ metro?
6. It takes me ........ hour to get to nearest
7. We had .. ...... wonderful time in ... ... .. Windsor
Safari Park.
8. ........ safari park is ........ large area of land
where ........ wild animals live.
9. Let's go to ........ South of ........ England. We
can stay at ........ King's Hotel.
10. ........ Mr West lives in ........ small town in
........ west of ........ England.

162. BcTaBbTe who vinvi which.

(§ 16)

1. A fox is a wild animal ........... .. ... .... looks like

a dog.
2. A giant is someone .................................... is very
3. The witch took the cup .................................. was
full of water and put it on the table.
4. She wanted to speak to her grandmother
......... ................. knew everything about the trees
and flowers ............ ..... ..... grew in their garden.
5. They went along the road ........................ led to
the secret place.
6. There was once an old man .... ...... ....... .. .. .... was
good at making toys.
7. There was an old king ..... .................. had a son
and three daughters.
8. What do we say of a coat ....................... is too
large or too small?
9. The street is full of people have
come to watch the show.
10. News is information about. things ....................... .
have just happened.

163. Han111w111Te no-aHr11111t1cK111.

(§§ 30-32)

1. OH ,n;oJimeH
.................. learn the words.
2. OH yMeeT ....
.................. play chess.
3. EMy pa3pernaeTc.H ....
... ........... .. .. go home now.
4. H o6srnaH ... ?
do it now?
5. 0Ha yMeeT ... ?
.................. cook well?
6. HM paapemaeTc.H ... ?
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. swim there?
7. BaM HeJih3JI ....
.................. eat oranges.
8. MHe HeJih3.H ....
.................. come home late.
9. HM He pa3pema10T ....
.................. play computer games.
10 . .H He yMeIO ... .
.. ......... ....... play football.

164. Han111w111Te npas11111bHb1~ sap111aHT.

(§ 1, §§ 5-6, §§ 16-17, §§ 22-27, § 30, § 34, § 36)

1. This is the .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (difficult /

more difficult/ most difficult) test I have ever
................ (do/ did/ done)!
2. This is the .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (good / better / best) house
I have ever ................ (see/ saw/ seen).
3. - She ............................ (didn't see / hasn't seen)
the film.
- But she has. It's ........ (a/ - / the) film
she .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. (sees / saw / has seen) when
she .................... (was/ has been) in London.

4. I ... . ... .. ... .. ... . ..... ... . .... .. ... .... ... . . .. . (did not sleep / have
not slept) well last night.
5. ........ ... ...................... ............ . (Did you hear / Have you
heard) the news yet?
6. We ........................... (saw/ have seen) our friends
on Saturday. It ........................ (took/ has taken)
us ...................... (a/ an/ the) hour to get to
.. .... .. . ... .... . . ... .. . (there / their) place.
7. I like ................. (cook/ to cook). I can ............... .
(cook/ to cook) well.
8. A . ... .. ... .. ... .... .. ... . (fisherman / fishermen) is a
person ............ (who/ which) .................... (catches/
is catching) fish.
9. - What ........... (a/ an/-) expensive hotel!
- Yes, I .................................. (didn't/ have never)
........................ (stay/ stayed) in such ........... (a/
an/-) expensive hotel.
10. Don't go outl ................................ (It rains/ It is
raining) ................... (hard/ hardly).

165. Bo3bMlllTe KpacHyK> py4KY 111 111cnpasbTe
ow1116K111. no.n.4epKHYTble cnosa ocTaBbTe 6e3
(§ 1, § 17, § 27, §§ 30-32)

........,.... ~

II 3. dirjlne .

! i

I 6. I ea db i
L1t~ ter~~y __[ ___,_ __
I 7. I wa t o y u Ja uebtion. !Mu

1~1~;;-;~tkr~~~~ ;i-h-~~; ~-:t~; of

1 u estion. !
l : +__,__ _,___,'---_,____,___,
9. Yoµ ev~r eC!_tln hew f\'o__ -4---+--L--l

do! it __e_~~l}'t_<;l$y!~ ___---1--

10. M , brot~er · ha!sn'

tcb Uon
! I . ; I I

i I I ' i I i
___ _. . ...1 _____1 ___..... J.___ / __ .__ J____ ._ L. -~t-. - J . .....- · - - ___ __ ••. .i..-~. ---·_;-~/·--


166. BcTaBbTe apTL11KnL11.

(§ 17)

1. ........ last summer we went to ........ seaside.

We stayed at ........ hotel. ........ hotel was
nice, but ........ food was bad.
2. Why are you speaking in .. .. ... . tired voice?
3. I'm in ........ hurry. I'll go by ........ taxi.
4. ... .. .. . cab is .... ... . taxi.
5. Did they shake ........ hands?
6. He is ........ very kind.
7. He is .. ... ... very kind boy.
8. It was ........ dark.
9. It was ........ dark room.
10. We have got ........ lot of ........ time. Let's go
on ........ foot.

167. BcTasbTe have to L111n1 don't have

(§ 32)

1. Shop assistants .................. work with people.

2. Doctors ................... work at night.
3. Architects ...................... get up early.
4. Businessmen ................... think much.
5. Pilots ..................... know Italian.
6. Teachers ......................... wear uniform.
7. Diplomats ........ .. ..... .. ... .. travel.
8. Secretaries ..................... know English.
9. Bus drivers .................. write letters.
10. Bankers .......................... work on Saturdays.

168. HanV1WV1Te e Past Indefinite.

(§ 32)

1. He must put on his cap.

his cap.
2. He must make his bed.
his bed.
3. He must stay in bed.
in bed.
4. She must cook lunch.
5. You must learn the words.
the words.
6. I must go there.
7. They must stop.

8. We must work hard.

9. She must come home early.
home early.
10. They must write a test.
a test.

169. BcTaBbTe don't I doesn't have to 111n111
(§ 32)

1. It is raining. We ........................... ........ water the

2. You ...... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ask him questions when
he is working. He can make a mistake.
3. Children .......................................... play football in
the classroom.
4. When my little sister is very tired Mother
.................................................. read bed-time stories
for her.
5. We ....................................... get visas to travel to
the Ukraine.
6. Pupils ...................................................... walk at the
7. You .......................................... give me an answer
immediately. I can wait.
8. It is Sunday today. The children ........................ .
.................................... .. get up at 7 o'clock.
9. I ................................................... take a bus. I live
near the school.
10. He is better today. He ............................................ .
stay in bed.

170. Bo3bM vtTe KpacHyKJ PY4KY 111 111cnpasbTe
ow1116K111. no,a4epKHYTb1e cnosa ocTaBbTe 6e3
(§ 17, §§ 31-33)

i 2. I'm
! !

It'~ . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . L I
3. Do ~--+-=---+-----'--+----+-----+-=---+----+--+----t--1 j I

4. S e


171. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. Why are you speaking in . . . .. . . . weak voice?

2. She was ill for ........ week.
3. ........ crocodiles are stronger than ........ lions,
aren't they?
4. Who is ......... strongest animal in ......... Zoo?
5. Did ......... train arrive at railway station
. .......... t'ime.?
6. I don't want to go by ......... train. Let's take
.......... taxi.
7. We arrived in ...... ... .. Vladivostok last
8. He missed .. ....... .. last bus.
9. I didn't like .... ....... last game.
10. There are 24 hours in ........... day.

172. Aon111w111Te «XBOCTll1K» pa3Aen 111Te11 b Ho ro

(§ 41)

1. You have got five lessons today, ........... ;............ .

..................... ............... ?
2. He has got a new bike, ................................. ?
3. They had porridge for breakfast, ....................... ..
................................... ?
4. They must stay at home, ...................................... ?
5. They had to stay at home, ................................... ?
6. They had to do the exercise again, ................... .
................................... ?.
7. She had to see the doctor, ................................... ?
8. She had a nice garden, .......................................... ?
9. She could skate well, .................................... ?
10. She was busy, ................................... ?

173. Han111w111Te npas11111bHbtt1 sap111aHT.

(§ 6)

1. She got up at 5 o'clock. She felt ..................... ..

(terrible/ terribly).
2. He sings very ........................ (good/ well) but he
can't play the piano.
3. She is such a ..................... (polite/ politely) girl.
4. She always speaks ....................... (polite/ politely)
to everybody.
5. What is wrong? Your voice sounds ....................
(unusual/ unusually).
6. She ran as ........................ (quick/ quickly) as she
7. I have never had such a ............... (nice / nicely)
8. Your bike looks .................. (nice/ nicely).
9. The test is ....................... (easy/ easily).
10. You can do it ...................... (easy/ easily).

174. Hanlf1W1t1Te npas11111bHbl~ sap111aHT.
(§§ 2-3, § 7, § 17)

1. Where ............ (is/ are) my gloves?

............................ (It is/ They are) on the sofa.
2. Where ............ (is/ are) my money?
................................... (It was / They were) on the
table two mi.n utes ago. Somebody has taken
........................ (it/ them).
3. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . (Is / Are) his ............. .. ...... (hair / hairs)
4. Your trousers .............. (is/ are) too long.
5. - When did you hear ..................... (this / these)
- I heard .................... (it/ them) last week.
6. What ............ (a/-) terrible day!
7. What ............ (a/-) terrible days!
8. The police ................. (haven't/ hasn't) given any
details yet.
9. The police in London ............... (is/ are) looking
for the man.
10. The police .................... (ask/ asks) everybody for

175. Bo3bM~Te KpacHyK> py4KY ~ ~cnpaBbTe
(§§ 2-3, § 17, § 27, §§ 33-34)


176. BcTaBbTe apT111K11111.

(§ 17)

1. Our teacher said: "We shall study

2. . ....... parrot lives in hot countries.
3. Nick's uncle has got ........ two pets. He has
got ........ parrot and .... .... dog.
4. ....... . zebra is .... .. .. African wild animal.
5. There is ........ zebra under ........ tree.
6. zebras look like ........ horses.
7. leopard lives in ........ Africa.
8. rabbit is ........ small animal with ....... .
long ears.
9. - Has he got ........ rabbit?
- Yes, he has. It's ........ very nice rabbit.
rabbit likes ........ carrots.
10. ... .. .. . rabbits cannot swim, can they?

177. Aon111w111Te «XBOCTll1 K» pa3Aen 111Te.nbHoro

(§ 41)

1. I am clever, ....................................... ?
2. There is a lot of snow in the garden,
................................... ?.
3. They never celebrate St Valetine's Day, ......... .
................................... ?.
4. They have got a very clever parrot, ............... .
5. They have met him this morning, .................... .
.................. ....................... ?.

6. They have to get up early, .................................. ?

7. They had to speak to the teacher about it,
8. They had Mathematics on Friday, ...................... .
9. He will visit his friend tomorrow, .................. ?
10. There are a lot of people in the bank, .......... .

178. 3aAat1Te cneLw1anbHb1e sonpocb1.

(§§ 42-43)

1. the book?
Peter did. (Peter gave her the book.)
The book. (Peter gave her the book.)
3. .................................................. the floor?
Christine is. (Christine is washing the floor.)
The floor. (Christine is washing the floor.)
5. ................................................... meat for dinner?
Mrs Porter does.
(Mrs Porter often cooks meat for dinner.)
- Meat.
(Mrs Porter often cooks meat for dinner.)

7. - ................................................... a new computer?
- The Browns will.
(The Browns will buy a new computer.)
- A new computer.
(The Browns will buy a new computer.)
9. - ................................................... a black raincoat?
- Mr Martin is.
(Mr Martin is wearing a black raincoat.)
10. - ....................................................................................... .
- A black raincoat.
(Mr Martin is wearing a black raincoat.)

179. Han111w111Te npas111nbHbl~ saplt1aHT.

(§§ 3-6, §§ 7-9, §§ 22-25, § 33)

1. What ........ (is/ does) she usually

(cook / cooks / cooking) for dinner?
2. . ......... (Are/ Do) you know ......... . (he I him/ his)
telephone number?
3. .......... (He/ Him/ His) is ........... (he/ him/ his)
Do you know ........... (he/ him/ his)?
4. ................. (Is/ Does) he speak Italian
(good / well)?
5. ...... .. . .... .... (Is I Does) his Italian ... ... . .. .. .. (good /
6. .. .... .. .. .. . .... (Is / Does) his teacher meet ................. .
(many/ much) English people?

7. Look at ........... (that/ those) flowers! Do you
like ........ (they/ them/ their)?
8. There ........ (is/ are) a lot of snow.
9. He is cleverer ........ (than/ then) ........ (he I
him / his) brother.
10. I got up at 7 o'clock, ................ (have/ had)
breakfast, ........... (than/ then) I ......... (go I went)
to school.

180. B03bM111Te KpacHyta py4KY 111 111cnpasbTe

(§§ 2-4, § 17' § 27-29, §§ 32-33)

=~J~-:~~1~i -_~1=~~r~:_,,;c~-~r;-~?
i- I J wil v~sit my and pa en~s. i


181. BcTaBbTe apT~K1n1.

(§ 17)

1. .......... Browns are fond of .......... music.

2. Do you collect .......... different cards?
3. ........... Ted's uncle 1s ... .. .. ... collector of
4. Your aunt has .......... very good collection of
.......... Christmas cards. - Has she? I have
never seen .......... collection.
5. There is .......... very interesting stamp in his
6. What ........ interesting stamps!
7. What ........ interesting stamp!
8. ........ stamp is very interesting.
9. What funny collection!
10. What ........ funny hobbi~s!

182. Han111w111Te npas111nbHb1ili sap111aHT.

(§ 10)

1. Everybody ........... .......................... (think / thinks / is

thinking) it is funny.
2. Everybody ......................... (is talking/ are talking)
about the film.
3. Everything ... ............... .. (go / goes) wrong.
4. Nobody ............................... (know/ knows) what he
....................... (do/ does).
5. Everybody .......................... (want/ wants) to know
his secret.
6. Everybody ........... (is/ are) having a good time.
7. Everybody ...................... (was/ were) there.
8. Let's write a dictation. ..................... (Have / Has)
everybody got a pen?
9. Everybody in Britain .................................. (drink /
drinks) tea.
10. ............................ (Have/ Has) anybody seen David

183. Han111w111Te nepeBOA. Yn0Tpe6111Te c11osa
never, nothing, nobody. 06paT111Te sH111-
MaH111e Ha TO, 4TO B aHrJH1i:1CKOM npe.a.110>1<e-
H llU1 MO>KeT 6b1Tb TOJlbKO OAHO 0Tp 111u.aH111 e.
C11osa s paM04Ke BaM noMoryT.
(§ 11)

do something for somebody eat oranges happen

know about know the truth live there
read see speak to somebody wash up

1. HHKTO He .m:HBeT TaM.

2. OH HHKor,n;a He MoeT rrocy,n;y.

3. 0Ha HH"tfero He 3HaeT 06 3TOM.

4. OH HHKor,z:i;a He ecT aneJihCHHhI.

5. 0Ha HHKOr,n;a He paaroBapHBaeT c HHM •

6. HH"tfero CTpamHoro He CJI~HJIOCh.

7. .H H:H'liero He Mory ,ZJ;JIH Bae c,n;eJiaTh •

8. H:HKTO He 'lIHTaeT celiqac •
............................. ...................................................................
9. 0HH HH"tfero He YBH,ZJ;HT .
10. OH HHKor,n;a He 6y,n;eT aHaTh npaB,l:r;hI.

184. Han1-1w1-1Te npae1-111bHbtl::1 sap1-1aHT.

(§§ 10-11, § 19)

1. More than eight ........................ (million/ millions)

people live there.
2. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... .... (Million / Millions) of people
died during the war.
3. There were ........................ (hundred/ hundreds) of
flowers in the park.
4. The tree is more than two .................................... .
(hundred/ hundreds) years old.
5. This city has got five .............................................. .
(thousand/ thousands) different shops.
6. You can see .... .. ... ...... ... .. ...... ....... ... ....... . (thousand /
thousands) of birds there.
7. Nobody ..................................... (want/ wants) to go
to the doctor.
8. I never ..................................... (drink/ am drinking)
cold milk.
9. She ............................ (didn't know/ knew) nothing
about cornpu ters.
10. Nobody ...................................... (was/ wasn't/ were/
weren't) sad.

185. 803bMll1Te KpacHytO PY4KY 111 111cnpasbTe
ow1116K111. no.a4epKHYTb1e cnosa ocTaBbTe 6e3
(§ 2, §§ 10-11, § 17, § 19, § 41)
! ~-=----4--"'==-+--=-+-==-+--=---l

j 1. 1
H~ h~s 1a ~oo ' tioln


186. BcTaBbTe apTlt1Knlt1.

(§ 17)

1. Has Ted's grandfather got ........ big

collection of ...... .. stamps?
2. When did ........ Kate's uncle begin to collect
........ stamps?
3. What's ....... time? - It's ....... half past 6.
4. What's ....... time? - It's ....... quart er past 6.
5. ........ David's brother decided to become
6. Did you go to ........ Bolshoi Theatre ........ last
7. ........ Malyi Theatre is on ........ right .
8. Let's meet at ........ half past 6. It will take
us ........ quarter of ........ hour to get to
9. Children's Theatre is in ........ centre of
. 't 1•t?•
........ M OSCOW, lSn
10. You have seen "Sleeping Beauty" at
Bolshoy, haven't you? Did you like

187. BcTaBbTe many H1n1 much.

(§§ 1-3, § 12)

1. She didn't do ... ....... exercises yesterday, she

didn't have .......... time.
2. Did she read this book ............ times?
3. Are there ............ flowers in front of the
house? Do they need .... ........ water?
4. How ..... ....... windows are there in your
classroom? Is there ............ light there?
5. How ............ honey have we got? We
haven't got ............ honey.
6. How ............ money has he got?
7. There weren't ............ people at the party last
8. Do you learn ........... new English words every
9. How tea do you have every day?
10. How cups of tea do you have every

188. YnoTpe6~Te yKa3aHHbte cyu.teCTB~TenbHb1e

8 cpopMe MHO>KeCTBeHHOro 4"1Cna.
(§ 1)

I. Your ............ (key) are under your bag.

2. There are many beautiful ..... (city) in Russia.
3. There are two ........... (sofa) in the living-room.
4. There are many ................ (car), ................ (bus)
and ................... (tram) in the street.
5. Three ugly ............. (witch) came to the palace.
6. How many ......................... (potato) do you need?
7. His hobby is taking ......................... (photo).
8. (wolf) are very clever ............................ .
9. ............................. (postman) have to get up early.
10. Different people have different ............ (hobby).

189. 3aAa~Te cneu.l'taJlbHble sonpocb1.

(§ 42)

1. in his garden?
(He had three apple-trees in his garden.)
2. - ........................................................ last Thursday?
- Seven.
(They had seven lessons last Thursday.)
- Three. (She bought three tickets.)
4. ...................................................... in front of the
- Five.
(She saw five children in front of the house.)
- Twenty.
(They had to learn twenty new words.)
- In a hospital.
(Her uncle works in a hospital.)
In winter. (Ann buys sandals in winter.)
She liked the colour.
(Ann bought the
sandals because she liked the colour.)

9. -
He is her grandfather.
10. -
Her grandfather is a pilot.

190. B03bMVITe KpacHyJO py4KY VI vicnpaBbTe

(§ 12, § 17, § 33, § 36, § 41)

1------;---E. 1ery~od ~;;-o § {)'le su~ ri~eJ in -~ci$t. J

ve i th -------r----- s bv r tiee d_ t~ Bols~oi l
Glr ee ----+---
1-----------+--------------- f -----·-r------ -- ------r-··---,----- --i --- ------r·--·--1

3.i I~ take ~-~uabe- oi a{ hb~r ~- 1

__ j_g$ tP_h _e _ ~~~e~f!l.· L+-. J. ...... J_ _

4 ·t wf--did rJ_t __~a y~____!+ c .?-9 i__
u_y !- flJ-~_fl'l_j !>_ _
I 5., Di_ ypu us~al~ 1 an er ert isef7 !
..!',~ !~~- ~I_~_ i.<!~pt Pii'l-~o --~~r:i.<rcircj__ ..ti~F~-·--1
,- ;J- c---t-u--1-d+-
I -y-+--
u __,_
e? i
• '
~ I lbr-

i -rI
,i p 1 ask?

- r-· !
: 1I

! S nd~y. i i i !_ ~
~~~-!f==~I~1== :._~~- ~i:== !~J~!r:==b".

191. BcTaBbTe apTlttKnltt.

(§ 17)

1. The teacher said: "We shall speak about

panda ........ next month."
2. Let's take ........ next book.
3. Where is .......... Natural History Museum?
It's in .......... London.
4. Where is .......... Red Square?
It's in .......... centre of .......... Moscow.
5. I have never been to .......... Bolshoi Theatre,
but I go to .......... Malyi Theatre three or
four times .. .. ..... year.
6. Can you tell me .. .. ..... . way to ... ....... Rossia
7. - Shall we take .. ... .. .. . taxi?
- That's .......... good idea. Let's go by
8. .......... Covent Garden is one of ........... most
famous theatres in .......... world.
9. ............ St Paul's Cathedral is ........... biggest
eh urch in .. .. .. ... Britain.
10 . .......... Operetta Theatre is not far from ..........
Ermolova Theatre.

192. BcTaBbTe a lot of, many 11111111 much.
(§ 12)

1. He always asks ............................. questions.

2. He has got ............................ books.
3. I don't take .......................... money to school.
4. Do you need .... ..... ... ............. money?
5. There are .... ... .. ..... .. .. .. .. ....... .... new houses in the
6. There are not .................................... shops in our
7. ................ .. .. people come to Moscow in summer.
8. You can see .................... cars near the airport.
9. You mustn't eat so ................................. bananas.
10. You mustn't drink so ...................................... tea.

193. BcTaBbTe little 11111111 few.

(§ 13)

1. There is ................ water in the cup.

2. I couldn't give him any stamps. I had very

3. There is a lot of honey in the fridge, but

there is very ................ jam.
4. The teacher can't believe her eyes. Tom has
made very ............... mistakes in the dictation.
5. - How many sandwiches have you made?
- I am sorry, I have made very ...................... .
6. I am sorry I have ................ friends.
7. Don't forget to buy some milk! We have got

8. It was raining. There were very ......................... .

children in the park.
9. I'm sorry I have ........................ time today, but
we can discuss your problem tomorrow.
10. We'll have ......................... apples in our garden
this autumn.

194. BcTaBbTe a little 111n111 a few.

(§ 14)

1. Could you give him .................. toys?

2. Could you buy ..................... honey?
3. He left ..................... minutes ago.
4. He left ..................... juice for you. It's in the
5. I saw the film ....................... weeks ago.
6. There's ......................... cheese in the fridge,
you can take it.
7. Have you got ..................... minutes? I'd like to
tell you something interesting.
8. I need .... .... .............. money. Who can help me?
9. He is going to London for ........................ days.
10. In .. .... ...... ......... . days I shall see Scotland.

195. Bo3bM~Te KpacHytO py4KY ~ ~cnpaBbTe
(§ 1, §§ 12-14, § 17)

i :
! I
e tould 1bu
n. !


196. BcTaBbTe apT1t1Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. I never have ........ coffee. I like ........ tea.

2. ......... tea is cold. I don't like it. I always
have ........ . hot tea.
3. ............. Mrs Black's sons are good at ............ .
4. I have never had ......... seats in ......... stalls.
5. Will you look at ......... screen, please?
6. His new film was ......... success.
7. Did you have ......... success at ......... party?
8. - Don't believe him. He can tell .......... lie.
- Can he? I think he always tells ............... .
9. What's on ........ television tonight?
10. You can't watch TV and do your
homework at same time.

197. BcTaBbTe say 111n111 tel I.

(§ 35)

1. She wants to ......... ...... something.

2. She wants to ............... you about it.
3. Let me ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . you something interesting.
4. You must .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . everything you know.
5. They didn't .................. anything.
6. They didn't .................. her anything.
7. You never ......... ... ....... .. me anything.
8. What did you ............................... ?
9. What did you ...................... him?
10. He didn't ...................... a word.

198. Han111w111Te no 06pa3uy.

(§ 13)

There aren't many children in the park.

There are very few children in the
We haven't got much bread.
We have got very little bread.
1. There isn't much salad in the fridge.
.. ............. ... .............................. ........... in the fridge.
2. There aren't many apples in the basket.
.. ..................... ......... ....... .................... in the basket.
3. She hasn't got many cassettes.
........ ............................... .................... cassettes.
4. I can't spend much money on toys.
........................................ ................... money on toys.
5. They don't have many words to learn.
........... .. ................ ... . ......... ................. words to learn.
6. There isn't much furniture in the room.
.. .... .. .. .... ... .... ................ .... .. ... furniture in the room.
7. There aren't many things in the wardrobe.
............................................ things in the wardrobe.
8. There isn't much snow in the forest.
................................................. snow in the forest.
9. He hasn't met many people there.
................................................. people there.
10. He didn't ask many questions.
................................................. questions.

199. BcrasbTe little, a little, few 111n111 a few.

(§§ 13-14)

1. There are very ............. museums in this town.

2. I have got .................... money so I can't buy a
new bike.
3. Do you have to wash many cups?
No, only1 ........................... .
4. Is there much bread on the table?
No, only .... ......... ................ .
5. Have you got many questions to ask?
No, only ............................. .
6. I only need ......... minutes to learn the words.
7. I have ............. English books at home, I have
to go to the library.
8. We have got ............ food for dinner, you can
do the shopping tomorrow.
9. I must do .. .. .... .. ... .. exercises now, I can speak
to you later.
10. There are ... .. ... .... .. .. grammar exercises in our
text-book, the teacher often gives us another

only - TOJibKO


201. BcrasbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. He lives in . ....... Iittle town in ........ north of

........ Germany.
2. Do you like to sit in ........ sun?
3. Would you like to fly to .... .... moon?
4. He was ........ happiest child in ........ world.
5. He is .. ..... . very happy.
6. He is ........ very happy child.
7. What's ........ weather like today?
8. It's raining. wind is blowing. What
........ terrible day!
9. What terrible weather!
10. What .... .... terrible words!

202. BcTaBbTe less 1111n1 fewer.

(§ 15)

1. You must eat ................. honey.

2. I want to eat ................. biscuits.
3. In winter fruit is expensive. We have to eat
......... ............. fruit.
4. Try to eat .................... eggs.
5. I am on a diet, I must have ................ butter.
6. We have ...................... parties than we had last
7. Now we have ................. problems than we had
last year.
8. We have .......................... free time than we had
two years ago.
9. There were ......................... factories in this city
twenty years ago.
10. We bought .................... food yesterday.

203. PacKpo'1Te CK06Kll1.

(§§ 22-27)

1. Our new teacher .................... (be) great. He

................... . (teach) well.
2. Please listen! I .................... (talk) to you.
3. Look at his face! Do you think he ................ .
(tell) the truth?
4. He often ........................ (tell) lies.
5. He ............................... (just/ tell) me the news.
6. Look! Little John ............................. . (play) chess!
I .. ........... ............. .. ....... (not /believe) my eyes!
7. My brother .................................. (write) his first
poem when he ................. (be) eight.
8. ............... you ............... (read) any interesting
books this month?
9. ............... you .............. (read) any interesting
books last month?
10. You are the cleverest boy I ................................. ..
(ever / see).

204. Han111w111Te npas111nbHbl~ sap111aHT.
(§ 10, § 46)

1. His new book was a · big success ......................... .

(also/ too).
2. Mike is tired. Are you ........................ (also/ too)
3. Jerry was at the party, and David was there
.................. (also/ too).
4. Jerry was at the party, and David was .......... .
(also / too) there.
5. I can't find my book. ....................... (Whatever/
Whenever / Wherever) can it be?
6. Let me have the magic cup, I'll give you
.................................. (whatever/ whenever/ wherever)
you ask.
7. .. ............................. (Whatever/ Whenever/ Wherever)
someone looks at me I don't know what to
8. ............................... (Whatever / Whenever / Wherever)
you go, I'll find you.
9. We go fishing .................... (whatever/ whenever/
wherever) we can.
10. I can't hear .......................... (something/ nothing/

205. Bo3bM~Te KpacHytO py4KY ~ ~cnpaebTe
ow~6K~. noA4epKHYTb1e cnoea ocTaBbTe 6e3
~3MeHeH "1111.
(§ 1, §§ 13-14, § 17, § 27, § 35, § 41, § 46)
+ ·--·"°·---;---"C··-·+
, -- ----!--- -----· \...---- -----+-----t---·--r --i
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L---f-~L~ ~j_(l~i _ ~J~C>c:!Yil __j_____ LJ--+---+---J

L. 2 .I_l?_C?r.i '_!_g~r--~~ ·-~h · ·-~11·-~-9..~-~l--~-~~-~_!J._.___
I : !
! .: ----
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~~-~ _}_-+"'~ --~~ _c__I ilc:f~~· __t:~ea ~--)IC! Srdo~ h. •
l-~ -=L!.-'i!<_eLtof-tr$'el J-~_yi,____£ ':-__~---+--~--------]
!. - I; I 1
ike .. it lalsp., II I
- ,I - - - -.- -.Ii ----+----+-----l

r- ~~;~;~ ~~t~l~-~*~t;ft~~~~ -in_ J

1:~ltt:t:~l- -d ~:t:t _ i~~4:
9f -~--~~1~-V~E- _t~l t~-__y~ , 1
8+_'i'.9.ill __ rli_ll_s,1: _
_ ! 1___ _,
i 9fihat dicl___tiLs1v ou~ _ 1 i I , .

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206. BcTaBbTe apT1t1K1n1.

(§ 17)

1. He usually writes in ........ pencil.

2. There is ...... . . pencil on ........ floor. Whose
........ penc1·1 is
. i"t?.
· 3. Many visitors come to .. ...... Odessa by
4. If you are in .... .... hurry, you can take
5. Our teacher says that ....... American alligator
is about ......... three metres long.
6. ......... moon is ......... planet, isn't it?
7. ......... April is ......... fourth month of ........ .
8. ........ April is ........ spring month.
9. I was in ........ London ........ last year. I spent
........ month there. That was ........ happiest
month of ........ year.
10 ......... weather was so terrible. We couldn't go
to ........ forest.

207. Han1>1w1>1Te npas1>1nbHb1~ sap111aHT.

(§§ 12-14, § 35)

say 111n1>1 tell?

1. Why did he ................. this?
2. He did not ............. me about it.
3. Don't ................ anybody about it.

many l-1Ill-1 much?

4. He bought .............. furniture for his new flat.
5. This work won't take .................... time.
6. Have we got ............... apples for the children?

few, a few, little i-1Jli-1 a little?

7. There is ........................... cheese. We can't make
cheese sandwiches for everybody.
8. - Would you like some more cake?
- Yes, please. But just ................... .
9. I'll be ready in ......................... minutes.
10. He was sorry. He had ...................... friends at

208. Hanl-1Wl-1Te no 06pa3uy. YnoTpe6l-1Te

Present Perfect i-1Jli-1 Past Indefinite.
(§§ 24-27)

he/ translate
He has translated the text.
He translated the text an hour ago.
1. they / be (He aa6y,n;hTe o rrpe,n;Jiore!)
.................................................... London.
.................................................... London in 2002.

2. she / be (He aa6y,n;hTe o npe,n;Jiore!)
...... .. .. .. .. .. ....... .............. .... .. ... .. .. .. .. South Africa.
... .. .. .. ... ... ... .. .. ... ....... ........... ........... South Africa two
years ago.
3. I / be (He aa6y,n;hTe o npe,n;Jiore!)
.................................................... Wales.
.......... ... .. .. .. ....................... .......... Wales last year.
4. he/ have
breakfast ten minutes ago.
5. we / finish
the work.
the work an hour ago.
6. he/ clean
his room.
his room last Saturday.
7. they I build
a house.
a house last month.
8. she/ come

a minute ago.
9. we/ invite
him on Wednesday.
10. we/ buy
a present for Granny.
a present for Granny

209. Hanll!Wll!Te npaBlllllbHbl~ saplllaHT.
(§§ 2-3, § 5, §§ 15-16, §§ 28-29, § 32, § 36)

1. We have got ................... (less/ fewer) time than

we thought.
2. The second test was ................... .................. (easy /
easier/ the easiest) than the first test. There
were ......................... (less/ fewer) questions about
3. .................................. (Fruits are/ Fruit is) cheap in
4. Money ............................ (don't/ doesn't) make her
5. Where .................. (is/ are) my clothes?
6. It's cold here. - OK. ........................... (I'll/ I'm
going to) close the window.
7. Would you like to go with me? ........................ .
(I'll/ I'm going to) buy a present for Tom.
8. I know a boy ................ (which/ who) can speak
three languages.
9. This is the book ........................... (which/ who) I
............................. (have bought/ bought) yesterday.
10. It ......................... (take/ takes/ took) me an hour
to get to school. I ...................... (must/ have to)
get up early.

210. Bo3bM111Te KpacHyta py4KY 111 111cnpasbTe

·~f--r i


211. BcTaBbTe apTL11KJH1.

(§ 17)

1. I'll come back in ........ minute.

2. I was in ...... North America ...... last autumn
but I have never been to ...... South America.
3. Did your uncle live in ........ South Africa for
........ long time?
4. ........ kangaroo doesn't live in ........ South
America, does it?
5. Are there many industrial cities in
Central America?
6. What was ........ weather like in ........ South
7. What animals live in ........ North Pole?
8. North-Eastern part of United
States is called ........ New England.
9. Boston is one of ........ oldest cities in
United States.
10. ........ Popovs want to go to ........ South at
............ end of ............ August.

212. AonL11WL11Te «XBOCTLl1 K»

(§ 41)

1. They won't go to the party, ................................ ?

2. This house is new, ........................... ?
3. I'm your doctor, ........................ ?
4. There is much snow there, ................................... ?
5. There is no juice in the fridge, ......................... ?
6. She never comes in time, ...................................... ?
7. They have got a new house, ................................ ?
8. They had many tomatoes last summer, ............ .
................................. ... ?.
9. They had to buy a new desk, ............................. ?
10. They had no time to discuss the problem, ..... .
................................... ?.

213. Han~w~Te npas~11bHb1"1 sap~aHT.

(§§ 24-27, §§ 28-29, § 34)

1. - What time (will / does) the concert

- It ................ (will begin/ begins) at 7 o'clock.
2. What time ................................. (will/ is/ does) the
lesson start? - It .............................. (will start/
is going to start / starts) at 10. 30.
3. ......................................... (Have you packed/ Did you
pack) everything? What time .................................. .
(will you/ are you going to/ do you) start
- We ..... ... .... ....... ... .. .. ......... (shall start / are going
to start/ start) at 7 o'clock.
4. What do you think? ................................................. .
(Will it rain/ Is it going to rain/ Does it rain)
5. Your ............. (hair/ hairs) ..... (is/ are) terrible.
When ............................................. (will you/ are you
going to) wash ...................... (it/ them)?

6. ....................................... (Will it snow/ Did it snow/
Does it snow) tomorrow?
7. What are your plans? - I .....................................
(will/ am going to) study Mathematics.
8. His train ............................................ (will arrive / is
going to arrive/ arrives) at 3.25.
9. What time .......................................... (will the bus/
is the bus going to / does the bus) leave?
10. I .............................................. (shall leave/ am going
to leave/ leave) soon. I promise.

214. HanlAWIATe npaB1AllbHb1t1 sap!AaHT.

(§§ 2-3, § 5, §§ 24-27, § 33)

1. -. When .... ......... .... ... .................................. (have you

washed/ did you wash) your ............ (hair/ hairs)?
- I washed ............. (it/ them) yesterday.
2. Pinocchio put the money into his mouth and
Fox and Cat couldn't find .............. (it/ them).
3. ...................... (Will it be/ Will there be) ........... .... .
(many/ much) people in the museum on
4. (Will it be / Will there be) very
cold this winter?
5. .......................................... (Will it be/ Will there be)
.................. (many/ much) snow this winter?
6. You must work ........................ (hard/ hardly).
7. He ................. (hard / hardly) worked.
8. We haven't written the test ............... (already/
9. Have you had lunch ............ .......... (already/ yet)?
10. They have .......... ...................... (already/ yet) been
........... (to/ in) Scotland.

215. 803bMlllTe KpacHyK> PY4KY 111 111cnpasbTe

ow1116K111. noA4epKHYTb1e cnoaa ocTaBbTe 6e3
(§§ 1-2, § 15, § 17' §§ 27-29)


216. BcTaBbTe apT1t1Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. New York is ........ biggest city in ....... .

United States of America.
2. More than ........ eight million people live and
work in ........ New York.
3. .... first people in ........ New York were ....... .
American Indians.
4. .......... many ships went from ........ England to
....... ... colonies in ........ North America.
5. .......... Christopher Columbus was ........ seaman.
6. He sailed west from ........ Europe.
7. ........... Columbus brought to .......... Spain some
new plants 1 •
8. .......... Great Britain is ........... island, isn't it?
9. There were ..... ...... . lot of .... ........ Spanish
settlements in ............ South of ............ North
10. ... .... .. .. .. lot of ............ European countries were
interested in ............. New World.

1 plant - pacTeHHe
217. BcTaBbTe said 111n111 told.
(§ 35)

1. She nothing at all.

2. She ................ them nothing.
3. Who ............. you this?
4. Who ............. it's wrong?
5. He ................. it was great .
6. And then he .............. something funny.
7. The teacher ................ us to come early.
8. The teacher .............. that we must come early.
9. The teacher .............. to us that we must come
10. "He'll come at 7 o'clock," she ............ quickly.

218. PacKpoillTe CK06K111. Yn0Tpe6111Te Present

Perfect 111n1r1 Past Indefinite.
(§§ 24-27)

1. You ................... (never / tell) me what .................

(happen) to you when you .......... (be) there.
2. He ..................... (already / tell) Bob my story.
3. Yesterday he ................ (tell) me everything.
4. How many words ............ you ................ (learn)
5. How many words ............ you ................ (learn)
this morning?
6. How many words ............ you ................ (learn)

7. How many words .. .... .... .. you ............................. .
(already/ learn)?
8. Something unusual ................................... (happen).
9. Something unusual .................................... (happen)
last week.
10. What ....................... (happen) to him yesterday?

219. Hanlllw111Te no 06pa3uy.

(§ 5, § 25)

build buy have hear learn

make meet play read see visit

It'sthe worst (bad) game I have ever

1. It's .................... (good) hospital I ........................ .
2. He's .................. (happy) child I ........................... .
3. It's .................................................. (interesting) book
I .............................................................. .
4. It's .................... (ugly) house he .......................... .
5. It's .................... (boring) party we ...................... .
6. It's ................................. ~ .................... (expensive) bike
he ............................................................ .
7. It's .................... (bad) cake I ................................. .
8. It's ...................................................... (difficult) word
I .............................................................. .
· 9. It's .................................................... (wonderful) song
I .............................................................. .
10. It's .................... (old) town she ............................ .

220. Bo3bMlllTe KpacHytO py4KY 111 111cnpaBbTe
OWlll6Klll. noA4epKHYTbl€ CJlOBa OCTaBbTe 6e3
(§ 1, § 4, §§ 10-11, § 17, §§ 27-29, § 35, § 43)

t !:I ~~!C~~LJ_Jke_ti<?+~ra -~-l~;;:1~~~·~'fL

I 2. W~en I ha e Iyo~ vi~ite 'art .AJme ica~
Yo~isl orle ~f t e Imo· t imp

j 3. New rtain t
/ cit~s . ~ he-! wolrld. I I i I !
r- ···-··· ·-----·1····--·i-··-········· ·············· 1······-·· --·1····-····--·--r·· ·---·-t·····-········ · ·· 1·· · · ········ ··1-----·-r-··--·-
i 4. "Yf u 1m u , _t {~ t tpday," j th1 tlac er
to~d o 1m J ! I :

I 5. It'k t~e mo~t

·;, ······ · ·······i · · ·· ·-···r
...... . ..........
fuad I fi I
,;1 ............................... .......1............•.......... ..1!....•.........•.••.....1,'· ··················
···t ·······---········ ···--·······.. .

i seen I I i i i '
I ----+--~--J .J______t_~i__ ._J ___. --1----+---~--...

' 6. Di~ y' u lev r ~ee thi . fiJlm?j_ i l
! 7. H~ h~s ust inyite~ r-Jie to go !there. /
rs~ NJ~·;-~~~-~a~-~~-:;- -sT J1-
! 9 .. I : 04-=~: n't te~ I avi:d o i


221. BcTaBbTe apTviKnvi.

(§ 17)

1. .......... Thanksgiving Day is one of .......... main

American holidays.
2. .......... Americans celebrate .......... Thanksgiving
Day on ............. fourth Thursday of ............ .
3. They usually have ............. roast turkey and
............ potatoes.
4. ............ turkey is ............. symbol of ............ .
Thanksgiving Day.
5. In ............. 1620 ............. "Mayflower" brought
102 English men, women and children to
north-east of ............. America.
6. ............ . Royal Opera House is ... ....... .. . same as
Covent Garden, isn't it?
7. St Paul's Cathedral is one of
oldest churches in ............. London.
8. ............. British Museum is in ............. Great
Russell Street.
9. ........ Tower of .... .... London was ... ... .. fortress
and ............ palace.
10. ............. lot of ............. tourists go to ............ .
Buckingham Palace, but they don't go inside
............. palace.

222. BcTaBbTe say 1111n1 tell s HY>KHolll
(§ 35)

1. "I hope everything will be OK," she ........... .

in a tired voice.
2. "I ............ you about it two months ago," he
............ coldly.
3. You must ............ him what to do.
4. Stand up, children, and ............... "Good
morning, Mr Brown."
5. What did she ............. ?
6. What did she ............. him?
7. What did she ............. to him?
8. What did she ............. to this?
9. What did she .............. about that?
10. You have never ............... me anything about

223. BcTasbTe si nee 111n111 for.

(§27 ..f6)

1. She has lived here ................... 1997.

2. She has lived here ................... two years.
3. I have had the ball ................. last June.
4. He has had the ball ................ three months.
5. I have liked fairy-tales ............ I was a baby.
6. She has been a worker ........... she left school.
7. We have had three tests .. ... .... .. .. .. Monday.
8. They have stayed here ................ two days.
9. I have had the player three weeks.
10. I have had the player Christmas.

224. Han111w111Te npaslllllbHbl~ sap111aHT.

(§ 22, §§ 24-27)

1. He ................................. (has never seen / never saw)

such ............ (a/ the/-) big room.
2. Mr Brown ................................. (is/ was/ has been/
will be) a teacher. He teaches my brother.
3. Mr Brown ................................. (is/ was/ has been/
will be) a teacher since 1995.
4. Mr Brown .......................... (is/ was/ has been/ will
be) a teacher for 10 years.
5. Mr Brown ................................. (is/ was/ has been/
will be) a teacher ten years ago, but now he
is a businessman.
6. We ........................... (live/ have lived) in Moscow.
You can visit ............ (us/ our) ............ (some/
any) time you want.
7. We ...... ..... .............. .... (live / have lived) in Moscow
for five years.
8. They ........................................... (live/ have lived) in
Moscow for a long time.
9. ........................................ (Do you live/ Did you live/
Have you lived) here five years ago?
10. How long .................................... (do you live/ have
you lived) here?

225. Bo3bM~Te KpacHy~ py4KY ~ ~cnpaBbTe
(§ 5, §§ 13-14, §§ 28-29, § 33, § 35)
j ! I I I j I ; ! .

~·· !:JP.-19.rtlJE>j_()_~ P$C>.Plfo?___ Cl!>, c oss~d J~~

f···--··-·· · · l--~~l.9D..~~.~··· -·~-Q--·-Jth~-1..... .~.q!.P. _J_'...~.~Y.fJ ... .~.~.(' ... .-~.~-$- ........
settle ; t Plymouth n_-1620. :
J- : I I ' -r- I !

i 2. Wes_!_;_in~ter I sddg~ is a bri g~ a 1

!:--··1I--·----r-· I Th~mJs. I I \
· ··- ·r-·- -r··---1···---·-t ··----;-·---.- · ·· - -r·- · !
i 3.1Bi: ~en ! arid Ho~se of

' . -· --~. --'l.-·- -- t - · ---

P rlibm nt
-r------- -- - - -r----+----;------<

~ st~nd I ~sidf_.f e !_!li er ! Th mts. !

l 4.1 Detnny s~id ! q~ick~ II agr e, II'll dq

h~ · ·iJ~~t~~t~~l~f~d·· · -·:>ih~--~~1-~~ · 3~1 -

r·----··-----,..------r- -··· ·-·t··-----!---····--r·-··-· ---T--·------ r---··--, ---·1------ ·-----·r·-----
i o'qlock? It's! in\1poha t. \- OK\. I m !
,-.- 1 I ·- - - - , ; i ;

I [ go!ing~t-$.rf
, g, , .
• , 1
t ~
,. 'clof~_I _
. r ,! ..
:~~tii-~~:~~::~i:~1~~1~~1 :~!~~. ~-~1~~ :;!t: 1
i_2µef.v rayr lrtet erer thir g war I
l 8.1 H h~rd h~ar h~r worrds. 1 I !
~-~$--~~ll ~_}.a r_!Y. ~_l:>e !_e~~--~ ~_ey -~-'-! _
i It j=w~s otfuin ir1 t e Iba . ! i

liQl~~t~~fff~f~1~;-i;: ~~~ . I \V~f;!_/ t~ · : ..


226. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. People go to ...... eh urch on ...... Thanksgiving

2. .. ........ . wild turkeys look like big
3. It's very cold in ........... winter.
4. In ........... 1621 ........... winter was cold.
5. We'll go to ........... South in ........... autumn.
6. In ......... autumn of 1621 .......... first colonists
decided to have .. .. .. .. .. . special day.
7. .. .. ... .... Tower Bridge is one of .. .. .. ..... famous
bridges across .. .. .. .. .. . Thames.
8. ........... Tower Bridge is near ........... Tower of
........... London.

9. ..... ...... Tower of .......... London has .... ... .. .. long
10. .. .. .. .. . Westminster Abbey is near .. .. .. .. Houses
of ......... Parliament. It is near .......... Thames,

227. PacKpOll1Te CK06Klll.

(§ 34)

1. It never ................. (snow) in Kenya.

2. It seldom ....................... (rain) in this part of
the country.
3. Why ............ it always ............ (rain) when we
go for a walk?
4. I don't like to work in the garden, especially
when it ............ (rain).
5. It ................... (snow). Let's stay at home.
6. It .......................................... (not/ rain). We can go
to the forest.
7. It ................... (snow) hard in 1995.
8. I think it ............................. (snow) tomorrow.
9. The sky is dark. ............... it ............................... .
10. .............. it .. ................... (rain) last week?

22s. BcTasbTe It 1s ~1u1 There 1s.

(§ 35)

1. not so hot in winter.

2. windy. ·
3. no one in the restaurant.
too early for lunch.
4. a lot of snow here in March.
5. .. ..................... .. no letter for you. I am sorry.
6. for you. I hope you will like
7. a train at 8 o'clock in the
8. something I want to tell you.
9. not difficult to learn the word.
10. ......................... very important for him.

229. Han111w111Te npas111nbHb1C1 sap111aHT.
(§§ 26-27)

1. He ..................... ,........... (has been / was) here since

2. He ............................... ..... .. . (has been / was) here in
3. He ................................... (has been / was) here five
years ago.
4. He ..... ............ .. .... ...................... (has been / was) here
since he finished school.
5. He ..................................... (has been/ was) here for
five years.
6. He ... ..................... .......... (has been / was) in danger
for five months.
7. I ............................................ (have liked/ liked) this
fairy-tale since I was a little child.
8. I ............................................ (have liked/ liked) this
fairy-tale when I was a little child.
9. I .. . .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . ... . . ... . .. .. .. ... .. .. (have known / knew) him
for two years.
10. I ......................................... (have known/ knew) him
when he was a baby.

230. B03bM"'1Te KpacHytO PY4KY 111 111cnpasbte
(§ 17, §§ 24-27, § 34)

....... ................---.+·'

5. It Iis
i 6. It is
!• ·-······ ··
i 7.

i !
I 8. I kno
1--·--- -------r---·- ·-·--·
I 9. I h~--V+- F?---+--t----


231. BcTaBbTe apT1111<.n111.

(§ 17)

1. There were .......... ...... lot of . .............. Spanish

settlements in .......... South and .......... Central
2. Were there any Spanish settlements in ....... .
south of ........ North America?
3. " Mayflower" landed in ........ north-east
of .. ..... . America.
4. .... English people always have ... . turkey for
Christmas dinner.
5. Have you seen turkey? No, I
haven't. But I know, it's ........ bird that
looks like ........ big chicken.
6. He works in ........ west of ........ city.
7. lot of ........ people went west to
look for ........ gold.
8. Piccadilly Circus is very busy
9. There is famous dog show in
London every year. ........ people watch
show on ..... ... television.
10. ........ best way to see .... ... . London is on

232. cneu.111anbHbte aonpocb1.
(§ 42)

He is reading a book about first English
colonies in America.
- At 6 o'clock.
(They are going to come at 6 o'clock.)
Twenty seven. (He is twenty seven.)
Twenty seven.
(He has got twenty seven English books.)
- Twenty seven.
(The teacher had twenty seven pupils.)
- Twenty seven.
(There were twenty seven pupils in the class.)
- For twenty seven days.
(He has been here f or twenty seven days.)
8. ....................................................................................... .
Italian. (Nell is going to study Italian.)
9. ......................................................................... ..............

Nell is. (Nell is going to study It alian.)

10. - ........................................................................................
At 6 o'clock.
(They had to get up at 6 o'clock.)

233. .aon vi w viTe «XBOCTVI K» pa3,D,eJl VITeJl bHOrO
(§ 41)

1. There was something you wanted to tell me,

.................................... ?.
2. There was nobody in the room, ............ ............ ?
3. He has never been to Asia, ................................ ?
4. You have had the computer for two years,
.................................... ?.
5. They had a good time there, ...............................?
6. I am a great singer, .................................. ?
7. They went to Alaska ten years ago, ............... ?
.................................... ?.
8. They want to go to Siberia, ................................. ?
. lS
9 . ThlS . th e M'lSSlSSlppl
. . . R.iver' .............................. ?.
10. These are your photos, ................................ ?

234. HanviwviTe npaBV1JlbHb1t1 sapviaHT.

(§ 4, § 6, §§ 22-23, §§ 27-30, § 35, § 41)

1. I ................................... (haven't been to/ wasn't in)

England for three years.
2. Her husband is ill. He ............................. (is/ has
been/ was) ill for several days.
3. I ................................ (think/ am thinking) you are
the ............................... (good / better/ best) football
player I .. ..... ............. ... ......... ......... .. (have ever met /
ever met/ ever meet).
4. .................. (Tell/ Say) her that I ......................... ..
(have gone/ went) out.
5. "I .................................... (don't sleep/ didn't sleep/
haven't slept) for two days," he said ................ ..
(sad/ sadly).
6. - You can ................................. (swim/ to swim),
....................... (can you/ can't you)?
- No, I can't. I ................................ (never was/
have never been) to the seaside.
7. School .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ... .... .. ... ..... .. (opens / will open / is
going to open) in two weeks.
8. Let me tell you about my plans. I .................... .
. .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . ... . (shall / am going to / go to) visit
my grandparents.
9. - I want to see you. Will you come to
dinner tonight?
- Well, of course, I ..................................... (shall
come/ am going to come/ come). Thank you for
asking me.
10. I am sure you ................................................. (won't
find/ are not going to find) the work here too
.................. (hard/ hardly).

235. Bo3bMIATe KpacHy~ py4KY IA IAcnpasbTe
(§§ 1-2, § 4, § 6, § 17, § 21, §§ 33-34, § 42)

--ll~1-r~Ji~J~- 1b~ ,k~~~l~~fr -~;1-~i~ -1~- tt . _

,--i~~J_cp¥n_ 11~tf-t-- . . •-- -+-- -~-
3. i Vll_en l Ji_~vej_yo ~on _ Y~4h~mk+?_
1 ~L~'tJ!~wl _01 t~ee~_.J_+_i j
-~J-~ ~f~-·- ~~~r~~t-:i~~;l;Ji J ~d-~~;J;j

-_:L!~-.L~!-~~-- _9_~~-- -~·~f)-~-~-~~1~~~: i_1 J_!!i_L~-~~~lI~?_
i is i raining
; i ;


iponi ' t an ~

1 i

----+-·-·- . . . . . - . . . .r···-····· -..·---···-·:--..---.. .·t------T-.........__ ···-- ,- - ·-·-r·-------·--..·1 -·-.·-··

. : l
-- .,i l
- 1
. ! I I

I w~s po~ hyng .Y· !He h_~d ~an~wi_4 h I


I l...i
i anµ ~
' ; ;
up i of te~.
I .
~ I i i l i i I I I l
L~~~-t~~=-~~=- i ___ I::~~:J===r~---1 ~-=-~~:c-~=- , ~.==L:~~:J-==: - -:~~-= L~:>=


236. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. New York is ....... . interesting city.

2. Manhattan is ........ long island.
3. Hudson River is on west of
4. East River is on ........... other side of
5. There are ........ fifteen bridges over East
River and ........ .. Harlem River.
6. Most streets in ........ Manhattan go east
and ........ west.
7. Most avenues in .......... Manhattan go ......... .
north and .. .... .... south.
8. ......... Central Park is 1n ......... middle of ........ .
9. .. ........ Wall Street is .......... financial centre of
.......... United States.
10 ......... American Museum of Natural History is
on .......... west side of ........... Central Park in
.. .. .. .. .. . Manhattan.

237. nepe.a BaMVI Ha4ano AL4anora. YT04HVITe,
KOrAa npOV130WnO TO lllnlll lllHOe C06blTVle.
06paTll!Te BHL4MaH~e Ha ynoTpe6neHL4e Past
Indefinite ~ Present Perfect.
(§ 24, § 27)

She has left school.

When did she leave school?
1. They have read the book.
When ............................................................................... ..
2. She has seen the film.
When .................... .............................................................
3. They have been to India.
When ......... ...................................................................... ..
4. He has met Mr Jackson.
When ................................................................. ................
5. She has had lunch.
When ................................................................................ .
6. The businessmen have arrived.
When ......... ...................................................................... ..
7. I have bought the cassette.
When ................................................................................ .
8. He has found his bag.
When ................................................................................ .
9. They have written a dictation.
When ................................................................................ .
10. She has taught English.
When ......... ....................................................................... .

238. Han1-1w1-1Te npeAllO>Ke-
(§ 25, § 27)

1. she / be a teacher
for three years.
2. she / be a teacher
since 2002.
3. she / be a teacher
in 2002.
4. she / be a teacher
5. she / be a teacher
next year.
6. he / know them
for two months.
7. they / have this car
for five years.
8. I/ live here
since 2001.
9. I/ live here
in 2001.
10. we/ know her
for many years.

239. Han111w111Te npas111nbHb1~ sap111aHT.

(§§ 1-2, §§ 5-6, § 9, §§ 16-17, §§ 25-29, §§ 33-35)

1. There (is/ are) ................ (a lot of/ many/

much) money in the bag.
2. You are ............ (a/ the/ -) very good cook.
That was the ............ (good/ better/ best) meal I
......................................... (have ever eaten/ ever ate/
ever eat).
3. ............ (Have/ Did) you ever ............ (lose/ lost)
the key to your house?
4. .................................... (It was/ There was) something
unusual about ................ (that/ those) house and
............ (that/ those) people ................ (who/ which)
lived in it.
5. I am sure you'll ............ (tell/ say) us why you
took ........ (this / these) money.
6. Where ..... ..... .. (does / do) the money ............... .
(come/ comes) from?
7. She could ................ (hard / hardly) believe her
eyes when she ............ (has seen/ saw/ sees) all
............ (that/ those) people.
8. . . .. . .. . ... . .. .. .. ... .. . . .... .. .. . . . . .. . ... . (It is raining / It rains / It
rained) ........................... (hard/ hardly). Let's close
.......... (a/ the/-) windows.
9. There ............ (was/ were) some ................... .
(photos/ photoes) on the desk.
10. He is from Africa. He ........................................... .
(has never seen I never saw) .......... (a/ the/ -)

240. Bo3bM"1Te KpacHytO py4KY 111 111cnpaBbTe
(§ 1, § 3, § 17 I § 27)

bden a itea he~ s nc any

---~ye __r~-t-- ---!---- --t- --l- ---+-+~-- '

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9.I S e has . in i Lo doln.
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241. BcTaBbTe apT1t1Kn1.-1 .

(§ 19)

1. Let's read ............ Text Eleven.

2. Will you read ............ eleventh line?
3. Can you see .. .......... third word?
4. Do you know ...... ...... answer to ...... .. .... third
5. Look at ............ map on ............ page 15.
6. Tomorrow we shall have ..... ... .... Lesson 7.
7. There are ............ lot of ...... ...... new words in
............ Unit 5.
8. When were you in ............ National Gallery
for ............ first time?
9. He was ........... soldier in ........... Second World
10. William ........ Conqueror wanted to build
fortress beside ............ River Thames.

242. 3a.n.aa:1Te sonpocb1. Yn0Tpe6111Te cnosa s

CK06Kax. Past Indefinite 1.-11u1 Present Perfect?
(§§ 26-29)

1. you/ be (ever)
2. you/ be (when)

3. you/ see (yet)
the film .............'1
4. you/ be (how long)
5. he/ be (ever)
interested in collecting
6. he/ be (when)
interested in collecting
7. he / know (how long)
the doctor?
8. you/ see (ever)
a kangaroo?
9. you/ see (when)
a kangaroo?
10. you/ visit (yet)
.............................................. the museum ...... ...... ?

243. 3aAa~Te cnel,\111anbHb1e sonpocbt.

(§§ 42-43)

A computer.
(The Smiths bought a computer.)
2. ....................................................................................... .
-. They have.
(They have already met Mr Smith.)

They met Mr Smith when they were in
- They are.
(They are going to go there again.)
English. (She teaches English.)
(He was interested in travelling.)
They do. (They have to get up early.)
At the airport.
(He had to meet them at the airport.)
- The baby's room.
(Mary has to clean the baby's room every
10. - ....................................................................................... .
- Boots. (They have to wear boots.)

244. Han111w111Te npas111nbHblll1 sap111aHT.

(§ 7, § 12, §§ 18-19, §§ 29-32, § 35, § 37)

1. Once upon a time ................. (it was/ there was)

.......... (a I the I -) poor lady ..................... (who /
which) lived with her little daughter.

2. The old woman gave the little girl a small
pot. 1 "Take this," she ................ (said/ told) .
................ (It is/ There is) magic."
3. ................ (When/ Then) you are hungry, ........... .
(say/ tell) to the pot: "Cook, little pot!"
4. The pot ............................ (will/ is going to) cook
you ............ (a/ the/ some) .................. (good/ well)
5. The girl . .................... (can/ could) ....................... .
(hard/ hardly) believe her ................... (ears/ eyes)
when she ...................... ........ (has seen/ saw) the
6. The porridge looked so .................... (good/ well)
that the girl could ...................... (hard / hardly)
wait 2 to eat it.
7. Her mother was ............ ............ (happy/ happily).
"Now we can have porridge every day," she
................. .... .. (said / told) ......... ... ....... ....... (happy/
8. ........................ (Whenever/ Wherever/ Whoever)
they .................... (have been/ were) hungry they
........ ........ (said/ told), "Cook, little pot!"
9. One day the mother felt .. .................. (hungry/
10. ......................... ... (It wasn't/ There wasn't) ........... .
(some/ any/ no) food at home.

pot - ropIIIoK
wait - .m.n;aTh
245. 803bMl/1Te KpacHytO PY4KY ~ ~cnpaBbTe
ow1116K111. no,n.4epKHYTb1e cnosa ocTaBbTe 6e3
(§ 9, §§ 19-20, § 29)


246. BcTaBbTe apT1i1Kn1i1.

(§ 19)

1. ........... Statue of .......... Liberty was .......... gift

from .. .... ..... France.
2. ........... Metropolitan Museum of Art is ........
most famous art museum in ........ New York.
3. There is ............ .. concert hall in ............. .
Metropolitan Museum of Art.
4. What is ........... capital of ........... Spain?
5. I have read ........... book about ........... Lake
Baikal. I like ............. book.
6. .............. Regent's Park is in .............. north-west
district of ............ London.
7. Let's go to ........... Children's Theatre.
8. Yesterday we visited ...... Tower, ...... National
Gallery and .. ... ...... Westminster Abbey.
9. Can you tell me .. .. ... .. .. . way to .. .. ... .. .. Covent
Garden, please?
10. You can find many .. .. .. . . art galleries in ........
London. .. .. .. .. National Gallery in ..... .. . Trafalgar
Square is .. .. .. .. most famous of all.

247. BcTaBbTe to TaM, r.Qe 3TO Heo6xo.Q1i1Mo.

(§§ 32-34)

1. You must ........ bring some milk. You know

he likes ........ drink milk.
2. We didn't have any milk. I had ........ bring
some milk.
3. He wanted become a sailor, but he had
........ become a worker.
4. When are you going ........ invite him?
5. He decided ........ start a new life.
6. You can ........ come whenever you like.
7. He couldn't ........ come on Thursday.
8. Do you have ........ wear a uniform?
9. Nobody likes ........ work on Sunday.
10. You must ... ..... work on Saturday.

248. BcTaBbTe mustn't 1;1n1;1 don't have

(§ 34)

1. I've already learnt the words. I .......................... .

do it in the evening.
2. You ........................ forget to give him the key.
3. You .. .... ....... ......... ........ .. .. ...... speak to the teacher
about it. We've already discussed everything.
4. You ................................................... call the police.
Mr Green has already done it.
5. I ........................................ go to the doctor. I am
not ill.
6. Children! You .. ... ....... .. .... ... ... ... .. ..... . play here!
7. You ................................................... see the film if
you don't want to.

8. You ...................................... see the film. It's not
for children.
9. It's a secret. You .............. '....................... give the
information to anybody.
10. I remember the address, you ................................ .
give it to me again.

249. Han&11W&11Te B Past Indefinite.

(§§ 32-34)

1. We have to do it.
do it.
2. We can do it.
do it.
3. They have to come.
4. They must come.
5. She can skate.
6. I can speak English.
speak English.
7. She must start.
8. Tom has to speak.
9. I must get up.
get up.
10. I have to get up.
..........." ................................ get up .
250. Bo3bMll1Te KpacHyK> py4KY 111 111cnpasbTe
(§ 19, §§ 32-34)


3. vdu
. .. ~y~~} . !
4. They
5. We
I !
6. ................
,.., ~··-..
e- ).itime?
.. . ~
I i

7. Cduld d~or?i

8. cah't i ru
9. When I


251. BcTaBbTe apT111K11111.

(§ 19)

1. .......... museum is .......... place where you can

see ........ collections of ........ important things.
2. ............ head of ............ hippopotamus is very
3. We went to .......... Zoo ......... last Sunday. We
saw ............ large hippopotamus there.
4. ......... lion can do without ......... food for .... ... .
5. There is ........ old lion in ........ Zoo.
6. Mr Webster hasn't lived in .......... India since
he was .......... child.
7. He has .. ....... blue eyes and ......... brown hair.
8. I usually have .... ....... porridge for .......... .
9. ........... cow is ........... large farm animal that
gives ........... milk.
10 ............ Hills have already had ........... dinner.

252. Han111w111Te s 6YAYLJ.teM speMeH111.

(§§ 32-34)

1. You can speak to him.

to him.
2. You can dance there.
3. We must stay here.
4. I can help you.
5. She must make sandwiches.
6. She can read English books.
English books.
7. They can go to the party.
to the party.
8. They must invite their friends.
their friends .
9. You can buy food there.
food there.
10. We can grow vegetables.

253. Han111w111Te, 4TO 111M np111xo.a111Tcfl ( n p111-

w11ocb I np111.aeTcfl) .aenaTb. Yn0Tpe6111Te have
to, has to, had to, will have to.
(§ 34)

1. Eli np:axo,n;HTCH
She ......................... .......... buy some food.
She ................................... buy some food.

Eli rrpH,u;eTcH
She ................................... buy some food.
2. J1M npHp;eTC.H

Peter and Tom .................................. work hard.

Peter and Tom ................................... work hard.
llM IlpHlliJIOCb
Peter and Tom ................................... work hard.
3. EMy rrpHmJIOCb
He .................................... write a test.

He ..................................... write a test.

EMy rrpH,n;eTC.H
He .................................... write a test.
4. MHe rrpH,ZJ;eTC.H
I ········································ help my sister.
MHe IlpHlliJIOCb
I .......................................... help my sister.

I ········································ help my sister.

5. HaM rrpH,n;eTC.H
We ··································· get up early.
We .................................... get up early.

We ................................... get up early.

254. BcTaBbTe can, can't, could
shall / will be able to.
(§§ 32-34)

1. He .................................. speak English well when

he was five.
2. I think I .............................................. speak Italian
well next year.
3. - .... ... ........... ..... .. .. .......... he speak English?
- Yes, he ... .. ..... ....... .. .... .. ....... .. ... ... .. .. . He teaches
4. We need some bread. - I think, I .................. ..
.................. ·............ buy some.
5. I .. .. .. .. ... .. ........ .......... .. .. speak to you today. I am
sure we .......................................... do it next week.
6. Do you think one day children ........................... ..
travel to space?
7. Let's go to this shop. I am sure we ................ .
....................................... find something interesting
8. It's too dark here. I ....................................... find
my shoe.
9. She says she .. .. .... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .... .. .. .... . come today.
She is sorry.
10. That's a pity. Let's hope she ................................
come tomorrow.

255. Bo3bMll1Te KpacHytO py4KY 111 111cnpasbTe
(§ 19, §§ 32-34, § 43)

7. nbt


256. BcTaBbTe apTviKnvi.

(§ 19)

1. ........... Lena is ........... longest r1ver in

2. ........... Lena crosses ........... Siberia.
3. ........... White Sea is in ........... north of ...........
4. It's time to go to ........... bed.
5. I bought ........... new bed yesterday.
bed is made of ........... metal.
6. There is ........... bed and ........... two sofas in
........... bedroom.
7. It's time to have ........... breakfast.
8. ........... breakfast is ........... first meal of .......... .
9. His teacher said: " ......... gorilla lives in
African forests."
10. There is ........... gorilla in ........... forest.

257. HanviwviTe B 6y.ay1..UeM speMeHvi. YnoTpe-

6viTe will/shall, will/shall be able to vinvi
will/shall have to.
(§ 30, §§ 32-34)

We speak Spanish.
We shall speak Spanish.
We can speak Spanish.
We shall be able to speak Spanish.
We must speak Spanish.
We shall have to speak Spanish.
1. He can drive a car.
................................. ................................. a car .
2. He must drive a car.
a car.
3. He drives a car.
a car.
4. She cooks fish.
.' ............................................................... . fish .
· 5. She must cook fish.
6. She can cook fish.
7. They can draw well.
8. They must learn the words.
the words.
9. They can see the picture.
the picture.
10. Ann can swim well.

258. Han111w111Te npas11111bHb111! sap111aHT.

(§ 3, § 19)
1. Have you seen the bananas? - Yes, I have.
I have given ................. (it / them) to Ted.
2. Have you seen the money? - Yes, I have. I
have given ................ (it/ them) to Ted.
3. What .......... (a / the / -) strange mistake!
4. What .......... (a/ the/-) strange advice!
5. What .......... (a/ the/-) sad news!
6. Can you give me ................ (a/ the/ - / some)
advice about the test?
7. May I give you .......... (a/ the/ -) piece of
.......... (a/ the/-) advice?
8. Ask ......... (a/ the/ -) Nick's teacher for
.......... (a/ the/-) advice.
9. ........................ (This/ These) news ............ (is / are)
very interesting.
10. ........................ (This/ These) advice ............ (is/
are) very useful.

259. Han111w111Te nepeBOJl.

(§ 3, § 19)

1. KaRa.H HHTepecHa.H RHHra!

2. KaRHe xopomHe RHHrH!

3. KaRa.H HHTepecHa.H HOBOCTb!

4. KaRHe xopomHe HOBOCTH!

5. KaKoii r JIYIIhrii <l>HJibM!

6. KaKoli rJiyrr:bIH coBeT!
7. KaKHe r JIYIIhie coBeThI!

8. Y MeH.H xopoma.H H,n;e.H.

9. y MeH.H xopoma.H HOBOCTb.

10. KaKHe KpacHBbie BOJIOcbd

260. B03bMlllTe KpacHyta py4KY 111 111cnpasbTe

(§ 3, § 19)


261. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. You can't make ........ sandwiches without ...... .

2. Who made ........ sandwiches?
I don't like them.
3. supper is ........ evening meal.
4. ........ tea is ........ meal in ........ afternoon.
5. .. ...... people can't live without ........ water.
6. There is no other water so clean as ....... .
water in this lake.
7. I'm thirsty. Could you bring me ..... ... glass
of ........ water?
8. Could you pass me water, please?
9. ........ milk is not fresh • Don't give it to
........ little Tom.
10. 'Have ........ look! There is ........ water on ....... .

262. Han1t1W1t1Te npas1t1JlbHbtll1 sapvtaHT.

(§§ 2-3, §§ 30-32, § 35)

1. (Is / Are) his ..................... (hair / hairs)

2. Where did you put the money?
I put .......................... (it/ them) into the bag.
3. Where did you put the clothes?
I put .......................... (it/ them) into the bag.
4. Did you follow .............................. (that/ those)
- No, I didn't. I didn't like ...................... (it/
5. I am sure he ........................................ (can/ could/
will be able to) walk in two months.
6. When he was nine months old he ..................... .
(can / could / will be able to) walk.
7. My mother .... ............... (said / told) to me: "You
can't swim. You ........................................ (mustn't/
don't have to) go into the water!"

1 fresh - cBemHli
8. Your friend is ill. You .................................................
(have to I had to I will have to) .............. (say/ tell)
the teacher about it tomorrow.
9. Don't ask Tom to meet you tomorrow. He
................................... .... (doesn't have to / couldn't /
won't be able to) do it.
10. I'm sorry I didn't come yesterday. I ................ .
.... ........ ................ (must / had to/ will h ave to) meet
my friend at the airport.

263. 3a.n.at1Te 061..ULile sonpocb1

KpaTKlll rt; OTBeT.
(§§ 38-39)


(Ted's advice wasn't clever.)


(They had to go to school on Sat urday. )


(He won't be able to speak Italian in two


(They are not going to meet him.)


(She mustn't eat oranges.)


(She won't have to write the exercise again.)


(He has never been to Spain.)


(He couldn't swim last summer.)

.................................................................................... .. .

(She has to wear a uniform.)

10. - ....................................................................................... .

(She will be able to make sandwiches tomorrow.)

264. Han111w1t1Te nepeBOA.

(§ 2)

1. Barn coBeT 6h1JI o't!eHh xopomHM.

..................................................... very good.
2. BamH coBeTbI 6bIJIH O't!eHb xopomHMH.
..................................................... very good.
3. .H rrocJie~oBaJI BameMy coBeTy.
I followed ...................................................... .
4. .fl rrocJie~oBaJI BamHM coBeTaM.
I followed ...................................................... .
5. 0HH (coBeTbI) MHe oqeHb IIOMOrJIH.
............................................... helped me a lot.
6. He 3a6y~h coBeT Bpa"lla.
Don't for get ....................................................... ..
7. He aa6y,n;h coBeThI Bpaqa!
Don't forget ...................................................... .
8. 0Ha ,n;a.n:a HaM IIOJie3HblH COBeT.
She gave us ...................................................... .
9. 0Ha ,n;a.n:a HaM HeCKOJlhKO xopomHX COBeTOB.
She gave us ...................................................... .
10. KaKHe xopomHe coBeThi!
What .................................................................... .

265. Bo3bMll1Te KpacHytO py4KY 111 111cnpasbTe

(§ 2, § 10, § 27, §§ 38-39, § 41)

······--···--1---····-···· ·····---..+---····-~-"""'----1
, ~as th t?
7. I
8. i~.


266. BcTaBbTe apT"1KJ1"1.

(§ 17)

1. Will you please stop at ........ Slava in

Vladimirskaya Street.
2. ........ Arbat is ........ old street.
3. ........ Lenivka is ........ shortest street in
4. Iljinka Street starts from Red
5. ........ Izmailovo Park is one of ........ biggest
city parks in ........ world.
6. ........ Cathedral Square is ........ heart of
7. Ku tuzovsky Prospect runs from
Kalinisky Bridge across ........ Moskva r1ver
past .. .. ... . Ukraine Hotel.
8. ........ Lake Baikal is ....... deepest lake in
9. He is ........ writer. He has written ........ two
books about ........ Baikal.
10. Here's ........ National Hotel.

267. Han"1W"1Te BO MHO>KeCTBeHHOM 4"1Clle.

(§ 1)

1. We have got different ...................... (hobby).

2. I have got ............ (doll) from many ............... ..
3. ...................... (monkey) have long ................. (tail)
and strong ...... ... ........... (hand).
4. ............ (rat1) look like large ................. (mouse).
5. .................. (sheep) are farm .................... (animal).
6. The ..................... (child) want to be .................... .
7. Most .... .... ........... (family) spend their ................ .
(holiday) there.
8. There are two .................................. (piano) in our
9. ...................... (goose) are clever .................... (bird).
10. ........................................... (businessman) usually ask
their ............................... (secretary) to write a lot
of ........... (letter).

· 268. Han111w111Te ,a111anor B Mara3111He no 06-

(§ 5)

- Have you got a more beautiful
- I'm sorry. It's the most beautiful
sweater we've got.
1. good
- Have you got a ................................ bookcase?
- I'm sorry. It's ·······:··················· .. ··························· ·
bookcase we've got.
1 rat - Kpb1ca
2. interesting
- Have you got a ....................................... book?
- I'm sorry. It's ............................................. book
we've got.
3. comfortable
- Have you got a .. .. ................... .... .. ........ .. . sofa?
- I'm sorry. It's .............................................. sofa
we've got.
4. big
- Have you got a ......................................... box?
- I'm sorry. It's ............................................... box
we've got.
5. short
- Have you got ...................................... trousers?
- I'm sorry. They're .............................. trousers
we've got.
6. tasty
- Have you got .......................... ............ .. ... bread?
- I'm sorry. It's ........................................... bread
we've got.
7. sweet
- Have you got ......................................... apples?
- I'm sorry. They're .................................. apples
we've got.
8. cheap
- Have you got ........................................ tickets?
- I'm sorry. They're ................................. tickets
we've got.

9. difficult
- Have you got a .................................... puzzle?
- I'm sorry. It's ......................................... puzzle
we've got.
10. easy
- Have you got an .................................... game?
- I'm sorry. It's ........................................... game
we've got.

269. Hanlt1Wlt1Te npaslt1nbHbl~ saplt1aHT.

(§§ 2-3, §§ 5-6, § 19)

1. The fruit ............ (is/ are) cheap.

2. The police .......... (is/ are) looking for the car.
3. I have got three .................. (hundred/ hundreds)
toy cars in my collection.
4. Her jeans ............. (is/ are) dirty.
5. I am a ................. (bad/ badly) swimmer. I swim
.................. (bad/ badly).
6. Your brother is a ............................ (hard/ hardly)
worker. He works .......................... (hard/ hardly).
7. She is taller ...... .... .. (- / than / then) her sister.
8. Which can live .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. (long / longer / the
longest): a parrot or a crocodile?
9. Which is ....................... (long/ longer/ the longest)
snake in the world?
10. Elephants are .......................... (larger/ the largest)
animals .............. (which/ who) live in India and
in Africa.

270. Bo3bMll1Te KpacHyK> PY4KY 111 111cnpasbTe
ow1116K111. noA4epKHyToe cnoso OCTaBbTe 6e3
(§ 1, § 5, § 11, § 17)

2. Balikal is ! 66 km of


271. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. I have never seen such ........ big apple.

2. I have never seen such ........ old trees.
3. I have never eaten such ........ hot soup.
4. He missed ........ last bus again.
5. He took many pictures ........ last week.
6. They are in ........ North America for
first time.
7. .. ...... weather in ........ south of ........ Russia is
sunny and warm.
8. I don't like such rainy weather.
9. What comfortable kitchen!
10. What terrible weather we are having!

272. Han111w111Te npas111nbHbl~ sap111aHT.

(§ 6)

1. This cake looks ..................................... (wonderful/

2. This salad tastes ..................... (terrible/ terribly).
What have you put in it?
3. If you work .................... (hard /hardly), you will
be a success.
4. The carpet looks .. ..................... ...... .......... (strange /

5. That puzzle looks ................ (easy/ easily). Let's
buy it for little Tom. He can do it .................. .
(easy/ easily).
6. That chair looks ................................ (comfortable/
7. "I know everything," he said ... .... .. .... .. .. .... (sad /
8. He felt ...................... (sad /sadly) when he heard
the news.
9. His Spanish is ............... (good/ well). He speaks
Spanish ....................... (good/ well).
10. I don't like jeans. I think they look ................ .
(terrible/ terribly).

273. Han111w111Te npas11111bHbl~ sap111aHT.

(§§ 14-16)

1. They have too (many/ much) furniture

in the room.
2. There are too (many/ much) books on
your desk.
3. You have too (many/ much) mistakes
in the test.
4. You mustn't drink ........... (many/ much) coffee.
5. You put too ................. (many/ much) vegetables
in the soup.
6. You put too ..................... (many/ much) fruit in
the salad.
7. ............................ (A little/ A few) days later they
moved to another city.
8. Must we learn ............................. (a lot of/ many/
much) words for today?
9. Only ............................ (a little/ a few) people can
do that.
10. We have got .................... (a little/ a few) bread,
let's make sandwiches.

274. HanL11WL11Te npaslllllbHbl~ saplllaHT.

(§6, §10, §17, §26, §33)

1. Nobody ............... (is/ are) fond of learning new

2. It ........................................ (has happened/ happened)
in 1945.
3. The admiral could .................... (easy/ easily) win
the war.
4. It was ................... (easy/ easily) for him to win
the war.
5. Russian soldiers were ................ (brave/ bravely).
6. Russian soldiers fought ............ (brave/ bravely).
7. .............................. (There was/ There were) no food
at home.
8. The boys couldn't find ..................... (something/
anything/ nothing).
9. There is ......... (a/ the/-) picture at .......... (a/
the/-) top of ......... (a/ the/-) page.
10. Moscow is ........ (a/ the/ -) capital of ........ (a/
the/-) Russia.

275. Bo3bM~Te KpacHytO py4KY ~ ~cnpaBbTe
(§§ 1-5, § 7, §§ 16-17, § 42)

. ·---+---;--+-----;-----+--t-----t-~;----i----'--f---t--

th~ o rl~.
. _T_H..,:_e_f-
;. __7_-+ ofa\ i?_I mJ re


276. BcTaBbTe apT111KJ1111.

(§ 17)

1. March is spring month.

2. March is ..... .. third month of ........ year.
3. Saturday is ......... day after ........ Friday
and before .. .. ... Sunday.
4. globe 1 is ....... round model of ....... Earth.
5. flat usually has ........ kitchen and ........
6. Where is .. .. .. . Jerry?
- He is in ....... kitchen.
7. .. ..... Earth is ....... planet.
8. .. ..... Earth is ....... planet we live on.
9. Who is ....... president of your club?
10. That's ....... main problem.

277. BcTaBbTe nponyw.eHHble cnosa.

(§§ 20-29)

ago at at the moment for in

last next since tomorrow yesterday

1. He has worked here ...................................... 2003.

2. He has worked here ....................... .. three years.

globe - rJio6yc
3. He started to work here three years

4. He didn't work here ................................. 1999.

5. He didn't work here .............................................. .
6. He worked here ............................. summer.
7. He is going to work here .................... summer.
8. Don't ask him any questions. He is working

9. I think he will start to work

8 o'clock.
10. Is he going to work ...................................... ?

278. PacKpO~Te CK06K~.

(§§ 20-29)

1. Sorry, I can't talk to you now. I ...................... .

(have) lunch.
2. What ........ (be) your plans for the summer?
........ you ......................................... (spend) a month
in the country?
3. I ........................................... (not / remember) Nina's
address. Can you help me?
4. Is this your first visit to Moscow? .......... you
........ ..... (be) to Moscow before? When ........ you
........... .......... . (visit) Moscow?
5. - Why ........ you ..................... (go) to bed early
- I .............. (be) tired.
6. When ........ you usually ...................... (leave) the
7. Granny, ........ you ............... (wear) a uniform at
your school?
8. - How long you .................. (live) in this
- For two years. Before that I .............. (live)
in the country.
9. It isn't cold today. Why ........ you ..................... .
(wear) a coat?
10. I ........... still ...................... (do) my homework. I
............................... (not/ do) my homework yet.

279. Han111w111Te npas111nbHb1~ sap111aHT.

(§ 12, § 17 I §§ 26-27 I §§ 30-33, § 35 )

1. We didn't have ........... (many/ much) time. We

had ............... (many/ much) things to do.
2. You ................. (must/ have/ are able) do ........... ..
(what/ which)your mother ................ (tells / says).
3. - How far ............... (is it/ is there) to Sergiev
- .................. (It is/ There is) 70 kilometres.
4. Sorry, I ........................... (mustn't/ don't have to/
can't) help you. You ................... (will have/ had)
to ask a policeman about it.
5. She felt ill yesterday. She ....................... (must/
has to / had to) leave early.
6. .. .. ........... .. .. .. .. ... . (It was / There was) a museum in
that town. ................................ (It was/ There was)
a very interesting museum.

7. - ........ (Did/ Have) you ............. (write/ written)
a test last Tuesday?
- Yes, I .............. (did/ have). .......................... (It
was/ There was) a very easy test. .........................
(It was/ There was) only one difficult question.
8. You ........................ (mustn't/ don't have to) drive
fast. . ............ ......... (It is/ There is) a school near
9. You .................................... (mustn't/ don't have to)
drive fast. We have a lot of ................... (time/
10. We go to the swimming pool two or three
........ .............. (time/ times) ........ (a/ the/ - ) week.

280. Bo3bMi.1Te KpacHyt-0 py4KY 1.1 1.1cnpaBbTe

(§ 14, § 19, §§ 26-28, §§ 30-33, § 41)
I . - -- _ _ j_ _G __ j______ _j_ _ : =-+-=---+

! 1.IThlose w~lls IarL v r Iold

• Pbo
. -··-·····-·--hj

i o b aii'. ' ' I ' ' I '

i 3.I I ive ~hiS Jt~ rsin~e ~9t. i i
in i
L.1.~L!~J_trY._ .h~J._J.~ t_ ib~-·
' I ' ~L~~~_r~_Q.
: DJ!__~--. !D.~i!J_e -~-_]
. --! ,--1- -4---+----~
I : '

~--+ a -~ i
j 5. 1 I · id 't ~u t db t e $ho' pi~g wo i da s

L___ J_a._g__ :_._ ___J·-·-·--···-·L··-·--··t -... ..... ...... . .L_ _ _

_ ..l..... L____.L______L_____
: 6~ T1ere~f ~ -,_e~~-~f-4~
1 THere ··············r-··-·
!r····-·-·· ----·····r-···-- 1s : a er n ···············-i···-·····l
ce : ho el. i 1
·-········1······--1-----+················ ------i

i 7. D~vid has
i : :
ad a ot lof ' ets whe~ h
. !
,:-·· - - · ··-----r-·-········
was ·····--:-----
child --·······--:--·-··
• ·
: .
1 ,
I: i, I r I·
--···············1··················1--··--·-·;····················1-·-- ···t----···r-···-l

· 8. Wiii r ~nd Mr:s ill !at lthej p~rty I ne~t I

, :
Sund y.? i' - I ' t.i!
Noi: t ey il won i: I I i -+ ,
l_~,r L_~a _ _ _ ~ ~t>k~t__!;;~~L_Qlcl_rik_ ]
i 10, Yebtetfda I Ididln't watch~ TVJ;----:-
_ J_,-- 1 4 I Ii
:-t ··t·- --1-·
i ; _

w~ite : a ittl~ I tters. l

[=t=T=l___ --~:~r=~:L=l:::~r=c:-::--::c:::r:::::r~:r::::'"
I I I had t I ! I


281. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. Suddenly he saw ........ snowman. It was

nice big snowman. ........ snowman had
funny cap.
2. We were wearing ........ best clothes.
3. I'm going to do .. ............ shopping in
4. Don't forget to buy ........ kilo of ........ apples.
5. It takes me ........ hour to clean ........ kitchen.
6. They have got English ........ three times ....... .
7. Let's go to ........ Platform Seven.
8. ........ classroom is ........ room in school
where ........ children have ........ lessons.
9. He was late for ........ school yesterday.
10. I can't play ........ piano, but I can play

282. PacKpOHTe CK06KVI.

(§§ 20-29)

1. Tell Sam about the monument. He ................... .

.................................... (never/ hear) about it.
2. Yesterday my brothers .............. ...... (come) home
at 1 o'clock.
They .......... (have) lunch,.............. (play) football
and .......... (do) their homework.
3. Let's go there in August. It ................................. .
(not/ rain) there in August.
4. Let's go out. We can play in the garden. It
............................. (not/ rain).
5. Will you water the flowers, please? It
. ..................... (not / rain) since Monday.
6. Will you water the flowers, please? It
......................... (not/ rain) yesterday.
7. Let's have lunch in the garden. I'm sure it
............................... .. (not/ rain) this afternoon.
8. I promise. I ............ (read) the story tomorrow.
9. Don't phone me tomorrow. I ..................... (read)
the story.
10. Don't ask me any questions. I ............................. .
(not/ remember) any details. I (read)
the story five years ago.

283. PacKpO~Te CK06Klt1.

(§§ 20-29)

1. ........ you ever ...................... (eat) milk pudding?

When ........ you ...................... (eat) it?
2. I am sorry I can't meet him tomorrow. I
...................... (visit) my grandparents.
3. I ......................... (have) a party next Saturday.
you ........................ (want) to come?
4. Bob ...................... (move) to that city five years
ago. He .................... (live) there for five years.
5. How long ........ you ......................... (live) in this
6. I .................................. (not/ decide) what to do. I
.................. (think) about it.
7. I ............................. (not/ like) computer games. I
...................... (think) they are boring.
8. I .............. (be) late for school three days ago.
9. ............... you ever ........... (be) late for school?
10. Excuse me, .............. you ............................. (speak)
English? I ......... .. ... ........... (look) for the History
Museum. Is it far from here?

284. Han1t1w1t1Te npas1t1nbHb1~ sap1t1aHT.
(§ 6, §§ 12-14, § 19, §§ 26-27, § 33, § 35, §§ 41-42)

1. There are ........................... (hundred/ hundreds) of

........ (a/ the / -) different birds in the world.
2. This is one of the most interesting ...................... .
(book/ books) you have ever read, isn't ............. .
(this/ there /it)?
3. - How (many/ much) food did they
- Not .................... (many/ much).
4. - How .................... (many/ much) meals do you
- Not .................... (many/ much).
5. He ................... (told/ spoke) to ................... (few/
a few) people before he ............................. (gave/
has given) the answer.
6. What time ... .. .. .. .................... .. .. .. .. . (he has / does he
have / does he has) 1unch?
7. I have ............................... (a little/ a few) friends
...................... (who/ which) can play ............. (a/
the / -) guitar.
8. - .......................... (Is it/ Is there) a park behind
your school?
- Yes, but .............. (it is/ there is) very little.
9. His Italian is very ..................... (good/ well). He
(does/ makes) very ......... (few/ a few)
10. She looks (lovely I wonderfully /
beautifully) today.

285. Bo3bMll1Te KpacHytO py4KY 111 111cnpasbTe
(§§ 1-5, § 7, §§ 16-17, § 20, § 42)

f-- -- -~-
! 1. WiJll

i i
I hoiu rs
r---··-- -1-----t-----+--
I 6. Olk
I :
7. Th~ hoJse. It I is



ApTHKJIH § 172 151-152, 154-157' 160, 161,

165, 166, 170, 171, 174-176, 180, 181, 185,
186, 190, 191, 195, 196, 200, 201, 205,
206, 210, 211, 215, 216, 220, 221, 225,
226, 230, 231, 235, 236, 240, 241, 245,
246, 250, 251, 255, 256, 258, 261, 265,
266, 270, 271, 275, 276, 280, 281, 285
Bonpoc1>1 paa,n;eJIMTeJI1>H1>1e
§41 172, 177, 213, 233, 265
Bonpoc1>1 cneu;MaJihHhie § 42 178, 189, 232
rJiarOJI can H ero 3KBMBaJieHT be able to
§ 30 163, 165, 24 7' 249, 250, 253-255,
r;raroJI must M ero 3KBHBaneHT have to
§§ 31-32 163, 165, 167-170, 247-250,
252-255, 257, 279
r JiarOJihl say M tell
§35 197, 200, 208, 217, 222
r ;raroJ11>1 rain M snow
§ 34 212, 227

1 ll;i:nppbl COOTBeTCTBYIOT HOMepaM ynpamHeHHH B

C6opHHKe ynpamHeHHii.
3,z:i;ech yKa3aHhI naparpa<l>hI H3 KHHrH ,ll;JUI po,ll;H-
KoHCTPYKIJ;HH ·There is / There are
§ 33 175, 190, 223, 279, 280, 284, 285
MecTOHMeHHH some, any, no, something,
anything, nothing, somebody, anybody,
nobody, every, everything, everybody
§ 10 182, 184, 185
MecTOHMeHHH JIH-cJHhie § 7 174
MecToHMeHHH who n which § 16 162
Hape-cin.a § 6 1 73, 272, 274
06opoT be going to § 29 180, 278
Oco6eHHOCTH yrroTpe6JieHHH CJIOB a little H a few
§ 14 194, 195, 199, 200, 208, 273, 284
Oco6eHHOCTH yrroTpe6JieHHH CJIOB a lot ot
many H much
§ 12 188, 192, 195, 200, 208, 273, 284
Oco6eHHOCTH yrroTpe6JieHHH CJIOB hundred,
thousand, million § 19 184, 185, 269, 280
Oco6eHHOCTH yrroTpe6neHHH cnoa less H fewer
§ 15 202, 209, 210
Oco6eHHOCTH yrroTpe6JieHHH CJIOB little H few
§ 13 193, 195, 198, 199, 200, 208, 273
Oco6eHHOCTH yrroTpe6JieHHH CJIOB no, nothing,
nobody, never § 11 183-185, 200, 270
CHcTeMa apeMeH § 20 164, 179, 180, 203, 212,
214, 215, 234, 274, 277-279, 282, 283, 285
CTerreHH cpaBHeHH.H rrpnnaraTeJihHI>IX
§5 219, 268, 270

Cym;ecTBHTeJihHhie, ynoTpe6JI.fIIOIIl;HecH TOJihKO B
e,n;HHCTBeHHOM l:IHCJie § 2 17 4, 175, 180,
188, 258-260, 264, 265, 269
Cym;ecTBRTeJibHbie, ynoTpe6JI.fIIOIIl;HecH TOJihKO BO
§3 174, 1 75, 180, 188, 210, 269
Cym;ecTBHTeJibHbie. MHomecTBeHHoe l:IHCJIO
§ 1 187' 195, 267' 270
YnoTpe6JieHne cTpyKTYPhI it takes B HacToHn:r;eM,
nporne,n;rneM n 6y,n;ym;eM BpeMeHH § 36 160
Future Indefinite (By,n;ym;ee Heonpe,n;eJieHHoe
BpeMH) § 28 180, 257, 284-285
Past Indefinite (Ilpome,n;mee Heorrpe,zi;eJieHHOe
BpeMH) § 24 153, 155, 158-160, 207, 218,
224, 230, 23 7' 242
Past Indefinite HJIH Present Perfect?
§§ 26-27 153, 155, 158-160, 207' 218,
223, 224, 229, 230, 237, 238, 240, 242,
265, 277, 278, 280, 282, 283
Present Perfect (HacTo.fim;ee coBepmeHHOe BpeMH).
§25 153-155, 158-160, 207, 218, 219,
224, 230, 238, 242, 277, 278, 280, 282, 283

Y'-le6Hoe u3oaHue

Jiapanucoea EJieua AJieKcanJJ.poeua

rP AM MATl!l KA AH rJl l!l lll cK0 ro ~ 3bi KA

c6opH111K ynpa>KHeH111VI
4acTb II

K )'1.le6HHKY 11. H. BepemarHHoif H .n;p.

«AHrJIHHCKHH 513.hIK: IV KJiacc»

4 KJiacc

113)1,aTeJihCTBO «3K3AMEH»

rHrneHHqeCKHH cepTH<pHKaT
N51 POCC RU. AE51. H 16582 OT 08.04.2014 r.

f JiaBHhIH pe.uaKTOp JI. /(. Jianno

Pe.uaKTOp JI. B. <Pwwmoea
Texuu11ecKHH pe.uaKTOp JI. B. llaelloea
KoppeKrnp H. A. Kypmeeea
.l1:H3aHH o6nmKKH A. JO. Evmeea
KoMnhIOTepuasi: sepcTKa T. H MeHbtuoea

107045, MOCKBa, JlyKOB nep., .u. 8.
E-mail: no o6m;HM BonpocaM:;
no sonpocaM peanH3aI.1,
TeJI./cpaKc 641-00-3 0 ( MHOfOKaHaJibHblH)

06m;epoccHHCKHH KJiaCCHcpHKaTOp npo.uyKI.J,HH

OK 005-93, TOM 2; 953005 - KHuru, 6pounop.bI, JIUTepaTypa yc1e6Hasi:

Orne11aTaHO B COOTBeTCTBHH c npe.uocTaBJieHHbIMH MaTepHaJiaMH

B OOO «MIIK IIapeTo-IIpttHT», r. Tseph,

no BOnpocaM peaJIH3aI.{HH o6pamaTLCH no TeJI.: 641-00-30 (MHOroKaHa.JihHbIH).

H30ameJlbCm6o «3H3BMeH» npeOJlazaem 6aw.eMy 6HUA-taHu10
CJleOylOUf.Ue y1Je6HO-MemOOU'-leCKUe U30GHU.fl U3 cepuu
« Ylle6Ho-Memoi>u'-lecKuu KOM1VleKm»:

1. rpaMM8THK3 anrJJHHCKOro H3b1Ka. Knnra ,IJ.JJH PO.IJ.HTeJieil. 2 KJiacc: K yqe6HHK)'

H.H. BepemarnHOH, T.A. IlpHTbIKHHOH «English II» I E.A. EaparnKosa.
2. rpaMM3THKa anrJIHHCKOro H3b1Ka. Kuura ,IJ.JIH po.11.uTeJieif. 2 KJiacc: K yqe6HHK)'
11.H. BepemarnHoH, T.A. IlpHTbJKHHOM «English II. 2-ii ro,!J. o6yqemum I E.A. EaparnKosa.
3. rpaMM3THK3 aurJJHUCRoro H3bIKa. IIposepO'IHble pa60Tbl. 2 KJiacc: K yqe6HHKY
11.H. BepemarnHoii, T.A. IlpHThIKHHoH «English II» I E.A. EaparnKosa.
4. rpaMM3THK3 aurJJHHCKOro H3b1Ka. 1Ipoeepoqub1e pa60Tbl. 2 KJiacc: K yqe6HHK)'
11.H. Bepemarnttoii, T.A. IlpHTbJKHHOH «English JI. 2-ii ro,!J. o6yqemum I E.A. EapaIIIKoBa.
5. rpaMM3TUK3 anrnHiiCKOro H3blK3. C6opHHK ynpa~HeHHH. 2 KJiacc: K yqe6Hmcy
H.H. BepemarnttoH:, KA. EoHJJ.apettKo, T.A. IlpIITbIKHHOH «English II» I E.A. EaparrIKoBa.
6. rpaMM3THK8 aurJJHHCKOro H3b1Ka. C6opHHK ynpa~eHHH. 2 KJiacc: K yqe6HHK)'
H.H. Bepemarnttoii, T.A. flpHTbJKHHOH «English Il. 2-ii ro.u 06yqeHID1» I E.A. E>apamKoBa.
7. rpaMM3THKa anrnHHCKOro H3blK3. Knura ,!J.JIH pOJJ.HTeJieii. 3 KJiacc: K yqe6HHKY
ll.H. BepemarnHoiI H .llp. «Attrm1i1cKHH »3hIK: III KJiacc. 2-0 ro,!J. o6yqeHH»» I E.A. Ba-
8. rpaMM3THKa aurJIHHCKOro HlLIKa. Knnra )J.JIH pOJJ.HTeJieii. 3 KJiacc: K )"Ie6HHKY
H.H. Bepemarnttoi1 H ,llp. «AHrnttiicKHH »3hIK: III KJJacc. 3-H roJJ. o6yqeHH»» I E.A. Ea-
9. rpaMM3THKa anrnuiiCKOro H3blK3. Ilposepoqnble pa60Tbl. 3 KJJ.acc: K )"Ie6HHK)'
11.H. BepemamHoii, T.A. IlpHThJKHHOH «English III. 2-J.f ro.n o6)'1IeHH»» I E.A. EapaIIII<osa.
10. rpaMM3THK3 anrJIHHCKOro H3LIKa. Ilposepoquble pa60Tbl. 3 IWacc: K )"Ie6HHKY
H.H. Bepemarnttoi1, T.A. IlpHThIKHHoi1 «English III. 3-H ro.n 06)'1IeHm1» I E.A. EapaIIJKOBa.
11 . rpaMM8THK3 aHrnHHCKOro HlLIKa. C6opHHK ynpaxrneHHH. 3 KJiacc: K y11e6HHK)'
11.H. Bepemarnttoii, T.A. IlpHThIKHHOi1 «English III. 2-ii ro,!J. o6)'1IeHH»». B 2 qacrnx:
'faCTb 1 I E.A. liaparnKosa.
12. rpaMMaTHKa aHrJIHHCKOro H3LIKa. C6opHHK ynpa'.llrnenuii. 3 KJiacc: K y11e6HHI<)'
H.H. BepemarnHoH, T.A. IlpHThIKHHoii «English III. 2-ii roJJ. 06yqett1UI». B 2 11aCTgx:
11acTb 2 I E.A. EaparnKosa.

13. rpaMM3THK3 anrnHHCKOro H3b1Ka. C6opHHK ynpaiKHeHHH. 3 KJiacc: K yqe6HHKY

H.H. BepemamHoii, T.A. IlpHThIKHHOH «English III. 3-ii ro,ll o6)'1IeHH»». B 2 11acu:x:
qacTb I I E.A. liaparnKosa.
14. rpaMMaTHKa anrnHHCKOro HJLIKa. C6opHHK ynpaiKuennii. 3 KJiacc: K yqe6HHK)'
H.H. BepemarHHOH, T.A. IlpHThIKHHOH «English III. 3-i1 ro,11, 06y'ieH1UI». B 2 11aCTIDC
qacTb 2 I E.A. EapamKosa.
15. rpaMM3THKa aHrnHHCKOro H3LIKa. Knura JlJIH POJlHTeJieii.. 4 KJJacc: K yqe6HHI<)'
H.H. Bepemanrnow, 0 .B. A<}>attacbesoi1 «English IV» I E.A. EaparnKosa.
16. rpaMMSTHKa anrJIHHCKOro H3b1Ka. UposepoquLie pa60TLJ. 4 KJiacc: K y11e6HHKY
H.H. BepemarHHOH, O.B. A<t>attacbeBOH «English IV» I E.A. liapawKOBa.
17. rpaMM3THKa 3HfJIHHCKOfO H3b1Ka. C6opHHK ynpaiKnenHii. 4 KJiacc: K yqe6HHK)'
H.H. BepemarnHOH, O.B. A<}>attacbeBOH «English IV. B 2 1IaCTHX»: qaCTb 1 I
E.A. EapamKosa.
18. rpaMM8THK3 8BfJIHHCKOro H3LIK8. C6opHHK ynpaiKHeHnii. 4 KJiacc: K yqe6HHK)'
H.H. Bepemarnttoli, 0.B. A<}>attacbeBOH «English IV. B 2 11acrnx»: qaCTb 2 I
E.A. liapamKoaa.
KHHrll H3Jl:aTeJJbCTB3 3K3AMEH MOlKHO npHo6pecTH
onTOM H B p03HHUY B cne.nyroWHX KHHfOTOpfOBblX opraHH33UHllX:
MocK&a HH>KHceapToecK
11n CTCnattoe - Ten. 8-926-132-22-35 Yqe6mu1 KHHra - Ten. (3466) 40-7 1-23
Jly1m- Ten. 8-916-145-70-06; (495) 688-59-16 Hoeoi<y1HeQ1<
T.LI liu6nuo-r,106yc- Ten. (495) 781-19-00 l<HHJKHblii Mara3HH lliaHera-Ten. (3843) 70-35-83
MOJJOJlaJI reap11u• - Ten. (499) 238-00-32 HoBOCHtiHpc:K
,[(oM KHHrH Me;i.BCJlKOBO - Ten. (499) 476-16-90 Cu6eepK- Ten. (383) 2000-155
,[(oM KHHrH Ha JlallOlKCKOii - Ten. (499) 400-41-06 liH6nHOHHK - Ten. (3833) 36-46-01
Ular K noTepKe- Ten. (495) 728-33-09; 346-00-10 lliaHera-H - Ten. (383) 375-00-75
Cemb Ma2aJUH06 Mup WKO!lbHUKa 0MCK
CaH10--UCTepfiypr <I>opcaJ1< -Ten. (3812) 53-89-67
KonnH6pu - Ten. (812) 703-59-96 OpeH6ypr
li)'KBOCJl - Ten. (812) 346-53-27 <I>onuaHT - Ten. (3532) 77-25-52
BeK P113BHTHl! - Ten. (812) 924-04-58 OeH1a
TaHlleM -Te11. (812) 702-72-94 JleKCHKOH - Ten. (8412) 68-03-79
BuKTopu• - Ten. (812) 292-36-59/60/61 YqKoJIJleKTop- (8412) 95-54-59
Ca11KT-Ilerep6yprcKHH .!IOM KHHrH- Ten. (812) 448-23-57 Oep111i. A16yKa - Ten. (3422) 41-11-35
AB<l>-KHHra - Ten. (8182) 65-41-34 Tm-p- Ten. (3422) 45-24-37
BeKTOp- Ten. (3852) 38-18-72 Hoe3JI KHHra-Ten. (4152) 11-12-60
linarosew,cncK IlRTHropctc
KanyrnH - Ten. (4162) 35-25-43 l1I1 Jlo6auoea - Ten. (8793) 98-79-87
6pattcK Teo• KHHra - Ten. (8793) 39-02-53
li)'KBa - Ten. (4832) 61-38-48 POCToe-ua-,[(ony
1.m Tpy6Ko-Ten. (4832) 59-59-39 <I>a3TOH-npecc-Ten. (8632) 40-74-88
BonrorpaJl 11rI EpMonaee- Ten. 8-961-321-97-97
Kaccau11pa - Ten. (8442) 97-55-55 Marnc-rp - Ten. (8632) 99-98-96
IlpHMOpcKHHTOproeb1ii JlOM Km!rH - Ten. (4232) 63-73-18 T,[( Ilpoceemeuue - Ten. (4912) 44-67-75
Bopone>K T.U liapc - Ten. (4912) 93-29-54
AMHTanb-Ten. (4732) 26-77-77 Ca111apa
PuoKca - Ten. (4732) 21-08-66 lJ.aKoua - Ten. (846) 231-22,33
EKaTCpHH6ypr MCTHlla -Ten. (846) 269-17-17
TQ Jl10MH8 - Ten. (343) 344-40-60 · - Caparoe
.UoM KHHrn - Ten. (343) 253-50-10 feMepa - Ten. (8452) 64-37-37
Anuc - Ten. (343) 255-10-06 YMH3JI KHHra - Ten. (8452) 27-37- 10
li)'KBapuyc - Ten. 8-800-700-54-31; (499) 272-69-46 Ilo11MrpaljmCT - Ten. (8452) 29-67-20
EcceffTYKH CTpeJ1e1.1 HK - Ten. (8452) 52-25-24
1.!Il 3uH'!eHKo - Ten. (87961) 5- 11-28 CMwieucK
UpK)'TCK Kpyro3op- Te.a. (4812) 65-86-65
IlpoJl8JIHTb - Ten. (3952) 24-17-77 CypryT
Ku&Hb Po11uHK - Ten. (3462) 22-05-02
AMCT-Ilpecc - Ten. (8435) 25-55-40 Tsepi.
Tauc - Ten. (8432) 72-34-55 KHHlKHa• naBKa - Ten. (4822) 33-93-03
KHpoe . TyJia
lill lllaMoB «YJll1CC» - Ten. (8332) 57-12-15 CHCTeMa Iln10c - Ten. (4872) 70-00-66
KpacH011ap Tt0111eHi.
KoropTa - Ten. (8612) 62-54-97 3HaHHe - Ten. (3452) 25-23-72
011nQ IlepcneKTHBbl o6p330BaHHx - Ten. (8612) 54-25-67 YccypHiiCK
KpacuoApcic CT3JJKep - Ten. (4234) 32-50-19
rp31lb-Ten. (3912) 26-91-45 YnaH-YAJ
lliaHCTa-H-Ten. (39 1) 215-1 7-01 IlonuHoM - Ten. (3012) 55-15-23
Jleouap110 - Ten. (4942) 31-53-76 3JlBHC - Ten. (3472) 82-89-65
ICypcK Xa6apoecic
OnTHMHCT-Ten. (4712) 35-16-51 Mupc-Ten. (4212) 47-00-47
TeJeii - Ten. (8152) 43-63-75 11HTepcepoHC JlT~ - Ten. (3512) 47-74-13
HHlkHHii Hosropoll IO>K11crCaxanHHCK
Y'le6H3JI KHHra - Ten. (8312) 40-32-13 BeCTb - Ten. (4242) 43-62-67
Ilapon• - TeJI. (8312) 43-02-12 Ri<yTCK
.U11pHlKa6nb-TCJ1. (8312) 34-03-05 KHl<lKHblH MapKCT-Ten. (4112) 49-12-69
.llK)'TCKl<H KHHlKHblH llOM - Ten. (411 2) 34-10-12
Ilo aonpocaM npl!Mb!X omOBhlX JaKYIIOK o6paw.aihecb no TeJI. (495) 641-00-30 (MHoroKa.HaJlbHbrn),
• llaHHOe nocofore IlOJIHOCTblO COOTBeTcTByeT cpe,n:epaJibHOM)'
r ocy,n:apcTBeHHOMY o6pasosaTeJlbHOMY CTaH,n:apry (BTOporo IlOKOJieHJUI)
,n:JIR Hat.IaJihHOH lllKOJibl.


K yqe6H11KY «AHrJI11HCKl1H H3bIK: yqe6Hl1K MR 4 KJiacca lllKOJI
c )T.ny6JieHHbIM H3}-Y:ett11eM attrn11H:cKoro H3bIKa, 11110,eeB 11 r11Mttas11H: /
11. H. Bepew.arntta, 0. B. AcpattacbeBa. - M. : IIpocsew.ett11e» cocro11T 113
t.IeTbrpex KH11r:
• fpaMMaTHKa attrn11H:cKoro R3bIKa. C6optt11K ynpruKHett11:i1. ·c.I acrb 1
• fpaMMaTIIKa aHrmrHCKoro .R3bIKa. C6opHHK ynpIDKHeHHH. qaCTb 2
• f paMMarnKa attrn11H:cKoro H3bIKa. KH11ra MR po,
• fpaMManrna aHrJI11i1cKoro R3bIKa. IIposepot.IHbre pa60TbI.
• IIoco611R npaKTl1t.IHbI, coBpeMeHHbI no co,n:ep)Katt1110 H ocpopMIIeH1110.
ITO HHM 11erKO ytll1Tb 11 11HTepeCHO )'t.Il1TbCH.
yqEHl1K11 noJiyqaT:
- 285 npOCTbIX yrrp a)l(HeHl1H no rpaMMaTHKe; Ha BbinOJIHeHHe Ka)K.ll:oro
nOTpe6yIOTCH Ct.Il1TaHHbie MHH)'Tbl, TaK KaK tty)KHO 6y,n:eT BnHCaTb
PO.U11TEJ111 tta:i1,n:yr:
- cneu,11aJibHO ,n:JIR HHX Han11caHHbIH rpa:v1l\taT11t.IeCKl1H cnpaBOt.IHHK,
- pas6op THIBft.IHbIX Ollll160K;
- peK0MeH,n:au:1111 no pa6oTe c ,n:eTbl\m;
- KJIIOt.IH KO BCeM yrrpa)l(HeHl15IM.
- noJIHOCTblO fOTOBbIH )''Ie6HbIH l\'taTepHaII ,n:JIR o6'b5ICHeHJUI, 0Tpa60TKl1
ITOBTopeHHR 11 nposepKH rpaM'.\.IaTHKH;
- no t.IeTb1pe sap11aHTa nposepoqHbIX pa6oT Ha K~ t.IeTsepTb.
• U eJieHanpaBJieHHM H cHcTeMaTHqecKaR pa6orn Ha,n: rpaMMaT11KoH:
saMeTHO rroBJIHReT Ha Kat.IeCTBO ycTHOH H rrHCbMeHHoii: peqH yqaw.11xcH, a
TaK)Ke 06Jiert.I11T ycsoeHHe Bcero R3bIKOBOro MaTep11Ma.
• IIp11KasoM NQ 729 M11tt11cTepcrsa o6pasoBaHHR 11 HaYK11 PocrnH:cKoH:
<I>e,n:epau,11H )'l.Ie6Hbie noco6m1 Hs,n:aTellbCTBa « 3 K3AMEH» ,n:oIIyIIIeHbl
K 11cnOJib30BaHl1!0 B o6w.eo6pa30BaTeJlbHbIX opraHHsau:m1x.

!SB 978-5-377-08422-8

9 785377 084228

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