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1. Data Analytics :  Data Analytics often refer as the techniques of Data Analysis.

includes Algorithms, process of Data Mining methods, etc. Based on this
techniques Data Scientist can figure it out which method gives more efficient /
quick results with less calculations.
2. Data Analysis :  Assume that we have PBs of data in our storage devices. But if
we don’t Analyse such data, It will be useless, but if we do / perform analysis on
that data, We might can predict something that can help mankind. We can predict
on basis of data and can increase the selling / can understand the need of people
in particular areas and many more things can be done by Data Analysis.
3. Data Mining :  Now this is very basic term, when we are dealing with large
amount of data. This is basic term, but important as hell. Data can be any of form
either Structured or Unstructured or Semi Structured, Data Mining techniques
converts data into one single form that can be easily retrieved from the server to
any user and can be easy for Analysis.
4. Data Science : All the above fields / terms are the child of Data science. D.S is
the father of all above listed. D.S mainly includes Data + Algorithms where,
Predictive Analysis/Modelling, Statistical Analysis, Probability Models and includes
very complex mathematics in D.S.
5. Machine Learning :  M.L is one of my favourite. Well I note my self as M.L
Developer. There is no co-relation between M.L and D.S, but M.L can help in D.S.
Machine Learning is totally different from Data Science.Some where is crashes
between prediction as both uses Data and Algorithms, but its not similarity.
Machine learning is making machines to learn from the data, where in D.S we’re
making decisions from data. M.L includes NLP (Natural language Processing, to be
more specific Corpora data set) where Human understandable Language split into
chunks and then by applying some M.L algorithms it can be translated into
machine understandable language. M.L is sub field of Artificial Intelligence.
6. Big Data : As the term suggest, Big data, means Giant data. As we know the
number of videos are uploading on Youtube everyday, Number of tweets on
twitter in a single day, number of pictures on Instagram well this all data can be
noted as Big data that needed to be handle as we have some limited amount of
data servers. and also there’s huge possibility that data gets repeated. Right?, So
yeah here is sequence from 

Big data →Data Mining→ Data Analysis→Data Analytics → Data Science

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