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Agricultural Systems 103 (2010) 371–379

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Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from beef production

in western Canada: A case study
Karen A. Beauchemin *, H. Henry Janzen, Shannan M. Little, Tim A. McAllister, Sean M. McGinn
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB, Canada T1J 4B1

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted to estimate whole-farm greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Received 30 September 2009 from beef production in western Canada. The aim was to determine the relative contributions of the
Received in revised form 15 March 2010 cow–calf and feedlot components to these emissions, and to examine the proportion of whole-farm emis-
Accepted 18 March 2010
sions attributable to enteric methane (CH4). The simulated farm consisted of a beef production operation
Available online 10 April 2010
comprised of 120 cows, four bulls, and their progeny, with the progeny fattened in a feedlot. The farm
also included cropland and native prairie pasture for grazing to supply the feed for the animals. The
LCA was conducted over 8 years to fully account for the lifetime GHG emissions from the cows, bulls
Beef cattle
Greenhouse gases
and progeny, as well as the beef marketed from cull cows, cull bulls, and progeny raised for market.
Carbon dioxide The emissions were estimated using Holos, a whole-farm model developed by Agriculture and Agri-Food
Life cycle assessment Canada. Holos is an empirical model, with a yearly time-step, based on the Intergovernmental Panel on
Methane Climate Change methodology, modified for Canadian conditions and farm scale. The model considers all
Nitrous oxide significant CH4, N2O, and CO2 emissions and removals on the farm, as well as emissions from manufacture
of inputs (fertilizer, herbicides) and off-farm emissions of N2O derived from nitrogen applied on the farm.
The LCA estimated the GHG intensity of beef production in this system at 22 kg CO2 equivalent (kg car-
cass) 1. Enteric CH4 was the largest contributing source of GHG accounting for 63% of total emissions.
Nitrous oxide from soil and manure accounted for a further 27% of the total emissions, while CH4 emis-
sions from manure and CO2 energy emissions were minor contributors. Within the beef production cycle,
the cow–calf system accounted for about 80% of total GHG emissions and the feedlot system for only 20%.
About 84% of enteric CH4 was from the cow–calf herd, mostly from mature cows. It follows that mitiga-
tion practices to reduce GHG emissions from beef production should focus on reducing enteric CH4 pro-
duction from mature beef cows. However, mitigation approaches must also recognize that the cow–calf
production system also has many ancillary environmental benefits, allowing use of grazing and forage
lands that can preserve soil carbon reserves and provide other ecosystems services.
Crown Copyright Ó 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction emissions arising from a prospective mitigation practice. Often,

reducing GHG emissions in one part of a farming system can lead
Enteric CH4 from ruminant livestock accounts for 17–37% of to an increase in emissions from another sector; a whole-systems
anthropogenic CH4 (Steinfeld and Wassenaar, 2007; Lassey, approach avoids potentially ill-advised practices based on preoccu-
2008). Many governments have implemented policies to reduce pation with a single GHG (Janzen et al., 2006).
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture and significant Life cycle assessment can be used to estimate the total GHG
efforts are now being directed towards developing animal hus- emissions (CH4, N2O, and CO2) from producing meat and milk. To
bandry methods that lower enteric CH4 emissions (Boadi et al., avoid favoring practices that reduce emissions at the expense of
2004; Beauchemin et al., 2008; McAllister and Newbold, 2008). productivity, GHG emissions are often expressed in units of GHG
To adequately assess GHG mitigation strategies, it is necessary intensity, such as kg CO2 equivalents (eq) per kg of beef or milk
to use a whole system modeling approach (Schils et al., 2007; (e.g., Johnson et al., 2003; Casey and Holden, 2005; Lovett et al.,
Stewart et al., 2009). Such a life cycle assessment (LCA) enfolds 2006; Ogino et al., 2007; Küstermann et al., 2008; Stewart et al.,
the entire farming system, accounting for all changes in GHG 2009). Estimates of GHG intensity often vary widely, reflecting dif-
ferences in modelling approach and the farming systems studied.
For example, GHG emissions per kg of beef carcass range from 17
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 403 317 2235; fax: +1 403 317 2182. to 37 kg CO2 eq (Johnson et al., 2003; Casey and Holden, 2005; Ogi-
E-mail address: (K.A. Beauchemin). no et al., 2007; Vergé et al., 2008).

0308-521X/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright Ó 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
372 K.A. Beauchemin et al. / Agricultural Systems 103 (2010) 371–379

The North American beef production cycle is complex, typically we included both a cow–calf operation and a feedlot in one ‘farm’,
including a cow–calf suckling/grazing period and a growing phase along with cropland needed to supply all feed and bedding for the
with cattle fattened on high-grain diets in confined feedlots. cattle. The LCA was conducted over multiple years to fully account
Although GHG emissions from some facets of this system have for all components of the beef production system from birth to
been well-documented – notably those from feedlots – few studies slaughter. Our aim was to evaluate the beef production system,
have examined the entire sequence. Indeed, we do not yet know rather than to document emissions from a specific commercial
what component of the production cycle contributes most to operation in a particular year.
GHG emissions, and by inference, where emission reductions We considered the following GHG sources: on-farm CH4 emis-
might be most feasible. Our objectives, therefore, were to estimate sions from cattle and manure; on-farm N2O emissions from man-
whole-farm GHG emissions from beef production systems repre- ure and soils; off-farm N2O emissions from N leaching, run-off
sentative of those in western Canada, to determine the relative and volatilization (indirect N2O emissions); and CO2 emissions
contributions of the cow–calf and feedlot components to these from energy used on-farm (e.g., cropping, feed processing, feeding
emissions, and to examine the proportion of whole-farm emissions cattle) and to supply inputs (e.g., fertilizer, herbicide manufacture)
attributable to enteric CH4. (Fig. 1). Because we assumed all feed was grown on the farm, CO2
emissions from transporting feed was considered negligible.
All gases were expressed as CO2 eq to account for the global
2. Materials and methods
warming potential of the respective gases: CH4, kg  23 + N2O kg 
298 + CO2, kg (IPCC, 2001). To report GHG intensity, emissions are
2.1. The system boundaries and functional unit
expressed as CO2 eq kg 1 beef.
Canada has about 13 million beef cattle, including 5.6 million
beef breeding cows and heifers (CBEF, 2009). About 87% of the 2.2. Description of the life cycle of the beef production system
cow herd and 77% of feedlot cattle are in the four western prov-
inces, because of natural feed and land base advantages (BCIZ, The simulated farm, consisting of a beef production operation, a
2009). The industry is based exclusively on Bos taurus (Hereford, cropping operation, and native prairie pasture for grazing, was sit-
Angus, Charolais, Simmental, Limousin) breeds (Basarab et al., uated in conditions like those in the county of Vulcan in southern
2005; Vergé et al., 2008). Alberta, Canada. The beef herd was comprised of 120 cows, four
To estimate GHG emissions from beef production in Canada, we bulls, and their progeny, with the progeny fattened in a feedlot
simulated a representative farm, implementing practices currently modelled after those present in southern Alberta. The LCA was con-
used in western Canada. With recent trends toward specialization, ducted over an 8 year period which was assumed to represent the
beef cattle production in Canada now typically involves two sys- life span of the breeding stock. The life span used in our study is
tems, managed in separate operations: cow–calf ranching and beef typical of that reported for Bos Taurus crossbred cattle in a temper-
feedlot finishing. To account for emissions from the entire cycle, ate climate. For example, Bailey (1991) examined the records of 29


Manure applied to land

CH4 b
N2O Synthetic N fert

Stored manure CO2


Mineralized Crop
N2O CH4 N residue N


Manure on pasture

Direct emission Indirect emission Storage Nitrogen input System transfer

a Energy use emissions due to manure spreading (fuel use)

b Energy use emissions due to cropping (fuel use,herbicide manufacturing, phosphorus fertilizer production)
c Energy use emissions due to nitrogen fertilizer production

Fig. 1. Inputs, sources of emissions, and components of the life cycle assessment of beef production in western Canada.
K.A. Beauchemin et al. / Agricultural Systems 103 (2010) 371–379 373

herds in eight states within the US, and reported an average of 6.5 The simulation began with 120 new born heifer calves and four
calvings per life time. This 8-year time frame allowed us to fully ac- newborn bulls. Suckling calves had access to milk from their dams
count for the lifetime GHG emissions from the cows, bulls, and as well as mixed hay or pasture as available. Calves were weaned at
progeny. By examining an entire cycle, our analysis estimates aver- 7 months of age and young growing heifers and bulls were fed a
age emissions for the full system, rather than from segments high forage diet (i.e., a backgrounding diet). The heifer calves were
thereof. bred at 15 months of age and produced a single calf at 24 months
The beef production cycle encompasses two intermeshed sub- of age. Calving rate for the herd, defined as the proportion of cows
cycles (Fig. 2). The breeding stock cycle included animals not producing calves that survived to weaning, was assumed to be 85%
immediately involved in meat production: cows nursing calves to (i.e., 102 calves survived to weaning each year). This rate would be
be used for herd replacements, heifer calves destined to become considered typical of well managed farms in Alberta and is within
breeding stock, and bull calves, prior to puberty, intended for use the range (82–88%) reported in beef farm surveys conducted in
in breeding. The meat production cycle includes cows and bulls ac- Canada and the US (Acres, 1976; Rogers et al., 1985; Bailey,
tively producing calves for market, as well as the cattle in the 1991). The gender ratio of calves was 1:1. Calves were born in late
feedlot. winter (February/March), with each cow–calf pair provided with
To account for the lifetime GHG emissions of the cows and bulls, good quality hay or access to spring pasture. Calves were weaned
the LCA was initiated when the breeding stock were born, contin- at the end of September and cows were grazed for an additional
ued through meat production cycles, and ended with the birth of month and then fed good quality hay for the remainder of the fall
replacements and the slaughter of the breeding stock (Table 1). and winter. Cows were culled from the herd and shipped to market



Calves Beef 1 animal
Beef 2
Breeding Beef 3
Beef 4
Calf s
Beef 5
Growing s
Backgrounder Beef 6

s Slaughter
Yearly time step

Growing breeding stock

Breeding stock cycle
Production cycle
x1 x6
Includes: Includes:
- Cow and bull calves - Cows
- Bulls
- Growing heifers and bulls - Calves
- Pre-slaughter cows nursing replacements - Backgrounders
- Finishers

Nursing cows Calves

to slaughter

Breeding stock
calves Finishers
to slaughter

Fig. 2. The 8-year beef production cycle used in the baseline simulation.
374 K.A. Beauchemin et al. / Agricultural Systems 103 (2010) 371–379

Table 1
Description of animal categories, duration over the 8-year simulation, and diet consumed.

Animal category Starting and end weight (kg) Number Duration (d) Diet
Breeding stock females
Suckling heifer calves 40–240 120 214 Mixed hay and milk (2 mo), milk and pasture (5 mo)
Young heifers 240–390 120 151 High forage backgrounding
Growing heifers 390–600 120 365 Mixed hay (6 mo), pasture (6 mo)
Cows 600 120 365  7 cycles Mixed hay (6 mo), pasture (6 mo)
Lactating cow 600 120 214 Mixed hay (2 mo), pasture (5 mo)
Breeding stock males
Suckling bull calves 40–240 4 214 Mixed hay and milk (2 mo), milk and pasture (5 mo)
Young growing bulls 240–390 4 151 High forage backgrounding
Growing bulls 390–820 4 365 Mixed hay (6 mo), pasture (6 mo)
Bulls 820 4 365  6 cycles Mixed hay (6 mo), pasture (6 mo)
Suckling calves 40–240 102 214  6 cycles Mixed hay and milk (2 mo), milk and pasture (5 mo)
Backgrounders 240–350 99 110  6 cycles High forage backgroundingb
Finishers 350–605 98 170  6 cycles High grain finishingc
There were 22 fewer animals in one cycle due to the need for replacement breeding stock.
b 1
Backgrounding diet: 40% barley grain, 60% barley silage (DM basis). No feed additives were used. Average daily gain was 1.0 kg d .
Finishing diet: 90% barley grain, 10% barley silage (DM basis). No feed additives were used. Average daily gain was 1.45 kg d 1.

after their seventh calf was weaned. In other words, the final year duction cycle and used to fully replace the cows (120) and bulls
was extended to the end of the nursing phase to account for the (4) for the reproductive herd. (The 22 calves had to be drawn from
CH4 emissions from the nursing cow (i.e., the cow nursing the calf year 6 of the production cycle to compensate for a calf crop less
that ultimately becomes the breeding cow), because these emis- than 100%.) On a typical beef farm, cows and bulls would vary in
sions were not accounted for during the initial year. Thus, the nurs- age and some breeding stock would be replaced each year. For clar-
ing phase during the final year overlapped with the start of the ity, we have described the scenario as a single beef production cy-
entire 8-year production cycle (Fig. 2). Four additional lactating cle (rather than seven annual cycles), recognizing that average
cows would have been needed to grow the four bulls to the point emissions and productivity are the same, either way.
of weaning. Thus, emissions for four additional cows were included Total GHG emissions from the beef herd were calculated by
for a 7-month nursing period. Mature bulls were marketed after summing the emissions for the 120 cows, four bulls, and all feedlot
they had sired calves in the seventh annual breeding season. cattle for one complete 8-year cycle (i.e., all animals). Total carcass
Weaned calves (240 kg) were reared in a feedlot with an as- weight was for all animals, except for replacements. This total car-
sumed death loss of 3% from weaning through completion of the cass weight was calculated from the final weight of all cull cows,
110-d growing period. In this initial growing period (i.e., backg- cull bulls and feedlot finishing cattle (i.e., all animals except the
rounding phase), calves were fed a high forage diet comprised of 124 replacements). Carcass yield was assumed to be 60% of total
60% barley silage and 40% barley grain (DM basis), resulting in an carcass weight.
average daily gain of 1.0 kg d 1 as predicted by NRC (2000). When
they reached 350 kg, calves were switched to a 90% barley grain
and 10% barley silage (DM basis) finishing diet (i.e., finishing 2.3. Description of the manure handling system
phase), with an average daily gain of 1.45 kg d 1, as predicted by
NRC (2000). Composition of the backgrounding and finishing diets Feedlot cattle (i.e., backgrounders and finishers) and breeding
were typical of those fed in western Canadian feedlots. Death loss stock (for 5 months post-weaning) were housed in pens bedded
was 1%. Calves were maintained on the finishing diet for 170 days (i.e., deep bedded) with barley straw grown on-farm. The manure
and marketed at a final weight of 605 kg and an age of 494 days. accumulated within the pens and was removed and applied, once
Although the average daily gain and final weights of steers and per year, to cropland used to grow barley grain and silage. Syn-
heifers typically differ, we used average values for both genders. thetic N fertilizer rates were reduced accordingly. The amount of
As breeding stock was replaced after 8 years, calves from only manure and synthetic N fertilizer applied to the various crops
six production cycles were assumed to be marketed for meat. was according to recommended rates for the region (Table 2) and
The 102 calves born in the seventh cycle, and an additional 22 did not exceed manure spreading rates for the area (Government
calves from the sixth cycle, were removed at birth from the pro- of Alberta, 2010). During winter and early spring, cows were

Table 2
Crop factors used in beef emissions life cycle analysis.

Crop Field yield N fertilizer P fertilizer Herbicide Moisture Above ground residue Below ground residue Relative DM allocation
(kg ha 1)a rate rate used content N concentration N concentration
Yield Above Below
(kg N ha 1)b (kg P2O5 ha 1 c
) (w/w) (kg N kg 1) (kg N kg 1)
ratio ground ground
residue ratio residue ratio
Barley grain 2960 42 25 Yes 0.12 0.007 0.01 0.38 0.47 0.15
Mixed hay 3220 0 0 No 0.13 0.015 0.015 0.40 0.10 0.50
Barley silage 20,000 80 30 Yes 0.55 0.007 0.01 0.72 0.13 0.15

DM = dry matter.
Grain and hay yields from Alberta Agriculture and Food (2006); silage yield from McKenzie et al. (2004).
Rates for grain and hay based on McConkey et al. (2007) with modifications; rate for silage from McKenzie et al. (2004).
Rates for grain and hay based on expert opinion; rate for silage from McKenzie et al. (2004).
K.A. Beauchemin et al. / Agricultural Systems 103 (2010) 371–379 375

assumed to be on pasture. In this case, the manure was deposited (Adams et al., 2004). At this ecologically sustainable stocking rate,
on the pasture, where it remained. forage utilization levels are set between 25% and 50% of total herb-
age production, allowing carryover for maintenance of other eco-
2.4. Holos – a model to estimate GHG from farms logical services. The land required in our scenario, therefore,
would be considerably higher than that for a farming enterprise
2.4.1. General description of Holos not taking these factors into account. We calculated the required
Greenhouse gas emissions were estimated using Holos, a grazing land area based on DMI (including an additional 25% due
whole-farm model developed by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to wastage and trampling), the number of animals and the length
(Little et al., 2008; of the grazing period. Holos is an empirical
model, with a yearly time-step, based primarily on IPCC (2006) 2.4.4. Nitrous oxide emissions
methodology, modified for Canadian conditions and farm scale. The direct N2O emissions from soils were based on N inputs,
The model considers all significant emissions and removals on modified by soil texture, climate, tillage, and topography. Total N
the farm, as well as emissions from manufacture of inputs (fertil- inputs included those from synthetic N fertilizer, land-applied
izer, herbicides) and off-farm emissions of N2O derived from N ap- manure, crop residue decomposition (above- and below-ground
plied on the farm. residue), and net N mineralization (estimated from net change in
Holos estimates a whole-farm GHG emission, calculating emis- soil carbon, and assumed to be zero in this simulation).
sions for soil-derived N2O, enteric CH4, manure-derived CH4 and Fertilizer N inputs were estimated from total N required by
N2O, CO2 from on-farm energy use and the manufacturing of fertil- crops, less the amount applied in manure. Nitrogen inputs from
izer and herbicide, and CO2 emission/removal from management- crop residues were calculated from crop yields, using coefficients
induced changes in soil carbon stocks. This systems approach al- modified from Janzen et al. (2003). Holos calculates soil-derived
lows net whole-farm emissions to be calculated from management N2O emission from total N inputs, using Canada-specific algo-
changes on any part of the farm. rithms modified from those developed for calculating the national
greenhouse gas inventory (Rochette et al., 2008). The total N input
2.4.2. Climate and geographical location of the farm was multiplied by an emission factor, adjusted for growing season
Holos uses emission factors adjusted for variations in climatic precipitation and the potential evapotranspiration for the ecodis-
and edaphic conditions across Canada. These factors are drawn trict, using data from CanSIS averaged from 1971 to 2000 (Marshall
from a database of ecodistricts, with soil information obtained et al., 1999). Modifiers for soil type, texture, tillage system, and
from the Canadian Soil Information System National Ecological topography were based on Rochette et al. (2008).
Framework (Marshall et al., 1999). The hypothetical farm used in Manure N was estimated from DMI and the crude protein
our simulation was in Ecodistrict 793 in the Semiarid Prairies ecoz- (CP = 6.25  N) content of the diet, and N retention of the animals
one. The soil type was a dark brown Chernozem, of ‘medium’ soil based on IPCC (2006) and NRC (2000). The N contribution of the
texture, managed using reduced/minimum tillage practices. Aver- barley straw bedding was assumed to be the same as if the barley
age growing season (May–October) precipitation for the ecodistrict residue was left on the field after harvest. Thus, this residue N con-
is 277 mm and potential evapotranspiration is 653 mm. tribution was accounted for previously. Manure N content was
multiplied by an emission factor for the manure handling system
2.4.3. Cropping and land use (deposited on pasture or deep bedding) to calculate direct N2O
The cropping and pasture land required to produce the feed for emissions (IPCC, 2006). The amount of manure N from the deep
the cattle in this simulation was determined from the total feed bedded cattle was adjusted for losses during storage and this
requirement for the entire 8-year beef production cycle and the ex- was then applied to the land.
pected yield of the various crops. The total land requirement was Holos also includes indirect N2O emissions – N2O emitted off-
divided by eight to estimate the farm land area required yearly. farm from N lost from the farm via run-off, leaching and volatiliza-
For the simulated conditions, the farm land area was 2333.5– tion (Table 3). These emissions were estimated from the assumed
293 ha of non-irrigated crop land and 2040.5 ha of native prairie fractions of N lost from manure, residues, and fertilizer, adjusted
pasture. for climatic conditions as detailed by Rochette et al. (2008), and
The total dry matter (DM) required for each feed was calculated the IPCC (2006) emission factor.
based on the daily dry matter intake (DMI) for each class of animal,
the number of days the feed was offered, and the percentage of the 2.4.5. Methane emissions
dietary DM represented by the individual feeds. Field losses during Enteric CH4 emissions were calculated for each class of cattle
harvesting were assumed to be 12% for hay and silage and 3% for according to the IPCC (2006) Tier 2 methodology. Daily net energy
grain, while feeding wastage was assumed to be 20% for hay, 5% requirements for cattle in each stage of production were estimated
for silage, and 0% for grain (Rotz and Muck, 1994). from energy expenditures for maintenance, activity, growth, preg-
Area of each crop required was calculated from average yield in nancy and lactation as appropriate. The gross energy intake re-
the ecodistrict (Table 2). Similarly, the area of pasture land re- quired to meet energy requirements was then estimated taking
quired was calculated based on the amount of herbage DM re- into account the energy density of the diet (IPCC, 2006), and enteric
quired over the 6-month (May–October) grazing period with an CH4 emissions were calculated from gross energy intake using the
additional 25% allowance to account for trampling and wastage CH4 conversion factors (Ym) for each diet (Table 4). The Ym values
(Adams et al., 2004). were based on the IPCC (2006) Tier 2 approach where Ym is
Crops grown were barley grain and straw (for bedding), whole 6.5% + 1.0%, except for feedlot cattle, which was from Beauchemin
crop barley silage, and mixed hay. Herbicide, manure, and syn- and McGinn (2005) for high grain barley-based diets.
thetic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus fertilizer were applied to crop- Methane emissions from manure were based on volatile solids
land at typical rates and yields were estimated from averages for production, according to IPCC (2006), taking into account the gross
the region (Table 2). The native pasture, consisting of a Wheat energy intake of the animal and the digestibility of the diet (Table
Grass and Needle and Thread community (classification MGA21) 4). Volatile solid production was multiplied by a maximum CH4
from the Lethbridge and Vulcan Plains of the Mixedgrass prairie, producing capacity of the manure (Bo = 0.19) and a CH4 conversion
was stocked at a rate of 0.69 animal unit month per hectare factor specific to the manure management practice used (Table 3).
376 K.A. Beauchemin et al. / Agricultural Systems 103 (2010) 371–379

Table 3
Sources of GHG emissions, equation or emission factor used and reference source.

Gas/source Equation/emission factor Reference

Methane sources
Enteric fermentation Based on gross energy requirements and IPCC, 2006
digestible energy in feed
Pasture manure 0.01 kg CH4 (kg CH4) 1 IPCC (2006)
Deep bedding manure 0.17 kg CH4 (kg CH4) 1 IPCC (2006)
Direct nitrous oxide sources
Pasture manure 0.02 kg N2O–N (kg N) 1 IPCC (2006)
Deep bedding manure 0.01 kg N2O–N (kg N) 1 IPCC (2006)
Soil N inputs (includes land-applied manure, crop residue, EFeco = 0.022 P/PE – 0.0048 Rochette et al. (2008)
synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, mineralized N)
Indirect nitrous oxide sources
Pasture manure Leaching
EF = 0.0075 kg N2O–N (kg N) 1 IPCC (2006)
Fracleach = 0.3247 P/PE – 0.0247 Rochette et al. (2008)
Volatilization IPCC (2006)
EF = 0.01 kg N2O–N (kg N) 1 IPCC (2006)
Fracvolatilization = 0.20 kg N (kg N) 1
Deep bedding manure Leaching
EF = 0.0075 kg N2O–N (kg N) 1 IPCC (2006)
Fracleach = 0 kg N (kg N) 1 IPCC (2006)
Volatilization IPCC (2006)
EF = 0.01 kg N2O–N (kg N) 1 IPCC (2006)
Fracvolatilization = 0.30 kg N (kg N) 1
Soil/cropping nitrogen inputs (includes land-applied manure, Leaching
crop residue, synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, mineralized N) EF = 0.0075 kg N2O–N (kg N) 1 IPCC (2006)
Fracleach = 0.3247 P/PE – 0.0247 Rochette et al. (2008)
Volatilizationa IPCC (2006)
EF = 0.01 kg N2O–N (kg N) 1 IPCC (2006)
Fracvolatilization = 0.1 kg N (kg N) 1
Carbon dioxide sources
Energy to crop 133.5 kg CO2 ha 1 Little et al. (2008)c
Energy to apply manure to land 0.186 kg CO2 (kg N) 1 Little et al. (2008)c
N fertilizer production 3.59 kg CO2 (kg N) 1b Nagy (2000)
P fertilizer production 0.5699 kg CO2 (kg P2O5) 1 Nagy (2000)
Energy to produce herbicide 1.334 kg CO2 ha 1 Little et al. (2008)c
Energy to feed and manage cattle 5% of total energy CO2 emissions (kg CO2) Expert opinion

EFeco = Emission factor for ecodistrict; EF = Emission factor; Fracleach = Leaching fraction; Fracvolatilization = Volatilization fraction; P = Growing season (May–October) precip-
itation; PE = Growing season (May–October) evapotranspiration.
Indirect emissions due to volatilization are only calculated on N inputs from land-applied manure and synthetic N fertilizer.
Value based on the weighted average of 1/2 anhydrous and 2/3 urea N fertilizer.
Value simplified from equations given by Little et al. (2008).

Table 4 ated with the manufacture of herbicides and fertilizers. Emissions

Diet quality and methane conversion factors (Ym) used in beef emissions life cycle associated with manufacture of machinery or the transport of
analysis. goods to and from the farm were not considered.
Diet descriptiona Diet quality
Digestible energy Crude protein Ym factorb 3. Results and discussion
(% of dry matter) (% of dry matter) (% of gross
energy intake) 3.1. Comparisons to earlier estimates
Mixed hay 55 12 7.0
Pasture 60 12 6.5 Our LCA yielded an estimated GHG intensity of 22 kg CO2 eq (kg
High forage 70 12.5 6.5
carcass) 1 for beef production in southern Alberta (Table 5), well
High grain finishing 81 12 4.0 within the range of earlier estimates: 17–37 kg CO2 eq (kg car-
cass) 1 (Beauchemin et al., 2009). This range in GHG intensities re-
Diet description corresponding to Table 1.
flects not only differences among farming systems, but also
Based on the IPCC (2006) Tier 2 approach where Ym is 6.5% + 1.0%, except for
feedlot cattle, which was from Beauchemin and McGinn (2005) for high grain
disparate assumptions, approaches, and algorithms in calculating
barley-based diets. emissions, so direct comparison among studies is not always
Our estimate of GHG intensity is very similar to that reported
for a US system with cow–calf, stocker and feedlot phases:
2.4.6. Carbon dioxide emissions 21.7 kg CO2 eq (kg carcass) 1 (Johnson et al., 2003). This nearly per-
Holos calculates CO2 emissions from energy use (i.e., burning of fect agreement may be partly fortuitous, since the simulations dif-
fossil fuels) using primary and secondary sources, as defined by fered in many respects. In the US study, for example, the cows
Gifford (1984) (Table 3). Primary sources consider the use of fossil weighed only 500 kg, weaned calves were fed forage for 5 months
fuels and power for tillage, seeding, harvesting, pumping water, before entering the feedlot, and a single enteric CH4 conversion va-
spreading manure, feeding animals, and operating barns (not lue was used for pasture (Ym = 6%) and for feedlot diets (Ym = 3%).
applicable here). Secondary sources include the emissions associ- Furthermore, Johnson et al. (2003) did not consider harvest or feed
K.A. Beauchemin et al. / Agricultural Systems 103 (2010) 371–379 377

Table 5 Energy CO2; 5%

Results from the life cycle analysis of beef production in southern Alberta. Soil N2O; 4%
Item Emissions (kg CO2 eq)
Total emissions 5,445,713
Enteric CH4 3,443,082
Manure CH4 273,592
Manure N2O 1,244,506
Soil N2O 206,828
Manure N2O; 23%
Energy CO2 277,705
Beef produced, kg
Total live weight 417,710 Enteric CH4; 63%
Total carcass weight 250,626
GHG intensity, kg CO2 eq (beef, kg)
Live weight basis 13.04
Carcass weight basis 21.73

Manure CH4; 5%

losses so feed requirements and the land area and fertilizer to pro-
duce them may have been underestimated. Their simulation also
included improved pasture resulting in carbon sequestration,
Fig. 3. Relative proportion of the various GHG emissions (CO2 equivalents, % of total
whereas our simulation was based on native pasture, with minimal emissions) resulting from a beef farm in western Canada simulated over an 8-year
carbon accrual because soils have likely approached steady state production cycle.
(Janzen et al., 1998).
Our intensity estimate is higher than a value reported for the
Canadian beef industry: 17.2 kg CO2 eq (kg carcass) 1 (10.4 kg American beef production systems (Johnson et al., 2003; Vergé
CO2 eq (kg live weight) 1) (Vergé et al., 2008). Their intensity esti- et al., 2008).
mate is based on an industry-wide analysis of beef cattle in Canada Within the beef production cycle, the cow calf system ac-
and the crop complex required to feed it. Their approach used IPCC counted for about 80% of total GHG emissions and the feedlot sys-
(Tier 2) methodologies but they did not include bulls, estimated tem for only 20%, dividing roughly equally between the
enteric CH4 using only a single factor (Ym = 6%), and included addi- backgrounding and finishing phases (Figs. 4 and 5). This break-
tional energy-derived CO2 emissions, such as those from the man- down might vary somewhat, depending on the specific manage-
ufacture of farm machinery. A much higher intensity of 36.4 kg CO2 ment practices used. In western Canada, for example, weaned
eq (kg carcass) 1 was reported for a Japanese system in which calves are sometimes fed forage-based diets over winter and
cows and calves were housed in a barn, calves were marketed ear- placed back onto pasture the following summer before entering
lier (at eight mo of age), carcass yield was only 40% of live weight, the feedlot, rather than being placed directly into feedlots as in
and feed was shipped from the US to Japan (Ogino et al., 2007). The our simulation (Basarab et al., 2005). Such variations, however,
Japanese simulation also differed from ours in other ways: they are unlikely to displace the cow–calf system as the primary source
used a 14-month calving interval, enteric CH4 was calculated from of GHG emissions resulting from beef producing farms. Of emis-
estimates of DMI, not all manure was deposited in confinement, sions from the cow–calf system, about 1/4 arise from the breeding
and no meat was produced from cull cows and bulls. stock, which does not immediately produce meat (Fig. 4).
Casey and Holden (2006) estimated GHG intensity estimates About 84% of enteric CH4 was from the cow–calf system (Fig. 6),
from pasture based beef cattle production in Ireland, but reported mostly from mature cows. In contrast to some perceptions, the
intensities on a yearly basis, ranging from 7.6 to 11.3 kg CO2 eq (kg feedlot system accounts for a relatively small fraction of enteric
live weight/year) 1. If a 2-year fattening period is assumed, this CH4 from beef production. The lower CH4 emission from this sys-
intensity range would equate to about 25.3–37.7 kg CO2 eq (kg car- tem is due mainly to its relatively brief duration and, to a lesser ex-
cass) 1. Their study also differed from ours in the use of different tent, to the use of grain-based finishing rations.
estimates of global warming potentials for CH4 (21 vs. 23) and
N2O (310 vs. 298), the use of a single factor (Ym = 6%) for enteric
CH4, twice-yearly slurry manure application, longer distance of fer- Finishers; 12%
tilizer and concentrate transport, and higher rates of N fertilizer
application. Cederberg and Stadig (2003) examined the GHG of
various methods of producing beef in Sweden, but their results Backgrounders; 8%
cannot be compared directly to ours because of the integrated nat-
ure of dairy and beef production systems in that country.

Producing cow-calf
3.2. Contributions of various sources to whole-farm emissions herd; 61%
Breeding stock - not
Enteric CH4 accounted for 63% of the total GHG emissions in the breeding*; 19%
simulation (Fig. 3), and is thus the largest source of GHG arising
from beef producing farms in western Canada, like that simulated
in this study. Nitrous oxide from soil and manure accounted for a
further 27% of the total emissions, while CH4 emissions from man-
ure and CO2 energy emissions were minor contributors. This break-
down is consistent with other analyses that report enteric Fig. 4. Breakdown of total GHG emissions (CO2 equivalents) by component of a
fermentation accounts for 40–70% of total GHG emissions in North western Canadian beef farm simulated over an 8-year production cycle.
378 K.A. Beauchemin et al. / Agricultural Systems 103 (2010) 371–379

Feedlot soil N 2O; 2% animal husbandry practices that improve reproductive perfor-
Feedlot energy CO2 ; 2% mance of cows, decrease death losses of calves, or improve feed
Feedlot manure N 2O; 3%
conversion efficiency would also be worth exploring.
Feedlot manure CH 4 ; 3%
But any evaluation of prospective practices should look beyond
the focus on enteric CH4. The cow–calf system, in particular, has
Feedlot enteric CH 4; 10%
potential ancillary benefits because it relies extensively on pas-
tures and forage crops which, in many cases, can preserve or aug-
ment soil carbon (Soussana et al., 2004), thereby mitigating CO2
Cow-calf herd energy CO2 ; 3%
build-up in the atmosphere. And, because the nutrient cycle in
Cow-calf herd soil N2O; 2% Cow-calf herd grazing systems is relatively closed, excreted nutrients are re-
enteri c CH4; 53%
turned directly to the land from which they came so emissions
from manure may also be suppressed. Furthermore, promoting
grain-feeding of cattle ignores the importance of ruminants in con-
verting fibrous feeds, unsuitable for human consumption, to high-
Cow-calf herd manure N 2O; 20% quality protein sources (i.e., milk and meat). This issue will likely
become more critical if climate change impairs agricultural pro-
duction and grains become even more important for human
Cow-calf herd manure CH4 ; 2% sustenance.
Such a whole-farm vantage can only be achieved using a model,
Fig. 5. Source of GHG emission (CO2 equivalents) for a beef farm in western Canada such as Holos. Holos, like other models still has many limitations
simulated over an 8-year beef production cycle. and its outputs carry significant uncertainty. As illustrated in this
study, however, such a model can help identify research areas
and questions that merit particular emphasis, and it can thereby
Finishers; 9% guide future research and policy recommendations. Further work
is still needed to bolster the model’s reliability and expand its
applicability to encompass other geographical regions and prac-
Backgrounders; 7% tices. In the future, such models may be expanded to look beyond
GHG emissions, to also include other environmental questions,
Calves; 2% such as water quality, ammonia emissions from intensive livestock
Bulls; 3% operations, nutrient cycling, and so forth.

4. Conclusions
Cows; 79%
Our whole-farm analysis shows that most of the GHG emissions
from beef production systems like those in western Canada ema-
nate from cow–calf herds, particularly from the beef cows. This fa-
cet of the beef production system, therefore, may deserve highest
emphasis in the search for practices that reduce emissions. While
continued research to reduce emissions from feedlots is also mer-
ited (if only to improve efficiency), the net mitigative effect of a
proportional reduction from feedlots will likely be less than a sim-
ilar proportional reduction from the cow–calf system.
Fig. 6. Breakdown of enteric CH4 emissions by component of the beef production
cycle for a simulated beef farm in western Canada. While cow–calf operations within the Canadian beef production
system may emit the most GHG, these farms can have many ancil-
lary environmental benefits, by affording wise use of grazing and
forage lands (e.g., Garnett, 2009). Such lands not only preserve or
3.3. Implications
build soil carbon reserves, thereby withholding CO2 from the air,
but also have many other ecosystem services including the conser-
Greenhouse gas emissions from Canadian beef production have
vation of biodiversity, water quality, wildlife habitat, and aesthetic
increased by about 41% over the 1990 baseline value of 17,000 kt
value. Furthermore, feeding grain to ruminants may be question-
CO2 eq (Environment Canada, 2009) due to expansion of the indus-
able in future, given that grains can be used directly for human
try (Basarab et al., 2005). However, during that same period, GHG
consumption and global population is projected to increase. The
intensity decreased (Vergé et al., 2008). Our LCA of beef production
environmental merits of prospective production systems can only
in western Canada demonstrates clearly that strategies to further
be fully assessed by considering all of these benefits. The continued
reduce enteric CH4 emissions might best be aimed at the source
development of robust, ecosystem-level models is essential for
of highest emissions: the cow–calf sector. For example, based on
such broadly-based analyses.
our estimated breakdown (Fig. 4), a proportional reduction in
emissions from the cow–calf system (say, a 10% reduction) would
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