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October 24, 2018

Dr. La Verne de la Peña

College of Music
University of the Philippines, Diliman

Dear Dr. de la Peña,

In line with the upcoming 40th death anniversary of Aurelio Estanislao, the Voice, Music
Theater, and Dance Department is organizing a tribute, which will comprise of an exhibit
featuring the life, work, and experiences of the late baritone, as well as an event wherein people
connected to Aurelio Estanislao share their anecdotes and experiences, and current voice majors
perform works to honor his legacy and memory.
The purpose of the tribute is mainly to give a glimpse into the life of Aurelio Estanislao
as a student, teacher, and an artist. In line with this, some ideas for the exhibit and program
- Exhibit:
o Newspaper and review clippings of Aurelio Estanislao
o Photos showing Aurelio Estanislao across different life events
o Aurelio Estanislao’s basic biography
o A segment of his thesis as a history major
o Outdoor speakers playing existing recordings of Aurelio Estanislao
- Program:
o Performance of two of Aurelio Estanislao’s favorite French melodiés by
Lawrence Jatayna (TBC)
o Performance of an ensemble number from Ang Kiri or Ana Maria by current
voice majors
o Performance of an aria famously sung by Aurelio Estanislao (Rigoletto aria)
o Performance of Pasko na, sinta ko (text of which was written by Aurelio
Estanislao) by a choir/soloist
o Videos of interviews with different people who encountered Aurelio Estanislao,
either as a student or colleague
o Talk/testimony from one of Aurelio Estanislao’s students (Nomer Son, TBC)

In line with the proposed exhibit and program, we request for a budget of approximately
P 30,000. Attached is the proposed line-item budget for the event.

Hoping for your kind consideration.


Michelle Mariposa
Aurelio Estanislao Tribute    
Details Particulars Amount
Performers (Singers) 2000/head x 4 8000
Performers (Pianist)   2000
Researchers and exhibit curator   5000
Printing of exhibit content 125/pc x 5 625
Graphic design fee   2500
Video editing fee   3500
Posters 55/pc x 5 275
Program 0.65/pc x 50 32.50
Food for guests and staff 150/head x 20 pax 3000
Transportation expenses   2000
  TOTAL 26,932.50

Noted by:

Prof. Ma. Cecilia Valeña

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