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Professional and Social Responsibility

Based on PMBOK® Guide – Fifth Edition

PMBOK is registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

Professional and Social Responsibility 1 © Simplilearn Solutions


 Ensure individual integrity

 Contribute to project management knowledge base
 Enhance professional competence
 Promote stakeholder collaboration

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Ensure Individual Integrity

 Always report the truth, even if it shows the project in a bad light.
 Follow the copyright rules. Never use unlicensed products.
 When conflict occurs - deal with it - don’t shy away.
 Don’t accept any kind of bribe.
 Treat everyone with respect.
 Always give more importance to project needs than to personal gains.
 Always do the right thing and follow the right process.
 Never divulge company information to unauthorized parties.
 Respect intellectual property rights.
 Follow PMI’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The document can
be found on the PMI website.

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Contribute to Project Management Knowledge

 Share best practices learned during your project with other project
managers in your organization.
 Mentor junior team members on project management related topics.
 Write a blog on project management or participate in project
management discussion groups.
 Actively participate in analyzing past project data and compile project
management related metrics to be used within the organization.

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Enhance Professional Competence

Q. If project managers are busy managing projects, when do they enhance

professional competence?

A. The fact that you are reading this tutorial shows that you care about your
professional competence!

A few things that you as a project manager can do:

 Analyze your strengths and weaknesses.
 Look for a senior project manager to mentor you on your weak areas.
 Actively look for ways to apply your project management knowledge on projects.
 Read project management books for new ideas or techniques.
 Discuss with other project managers the challenges you face on your projects.

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Promote Stakeholder Collaboration

Q. Why do project managers need to promote stakeholder collaboration?

A. So that stakeholders are aware of the true benefits of the project and help in
whatever way they can to make the project successful.

What project managers can do for stakeholder collaboration:

 Resolve competing interests.
 Deal with conflicting scenarios. Take charge!
 Respect cultural differences. This often occurs when projects span geographies.
 Always keep stakeholders informed about the true status of the project.

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Quiz – 1

1. You are about to send a deliverable to your customer when you realize there
is a defect. The customer would probably not notice it, but it is not in
accordance with the contract. What should you do?
A. Discuss it with the customer.
B. Go ahead and send the deliverable.
C. Inform your senior management and seek their guidance.
D. Extend the project deliverable timeframe.

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Quiz – 1

1. You are about to send a deliverable to your customer when you realize there
is a defect. The customer would probably not notice it, but it is not in
accordance with the contract. What should you do?
A. Discuss it with the customer.
B. Go ahead and send the deliverable.
C. Inform your senior management and seek their guidance.
D. Extend the project deliverable timeframe.

Answer 1: The right answer is A. It is ethically not right to send a deliverable

with a defect to the customer. Therefore, the best thing to do is to speak with
the customer and send the deliverable only if he agrees.

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Quiz – 2

2. Which activity from the following should a project manager perform when
confronted with a situation in which a payment to facilitate an activity is
advised by a liaison agent for a project with a foreign destination country?
A. Seek legal advice to ensure that the payment is not a bribe
B. Do not make the payment
C. Make the payment
D. Insist for documentation

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Quiz – 2

2. Which activity from the following should a project manager perform when
confronted with a situation in which a payment to facilitate an activity is
advised by a liaison agent for a project with a foreign destination country?
A. Seek legal advice to ensure that the payment is not a bribe
B. Do not make the payment
C. Make the payment
D. Insist for documentation

Answer 2. The correct answer is A. When a project manager is not clear about
the business processes in a foreign country, it is necessary to seek legal advice
to make sure that such payments are legitimate and not construed as a bribe
or illegal practices.

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Quiz – 3

3. A university has contacted you to help it in its research. This assistance

would require you to provide it with some of the client data from your
files. What should you do?
A. Release the information but remove all references to the client’s name
B. Contact your client and seek permission to disclose the information
C. Disclose the information
D. Do nothing and wait to see what happens

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Quiz – 3

3. A university has contacted you to help it in its research. This assistance

would require you to provide it with some of the client data from your
files. What should you do?
A. Release the information but remove all references to the client’s name
B. Contact your client and seek permission to disclose the information
C. Disclose the information
D. Do nothing and wait to see what happens

Answer 3: The correct answer is B. Never disclose the information without the
permission of the owner of the information. As per the Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct, you should maintain the confidentiality of the

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Quiz – 4

4. You are on a time and materials contract. You have finished your work
product an hour earlier than expected and can go home. However, the
billing was expected for a full eight hours and would affect income goals.
What should you be doing?
A. Bill eight hours. Just because you were especially efficient does not mean
you shouldn’t get a full day’s pay
B. Stay an extra hour looking busy to make up the time
C. Find an additional one-hour task that you can do and legitimately bill the
client, even though they did not ask for it
D. Bill the seven hours you worked and go home

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Quiz – 4

4. You are on a time and materials contract. You have finished your work
product an hour earlier than expected and can go home. However, the
billing was expected for a full eight hours and would affect income goals.
What should you be doing?
A. Bill eight hours. Just because you were especially efficient does not mean
you shouldn’t get a full day’s pay
B. Stay an extra hour looking busy to make up the time
C. Find an additional one-hour task that you can do and legitimately bill the
client, even though they did not ask for it
D. Bill the seven hours you worked and go home

Answer 4: The correct answer is D. As per the PMI's Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct, you should provide accurate and truthful representations
in your reports. You should submit your billing for the actual hours worked.

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Quiz – 5

5. There is a previously scheduled project status review meeting and one of

your team leads sends you his report just an hour before the meeting. You
find many unacceptable discrepancies within the report. What should you
A. Let him present the report and trash him in front of everyone to teach
him a lesson.
B. Cancel the meeting and prepare the report yourself.
C. Postpone the meeting and ask him to fix the report.
D. Do nothing and wait to see what happens.

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Quiz – 5

5. There is a previously scheduled project status review meeting and one of

your team leads sends you his report just an hour before the meeting. You
find many unacceptable discrepancies within the report. What should you
A. Let him present the report and trash him in front of everyone to teach
him a lesson.
B. Cancel the meeting and prepare the report yourself.
C. Postpone the meeting and ask him to fix the report.
D. Do nothing and wait to see what happens.

Answer 5: The right answer is C. There is no point in wasting everyone’s time

with an incorrect report. Also, it’s not acceptable to counsel a team member in
front of others. Remember, you need to respect everyone including your

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Thank You

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