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Allie Grossman’s Reflection on Professional Growth

During my experience in my graduate education program, I have learned a great deal

about pragmatic and unique ways to create and deliver content to a classroom of students. I have
developed techniques for teaching to diverse learners of all abilities and needs. I have learned
that teaching is not only about how to best get information delivered to a child, but how to help
them grow emotionally with appropriate classroom support.
Although I have learned a great deal about how to be a confident teacher, I have also
discovered that teaching is a unique profession where teachers are learning every day as they
teach. There is always opportunity to grow or improve. Whether it be a new teaching style, a new
activity, a different organizational method, or just learning the idiosyncrasies of a classroom. I
have also learned through experience in live classrooms that teachers and students seem to
perform best when they feel safe and calm. Therefore, I look forward to focusing on the area of
social emotional learning and how to best execute different strategies in my classroom.
I want to embrace the idea of teachers as life-long learners, adapting to new curriculums,
standards, and technology in education. It is important to me as a teacher to remain flexible and
dedicated to continuing to grow alongside the students. Ultimately, these students are responsible
for creating the future communities of the world, and teachers have such a significant
opportunity to influence them and do everything possible to ensure their students are equipped to
make a difference in the world.

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