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Journal of English Language Teaching Volume 5 Nomor 2, Desember 2018 e-ISSN: 2548-5865



Moh. Nurman
Lamongan Islamic University

The present study aims at explaining how to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery by
using “Go Fish” game. The study belongs to classroom action research. The participants of
the study are one hundred and twenty-two junior high school students of the seventh grade.
To measure the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery, the study used test. The
finding showed that the mean score, 92,41 in the second Cycle had met the criteria of
success. It means that the use of Go Fish game in teaching vocabulary can improve the
students’ vocabulary mastery.

Keywords: Go Fish Game, Vocabulary

INTRODUCTION techniques which can help one acquire new

Vocabulary is defined as “all words vocabulary memorization.
in a particular language” (Wehmeier, et al., Most educators believe that
2005: 1707 cited in Cahyono &Widiati, vocabulary instruction is critical in any
2011: 107). Vocabulary is important to classroom. The issue is not whether we
support mastery of language skills. should have vocabulary instruction, but
Vocabulary, in addition to grammar and how to make that vocabulary instruction
pronunciation, is one of language elements have meaning beyond assigned word lists.
considered necessary for language Most of us have struggled and continue to
mastery. Vocabulary teaching aims at puzzle over how to teach vocabulary in
enabling learners to understand the meaningful and memorable ways so our
concepts unfamiliar words gain a greater students have access to the words in their
number of words, and use words reading, writing, and thinking (Allen,
successfully for communicative purpose. 2007: 3).
Generically, vocabulary is the knowledge Learning strategies can play
of meanings of words (Kamil, 2005: 3). important role in development because
Widiati (2011) states that good they encourage the learner’s active
vocabulary mastery supports mastery of involvement in the learning process. Hunt
each of the language skills, both receptive and Beglar (2002) as cited in Cahyono and
(listening and reading) and productive Widiati (2011: 110) describe three
(speaking and writing). Learning approaches to vocabulary teaching and
vocabulary is one of the first steps in learning, those are, incidental learning,
learning a second language or a foreign explicit instruction, and independent
language, but a learner never finishes strategy development. Incidental learning
vocabulary acquisition. Whether in one’s is learning vocabulary by product of doing
native language or a second language, the other language activities, for example,
acquisition of new vocabulary is an reading and writing. As reviewed by Hunt
ongoing process. There are many and Beglar (2002), several studies gave

Journal of English Language Teaching Volume 5 Nomor 2, Desember 2018 e-ISSN: 2548-5865

confirmed that extensive reading and RESEARCH METHOD

listening contribute to the incidental The primary goal of this study is to
vocabulary learning. In contrast, explicit improve students’ vocabulary mastery of
instruction refers to intentional learning of seventh grade atMTs Putra Putri
vocabulary through instruction, which is Lamonganby using Go Fish game. This
essential for beginning students whose lack present study belongs to Classroom Action
of vocabulary limits their reading ability. Research (CAR). The participants of the
To teach vocabulary, teachers should study were all of the students of seventh
be creative to make the students not bored grade it about one hundred and twenty-two
and feel interested in learning vocabulary in the 2016/2017 academic year. In this
in other that their vocabulary mastery can study, the researcher acted as teacher in
be improved. One of the strategy can be English class. This classroom action
used to improve the students’ vocabulary research will be conducted through the
mastery is game. Game is a contest stages of planning, implementing,
between the players who interact each observing, and reflecting. The stages will
other by following certain rules to achieve be preceded by a preliminary study. In the
the purpose of examination-specific preliminary study, the researcher gives test
(Sadiman, 2010: 75). According to Pribadi to know the students’ vocabulary mastery.
(2009: 43), game is competitive and directs The test consisted of 40 questions about
students to be able to reach certain vocabulary. The result of the test shows
achievement or learning outcomes. The that all of students score still under KKM.
game should be fun for students. In After the preliminary study, the next
general, the core of game is there are step concerned with the planning of
winners and losers. The winning party will developing students’ vocabulary mastery
get a reward, while the losers have to train by using Go Fish game method in the
harder to win the game. English class. This step covers preparing
Go Fish game as a vocabulary the teaching strategy that will be applied,
learning method. According to Mukarto preparing the lesson plan for the English
(1989) as cited in Cahyono and Widiati class, designing research instruments and
(2011: 115) “Go Fish” game proved to be setting up the criteria of the success. To
one of the best solutions. It can help measure the improvement of the students’
students overcome their poor mastery of vocabulary mastery, this study used test.
vocabulary. In this game, all of the Additionally, to determine whether the
students have an important role in the study had been successful or not, the study
English class. From this game, we can used the following criteria. The students
improve students’ vocabulary. Go Fish are considered to be successful if they are
game makes students feel enjoy to follow able to achieve a final score 75. If ≥75%
vocabulary class. The use of this method students of the class achieved the score
for teaching vocabulary is hoped to be able greater than or equal to 75, it means that
to improve the students’ ability in studying the study was successful. The
about vocabulary more. consideration of the score 75 is based on
minimum standard of English success as
stated in the minimum of completion

Journal of English Language Teaching Volume 5 Nomor 2, Desember 2018 e-ISSN: 2548-5865

criteria or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal Next, the researcher gave some tests
(KKM) at the school. Meanwhile, the to know the improvement of students’
percentage of students (75%) is the ability after using Go Fish game as a
percentage made by the researcher. The method in each Cycle.
improvement of students’ vocabulary can
be known from the result of the students’ FINDING AND DISCUSSION
test. For the first time, the use of go fish
After planning the action, the next game as a method made the students
step is implementing the action. In this confused and did not make them interest
step, all procedures of Go Fish game and active in teaching learning process.
method designed in planning the action. In They thought that the game was very
this research there are some steps which difficult. This condition made the result of
students have done in learning vocabulary the student’s test in this Cycle was still bad
by using Go Fish game, those are: (1) the because some students get score under the
students look for kinds of professions and criteria. Therefore, it needs to revise the
the duties based on the white board, (2) the activities in the next cycle because the
students find the meaning and make simple criterion of success was not achieved. In
sentence, (3) the students fill in the blank second cycle there are improvements of
with correct professions, (4) the students students’ vocabulary mastery after using
arrange the sentences into a good Go Fish game method.
paragraph. To know the students’ vocabulary
After implementing the action, the mastery achievement in the first cycle until
next step is observation. At this stage, the the second cycle, the researcher gave test
researcher will observe the whole aspects about vocabulary. In the preliminary test,
of the implementation of the action the students’ scores mostly were under the
covering the teachers’ activities during the criteria. The lowest score was 5, while the
English class and the improvement of the highest score was 75. The mean score of
students’ vocabulary mastery. The term the test in preliminary study was 48,10.
may also refer to any data collected during After the researcher gives “Go Fish game”
this activity. Reflecting is the last method as a method to improve their vocabulary in
of this study. It includes the discussion of the first Cycle, there was little
how far the strategy solves the problem improvement of students’ vocabulary
and the factors that might cause the although some students’ still get score
strategy applied are not successful. To under the criteria. In this Cycle, the lowest
know the result of students test, the score was 45, while the highest score was
researcher using formula at figure 1. 90. The mean score of the test in Cycle I
was 65,17. It means that the result of
Cycle I did not met with the criteria of
Sum of the right answer success. It happened since there were some
X 100
problems, such as the students were very
Sum of questions
confused about implementation of Go Fish
game. The students were very noisy. They
Figure 1. Formula of Test

Journal of English Language Teaching Volume 5 Nomor 2, Desember 2018 e-ISSN: 2548-5865

thought that the game was not important academic year of 2016/2017. The
for them. procedures of implementing the strategy
In the second Cycle, there was are as follows. First, the students look for
significant improvement of the students’ kinds of professions and the duties based
scores. The students’ lowest score was 80, on the white board. The second, the
while the highest score was 100. The mean students find the meaning and make simple
score was 92,41. It means that all of the sentence. The third, the students fill in the
students’ scores were greater than the blank with correct professions. The fourth,
criteria. In brief, it can be summed up that the students arrange the sentences into a
the implementation of Go Fish game can good paragraph.
improve the students’ vocabulary mastery
of the seventh grade at MTs Putra Putri REFERENCES
Lamongan in the academic year of Allen, Janet. (2007). Inside Words: Tools
2016/2017. For Teaching Academic Vocabulary
The findings were in line with Grades 4-12. New Jersey: Stenhouse
Mukarto’s view (1989) that “Go Fish” Publishers.
game proved to be one of the best Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2010). Prosedur
solutions. It can help students overcome Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan
their poor mastery of vocabulary. Go Fish Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
game is a game in which students play Cahyono, Bambang. Yudi. & Widiawati,
cards and ask each other for cards to make Utami. (2011). The Teaching of
pairs and hangman. Students then think of English as a Foreign Language in
a word and write a number of lines Indonesia. Malang: State University
indicating the number of letters of the of Malang Press.
words that other students should guess Kamil. Michael & Hiebert, Elfrieda H.
(Mukarto, 1989 as cited in Cahyono (2005). Teaching and Learning
&Widiati, 2011: 115). In this research Vocabulary: Bringing Research to
there are some steps which students have Practice (Elfrieda H. Hiebert,
done in learning vocabulary by using Go Michael L. Kamil, Eds.). Portland:
Fish game, those are: (1) the students look Stanford University.
for kinds of professions and the duties Pribadi, Benny A. (2009). Model Desain
based on the white board, (2) the students Sistem Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Dian
find the meaning and make simple Rakyat.
sentence, (3) the students fill in the blank Sadiman, Arief S. (dkk). (2010). Media
with correct professions, (4) the students Pendidikan: Pengertian
arrange the sentences into a good Pengembangan danPemanfaatannya.
paragraph. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.

In conclusion, I can say that the use
of Go Fish game can improve the students’
vocabulary mastery of the seventh grade at
MTs Putra Putri Lamongan in the


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