Benefits of The K To 12 Curriculum For Filipino Students!

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Benefits of the K to 12

curriculum for Filipino students!

The K-12 curriculum is more than just adding years to your
child's schooling. Read this article to know the benefits of a K-
12 education in the Philippines.

Benefits of the K to 12 curriculum for Filipino


The K to 12 curriculum gives students time to master basic academic skills.

A recent change in the Philippines’ educational system was

implemented starting in 2011. The K to 12 education was signed
into law back in 2013, adding three years to the country’s basic
education curriculum.
The new K to 12 curriculum guide requires all Filipino students to
have one year of kindergarten, six years of elementary schooling
(grades 1 to 6), four years of junior high school (grades 7 to 10),
and two years of senior high school (grades 11 to 12).
The rationale
Prior to the implementation of the K to 12 curriculum guide, the
Philippines was one of only three countries in the world and the
only one in Asia that still had only 10 years in basic education.
This has always been seen as a disadvantage for our students
who are competing in an increasingly global job market. The
longer educational cycle of the K to 12 curriculum is seen as
critical in giving Filipino students a higher quality of education.
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The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization –
Innotech (SEAMEO-Innotech) found the previous 10-year
educational cycle to be congested, with a 12-year curriculum
squished into 10 years.
As a result, Filipino students have trailed behind students around
the world in the areas of math, languages, and science. The new
curriculum is aimed to fix that.

Benefits of the K to 12
curriculum for Filipino students!
The K-12 curriculum is more than just adding years to your
child's schooling. Read this article to know the benefits of a K-
12 education in the Philippines.
The K to 12 curriculum is designed to provide a holistic education for all Filipino

The K to 12 curriculum is designed to enable graduates to join

the workforce right after high school, and suitably prepare those
who want to go on to higher education.

The new curriculum will also support college graduates seeking
work abroad. Developed countries, according to the Department
of Education’s (DepEd) briefer, “view the 10-year education cycle
as insufficient.”
All in all, the enhanced K to 12 curriculum is designed to provide
a holistic education for all. Now decongested, it will give
students ample time to master basic academic skills as well as
to participate in co-curricular and community activities.

What it means for students

The transition began in 2011, when the universal kindergarten
was introduced. Starting in 2012, schools already implemented
the curriculum decongestion mentioned in the DepEd briefer.
Public schools began having half-day classes for grade one
students, with the mother tongue as the medium of instruction.
Private schools also made adjustments in their own DepEd
accredited curricula.
The adaptation of the K to 12 curriculum guide means that
students will graduate a bit older compared to those who
graduated under the 10-year education cycle.
Far from being disadvantageous, however, DepEd states that
young adults graduating at age 18 or so will be more prepared to
take on their tertiary education.
Three Practical Benefits of
the Philippines’ K to 12
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The implementation of K-12

curriculum in the country drew negative reactions from
various societal groups. Since 2011, critics have been very
vocal on their primary concerns. They insist the government
isn’t yet ready for this new system and that this is more of
additional burden to students and their parents.

Despite calls to suspend the program, the government

remained firm saying this new educational system offers
opportunities for Filipino students and the national economy.

For its part, the Department of Education (DepEd) stresses that

the country is prepared for a big shift in education system. In
fact, it has worked to fulfill the gaps on the number of
classrooms, teachers, and textbooks. Also, it has finished the
planning phases along with stakeholders.
But what does K-12 scheme really has to offer to students?

To prove that K-12 system is more than just adding two more
years to high school, below are three of the many practical
benefits of schooling under a 13-year education cycle:

1. Preparedness for tertiary learning  – With adaptation of K-

12 scheme, students are expected to graduate at age a bit
older than past graduates’. This is an advantage, according
to DepEd, as graduates will be considered young adults.
Hence, they will be more equipped to deal with much higher
level of learning as they enter college education.
2. Readiness to join the workforce  – Unlike the old system,
K-12 does not compel each student to take college after
completing Senior High School (SHS). In fact, this scheme
empowers students to make a choice on their own. They
may not pursue college education especially if they have
chosen a track other than academic track. The good thing is
SHS graduates will be equipped with skills (through
electives) that will make them good at certain field(s).
3. Skill competency in the global job market  – K-12 system
aims to improve Filipino students’ mathematical, scientific,
and linguistic competence. With the new curriculum, DepEd
promised to offer higher quality education through tracks.
Each track will give students enough time to master a field
and enhance their skills. In the end, K-12 graduates will
become globally competitive and are set to obtain spot in
the stiff labor market.

The government believes that K to 12 curriculum in the

Philippineswill put Filipino students at par with the rest of the
world. Truly, investing in education is the key toward reaching
national growth and development.

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