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Name : Erin Silvia Nadia Sari

NIM : 20180310063

Assess verbal and non verbal communication on videos that have been shared, among others :

1. Speaking not confidently, the way he said, it seemed like he had just memorized all the
words before the speech
2. Voice is low, at some point, decide to make a wrong intonation or declare an intonation
that is not appropriate
3. Flat face expression all the time, not showing any enthusiasm or warmth.
4. Boring, at least he admitted about his topics that is not interesting, but necessary to be
5. Does not involve a lot of hearings, he only points to certain people, asking for guarantees.
6. How to highlight points on a slide, don't synchronize between slides and topics (say about
statics but forget to change slides)
7. Lack of eye contact, eye contact that mostly read the text
8. Hidden behind the rostrum, seemed to show a sense of lack of confidence
9. Too rush at speaking words
10. Making lots of unnecessary sounds
11. Too much content / chart in one slide, making the audience confused which one should
be focused first
12. Body language, Lack of hand gestures make him look stiff
13. Not showing the appropriate expression (my words are happy but facial expressions and
tone of voice are flat, eyes look down)
14. Not really explained the content in the slide 2
15. Way of introducing look stiff, not confident, and often look down

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