Understanding Graded Exam/ Essay/ Short Answer S Narrative Reports Based On Performance Standard

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Grade 11 (All Sections) : _______1 st

Semester _ ____Life Science

: 8 Hours
: In this subject, area is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of Earth Science and Biology.
It presents the history of the Earth through geologic time. It discusses the earth structure, composition, and processes. Issues, concerns and problems pertaining to natural hazards
are also included. It deal also with then basic principles and processes in the study of biology. It covers life processes and interactions at the cellular, organism, population and
ecosystem levels.

Culminating Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to:

Prepare an action plan containing mitigation measures to address current environment concerns and challenges in the community.

Content Content Standard Performance Standard Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in
Developing the Highest Thinking
Skill to Assess
Minimum Minimum RBT Level Assessment Technique Enabling Teaching Strategy
WW QA PC Strategy
Interaction and The Learners The learners shall be able The Learners: Knowing Understanding 1Picture 1. 1. Narrative Representa Interactive
Interdependenc demonstrate the to : 1. Describe the principles Analysis Graded Reports based tion discussion and
of the ecosystem Exam/ on
e understanding of: 1. Prepare an action plan
Essay/ Performance
Group activities
containing mitigation Short standard Ex.Collaboration
1. The principles of the measures to address current Analyzing Answer
2. categorized the different
ecosystem; environment concerns and s
biotic potential and Understandin 2.Article
2, biotic potential and challenges in the community. environmental resistance ( Analysis/
environmental resistance; e.g. diseases, availability of Video
3. terrestrial and aquatic food, and predators) that Analysis
ecosystem; affect population explosion
4. how human activities 3. describe how the
affect the natural different terrestrial and
ecosystem aquatic ecosystem are 3. Case
interlinked with one Understandin Study
another. g

___ Conduct a survey to assess the possible geologic hazards that your community may experience.
Conduct a survey or design a study to assess the possible hydro meteorological hazards that your community may experience.

___ Conduct a survey in the locality that is prone to hazards and possible hydro meteorological disaster inculcating social responsibility prospering the love of
nature and Service(Tree planting and Growing) This may assess through reports and symposium given to the community for social awareness and love for every citizens ready
to face life challenges.
Task Description:
Performance Task

Criteria 4–
Exemplary 3 –
Accomplished –
2 Developing 1 – Beginning
 Does a full share of work or more  Does an equal share of work  Does almost as much work as others  Does less work than other group
 Assigns a clearly defined role; group  Assigns roles, but roles are not clearly  Assigns roles, but roles are not adhered members
members perform roles effectively defined or consistently adhered to to  No effort made to assign roles to group
 Never argues with teammates  Rarely argues  Sometimes argues members
 Arguments within group

 Output is extremely well organized with Product is organized with an introduction,

a conclusion body, and conclusion  Somewhat organized ideas; not  Lack of organization; choppy and
 Highly productive in accomplishing work  Accomplished basic work activity presented in sequence confusing; format difficult to follow
 Barely accomplishes the job  Does not accomplish assignment

 Presentation is clever and srcinal  Presentation is thoughtful  Presentation is at times clearly  Little creativity used; bland
 Engaging; captures interest of audience  Presentation is well done; interesting to presented  Presentation is hard to follow; poorly
 Each presenter speaks clearly and audience  Presentation is at times interesting to organized
loudly; good eye contact; appropriate  Most of the time, presenter speaks audience  Some members did not contribute to the
body language clearly and loudly; some eye contact;  Presenter is hard to hear; little eye presentation
 Members contribute equally to the some use of appropriate body language contact; poor body language
presentation  Most of the members contributed  Some members did not contribute
equally to the presentation equally to the presentation
Activity Score ______________ + Beyonder/Bonus ______________ = Final Score _

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