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Terminal Report No. 2
Assigned Date: 13 April 2020


1. Encode all your Review & Dicussion Questions Answers on a short size bond paper.
2. A standard cover page format is required on every first page when submitting a required
terminal report output.
3. On the second page shall be the “Table of Contents”, showing the page numbers (starting
with number 2) on the right bottom corner for all pages.
4. On the third page shall be the start of the answers specifically for either, Review or
Discussion questions.
5. Strictly, observe proper use of margines for all pages starting from the third pages and
onwards, margines shall be as follows: Top - 1”, Left side - 1;1/2”, Right side - 1”, and
Bottom - 1”.
6. Required to use the following: Font: Arial, Font size: 12, and Spacing: Double Space.
7. All pages of your terminal report should be properly stapled at the left upper corner of the
paper prior to submission.
8. DO NOT use any type of folder when submitting this terminal output report.
9. This terminal output report shall be submitted upon resumption of classes after ECQ
lockdown which ends midnight of April 28, 2020, if NO other extension will be declared by
the Cebu City LGU.


1. Explain why there is a logical reationship between customer satisfaction and employee

2. Summarize the key workforce-focused practices for performance excellence.

3. (a) Explain the concept of workforce engagemeny.

(b) What advantages does it provide to an organiztion?

4. (a) Define what is an employee’s involvement.

(b) Dicuss different approaches to employee involvement.

5. (a) Define the term “motivation.”

(b) Why is motivation critical for performance excellence?

6. List the key factors that characterize high performance work.

7. (a) Define the term “Empowerment.”

(b) How does it benefit both the organization and employees?

8. (a) Define the meaning of the term “Team”.

(b) Define the major types of teams found in organizations today.

9. Discuss the five (5) phases that teams typically go through during their life-cycle.

10. Discuss the issues must an organizations consider with respect to health and safety, and
employee well-being in the work environment.


1. (a) What motivates you to study and perform in the online distance learning program?

(b) How do motivation theories apply to our personality?

(c) Discuss how these theories might lead to new ways of teaching and learning.

2. Explain how a focus on the following can lead to high levels of employee engagement. Provide
specific examples of professionals that support each of these.
a) Employees jobs benefit their customers and society as a whole.
b) Employees find personal meaning in their tasks and their profession.
c) Employees have strong personal relationships with coworkers.
d) Employees have new opportunities to develop and build their careers.

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