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Energy 147 (2018) 884e895

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Computational fluid dynamic simulation of a sorption-enhanced

palladium membrane reactor for enhancing hydrogen production
from methane steam reforming
Guozhao Ji a, Ming Zhao a, *, Geoff Wang b
School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China
School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld, 4072, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: To understand the reaction process of methane steam reforming in a sorption enhanced membrane
Available online 19 January 2018 reactor (SEMR), a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model was developed to simulate the methane
(CH4) steam reforming in a palladium-based membrane reactor using a Ni-based catalyst and Na2ZrO3
Keywords: CO2 sorbent. The CFD model gained the insight of details in the reactor which could not be obtained by
CFD simulation experiment. With the detailed information, this model detected the difference of reaction kinetics and
Sorption-enhanced membrane reactor
fluid dynamic conditions in a SEMR and a traditional membrane reactor (MR). The comparison suggests
Methane steam reforming
that sorption-enhanced membrane reactor not only decreases CO2 fraction, but also improves hydrogen
Hydrogen production
Ni catalyst
(H2) production by increasing reaction rates, CH4 conversion and H2 yield. The poisoning effect of carbon
Na2ZrO3 sorbent monoxide (CO) on the palladium membrane can also be minimized by reduced CO fraction as a result of
in-situ CO2 capture.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction further convert CO into H2 and a by-product CO2 (Eqn. R2).

Currently, fossil fuels are still the primary source for satisfying CO þ H2O # CO2 þ H2 DH298 ¼ 41.15 kJ mol1 (R2)
the growing energy demand of our contemporary society. However,
the growing level of CO2 from the emission of fossil fuel combustion It should be noted that reaction (R1) is endothermic and reac-
is increasing the concern of global warming. In the case of low tion (R2) is exothermic, which prevents them achieving high con-
carbon emission technologies, H2 becomes an attractive alternative, version simultaneously in a single reactor where they are in the
mainly due to its high calorific value and non-polluting emission same temperature range. It is generally required to control MSR at
[1]. H2 can be produced via thermo-chemical processes from a temperatures higher than 700  C. However WGS reacts efficiently
variety of sources including biomass [2,3], natural gas [4,5], coal only below 450  C. For ordinary MSR hydrogen production, the hot
[6,7], water [8,9], and some industrial waste chemicals [10]. For gas mixture has to be delivered from MSR reactor to WGS reactor,
most of these H2 production technologies, methane steam which resulted in a large energy penalty due to the cooling down
reforming (MSR), referring to Eqn. R1 below, is a necessary step to between reactors. In order to minimize this impact, a membrane
convert CH4 and water to H2 [11]. reactor was invented to allow these two reactions to proceed
simultaneously in a single reactor with better CH4 conversion and
CH4 þ H2O # CO þ 3H2 DH298 ¼ 206.1 kJ mol1 (R1) improved H2 production. The membrane is designed to be H2 se-
lective, thus that H2 could be partially removed continuously from
However the H2 yield through reaction (R1) is accompanied the reactor by membrane permeation, meanwhile sustaining other
with approximately 25 vol% toxic gas CO. To avoid producing the gas components in the reactor. In turn, the equilibriums of MSR and
toxic gas, water-gas shift (WGS) reaction is usually implemented to WGS are shifted towards the H2 side owing to the H2 removal.
Therefore, separating H2 at high temperatures becomes attractive
due to the reduction of energy penalties associated with the cooling
encountered in traditional MSR.
* Corresponding author.
Among potential gas separation technologies, inorganic
E-mail address: (M. Zhao).
0360-5442/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Ji et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 884e895 885

membranes such as palladium-based membranes [12,13] and

silica-based membranes [14,15] have performed well at high tem-
peratures. These membranes have been deployed in membrane
reactor configurations for H2 production via MSR [16,17], WGS re-
actions [18,19], as well as dehydrogenation reactions [20]. The CH4
conversion enhancement mainly depends on the H2 permeation. As
is known that increasing the sweep flow could improve H2
permeation. Anzelmo et al. enhanced the CH4 conversion from
about 50% to 84% by varying the sweep flow 0e100 ml min1 [21].
Based on open literature in membrane reactor design,
palladium-based membranes showed superior popularity over
silica-based membranes for its infinite H2 selectivity and higher
permeability [22,23], though its capital cost is 2 orders of magni-
tudes higher than the silica counterpart. However, CO, which is an
inevitable gas component in MSR, is an inhibitor for the palladium
membrane because it affects the H2 dissociation path [24]. The
presence of CO is attributed to the faster reaction of MSR than that
of WGS. The net gain of CO accumulates in the reactor. Enhancing
the CO conversion is a feasible solution to reduce the CO concen-
tration and resultantly minimize its inhibition effect to palladium.
Sufficiently removing H2 could possibly achieve this goal in some
situations. But once the membrane reactor needs to process large
quantity of gases, the high space velocity doesn't give sufficient Fig. 1. The schematic of methane steam reforming in a membrane reactor with in-situ
CO2 capture.
retention time for reactants to react and for H2 to permeate.
Membrane reactors still suffer from low conversions with high
space velocities [25,26]. concentration, pressure and temperature. In turn, these processes
Apart from H2 removal by membrane, capturing the other will also affect the fluid dynamic conditions. All the processes and
product gas (CO2), may further shift the WGS reaction equilibrium fluid dynamic conditions are inter-correlated and spatially
towards H2þCO2 side and in turn enhance the CO conversion. distributed in a reactor. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to
Furthermore, the CO depletion resulted from CO2 capture would measure all the concerned parameters inside the reactor experi-
also enhance the MSR reaction towards the H2 side because CO is mentally. In order to better understand the reaction processes,
one of the products of MSR. Regarding the in-situ CO2 capture, detailed information (e.g. gas concentration distribution) inside a
various materials such as CaO, Na2ZrO3, and hydrotalcite have been reactor should be studied. To address this problem, computational
used as sorbents and some of them was successfully deployed to fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation can be used to correlate fluid dy-
enhance MSR [27e31] and WGS [32]. If these sorbent materials namics with space coordinate and time [38], thus providing
were integrated with membrane separation, a further enhance- detailed gas flow characteristics and the distributed reaction ki-
ment of ‘shift effect’ could be expected for MSR. This type of netics in a membrane reactor with CO2 sorption for MSR. The
configuration is called sorption enhanced membrane reactor source term in CFD allowed the reactions and permeation to be
(SEMR). However, the number of publications with this idea is very written in the CFD governing equations to couple the microscopic
limited [33,34]. Only Li et al. [33] and Madeira et al. [34] had used model (reactions, permeation) with macroscopic model (fluid dy-
hydrotalcite as CO2 sorbent in palladium membrane for WGS. Other namics). As a result, the CFD simulation can become a feasible tool
sorbent materials could also be applied in membrane reactors for to improve the design of given membrane reactor and improve the
MSR. The limited number of studies using both membrane and operation of methane steam reforming in the membrane reactor.
sorbents was owing to the complexity of synergistic effects among Therefore, we will carry out a CFD simulation of SEMR. The simu-
MSR, WGS, membrane permeation and CO2 capture. Moreover, lation with distributed information such as reaction rates and gas
these synergistic effects were difficult to be studied experimentally. concentrations would assist the analysis and improvement of the
Zhang et al. [35] and Chen et al. [36] deployed one dimensional reactor performance, especially the CH4 conversion and CO
‘plug flow’ model to calculate the sorption enhanced membrane concentration.
reactor performance. However, plug flow model was criticized by
Koukou et al. [37] due to the inadequacy in considering radial 2. Model description
profile. CFD simulation which gives the distributed three-
dimensional information is needed to get an insight of reaction The design of the membrane reactor investigated in this work is
details in a reactor. There hasn't been a CFD model study to inter- depicted in Fig. 2. The reactant gases, CH4þH2O, were fed from the
pret and analyze the MSR performance in a SEMR. This study for the
first time will deploy CFD simulation to fill this knowledge gap and
fulfill the need of investigating the coupled processes and assist the
analysis of the shift effect.
This work is aimed to investigate the enhancement of MSR
process by applying membrane separation and in-situ CO2 sorption
together in one reactor as described in Fig. 1. The processes in this
reactor include MSR, WGS, H2 permeation and CO2 sorption. H2
permeation and CO2 capture reduce the product concentration and
shift the reactions towards products side on basis of Le Chatelier's
principle. The dynamics and the equilibria of these processes
depend on the fluid dynamic conditions such as gas component Fig. 2. The structure of a membrane reactor for methane steam reforming.
886 G. Ji et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 884e895

inlet of the reactor. As the gases flowed in the catalyst packed bed,
MSR and WGS proceeded. The generated H2 that permeated across vuz vuz uq vuz vuz
þ ur þ þ uz
the membrane was collected with sweep N2 via the outlet. The vt vr r vq vz
"   # (4)
unpermeated gas exited the reactor from the right outlet. For the 1 vp h 1 v vuz 1 v2 uz v2 uz
case with in-situ CO2 sorption, the catalyst would mix with CO2 ¼ þ r þ 2 þ 2  Sz
r vz r r vr vr r vq2 vz
sorbents and some generated CO2 may be captured by the sorbents.
The MSR, WGS, H2 permeation and CO2 sorption only occur
where Sr , Sq and Sz represent the momentum source (or mo-
between the feed inlet and the outlet of the unpermeated gas. For
mentum loss) in radial and axial direction caused by the packed
simplicity, the CFD model only simulated the processes in the zone
catalyst and sorbent.
between the membrane and the reactor shell, which is made from a
Further for a multi-component system, the continuity equation
hollow cylinder. In view of the axial symmetry of the reactor, a 15
of each component is described as
portion of the reacting zone with symmetry planes on both side
was simulated to save the computational time (Fig. 3). The
vci 1 v 1 v v
boundary condition of inlet was mass flowrate with fixed compo- þ ðr$ci $ur Þ þ ðc $u Þ þ ðci $uz Þ
vt r vr r vq i q vz
sition of CH4 and H2O vapor. The outlet was a pressure opening. The       (5)
reactor shell was set as wall. The membrane was also set as wall, 1 v vc 1 v vc v vc
¼ r$D i þ D i þ D i þ Si
but with negative H2 mass source to represent the H2 permeation. r vr vr r vq vq vz vz
At the two symmetries, there was no tangential gradient for any
variables. The structured mesh was created from inlet to outlet by where Si is the source term of each component which is depleted or
sweep method to facilitate the computation speed. generated by chemical reactions as well as selective permeation. In
The CFD model is mathematically expressed by the governing this study for methane steam reforming, i ¼ CH4, CO2, CO, H2, H2O.
equations consisting of continuity equations and momentum Apart from reactions (R1) and (R2), there are some other
equations. The continuity equation governs the mass balance, possible reactions together with MSR listed as follows
CH4 þ 2H2O # CO2 þ 4H2 DH298 ¼ 165.0 kJ mol1 (R3)

vc 1 v 1 v v CH4 þ CO2 # 2 CO þ 2H2 DH298 ¼ 247.3 kJ mol1 (R4)

þ ðr$c$ur Þ þ ðc$uq Þ þ ðc$uz Þ ¼ Sct (1)
vt r vr r vq vz
CH4 þ 3 CO2 # 4 CO þ 2H2O DH298 ¼ 330.0 kJ mol1 (R5)
where Sct is the source term caused by the processes which break
the total mass balance such as H2 permeation and CO2 sorption. The
Reaction (R3) can be considered as a superposition of (R1) and
momentum balance can be expressed by the Navier-Stokes equa-
(R2). However, it has been proved that (R4) and (R5) don't occur in
tion as follows
methane steam reforming [39,40]. Thus these two reactions were
not taken account in this model.
vur vur uq vur u2q vur Ni-based catalyst was the most widely utilized catalyst in
þ ur þ  þ uz
vt vr r vq r vz palladium MSR reactors due to the low cost and high CH4 conver-
"   # sion [41]. The MSR reaction rate under the catalysis (Ni/Al2O3) was
1 vp h 1 v vur 1 v2 u r v2 u r u r 2 vuq assumed to follow Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson
¼ þ r þ 2 þ    Sr
r vr r r vr vr r vq2 vz2 r 2 r 2 vq (LHHW) model [40,42].
p3H pCO
pCH4 pH2 O  2
rMSR ¼ (6)
vuq vu u vuq ur uq vu p2:5 DEN 2
þ ur q þ q  þ uz q H2
vt vr r vq r vz
"   #
1 vp h 1 v vuq 1 v2 uq v2 uq uq 2 vur where KMSR is the equilibrium constant for MSR. kMSR is the rate
¼ þ r þ 2 þ 2  2 2  Sq coefficient of MSR. These values are functions of temperature and
r vq r r vr vr r vq2 vz r r vq
generally follow the Arrhenius correlation, giving
kMSR ¼ kMSR;r exp  (7)

KMSR ¼ KMSR;r exp  (8)

where Ek;MSR and EK;MSR are the activation energies for rate coef-
ficient and equilibrium constant, respectively, R is the gas constant
and T is absolute temperature.
p3H pCO
The term in the bracket pCH4 pH2 O  2
KMSR can be seen as the

reaction driving force. When all the gas compositions reach equi-
librium, this term equals zero. H2 removal or CO depletion would
break the equilibrium and increase the value of this term, thus
increasing the reaction rate.
Fig. 3. The reaction domain and boundary conditions in CFD model. Similarly, for WGS reaction, the rate is
G. Ji et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 884e895 887

 pH2 pCO2

k pCO pH2 O KWGS
rWGS ¼ WGS (9)
pH2 DEN2
The rate coefficient and equilibrium constant of WGS are
kWGS ¼ kWGS;r exp  (10)

KWGS ¼ KWGS;r exp  (11)
Since MSR is endothermic, EK;MSR is positive and KMSR increases
with temperature. But EK;WGS is negative due to the exothermic
characteristic of WGS reaction. The reaction driving force term
pH pCO
pCO pH2 O  K2WGS 2 mathematically implied the removal of both H2
Fig. 4. CO2 sorption kinetics in Na2ZrO3 under various CO2 partial pressures with CO2-
and CO2 from the reactor would result in a higher driving force than N2 mixture at 500  C ( ).10 vol% of CO2 in N2; ( ) 30 vol% of CO2 in N2; ( ) 50 vol% of
the case with removal of either of them. CO2 in N2; ( ) 70 vol% of CO2 in N2;
The adsorption factor in Eqns. (6) and (9) is defined as

pH2 O In addition to CO2 capture, Na2ZrO3 was also reported for some
DEN ¼ 1 þ KCO pCO þ KH2 pH2 þ KCH4 pCH4 þ KH2 O (12)
pH2 catalytic effect in reforming and WGS reactions [52]. However, the
catalytic effect from alkali catalyst occurs only when the temper-
Eqns. (6) and (9) reflect the mechanism of the reaction ature is greater than 800  C [53], thus this model assumed that the
enhancement by H2 permeation. In the case of membrane reactor, catalytic effect of Na2ZrO3 is minor compared to that of Ni and the
H2 partial pressure (pH2 ) decreases when the H2 permeation occurs. catalytic effect of Na2ZrO3 was not taken into account in the model.
Reaction rates of MSR (rMSR ) and WGS (rWGS ) increase by
decreasing H2 partial pressure (pH2 ). Eqn. (9) also indicates that
lowering CO2 partial pressure (pCO2 ) could directly favor the WGS 3. Mesh and time-step independence study
(rWGS ). WGS reduces CO partial pressure (pCO ), then MSR is
enhanced in the meantime. The flow diagram for the entire CFD model was illustrated in
The H2 permeation across palladium membrane has been well Fig. 5. The model was solved by the commercial CFD code CFX
modeled by Sieverts law [41,43,44]. (ANSYS Inc., US) in double precision mode.
The partial differential equations (PDE) from (1) to (5) are
continuous in space and time. However, discretization must be
JH2 ¼ Q (13) adopted by mesh size and time step whereby the equations are
replaced by the approximations using finite element method. Nu-
where JH2 is the H2 permeation flux across palladium membrane merical error is inevitable in finite element method, especially
and Q is the H2 permeability. l is the coordinate in the membrane when the mesh size and time step are large. Smaller mesh size and
thickness direction. time step can deliver more precise result but prolong the compu-
Na2ZrO3, which showed decent CO2 capacity (volume based), tational time. To ensure the precision of results from this model,
fast sorption kinetic and excellent cyclic stability [45e51], could be mesh and time-step independence study was performed by grad-
mixed with Ni/Al2O3 catalyst as the sorbent for in-situ CO2 sorption. ually reducing mesh and time-step from a larger value until the
To obtain CO2 sorption kinetics data, a TGA (Thermo-gravimetric results did not change with mesh and time-step.
analysis) test was carried out using Na2ZrO3 powder at 500  C Under several mesh sizes and time-steps, the CH4 mass fraction
under various CO2 partial pressures (0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 bar). The
measured CO2 uptakes shown in Fig. 4 suggested that the sorption
kinetic is a function of sorbent conversion and CO2 partial pressure.
A polynomial fitting was applied to develop a correlation between
the sorption kinetics with sorbent conversion and CO2 partial
pressure. The sorption rate is expressed as

rCO2 ¼ rmol Mmax (14)

where rmol is the apparent molar density of the sorbent and Mmax is
the maximum CO2 molar capacity. The fitted correlation from the
experimental sorption test was included in the CFD model to ac-
count for CO2 depletion in the reactor.
The sorbent conversion is a function to time based on Eqn. (15),

atþDt ¼ at þ Dt (15)
Fig. 5. The Program flow chart of CFD model.
888 G. Ji et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 884e895

at a point which locates 1 cm from the inlet was recorded with model was denoted as MR. This model was run for validation
simulation time. The reason to select this monitoring point is that purpose. In the second step, it is assumed 20% volume were occu-
reactants are rich in this region and reactions are more severe. It is pied by Na2ZrO3 sorbent, thus the in-situ CO2 sorption was included
more sensitive to detect the difference of result from different mesh in the CFD model for sorption enhanced membrane reactor (SEMR).
system. Meanwhile this point would give a quick response to the The results from the model taking account of the CO2 sorption was
inlet flow to save the simulation time. As shown in Fig. 6, the denoted as SEMR. The convergence criteria for all the simulations
comparison of different time-step Dt showed that reducing Dt from was set as 1  105 which means all the errors of continuity
0.001 s to 0.0005 s present no difference in the result, suggesting equation, and each component (CH4, CO2, H2, CO, H2O) continuity
that Dt has little effect on the precision of results. As such, the equation have to be less than 1  105.
Dt¼0.001 s was used throughout this work. When the minimum CH4 conversion measured by experiment and computed from
mesh size was reduced from 2 mm to 0.5 mm, the monitored re- the CFD model under identical operating conditions were
sults were different, which implied that 2 mm mesh size is too compared for model validation (Fig. 7) for two membrane reactors.
rough in this situation. Reducing the mesh size further to 0.3 and It can be seen that the simulated CH4 conversion shown in Fig. 7 fits
0.1 mm delivered same results to 0.5 mm mesh, which means very well with the experimental CH4 conversion reported by Tong
0.5 mm mesh size is already sufficiently small to be used in et al. [54]. Based on this good agreement, this model is considered
approximating the PDE equations of the CFD model. Finally the accurate permitting its utilization for further simulations into un-
mesh system used in this study is 5632 hexahedra (number of derstanding and analysis of the processes in the reactor.
nodes: 7965) with max edge length ratio of 1.4634 and volume of The further comparison was made between MR model and
5.19955  107 m3. SEMR model (Fig. 8). The addition of CO2 sorbents in SEMR model
dramatically promoted the CH4 conversion with the greatest
enhancement of 37% for 3360 h1 space velocity. For the case of
4. Model validation and results 3360 h1, the advantage of SEMR over MR prevailed from around
the 1st sec until 300th sec. Prior to the 1st sec, the CO2 sorption had
To validate this model, the model geometry and boundary not commenced yet. This is because the sorption rate is slow when
conditions were set the same as the experiment reported by Tong the sorbent conversion a is low (Fig. 4). Therefore, during this initial
et al. [54] who carried out comprehensive tests by using different period, the SEMR showed little difference from MR. Once the sor-
palladium membrane reactors (Membrane_L and Membrane_H) to bents started to capture CO2 efficiently, CH4 conversion increased
produce H2 from MSR with varied space velocities (1120, 2240 and due to the equilibrium shifting caused by CO2 sorption. As the
3360 h1). The reactor configuration was demonstrated in Fig. 2 sorbent conversion approached to saturation (a/1) when the
and the detailed boundary conditions were listed in Table 1. The sorbents were used for longer time, the CO2 sorption kinetic
experiment was conducted in a membrane reactor without in-situ decreased to almost zero as presented in Fig. 4. Thus the MSR and
CO2 capture. So in the first step, the CFD model for membrane WGS enhancement by sorption would vanish. Therefore, the CH4
reactor (MR) only included MSR, WGS and H2 permeation, but CO2 conversion in SEMR dropped to the level of that in MR.
sorption was not considered in this model. The results from this

Fig. 6. The comparison of monitored CH4 mass fraction in varying mesh and time-step combinations (Monitored location is 1 cm away from inlet).
G. Ji et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 884e895 889

Table 1
Boundary conditions of the CFD model.

Parameters Value Parameters Value

Membrane diameter (m) 9.5  103 H2 permeance (mol m2 s1 Pa0.5) Membrane_L: 9.38  104
Reactor diameter (m) 1.7  102 Membrane_H: 1.88  103
Membrane length (m) 7.0  102 Space velocity (h1) 1120 (Re y 2.8)
Temperature 500  C 2240 (Re y 5.6)
CH4/H2O molar ratio 1/3 3360 (Re y 8.4)
Outlet pressure (MPa) 0.3 Turbulence Laminar

In order to reveal the reason of the different performance in MR

and SEMR, the map of CO2 molar fractions on the symmetry plane
(refer to Fig. 3) at the 100th sec in MR and SEMR were compared in
Fig. 9. In the MR, CO2 fraction was increasing with the flow (from
inlet to outlet) due to the accumulation of generated CO2 from WGS
reaction. In the radial direction (from membrane to reactor shell),
CO2 fraction slightly decreased. This is because the H2 permeation
promoted WGS, thus WGS produced more CO2 at the vicinity of the
membrane. On the contrary, in the sorption enhanced membrane
reactor, CO2 fraction decreased with the flow, which indicated that
the CO2 sorption rate is close to the CO2 generation rate from WGS.
The level of CO2 fraction is 2 orders of magnitudes lower in the
SEMR than in the simple MR.
Since WGS reaction could be enhanced directly by the in-situ
CO2 sorption, the map of WGS reaction rate (rWGS ) in each reactor
was then graphed in Fig. 10. In MR, the WGS reaction rate decreased
in the radial direction (from membrane surface to the reactor shell),
confirming the enhancement by H2 permeation as the effect was
greater near the membrane. The decrement of WGS reaction rate in
the axial direction from the inlet to the outlet is due to the CO2
Fig. 7. The comparison of CH4 conversion resulted from experiment and CFD model.

(,) Low performance membrane at 773 K with space velocity 1120 h1; ( ) Low fraction increment, which reduced the WGS driving force based on
performance membrane at 773 K with space velocity 2240 h1; (△) Low performance Eqn. (9). Since the overall CO2 fraction in SEMR is much lower than
membrane at 773 K with space velocity 3360 h1; (-) High performance membrane at that MR (Fig. 9), around 1 order of magnitude higher reaction rate
773 K with space velocity 1120 h1; (A) High performance membrane at 773 K with was observed for the SEMR owing to the CO2 sorption (Fig. 10).
space velocity 2240 h1; (:) High performance membrane at 773 K with space ve-
locity 3360 h1; Experimental data was reproduced from Ref. [54].
As mentioned above for palladium-based membrane, the

Fig. 8. CH4 conversion of membrane reactor and sorption enhanced membrane reactor under different space velocities ( ). Sorption enhanced membrane reactor under 1120 h1;
( ) Simple membrane reactor under 1120 h1; ( ) Sorption enhanced membrane reactor under 2240 h1; ( ) Simple membrane reactor under 2240 h1; ( ) Sorption enhanced
membrane reactor under 3360 h1; ( ) Simple membrane reactor under 3360 h1.
890 G. Ji et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 884e895

Fig. 9. The distribution of CO2 molar fraction in membrane reactor and sorption-enhanced membrane reactor at the 100th sec.

Fig. 10. The distribution of water gas shift reaction rate in membrane reactor and sorption enhanced membrane reactor at the 100th sec.

presence of CO inhibits H2 dissociation and permeation, so the CO which is below 0.2% throughout the entire membrane length. But in
concentration level in a palladium membrane reactor is of special the simple MR reactor, the CO fraction reached up to 1.3%. Conse-
importance. Fig. 11 showed the CO molar fraction distribution in the quently, the palladium membrane suffers a higher risk of perfor-
two reactors. Significant reduction of CO fraction was seen in SEMR, mance decay.

Fig. 11. The distribution of CO molar fraction in membrane reactor and sorption enhanced membrane reactor at the 100th sec.
G. Ji et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 884e895 891

With higher WGS reaction rates, according to Eqn. (6) the rate of meantime at the outlet stream. The H2 flow at the outlet was
methane steam reforming would be further enhanced as a conse- 8.42  105 mol s1 for SEMR and 5.67  105 mol s1 for MR. H2
quence of lower CO fraction. This prediction was confirmed by the dry base fraction at the outlet was 80.79 mol.% for SEMR and
methane steam reforming rate (rMSR ) in Fig. 12, which showed that 34.47 mol.% for MR. Beside the pure H2 in permeate stream, the
SEMR reformed methane at a faster rate than MR. If the methane SEMR configuration can also produce high purity H2 in the outlet
steam reforming rate at any location in SEMR is faster than that in stream owing to the decline of CO, CO2 (Fig. 14b, d) and more
MR, the overall CH4 converted must be more for SEMR. This map of complete conversion of CH4.
methane steam reforming rate (Fig. 12) explained why SEMR The variations of CO2 fraction, WGS rate, CO fraction, MSR rate
improved CH4 conversion by 37% (Fig. 8). and H2 fraction are plotted as curves along a line from inlet to outlet
The main target of the whole process is to produce H2, therefore, in Fig. 14. The location of the line to extract those values is shown in
H2 production is of the greatest interest in methane steam Fig. 14a. The reductions of outlet CO2 and CO were more than 95%
reforming. On basis of reactions (R1) and (R2), H2 yield is directly by deploying SEMR. The reduced CO2 and CO concentration in the
related to the MSR and WGS rate. Figs. 12 and 10 had demonstrated SEMR almost doubled the WGS rate and MSR rate, which made the
the improvement of MSR and WGS for SEMR, thus higher H2 frac- reactor rich in H2. The SEMR showed superior performance over
tion could be certainly expected from SEMR. Fig. 13 displayed the simple MR in terms of CH4 conversion, CO reduction and H2 yield.
H2 fraction map of MR and SEMR. The comparison demonstrated Sensitivity analysis of operating parameters in this SEMR CFD
evident enhancement of H2 concentration in SEMR. The generated model is a pathway to identify how the output changes with these
H2 would eventually be collected in the permeate stream as pure H2 operating conditions, and provides an instructive direction for
and the outlet stream as H2 rich gas. The remarkable enrichment of improving the reactor performance. A key operating parameter to
H2 in the reactor would provide a higher driving force for the inspect in this study is the space velocity as it affects the CH4 re-
membrane permeation. The calculated H2 permeation of SEMR action time and the quantity of CH4 that the reactor processes in
being 2.87  104 mol s1 was 29% higher than that of MR being unit time. Reactor pressure is another interesting parameter worth
2.23  104 mol s1. In addition to the pure H2 production in the investigating, because increasing pressure can accelerate both for-
permeate stream, the unpermeated H2 was also collected in the ward reaction and reverse reaction of R1. Owning to the higher

Fig. 12. The distribution of methane steam reforming rate in membrane reactor and sorption enhanced membrane reactor at the 100th sec.

Fig. 13. The distribution of H2 molar fraction in membrane reactor and sorption enhanced membrane reactor at the 100th sec.
892 G. Ji et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 884e895

Fig. 14. The variations of CO2 fraction, WGS rate, CO fraction, MSR rate and H2 fraction along a line from inlet to outlet. (a) the location of the line to extract these variables, from
(6.625  103 m, 0 rad, 0 m) to (6.625  103 m, 0 rad, 8  102 m) in cylindrical coordinate; (b) CO2 molar fraction; (c) water gas shift reaction rate; (d) CO molar fraction; (e)
methane steam reforming reaction rate; (f) H2 molar fraction.

stoichiometric number of product gases in R1, higher pressure fa- or circulating fluidized bed which could be operated in continuous
vors the reverse reaction. However, elevated pressure facilitates H2 system. Therefore, the greater performance of SEMR over MR is
membrane permeation as well as CO2 capture, hence it also favors sustained all the time. Another issue associated with SEMR is the
forward reaction of R1 by removing more H2 and CO2. Fig. 15 sorbent regeneration is generally operated at high temperature
predicated the performance of CH4 conversion, H2 generation rate (>850  C) which makes the process energy intensive. Furthermore,
and total H2 yield within the initial 3 min with varied space velocity the possible interaction between catalyst and sorbent may affect
and pressure. Increasing the space velocity led to declined CH4 the performance of catalytic reaction and CO2 capture. This issue is
conversion due to the shortened reaction time. But H2 generation worth investigating in future studies.
rate and H2 total yield increased with space velocity as the reactor
processed more CH4 per time. Higher pressure resulted in higher
CH4 conversion which indicated that the total effect of enhanced
pressure is positive for the forward reaction. The effect of pressure 5. Conclusions
on the H2 generation rate seems more complicated (Fig. 15e). In the
initial period of around 1 s, the H2 generation rate is favored at A computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model, which allows the
lower pressure, in agreement with the intrinsic nature of R1. But access of dynamic and distributed information of reactants and
after 1 s, the shift effect from the removal of H2 and CO2 started to products in a sorption-enhanced membrane reactor, was developed
dominate and higher pressure provided more severe shift effect, as in this study. The model was validated by comparing the simulated
a result H2 was produced at a faster rate at higher pressures. The results with experimental results obtained from a membrane
overall H2 yield within 3 min was enhanced gradually by elevated reactor without CO2 sorbents. Further employment of this model
pressure. was implemented to explain the difference of reaction process
However, the advantage of SEMR only presented in limited between a SEMR and the traditional MR. The results show that the
period. With longer time operation, the sorbents will reach to the SEMR not only reduced the CO2 fraction, but also increased the
saturation and thus the SEMR will eventually become a simple MR. rates of MSR and WGS as well as the yield of H2. The CO fraction
More capital cost is required to construct a SEMR than a MR due to level decreased by 1 order of magnitude in the sorption-enhanced
the addition of sorbents. But the sorbents only occupy the space membrane reactor than the traditional membrane reactor, which
and become functionless when they are saturated. To reuse the minimized the possibility of H2 permeation decay. With the
sorbents, regeneration is needed, as such the reactor has to be detailed information inside a reactor which is blind to experimental
operated in batch system. The idea of sorption enhancement for measurements, this model could be used as a general tool to
membrane reactor could be further improved by using moving bed analyze the reaction process and interpret reactor performance.
G. Ji et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 884e895 893

Fig. 15. Predicted performance of SEMR at different conditions. (a) CH4 conversion at different space velocities (S/C ¼ 3; P ¼ 3 Bar); (b) H2 generation rate at different space velocities
(S/C ¼ 3; P ¼ 3 Bar); (c) H2 yield within 3 min at different space velocities (S/C ¼ 3; P ¼ 3 Bar); (d) CH4 conversion at different pressures (S/C ¼ 3; SV ¼ 3360 s1); (e) H2 generation
rate at different pressures (S/C ¼ 3; SV ¼ 3360 s1) and (f) H2 yield within 3 min at different pressures (S/C ¼ 3; SV ¼ 3360 s1).

Acknowledgement kMSR Rate coefficient of MSR, mol Pa0.5 m3 s1

kMSR;r Rate coefficient of MSR at reference temperature, mol
M. Zhao thank for the support by the National Recruitment Pa0.5 m3 s1
Program of Global Youth Experts (The National Youth 1000 e Talent kWGS Rate coefficient of WGS, mol Pa1 m3 s1
Program) of China (grant number: 20151710227) and the Tsinghua kWGS;r Rate coefficient of WGS at reference temperature, mol
University Initiative Scientific Research Program (grant number: Pa1 m3 s1
20161080094). G. Ji is grateful for the support by China Postdoctoral KCH4 Sorption coefficient for CH4, Pa1
Science Foundation (grant number: 2017M610910). KCO Sorption coefficient for CO, Pa1
KH2 Sorption coefficient for H2, Pa1
KH2 O Sorption coefficient for H2O
KMSR Equilibrium constant for MSR, Pa2
KMSR;r Equilibrium constant for MSR at reference temperature,
c Gas concentration, mol m3
ci Gas concentration of component i, mol m3
KWGS Equilibrium constant for WGS
D Diffusion coefficient, m2 s1
KWGS;r Equilibrium constant for WGS at reference temperature
DEN Adsorption factor
Ek;MSR Activation energy of rate coefficient for MSR, J mol1 l Space coordinate in membrane thickness direction, m
Mmax Maximum CO2 molar capacity
EK;MSR Activation energy of equilibrium constant for MSR, J
pCH4 CH4 partial pressure, Pa
pCO CO partial pressure, Pa
Ek;WGS Activation energy of rate coefficient for WGS, J mol1
pCO2 CO2 partial pressure, Pa
EK;WGS Activation energy of equilibrium constant for WGS, J
pH2 H2 partial pressure, Pa
pH2 O H2O partial pressure, Pa
JH2 H2 permeation flux across membrane, mol m2 s1
894 G. Ji et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 884e895

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