Weekly Blog 4 FMP

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What did you learn from your From my planning I learnt that I needed to completely
planning this week? finalised different aspects of my short film. For example,
through the process of making the storyboards I clarified
exactly how long my short film is going to be (which is 5
minutes). I learnt from this that I needed to think more about
how long each scene should take so that the short film
matches the 5-minute time limit that the target audience set
out for me. After I had spent the time dividing up each scene
into time brackets it allowed me to feel a lot more confident
about the whole short film as I knew exactly when each
scene should start and end which will help me when doing
both editing and filming. I think this has helped improve my
production as I have set out and thought through each shot
much more than I previously have done in the planning
stages, this should hopefully mean that my final product
comes out exactly how I planned it to.

What issues did you encounter and After I had completed my script, I gave it to my peers to ask
how did you overcome them? for some advice on how to improve each scene to make my
overall production at a more professional level. I was given
feedback which I then had to decide if I was going to take
which meant I would change my script ending. I decided that
the new ending was better and that it would positively
impact my work if I changed it. However, this meant that my
storyboards were wrong as they had the old ending on. This
meant that I had to print out a new storyboard and redraw
the shots to match the new script. This worked fine and now
both my storyboard and my script match and sync together
perfectly. However, to improve in future I should completely
finalise my idea and then complete the storyboards and
scripts to ensure that I don’t waste time on this section

How did you ensure that your I ensured that my storyboards were to a high standard by
storyboards were completed to a making sure that the drawings were simple but still clear, so
high standard? that it is easy to understand the short types that I wanted to
have and the things I wanted to show in each scene. I
labelled parts of my storyboard that I thought may be harder
to understand what is going on, so that it would be easier to
remember exactly what I wanted to show when it came to
the shooting day.

I also time stamped each shot on the storyboard, so that I

have a plan of how long each shot should be when I edit the
video. It also helps to make sure that I don’t have some
scene run longer than they should, as often the scenes with
large amount of speaking in can run on longer than wanted,
which would slow down the tempo of my short film.

How has your planning Small details like the ending of my short film has changed as
developed/changed during the I wrote my script and storyboard in the planning stage this
planning stage? week. In the script I have altered the last scene so that the
main character Emily now leaves the resolution of the plot
unfinished to allow the audience to make their own opinions
on what the resolution is or could be. This meant that I had
to go back and alter my storyboards so that all my work was
coherent and consistent throughout, so that my storyboards
would then make sense when it comes to the shot day. This
will help the camera men all know exactly what is going on
in each scene. Previously I haven’t spent as much time
making sure that everything is as clear as it is in this pre-
production planning, this should also help to improve my
final production as I am confident that both the cast, crew
and I all know what we are doing and the end goal for the
production. This should mean the production runs smoothly
without any or as many issues as there were in previous

How have you ensured your I ensure that my script was to a high standard by making
script/shooting script is of a high sure that there were fine details to explain exactly how the
detailed standard? character is feeling in each scene. This should help the
actors when it comes to shooting day as they will be able to
understand the character that they are playing much better
to ensure that they can give off the best performance

How well have you managed and I have managed my organising skills well for my cast and
organised your cast and crew to be crew as I have asked more people than necessary to be in
in available when you need them? my production and to help film it as this will allow for any
unexpected drop outs there could be have been detrimental
to my short film if I hadn’t have got more people to help.

Are you on track for the week? If I am on track for this week as I have completed all the
not, how far behind are you? necessary work on time and to a good standard. I have also
completed all the feedback that I received last week so that
everything that I have completed is to a satisfactory
standard for my teachers and examiners.

What work do you need to complete I need to complete the feedback for this week as soon as it is
outside of lessons to stay on track? given out to me, so that I can ensure that I am able to finish
it off to a good standard and be able to do my evaluation
next week to that same standard too.

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