Core Reasons of For Sudden Job Lose or Job Related Insecurity. Astrological Core Reasons .

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Core reasons of for sudden job lose or job related insecurity.

Astrological core reasons………..

10th house from your ascendant(birth) chart indicate area of work and 6 th house indicate your ascendant(birth) chart 8th house from 10th house means 5th house from
ascendant is the badha in work area…and 12th house from 10th house is lose of work in
work area and 6th house from 10th house is calamity in job…

1. Lord of 6th, 8th and 12th placed in 10th house.

2. If 10th lord placed in 6th,8th and 12th house.
3. If the 10th lord in affliction, combust, retrogation and weak.
4. Period of Nakshata lord of, vipat tara ,pratayari tara , vedha tara nakshatra or dasha
chidra , chidra dasha sudden accident and conspiracy in job/business.


1. Transit of 8th lord over the ascendant, natal sun, 10th from moon is hard for job.
2. Transit of Saturn from 10th house from moon,8th house from moon, 10th house from
Sun and 8th house from Sun.
3. Transit over Mars in natal Mars is not favorable.
4. If Mercury is weak in transit.
5. Transit of Saturn/ketu over 19th (Adhan Nakshatra) nakshtra from Birth nakshtra
shows change of job.


 Good/bad results expected from a planet during its Major Period and sub periods
depend: -

1. The house the planet owns; (own sign)

2. The house the planet posited in;
3. The Rashi where planet is posted
4. The house it aspects;
5. To a planet is it in conjunction.
6. Navamsha Lord of the Planet
7. Nakshtra Lord of Planet
8. Kaksha Lord of Planet
 These are subject to modifications. So the nature of the result, good or bad, depends on
it’s being strong and benefic – weak and malefic.

1. If a planet is well placed in a good House/Rashi – associated with benefic planets it can
give good results.
2. Evil sign, Evil house conjunction or aspected by malefic will indicate evil results or the
Matters signified by it.
3. Results also depend on the status and social environment of the native.
4. Where predictions are being given; (Desh, Kala, Patra)
5. A natural benefic if owns a good house like Trion becomes fully benefic.
6. Natural benefic when owns malefic houses like 6, 8, and 12 will act as both benefic or
malefic (2, 12)

ध्यान का साकार या निराकार से कोई भी संबंध नहीं है । ध्यान का विषय-वस्तु से ही कोई संबंध नहीं है ।
ध्यान है विषय वस्तु रहितता। गाढ़ निद्रा की भाँति, लेकिन निद्रा में चेतना नहीं है और ध्यान में चेतना
पूर्णरूपेण है । अर्थात निद्रा अचेतन ध्यान है । या ध्यान सचेतन निद्रा है । गाढ़ निद्रा में भी हम वही होते
हैं, जहाँ ध्यान में होते हैं, लेकिन मर्च्छि
ू त। ध्यान में भी हम वहीं होते हैं, जहाँ निद्रा में होते हैं, लेकिन
जाग्रत। जागते हुए सोना ध्यान है । या सोते हुए जागना ध्यान है ।


25 August 2011, 7:37 AM
History repeats, not exactly. We can do historical investigation into it after an event
has happened but the astrologer can foresee the forces that shape it,  predict with certain
percentage of success. As a student of political science, history, international law and
international relations,  my interest in this area was stimulated when Dr. Raman referred to
a research of late Dr.Sampurnanand, a former chief minister of UP and governor
of Rajasthan. Saturn in Meena and Jupiter in Karka are periods of some historic events in
India said Dr.Sampurnanda. I did not test it but it gave me a stimulus.

Then I produced many such researches three of them are relevant now.

1) Jupiter transiting between Meena and Mithuna brings about a change in the central
2) Malefics along Vrisha-Vrischika  and Karka-Makar axis are times of disturbance in India.
3)This combined with the dasha in the Independence horoscope gives us valuable insight.

At a glance, it necessary to see that JP movement was launched in Mercury-Mars-

Rahu period on 9 April 1974 which I personally witnessed in Patna and even heard the
speech of that greatpatriot at Gandhi Maidan.

Anna Hazare's movement was launched on 5 April 2011 in the Sun-Rahu-Mercury period.
Sub-Periods in Indian horoscope
Briefly look at Rahu sub-periods of the history of  independent  India.
1) Saturn Rahu: April 1960 to Feb 1963 coincided with Rahu Saturn period in the
horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru. It was the beginning of the disaster in Nehru's career who
would have beenremembered as the greatest statesman of the twentieth century, according
Lord Mountbatten, if he had retired in 1955 from public life. It would have been the end of
his Mars mahadasha.

India China relations had reached their nadir, China attacked India on 20 Oct, 1962 and it
was period of total national humiliation signalling the coming end of the Nehru era. I was
posted in Shillong then and remember the wife of a colleague
weeping, with her daughter in her arms and saying that soon we were going to become
slaves of China.

2) Mercury-Rahu March 1975 to Sept 1977 : Indira Gandhi was not able to control
prices and corruption and justified corruption as a universal phenomenon. JP movement was
shaking her dictatorial rule, there was a High Court judgement against her and she imposed
National Emergency.

3) Ketu Rahu Aug 1985 to Aug 1986: V.P. Singh as Finance Minister in Rajiv
Gandhi's cabinet created a panic in India. "He was appointed to the pivotal post of Finance
Minister . He also gave extraordinary powers to the Enforcement Directorate of the Finance
Ministry, the wing of the ministry charged with tracking down tax evaders, then headed by
Bhure Lal. Following a number of high-profile raids on suspected evaders -
including Dhirubhai Ambani and Amitabh Bachchan - Rajiv was forced to sack him as
Finance Minister, possibly because many of the raids were conducted on industrialists who
had supported the Congress
financially in the past. However, Singh's popularity was at such a pitch that only a sideways
move seemed to have been possible, to the Defence Ministry.

Singh as defence minister began to investigate the notoriously murky world of defence
procurement. After a while, word began to spread that Singh possessed information about
the Bofors defence deal that could damage the Prime Minister's
reputation. And it did."

4) Ven Rahu Nov 1996 to Nov 1999: Coalition governments at center came and
went out. It was a period of most unstable government at the center till Atal Behari Vajpai
came with his NDA government. Confusion which Rahu causes
was seen everywhere.

5) Sun Rahu Nov 2010 to 11 Sept 2011 has so far been the worst era of scams and we
have seen the emergence of Anna Hazare.

See three other parallels

My research on malefics in Vrisha-Vrischika and Makar and Karka axis becoming
important periods in the history of India, based on the story of Saturn's entry in Vrisha,
particularly Rohini as given in the Padma Purana, elaborated by late
Sri.M.S.Mehta,  was based on many historical events. Here are three of them.

1). Jalianwala Kand on 13 April 1919 Ketu was 11 degrees in Vrisha

2). Congress party won elections in many states during British rule. Jawahar Lal Nehru had
his tiff with Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman which led to the resolve of the Muslim League to
demand Pakistan.(See India Wins Freedom of Maula Azad)
3) JP movement on 9 April 1974 Ketu and Mars both were in Vrisha 
4) Anna's Ramlila Maidan agitation 19 August 2011
Ketu is in Vrisha.

And remember, during this period of the stay of Ketu or Rahu, when planets change rashis,
get into retrograde motion or direct, some changes take place.
Keywords: KN Rao, Jouranal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Anna Hazare,
Indian Parliament, Jan Lok Pal Bill, Ramlila Ground, JP Narayan, Indira Gandhi,
Congress Party of India, Jyotish, Indian Astrology, Hindu Astrology, Vedic
Astrology, Kundli, Horoscopes, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Vrischika, Karaka,

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24 August 2011, 9:49 AM

"We should see it carefully as, sooner than later, India and Pakistan too standing in line
for this tempest, devastating west Asia, have to face it-astrologically, yes astrologically.
The 2011 Hindu New Year horoscope for India and Pakistan is frightening." (22 Feb 2011
morning 00.53) LIBYA AND GADDAFI: The Bell Tolls

That was the prediction made on 22 Feb 2011 and the Anna movement, the movement
of a noble and Gandhian movement started after the Hindu New Year started from 3
Moon moving into Mithuna, joining Mars and aspected by Saturn shows some spreading
melancholy. This was the prediction made on 23 August and the all party meeting has
rejected the Janlokpal bill of Anna’s team. There is all round gloom and fear of some
bad repurcussions.

There is also the fear of Anna being forcibly carried to hospital by the police as Sachn
foresaw and predicted.

My guess that But when the all party meeting takes place today , perhaps after 10 am.
Anna will be successfully persuaded to give up his fast.” has to be seen in some hours
from now.(8/24pm 24/8/2011).

Further predictions which will have to be watched are. But one can see some
parliamentary action on 29 and 30 August when Moon enters Simha and joins Sun and

Time for some parliamentary legislation is clearly visible  in the Republican horoscope
and also in the Independence horoscope but the unlifted confusion created by the
antardasha of Rahu is not disappearing. =====================
The Hindu New Year began on April 3 and on 5th started the Anna Hazare agitation which
shook up the nation and reminded people of the movement launched by Jayaprakash
Narayan in 1973-75 period. Some people have even started saying that 1975 emergency
situation is repeating.

“Unstoppable tornado of outrage” said one television channel in a prominent

headline. But it was over peacefully, very gracefully after one nine days of fasting by
Anna Hazare who himself was surprised by the tremendous response he got and he has
said like a realist that the fight had only begun.

Eight times not passed 

Remember that this bill have not been passed eight times in the last more than thirty
years. Comparing it with the fate of Women’s Reservation Bill may not be correct as
there was no mass movement in favour of it as there has been in favour of Jan Lokpal

What are astrological and socio-

political indications ?
1).That such movement would come
in India was predicted on 22 Feb
2).It was clear in the Hindu New
Year horoscope.
3) When Jupiter and Saturn opposed
each othe from Meena and Kanya it
got a crystallised shape when this
phenomenon repeats from Tula and
Mesha in  November this year some
more developments can be
expected .

Anna , Mahatma and JP

As in cricket, people fall into the
temptations of comparing the greats
of one generation with that of
another, here too English newspaper
like Guardian, compared Anna
Hazare with Mahatma Gandhi. Some
are comparing JP and Anna. It is
better to say that Anna is great, a true Gandhian from what we know of  him and his
achievements in his village, Ralegan Siddhi.

The storm that television channels had created over the arrest of Anna Hazare is a
tribute to the energy and vitality of Indian democracy, to the freedom of press India
enjoys that the government allows and respects. Minute by minute, the extensive
coverage that has been given to this event should not be forgotten. Anna’s movement
became a mass movement or had mass sympathy in no time. In a democracy like India,
the  politicians in entrenched power cannot crush it as, say, in Asad’s Syria.
Entire world has got interested in this movement and the UPA II government of India
cannot disgrace itself by taking repressive action. It will try its best to foil this through
various methods, honorable to sinister. It is why the government verson of Lokpal Bill
was drafted in a hurry to render Anna Hazare’s Jan Lokpal look superflous and
redundant: and they kept the real culprits out of the reach of Lokpal:they kept
theintelligenc agencies under their control to continue to have strong protective shields
for their own safety. It is known that many leaders of  political parties would not want a
Jan Lokapal ever to be enacted as they would be caught and punished, though
opportunistially the opposition uses it as an argument against the ruling UPA II.

An agitation in this era of  twenty four hours news channels, an event like this, agitation
against corruption, becomes a nation wide storm in only few hours. It was not so in April
1974 when the great Jaya Prakash Narain launched his sampoorna kranti or total
revolution  I  witnessed day after day in Patna where I was posted then.

The difference is that more than once, in 1974, I saw the brutal lathi charge of the Abdul
Gaffar government over agitators then from close range. In this case, I have watched it
on television and have admiration for the grace and restraint of Delhi police.

Raking up the ashes and dust of history, no wonder some people are comparing the
two--J.P. revolution and the agitation of Anna.

But Anna’s agitation is more difficult because it is against an ingrained tendency of

human nature, the spontaneous capitalist instinct in man, as Mao had called it. JP’s
agitation was against mighty Indira Gandhi: Anna’s against a mighty human tendency
---greed leading to corruption .
It is clear from the horoscope of Hindu New Year 2011 with planets in the sixth house
aspected by Saturn and the Saturn-Jupiter opposition joined by Mars making it violent as
happened with the agitation of Baba Ramdeo.

Arguments will always be there whether  an agitation to get passed a bill like Janlokpal
eclipses the role of parliament. The great JP had answered it in his letter to Indira Gandhi
when he was arrested in June 1975.
July 21, 1975
Dear Prime Minister,
In a democracy the citizen has an inalienable right to civil disobedience when he finds
that other channels of redress or reform have dried up. It incites and accepts his lawful
punishment. This is the new dimension added to democracy by Gandhi. What an
irony that it should be obliterated in Gandhi's own India!

Moreover, it is a false choice that you have formulated. There is no choice between
democracy and the nation. If was for the good of the nation that the people of India
declared in their Constituent Assembly on 26th November 1949 that "We, the people of
India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Democratic
Republic…give to ourselves this Constitution." That democratic Constitution cannot be
changed into a totalitarian one by a mere ordinance or a law of Parliament. That can be
done only by the people of India themselves in a new Constituent Assembly, especially
elected for that specific purpose. If Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity have not
been rendered to 'all its citizens' even after a quarter of a century of signing of that
Constitution, the fault is not that of the Constitution or of democracy but of the Congress
party that has been in power in Delhi all these years. It is precisely because of that
failure that there is so much unrest among for that. On the other hand, it only
compounds the failure.

You have accused the Opposition and me of every kind of villainy. But let me assure you
that if you do the right things, for instance, your 20 points, tackling corruption at
Ministerial levels, electoral reform, etc., take the Opposition into confidence, heed its
advice; you will receive the willing cooperation, of every one of us. For that you need not
destroy democracy. The ball is in your court. It is foryou to decide.
(Jayaprakash Narayan)

The hard fight of Anna is shown in the navamsha of the New Year horoscope when the
tenth lord is debilitated in the fourth house and gets aspected both by Saturn and Mars.

The saving grace both in the birth horoscope and navamsha is the aspect of Jupiter on
the tenth house, promising some sanity to prevail and some weak idealism to spring  up
in India’s public life.

“Weak idealism” is what must be repeated here because passing a bill to be followed by
proper action has alway been a problem as in the case of Anti Corruption Act, Anti-Dowry
Act etc. which exist in breach as the Sharada Act, prohibiting child marriages has
been since British times.

The difference here is the great social opinion preceding this agitation. Every reform
without social support has been a failure in India.

Therefore, let us be prepared for disturbance, agitation and very uneasy times ahead.

Let me repeat what I wrote on 23 Feb 2011.

"We should see it carefully as, sooner than later, India and Pakistan too standing in line
for this tempest, devastating west Asia, have to face it--astrologically, yes astrologically.
The 2011 Hindu New Year horoscope for India and Pakistan is frightening." (22 Feb 2011
morning 00.53) LIBYA AND GADDAFI: the bell tolls

(24 August 2011)

PS  Talks are still going on while I am writing it. (8/37 pm)

Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Anna Hazare, Baba Ramdev, BJP,
Congress, Jayaprakash Narayan, Jyotish, Manmohan Singh, India, Vedic Astrology, Indian Astrology,
Hindu Astrology, Kundli, Horoscopes, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Mars
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15 August 2011, 7:53 AM

In advancing teenage, our generation which could read English well and was brought up
on Coleridge, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats and Byron, have stored in our minds with the
memories of the communal orgies of 1946-47, the dawn of independence on the night of
14/15 August 1947. We, the children of freedom fighters, had kept awake till midnight
when came the sonorous voice of Omkarnath Thakur heralding Indian Independence with
Vande Mataram.

And we had looked at each other as though quoting Wordsworth.

          ''Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very Heaven!''
                                           William Wordsworth

On the eve of the Independence Day of 2011 on 15 August in India what we are seeing
being televised is this: From
I had held Hazare guilty of corruption: Sawant August 14, 2011, Justice (Retd)
P B Sawant, whose probe found that an amount of Rs. 2.2 lakhs was diverted
from Anna Hazare’s trust for his birthday celebrations, on Sunday said this
action amounted to "corruption." "An amount of Rs. 2.2 lakh was utilized from this
Trust for his own felicitation. That is proved and Mr. Hazare has not denied. Now you
can't use money of the Trust for your own purpose. That amounts to corruption. That's
the only act of corruption that was proved, nothing more than that," Samant, a retired
Supreme Court judge told TV channels.

“However, STAR News exposes Manish Tiwari's lie and found that Sukhtankar Committee
appointed by Maharashtra government had given clean chit to Anna Hazare after Justice
Sawant's report.” with IANS inputs
congress-hits-out-at-anna-hazare-says-he-is- involved-in-corruption
Beneath this attack on Anna Hazare, says Zee News, is the massive attempt by Congress
leaders to dig out a report buried six years ago and level a flimsy charge which is an act
pusillanimity and most stinkingly offensive to defend the indefensible.

This now is the level of political polemics. Such degenerated and demoralized response to
changes of massive corruption by the Jan Lokpal team of Anna Hazare! Was it the dream
of Mahatma Gandhi of a free India or to be more precise of our teenage generation of

On the eve of 16 August 2011 they are accusing, an active Gandhian of corruption,
stifling a Gandhian agitation, creating an emergency likes terror without imposing?

Is it bliss in this dawn to be alive?

What is happening in Pakistan?

The modern generation which got its history wrong particularly in discussing the
horoscope of Pakistan should know that Pakistan was formed a day earlier.

“Independence of Pakistan was officially announced on Thursday, August 14, 1947 at

12:00 a.m (midnight). but the ceremony itself took place half an hour early on the actual
day. This day is celebrated 1 day earlier in comparison to India even though
independence was granted by the British Raj to both countries at midnight on 15 August

And this generation has to be told that the independence day of Pakistan is 14 August as
Daily Times reported.

Daily Times, Sunday, August 14, 2011

Nation celebrates 64th Independence Day today
ISLAMABAD: The nation will observe its 64th Independence Day today (Sunday) with
great fervor and simplicity. The day will begin with special prayers in mosques for unity,
solidarity and prosperity of the country.

Let me quote from my earlier piece.

“In 1988 when Wyatt wrote it, Indian independence was already forty one years old,
Pakistan got broken up and Bangladesh had been created. Pakistan had suffered or
enjoyed, whatever one may say, enough military dictatorships. The astrological reason

1) Pakistan chose her independence twenty hours before India with Mesha lagna with
Moon in Mithuna involved with a bad exchange with Mercury, a khala yoga.

2) Jinnah got sworn in Kanya lagna with Mars the eighth lord for this purpose in the
tenth house aspecting the lagna and fourth house. After a military adventure in Kashmir,
Jinnah, a sick man died and the subsequent history has been a toss-up between a
democracy under the grip of the army or the army rule.

Years later when I met some of my childhood friends, Afaq, Zamil, Mustafa etc, when
they visited India , traced us out and revived the old memories we shared our
frustration. They talked of discrimination by Punjabi Muslims, even Sindhi Muslims and
massive corruption and we of nepotism and corruption. This is what they had not
dreamed of and this is what we had not dreamed of. But we are destined to live with it--
our muquaddar (fate) as they said.

I also remember what an Ahmadiya of Pakistan told me, in bitterest tones, in 1990.
Common to both countries is that while we have made a mockery of our democracy by
allowing a dynasty to dominate, in Pakistan the army has annihilated democracy.

What is happening in Pakistan on its independence day? 

Pakistan, On I-Day, blasts, accidents kill 39 in Pak, Indo-Asian News Service,
Islamabad, August 14, 201.

A deadly Independence Day in Pakistan, 14/08 18:13 CET

Attack - Bomb blast - Pakistan - Terrorism Independence Day celebrations with
bomb, gun and rocket attacks leaving at least 18 people dead.
An explosion at a roadside hotel killed 14 civilians. More victims are feared trapped under
the rubble in Dera Allah Yar in Baluchistan in the south- west. A journalist was shot dead
by gunmen on a motorbike in the same region. And at least three paramilitary soldiers
were killed in a rocket attack at Miran Shah in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal belt.
Baluchistan is a restive province where both separatists and Islamist militants have been
operating. Several suspects have reportedly been arrested. Copyright © 2011 Euronews

2011 August to August 2010 for Pakistan

Prepare details, divisional horoscopes and the different levels of dashas for Pakistan from
the horoscope given.

1) At one stage the nation will hover on the brink of total bankruptcy but receive massive
foreign aid to rescue itself.

2) One of its states will revolt and try to break away. Sinister seeds of secession which
led to the creation of Pakistan will haunt it as in 1947, as in 1971.

3) Pakistan army active behind the facade of democracy will come to the forefront more
and more and if necessary capture power once again.

4) Students of Pakistan in foreign countries will be in news not merely for wrong reasons
but also for some achievements.

5). Pakistan’s war like postures, border skirmishes will create tense situations in Indo Pak

6) Violent change of government is looming.

Compare the enigmas of India and Pakistan

Let the younger generation know something about Jinnah.
“The great South Asian intellectual Eqbal Ahmed once described Jinnah as an enigma of
modern history. His aristocratic English lifestyle, Victorian manners, and secular outlook
rendered him a most unlikely leader of India’s Muslims. Yet, he led them to separate
statehood, creating history, and in Saad R. Khairi’s apt phrase, “altering geography”. And
he is the father of fundamentalist Islamic Pakistan.

Jinnah was secular at one time: Former RSS chief

NDTV Correspondent, Tuesday August 25, 2009, New Delhi
As the Jinnah controversy continues to haunt the BJP and the Sangh Parivar, there is
more from the saffron quarters. Former RSS chief K S Sudarshan, on being asked
whether Jinnah was secular, said Jinnah had many facets and at one time was totally
committed to the nation.

"Jinnah had many facets. If you read history then you will come to know that Jinnah was
with Lok Manya Tilak and was totally dedicated to the nation. And when Gandhi started
the Khilafat movement, with the idea that currently we are opposing the British and if
Muslims join in then their support will help gain independence. But at that time Jinnah
opposed it saying that if the Caliph in Turkey has been dethroned what India has got to
do with it. That time nobody listened to him, which saddened him. So he quit the
Congress and left for England and only returned in 1927," said Sudarshan.”

Jinnah’s ancestors
His grandfather was Poonja Gokuldas Meghji, a Hindu Bhatia Rajput from Paneli village in
Gondal state in Kathiawar. Jinnah’s ancestors were Hindu Rajput that converted to Islam.
Jinnah’s family belonged to the Ismaili Khoja branch of Shi’a Islam, though Jinnah may
have converted to Twelver Shi’a Islam.

Gandhiji was a Gujarati Bania. The father of Pakistan was a Gujarati Rajput and of India
a Gujarati Bania. The Hindu Gandhi created Khilafat movement and the Muslim Jinnah
opposed it.

The first prime minister of Pakistan, Liquat Ali Khan was not orthodox and was
assassinated. The first prime minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, described himself as
“the last European” and died of.......

And India is a democracy half stifled by the dominance of a dynasty. Pakistan started as
a democracy but is dominated by the army. Why?

See Mars in the third house of Pakistan’s horoscope aspecting the sixth, ninth and most
important, the tenth house.

Do you see why Pakistan is such a

dangerous neighbor of India?

So go home my friend and tell your

children that both India and Pakistan
celebrate their days of independence
in the month of August and that
India is dominated by feral politicians
and Pakistan in the iron grip of feral

(15 Aug 2011)

Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Pakistan, India Independence day,
Mahatma Gandhi, Jinnah, Nehru, Anna Hazare, Jyotish, Indian Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Hindu
Astrology, Kundli, Horoscope

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