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To begin, the Law on Obligations and Contracts is defined as s a kind of positive law which
deals with the nature and sources of obligations as well as the rights and duties arising from
agreements in contracts.
The Law of Obligations and Contracts is the body of rules which deals with the nature and sources
of obligations and the rights and duties arising from agreements and particular contracts.
1. Republic Act 386- Civil Code of the Philippines
2. Books of the Civil Code
3. Preliminary Title (Art 1-36)-Preliminary Title
4. Book 1 (Art 37-413)-Persons
5. Book 2 (Art 414-711)-Property, Ownership and its Modification
6. Book 3 (Art 712-1155)- Different Modes of Acquiring Ownership
7. Book 4 (Art 1156-2270)- Obligations and Contracts
Article 3 of the Civil Code- Ignorance of the law excuses no one from compliance therewith.
Article 1156. An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do. An obligation is a
legal duty, however created, the violation of which may become the basis of an action of law. 3
This Law regulates obligations which arise from contracts, damage inflicting, acquisition
without legal grounds, business conduct without order, unilateral statements of will and other facts
stipulated by law.
A contract is a meeting of minds between two persons whereby one binds himself, with
respect to the other, to give something or to render some service.


Economics is the study of choice under conditions of scarcity or the study of choice with
constraints. Specifically we say that economics is the study of how individuals and societies choose
to employ scarce resources that could have alternative uses to produce products and services, and
distribute them, now or in the future, among various individuals and groups in society.
Microeconomics (from Greek prefix mikro- meaning "small" + economics) is a branch
of economics that studies the behaviour of individuals and firms in making decisions regarding the
allocation of scarce resources and the interactions among these individuals and firms.
One goal of microeconomics is to analyze the market mechanisms that establish relative
prices among goods and services and allocate limited resources among alternative uses.
The difference between micro and macro economics is simple. Microeconomics is the study
of economics at an individual, group or company level. Macroeconomics, on the other hand, is the
study of a national economy as a whole. Microeconomics focuses on issues that affect individuals
and companies.
Statistics is the science of data. It involves collecting, classifying, summarizing, organizing,
analyzing, and interpreting data. The main objective of Business Statistics is to make inferences
about certain characteristics of a population in the business domain whether the population is people,
objects, or collections of information.
"Business statistics is the science of good decision making in the face of uncertainty and is
used in many disciplines such as financial analysis, econometrics, auditing, production and
operations including services improvement and marketing research".


Good Governance and Social Responsibility are used interchangeably worldwide by
individuals and corporations to show their associations with the activities carried out for the
betterment of the society.
In most dictionaries “government” and “governance” are interchangeably used, both denoting
the exercise of authority in an organization, institution or state. Government is the name given to the
entity exercising that authority.
The sound exercise of political, economic, and administrative authority to manage a country’s
resources for development. It involves the institutionalization of a system through which citizens,
institutions, organizations, and groups in a society articulate their interests, exercise their rights, and
mediate their differences in pursuit of the collective good.
Social responsibility is a term that is used to explain the contract, either written or verbal, that a
corporation is required to accomplish in its business environment.


Earth science or geoscience includes all fields of natural science related to the planet Earth.
It is the branch of science dealing with the physical constitution of the Earth and its atmosphere. Earth
science is the study of our planet’s physical characteristics, from earthquakes to raindrops, and floods
to fossils. Earth science encompasses four main branches of study, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere,
the atmosphere, and the biosphere, each of which is further broken down into more specialized fields.
Today we live in a time when the Earth and its inhabitants face many challenges. Our climate
is changing, and that change is being caused by human activity. Earth scientists recognized this
problem and will play a key role in efforts to resolve it.

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