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Second Term Examination - 2072
Subject: Chemistry FM: 75
Time: 3 hrs PM: 27
Group 'A'
Attempt any fifteen questions. 15X2 = 30
1. Ten million silver atoms weighs 1.79X10 -15 gram. Calculate the
atomic mass of Ag.
2. State Charle's law and draw the V vs t plot for an ideal gas.
3. An oxide of a metal contains 68% of metal; its atomic mass is 20.
Determine the valency of the metal.
4. Define equivalent mass of an element.
5. Prove that one mole of any gas at NTP occupy 22.4 liter volume.
6. Define allotropes. What are the crystalline allotropes of carbon.
7. What are the defects of Bohr's atomic model?
8. State the law of multiple proportions?
9. Give any two reactions to show CO is a good reducing agent.
10. How would you predict that following reaction is a redox
Mg + H2SO4 → MgSO4 + H2
11. Give the reaction for the lab preparation of phosphine.
12. Draw the lewis structure of N2O4 and SO42-
13. Write the IUPAC names of the following compounds.
a) CH3COCH= CH2 b) CH3-CH2 -C-CH2-CH3
14. How is the presence of sulphur in the organic compound
15. Calculate the percentage composition of C2H2O4 .2H2O.
16. Calculate the oxidation number of underlined atom.
a. NH4NO3 b. Cr2O7 - 2
17. What is the capacity of a cylinder when 4 gram of SO 2 gas
enclosed in it exerts a pressure of 2 atm at 250c?
18. Five liter of a gas weighs 9.82g while ten liter of hydrogen at same
temperature and pressure weighs 0.89g, calculate the molecular
mass of the gas.
19. How would you convert white phosphorus in to red phosphorus
and vice versa?
20. Write the possible chain isomers of C4H10 and write their IUPAC
21. Describe the isotopes of hydrogen. iv) Volume of produced water at 40C.

22. Write the structural formula of; Group 'C'

(a) 2- Ethylpent – 1-ene Attempt any two questions. 2X10 = 20
(b) 3-Hydroxy-2-methylbutanoyl chloride 30. Describe the principle and process for the manufacture of nitric
acid with labeled diagram by Ostwald's process. What happens
Group 'B' when nitric acid reacts with
Attempt any Five questions. 5X5 = 25 (a) FeSO4 solution
23. How can you show that oxidation and reduction go side by side? (b) H2S gas
Balance the following equation by ion electron method. (c) KI solution
KMnO4 + HCl → KCl + MnCl2 + H2O +Cl2 1+4 Write any two uses of nitric acid.
Define oxidant and reductant. Balance the following redox 31. Discuss the postulates of Bohr's model of atom and apply the
reaction by oxidation number method model to explain the atomic spectra of hydrogen atom. Calculate
Br2 + OH- → BrO3- +Br - + H2O the wavelength of the radiation which lies in third line of Balmer
series. (4+4+2)
24. Discuss the principle with proper physical condition and draw a
self explanatory sketch for the manufacture of ammonia by 32. Describe the manufacture of sodium carbonate by Solvey
Haber's synthesis. Write the action of ammonia on, ammonia soda process. What is the action of heat on soda crystals
a. CuSO4 solution. convert washing soda to baking soda and vice versa?
b. Mercurous nitrate paper.
c. Heated CuO. 33. Write short notes on (any two)
a) Structural isomerism
25. 3 gram of a metal was treated with excess dil. H 2SO4. The volume b) Lab preparation of carbonmonoxide.
of H2 collected over water at 27 0c and 770.5mm of pressure was c) Lassaigne's test for nitrogen & halogens.
found to be 4130 ml. Calculate the equivalent weight of the metal. d) Rutherford's model of atom.
(Aqueous tension at 270C = 15.5 mm)
26. Define Homologous series. Write the characteristic features of
homologous series. Describe with examples.
"All the best and Happy New Year
27. State Graham's law of diffusion. 2g of hydrogen diffuses in 30 2016"
minutes from a pin hole, calculate the time required to diffuse 4g
of sulphurdioxide at identical conditions.

28. Describe the process of manufacture of caustic soda by Kellner

Solvey process.

29. Define molar volume. A chemical reaction is carried out by mixing

8grams of H2 and 33.6 litre of oxygen at N.T.P. to produce water.
i) The limiting reagent.
ii) Volume of excess reactant left at NTP.
iii) No. of moles of water molecules produced.

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