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Sub.Code-112 Sub.


Sub. Code : 124 Rs. 35000.

VALMIKI SHIKSHA SADAN H. S. Magh 22: Purchase from Rahul :
20 Tables of Rs 12000.
S. Required :
15 Chairs of Rs. 6000
(a) Purchase Book 2
Sent Up Examination-2071 b) Purchase Account 2
Subject: Principle's Accounting-I FM: 100 12. The following cash and Bank transaction are given.
Grade: XI Time: 3 hrs PM: 35 Jestha 1 : Cash in hand Rs. 7500 and Cash at Bank Rs. 15000.
Jestha 5 : Received cash from the debtors Rs. 95000 after deducting 5%
1. Give the meaning of Book Keeping in three to four effective sentences. 3 discount.
2. Explain the Money measurement concept. 2 Jestha 10 : Paid by cheque Rs. 2900 infullsettlement of Rs. 3000
3. Explain in short the features of Double entry system of Book Keeping. 3 Jestha 15 : Purchase goods for Rs. 45000 and paid Rs. 4000 in cash on the
4. Define Cheque and explain its type . 3 same date the Balance amount is also paid paid through cheque
5. Write any two points differentiating capital expenditure and revenue after receiving discount of Rs. 500.
expenditure. Jestha 20 : Cash deposited into Bank Rs. 2000.
6. Differentiate between Reserve and Provision with suitable example. 2 Required : Triple Column Cash Book. 5
7. Write any four features of government Accounting system. 2 13. Following information relating to a business were given to you on March 31.
8. Define Budget Sheet. Explain parts of Budget Sheet. 2 a) Debit side of Cash Book showed Bank balance Rs. 4800.
9. Give Accounting equation for the following transaction. b) Cheuqes issued prior to March 31 but not yet presented for payment
a) Started business with Cash Rs. 60000 and Bank Loan Rs. 30,000 Rs. 12500.
b) Rent Received Rs. 2000 and receivable Rs. 500 c) Cheque sent for collection of Rs. 6000 on March 15 has not yet been
d) Commission Received in Advance Rs. 1000 credited by Bank.
e) Amount withdrawn for domestic used Rs. 5000 d) Rs. 600 have wrongly been credited in the passbook by the Banker.
Required : Accounting equation 2 e) Interest of Rs. 350 collected and credited by the Bank.
10. Following transaction are given. f) Cheques of Rs. 5000, 6000 and 8000 were deposited into bank on
2062 Ashadh 1 Goods purchase of Rs. 70000. March 20 but cheque amounted to Rs. 5000 was not recorded in
2062 Ashadh 2 Goods purchase on credit from Ram of Rs. 30000. bank book till 31 March.
2062 Ashadh 5 Goods sold for Rs. 80000. Required : Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31 st March. 6
2062 Ashadh 6 Goods withdrawn by proprietor for personal use Rs. 3000. 14. Give entry rectifying the following errors. 3
2062 Ashadh 7 Goods destroyed by fire of Rs. 5000 and claim admitted (a) A credit purchase of Rs. 8000 from Trade link has been recorded
by insurance company for Rs. 3000. as credit sales in the Book.
2062 Ashadh 8 Paid to Ram Rs. 29000 in full settlement of his Account. (b) General expenses of Rs. 10000 has been debited to commission
Required : a) Journal Entries 3 paid account.
b) Ram A/c 1 (c) Cash paid to Kumar Rs. 750 has been debited to his account by Rs.
11. Following Transactions of Rajesh Furniture are given. 570.
Magh 7: Purchase or credit from Raman 15. The following Trial Balance and adjustment of a trading concern on
10 Tables @ Rs. 500 each Chaitra 31 given to you.
30 Chairs @ Rs. 400 each. Trial balance
(Discount at 10%) Particular Debit Rs Credit
Magh 15: Purchase from Bimal on Cash. Drawing 12500
2 Amirahas @ Rs. 4000 each. Capital 160000
1 Sofa set @ Rs. 7000 each. Opening Stock 74400
Magh 20 : Purchase computer for office use from Hari on Credit
Carriage inward 12400 Total 190,000 190,000
Return inward 5000 Additional Information
Return to suppliers 7500 a) Outstanding wages. Rs. 3000.
Deposit with suppliers 18300 b) Depreciation on furniture to be provided at 10%.
Charges on sales 7000 c) Prepaid rent Rs. 2000.
Required : Adjusted Trial Balance
Rent Outstanding 1000
17. Rapti Company purchase a machine for Rs. 250,000 on 1 st July 2005.
Loan to Raju 10,000 Another machine was purchased at Rs. 200000 on 1 st January 2007. On
Interest on Loan 500 1st October 2007 the first machine became obsolete and disposed at a
Creditors 30,000 loss of Rs. 500. On the same date another new machine was purchased
Purchase 1130,000 for Rs. 100000. Company writes off depreciation on straight line method
Sales 1280,000 @10% p.a. Books of accounts are closed on 30th June each year.
Provision for Bad debt 12000 Required : Machinery Account for four year. 8
Debtors 60000 18. A trader who keeps his books of account on single entry system supplied
Goodwill 31000 to you the following summary of assets and liabilities of his business for
Advertisement 9500 the year ending Chaitra 2054. 4
Particular Amount Particular Amount
Bad debts 4000
Account Receivable 55000 Vehicle 20000
Discount allowed 3300
Stock Trade 30000 Cash at Bank 40000
Wages 7500
Sundry Creditors 60000 Furniture 25,000
Plant & Machinery 78000
Plant & Machinery 60000 Loan from Friends 10,000
Prepaid Insurance 2000
Goodwill written off. 5000 The Capital at the start of the Business considered cash of Rs. 10,000.
Bank balance of Rs. 50000 and trading goods Rs. 20,000. His monthly
Adjustment :
drawing was Rs. 600
a) Write off further Bad debts of Rs. 2000 and provision for bad debt 10% Additional Information :
b)Closing stock Rs. 188000. Depreciate plant and furniture by 10%. Bad debt Rs. 3000
c) Wages included Rs. 2000 paid for erection of plant. (a) Closing statement of affairs (b) Statement of profit and loss account
d)Depreciate plant by 10%. 19. Following transaction of Apolo colour Industry are given.
e)Prepaid Insurance expired Rs. 1500 Balance Sheet as on 1-1-2007
Required : (a) Trading Account Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
(b) Profit and loss a/c. Capital fund 125000 Machinery 12000
(c) Balance Sheet 4+6+5=15 O/S salaries 1000 Furniture 10000
16. An unadjusted Trial Balance of a concern is given below : 3 Advance Subscription 3000 Subscription due 2000
Particulars Debit Rs. Credit Rs. 10% Bank Loan 21000 Cash and Bank 18000
Bank 20,000 Total 150,000 Total 150,000
Purchase 46000 st
Receipt and Payment account on 31 Dec. 2008
Debtors 22000 Receipt Rs. Payment Rs.
Furniture 50,000 To Balance b/d 18000 By Salaries 20000
Salary 40,000 To Subscription : By Stationery 2500
Rent 12000 2007 2000 By Furniture 15000
Sales 90,000 2008 29000 By Repair 1500
Capital 60,000 To Sundry receipt 5000 By balance c/d 21000
Creditors 40,000 To Entrance fees 6000
Total 60,000 Total 60,000
Additional Information : 23. Following information are given.
(i) Depreciate on furniture @ 15% p.a. Budget Heads Annual Expenses up Expenses of
(ii) Half of the entrance fees are to be capitalized. (sub Head) Budget (Rs.) to Bhadra Aswin (Rs.)
(iii) Outstanding salaries Rs. 2000. (Rs.)
(iv) Subscription due for 2008 Rs. 4000 & 2009 for Rs. 5000. Salary 200000 80000 30000
Required : (i) Income and expenditure A/C 5 Allowances 10000 6000 1000
(ii) Balance sheet as on 31st December 2008. 5 Rent 50000 20000 4000
20. The following extracts are provided for the year ended 31 st De. Last year. Office supplies 50000 25000 4000
Description Debit Rs. Credit Rs. Furniture 70000 20000
Sundry Debtors 300000 Additional information
Provision for Bad debt 15000 Total revolving fund received Rs. 220,000
Bad debt 6000 Petty Cash fund Balance Rs. 1000
Additional information : Deposit from furniture suppliers Rs. 5000
a) Further Bad debts Rs. 15000. Required information : Statement of Expenditure. 6
b) Make a provision for doubtful debts at Rs. 4%.
Required : Provision for doubtful debts a/c 2
21. Following transaction of an operating office were given to you. The End
Falgun -4 : Received budget release order for actual expenditure of
previous month 80000 and bank order for Rs. 95000.
Falgun 19 : Furniture goods advance of Mr. Chaudhary Rs. 17000 has
been cleared against the bills for purchase of Rs. 19500 by
issuing cheque for balance amount.
Falgun 28 : Out of total salary of the months Rs. 33000 (including
government of Nepal contributors to P.F.) and allowances
of Rs. 1500 were distributed after deducting Rs. 6000 for
P.F. and Rs. 700 for income Tax .
Required : Journal Voucher 5
22. Following information are given to you.
Chaitra 1 : Balance at Bank Rs. 4000.
Chitra 5 : Receive Bank order for Rs. 60000 and budget relase order for
Rs. 52000
Chaitra 12 : Issued a cheque of Rs. 11400 in favour of the contractor for
road payment after deducting 5 % for deposit.
Chaitra 20 : Cheque issued for Ram Karki Rs. 30,000 advance for TADA.
Chaitra 25 : Issued cheque of Rs. 24000 for distribution of salary for the
month after deducting Rs. 6000 for PF and 3000 for PF loan.
Required : Posting in to Bank Cash Book. 5

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