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Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique
Nursing Department

Name of Patient: E.F.F.JR. Physician: Dr. N. co-managed by Dr. B.
Age/Sex: 73/male Chief Complaint: chest pain

Name of Drug Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

Classification and Indication and
(Dosage, Route, Reactions
Mechanism of Action contraindication
Frequency, Timing)

Generic Name: Classification: Indication: Body as a whole: Back pain,  Observe the 14 rights in medication
Atorvastatin Calcium Therapeutic class: Antilipemics Adjunct to diet for the reduction of asthenia, hypersensitivity administration.
Pharmacologic class: HMG-CoA LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in reaction, myalgia,
Brand Name: reductase inhibitors patients with primary rhabdomyolysis.  Monitor for therapeutic effectiveness
Lipitor hypercholesterolemia and mixed which is indicated by reduction in
dyslipidemia. CNS: headache the level of LDL-C.

Dosage: Mechanism of Action: GI: abdominal pain,  Lab test: Monitor lipid levels within
60mg/tab Atorvastatin competitively inhibits constipation, diarrhea, 2-4 weeks after initiation of therapy
HMG-CoA reductase, the enzyme dyspepsia, flatulence, or upon change in dosage; monitor
that catalyses the conversion of increased liver function tests. liver functions at 6 and 12 wk after
Route: HMG-CoA to mevalonic acid. initiation or elevation of dose, and
NGT This results in the induction of the Contraindication: Respiratory: sinusitis, periodically thereafter.
LDL receptors, leading to lowered Hypersensitivity to atorvastatin, pharyngitis
LDL-cholesterol concentration. myopathy, active liver disease,  Assess for muscle pain, tenderness;
Frequency: unexplained persistent transaminase Skin: rash and, if present, monitor CPK level.
OD elevations
 Monitor carefully for digoxin
toxicity with concurrent digoxin use.

St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique
Nursing Department

Name of Patient: E.F.F.JR. Physician: Dr. N. co-managed by Dr. B.

Age/Sex: 73/male Chief Complaint: chest pain

Name of Drug Side Effects or Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities

Classification and Indication and
(Dosage, Route,
Mechanism of Action contraindication
Frequency, Timing)

Generic Name: Classification: Indication: CNS: vertigo, headache, dizziness, paresthesia,  Observe the 14 rights in medication
Furosemide Therapeutic class: Acute pulmonary edema weakness, restlessness, fever administration.
Antihypertensives Edema CV: orthostatic hypotension, thrombophlebitis with
 Monitor weight, BP, and pulse rate
IV administration
Brand Name: Pharmacologic class:Loop Hypertension with long term use.
EENT: blurred or yellow vision, transient deafness,
Lasix Diuretics tinnitus  Monitor for S&S of hypokalemia
Mechanism of Action: GI: abdominal discomfort and pain, diarrhea,  Monitor I&O ratio and pattern.
Dosage: Inhibits sodium and chloride Contraindication: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation, Report decrease or unusual increase
20mg IVTT? reabsorption at the proximal Contraindicated in patients pancreatitis in output. Excessive diuresis can
and distal tubules and the hypersensitive to drug and GU: azotemia, nocturia, polyuria, frequent result in dehydration and
Route: ascending loop of Henle in those with anuria urination, oliguria hypovolemia, circulatory collapse,
IV Hematologic: agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, and hypotension. Weigh patient daily
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia
under standard conditions.
Hepatic: hepatic dysfunction, jaundice
Metabolic: volume depletion and  Note: Excessive dehydration is most
Frequency: likely to occur in older adults, those
dehydration,asymptomatic hyperuricemia, impaired
Q8H with chronic cardiac disease on
glucose tolerance, hypokalemia, hypochloremic
alkalosis, hyperglycemia, dilutional hyponatremia, prolonged salt restriction, or those
hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia receiving sympatholytic agents.
Timing: Musculoskeletal: muscle spasm
? Skin: dermatitis, purpura, photosensitivity
Other: gout

Name of Patient: E.F.F.JR. Physician: Dr. N. co-managed by Dr. B.
Age/Sex: 73/male Chief Complaint: chest pain
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique
Nursing Department

Name of Drug Side Effects or Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities

Classification and Indication and
(Dosage, Route,
Mechanism of Action contraindication
Frequency, Timing)

Generic Name: Classification: Indication: Body as a whole: allergy, fever,leg pain, malaise  Observe the 14 rights in medication
Amlodipine besylate- Angiotensin receptor For the treatment of Cardiovascular: palpitation, dependent edema, administration.
telmisartan blocker (ARB) – hypertension. angina pectoris, tachycardia, leg edema, abnormal
telmisartan ECG
 Assess for any signs of allergies
CNS: insomnia, somnolence, migraine, vertigo,
Brand Name: Calcium channel
paresthesia, involuntary muscle contractions,
Twynsta blocker  Administer O2 inhalation if there is
GI:, constipation, flatulence, gastritis, vomiting, fry shortness of breath
Dosage: Mechanism of Action: Contraindication: mouth, haemorrhoids, gastroenteritis, enteritis,
5/40mg 1tab Relax the blood vessels Hypersensitivity gastroesophageal reflux, toothache  Monitor vital signs and note if there
so that blood can flow Do not coadminister with Metabolic: gout, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes is any abnormalities
Route: more easily. aliskiren in patient with mellitus
NGT diabetes mellitus Musculoskeletal: arthritis, arthralgia,, leg cramps  Administer without any regard to
Psychiatric: anxiety, depression, nervousness
Resistance mechanism: infection,abcesses, otitis
Frequency: media
Respiratory: asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis, dyspnea,  Assess for signs of CHF(peripheral
OD edema, rales/crackles, dyspnea,
Skin: dermatitis, rash, eczema, pruritus weight gain , jugular venous
Urinary: micturition frequency, cystitis distention).
Timing: Vascular: cerebrovascular disorder
Special senses: abnormal vision, conjunctivitis,
tinnitus, earache

Name of Patient: E.F.F.JR. Physician: Dr. N. co-managed by Dr. B.
Age/Sex: 73/male Chief Complaint: chest pain
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique
Nursing Department

Name of Drug Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

Classification and Indication and
(Dosage, Route, Frequency, Reactions
Mechanism of Action contraindication

Generic Name: Classification: Indication: Body as a whole: Back  Observe the 14 rights in
Omeprazole Antisecretory drug Proton pump Omeprazole is used to treat pain, asthenia, medication administration.
Brand Name: inhibitor symptoms of gastroesophageal hypersensitivity reaction,
Losec reflux disease (GERD) and other myalgia, rhabdomyolysis.  Check and verify with doctor’s
Mechanism of Action: conditions caused by excess order and Kardex.
Dosage: Gastric acid-pump inhibitor: stomach acid. It is also used to CNS: headache  Assess patient’s vital signs.
40mg Suppresses gastric acid promote healing of erosive
secretion by specific inhibition esophagitis (damage to your GI: abdominal pain,  Patient and family education.
Route: of the hydrogen-potassium esophagus caused by stomach constipation, diarrhea, Notify the doctor if patient is
IV ATPase enzyme system at the acid) dyspepsia, flatulence, experiencing undesirable effects.
secretory surface of the gastric Contraindication: increased liver function
parietal cells; blocks the final Contraindicated with tests.
Frequency: step of acid production hypersensitivity to omeprazole or
OD its components; Respiratory: sinusitis,

Timing: Skin: rash

St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique
Nursing Department

Name of Patient: E.F.F.JR. Physician: Dr. N. co-managed by Dr. B
Age/Sex: 73/male Chief Complaint: chest pain

Name of Drug Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

Classification and Indication and
(Dosage, Route, Frequency, Reactions
Mechanism of Action contraindication

Generic Name: Classification: Indication: Body as a whole: Back pain,  Observe the 14 rights in
KETOANALOGUE Essential amino acids Prevention and therapy of damges due to asthenia, hypersensitivity medication administration.
faulty or deficient protein metabolism in reaction, myalgia,
chronic renal insufficiency in connection
Brand Name: with limited protein in food of <40g/day(for
rhabdomyolysis.  Should be admininstered
Mechanism of Action: adults). Generally in patients with a during meals to allow proper
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) ,25mL/min. CNS: headache absorption and metabolism
Dosage: Allows the intake of essential amino acids
while minimizing the amino nitrogen
into the corresponding
2tabs intake. Following ingestion, the
GI: abdominal pain, amino acids.
ketoanalogues are transmitted by taking constipation, diarrhea,
Route: nitrogen from non-essential amino acids, Contraindication: dyspepsia, flatulence,  Ensure sufficient supply
NGT thereby decreasing the formation of urea Hypercalcemia, disturbed amino acid increased liver function tests. with calories.
by reusing the amino group. The levels of metabolism. In case of heredity
accumulating uremic toxins are phenylketonuria, it has to be taken into
decreased. Keto and/or hydroxyl-acids do account that ketobest contains phenylalanine.
Respiratory: sinusitis,  Pay attention to a reduction
Frequency: not elicit hyfiltration of residual ephrons. pharyngitis of serum phosphate.
Ketoacids containing supplements have a
positive influence on the renal Skin: rash
Timing: hypoparathyroidism and can improve
renal osteodystrophy. The use of ketobest
8am pm, 12 in association with a very low protein
intake of nitrogen while avoiding the
deleterious consequence of inadequate
dietary protein intake and
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique
Nursing Department

Name of Patient: E.F.F.JR. Physician: Dr. N. co-managed by Dr. B
Age/Sex: 73/male Chief Complaint: chest pain

Name of Drug Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

Classification and Indication and
(Dosage, Route, Frequency, Reactions
Mechanism of Action contraindication

Generic Name: Classification: Indication: Body as a whole: Back pain,  Observe the 14 rights in medication
Clopidogrel Antiplatelet agent  Used to prevent blood clots asthenia, hypersensitivity
 Reduction of atherosclerotic reaction, myalgia,  Assess skin for redness, itchiness, and if
there are bruises present in the body.
Brand Name: events(MI, stroke, vascular rhabdomyolysis, tiredness or
Mechanism of Action: death) in patients at risk for weakness  Check if there is yellowing of the skin or
Clopeidogrel helps prevent such events including recent
Dosage: platelets from sticking together. MI, acute coronary CNS: headache, confusion,  check for BEFAST and any signs and
symptoms of stroke
75mg 1tab This stops them from forming syndrome(unstable stroke, vision loss
blood clots. angina/non-Q-wave MI),  Monitor vital signs
Route: stroke or peripheral vascular GI: abdominal pain,  Inspect eye if there is any signs of
NGT disease. constipation, diarrhea, blurriness or loss of vision.
dyspepsia, flatulence, black  Administer once daily without regard to
Contraindication: tarry stools, vomiting food.
Frequency: Contraindicated in pathologic  Monitor CBC with differential and platelet
OD bleeding(peptic ulcer, intracranial Respiratory: sinusitis, count.
haemorrhage), lactation, pharyngitis, shortness of
Timing: Hypersensitivity breath
8am pm, 12
Skin: rash, Itchy skin,
unexplained bruises, jaundice
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique
Nursing Department

Name of Patient: E.F.F.JR. Physician: Dr. N. co-managed by Dr. B
Age/Sex: 73/male Chief Complaint: chest pain

Name of Drug Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

Classification and Indication and
(Dosage, Route, Frequency, Reactions
Mechanism of Action contraindication

Generic Name: Classification: Indication: Body as a whole: Back pain,  Observe the 14 rights in medication
Gliclazide antidiabetics Control of blood sugar in type 2 asthenia, hypersensitivity
Mechanism of Action: diabetes mellitus when control of diet reaction, myalgia,  Observe for signs and symptoms of
Brand Name: Gliclazide is a sulphonylurea drug with and exercise fails or when insulin is rhabdomyolysis. hypoglycemia (hunger, weaknesss,
Diamicron an intermediate half-life of around 11 not an option. Requires some sweating, dizziness, tachycardia,
hours. It is extensively metabolised, and anxiety).
renal clearance accounts for only 4% of
pancreatic function CNS: headache
Dosage: total drug clearance. The molecule  Assess patient for allergy to
Contraindication: GI: abdominal pain, sulfonylureas.
contains an azabicyclo-octyl group which
Route: confers special properties on the basic  Hypersensitivity; cross constipation, diarrhea,  Monitor renal function periodically in
NGT sulphonylurea moiety. Gliclazide sensitivity with other dyspepsia, flatulence, patients with mild to moderate renal
stimulates insulin secretion through the dysfunction. May cause increased
beta cell sulhponylurea moiety. sulfonylureas may occur increased liver function tests.
creatinine and hyponatremia.
Gliclazide stimulates insulin secretion  Unstable diabetes, type 1
Frequency: through the beta cell sulphonylurea diabetes mellitus, diabetic Respiratory: sinusitis,  Monitor liver function periodically in
OD receptor, possibly through a direct effect pharyngitis patients with mild to moderate liver
ketoacidosis, diabetic coma or dysfunction. May cause increased
on intracellular calcium transport. It
pre-coma increased AST, ALT, alkaline
specifically improves the abnormal first
Timing: phase insulin release in type 2 diabetes,  Severe hepatic or renal Skin: rash phosphatase and LDH.
30mins before breakfast and also has an effect on the second impairment
phase. This pattern of insulin release is  Concurrent use of
thought to explain the lower incidence of oral/oromucosal miconazole,
hypogycaemic episodes and weight gain
compared with some other alcohol or alcohol-containing
sulphonylureas. medications, or systemic
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique
Nursing Department

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