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• Cubeisacompletetravelforecastingfamilyofsoftwareproductsthatprovides
• MadeofmanyFunctionalLibraries:
• CubeBase
• CubeVoyager

• CubeAnalyst
DiscoverCube • CubeAvenue
• CubeDynasim
theGISTransportationPlanningSystem • CubeCargo
• CubeLand
• DevelopedbyCitilabs(Usa/UK)
Citilabs&itsclients Citilabs&itsclients
• WithMorethan2500usersin70countries,Cubeisonethemostusedtravel
• Citilabswascreatedatthebeginningof2002viamerger forecastingsystemsintheworld
• Advancedmethods:
• Cubeisamodular,integrated,fullfeaturedproductlineforthetransportationplanning
• CompanyisownedbytheFrenchengineeringgroup process(passengerdemand,freightdemand,microsimulation,airquality,reporting).
Systra(RATP/SNCF) • providesanswerstoalltheplanningquestionsfromtestingnewpublictransitalternativesto
• Mainoffices:

• Tallahassee Cube Base

• London
• Milan
• Paris
• Mumbai Washington SanFrancisco
• Beijing
HongKong Paris
Cube Dynasim
Sydney London
IntroductiontoCube IntroductiontoCube
Acomprehensivetransportationplanningsystem Acomprehensivetransportationplanningsystem

• Cube: • CubeBase– build,edit,run,present:

• Acommoninterface(CubeBASE) • CubeGIS
• Functionallibraries • ApplicationManager
• ScenarioManager
• Cubeallowsto:

• addfunctionsasrequired...
• IntegratedwithESRIArcGIS
• ...withouttheneedtolearnanew
• Cubeisseamlesslyintegratedwith:
• ArcGISsoftware(ESRI),
• MicrosoftOffice
• Userprograms

• CubeFunctionallibraries
• Voyager:passengerforecasting
• Land:integratedlanduse– transport
• Analyst:MatrixEstimation

• Dynasim:dynamic,multimodalmicro
• Cargo:commoditybasedfreight Cubeindetail
• Avenue:mesoscopicassignment
CubeBase CubeBase
•ApplicationManager CubeGIS providesunlimited
•ScenarioManager layering,signing,intersection

scenariosveryeasytodo FlowChartprovides
CubeBase:ApplicationManager CubeBase:ScenarioManager
ApplicationManagerusesaflowchartsystemfordesigning,coding,documentingandrunningthe ScenarioManagerhighlightskeymodel
model.Inputandoutputdataisshowninthecontextofthemodelandcanbeimmediatelyviewedor parametersanddataforeasycreationandtesting
• ApplicationManagermakesiteasytopresenta
modelinaclearwaytoothers.Featuresinclude – AsetofinputdataisaScenario,and“ScenarioManager”
• Apulldownmenutochooseyourmodel
functions.Eachmodelstephasinputdataon management
• FileLinkage(networks,zonaldata,etc.)and – Forecastinghasneverbeeneasier.Highlightthe

filescreationsforintermediatesteps,thendrag parametersanddatainyourmodelthatyouwishto
andlinkdatafromonemodelsteptoanother. changebetweenscenarios.
• Acompletedataeditingandvisualization
system. – Cubeautomaticallylocatesthesevaluesandcreates
• Aneasytouseinterfacetorunpartofthe menuprompts.Aneasytousegraphicalinterfaceallows
modelorthewholeprocess userstorunspecificorallscenarioswithnoadditional
CubeVoyager CubeVoyager:Network&Highway
Advancedmethodsforpassengerforecasting Createsdetailedrepresentationsofroadwaysegments,intersectionsandramps.
CubeVoyagercombinesthelatestinCitilabs'technologiesfortheforecastingofpersonal Thismodulecreatesacomprehensiveroadwayandjunctiondatabase
travel. Capabilitytoestimatepointtopointpathsandassociatedtraveltimes,costs,anddistances.

CubeVoyagerusesamodularandscriptbasedstructureallowingtheincorporationofany Highways:usedtoestimatezonetozonepathsandmatricesofimpedancesforuseinanalysisandin
modelmethodologyrangingfromstandardfourstepmodels,todiscretechoicetoactivity demandmodels.
– Pathscanbebuiltusingavarietyofmethodologies:All

– Capacityrestraint:intersection,linkorbothusing
discretechoicemultipathtransitpathbuilding andassignment.CubeVoyagerincludeshighly
– Junctionbasedassignment:CubeVoyagerincludes
CubeVoyagerwasdesignedtoprovideanopenanduserfriendlyframeworkformodelinga assignments.Thisprocessprovidesthebestestimateof
widevarietyofplanningpoliciesandimprovementsattheurban,regionalandlongdistance travelflows,delaysandqueuesinurbanlocations
CubeVoyager:Highway CubeVoyager:Highway
AkeyelementinCubeVoyageristheabilityto Attheendoftheassignmentprocess,foreachdetailedjunction,Cubegivesinformationas
– Signaledandnonsignaledcontrolled – Totaldelayperapproachandforthejunction
intersections asawhole
– Priorities
– Stop – Maximumandeffectivecapacity
– Roundabouts
– Volume/Capacityratiopersingleapproach

Cubecalculatejunctioncapacityonthebaseof: andforthejunctionasawhole

– Geometriccharacteristics(numberoflanes – HCMLevelofservice
– Functionalcharacteristics(signaltype,cycle – Maximumassignedflow
– HCMSettings(Visibility,grade,pedestrianand – Maximumandcumulativequeue
CubeVoyager:Highway CubeVoyager:PublicTransport
OneofthemostinnovativeCubecharacteristics'isthe“pathanalysis”tool.A“path”filecontainsall CubePublicTransitfunctionallibraryprovidesadvancedfunctionalityforthestudyofpublictransit
therelevantinformationaboutthepathbuildingprocessandtheassignmentprocess.Itisthen systems.
possible: – providesthecapacitytostudyeventhelargestandmostcomplexpublictransportsystems
– Tounderstandthemodificationsamong – Unlimitedlines,unlimitedlinksandunlimitedmodes.
differentiterationsinacapacityrestraint – Automatedprocessesforcreatingwalk,automobileandtransferlinksbetweenservices.
assignmentprocess – Abilitytorepresentinfrequentandtimecoordination.
– Tofullyanalyzedifferentclassesbehaviorand

– selectlink/node/path“onscreen” techniques:
– Bestpathandpathoptimization – Discreteroutepathsbasedon
– ... – Allornothing,
– Stochasticmultipath
– TheDiscreterouteprocessofCubeallowsto
CubeVoyager:PublicTransport CubeVoyager:PublicTransport
PTModelingFeatures PTModelingFeatures

– Advancedfaresmodeling – Transitaccessgeoprocessing:
– Combiningfaresystemsformodes,operators,lines – calculateandsavezonelevelaccesstotransitstops
– Advancedcrowd/congestionmodeling – Getselectedlink/nodetriptables
– Usercontroloverallaspectsofthepublictransport – LinkSpecific
model – NodeSpecific
– PreparationofaPTNetworkforPublic – Modespecific
Transport's modelingfunctionality – Linespecific
– OperatorSpecific

– GenerationofthenontransitelementofthePT
network,i.e.access,egress,transferandparkandride – Anycombinationoftheabove
legs – Usefulforevaluatingprojectdemand
– Demandstratificationbyuserclass – Canidentify/outputpercentorprobabilityoftripsIJ
– Results/Analyses usingtheselection
– Skimming,networkwideandmodespecific,composite
– Loadinganalyses transfersbetweenmodes,operators,

– multinomialandhierarchicalchoice

– crossclassificationandregressionmodels
– gravitymodels
– matrixfrataring
MatrixEstimation:CubeAnalyst MatrixEstimation:CubeAnalyst
Oneofthemostvaluablepiecesofdataintraveldemandforecastingisthematrix RigorousMethodology
representingexistingtravel.Itisthebasisforforecastingandforalmostall – CubeAnalystusesthemaximumlikelihoodstatisticalmethod.
importantcomparativeanalyses – Apowerfuloptimizerallowsindividualcellstobeestimatedwithprecisionthecalculationisself
– CubeAnalystistheCubefunctionallibrarydeveloped
specificallyforestimatingandupdatingbaseyear DataPreparation
automobile,truckandpublictransittripmatrices. – Thetypeandquantityofdatainputtotheestimationprocessis
– CubeAnalystenablestheusertoexploitawide lefttotheusertodetermine.
varietyofdatathatcontributetomatrixupdatingand – themoredataprovided,themoreaccuratetheresulting

matrixdevelopment. estimatedmatrixwillbe,butitispossibletoachieveworthwhile
– CubeAnalysthasbeenusedsuccessfullyonmanyand resultswithlimiteddata.
– Thetripmatricesareestimatedonacellbycellbasis IntegralQualityAssurance
usingthesupplieddata. – effectsandimplicationsontheestimatedmatrixofdifferentinput
– Statisticalsummariesareoutputgivingindicatorsof datamaybestudied
thequalityoftheestimation. – specialisttoolsindicatethequalityoftheestimatedmatrix
– Extensivereportingoptionsenableuserstoestablish – qualityanalysisofestimatedmatrixguidescosteffectiveand
theirownconfidenceintheresults selectivedatasurveyswhenrequired

• Cubeextensionforthemicrosimulationand
• Used‘inhouse’inFranceandItalysincetheearly
• MarketedworldwideasapartoftheCubeSystem

CubeDynasim • Currentlyisusedinmanycountriesfor
Microsimulationmodel:CubeDynasim Microsimulationmodel:CubeDynasim
• ScenariobasedSimulation CubeDynasimcapturesalloftheintricaciesoftrafficbehaviorandisabletoperform
• OnlyoneDynasimprojectforallsimulationalternatives
• Eliminatesredundancy
• Ensuresconsistency

• AnalysisofMultipleRunsinherenttothe
• Automaticallyperformsmultiplerunsandsummarizesresults

• Ensuresarobustanalysiswithnoadditionalburdenontheuser

• InteractiveResults
• CompletedsimulationsmaybeexportedtoaDynaViews
• InteractiveAnimationswiththesamefeaturesasDynasim
• Freelydistributable
Dynasim:IntegrationwithinCube Dynasim:IntegrationwithinCube
CubeVoyagercalculatesvehicleflowsandpathsformultiplevehicleclasses Thepassagefromthemacromodeltothemicrosmodelrequiresin
CubeDynasimtakesflows,paths,transit,andintersectioninformationfor Cubejustafewsteps:
microsimulation 1. Identifysubareaandrunanalysis(flowsandrouting)
VoyagermayimportdatafromCubeDynasimforfeedbackorvisualization 2. UseCubeAnalysttocorrectforprojections,counts,orsurveys
Allowsforafullyintegratedmodelingsystem 3. Loadbackgroundlayers(images,shape,dxf)
4. Confirmgeometricinformation(JunctionEditor)
5. Confirmcontrolinformation(JunctionEditor,Import)

6. ExtractsubareanetworktoDynasim
7. Extractandappendadditionalscenarios
8. Cleanuptheimporteddata
9. Simulatescenarios
Shareandexportmicrosimulation results
• Simulations’ animations and data may be exported
• Exported simulations may be freely distributed
• Play animations at any speed
• Zoom, pan, and navigate within the animations

Why“mesoscopic”models? Howmesoscopic/macroscopicmodelsdiffers
Transportmodellingismostlydoneonastrategic‘macro’level Traditionaltransportationmodels usemacroscopictechniquesto
studytheflowoftrafficfrompointtopoint volumeoftraffic
some“inability”tomodeltherequiredlevelofdetailincongested Computethelowestcostpathforthetrafficvolume
areas. Computecongestioneffects(throughvolumecapacityratiosand


HighwayTrafficFlow Howmesoscopic/microscopicmodelsdiffers

MesoscopicModels MesoscopicModels
Mesoscopictechniquescanstudytrafficflowsovertime Amesoscopicmodelallowstocompletenewtypesofanalyses:
eachvehicleunit ,basedonitsdeparturetime
Computesinteractionsamongvehicleunits EvaluatethebenefitsofITS(intelligenttransportationsystem)projects

Requireslessdetailedinputs thanMicroscopic eventfacilities

ProvidesbetterdetailsthanMacroscopic ...
MesoscopicModelinginCubeAvenue MesoscopicModelinginCubeAvenue
CubeAvenueisadynamicequilibriumassignmentmodel Dynamicbandwidths:
Loadsandtracksthemovementofvehiclepacketsthroughoutthe flows
highwaynetwork.Itmodels: queues
Vol/Cap ratio

Level of service and delays
Vehiclepacketsmove,stop,andqueuethroughupstreamroadsand Queues
intersections.CubeAvenuecalculatesoptimalnetworkconditions Turning Volumes
Cube Avenue application: Sundsvall Municipality

Use of links/nodes

Time Period
Cube Avenue application: Sundsvall Municipality Cube Avenue application: Sundsvall Municipality

CubeAvenueapplication:Houstonevacuationplan CubeAvenueapplication:Houstonevacuationplan
US 290 WB FM 1960 to Barker Cypress









0.00 4.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 32.00 36.00 40.00 44.00 48.00

Time from 9/21 midnight

CubeAvenueapplication:Houstonevacuationplan CubeAvenueapplication:Houstonevacuationplan
Evacuationroutesbecame“parking WhyNOTusetraditional(Static)models?
lots”. • Noimpactofqueues
Somepeoplespentmorethan18 • Noabilitytodealwithupstreamimpacts
hoursontheevacuationroutes • Linksdonotdirectlyaffecteachother
Fatalaccidents,abandonedcars,and • Notconducivetotimeseriesanalysis
othersafetyissues WhyNOTusetrafficmicrosimulationmodels?

• Studyareaofinteresttoolargeandcomplex
• Toomuchdataandmemoryrequired
• Toomanyuncertaintiestomodelaccurately
Challenge ModelSize
• 8countyregionwith4.7millionpopulationin2000.
• 3000zonesand43,000links
• Around14,000,000dailytripsmodeled

LandUsemodelingwithCubeLand LandUsemodelingwithCubeLand
CubeLandisafunctionallibrarythatmodelsland • CubeLandcangenerateextensive
use,pricesandhousehold/firmlocationby informationaboutthemarketunder
simulatingrealestatemarkets: differentscenarios.
• CubeLandiseconomiclandusemodelingsoftwaredesigned • Itprocessessupply,demand,andspaceina
especiallyforlanduseandtransportinteractionmodels disaggregatedmanner,basedonthe
• BasedupontheMUSSAIIframework characteristicsthatdescribe:

• DevelopedbyDr.FranciscoMartinezandresearchersatthe • Activities to be localized
UniversityofChile • Real estate supply
• CitilabsdistributesCubeLandasalibrarycoupledwiththe • Location of said activities on the properties
powerfulCubeBaseinterfaceformodelingandGIS • Values of the resulting land uses
• YoucanadaptCubeLandtostudyanyarea
• CubeLandcanforecastthelocationofmany
• the locations of homes, which have different
socioeconomic characteristics,
• the locations of firms, which have different industrial

• WithCubeLand,youcanincludepossiblechanges Cube:
Cube– theintelligentchoice Cube– theintelligentchoice
1. CompleteFunctionality Cubepackstechnicallyadvancedmethodswithinanintegratedenvironmentforthe
2. CompletelyOpen forecastingandsimulationofpersonaltravel,freightandenvironmentalimpacts.Its
3. AdvancedModelingFunctions mostcomplexmethodologies.
4. ThePowerofGIS
5. EasytoUse themodel.Theyappearonthepulldownmenuandhavethesamelookandfeelasall

6. Transparent andeasy.

7. Speed AdvancedModelingFunctions
8. Reliable freightflows.Featuresrangefromaninnovativemultipathandmultimodeapproach
9. MadeandSupportedbyModelers toatruecommoditybasedfreightsystem.
10. BasedonIndustryStandards
Cube– theintelligentchoice Cube– theintelligentchoice
ThePowerofGIS Speed
CubeBaseseamlesslylinksdatabetweenthemodelandArcGISfromESRI,theworldleaderin Cuberunsapplicationsfaster.Inmostcases,entiresetsofscenarioswillbecompletedmore
GIStechnology. quickly.
EasytoUse Reliable
Fromitsfresh,newlooktoitsintuitivescenariobaseddesign,Cubemakesiteasierthanever Bybuildingonprovenforecastingsystems,Cubedeliversareliablefoundationyoucancount
todevelop,produceandcomparescenarios.You’llbeabletogetmoredoneinlesstimewith ontoproducecomprehensiveandaccurateforecasts.
integratedscenarioandapplicationtools,manageyourdatainasnap,andarrangeprojects MadeandSupportedbyModelers

Transparent passengerdemandforecasting,commodityforecasting,microsimulationandenvironmental
Saygoodbyetotheblackbox.WhileCubemaintainstheindustrystandardstepbystep impacts.
approachtotravelforecasting,thearchitectureofthemodelisclearlyshownaswellasthe BasedonIndustryStandards
aremade. Fromdataformatstosoftwarearchitecturetoforecastingmethodologies,Cubeeithersetsor
What’s GIS – introduction to GIS
• GIS: Geographic information system
• A geographic information system
(GIS), geographical information system,
or geospatial information system is any system

• Captures,
Integrate GIS and Transportation • stores,
• analyzes,
Planning • manages,
• presents data that are linked to location
What’s GIS – introduction to GIS What’s GIS – introduction to GIS
• GIS is the merging of cartography, statistical • The possibly earliest use of
analysis, and database technology. the geographic method: the
• GIS systems are used in cartography, remote cholera outbreak in London
sensing, land surveying, public (John Snow – 1854)
utility management, natural resource
management, photogrammetry, geography, urban • Modern GIS technologies
planning, emergency management, navigation, use digital information

and localized search engines.
• In a general sense, the term GIS describes
any information system that integrates, stores,
edits, analyzes, shares, and
displays geographic information for
informing decision making.
Drawn by Dr John Snow about 1854; shown in Stamp, L. D. 1964, A Geography of Life and Death.
What’s GIS – introduction to GIS Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning
• A GIS helps you answer questions and solve • Transportation professionals over the world have
problems by looking at your data in a way that is discovered and embraced GIS as an important
quickly understood and easily shared: tool in:
• Map Where Things Are • Managing
• Map Quantities • Planning
• Map Densities • Evaluating

• Find What's Inside • Maintaining transportation systems
• Find What's Nearby • GIS for Transportation, named GIS-T by the
• Map Change American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, has been used for
diverse purposes, such as:
• Modeling travel demand
• Improving transit service
• Evaluating new road scheme
Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning
• In order to predict changes • Changes to travel demand:
to travel demand, we build • Alternative developments
models • land use (GIS)
• trip production (GIS)
• Main Inputs: • trip distribution (GIS)
• Data/changes in • Alternative policies
demographics • Alternative solutions for:

• Economic development • roads (GIS)
• public transport networks (GIS)
• Social development
• Policies
Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning
• Planning: • What – If ? analyses:
• need to accommodate • Planners develop alternative
demand on public solutions
infrastructure / responsibility • Models used for testing the
to preserve quality of life and alternative solutions
environmental sustainability • What if we choose solution A?
• GIS provides a framework to

• How much better is A
inform models compared to B, C and D?
• Shed light on the various
transport alternatives
Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning
• What We Do With GIS • What We Do With Cube
• Authoring & editing • Developing models of
geographic data transportation systems
• Managing spatial databases • Developing input data
• Designing processes
• Analyzing & modeling spatial
• Writing scripts
• Applying existing models to

• Basic mapping & cartography
analyze scenarios
• Editing input data Finance
• Running alternatives
• Viewing results

Modeling GIS Research

Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning
o Microsoft Office
o ArcGIS Desktop ƒ Access o Cube Base
ƒ ArcView ƒ Excel ƒ Cube Graphics
ƒ ArcEditor ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcToolbox ƒ VBA ƒ Application Manager
ƒ ArcInfo o SQL Server ƒ Scenario Manager
ƒ ArcPublisher/ArcReader o Visual Studio o Cube Voyager
o Server GIS (replaces ArcSDE) ƒ Cube Cluster
ƒ ArcGIS Server ƒ Cube Avenue
ƒ ArcGIS Image Server ƒ …Cube Land
ƒ ArcIMS (web delivery) o Cube Analyst Planning Modeling
o Cube Cargo
o Geodatabase types Microsoft o Cube Dynasim
ƒ Enterprise
ƒ Workgroup Software &

ƒ Personal
ƒ File Standards
o Developer Tools
ƒ Scripting (Python etc…) GDB Operations Research
ƒ Automation (VBA etc…)
ƒ Extensions
ƒ Applications
ArcGIS EngineCube
Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning
• Planning Agencies develop long-range plans
under fiscal constraint
• Maintain a database of projects with description,
implementation year, funding source, and total

• Want to map system alternatives by year and
generate reports relating performance to cost
• Add “Project network” with node, link changes
and common Project_ID
• Also add Corridor_ID and relate to feature class
to tabulate/map by system segment
Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning
• Consultants are charged with forecasting revenues for
financial planning & analysis
• Studies can be data-intensive and complex
• Origin-destination surveys
• Traffic counts by time of day, day of week, month of year
• Speed and delay studies (GPS data collection)

• Independent socio-economic data compilation & review
• Many alternative toll configurations & rates
• Add a Station_ID field to relate data collection sites to network
links / system segments
• Store toll system (plazas/gates/sections) in geodatabase to
streamline revenue tabulations
Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning
• Adverse effects of transportation projects on other systems • Geoprocessing : how you compute with data, connecting data
(air, water, ecological, social) must be identified and to tools to derive new information
addressed • GIS based systems:
• Many disparate issues and themes must be related to • They store and manage data.
transportation project of interest • They let you visualize data in a variety of ways.
• They make it easy to compute with data

• Use geodatabase to enable exploratory analysis of
interactions between different systems
• Aerial and satellite imagery (raster data)
• Natural resource inventories (wetlands, habitats, protected)
• Historical landmark places
• Socially and economically disadvantaged areas
• Health and safety hazards
• Air quality model outputs
Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning
• For all users – both newbies and “old pros” • Buffer

• Wrangling herds of data from one format to another

• Using a sequence of operations to model and analyze complex spatial • Clip - Extracts input features that overlay the clip features
• A typical geoprocessing tool performs an operation on an GIS
dataset (such as a feature class, raster, or table) and • Intersect - Computes a geometric intersection of the Input Features. Features

produces a new dataset as the result of the tool. or portions of features which overlap in all layers and/or feature classes will
be written to the Output Feature Class.

• Union - Computes a geometric intersection of the Input Features. All features

• Each geoprocessing tool performs a small yet essential
will be written to the Output Feature Class with the attributes from the Input
operation on geographic data. ArcGIS includes hundreds of Features which it overlaps.
such geoprocessing tools.
Integrate GIS and Transportation Planning Cube: real models, real GIS
• We can use geoprocessing in transpiration planning in • At the core of the GIS is an embedded version of ESRI’s
analysis such as: market leading ArcGIS, known as ArcGIS Engine.
• Buffer — Use the buffer tool to calculate proximity to stop • Citilabs developed a specialized application of this technology
nodes/parking areas/transit lines…
for transportation modeling by adding transportation topology
• Multi Ring Buffer — Use the multi-ring buffer tool to calculate proximity
rules fully exploited within its geodatabase, and a large
number of transportation-specific editing and analysis tools.

• Clip — Use the clip tool to extract features or parts of features from a
feature class, such as resident population in a range of a specific buffer • The GIS in Cube is an extremely powerful transportation GIS
• Intersect — Use the intersect tool for overlay analysis of feature classes. system that is directly compliant with ESRI technologies and
• Union — Use the union tool for overlay analysis of feature classes.
provides many of ArcGIS’s capabilities, for example, on-the fly
• Multi to Single Part — Use the multi to single part tool to convert a
multipart feature class into a single-part feature class supported by
Cube Base.
What is transport planning?
ƒ all useful processes to define and analyze
project scenarios Travel
ƒ definition of strategies and intervention
Introduction to Transportation Planning ƒ directing the transport system towards Supply Demand
optimum configurations Model Model

ƒ Always remember that, no matter the efforts
we put in our analysis:
 All forecasts are wrong, some forecasts are more
wrong than others.
 All forecasts are wrong, some forecasts are useful.

Source: Transport Models: TAG Unit 3.1.2.

Department for Transport, June 2005

What does transport planning aim at? What does transport planning aim at?
ƒ Defining whether a system/service is actually useful ƒ defining costs
ƒ Quantifying the possible number of users  building costs or initial investment
 yearly management costs
ƒ Dimensioning the service
 recurrent modernization costs
ƒ Choosing the transport system - examples:
ƒ defining revenues
 by road: building a road: infrastructure, toll, maintenance
 revenues from fares (tickets, car parks, …)
 Public Transport by road: buses management: vehicles, personnel, maintenance
 other revenues (advertising, …)

 Public Transport by rail: infrastructure, fare, vehicles, management, maintenance
ƒ Defining the route or lines  contributions
ƒ Defining service levels
 number of lanes
 number of vehicles

Who benefits from transport planning? Who benefits from transport planning?
ƒ Public institutions ƒ Private or Public Operators
 Municipalities  infrastructures owners or managing companies (such as motorway concessionaires)
 Urban Traffic Plans/Mobility Plans  feasibility studies
 Analysis of traffic for special interventions, ex.  technical/economic analysis of a new infrastructure
 shopping centers, traffic restriction in historic centers, PT services, etc.  Public Transport operators
 parking plans for historic centers  Analysis of the transport demand
 special services plans, ex. in touristic areas  technical/economic analysis of a new service

 Provinces, regions  Tourist boards, …
 Transport Regional Plan  feasibility of dedicated transport services
 Viability Regional Plan  trading operators, tour operators, etc.
 Feasibility studies  technical/economic analysis of dedicated services
 Analysis of the transport demand  analysis of traffic required by institutions (ex. shopping centres, tourist parks, multiplex cinemas,
 Ministries etc.)
 Transport and Logistics General Plan  links with stations/airports and tourist destinations
 Road Safety National Plan

Who carries out transport planning? Carrying out a transport system
ƒ The institution who is interested directlly ƒ Planning
ƒ Specialized consulting offices  quantification of traffic flows on the network
 analysis of alternative solutions
ƒ Specialized institutions
 feasibility analysis
ƒ Operators who are directly interested  drawing up of outline plans
ƒ Dimensioning
 definition of project specifications

ƒ Design
 drawing up of the executive plan
ƒ Contract, construction
 carrying out and implementation of the system

The planning procedure The planning procedure
ƒ Phase 1 - Analysis of the current situation ƒ Phase 2 - Definition of intervention scenarios
 delimitation of the plan and study areas  definition of the future tendency socio-economic planning
 zoning of the areas  representation of the future transport demand with no interventions
 analysis of the physical, geological and geotechnical environment of the plan area  simulation of the non-intervention planning and definition of critical elements
 survey of the regional planning  definition of objectives and restraints
 survey of the transport infrastructures and services offered  definition of intervention strategies
 analysis of the socio-economic planning  design of project alternatives of intervention – intervention scenarios

 estimate of the mobility demand for passengers and goods  estimate of implementation costs for intervention scenarios
 importance of relations between places of origin and destinations  estimate of the resources available
 importance of relations according to means of transport, reason, time span
 importance of traffic flows on transport networks, importance of critical elements

The planning procedure - Scenarios The planning procedure
ƒ Current scenario ƒ Phase 3 - Simulation of interventions and evaluation of their effects
 current planning of the transport-territory system (T-T)  simulation of the several intervention alternatives
 load conditions of networks  interaction demand-offer
ƒ Non-intervention scenario (Zero Scenario)  functional evaluation of effects on modal networks
 Future planning of the T-T system with no interventions  economic-financial evaluation – analysis of costs and benefits
 effect of the tendential evolution of: territory, activity ® demand  evaluation of the effects on environment and consumption of resources
 effect of interventions on the system  evaluation of the effects on business and employment

 evaluation of the effects on safety
ƒ Intervention Scenario
 comparison between project alternatives
 future planning of the T-T system after plan alternatives
 definition of priorities
 prescriptive and organizational modifications, new infrastructures

The planning procedure The planning procedure
ƒ Phase 4 – Carrying out of interventions ƒ Phase 5 – Survey of effects
 Prescriptive level  Survey of intervention effectiveness
 fulfillment of administrative and decisional procedures, comparison of interested parts  Improvement of the plan process
 approval by executive branches: Ministries, Council of Ministers, local councils  recalibration and validation of simulation models
 approval by legislative branches: Parliament, Regional, Provincial, Municipal Councils  comparison between expectations and real changes of the system
 Infrastructural level  evaluation of the decision-making process
 final project  Characteristics of the environment external to the transport system

 impact evaluations  Characteristics of the transport offer
 executive project
 Characteristics of the mobility demand
 contract, site setting up, construction, tests
 Quality of the balance demand/offer
 Organizational level
 definition of prices and fares
 definition of maintenance plans
 implementation of user information services

The planning procedure Basic concepts in model development

ƒ Phase 6 – Definition of corrective interventions ƒ We define a “model” as a set of data and

 evaluation of possible problems during the decision-making process processes that represent a real-world
 evaluation of social agreement and/or disagreement phenomena system and describe its behavior under
 involvement of the parts in the decision-making process alternative circumstances.
 readjustment of contrasting needs of planners, decision makers, collectivity
 modification of elements in the planning iterative process ƒ This is distinct from the software used to
 redefinition of objectives, restraints, type of intervention implement a model, e.g. Cube Voyager.

 redefinition of interventions

ƒ Models are applied to analysis of future

conditions to create forecasts.

ƒ When applying a model it is always

important to use common sense and
exercise appropriate judgment in interpreting

General Framework of Transport Modelling Transportation Model Databases

ƒ Roots in transportation economics and theory Travel ƒ Transport Analysis Zones (TAZ)
of supply / demand equilibrium.  Study area definition
ƒ Transportation supply = roads, bridges, trains,  Internal zonal data (socio-economic factors)
buses, airports, boats, planes, …  External stations
Supply Demand
ƒ Transportation demand is derived from Model Model ƒ Transport networks
 Directed graph (node-link connectivity)

demand for activities (goods & services).
 Centroids and connectors
ƒ Transportation costs = expected time,  Junctions / intersections
distance, money, and other penalties  Public transport lines and stops
associated with using some travel option
ƒ Skimming is the process of tracing (summing)
¾ The combination of these costs is called “Generalised
Cost” link values across the network along the
minimum cost path between each zone pair
ƒ Costs increase with demand – congestion.
ƒ Demand decreases with cost – diversion.
Source: Transport Models: TAG Unit 3.1.2.
Department for Transport, June 2005
17 18

Components of the system Components of the system
ƒ Offer system ƒ Demand system: all users who use the service offered by a transport system
 infrastructural components over a prearranged time span and with specific characteristics
 road networks, railway networks, airline networks, sea networks, LPT networks
 car parks, road junctions, stations and calls, branches
ƒ Traffic system: traffic flows travelling on every element of the offer system
 interchanges, intermodal terminals, freight terminals, airport hubs, port centres
derived from the interactions between demand and offer
ƒ organizational components
 road traffic, railway, airline and sea regulations

 - systems to control traffic and safety
 - routes, lines, timetable and fares of collective transport
 - user information systems
 - emergency management systems

Representation of the offer
ƒ Physical components
 network structure/Transportation Supply

ƒ Functional components
Representation of the offer  cost functions

transport network

offer model

all mathematical relations that correlate transport costs and flows of the links of
a network


Transportation Supply Transportation Supply
ƒ Graph of the network ƒ Centroids
 graphical scheme associated to a  fictitious nodes representing OD zones
database  Centroid: balance of flows  0
ƒ Components of the graph  Aim: correspondence between graph
 links and structure of the OD matrix
 linear elements of the graph that  internal centroid: centroid of a zone
reproduce the basic sections of real inside the study area

transport infrastructures  external centroid: centroid of a zone
 Nodes outside the study area
 points on the graph that reproduce ƒ Connecting links
the intersections and terminals  fictitious elements that connect
definition of node: null balance of Centroids to physical nodes
flows  they do not have any physical or
functional characteristics

Transportation Supply Transportation Supply
ƒ Information associated to a graph ƒ Public transport
 physical (or geometrical) characteristics of links  Information that describe the PT system:
 Length, section, number of lanes  Services or data about PT Lines
 Line Paths description
 functional characteristics of links
 Transit Stops description
 hierarchical level, administrative
 Frequency of collective transport services
competence, direction, no entries
 Capacity of collective means of transport

 Speed, Capacity, traffic Flow curve
 “Not Transit” Links (“NT Legs”), with information for
 Physical characteristics of nodes
each PT mode regarding:
 type of intersection: right of way, traffic
 Enter a Public Transport System
light, roundabout,…
 Quit a Public Transport System
 number of branches, number of lanes, no
turning or no left turns…  Change from a Public Transport System to
another one.
 Functional characteristics of nodes
 A full, extensive Geodatabase
 speed of lanes, capacity of lanes, traffic
lights timing, green percentage
 A full, extensive Geodatabase

Elements of the offer Elements of the offer
ƒ Transport Cost/General cost ƒ Individual transport
 Cost to cover a distance or section  monetary cost of fuel
 Made of several components that represent the uselessness associated to the covering of  cost of motorway tolls
a section  cost of paid parking areas
ƒ Public transport  journey time
 pedestrian access and leaving time to and from stops  time to find a parking space
 waiting time at stops  time spent in a queue

 journey time on vehicles  risk of an accident
 cost of fare (Fares modeling)
 Lack of comfort due to crowding (Crowd modeling) ƒ Cost functions
ƒ Discharge curves

Elements of the offer Elements of the offer
ƒ Cost function ƒ Cost function: connection between
 cost c charged to the user when travelling on a certain link l  flow or flow/capacity
 it can be a function of the flow f that travels on this link and possibly of the flow travelling on  time, speed (inverse cost) or other components
adjacent branches
ƒ cl (f) = col + cvl (f)
 f = vector of flows
 col = fixed cost independent of flow, ex: toll

 cvl (f) = variable cost due to congestion

ƒ Transport (simulated) network: graph whose elements are associated to a

cost function or another quantitative characteristic

Elements of the offer The Cost Function
ƒ representation of congestion ƒ Cost of the link
Cl = 1×tl + 2×cml

ƒ Cl = general transport cost for the link l

ƒ tl = journey time on the link l

ƒ cml = monetary cost of the link l
ƒ 1 and 2 = coefficients of reciprocal substitution (Homogenization):
reduction of the cost to only one scaled quantity
ƒ Cost of the route
Ck = Cl

Cost functions - Homogenization Cost functions - Highway
ƒ Cost charged to a user: quantities xi that are not homogeneous
ƒ reduction of the cost to only one scaled quantity
ƒ homogenization by means of dimensional coefficients ƒ tr = journey time
ƒ Ci= i (i·xi ) ƒ tnf = waiting time at the final node
ƒ dimension of coefficients: inverse with respect to the dimension of variables ƒ cm = monetary cost

ƒ VOT: Value of Time
 Cgeneral= t + cm ƒ Journey of a pedestrian
 Cg= 1 ×t + 2 ×cm
ƒ tp = journey time
 1 = [h-1] and 2 = [€-1]
 Cg= VOT × t + 2 × cm

Cost functions - Highway Cost functions - Highway
ƒ Traffic flow curves: they represents a connection between Motorways Urban Roads
 flow or flow/capacity
 clearing average speed
ƒ Typical curves: BPR

Cost functions – Public Transport Cost functions – Public Transport

ƒ tacc/leav = access/leaving time ƒ Access/leaving time: time necessary for the user to:
ƒ ts = getting on time  reach the stop to get on from the origin of his/her journey
 reach the destination of his/her journey from the stop where he/she gets off
ƒ tw = waiting time at a stop

ƒ tb = journey time on board
ƒ tt = transfer time
ƒ td = getting off time
ƒ cm = monetary cost
ƒ Lacc/leav = access/leaving distance
ƒ Vc,acc/leav = commercial speed of the means of transport chosen by a user
along access/leaving branches

Cost functions – Public Transport Cost functions – Public Transport

ƒ Getting off/on time: time necessary for the user at a stop to get on/off a ƒ Journey time or time on board: time spent by the user during the journey on
vehicle board from the end of the getting on time to the beginning of the getting off

ƒ Waiting Time: time necessary for the user at a stop waiting for a service that ƒ L = distance run on board
is from the instant he/she arrives until the instant when he/she starts getting ƒ vm = commercial speed of the transport system

Cost functions – Public Transport

ƒ Monetary Cost: price paid by the user to buy the right to travel, for example: Representation of the Demand
fare, pass, etc.


Representation of the Transport demand Representation of the Transport demand
ƒ System of activities – functions distributed over the territory ƒ Education
 type and dimensions of schools of several type and level
 number and dimensions of universities
ƒ Residence
 quantity of people on a given portion of territory ƒ Entertainment
 type and density of houses  type and dimensions of gyms, cinemas, etc.

ƒ Settlements ƒ Tourism

 type and dimensions of settlements of production or tertiary  type and dimensions of tourist attractions, etc.
 working activities (factories, shops, offices)
 number of local units ƒ Related disciplines
 number of employees  town planning
ƒ Services (commercial, financial, social…)  science of territory
 type and number of shops, bank branches, surgeries, etc.  statistics
 hospital beds  economy

Representation of the Transport demand Representation of the Transport demand
ƒ Characterization of the demand ƒ Characterization of the demand
 Origin and Destination of the journey  Time or time band of the journey
 Category of user that makes the journey (User Classes):  morning rush hour, evening rush hour
 Worker  afternoon moderate flow hour, …
 Student  Recurrence of the journey
 Tourist.  commuting, irregular, occasional
 Reason of the journey  Frequency of the journey

 Topicality of the journey  several times a day
 current: it takes place at the same time as the analysis of the demand  every day of the week, every working day
 potential: it supposedly takes place under certain conditions of the offer to simulate and assess  sometimes in a month, ...
 future: it takes place at a future time reference  Type of transport used for the journey
 collective transport
 individual transport
 Vehicles used for each type
 tram, underground, train
 car, motorbike, bicycle
 Route followed

Origin-Destination (OD) Matrix The structure of a OD Matrix
ƒ Zoning of the area




Components and characteristics of the OD matrix
ƒ structure of the matrix
 OD zones: structuring of the territory and of the data of the analysis
ƒ sectors of the matrix
 progressive numbering of zones inside/outside
 journeys inside the area of intervention (II) Path building and Assignment
 outwards journeys (IE)
 inwards journeys (EI)

 crossing journeys (EE)
 intrazonal journeys – main diagonal (zoneI=zoneJ)
ƒ margins of the matrix
 total per line and column (Trip Ends)
 total journeys generated from the zones of origin (Productions))
 total journeys attracted by the zones of destination (Attractions)


Path building / Assignment
ƒ A typical assignment process:
 builds paths based upon link costs (impedances)
 assigns trips to those paths for each origin zone.
ƒ After all origin zones have been processed, link costs are updated based
upon the level of congestion on each link. The Four-Step Modelling Process
ƒ The entire path and assignment process is repeated until some criteria for

termination is reached. Different criteria are used to determine when enough
iterations have been performed.
ƒ The volumes from each iteration are combined to form a weighted
ƒ Almost all of the operations follow a fixed pattern, and are driven by basic
parameters. Various options are usually available to provide the user with
additional outputs.
ƒ Specific courses and literature available…

The Four-Step Modelling Process Trip Generation
ƒ Answers the question “how many trips are
ƒ One (extremely common) method of
Generation produced by and attracted to each zone”.
forecasting travel demand.
ƒ Trip ends (productions and attractions) are
ƒ Productions and attractions are a function of 150 HH
socio-economic attributes of the zone, such 500 EMP…
generated based upon socio-economic and
Distribution as households and employment. 1300 “trips”
demographic factors.
ƒ Categories of trips:
ƒ These are distributed between zones based

 Home-based-work (commute)
upon aggregate travel costs. Mode  Home-based-other (e.g. social/recreational)
ƒ Logit models are used to split person trips Choice
 Non-home-based (e.g. mid-day errands)
between different travel modes.
ƒ Typical model forms:
ƒ Trips by mode are factored by time of day and Network  Cross-classification (average trip rates by household
assigned to specific network paths. Assignment and employment category)
ƒ Modern versions of this process feedback  Linear regression (least-squares estimation)
costs from assignment to earlier steps.  Ordered logit (discrete choice)


Trip Distribution Mode Split

ƒ Answers the question “where do trips ƒ Answers the question, “how do trips get from
produced by zones go, and where do trips D1 productions to attractions, given the available
attracted by zones come from?” set of network options?”
ƒ Function of activity concentrations and zone- ƒ Possible modes: public transit, personal
to-zone travel costs. vehicle, non-motorized transport, as well as

ƒ Process calibrated to match an observed trip detailed path/vehicle type options.
D4 Origin
length distribution (e.g. from surveys). ƒ The probability of selecting a given mode is a
ƒ Typical forms: function of the relationship between its cost
D3 D2
 FRATAR – iterative proportional fitting (IPF) and the cost of competing modes.
 Gravity model – IPF with friction factors ƒ Typical forms:
 Destination choice – random utility model (logit)  Multinomial logit (random utility model)
 Nested or hierarchical logit
 Incremental logit (based on changes in cost)

55 56

Time-of-Day Factoring Highway and Transit Assignment

ƒ Answers the question “when do trips between ƒ Answers the question “what specific routes or
Time Segment 1
origins and destinations occur?” Time Segment S links are used by trips, and at what level of
D1 Segment
Di Dz N
ƒ Trip Generation, Distribution, and Mode Split D1 Di Dz intensity?”
O1 T1,1D1 T1,iDi T1,zDz
create square trip tables in production- O1 T1,1 T1,i T1,z ƒ Function of interaction between travel demand
Oi 1 Ti,1 1,1Ti,i 1,iTi,z T1,z
attraction format, where each cell represents Oi Ti,1 Ti,i Ti,z and transportation supply including congestion
Oz Oi Tz,1Ti,1Tz,i Ti,i Tz,zTi,z

both outbound and return. Oz Tz,1 Tz,i Tz,z and crowding effects.
Oz Tz,1 Tz,i Tz,z
ƒ To translate into origin-destination format, the ƒ Equilibrium: all used paths have equal and
trip tables must be transposed, added minimum travel cost; no trip can unilaterally
together, and divided by two. divert without increasing cost.
ƒ Time-of-day factors are simultaneously ƒ Typical forms:
applied, representing probability that the  All-or-nothing (shortest paths only)
outbound or return portion of a trip occurs  User equilibrium (convex combinations)
during the time period to be analyzed.  Route choice (transit multi-path analysis)

57 58

Limitations of Trip Based Models
ƒ With Person-trips as the unit of analysis:
 No interactions between trips made in the same trip chain
 No interactions between trip chains made during the same day
 No interactions between the trips made by people in the same household
Activity Based Models ƒ Spatial aggregation of Trips:
 Trip origins and destinations modeled as if they are located at the same point in space

ƒ Demographic aggregation:
 All households within a given zone are treated as identical or segmented along a few
ƒ Temporal aggregation:
 Only a few periods of the day are considered
 Proportion of trips made in each period treated as constant


Activity Based Models Activity and Tour Based Modeling
ƒ Early recognition that travel is a derived demand ƒ Alternative to four-step modeling approach
Auto Ownership Model
 derived from a person’s desire to engage in activities that are spatially separated popular in the academic transportation
 Focus of the model should be on the underlying behavior: What people want to do, not research community and becoming more
where people want to go common in practice (although still less than
4SM) Activity Day-Pattern
ƒ Early attempts at implementing tour based models ƒ Disaggregate simulation using synthetic

 San Francisco Bay Area, The Netherlands, Boise Idaho, Stockholm, New Hampshire, Italy populations based upon micro-data
ƒ Complete tours, or chains of trips, are Tour Generation &
ƒ Current implementations of activity-based travel demand model systems analyzed, rather than individual trips Time-of-Day
 Portland OR, San Francisco County CA, New York City, Columbus OH, Atlanta, San  e.g. Home > Work > Shop > Home
Francisco Bay Area (MTC) ƒ Activity location and scheduling models
Joint Mode/Destination
ƒ Mode choice applies to entire tour Choice
ƒ Ideally suited for dynamic traffic assignment
and meso-simulation

Activity-Based Approach(es) Activity Patterns (Schedule)
ƒ Activity-Based Approach ƒ A sequence of activities, or a schedule, defines a path in space and time
 Think and model activities first (the motivation) ƒ What defines a person’s activity pattern?
 Consider interactions among activities and agents (people)  Total amount of time outside home
 Derive travel as a result of activity participation (derived demand)  Number of trips per day and their type
 Consider linkages among activities and trips (interactions)  Allocation of trips to tours
 Allocation of tours to particular HH members
 Departure time from home

ƒ Demand for activities <-> time allocation
 By definition a dynamic relationship with feedbacks  Arrival time at home in the evening
 Most approaches imply thinking in terms of temporal hierarchies  Activity duration
 Activity location
 Mode of transportation
 Travel party
 What else?

Time versus Space patterns Time versus Space patterns
Spatial pattern Temporal pattern Spatial pattern Temporal pattern

activities activities
y y


time time
x x Each activity = one episode
Real path Real path
Simplified path Simplified path A trip is an episode too

Activities: Activities:
H … Home W … Work L … Leisure S … Shopping H … Home W … Work L … Leisure S … Shopping

Activities in Time and Space A typical Model Structure
1. Population synthesizer

2. Zonal accessibility measures
3. Activity and travel simulator
4. Travel aggregator
5. Traffic assignment
6. Feedback loop / equilibration


H … Home W … Work L … Leisure S … Shopping 67

The typical model development workflow

1. Comprehend the model purpose

2. Gather and code data
 Transportation networks: roadway centrelines, intersection definitions, public transit routes
 Define TAZ boundaries and summarize demographic and economic factors (households
Conclusions and employment) by zone
3. Define model functions
 Obtain travel behavior inventory or survey data

 Specify, estimate and calibrate mathematical relationships using statistical tools & methods
4. Link data and processes with interface
 Lay out application groups and programs
 Sequence steps and link common data files
 Create catalog; run, review, revise as needed

69 70

Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Overview of Cube Base

ƒ Catalog area
– Scenarios
– Data
– Applications
ƒ Flow chart
Introduction to Cube (apps)
– The model
Cube Base – model application and data ƒ Data window

– Network/PT
– Reports
– Databases
ƒ Keys
– Scenario
specific inputs

Network window based on Cube4 style

Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Overview of Cube Base Overview of Cube Base

ƒ Catalog area ƒ Scenario edit

– Scenarios menu
– Data – Menu for
– Applications scenario inputs
ƒ Flow chart – Data files and
– Parameters
– The model
– User choices
ƒ Data window

– Network/PT
– Reports
– Databases
ƒ Keys
– Scenario
specific inputs

Network window based on CubeGIS

Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Overview of Scenario Editing and Network Development Steps Scenario development steps
ƒ 1 ; in catalog area, ‘Scenarios’, right click on ‘Base’ scenario and choose ‘Add Child’
ƒ 2 ; name the new scenario, e.g. ‘Year 2004’ and put in scenario code, e.g. ’04’ and
description, then OK ƒ In catalog area,
‘Scenarios’, right
ƒ 3 ; open input network from the ‘Edit’ button and choose to copy parent network/open
click on ‘Scenario
as appropriate
Tree’ and choose
ƒ 4 ; check and change the ‘Edit’ … ‘Options’ settings (from Cube menu …) ‘Add Child’
ƒ 5 ; check the ‘View’ … ‘Layer Information’ settings (from Cube menu …)
ƒ 6 ; create workspace (data layers, colours, styles, legends etc.)

ƒ 7 ; network editing; changing data for individual links/nodes
ƒ 8 ; network editing; using link computations, update mode, using polygons
ƒ 9 ; network editing; adding links, changing links, moving nodes, using copy and paste
ƒ 10 ; intersections; quick look at the intersection editing
ƒ 11 ; PT; quick look at PT editing
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Scenario development steps Scenario development steps

ƒ Open input
ƒ Name the new
network from the
scenario, e.g. ‘Test
‘Edit’ button and
choose from copy
ƒ Put in scenario options
code, e.g. ’ts’ and

ƒ Click OK
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Scenario development steps Scenario development steps

ƒ Open input
ƒ Check and change
network from the
the ‘Edit’ …
‘Edit’ button and
‘Options’ settings
choose to copy
from menu
parent network
ƒ Click ‘Close’
ƒ Give the new
button to accept
network a new

name, e.g.
ƒ If the network
name already
differs from
parent, this will
just open
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Scenario development steps Scenario development steps

ƒ Check the ‘View’ … ƒ Create workspace:
‘Layer Information’ ƒ Data layers by
settings from menu right clicking on
the ‘TOC’ frame
(blue circle)
ƒ Colours, styles,
legends etc. by

clicking on the
‘Link/Line Color’
button (red circle)
ƒ Text annotation by
clicking on ‘Post
Link’ and ‘Post
Node’ buttons
(grey circle)
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Scenario development steps Scenario development steps

ƒ Network editing … ƒ Network editing :
… Editor – start ƒ Using link
editing computations from
… Layers – choose ‘Link’ …
layer to edit ‘Compute…’ menu
… With editing tool – ƒ Put in name and
right click in

click on link or
node middle area to
ƒ Yellow diamond ‘insert’ …
indicates A-node ‘equation’
ƒ Black circle ƒ Right click to
indicates B-node define equation
ƒ Small black ƒ Used for single or
diamonds indicates selected items,
vertex points items selected by
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Scenario development steps Scenario development steps

ƒ Network editing : ƒ Network editing :
ƒ Add links from ƒ Changing links by
‘Link’ … ‘Add …’ clicking on link and
menu then move one of
ƒ Add links by the nodes (yellow
clicking on a link diamond or black
and then use copy circle)

button in feature ƒ Moving nodes by
explorer (blue clicking on node
circle) and then and move
the create tool
(red circle)
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Scenario development steps Scenario development steps

Sc STEP 10 Sc STEP 10
ƒ Intersection ƒ Intersection
editing : editing :
ƒ Read in ƒ Click on ‘Show
intersection data input intersection
from data’ button (blue
‘Intersections’ circle) to open
menu intersection editor

ƒ Post intersection ƒ Move through the
symbols from various fields to
‘Node/Color’ see and set/edit
button (must have data
been set up)
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Scenario development steps Scenario development steps

Sc STEP 11 Sc STEP 12
ƒ Quick look at PT ƒ Close network and
editing: save workspace as
ƒ Open PT data from MXD
either the data ƒ The various layers
section of the will get display
catalog or by settings saved in
adding PT data VPR file with same

from geodatabase name as
(right click on TOC) geodatabase
ƒ Add PT System
data from the
‘Transit Line
Manager’ button
(blue circle)
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Overview of Results Display and Comparison Steps Results Display and Comparison Steps
ƒ 1 ; in catalog area, ‘Data’, open the various output files by clicking on the ‘+’ and then RC STEP 1
the data files, open the assigned highway network first, then the demand matrix ƒ Open the output
ƒ 2 ; matrix view, look at matrix menu network from the
ƒ 3 ; goto network window, then add data to map with a right click in the TOC (table of data pane on the
contents) left
ƒ 4 ; link matrix to network from the ‘Node’ menu ƒ You find it under
ƒ 5 ; in the network window, post link information, bandwidths etc. using the ‘Post’ menu ‘Scenario
and/or buttons Outputs’,

ƒ 6 ; perform select link analysis from ‘Path’ … ‘Use Path File’ menu ‘Assignment
results’ under
ƒ 7 ; display matrix charts and desire lines ‘HW’
ƒ 8 ; in catalog area, ‘Scenario Reports’, create reports by right clicking on ‘Scenario ƒ Open the matrix
Reports’ and choose ‘Create Report’ from the
‘Demand Results’

Screenshot based on Cube5 style

Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Results Display and Comparison Steps Results Display and Comparison Steps

ƒ Study the various ƒ Add more data to
options in the your map by right
matrix view clicking in the
ƒ Use the ‘Matrix’ TOC area as
menu indicated
ƒ Add from the

ƒ Select the river

Screenshot based on Cube5 style

Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Results Display and Comparison Steps Results Display and Comparison Steps

ƒ Link matrix to ƒ In the network
network from the window, post link
‘Node’ menu information,
ƒ Add the matrix to bandwidths etc.
the network and using the ‘Post’
close the dialog menu and/or

Screenshot based on Cube5 style Screenshot based on Cube5 style
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Results Display and Comparison Steps Results Display and Comparison Steps

ƒ Perform select ƒ Display matrix
link analysis from charts and desire
‘Path’ … ‘Use lines
Path File’ menu ƒ Chart display
ƒ Follow require adding of
instructions on node variables for
screen tripend data

ƒ All done from the
‘Node’ menu

Screenshot based on Cube5 style Screenshot based on Cube5 style

Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Results Display and Comparison Steps Overview of Mapping & Reviewing Data
RC STEP 8 ƒ 1; The Layout View
ƒ In catalog area, ƒ 2; Example Maps
‘Scenario ƒ Street Base Mapping
Reports’, create ƒ Transit Mapping
reports by right ƒ Node/Point Chart Maps
clicking on
‘Scenario ƒ Intersection Level Of Service Maps
Reports’ and ƒ Multi-Bandwidth Maps

choose ‘Create ƒ Desire Line Maps
Report’ ƒ 3; Path File Select Link Analysis
ƒ Go through the ƒ 4; Saving Settings in the VPR file
tabs in the dialog ƒ 5; Sharing maps using MXD files
to create your

Screenshot based on Cube5 style

Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

The Layout View Add An Aerial Photo to Map

Ink Pen
Drawing ƒ Go to Datasets > Add
Tools Raster Data…
Layout ƒ Browse to
C:\Intro Cube Base\
New Data Layout Menu ƒ Move Network layer

to top of Table of
Focus Data
ƒ Zoom in to
Frame downtown
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Example Maps Transit Walk Access Map

Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Node/Point Chart Maps Intersection LOS Map

Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Link Volume and Speed Creating a Desire Lines Map

1. Open the output Mode Trips matrix
2. Open the output HW Loads network
3. From the Node menu, select Link to Matrix
4. Double-click on the Available Linkage and click Close
5. Go to Post > Desire Lines
6. Enter M1.T1.Car in Matrix Tables, 1000 in Scale, 5 in Org Exp, 1-25 in

Dest Exp, and select 2-way
7. Click on the Display button to view desire lines
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

The roles of VPR and MXD files Share With GIS Staff
You (or other GIS users) can also
ƒ The Visual Project (VPR) file is still used in to track and store settings create maps for Cube 5 using
made in Cube 5, including: ArcView 9.2 or 9.3. Add
– Line/Node/Area color and symbol sets advanced elements such as
– Attribute posting and label symbol & style sets multiple inset frames with
extent rectangles or semi-
– Selection sets transparent layers, and specify
– Other network options detailed symbol style and legend
ƒ A VPR is created for each MDB, with the same name as the MDB settings. Once your map is saved

as an *.mxd file it can be opened
ƒ You can import settings from an existing VPR file for another MDB in Cube 5 as well.
ƒ The MXD file is an ArcGIS-compatible map document, containing a
“snapshot” of the current symbol style settings, with no link to VPR
ƒ Changes stored in the VPR do not affect the MXD and vice versa!
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Overview of Report Creation Steps Overview of Cube Reports

ƒ 1; overview of Cube Reports ƒ Create from Data panel with a
ƒ 2; creating charts right click on Scenario Reports
ƒ 3; creating tables ƒ Select database/file (all
ƒ 4; copying to other programs such as MS Office outputs defined for the model
are available)
ƒ Choose file with path to save to
ƒ Choose single or multiple

ƒ Create the chart and table
elements for the report
ƒ Pie charts, histograms, scatter
plots, standard tables, cross
tabulation tables
ƒ Choose layout and styles
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Cube Reports - data Cube Reports - data

ƒ Choose output table/file ƒ Choose output table/file
ƒ DBF files, geodatabases, ƒ DBF files, geodatabases,
matrices, networks matrices, networks
ƒ Files can also be picked up ƒ Files can also be picked up
from outside the catalog from outside the catalog

Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Cube Reports – variables and Cube Reports – variables

chart types for the chart and layout
ƒ Single or multiple variables
ƒ Alias names for variables
ƒ Function
ƒ Choose what chart or table to
create ƒ Group by …
ƒ Styles, colours and fonts

Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Overview of Model Development Steps Overview of the model

ƒ 1; open model, make new subgroup ‘Assignment’ and open this new group ƒ Full 4 Stage model
ƒ 2; choose program ‘HIGHWAY’ and ‘PUBLIC TRANSPORT’ from the Cube menu, programs – Initial cost
ƒ 3; link in input files calculation
ƒ 4; define keys (network and PT lines) – Generation,
distribution and
ƒ 5; create output files mode split
ƒ 6; define scenario specific output files, make some ‘public’ and add some to the catalog – Highway and PT
ƒ 7; put in headings for flow chart (AM) and run menu assignment
ƒ 8; set model to application mode – Loop between

demand and supply
ƒ Full integration in
Cube Base
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Model development steps Model development steps

ƒ Open Cube ƒ Pull in the
ƒ Open Training programs HIGHWAY
Model from and PUBLIC
welcome screen TRANSPORT from
ƒ Open application the ‘Program’
ƒ Make new sub
group from ƒ Link in necessary

‘Application’ menu files (move mouse
over to see which)
ƒ Name it
‘Assignments’ and
save the group in
the ‘Application’
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Model development steps Model development steps

ƒ Link in necessary ƒ Define keys
files (move mouse ‘Network’ and ‘PT
over to see which) Lines’ (see key
ƒ Right click on the dialog …)
various input files
to do this ƒ Then define
ƒ Then define keys necessary output

(‘Network’ and ‘PT files (click on ‘OK’
Lines) by clicking button to
in ‘Keys’ area, top continue)
left and choose
ƒ (please note that
this will be a right
click in Cube)
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Model development steps Model development steps

ƒ Create output files ƒ Create output files
by right clicking on by right clicking on
the various files the various files
(move mouse over
to see which)

Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Model development steps Model development steps

ƒ ‘Make File Scenario ƒ Add heading
Specific’ by right (bitmap) to flow
clicking on the chart from
appropriate files ‘Application’ …
(the ones with ‘Properties’ menu
ƒ ‘Make File Public’

(by right clicking)
and add some to
data catalog
Training – Cube Base v5 Training – Cube Base v5

Model development steps Model development steps

ƒ Add heading to run ƒ Change model user
menu by right to ‘Model Applier’
clicking on catalog by right clicking on
tab (far top left) catalog tab (far
and choose top left)
‘Properties’ ƒ Go to ‘Model User’
ƒ Do this from and check ‘Applier’

‘Scenario Editing’ ƒ Then you are done
tab with the
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Essential Operations in Cube Voyager

• Pilot:
• Control process flow (looping, conditional flow)
• Call Voyager modules and run shell commands
• Compute, store and retrieve “global” variables
Introduction to Cube
Cube Voyager – functionality and programming • Matrix:

• Compile and process matrices and tabular data
• Compute and summarize zone-to-zone information
• Manipulate tables, spreadsheets, and databases

• Network:
• Compile and process multi-modal transport networks
• Convert, merge, and prepare model input networks
• Post-process and summarize model outputs
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Demand Forecasting Tools in Cube Voyager Supply / Assignment Modeling Tools

• Generation: • Highway:
• Applies linear equations or lookup tables to forecast/compute total trip ends • All zone-to-zone network path analysis operations for continuously available
(productions and attractions) by purpose and zone transportation services
• Flexible convex combinations algorithms for equilibrium network traffic assignment
• Distribution: • Explicit consideration of turn delays and detailed intersection analysis
• Distribute trips between productions and attractions based upon skims • AVENUE: An add-on to HIGHWAY for dynamic traffic assignment with meso-scopic
simulation, including queue propagation and flow metering.
• Fratar:

• Public Transport:
• Adjust a matrix to match row/column targets or growth factors • All scheduled transit service functions
• Access, transfer, and egress analysis and network development
• Matrix (XCHOICE): • Multi-path route enumeration and evaluation including sub-mode choice
• Hierarchical LOGIT choice model application, including joint destination-mode • Transit fare analysis and crowd modeling
choice and incremental modelling
• Limitations: up to 1,000 modes/operators/fare systems; 255 wait curves, crowding
curves, and/or vehicle types; 10 user classes; 32,000 zones, 106 nodes/links,
unlimited lines
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Transport supply and infrastructure data Demand Data and Other Tables

• “Highway” networks • Zonal Data

• 32,000 zones; 999,999 nodes; 999,999 links; unlimited attribute tables • Stores socio-economic & demographic information, trip ends
• Native binary Citilabs format for compression & efficiency • Exchange formats: ASCII (e.g. CSV) text, DBF (SHP)
• ESRI custom personal geodatabase feature dataset for GIS • Best GIS format: geodatabase polygon feature class
• ASCII (CSV) text and DBF for exchange
• Matrix Data
• Intersection / junction data • Zone-to-zone information of any kind e.g. trips, costs
• ESRI personal geodatabase formats • Up to 255 tables per file; 32,000 zones

• ASCII text format (Cube Voyager syntax) • Native binary MAT format for compression, efficiency
• Roundabout, priority, fixed-time and adaptive signals, two-way and all-way stops • ASCII (e.g. CSV) text, DBF formats for exchange
• Used to apply HCM 2000 or saturation flow lane group capacity and delay
• Record and Database Files
• Public transport services • ASCII (e.g. CSV) text, DBF, MS Access 2003, ESRI personal geodatabase formats
• ESRI personal geodatabase format: lines, non-transit legs
• ASCII text format (Cube Voyager syntax): lines, system data, fares, factors
• Lookup Tables
• ASCII (e.g. CSV) text, DBF formats
• Binary format to consolidate data with underlying multimodal network
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Implementation of Voyager – Program menus Implementation of Voyager – script file

Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Implementation of Voyager – script file Implementation of Voyager – scripting help

Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Cube Voyager Syntax and Structure Cube Voyager Expressions

• All statements follow the same general structure: • Operators:

+ addition || logical OR
- subtraction && logical AND
• KEYWORDs are always followed by an equals sign and a
* multiplication ==, = equals
/ division !=, <> does not equal
• The VALUE may be the result of an expression or % modulus >= greater than or equal to

^ exponentiation <= less than or equal to
• Continuation characters (commas, equals signs, any operator) () parentheses > greater than
distribute statements across multiple lines < less than
• E.g.: COMMAND,
KEYWORD=VALUE, • Numeric functions:
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Cube Voyager Expressions Comments and style guidelines

• Trigonometric functions: • Include plenty of comments—for yourself and others

• Everything following a semi-colon on any line is a comment
• Use ; comments to explain intent behind coded commands
• Character functions: • Everything between /* and */ is a control block (ignored by
• DELETESTR(s1,n1,n2), DUPSTR(str,n), FORMAT(x,w,d,str), INSERTSTR(s1,s2,n), parser)
LEFTSTR(s1,n), LTRIM(str), REPLACESTR(s1,s2,s3,n), REPLACESTRIC(s1,s2,s3,n), • Use control blocks to turn off sections of script without deleting
REVERSESTR(s1), RIGHTSTR(s1,n), STR(v,w,d), STRLEN(str), STRLOWER(str),
STRPOS(str,str2), STRPOSEX(s1,s2,n1), STRUPPER(str), SUBSTR(str,b,n), TRIM(str), • Use full COMMAND KEYWORD=VALUE syntax when possible

• Write system commands, keywords, and functions in UPPERCASE,
• Special functions: reserve lower and proper case for user-defined variables and
• CmpNumRetNum(V1,OP,V2,R1,R2) names
• Compare number V1 to number V2 based on OP and return R1 if result is true and R2 • NEVER have your script file open when you are linking new files
if result is false. into a Voyager Module. Input and output files will not get
• Try right-clicking when you are unsure what should come next
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Program module structure General Setup

• Cube Voyager program modules may contain one or more “phases” Comments ;Used to document your model
; whole lines or
• Each phase performs a user-specified sequence of operations on each ; end (;) of command line
element of a data structure, such as links in a network RUN Program ; start of program run/module
• Typical program script: FILES ; input and output files as specified in Flow
;Comments preceded by semicolon ; Chart (we do not need to type this in
RUN PGM=name ; Application Manager does this automatic for us).
FILEI … ;specify input files PARAMETERS ; setting values for variables
FILEO … ;specify output files PROCESS PHASE = ; start a calculation process

PARAMETERS … ;global settings not in any phase COMMAND keyword= ; document/explain the command
PROCESS PHASE=… ….more commands
ENDPROCESS ; end the calculation process
;more commands…
ENDPROCESS …. more processes
;more phases… END ; end of program run
• Additionally, some programs have an iterative looping framework that
will repeat certain phases until a convergence criterion is met
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Functions Used in All Modules Functions Used in All Modules

• IF Statement • PRINT Control Statement

• LIST= a,b,c
• IF(k > l)…
• FORM= fieldWidth&format sets default format
• = == > < >= <= != <>
• & && | || !
• FILE=filename if writing to file
• Can compare item with list: IF( I=1-10,21,25-29) • PRINTO=# ; Refer to print output file
• CSV=T ; Automatically sets the output to a CSV format
• IF (condition) COMMAND

• Items in LIST may have their own format:
• IF (condition)
ƒ …
• ENDIF • Formats:
• field width 10: (10)
• field width 8, 2 decimal places: (8.2)
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Functions Used in All Modules Modelling TIPS

• LOOKUP table • Always write scripts in CAPITALS, certain control

• A lookup table can be used anywhere in Voyager statements are case sensitive
• There are multiple forms; however the most • Include Lots of Comments to your scripts (Don’t Forget the
common is a DBF file with several columns, some
of which represent lookup fields, and others
representing result fields • NEVER have your script file open when you are linking new
• You can automate lookup table coding using the
files into a Voyager Module: input and output files will not

wizard at Insert > Lookup Table
• Example: get updated
FILEI LOOKUPI[1]="lookup.dbf"
speed by area type and facility type code LOOKUP LOOKUPI=1, • Use the right click when unsure what comes next
• Limitation: only one lookup value NAME=lookup,
; example of use: v=lookup(3,25)
; look for 25 in the FTYPE field
; and returns the SPD_A3 value
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Generated Script Files

• A script file is created and maintained by AM

• AM automatically generate the basic structure
• AM keeps track of all the input and output files
• The user will add Parameters, Process blocks, Calculations
Cube Voyager
• The user should NEVER edit the file names and locations

• All changes to the file names and locations should be done Network
in AM

Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Network Network

• Building, Comparing and Manipulating Highway Networks • Module Structure – Linkloop/Nodeloop/Phases

• Module Basics • Read ASCII and DBF files, re-code values from any input files specifically
• Inputs: designated.
• Up to 10 Link Files • NODEMERGE:
• Up to 10 Nodes Files • Read all node data and organize it.
• Up to 10 Networks • LINKMERGE:
• Read all link data and process it (main phase).

• Outputs:
• 1 Network (Citilabs Binary/Geodatabase); • The process compares corresponding A-B links across all input networks. It
then selects link variables from each network as per your specification. The
• 1 Link and 1 Node (text, dbf, binary Citilabs, geodatabase table)
default is numbers from the first input link file if nothing is specified.
• Up to 30 Print Files
• Variables: • Report results of LINKMERGE phase
• Unlimited Link & Node, 15 character limit, or, working variable=_varname
• E.g. LI.2.distance ;Read in from link input file #2 the distance variable

23 24
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Matrix: Demand Modelling and Matrix Manipulation

• Matrix is primarily a calculator. It simply processes

matrices, zonal data, or text records according to user
specified expressions.
• Inputs may include:
• Matrices
Cube Voyager • Zonal data files
• Record Data files

Matrix • Outputs may include:
• Matrices
• Print Data files
• Record files
• Various file formats for both input and output are supported
• User is responsible for specifying what is to be accomplished

Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Matrix: Demand Modeling Matrix – Common Uses

• Module Basics • Commonly used to:

• Inputs: • Calculate new matrix values
• Up to 20 matrix files (w/ 255 tables each)
• Convert and merge matrices between various formats
• Up to 10 zonal data files
• 1 record data file of ascii/dbf data (Record Processing) • Report values from matrices and zonal data by:
• Up to 10 Database files (BDI Processing) • Selected rows
• Up to 20 lookup tables • Marginal summaries (trip ends, etc.)
• Outputs: • Frequency distributions
• Up to 20 trip matrix files (w/ 255 tables each)

• Transpose matrices
• Up to 15 record data files (dbf format)
• Up to 10 print files • Generate matrices
• Renumber, aggregate, and disaggregate matrices
• Module Structure – ILOOP/JLOOP
• Process Record data
• Allows up to 999 internal tables
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Purpose and function of Highway module

• Function is to build paths using network links and either

extract path cost/impedance matrices or assign trips

Cube Voyager • Input includes highway network, zonal matrices, zonal data,
and turn penalties

• Output includes a loaded network, new matrices, turning
volumes and reports

• Basic default operations available with the user controlling

much of the process
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Highway module – input and output data types Highway module process structure

• Phases – multiple iterative loops

• SETUP: initialize certain variables and/or arrays
• LINKREAD: obtain required initial values that and compute Setup
link values referenced elsewhere.
• ILOOP: loop across all zones, building and loading minimum
paths as requested Linkread
• ADJUST: revise the link variable values for output or use in
the next iteration

• CONVERGE: check to determine whether additional ILoop
iterations are necessary

• Methods – convex combinations

• Multi-user class equilibrium, average or weighted Adjust
• incremental assignment, all-or-nothing,
• multi-user class link and intersection constrained Converge
equilibrium assignment,
• user defined…
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Path Building in Voyager

• Paths are built by origin zone to ALL destinations zones

in the ILOOP Phase
• Path building:
• initiated with the PATHLOAD statement
• built on a fixed set of link costs for current iteration and origin zone
• The PATH= keyword defines link costs used for path building
Cube Voyager

• Multiple path sets can be built using multiple PATHLOAD Generation
• Specific links can be excluded from path sets
• Skims of any current link attribute can be created as
paths are built
• OD Trips can be loaded to PATH sets by volume set
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Generation Generation PHASE=ILOOP

• Primary function is to process zonal data and generate • In this step the stack of calculations are performed on each
arrays of productions and attractions zone.
• Calculations and balancing functions are user defined • The user usually accessed a Zonal Data File and supplies
regression equations.
• Input may include • Script:
• Up to 10 zonal data files ƒ P[1]=3.2*ZI.1.HOUSEHOLDS

ƒ P[2]=2.5*ZI.1.HOUSEHOLDS
ƒ P[3]=1.2*ZI.1.HOUSEHOLDS
• Output may include ƒ A[1]=1.6*ZI.1.TOTAL_JOBS
• Up to 10 production and attraction files
ƒ A[2]=34*ZI.1.TOTAL_JOBS
ƒ A[3]=19*ZI.1.TOTAL_JOBS
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager


• This phase is used to balance the attraction and production

• The user can use the ‘BALANCE’ function to set:
ƒ Production Totals to Attraction Totals (P2A)
ƒ Attraction Totals to Production Totals (A2P)
ƒ Attraction Totals to Production Totals then the Cube Voyager
Number of Productions set to the Number of Attractions (NHB)

• This can be accomplished using ‘math’ or the ‘Balance’
• Script:
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager


• Uses the number of trip ends in each zone as the starting

point. These ‘margin’ totals are distributed to the rows and
column of a generated matrix.
• The distribution is weighted by the ‘Impedance’
• The impedance is calibrated with a Friction Factor Curve. Voyager Matrix for Modal

• Most common process is the "gravity" model, but there is no Choice
automatic, or default, trip distribution process.
• Input may include:
• Up to 20 matrix files, 1 text data file of data (friction factors). Up to 10 production
and attraction files

• Output may include:

• Up to 32 trip matrix files
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Mode Split – Choice Modelling Mode Split – Absolute Model

ALTERNATIVES=… ; Define each alternative choice (eg. Car, PT)
DEMANDMW=… ; Define input trip matrix to be split • Logit Curve Formula (cost-based model):
COSTSMW=… ; Define cost matrices for each alternative
ODEMANDMW=… ; Define working matrices to store output trip
matrices for each alternative Pr(PT)= exp(-O x GC(PT))/[exp(-O x GC(PT)) + exp(-O x GC(Car))]
STARTMW=… ; Define a working matrix for internal calculation
SPLIT= … ; Define the choice model (i.e. structure and Pr(Car)= exp(-O x GC(Car))/[exp(-O x GC(PT)) + exp(-O x GC(Car))]

; scale)

Choice Models that can be developed in Cube include: • Where

Simple binary or multinomial; hierarchic; destination choice
PR= Probability of use (Mode)
Absolute or incremental
GC= Generalised Cost (Mode – includes mode-specific
Cost or utility based constant)
O = Lambda ; defines “slope” or sensitivity to cost
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Mode Split – Logit Curve


Public Transport

Assignment Procedures

Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Public Transport Public Transport

• Primary function is to assign trips to public transport network services

• Inputs: • Outputs:
• Input includes highway network, zonal matrices, fare structure and • 1 highway network • 1 line file
route choice factors
• Up to10 trip matrices • 1 network,
• 1 system file • Up to 4 DBF link file
• Output includes a loaded network, new matrices, PT patronage and
• Up to 10 factor files • Up to 10 matrices,

• Up to 15 line files • 1 NTLEG File,
• Up to 5 NTLEG files • 1 Report File,
• Up to 10 route files • Up to 10 Route Files
• 1 Screenline data file • 5 DBF Stop to Stop file
• Up to 5 lookup files • Up to 20 Print files
• 1 intercept file for Cube
45 • 1 screenline file for Cube 46

Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Public Transport Public Transport

• Processes • Route Evaluation Choice Models for determining alternative

• Construct PT Network
PT route Probabilities are:
• Walking Choice Model
• Perform Route Enumeration - Is a process of finding one or more
• Is a logit model to determine the proportion of demand when alternative
discrete routes between zone pairs, which have some probability of walk choices are available
being used by passengers to travel between the zones • Service Frequency Model
• Perform Route Evaluation - Is a process to calculating the 'probability • Determines the proportion of demand for competing PT services based
of use' of each of the enumerated routes between zone pairs upon service frequency

• Skim costs • Service Frequency and Cost Model
• Assign PT Trip • Determines the proportion of demand for competing PT services based
upon service frequency and travel cost
• Alighting Model
• Is a logit model to determine the proportion of demand when there are
two or more valid alighting points

47 48
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Public Transport Public Transport – PT Lines Input File

• PT Lines File summarises PT service information using the LINE Control
statement and the following keywords:

• Assignment Types: • MODE=num ; defines the service’s mode, eg. Train, bus
• HEADWAY[num]=num ; defines the service’s headway in minutes, up to
• Multi-routing five alternative headways can be stored
• Multi-routing with crowd modelling • VEHICLETYPE=num ; defines vehicle type characteristics as specified in
• All or Nothing (best path) the system file
• NODE=num ; specifies the list of sequential nodes that the PT

service travels along
• Node has many the sub keywords including:
• Note: All or Nothing cannot be used in
• SPEED=num ; defines speed between nodes
conjunction with Crowd Modelling
• DELAY=num ; adds additional link time between two nodes
• Cube base summarises the information in a graphic format for easy editing.

49 50
Training – Cube Voyager Training – Cube Voyager

Public Transport – System Input Files

Public Transport – Example

• PT System File contains information that defines: 104 mins

• Public transport modes (i.e. mode ID and name)

A 100 mins (best route) B
• Operators of public transport (i.e. bus and train companies)
• Vehicles types (including, vehicle number ID, seat capacity, crush
capacity, crowding curve, load distribution factor for each vehicle

• Wait curves for both initial boarding and transfers 102 mins

• Crowding adjustment curves for crowing modelling

106 mins
• Node: Cube Base provides a graphic interface for defining
this data

51 52
Benefits of Freight Modeling
• To Answer Policy Questions

• Effects of alternative growth scenarios on freight movement

• What if regional development patterns change?
Introduction to Freight Forecasting With • What if major freight facilities are developed?
Cube Cargo • Effects of alternative policies on freight movement
• What if tolls were increased?

• What if the price of fuel continues to increase?

• Impacts of major projects on freight movement

• What if a two-lane US highway was widened to four lanes?
• What if major access improvements to a region were advanced?
Introducing Cube Cargo The Cube Cargo Model
• Generation: estimates annual tons of commodities • Main Interface for Running the Cube Cargo Model to test
produced and consumed by zone by commodity class alternative scenarios
• Distribution: distributes goods by commodity class
• Mode Choice: estimate modal shares of long-haul flows
• Logistics Nodes Model: partitions the long-haul matrices by

mode and commodity class into direct flows and transport
chain flows
• Fine Distribution Model: for each of the matrices
redistributes from coarse zones to the fine zones
• Vehicle Model: converts the estimated annual commodity
flows by truck into number of heavy trucks and light trucks
• Service Model: estimates daily urban service truck trips
The Cube Cargo Model Network Data Pre-Processing
• Cube Cargo model with Voyager modules for preparing • Voyager modules (HIGHWAY, NETWORK, PUBLIC
and analysing data and results TRANSPORT, MATRIX) can be used to evaluate
network inputs to Cargo

Cube Cargo Model Process Generation
• Regression models on socioeconomic
• Cube Cargo modules calculating production of volumes attributes (zonal data) and constants by
commodity class and country External zones controlled with ‘shift’/
and tons of goods and breaking this down to OD flows (parameters.genfunpar) “singpoint” variables to fix imports and
exports by commodity class and trend rates
• Use of special generators to represent
and OD vehicle trips external generated commodities: ports by
location of facility and commodity class
(manipulation.shift and
• Trend rates to represent production
efficiencies and other factors not
represented in the regression models by TLN have no production and consumption

commodity class and country
• User specified values for the amount of
production exported to external zones and
the amount imported to the internal zones
by commodity class.
• Trend rates to represent trends in the
level of import and export.

Study Area Internal Area External Area External Zone TLN

Production and consumption by commodity
class and country based on socioeconomic
attributes of the zones and trend rates
Distribution Mode Choice
• User assumption on percentage of goods that
are to be considered short-haul and long-haul • For Long-Haul Only
by commodity class (parameters.nearfraction) Estimate percentage truck, rail and air by
commodity class based on door-to-door
Set assumption (%) and trend rates on
• Trend rates to represent changes in short-haul shipment time and shipment cost and
what is short- and long-haul flow by • Multinomial logit
and long-haul percentages by commodity constant
commodity class
class (parameters.nearfractrend).
models by
• Short-haul trips are considered to be
transported by truck and are distributed using commodity distance
gravity models by commodity class Short-haul flows will be truck only and
Impedance is cost. distributed with gravity models
class Only for long-haul flows

• Segments the remaining long-haul flows into

those remaining ‘internal’ and those remaining • Choice models use
‘external’ by commodity class. (zonal
data.foreignfraction) by mode and
• Adjusts internal and external fractions by user
assumption on trends by commodity class
commodity class
(zonal data.foreigntrend).
• Distributes internal, import and export long- • Time
haul flows using gravity models by commodity External fractions set by user plus
class. (parameters.longdistribution) trends
• Cost
Impedance is a generalized cost using a linear
combination of time, distance and cost by • Constant
Study Area Internal Area External Area External Zone TLN Study Area Internal Area External Area External Zone TLN
mode weighted by the mode choice
coefficients. (parameters.mdsppar).
Logistics Node Model Fine Distribution Model
• Partitions the long-haul • Distributes models from coarse
matrices by mode and zone system to fine zone system Allocate Destinations with
Partitions into Long-Haul Distribute from fine origin to fine
Weights based on
commodity class into direct and Direct Flows by mode destination using gravity models
socioeconomic data
TLN flows • The fine zones are smaller and
nested under a coarse zone. 10 25
• definition of zone location of
TLNs and the zones that they These flows are distributed to the
serve (tln.tlntable); fine zones encompassed by the
Define location of TLN
(tln.tlnservedzones); coarse zone using: 30
Define service area of TLN 25
(tln.tlnserved outerzones). • a weight to establish a small sub-

• definition of directionality of matrix of the fine zone matrix 10
TLN flows and selection of TLN based on parameters and fine 25
using tlnweightroad, zone level zonal data.
tlnweighttrain and • and a gravity model using, 35
tlnweightship. distance as the impedance, to 25
• product is matrices by infill the individual cell values.
Partitions into Long-Haul TLN 15
commodity group segmented Flows and Short-Haul TLN • It is possible to override these
Flows by mode
into: models to represent particular
• Long-haul direct flows by mode Study Area Internal Area External Area External Zone TLN points in the system. Coarse Zone Fine Zone Allocate Origins with Weights
(truck, rail and air) based on socioeconomic data
• Long-haul to/from TLN flows by mode
(truck, rail and air)
• Short-haul to/from TLN flows by truck
From flows to vehicle models Touring Vehicle Model
ƒ Generation gives P & A by zone • Vehicles are assumed
and commodity class Coarse zone level Generation
ƒ Distribution distributes two sets of to have the same start
matrices: P & A by CC
– short-haul flows by commodity and end zone but
class which are assumed to be
truck flows; and
– long-haul flows by commodity
Long-Haul Flows by CC
make intermediate
class which go to mode choice Distribution
ƒ Mode Choice splits the long-haul
stops to load and
flows into long-haul flow matrices
Direct Short-Haul Flows by CC by Truck unload.
by mode and commodity class Mode Choice Generated tour from a TLN and
back doing pickups and drop-offs
ƒ The long-haul modal matrices from
Mode Choice are segmented into Long Haul Flows by Mode & CC • Heavy computations

flows that:
– travel directly from zone of so limit use to TLN
production to zone of consumption
(Direct long haul flows by
commodity class) and, TLN and selected zones.
– flows that will use a TLN. The
flows that go via TLNs are
segmented into:
• short haul segment by mode and Direct Long-Haul Flows by Mode & CC Long-Haul Flows to TLN by Mode & CC Short-Haul Flows to TLN by Truck & CC • Estimates number of
commodity class
• long-haul segment by mode and
commodity class
vehicles based at the
Fine Distribution
origin using the flows
Fine zone level
from that zone and Study Area Internal Area External Area External Zone TLN
Direct Short-Haul Flows by CC by Truck Direct Long-Haul Flows by Mode & CC Long-Haul Flows to TLN by Mode & CC Short-Haul Flows to by truck & CC
average load factors.
Standard Vehicle Model Vehicle Models
• Model assumes that all • The vehicle models can provide three truck matrices for
With the use of ‘Big Zones’ can include
vehicles make trips of the neighboring zones when calculating probability assignment to a roadway network:
of a return load. This generates a simple tour.
form A-B-A. • Heavy long-haul trucks
By default, the standard model creates direct
• Return load is a function round trips between the two zones. The • Heavy short-haul trucks
probability of a return load depends on the flow
of goods in the ‘back direction’ • Light short-haul trucks
of the commodity flow in
A ‘Big Zone’
the opposite direction.

• Can modify using ‘big • By default, these matrices are annual truck flows since
zones’ enlarging the area we estimate annual commodity flows. Matrix
considered for a return manipulation can be used to estimate daily and hourly
load. flows by season if so desired.

Study Area Internal Area External Area External Zone

Service Trips Assignment
• All modeling to this point concerns the movement of • Matrix manipulation to estimate daily or hourly truck trips
goods. for assignment
• The service model is used to estimate urban service • All of nothing assignment on cargo roadway network
truck trips such as:
• Repair men (e.g. elevator repair)
• Small shopkeeper taking goods from a wholesaler to a local

• Used directly on the fine zone system
• Estimates generation using regression models based on
zone type and socioeconomic data
• Trips are distributed using gravity models.
Cube Cargo – Model Interfaces Cube Cargo – Model Data and Parameters
• Model structure set up in Cube’s Application Manager

Cube Cargo - Model Data and Parameters Cube Cargo – Detailed Descriptions
• MS Excel tables used to store & input model parameters, • Methodology and data inputs for the Cargo programs
options, and system information
• Cargo expects multiple sheets in each Excel file
• Required column labels must be in first worksheet row

Cube Cargo – Data in MS Excel files Cargo PRODUCTION - Estimating Base Trip Ends
• MAIN MODEL DEFINITION – Model_Descriptions.XLS
Model.FineZonalSystem Model.FineKey Model.ZonalSystem
Zone zs1 Zone Model.Countries
• Tcej = The initial estimate for the total trip end (tons per year)
Name zs2 Name Code for commodity group c, direction e, and coarse internal zone j.
InternalFlag Countries
Model.DistanceClassVcl Country • kcel[j] = The constant for commodity group c, direction e, and
country l[j].
Model.DistanceClass Model.ShiftInfo Model.StructureDataInfo Code • Dcejv = The value of the variable called v for commodity group c,
LowerBound Index Code Name
for direction e, for zone j.

Shift Name Description
• Pcel[j]v The value of the coefficient associated the variable called
• XLS file inputs to Cargo programs v for commodity group c, for the direction e, for the country l[j].
• Zcejs = The value of the shift variable called s for commodity
• ZONAL_DATA.XLS – Inputs to ALL CARGO PROGRAMS except vehicle and service models
group c, for direction e, for zone j.
• MANIPULATION_DATA.XLS – Inputs to PRODUCTION • gce = the volume growth factor for commodity group c, for
• BASE_VOLUMES.XLS – Inputs to PRODUCTION direction e, for country l[j].
• FINEZONE_DATA.XLS – Inputs to FINE DISTRIBUTION • y = The time, in years, from the base year to the year for which
• VEHICLE.XLS – Inputs to VEHICLE MODEL Cube Cargo is being run.
Cargo PRODUCTION - Input Data Structure Cargo MODE DISTRIBUTION - Gravity Model
Zone.BaseData Zone.FutureData Man.ZoneShifts
zone zone zone • Short-Haul Deterrence:
[Model.StructureDataInfo.Name] [Model.StructureDataInfo.Name] [Model.ShiftInfo.Shift]
• c = A commodity group
Vol.Volume Zone.ExpImpFraction Zone.ExpImpTrend Vol.FutureVolume
zone zone zone zone • e = The base of the natural logarithm function
cdgroup cdgroup cdgroup cdgroup
emis tons/yr emis emis emis tons/yr • d = The distance
dest tons/yr %exported in base %exported growth rate dest tons/yr
export tons/yr dest dest export tons/yr • Fc(d) = The deterrence function of distance used in the gravity
import tons/yr %imported in base %imported growth rate import tons/yr model

• pc = the calibration parameter for commodity c
Para.ValueDense Par.GenFunPar Man.Shifts
cdgroup cdgroup cdgroup • Long-Haul Deterrence:
CountryCode CountryCode EmisDest
emis EmisDest [Model.ShiftInfo.Shift]
dest Const • Gc = The Cube Cargo generalized cost: this is the composite cost
Trend residual growth [Model.StructureDataInfo.Name] derived from the logit model used for modal split;
• Pc = The calibration parameter for commodity c
Model.ShiftInfo Model.StructureDataInfo Code
• c = growth factor for the calibration parameter for commodity
Index Code Name c.
Shift Name Description
• y = The time, in years, from the base year to the year for which
Cube Cargo is being run.
Structure Model
• Generalized cost:
Zone.TransitGrowth Zone.NearFraction Zone.ForeignFraction Zone.ForeignTrend
zone [external] zone [external] zone [external] zone [external]
cdgroup cdgroup cdgroup cdgroup • c = A commodity group
emis emis dest dest
E-E productions growth generated short-haul % export attractiveness growth rate in…
dest dest emis emis • m = A mode
E-E attractions growth attracted short-haul % import productiveness growth rate in…

• d = The total journey length in miles.

Para.DistParTrend Para.DistPar Para.NearFacTrend Para.MdspPar
• t = The total journey time in minutes.

cdgroup cdgroup cdgroup cdgroup
TrendFactor NearFraction TrendFactor mode
growth in LongDist… NearDistribution distclass
LongDistribution const • x = The direct monetary cost
• k0cm = The constant term from para.MdspPar.const
• k1cm = The coefficient from para.MdspPar.dist
Code • k2cm = The coefficient from para.MdspPar.time
• k3cm = The coefficient from para.MdspPar.cost
Cargo LOGISTIC NODES – Input Data Structure Cargo FINE DISTRIBUTION – Input Data
TLN.TLNFracRoad TLN.TLNFracTrain TLN.TLNFracShip
cdgroup cdgroup cdgroup Para.FineFunPara Para.ParaFineDis
zs1 (internal coarse zone)
EmisDest EmisDest EmisDest
FullLoadFrac TLNFraction TLNFraction
cdgroup cdgroup
TLNFracOfFull EmisDest Parameter
TLN.TLNServedOuterZones TLNPartLoadFrac NearFarFlag (enum: n=‘near’, f=‘far’)
zs1 (external coarse zone) TLNFracOfPart Const (zone weight term)
cdgroup TLNConsGoodFrac
WeightEmisRoad [Model.StructureFineDataInfo.Name] Same fields apply for Train, Ship tables
WeightDestRoad Fine.SingPointStreetVolume
WeightEmisTrain Fine.FineSocEcoData Fine.SingPointStreet
WeightDestTrain Finezone NR
tlncode cdgroup
WeightEmisShip Name Name
[Model.StructureFineDataInfo.Name] Ori (weight increment)

WeightDestShip zs2 (fine zone) Finezone
proportion of goods traveling by Dest
collected/distributed at TLN Fine.SingOD
TLN.TLNWeightStreet TLN.TLNWeightTrain TLN.TLNWeightShip Model.COGRInfo Volume
tlncode tlncode tlncode Code Model.COGRInfo
EmisDest EmisDest EmisDest Name
[Model.COGR-Info.Name] [Model.COGR-Info.Name] [Model.COGR-Info.Name] Description Model.StructureDataInfo Code
Code Name
Name Description

ƒ Introduction
ƒ Cube Analyst Program
ƒ (Mathematical Background)
Cube Analyst ƒ Calibration of Estimation Process

Matrix Estimation

Cube Analyst - Introduction Cube Analyst - Introduction

ƒ Cube Analyst allows user to update an “old matrix” using several (traffic ƒ Input Data:
counts, etc.).  A prior (existing) trip matrix
 Traffic generations and attractions of zones
ƒ Takes the adjacent inputs with corresponding confidences to produce an OD  Traffic counts on links
matrix that best fits the input observations using a maximum likelihood  Turning Count Movements
technique, coupled with an optimization procedure.  Modelled (multiple) paths between zones
 Cost of travel between zones
ƒ Cube Analyst estimates one matrix at a time, therefore your inputs must be  Parameters of a calibrated trip distribution function

consistent with the modelling period that you are trying to estimate. ƒ Output Data:
 The estimated O-D matrix.
 Summary reports on differences between input data and corresponding values implied by
the estimated matrix.
 A set of files with information on : Model Parameter values
A log of the optimization steps
Internal Gradient Search and Intercept data
Cube Analyst - Estimation Process Cube Analyst - Input Data

Input Data User Choices

Prior Matrix
Traffic Counts Input data Required
Confidence Level
Trip Ends
Paths Trip Ends Yes/no
Costs Matrix
Prior matrix Yes/no
Costs matrix Yes/no

Screenlines Always
Analyst Module
Paths ( or IPC File) Always

Verifica della Stima

Quality Indicators
Cube Analyst - Data Preparation Cube Analyst - Prior Matrix

ƒ INPUT Files to be developed in Voyager:

 Existing Matrix (“Prior Matrix”) with Confidence Levels (using MATRIX).
 Cost Matrix (using HIGHWAY). ƒ It is the “old” trips matrix.
 Trip Ends File (using MATRIX).
 Screenlines File (using HIGHWAY/PT or MATRIX).
ƒ It is one of the most important input

 Voyager Path File (using HIGHWAY) - Analyst can use this file to generate its own intercept data for the estimation process.
file, storing routes for OD pairs.
 Intercept File (using HIGHWAY/PT) - Stores routes for OD pairs that cross each
Cube Analyst - Prior Matrix Cube Analyst - Cost Matrix

ƒ The Cost Matrix contains information

about generalized costs. Each i-j cell
contains the cost value to travel from
origin i to destination j.

Matrix Script
ƒ If it is in input, it is in the same file of the
Prior Matrix.
Cube Analyst - Cost Matrix Cube Analyst - Trip Ends

ƒ Trip Ends are the generated and attracted trips for each zones during the
simulation time period.

Matrix Script
Cube Analyst - Traffic Count Data and Screenlines Cube Analyst – Screenlines location

ƒ In addition to the Prior Matrix,

Screenlines are the other important input
data for the matrix estimation process.

ƒ The traffic count sections must be
located on the corridors among O-D
Cube Analyst – Screenlines location Cube Analyst - Screenlines File

ƒ Location rules: ƒ Screenlines file can be generated automatically by HIGHWAY program.

 OD covering rule - traffic counting points on a road network should be located so that a
certain portion of trips between any OD pair will be observed.
 Maximal flow fraction rule - for a particular OD pair the traffic counting points on a road
network should be located at the links so that the flow fraction between this OD pair out of
flows on these links is as large as possible.

 Maximal flow-intercepting rule - under a certain number of links to be observed the
chosen links should intercept as many flows as possible.
 Link independence rule - the traffic counting points should be located on the network so
that the resultant traffic counts on all chosen links are not linearly dependent.

Highway Script
Cube Analyst - Screenlines File Cube Analyst – Route information (Path or ICP File)

ƒ Screenlines file can be

generated by user as .DAT
file (manually or using
MATRIX program).

ƒ ICP file (both for PT and HW)
ƒ PATH file (only for HW)
ƒ Differences:
 PATH FILE – whole set of routes ( all the zones and user classes)
 INTERCEPT – only the routes that cross the screenlines and by user class
Cube Analyst – Route information (Path or ICP File) Cube Analyst - Confidence Level

ƒ “Confidence level” is a weighted value for input data used to estimate new
ƒ ICP file – Script trips matrix.
ƒ It depends on reliability and variability of data:
 Inconsistencies in what the different data suggest that the estimated matrix should be.
 The inherent variability means that collected data items are merely a sample, and hence
the values, (even of simple traffic counts) may only be considered to fall within a range (a

distribution). The width of this range is a reflection of the confidence that may be placed in
particular items.
ƒ PATH file - Script

ƒ Confidence level is a weight factor for each element.

Cube Analyst - Confidence Level Cube Analyst - Estimation Process

ƒ Define confidence levels properly: ƒ The estimation model is given by following equation:
 Asking: How old is the prior matrix? What is the level of sample from the surveys?
 Create a classification of relevance. R
Starting to apply a set of general values.

Tij ai b j t ij – X K ijk
 Analyze results and decide. K

 … Tij Estimated Trips from origin i to destination j
tij Prior Trips from origin i to destination j
Rijk Probability of trips between zones i and j
ai, bj, XK Model Parameters
Cube Analyst - Estimation Process Cube Analyst - Estimation Process

ƒ If there is no prior observation for movements between some O-D (and if ƒ The main features of the Cube Analyst calculations are:
there is an input cost matrix), tij may be calculated by:  Optimization – Changing the parameters of the estimation model to optimize them
 Evaluation – Defining if the result is the best
 E c ij
tij ciDj e

tij Prior Trips from origin i to destination j Maximum likelihood objective function:
cij Generalized cost of travel between zones i and j
D, E Model Parameters
M ¦O H H  O H H log( O H h )
NOTE: The equation above is borrowed from the gravity model that makes the behavioural
assumption that people prefer lower cost journeys to cost ones, but are influenced by level of
trips generated by and attracted to different zones. (It is not a rigorous approach but it may be h Estimated data
used where no other source of prior matrix data is available. H Observed data
Oij Confidence level associated with H
Cube Analyst - Estimation Process Cube Analyst - Estimation Process

ƒ Maximum likelihood theory shows that the most likely values are indicated when M, which is ƒ The maximum likelihood method assumes that each item of input data represents an
negative, reaches its minimum possible value. (For reason of computational convenience, Cube observation from a random distribution of possible values, but where the variation of values may
Analyst minimizes the negative of the “log-likelihood” objective function, rather than maximizing be described by a probability distribution function (Poisson Probability Distribution Function).
the positive version, as the name “maximum likelihood” might suggest.)

Cube Analyst - Options Cube Analyst - Standard user control Parameters

ƒ TABLES The input matrix numbers to be used.

They are respectively the prior trip matrix and confidence
levels, and the cost matrix and confidence levels.
(example: TABLES=101,102,0,0)
ƒ PSETS Applies only when a VOYAGER path file is input.
It defines the path sets to apply
l when building the

intercepts for the screenlines. (example: PSET=1)
ƒ PVOLS Applies only when a VOYAGER path file is input.
It defines the volumes to apply when building the
intercepts for the screenline. (example: PVOLS=1)
ƒ WIDEND Specifies the format of the Screenline File. (0 = automatic)
ƒ MFORM Indicates the format of the output matrix. (0 = as in input)
ƒ DEC Defines the precision for storing values in output matrix.
ƒ ...
Cube Analyst - Secondary user control Parameters Cube Analyst – Calibration (Analyzing Reports)

ƒ MAXITERS The maximum number of iterations (Default = 3000) ƒ Average Confidence Levels
ƒ UTOL The accuracy tolerance in detecting convergence or failure.
(Default = 0.0001)
ƒ ITERH The number of iterations between recalculations of the
estimated Hessian matrix. (Default = generated by ME)
ƒ IHTYPE Type of optimization process used by Cube Analyst

ƒ Prior/Estimated Matrix Totals

ƒ IREP Reporting level for the optimization log file

ƒ ...
Cube Analyst – Calibration (Analyzing Reports) Cube Analyst – Calibration (Analyzing Reports)

ƒ Observed/Estimated Generations ƒ Screenlines Report

ƒ Observed/Estimated Attractions
Cube Analyst – Calibration (Analyzing Reports) Cube Analyst – Calibration (Analyzing Reports)

ƒ Check the structure of the matrix – usual TLD (trip length distribution) ƒ Guidelines on acceptability


ƒ Transportation Modelling and Cube Avenue

ƒ Basic Principles of Cube Avenue

Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Cube Avenue ƒ Exercise: Dynamic Avenue Assignment Model

ƒ Visualization and Analysis Tools
ƒ Packet Log Analysis Techniques
ƒ Equilibrium Methods for Large Urban Models

ƒ Conclusion and news in Cube Avenue 5.1.0

During the “model period” the following variables are
constant and do not change:
ƒ Origin-destination flows (travel demand)
ƒ Routing and path proportions
ƒ Link flows (vehicle volumes)
Transportation Modelling Static ƒ Link costs (congested times)
ƒ Path costs (origin-destination skims)
and Cube Avenue
These models process time-varying inputs and
Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Cube Avenue

Assignment outputs.
Models - Inputs:
ƒ Time-varying origin-destination travel demand
(flow per time segment)
ƒ Average link costs by time segment
Dynamic ƒ Capacities (max flow/period by segment)
- Outputs:
ƒ Dynamic path/link flows (total entering vehicles by
time segment) and path/link costs
ƒ Simulation-based record of actual trajectories
ƒ Generally macroscopic models are used for
“strategic” planning (medium and large areas)
Introduction ƒ Macroscopic models consider the entire
system and estimate routing and flows through a
network for a time period Traffic Flows

ƒ Assumption 1: traffic congestion can be

Macroscopic described by the static relationship between Macroscopic
fundamental variables such as flow & speed

ƒ Assumption 2: stable traffic flows between

Origin and Destination

Assignment Assignment
Mesoscopic Mesoscopic
Models ƒ Compute (1) minimum-cost path set for the Models
traffic volume

ƒ Compute (2) congestion effects (through

volume-capacity ratios and resulting speeds)
Microscopic Microscopic
ƒ Fast iterative analysis for very large areas.
Introduction Introduction

Intersection LOS ƒ Generally microscopic models are used to

study infrastructure geometry, traffic control
system, etc.
Macroscopic Macroscopic
ƒ Vehicles are analyzed individually, studying
driver behavior and interactions

Assignment Assignment
Mesoscopic Mesoscopic
Models Models ƒ Microscopic models are speciialized tools for
detailed studies

ƒ Detailed results require extremely detailed

input data  microscopic models are used for
Microscopic Microscopic small areas or corridors
Introduction Introduction ƒ Mesoscopic models try to find a middle group
between macro and micro models

ƒ Vehicles are analysed as “packets” of

vehicles by studying fundamental variables
Macroscopic Macroscopic (flow, speed, density)

ƒ Mesoscopic models techniques can study

traffic flows over time (Dynamic)

Assignment Assignment
Mesoscopic Mesoscopic
Models Models
ƒ Mesoscopic models the lowest-cost path for
the traffic volume for each packet of vehicles

ƒ Mesoscopic models compute congestion

Microscopic Microscopic effect, through volume-capacity rations and
also interaction among vehicles units (“packets
of vehicles”)
Introduction Introduction



Assignment Mesoscopic
Mesoscopic Models
Models Details increase
Study Area size increases

Introduction Transportation modelling tools

ƒ Macro-meso-micro methods can be most easily distinguished by how they Macroscopic and
represent flow and evaluate congestion Static Modelling
ƒ Flow can be either continuous (streams) or discrete (vehicles/packets)
ƒ Performance functions can be either aggregate (evaluated for a whole time
interval) or disaggregate (evaluated for individual flow quanta) Mesoscopic and

Dynamic Modelling
Typology of assignment models Performance functions
Aggregate Disaggregate
Microscopic and
Flow Continuous MACRO N/A
Representation Dynamic Modelling
What is Cube Avenue? Cube Avenue – Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA)

ƒ Avenue is an optional add-on to Cube ƒ Method of system-level assignment analysis which seeks to track
Voyager that enables Dynamic Traffic the progress of a trip through the network over time
Assignment with Mesoscopic Simulation:
 Dynamic Traffic Assignment ƒ Accounts for formation and propagation of queues due to
Routes and flow rates change during the model congestion
period based upon congested costs

 Mesoscopic Simulation ƒ A bridge between traditional region-level static assignment and
Vehicles are grouped into homogenous “packets” corridor-level (micro-simulation)
and simulated as they move through the network
Cube Avenue – Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) Cube Avenue – Mesoscopic Modelling
ƒ The model duration is explicitly defined and divided into smaller time
Simulation Time
ƒ With mesoscopic models, it is still possible to quickly analyze
larger areas with a more detailed model which overcomes the
pitfalls of the macroscopic travel demand models.
Warm-up Period Model Period Post-load Period
 Takes into account intersection configurations and controls

 More detailed estimates of delay, travel time, and capacities
Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment  Enforces capacity limitations and the effects of queues ‘blocking back’
 Models flow curves and changing demand throughout an analysis period
 Allows vehicles to respond to traffic conditions and change their route

The demand is assumed to be constant

during each time segment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Cube Avenue – Input Data Cube Avenue – Output Data

ƒ Time-varying O-D travel demand ƒ Dynamic bandwidth:

(flow per time segment) ƒ Flows
ƒ Queues
ƒ Link properties ƒ Vol/Cap ratio
(Capacity, T0, Storage, Junction Modelling, ...) ƒ ...
ƒ Dynamic data at junctions:

ƒ LOS and delays
ƒ Queues
ƒ Turning volumes
ƒ ...
Cube Avenue – Output Data Cube Avenue – Output Data

ƒ Dynamic bandwidth: ƒ Dynamic bandwidth:

ƒ Flows ƒ Flows
ƒ Queues ƒ Queues
ƒ Vol/Cap ratio ƒ Vol/Cap ratio
ƒ ... ƒ ...
ƒ Dynamic data at junctions: ƒ Dynamic data at junctions:

ƒ LOS and delays ƒ LOS and delays
ƒ Queues ƒ Queues
ƒ Turning volumes ƒ Turning volumes
ƒ ... ƒ ...
ƒ Packets animation ƒ Packets animation

ƒ Numerical data regarding all these outputs

Cube Avenue – Mesoscopic Modelling Applications

ƒ A mesoscopic model allows to complete new types of analyses:

ƒ Quantify impact of upstream traffic congestion Basic Principles of Cube Avenue

ƒ Measure queuing at intersection and merge points in a network
ƒ Isolate secondary impacts from one intersection through another Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Cube Avenue

ƒ Evaluate the benefits of ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) projects
ƒ Simulate alternative infrastructure, operational and policy changes to
ƒ Emergency evacuation plans and strategies
ƒ Test strategies to improve arrival and departure from stadiums and other
special event facilities
ƒ ...
Congestion: the key to understanding model scale Mesoscopic Traffic Modelling

ƒ Macroscopic models typically estimate ƒ Typically simulate movement of trips along

congestion using speed-flow curves – their routes at some resolution of detail
theoretically based on fundamental (vehicle, packet)
diagram(s) of traffic engineering ƒ Discretely model traffic queues in network (at
ƒ Microscopic models simulate individual intersections, ramps, tolls)
vehicle trajectories on a detailed network and

ƒ Traffic stream performance is typically still
use behavior models (e.g. car following, gap evaluated using aggregate macroscopic (e.g.
acceptance) to predict second-by-second speed-flow) relationships
driver responses to en-route events ƒ Aggregation / dis-aggregation processes
used to combine queue and stream
performance measures
The temporal information cycle From trips by segment to vehicle packets with paths

ƒ Aggregation and ƒ Origin-destination

Demand disaggregation Demand demand is input at the
processes play a key most discrete level –


role in meso-scopic the segment

modelling. ƒ Trips disaggregated to
Costs Routes Costs Routes packets given random

ƒ As Cube Avenue
processes the various departures within the
kinds of information segment
used in traffic ƒ Departures grouped
assignment, it moves and assigned paths
between different based on link costs by
Queues Flows levels of aggregation. Queues Flows time segment

Example: Disaggregating trips to packets Packet routing and grouping

5 ƒ Packet departure times are chosen at random

from the time segment interval, assuming a constant
4 uniform distribution
ƒ Each unique departure faces a potentially
3 distinct set of link costs (by time segment)
 Implies that we could build a new path for every Start TS t End TS

2 Departure times packet generated! (very expensive)

Trips / Segment
chosen randomly
ƒ We can reduce the number of path builds
distribution) required by defining some ѐt during which
0 departures take effectively the same path
0:00 - 0:15 0:15 - 0:30 0:30 - 0:45 0:45 - 1:00 ƒ PARAMETERS MAXPTHPERSEG:
Time Upper bound on the number of path builds
executed for a given time segment, iteration,
An internal random number generator randomly draws a departure time and origin (Defaults to 5).
for each packet departing in a given interval.
Translating packet paths into link flows Event-based simulation

ƒ Packet simulator ƒ Cube Avenue simulation processes events as they are encountered by
Demand moves packets along packets moving along their paths C
their path

ƒ Packets can be in one of two states:
ƒ Packets traverse links  Moving on a link
according to speed-  In queue (waiting on a link) A
Costs Routes flow function output B

ƒ A vehicle may have to wait if:
time  Cars leaving a link exceed its exit flow capacity (Capacity Constraints)
ƒ Movement from one  Cars entering a link exceed its entrance flow capacity (Capacity Constraints)
link to another is  There is no room for it on the next link (Storage Constraints)
regulated by “gates” ƒ These criteria are evaluated by A-B-C movement
ƒ Packet volumes are ƒ Turn capacity is also checked if output by a junction model
Queues Flows added to link flow (intersection analysis, e.g. HCM 2000)

volumes upon entry ƒ Constraint is the minimum of constraints at node
General Principles: Gates General Principles: Queue Propagation

2 sec 200 veh/ln/km

ƒ Capacity and storage constraints are ƒ The number of Vehicles In Transit (VIT) on a
maintained by “gates” on each link link is limited by the link storage
ƒ In practice, minimum headway is used rather ƒ VIT includes moving and queued vehicles
than maximum flow ƒ VITS / STORAGE = link occupancy
ƒ Consider a 2-lane freeway link with per-lane gate ƒ If there is no space remaining on a link,
Distance = 0.01 km

flow capacity of 1800 vehicles per hour and then entering packets will be queued
total flow capacity of 3600 vehicles per hour: Lanes = 3
ƒ This is referred to as a “horizontal” queue Storage = 6 vehicles
 This is equivalent to a headway (or gap)
of one sec/vehicle ƒ In practice, storage is the jam density at
 So if a packet with two vehicles arrives at the gate, it minimum vehicle spacing
cannot leave the link any sooner than two seconds ƒ PARAMETERS VEHPERDIST:
after the packet ahead of it.
Density per lane [vehicles/lane/distance]
Queues: Expected vs. excess time
Backing up (0:20:15)

Queue begins to form on link 104-105 due ƒ The simulator tracks

to flow constraint on 105-106
Demand average time spent in
queue, referred to as

Flow to zone 2 continues unimpeded

Queueing (0:38:07) because it does not use link 104-105
“excess” above the
“expected” time given
Flow to zone 3 queues on link 100-104
Costs Routes by speed-flow

because there is no room on 104-105
ƒ Volume-weighted
average excess time
Flow rate to zone 2 is now the same as at
Blocked (1:04:27) the link 105-106 bottleneck
by link and time
segment is calculated
after simulation
Link 100-104 fills, blocking flow to either
destination on link 103-100 Queues Flows finishes
Re-estimating link costs by time segment Link-based cost feedback and demand scaling

ƒ The accumulated total ƒ Congested link costs

Demand link entry flows Demand are used to build
provide V for speed- auxiliary paths for new


flow function (TC[]) iterations

 Factored to model ƒ Once generated, a
Costs Routes period because C is in Costs Routes packet persists

units of flow/MP
 Factor = MP / TS
beyond its iteration
and is re-simulated
ƒ Expected excess
(queue) time is added ƒ Flow-based MSA:
to estimated time in assign a “copy” of
flow stream initial packet set with
Queues Flows Queues Flows 1/n flow scaling to
ƒ Generalized COST


function applied by
time segment
Route and departure time choice models (Optional) Dynamic Traffic Assignment Modeling Options

ƒ Path costs (skims) ƒ Equilibrium – usually via path-based MSA

Demand can also be extracted  Flow-based implementation (COMBINE=AVE)
using TRACE()  Variations… search, “k-worst”, MSWA, “k-reset”

function ƒ Dynamic process models
ƒ Can extract actual  Represents process of “learning” link costs
Costs Routes simulated path costs  Within-day or between-days

from log file ƒ Incremental assignment
ƒ Behavioral route and  Conventional: divide trips into “fractions” and
accumulate via successive loading
departure time choice
 By-time: treat time segments as increments
models follow readily

Queues Flows

Specific Output Data of Cube Avenue Specific Output Data of Cube Avenue

ƒ TIME_1: average travel time on a link during the model period ƒ VITSt_1: number of vehicles in transit on a link during the time segment t
ƒ TIMESt_1: average travel time on a link during the time segment t  Note: VITS <= STORAGE (+ 2*PACKETSIZE)

ƒ CSPD_1: average travel speed on a link during the model period ƒ QUEUEVSt_1: average number of vehicles queuing on a link during the time
segment t
ƒ SPEEDSt_1: average travel speed on a link during the time segment t
ƒ VfSMP_1: volume of traffic entering a link (volume field f) during the

ƒ BLOCKVSt_1: number of vehicles in the queue in the time segment t that
simulation period
will remain in the queue at the end of the simulation
ƒ VfSt_1: volume of traffic entering a link (volume field f) during the time  Note: BLOCKVS <= QUEUEVS
segment t  Note: link and path flows are not necessarily conserved because the model period may end
ƒ VSMP_1: result of applying the V function to V1SMP_1, V1SMP_1, … during a packet’s journey…
ƒ VSt_1: result of applying the V function to V1St_1, V2St_1, …
 Note: VS <= C (+ 2*PACKETSIZE)
 Note: The extra 2 packets are due to certain exceptions that may arise at intersections
Comparison With Static Assignment Comparison with Micro-Simulation

Static Assignment Cube Avenue Micro-Simulation Cube Avenue

ƒ A vehicle exists everywhere along ƒ Simulated packets can only be ƒ Each vehicle is simulated ƒ Vehicles can be grouped into
its route during period in one place at a time individually homogenous packets
ƒ Variables do not change over the ƒ Model period divided into “time ƒ Complex flow interactions like ƒ Uses aggregate speed/flow
duration of the period to be segments” with varying flow weaving and merging relationships

modelled rates ƒ Explicit representation of facility ƒ Run using unaltered regional
ƒ Capacity constraints not strictly ƒ Capacity strictly enforced lane geometry model networks
enforced; V/C > 1 using “flow gates” ƒ Produces 3D animations of output ƒ 2D maps & animations possible in
ƒ No link storage constraint ƒ Storage strictly enforced results Cube
ƒ Link volumes and costs are ƒ Simulation of queues affects ƒ Computationally intensive ƒ Much shorter run times
separable and independent preceding link volume, cost
ƒ Time = Link Travel Time + ƒ Time = Link Travel Time +
Junction Delay Junction Delay + Queue Time
Relationship to Other Cube Features

ƒ Junction modeling
 Separate feature; it is not necessary to implement
 However, because Avenue strictly enforces capacity
Scripting Dynamic Traffic Assignment
constraints it may improve some junction models With Cube Avenue
ƒ GIS tools / Cube GIS
Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Cube Avenue

 Allows you to ensure that link distances are based
upon actual feature geometry (instead of arbitrary
straight line links)
 This will provide more accurate input distance values
for Avenue, giving a better starting point for storage
 Therefore, using a GIS-enabled network is

Dynamic Avenue Assignment Model Cube Avenue Parameters

ƒ Cube Avenue Parameters ƒ COMBINE  Combine type “EQUI” is not valid for Avenue. For most uses of
ƒ Specific Functions AVENUE, “AVE” is a good choice of combine value.
ƒ ILOOP Phase
Method of Successive Averages (MSA) With Packet Splitting (PS)
ƒ ADJUST Phase

ƒ Scripting Tips 1) Initialization:
- Iteration number (n = 0)
- Packet Volumes (V0) = 0
- Link Cost (COST0) for free-flow conditions
2) Update iteration number: n = n + 1
3) All-or-nothing assignment (Fn) in the iteration n to COSTn-1 paths based on V n-1
4) Update the Packet Volumes: Vn = Vn-1 + I (Fn – Vn-1), where I = 1 / n
6) Update Link Costs (COSTn) given Vn (based on simulation)
7) If no convergence go to step (2).
Problem Size and RAM
Cube Avenue 5.1.0 – Additional Simulation Modes
pn = p1×n, Simulation Growth Example
where pn is the number of packets
being simulated during iteration n ƒ Avenue 5.1.0 includes enhancements to COMBINE=AVE.
Under extreme congestion, a large
ƒ The methodology is still MSA, but just implemented differently:
number of vehicles may remain 00:01:09  Fixed number of packets for each iteration (this set of packets never changes; the only thing
queued in the system waiting to leave that changes is the path to which each packet is assigned)
in subsequent time segments, further
inflating the number of packets to be 00:00:52  These packets are allocated pseudo-randomly based on MSA probabilities for the paths
simulated generated during each iteration.

 In other words, during each iteration, a packet is tested and has a 1/k probability (where k is

Adjust Time
In a Windows 32-bit computing 00:00:35
the iteration number) of being “moved” to the new path set, otherwise it is left on the path it was
environment, any given process can
address at most 2 GB of RAM. using before.
00:00:17  This results in much better memory usage due to only one set of packets being generated,
If there are 2 million packets in the allowing larger simulations with more iterations.
peak hour and 50-70% exiting the
system during each time segment of
00:00:00  Accordingly, this new method (PACKETS=PA) is now the default!
the first iteration, it is easy to exceed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
the memory limitations of a typical Iteration
desktop PC
Cube Avenue 5.1.0 – Packet Size Considerations Cube Avenue 5.1.0 – Packet Size Considerations

Example: - 100 packets

ƒ Since the original PACKETS=PS simulation results in packet sizes being - 10 iterations
dropped by a factor of 1/k (where k is the iteration number), and the number of - Two available paths (path “A” and path “B”)
packets being a factor of k, it is sensible to start off with a fairly large
PACKETSIZE parameter to DYNAMICLOAD. In later iterations the packet size PACKETS=PS COMBINE=PA
will be PACKETSIZE/k, but because there is now a factor of k packets being In each iteration whole the packets are Packets stay the same size and they are
simulated for the iteration, the memory requirements and time required for the assigned to the best path  number of moved among paths each iteration.

simulation increase for each iteration. packets increases every iteration.
In each iteration there is the same number of
ƒ With the new PACKETS=PA simulation, only one set of packets is ever created At the 10th iteration:
packets as the previous iteration:
for a time segment, and they stay the same size, but are moved between paths 100 x 6 = 600 assigned packets to path A
100 assigned packets!
100 x 4 = 400 assigned packets to path B
each iteration. After all time segments are loaded, this results in each iteration
600 + 400 = 1000 assigned packets! Packets are allocated based on MSA
having the same number of packets as the previous iteration, meaning that
probabilities for the paths generated during
simulation times are more consistent. It also means that for reasonable fidelity Packet size dropped by factor of 1/k:
each iteration:
results, the packet size should be low, e.g. PACKETSIZE=1. 600 x 1/10 = 60 packets volume on path A
100 x 6/10 = 60 packets volume on path A
400 x 1/10 = 40 packets volume on path B
100 x 4/10 = 40 packets volume on path B
Cube Avenue 5.1.0 – Keywords Cube Avenue Parameters

ƒ The new simulation mode is specified by using COMBINE=AVE, ƒ MODELPERIOD Length of the model period in minutes
PACKETS=PA parameter setting (the default). ƒ SEGMENTS  Time segments duration. SUM(Segments)>Model Period
ƒ VEHPERDIST  Maximum Density per Lane [vehicles/lane/distance]
ƒ There is a sub-key to PACKETS=PA:

ITERLOADINC=n  specifies the iteration loading increment. This means that

n iterations occur before adding the traffic specified in the next time segment.

E.g, ITERLOADINC=3 indicates that the first time segment is loading during iteration 1, but that
time segment 2 is loaded during iteration 4 and so on.

Example 1

Example 2
Cube Avenue Parameters Specific Functions

ƒ CAPLINKENTRY  When CAPLINKENTRY=Y (default) the capacity of the link limits how ƒ RANDSEED(n)  Initialize the random number generator with n, where n is an
quickly vehicles can enter or leave a link. When CAPLINKENTRY=N, the link capacity only integer between 1 and 2147483647 (so a repeatable series of random numbers
limits how quickly they can leave the link. The primary difference between these two regimes
can be generated).
is where the front of a queue occurs.
ƒ MAXPTHPERSEG  Upper bound on the number of path builds executed for a given time
segment, iteration, and origin (Defaults to 5).
PKTPTHSIZ  Maximum number of nodes that a packet keeps in RAM. To save memory,

packets can swap their route information between RAM and temporary disk files.

ƒ DISTANCE  If it is not set in script, it will initialized from LI.DISTANCE Example
ƒ LINKCLASS  It functions as the index for functions TC and COST
ƒ LI.LANES  Number of lanes
ƒ SPEED  If it is not set in script, it will initialized from LI.SPEED (the defaulting
behavior of SPEED is only significant if it is used to calculate a default for T0)

ƒ C  Flow capacity of the link, in vehicles per model period. Scripts can use the
DYNAMIC command to specify that the value of C varies by time segment Results in C taking the
value 1800 during time
ƒ T0  Free-flow time for the link (in minutes)
segments 3, 1000 during
ƒ T1  Link time to be used on the first iteration of assignment. It is very common time segment 4, 1200
to accept this value, although there may be some merit to using observed times For Connectors: during the time segment 5
where these are available ƒ Endless Capacity and its usual value during
ƒ STORAGE  Number of vehicles that can fill the link ƒ Endless Storage all other time segments.
ƒ T0 = 0

ƒ DYNAMICLOAD  DYNAMICLOAD is the dynamic analog of the static

PATHLOAD statement. A conventional load (that is, a PATHLOAD statement)
evaluates an expression (usually involving matrices) to determine the number
of trips, builds paths according to some attribute minimization criterion, and
then it loads the trips into the network’s volume fields.
 PATH  It may take, as its value, “TIME,” “COST”

 PACKETSIZE  It specifies the target number of vehicles per packet. DemandProfile
 DEMANDISHOURLY  It determines whether the demand volumes for each time segment are 1000
supplied as an absolute value in vehicles or as a rate in vehicles per hour [by default it is 800
FALSE]. For example, suppose that there is a segment of 15 minutes and in a cell of the matrix 700
there is a value of 40. If DEMANDHOURLY=T, the demand is 30 veh/h and 10 vehicles depart 500
the origin during the time segment. Otherwise, if DEMANDHOURLY=F, 40 vehicles depart the 400

origin during the time segment, giving a departure rate of 160 veh/h. 200
 … 0
1 2 3 4 5 6


MW[1](FromZone1toZone3) MW[2](FromZone2toZone3)
ADJUST Phase Scripting Tips
Slow way

ƒ Similar to ADJUST phase for static assignment (HIGHWAY) ƒ Improving Performance

 Link consolidation in Cube
 MaxPthPerSeg: controls the number of
discrete paths to be built per O/D pair per
Example segment
 PktPthSiz: Maximum number of nodes a
packet keeps in RAM

ƒ Useful Variables
 TimeSegment: the current time segment
number (0 during static)
 __TS__ suffix: arrays a variable by
segment in expressions
 SegmentStart: Time between start of
period and current segment
 Period: duration of current period
Fast way
Visualising Output

ƒ Node/link posting options

ƒ Multi-bandwidth display
ƒ Bandwidth animation
Visualization and Analysis Tools
ƒ Packet log animation

Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Cube Avenue

Bandwidth Animation Packet Animation Options

ƒ Animation start/stop: key value range

ƒ Speed: duration of each animation time step in tenths of a second
ƒ Repeat play: cycle through key value range ƒ Packet Display Style: controls
representation and placement of packets
ƒ Display time: translate keys to segment time
ƒ Packet Display Size: in coordinate units
ƒ Start/Sync Start: trigger animation
 Fix Size: dots do not scale after zooming in

ƒ Pause/Resume: momentarily halt
ƒ Packet Color Selection: apply the specified
ƒ Stop/close: end animation color to packets meeting the defined
ƒ Packet Display Selection: only show
packets meeting the defined criteria

ƒ ORIGIN/DESTINATION: Output packets with only listed origins or destinations.

ƒ DEPARTTIME/ARRIVALTIME: Output only packets with departure/arrival times
Packet Log Analysis Techniques within the specified range of seconds.
ƒ SELECTLINK: Output only packets using a specific link or list of links.
Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Cube Avenue

ƒ SELECTGROUP: Output only packets using links of a particular group.
ƒ MUSTMEETALL: If “F”, packets need not meet all select link criteria.
ƒ AFTERITER: Delay writing the packet log until a specified iteration.
ƒ FORMAT=BIN: Output a binary log instead of default text format.

<!-- RUN="NETI.101585" PGM="AVENUE (v.10/18/2007 [4.2.0])" <!-- RUN="NETI.101585" PGM="AVENUE (v.10/18/2007 [4.2.0])"
TIME="Thu Oct 18 18:47:46 2007" NPKT=133997 TIME="Thu Oct 18 18:47:46 2007" NPKT=133997
PKTLNG=64 START=-0.500000 END=1.000000 PKTLNG=64 START=-0.500000 END=1.000000
NVOL=2 VPD=250.000000 TimeSliceEnd=-0.416667,- NVOL=2 VPD=250.000000 TimeSliceEnd=-0.416667,-
The *.LOG text file 0.333333,-0.250000, Packet start record 0.333333,-0.250000,
-0.166667,- -0.166667,-
The text packet log follows a pseudo- This line begins the data relating to a
0.083333,0.000000,0.083333,0.166667,0.250000,0.333333, 0.083333,0.000000,0.083333,0.166667,0.250000,0.333333,
XML format that is left intentionally 0.416667,0.500000,0.583333,0.666667,0.750000,0.833333, packet. The '#=' gives the packet's 0.416667,0.500000,0.583333,0.666667,0.750000,0.833333,
open so as to permit additional 0.916667,1.000000 --> identification number, in this case 941 0.916667,1.000000 -->
parsing, processing and summary by <p #=941,it=1> (i.e. it was the nine hundred and forty <p #=941,it=1>
the user. <v> first packet to be generated). The <v>
<ix=0,f=0.357143> packet was generated during iteration <ix=0,f=0.357143>
Each file consists of a header record <ix=2,f=0.357143> Header 1 of the avenue run. <ix=2,f=0.357143>
followed by one or more blocks of </v> Record </v>
packet data. <r> The data relating to this packet will <r>
<n=20,a=*,d=-0.499593> continue until the corresponding </p> <n=20,a=*,d=-0.499593>

<n=430,a=-0.499593,d=-0.499529> record. Both the <p> and the </p> <n=430,a=-0.499593,d=-0.499529>
<n=447,a=-0.472814,d=-0.472814> records begin with the '<' character in <n=447,a=-0.472814,d=-0.472814>
... column 1 but all the records enclosed ...
<n=475,a=-0.462416,d=-0.462416> will begin with at least one tab <n=475,a=-0.462416,d=-0.462416>
<n=464,a=-0.458362,d=-0.458362> character. <n=464,a=-0.458362,d=-0.458362>
Packet <n=476,a=-0.454521,d=-0.454521> <n=476,a=-0.454521,d=-0.454521>
Data <n=478,a=-0.448999,d=-0.448999> <n=478,a=-0.448999,d=-0.448999>
<n=484,a=-0.435480,d=-0.435480> <n=484,a=-0.435480,d=-0.435480>
<n=486,a=-0.432114,d=-0.432114> <n=486,a=-0.432114,d=-0.432114>
<n=17,a=-0.432114,d=*> <n=17,a=-0.432114,d=*>
</r> </r>
</p> </p>
<!-- RUN="NETI.101585" PGM="AVENUE (v.10/18/2007 [4.2.0])" <!-- RUN="NETI.101585" PGM="AVENUE (v.10/18/2007 [4.2.0])"
TIME="Thu Oct 18 18:47:46 2007" NPKT=133997 TIME="Thu Oct 18 18:47:46 2007" NPKT=133997
PKTLNG=64 START=-0.500000 END=1.000000 PKTLNG=64 START=-0.500000 END=1.000000
NVOL=2 VPD=250.000000 TimeSliceEnd=-0.416667,- NVOL=2 VPD=250.000000 TimeSliceEnd=-0.416667,-
Volume start record 0.333333,-0.250000, Volume set records 0.333333,-0.250000,
-0.166667,- -0.166667,-
This line begins the data relating to the Each record gives the volume set
0.083333,0.000000,0.083333,0.166667,0.250000,0.333333, 0.083333,0.000000,0.083333,0.166667,0.250000,0.333333,
volume (ie number of vehicles) in the 0.416667,0.500000,0.583333,0.666667,0.750000,0.833333, number after 'ix=' and the volume 0.416667,0.500000,0.583333,0.666667,0.750000,0.833333,
packet. 0.916667,1.000000 --> (flow) after the 'f='. 0.916667,1.000000 -->
<p #=941,it=1> <p #=941,it=1>
The data relating to volume will <v> There may be up to twenty volume <v>
continue until the corresponding </v> <ix=0,f=0.357143> sets numbered from 1 to 20, in addition <ix=0,f=0.357143>
record is found. The <v> and </v> <ix=2,f=0.357143> to a virtual 'volume set zero' defined to <ix=2,f=0.357143>
records begin with one tab character </v> be the sum of the other volume sets. </v>
and the enclosed records each begin <r> The sets are listed in ascending order <r>
with two tab characters. <n=20,a=*,d=-0.499593> of index. <n=20,a=*,d=-0.499593>

<n=430,a=-0.499593,d=-0.499529> <n=430,a=-0.499593,d=-0.499529>
<n=447,a=-0.472814,d=-0.472814> <n=447,a=-0.472814,d=-0.472814>
Records are not produced for sets that
... do not exist (ie that are not mentioned ...
<n=475,a=-0.462416,d=-0.462416> in the generation script). Records are <n=475,a=-0.462416,d=-0.462416>
<n=464,a=-0.458362,d=-0.458362> not produced for sets that contain no <n=464,a=-0.458362,d=-0.458362>
<n=476,a=-0.454521,d=-0.454521> vehicles. <n=476,a=-0.454521,d=-0.454521>
<n=478,a=-0.448999,d=-0.448999> <n=478,a=-0.448999,d=-0.448999>
<n=484,a=-0.435480,d=-0.435480> <n=484,a=-0.435480,d=-0.435480>
<n=486,a=-0.432114,d=-0.432114> <n=486,a=-0.432114,d=-0.432114>
<n=17,a=-0.432114,d=*> <n=17,a=-0.432114,d=*>
</r> </r>
</p> </p>
<!-- RUN="NETI.101585" PGM="AVENUE (v.10/18/2007 [4.2.0])" <!-- RUN="NETI.101585" PGM="AVENUE (v.10/18/2007 [4.2.0])"
TIME="Thu Oct 18 18:47:46 2007" NPKT=133997 TIME="Thu Oct 18 18:47:46 2007" NPKT=133997
PKTLNG=64 START=-0.500000 END=1.000000 PKTLNG=64 START=-0.500000 END=1.000000
NVOL=2 VPD=250.000000 TimeSliceEnd=-0.416667,- NVOL=2 VPD=250.000000 TimeSliceEnd=-0.416667,-
Start route record 0.333333,-0.250000, Node list records 0.333333,-0.250000,
-0.166667,- -0.166667,-
The </v> line denotes the end of the The route itself consists of a sequence
0.083333,0.000000,0.083333,0.166667,0.250000,0.333333, 0.083333,0.000000,0.083333,0.166667,0.250000,0.333333,
volume data and the <r> record denote 0.416667,0.500000,0.583333,0.666667,0.750000,0.833333, of node records in the order that they 0.416667,0.500000,0.583333,0.666667,0.750000,0.833333,
the beginning of the route data. The 0.916667,1.000000 --> are visited on the route. Two times are 0.916667,1.000000 -->
route data will continue until the <p #=941,it=1> listed for each node: an arrival time, <p #=941,it=1>
corresponding </r> record. <v> denoted 'a=', and a departure time <v>
<ix=0,f=0.357143> denoted 'd='. <ix=0,f=0.357143>
Again the <r> and </r> records each <ix=2,f=0.357143> <ix=2,f=0.357143>
begin with one tab character and the </v> The times are in hours relative to the </v>
enclosed records begin with two tab <r> beginning of the model period (so <r>
characters. <n=20,a=*,d=-0.499593> negative numbers refer to the warm up <n=20,a=*,d=-0.499593>

<n=430,a=-0.499593,d=-0.499529> period). Where no time is available, an <n=430,a=-0.499593,d=-0.499529>
<n=447,a=-0.472814,d=-0.472814> asterisk, '*', is placed in the field in <n=447,a=-0.472814,d=-0.472814>
... place of the number. No arrival time is ...
<n=475,a=-0.462416,d=-0.462416> available at an origin and no departure <n=475,a=-0.462416,d=-0.462416>
<n=464,a=-0.458362,d=-0.458362> time is available at a destination. No <n=464,a=-0.458362,d=-0.458362>
<n=476,a=-0.454521,d=-0.454521> departure time is available for a node <n=476,a=-0.454521,d=-0.454521>
<n=478,a=-0.448999,d=-0.448999> that the packet failed to reach by the <n=478,a=-0.448999,d=-0.448999>
<n=484,a=-0.435480,d=-0.435480> end of the model period. <n=484,a=-0.435480,d=-0.435480>
<n=486,a=-0.432114,d=-0.432114> <n=486,a=-0.432114,d=-0.432114>
<n=17,a=-0.432114,d=*> <n=17,a=-0.432114,d=*>
</r> </r>
</p> </p>
Processing the Packet Log Data
By applying record processing techniques to packet log output data, you can
implement many advanced analyses with Avenue:
ƒ Build origin-destination table from log file
ƒ Select node/link analysis
 Select link/node trip table: build table of trips using some node at some particular time
 Check whether packets used a particular link/node and build a link table from the list of nodes Thank you!
used by these packets (2 passes of the file)

ƒ Extract average queue for specific packets (departure minus arrival)
ƒ Temporal disaggregation (e.g. build 15-minute matrices from peak hour
simulation output based upon recorded departures)
ƒ Peak spreading Tor Vorraa – Citilabs, Regional Director
 Build packet table from log file, flag packets that failed to arrive at their destination Alberto Brignone – Citilabs, Regional Director
 Shift packets to new departure time segment based upon logit or other decision rule
 Re-build hourly trip matrix from packet table
ƒ Other applications: ITS/VMS, parking, sub-area extraction, ME, etc…



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