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Changing Role of the DBA

Valentin Leonard Tabacaru
Product Management
November 22nd, 2018

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Death Spiral of a DBA

DBAs are very busy keeping the lights DBAs have no time to work with
on Developers

Databases are put into production DBAs have to tune non-optimize

that still need lots of tuning Databases

DBAs are tuning and not DBAs become the bottleneck for
provisioning, patching, backing up, change

DBAs quit or go hide in the data

Everybody is yelling at the DBAs

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Today DBAs Spend More Time on Maintenance vs Innovation

Maintenance Security Reliability

72% 85% 91%

72% of IT Budget is spent on 85% of security breaches occurred 91% experience unplanned
Generic Maintenance tasks vs after the CVE was published data center outages
- DB Maestro
Innovation - Healthcare IT News
-ComputerWorld Database downtime costs
$7,900 / minute
- DB Maestro

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How will the
Autonomous Database
change things

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Oracle Autonomous Database

Self-Driving Self-Securing Self-Repairing

• Creates mission critical • Secure configuration with • Recovers automatically
scale-out database with DR full database encryption from any failure
• Automates all monitoring, • Automatically applies • 99.995% uptime including
management and tuning security updates online maintenance, guaranteed
• Full compatibility enables • Sensitive data hidden from • Elastically scales compute
simple database migration Oracle or customer admins or storage as needed

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Autonomous Database | Optimized by Workload


Autonomous Data Autonomous

Warehouse Transaction Processing

Available Since March 2018 Available Since August 2018

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Autonomous Optimizations | Specialized by Workload

Optimizes Complex SQL Optimizes Response Time

Columnar Format Row Format

Autonomous Data Autonomous

Creates Data Summaries
Warehouse Creates Indexes
Transaction Processing

Plan Stability and Run Away Query Prevention

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Continuous Optimization – Enabled by Machine Learning

• SQL Plans are like driving directions

– Should adapt as data volume (traffic) changes
• Indexes are like roads and bridges
– Should adapt if nature of the workload evolves
• Changes in data volume and SQL workload are
continuously captured
• Machine Learning algorithm processes changes
to find new optimal plans and indexes*
– Improved driving directions, roads, bridges

* Coming soon Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 9
Machine Learning Meets Mission Critical

• New approach avoids performance regressions

– Even for difficult cases where new plan or index
helps 99 SQL statements and hurts 1
• Changes are first tested in background
• Then the benefit is validated on first execute of
every changed SQL
– If performance regresses, then old SQL plan is used

* Coming soon Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 10
Traditionally DBAs are Responsible for:

• Tasks Specific to Business and Innovation Value Scale

– Architecture, planning, data modeling Innovation
– Data security and lifecycle management
– Application related tuning
– End-to-End service level management

• Maintenance Tasks
– Configuration and tuning of systems, network, storage
– Database provisioning, patching
– Database backups, H/A, disaster recovery
– Database optimization Maintenance

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Autonomous Database Removes Generic Tasks
Freedom from Drudgery for DBA: More Time to Innovate and Improve the Business

• Tasks Specific to Business and Innovation Value Scale

– Architecture, planning, data modeling Innovation
– Data security and lifecycle management
– Application related tuning
– End-to-End service level management

• Maintenance Tasks
– Configuration and tuning of systems, network, storage
– Database provisioning, patching
– Database backups, H/A, disaster recovery
– Database optimization Maintenance

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The Evolution of the DBA Role
Data Modeling End-to-End Service
Architecture, Level Management
“data wrangler” Full stack availability

Data Security Application Tuning

Data classification, SQL tuning,
Data life-cycle mgmt. connection mgmt.

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What can I do to
prepare for this evolution

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Data Modeling

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Why Data Modeling is important

Extract from “Why You Should Never Use MongoDB” by Sarah Mei
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Data Modeling
Understand The Benefits of a Good Architecture
• Opportunity to spend more time focused on architecting a solution and
designing a good data model
– Systems can be provisioned by DBA in seconds without waiting on other teams
• Requires working closely with business users to learn how data is used
– Understanding how the data will be used helps determine best model
• A sound data model
– simplifies database tuning
– Improves time to market
– Reduces costs and project creep

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Data Modeling
What can I do to prepare?
• Take advantage of Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler
• A free diagramming and data modeling tool
– Logical and relational modeling
– Versioning
– DDL Generation
– Compare and Synch
• Reverse Engineer:
– Existing Schemas , DDLs (not just Oracle)
• Publish your diagrams and data dictionaries
– HTML, PDF, SVG or database reporting repository
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Data Modeling
Not Just Relational Model

• Most popular data format for new web applications is JSON

• Storing JSON documents in the database greatly simplifies application
development as the same schema-less data representation can be use in
Application and the Database
• Just because the schema is now in a JSON document, doesn’t mean you
shouldn’t have a entity model
• Don’t be afraid to bring modeling to the “wild west” of JSON

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Data Security

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In the Cloud, Security is a Shared Responsibility
Security Managed by Oracle
• Network security and threat detection
• Strong platform security
• Automatic database patches
• Strict administrative control
• Data encryption by default

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What can I do to prepare?
• Identify your assets
– Know what data you have and where
What sensitive
• Secure all databases data do I have?
How much? Where is it?

– Make sure that there are no insecure Sensitive Data Discovery

settings, default passwords etc.
– Remove unnecessary privileges
– Determine what data should be masked
in dev and test environments What data What data
Who has
– Determine what data should be should be should be
mask? redact?
redacted or dynamically masked in
applications Data Protection

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What can I do to prepare?
• Encrypt your data
Encrypt Your Backup Your Work With
– All cloud services encrypt data Data Databases developers

• Backup your data Preparing For The Cloud

– Make sure you can recover from backups

• Work with application development

– See if Redaction is applicable to current applications

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End-to-End Service
Level Management

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End-to-End Service Level Management
Understand Database Cloud Offers
• The business is going to look to you to determine what database cloud
service they should use
• You will be in charge of, and in control of, the end-to-end service levels
• You need to know what each Database Cloud Service offers you in terms of
– Availability
– Security
– Performance
– Scalability
• Take advantage of trial accounts to get familiar with provisioning and using
a cloud environment
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Try It Now for Free

2 TB Autonomous Database FREE for 3,300 Hours try-autonomous-database

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End-to-End Service Level Management
Application Continuity
• Autonomous Database will patch databases in a rolling fashion
• Goals is to have applications continue to operate without errors and within
the specified response time objectives while this patching occurs
• Steps to prepare for Application Continuity are:
1. Use Services for location transparency
2. Configure TNS connection string to enables transparent retries and load-balancing
3. Make sure your application is Fast Application Notification aware
• If you use Oracle client driver – you already have this
• If you use a 3rd party driver – follow the instructions in our white paper
4. Enable application continuity if you are currently on Oracle Database 12c or higher

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Make DBAs
Great Again

Application Tuning

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Application Tuning
Same Rules Apply
• Take the time to understand the business process and what’s important
– No point improving a SQL statement if no one cares that it takes an hour
• Connection management is just as important in the cloud
– Having thousands of connects logging on and off the database every second won’t scale
• Hard parsing thousands of statements a second won’t scale
• Get familiar with new functionality in the latest versions of the database that
will improve end-user experiences
– Database In-Memory – Approximate Analytic Queries
– Real-Time Materialized Views – REST APIs
– JSON support – Etc.
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Application Tuning
Become a Database Advocate with Developers

• DBAs should work more closely with developers to help improve the
end-user experience
• Advocates for the features and functionality that are in the database that
can improve the agility of development teams
– Stop developers from re-inventing the wheel in their application code
• Provide APIs to help developers get to the data they need quickly and

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Where should I start

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New Project or Applications
• Simplicity and faster time-to-market for
NEW applications
– All new applications should go with
Autonomous Database
• Autonomous Database
– Eliminates dependence and delays on others
for servers, storage, and databases
App Dev – Eliminates database tuning, auto adapts to
changing workload
– Provides advanced SQL and PL/SQL capabilities
to accelerate developer productivity

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Enterprise data warehouse Play Video

• 1,000s of locations with 10,000s

of customer touch points a day
• Spin up new database in 8
mins instead of 2 weeks
• Reduced project launch
time by 70%
• Every hour saved on admin now
spent on innovation

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Customers Looking to Apply Machine Learning
• Customers who want to gain better
insights into their business
– Customers looking to gain better insights into
their business via Machine Learning
• Autonomous Database
– Provides integrated Machine Learning
enabling real-time predictive capabilities
– ML models can be built on ADW where there
Machine Learning is a large historical data set
– ML models can then be used to make real-
time predictions on active data in ATP

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Rapid data loading Play Video

• Analytics consulting for sports

• 4X improvement in data loading for
faster insights into customer behavior
• Machine learning helps determine
fans most likely to renew season
• 50% increase in customer spending

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What about
existing apps?

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Migration to Autonomous Database
• Autonomous Database is an Oracle Managed and Secure environment
• A physical database must be ready for Autonomous:
– Database must be PDB, upgraded to 19c, and encrypted
– Any changes to Oracle shipped stored procedures or views must be found and reverted
– All uses of CDB admin privileges must be removed
– All legacy features that are not supported must be removed (e.g. legacy LOBs)

• Migration uses Data Pump to move database data into new Autonomous DB
– GoldenGate replication can be used to keep database online during process

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Autonomous Data Warehouse Schema Advisor
• ADW Schema Advisor is a light-weight PL/SQL Package
– Simple to Install and execute
– Installs in the Database (11.2+) to be analyzed
• Generates a report highlighting the Schema objects that:
– Can be migrated
DWCS Lockdown Rules,
– Cannot be migrated Datatype Restrictions

– Will migrate with changes ADW Schema

Schema Advisor
• Available for download
– MOS Doc 2462677.1 Database Feature

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Experienced Users

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Experienced Users look at the Documentation, Appendix

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Where NOT to start

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NOT Ideal Candidates for Autonomous
• Applications that need to run older versions of the database that are not
supported by Autonomous Database (pre-18c)
• Customers who want complete operational control, including OS access, full
DBA privileges, etc.
–e.g. need security or management agents or other 3rd party software
installed in OS

* these applications should use existing Database / Exadata Cloud Service or

Exadata Cloud @Customer

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The Future of the DBA

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Autonomous Database Breaks Death Spiral of a DBA

Company can invest in AI, ML Company innovates

with New Products

Data is much easier to summarize and Executives have access to data

aggregate for making better decisions

Autonomous Database does the

DBAs are free to work with provisioning, securing, patching,
Developers to proactively design tuning etc.
data models

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For more information:

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