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De Nometite. Daeaupphn nym ce penny” ye Afler Gthegenrslag process Hing process. > After te URregreyiloy some povtionar ov protected by 570, lawyer omet, some Unvoomtee| potions oc (removed Y etcrucl, co that 8 ik expesecl Aen ctianicte & etched? using ebivlute Slaten Mplrofferie Acie Selutions C mix tydengleric Acid willy devionigesl vorter), we can etele it —y nfect vee com usrecl loufereet Myerogloate aete| solutione, where eve wus mejer gremily of Ammann Flice Omd Hhelroglonic Acid, > Hak HH Ves coal rele 1000 a : to ekching step Abie enol Lithogroplty. we endoject Ue B-Wof ov ‘7 Se. SiO, etethent, we are by Lets = Nyelreglesse Aerel Loven) > 4 crhing, = Abaminum Methyl Soleutem Spl A) © = Gol Seling Solactien, Si ehching, —> Fer all Where generally pre we some etehing eolabonc, ancl Hose sie JET CHEMICAL ETCHING, 9 Same tehing Cvlecl HI preceet of etching ———e ICHIN times. Sirxphy tal — Gelving taker place incr olution miectiam ( eet) Chemionl eteliing because, thing i some etching pecelion King place, ma Subshete meters, neatks veillk thi etetiingy solajen (seme chemical action towing plevce) — a a tentt scluble proetuct are gensmted, @ . THING.» 5 thine fc omotier elebving type coiled PRY F Gy KIET CHEMICAL ETCHING: KET ITCHING: > Keeping Suloctrvte melerinf hte Ie ebelring, solution, 7 Tings dppening Missle Wig solution 4 Tromaport of Etch owl — from Mi olution to Wig surface Wir-ir to be etched Ny Surgace Reachon — Ataction taker place ekclamt colvenk eviff surface of snloshrote ™ Transport of Reelin Pestneks ~ tomipert the veaction proctuct from Mg etching thy ebchernte ane tm the Solittion, .. enorieve Rr, encanta eee oe Eelutson layer immectintely adjacent to Use amfare tat Ie Ihr ~stegmemt layer, amel ee coll ger steple beet qu ences Species, Friars " 48, SE bey < €x! 80, Mayer) Siajace immerced in tli Nyelvoflenc acid folubjen, 80, Hychoglinic WF fe veaching wollte $10, , 4 i Witne fe no fresh supply + He Solution, Ind Way Solution whic ic Immediotely adjcvcee or see ug SO, Sunface, Wap te get cle pleted, Se ineretiy 10 Uy ciching secthin, lo preggers, He fe Aywe co fresly Supply BF etchant meteri, ~ Uy etchembr meteria) Is pom nest of ue ae soluwey , where still te hea mph eactec ville serfure do be efehe cl > Ayein a Concersbralfon grrewicure d ~My concenvrestion gf Wie ebchomb ik mph seme every whine, 0 Ih 1c life Horrrungty Steam layer just adfjacery- to Wiz Surfare to be ebelhe|, oem] emel firth dep te aclne veel Problems: wmyhe los, cloning process | himibedt by ln diffusion of Mx veachne tpecies Howes We shag vyer, Wiig te Wy posedlle bottle necie, the tok] process of aay maybe deminnted toy how fart We etchomt ometeriey ik aliffwing threnyty Mir thagniomt layer sae y Wy ea) vecchon bk sath Upt, there it a evevhimsion A Qe, thin ha Stegnont lager wil leroken, ther evill be ne problem, fer x eewehny Apeciet to come ond mack ter substrate ewrface. shane ae Bye ie rceemt, Wrenpto lar eliffusson process 2 @telaing) 4 ueacting species con mech Uy surface — thin ib fe 4 Biffusson Nimiked Surface Reaction s — Once Me Ma Atacling species come to te eurfate, him woe Com come to step th hpb iC Surface Teachen. Hf Wz ebcring proceee re geing te be reaction mite himilen| it ie gong Jo depend on cry i 1 previcled, efcling a costing muteried ¢ = 4 iF ic atackon rate limite, iF will cpanel on, wlic face of tg crystal Dam seeing, 1S i $100} oy S11% amd Unk eff eck Ure ekchiing prrncets — Winer 19 goer for & Caystertine materi, Ue etehing may be Unisoteepic, Cit may ieoteopic came in all chredsans) var Ka etcly process cleminntee) by Wt -reevebyon MRE Gi Tremepeat af Reaction products: = — they, finely pee ores Jo Ux Tl step. te tremepestef-reathen pred — From Wn lave of mors (pocetuttyey) action Wpde, Unless Ihe rence Preduck are trpoved from the Ste, Mie AChen evil step. - rf we nent te etehing process fo lee preapets, You vuth bpwe dome mnenms of emeving Up necetion product from Wie STE: — Wis com bee -facilitetted by theming Tar fe roloy we offen say, toting tilke wset, atm Ue |tchomb achjeve Uniform Biahine , = Stoaing Ke gomto stuff, bot, 1 ond fH} dep puspote. Tt & going to gacililate, diffusion a xacting species omef ir ie geing + Ret ourany you" eaten proctucke ‘from We reacKen she. ta Ss ang fy there 3 skeps mo, we cm may, that erecting @ caycheline meterio ean be itoteepic ey Unteoteopic , it will be einyitotaopic when IF Ts uneacten rote ttmited , ib vill be ttotrepic , when ih te ot reaction weve limited diftuyen mbe limited. — AL amps pow ov polysrystatine meteniol, then eteting I gring 40 be umiferm , ihic going to be koteopic « Rtebiing q Ginmon Meteryele in VLS 2! = aE ——— 4 Si Elehing i C. ~itic aq aifficule earing - $i oy fe | two step process Ste p i, i Convert Ui 5 in tO SiO, step ils Eten Mi si0, age is going #0 be oxication, fe anodic cxidetion weelion ome be ekehing a SiO thom ent component In it Ebling $5 St 7 Hie ane beus5e dmpclte Onlete ~aceuction. Thine Ke ne beell ee 24 Omocte or Cathe. pence Ho fees, ie Curdatjon) Sr vocal aepined anode fy Cotlyects . A point om Wa Si Suaface rei act like cmc. ex Cathpel. 4 Wis point on Si, behaves o Anpele ema catyect Approximetely came time perjec| of tine Ceoquedt penscct af time) Mom, efetnang- co be wniforn, Y rot weil howe pregenemtin| etebring. will sepens| various factors dev ecomple i, Sungace clefects i, Ekchemt Tempovrature i, Obsosphon process atl etelant Semi conetather interface ” 4 el thine twill ploy Gémry Coutiof vole, fo oletermine, bohater UE pomp ts gring to be anes and coher for aprortmnsely te ame rete of Hime ew nor | — equal time Uniform etetring , OMrenetse, will have selective etching. they ib i Wbetyowing Ne leosigert Ceanaies node, thie firth dominate or oh a g pen —> 6 eae 7k ss letiged Bee nj print ts Santas cut Whe Anoete- Iocalinet — pints Catipete Thun wpeverte prorett ~ nutro! point yeh gant > leeuiged Sothed aeaction ke HINA, ( hydrafloric nile paidic Acido aeRO > Very Gmman ckenemt in 8 ite ho, goo 5 la Aqae Cvsater)) — Bching eneben 4 — Fick Sf Te orvented to SO, amel HNO: ic Wy onidiging apert ent — pimprsc af. Nite nei NOY) tp lin WR vette give ete en paedc- HSE, thom Sid, welll reeret wel the Wt dydeosflovic acief, 4° give mcihge Me Sh. thy ip Sabutinn eaten produck wise ts 4, SIF HE SiO, Gaile Sica — cohsch will ditolver| “from BG enchen site Cwe com story to nemeve WEL from Wa eaction site.) <5 How Ninic Acide will Grvest ME 8 Into Slo, : fn hike Nibic AGA, ive have Smal) Omen J ANG, Which, excuurse natwrely iy brenwaing Nibic Aci (HND5). Hwa, te Creal to natison HNo, + HNO, = Nae, 41,0 NLD, Sg NO, 2No, — > 2(No,y 4+ 2h Y Iyeles axe generated 4 > alow se getting supply ef Wolee amd ty omedic: Anetra, oxidouyey cae, eoctien COm progeet wwa_ctver Ipod HO —> nt 4 OW Water lmcainin ioho Hycroxa] ion — feely chewged BF ancl Welle AE Ve charges! gectvea ene moth hing « No, + Ht ——=> wo,” > Auboceteitidic senerion ating HNO. ey re ota in WE aeaction cmd Ug beleo sencten will continuous enRE ste Siete ake Hieniting No, + WNDg —> N,O, +H0 |-> Ibit colfey & q |B pes soa P v ——— ie N, ——7 2N0, t fs No, =” 2CNO) e [ ema £0 On- - — Some timer qo jaciitate Wine) “Atmonisnt Nite ig deliberntely adetec| fe Wn @ eupply HNO, Lemhence¢) Applicafiens gs Aibhegy eae IN eae fe etelaing fs in micro - machining x —Serncre meri iaS 4 — Si fe mb put very good femicenctuctor, if has cleo meckevnica t rete — Fer omy contro) efrenity , censor ancl we lave centecl Circuito, — Rito Fer emy Contec) Circuik, we have sensor seme toler, yer at Ma epok cmd thowing conno circuitay, Sensors and actyaters, — Now we tomnk to Inbeqrmbe Wi sensor ovnd ihe (ch alags ee Oy same clip. 1.€ Smosh Sensors — Sensor mor enty a sense a calnstobe byt it will alto take ction fo prevent its an — Alrencly developed $i teclmelogy , puting & conbralling Cineutby ey Si ebxp ig poke problem, and 19 ix Some Chip , we wemb to towe censor clevice thar & We wom te we Si cilte for cemesng - €x' Presse Sensor » — Merck Commer form af prteure Sentor, hevwing o Hrin memiarain a 81, rohen ever thercts & preeenc, ik evill mover ar bencle , iE we mecne that trentiae Wipe movement, electnerlly Variation qe Apelor by neawoming verioken a capacitance, — Capacitemee i geing to le ctepencent en Myr pereae”) ble two plates Yf Bao membrarin ie @ ene plate phen a peceune Ie applied on ik, ity stistemnce ke geink te be tere , Wiere for enpacitemce f# going Yo be incocased, ~ Ard all | have 10 do it de cemse Thi chemge in aSphstent or my actuator elretry ean actually shigger on Minh: at seo as Wit crpacitey exceecte a coutren| value, ib evil) take some acten Fev ths Kin Of Gpplicedjen, ik it Very impertanue to thowe a Win membreiin G $i, wolnicly whenewey prescurs te appliect on it, bo rarenitet ia chemsere — the Si memtanin i be crentect Inj ty etching 7 HY erat Cmnivelee) ebctring, &, you may wank to hawe teptropic ae he 9 went etching 3 be stoppecl automationlly, lay providing cuiteble bch stopped layer Ho: Lhave f100f ¢ $3 wag ev 4 ooh 6 wager => Sebjectect fo upcotvepic eretaing, es Mieotople. eveisiog atch ait aera \__ Kid cents Stoo} flames, bur docile etch WE $1114 planes, TE is matt cliffrceatt 40 ebety $113 yond —) Adbisobopic ctely ic called EPD C Etniline Diamind Phivocatecle ond weiter) oy EPL CEttrline Diamine p tonter), to this will ekch 4100} planes ~ {MOY plorws will aka get etched aba compete Yoje, but IF tomes fo {ayy plemer Me etching ‘oil be vastundly stepped. > ehebiing Ie a -fumetion of ounce amnst Pai > consters= winlero sge. a ae — Af we eubjech my voafer to auch Om ienhepic etchemb, etch prople like above V-shape: ~- Advemninge ie sely letting » — Biftonstome omglt lewh, velnelow Hye CO7 ee vevsecl , Ign wwecam contol the etching pregle. aa rae mat ae as Tz ley comtroting ix loping: Ct uy fubshete metenjal, < coping o] fbestrete alt play Coutil role Petetermining tig i ekety rove, ~%, etchamk selubions , vohicly eaill ebely mectarodly cteped metenal far cme iF will stop At a Areawily cloped mebora| ie ab tah — dope upto depth of Sym Cla cloping concentradjen It thigh Cloeotson) regen, Wien subjected to ie et anything ete wil} be ebched except -renwilay depec! 2eq7e. ce aclyevcet batect on coping ) memlsrain ‘eKnere C7 be ac by fer ta Sensor. 3 Min memilarain of IRBONM cep com be etchee| ome Spm Swit be vemeing Bartel en ita heavily copes| megion oo Wy Srother voay gf Aectng PH jteiekibny voll be Wie PA junclien, we con hove etchom+ tay P-type regien mere FEA compance| fo Ihr N- searon. Wwe cam Wee thote > So, Wier ane al ways ond means of ceneclling etelan om Uniectepic Elche ox yon cetald wc epecin| SHOP layers, layers ane crilee| etch step Inyers, where etching epee bvely Stopped S& heowily doped wegjont inorclir 40 stop ekelaing ing like nl mo Vi 2 you com Ayowe ao aliffentmt Okey meron Mgr woe wonk 4p eben 1 Si0, ckety WN, SIN thely Ty Wore cases SiG, Is etehecl oy Hydror lene Acicle Wis 1c wok a problem. Tolemic Sin, ik qroven o» cteposrect bmp Vawity af tectimiques, etebang ic ctepenct upon tie ey cortical processing - 6 Filme will etty thom fe foutk, materiel evry a uorly pe a si0, Fe alto iQ, 1» emel SiO ie qreven om $5 Seumspite —Y we calilvate etching Sclution C etch rare) by ree es ak rity it you vill definetely thove q muply loier rote Brom Wg then ching to etch Wp 810, film. — Thie Ven mush easier to ebcy Than bulk. metered ! Ny filme ttiay get nadivted , Wney get fatter ee Curreach tect filme are YOR. net Thay get etcly faster. FOr. inde anes ie . Me nelable swcephen, War it tolen photoresser px @rreclicstect ih gets Lyorclemed Cove pote ress once Tradiated , It ie vemy difficnth to wemoves. — filme | Wey get ivrectieted, hy gek fatter etching - — filme veil poor micro shrictwne er strest Ie IF, iy will get faster etching . . stoichiometsc maant > I wa film is nen-sterehiemetsc (aenohing gremtien of aactomte By Simple inkeqrod THOS, ot KpeUpO prescribed tay am equntion or formule) lommdly fe Ur cane, vohen SIN deposited ley platma cleposiben teclmique, ve SeNy ~ Silicon Niloicde — WA Ts We stor chiometbac compots kor — Im platma cleposiBen, we avn nok gor exnck SigNy fur we will get Si3Ng-—_—~~ 4 = Amel Wis file ety much fathey than stoichiomebic SigNy > Miwect film, Cmirn af Onicke omel Nitesete) €50. Sitcom w)fay -oveiete, H's ll eke faster aug phoiphesiliente get ChOs,20,) oy Beroviiete gia Wetec ‘oill crete faster: 7 Normally for GO, eleling te Wie & Hycroftmic cere| bated éoletse mock common ebebing ehchomrt Be bugfered hydrrogtenic acids tohene Helaefl aaciel Tk touffercd rysith- Amamoaiunr oflrselt S}O, Etetring = knfjered HE WIT Nig F Cammonium flonce). Metal Film Etching: — ckposst mete all over tie Si amd thin ing 9 finch metal contact Mu, remove UKE mete sfrom Unizented) postion , Keap IF ety on Ug combat evingbovoe mestat — the tron mos| common metal fe Af (aluminum) ond Gold Cox). A) Etetaing = etetong ef AL 1c vem simple, une mirctont ef Arthophorphunte Aciet amd nihic Acict CH5P0y Shed HDs) Ha Poy + HNO, tnset it slitly , amd Al gets ebctaec| Fe com ol ure it for all Kinds of eutoctrastes ee. Gade, ie emit wre HePoy Jeearpz tary ll athace, Gas —Alemnrte Selwbon for GaAs Wel 4M 2 etvubet Hed Goo) Ere CAs Com not ete the Aquarigia fey ebchomt, $i wvill alto etched avcy, — Agnartaza com wok itteef to eFcl. Uae geld —Mixtan of Polatium ieeticle ame Jeelin amd water Ie am alherneding Arlvtien for Gol} obelring KL +f Fie Xt —clovk Colow, + wwe com nek mance ont, vOhelliey geld shat get emeves{ er! nob inlet one af te eolabjon cmet wash tk amet only Wz yonerm mn Bos wnat vemeved. ~ For Wie gale! etttning , we trite wie oliferenk tectmrgne called Liftoff - teelndigae one, Hve photeresset veill clesalve In Acitone — Bitonegie anergy alep teeth roa — photo vessak will tame cuvay along Mie gelel Sn tie plhotare sit \eewing geld only ip Wiese hoo aepiens Where ew i = Ming teclenigne is olee| Se ae high -off teclmnique Uae tobe etching Mnchacling. Bete wsafy crmof Ura) 802 lager ttehing, teby axa Tt S}tm Inchensl Of Epon — Heo to Aveie) Unelow Col Ebebing 2 “ Conting A Ursin cuts chelving 7 DRY ETCHING’ TA hin Uae etelring Ik Chemical, Win bir ekchenk meter} atingsabri, betel Wt vertitod ome Mh herigented mnface, Progretwing otly venticaf ond hovgente vertices, kk hee] : + oa Bes suk A a sa 1m eo t| No, etching aren 3c 3pem. inshencl 4 Eyam etebing 7 Te comnot be tellerrtrec| box device Aimentions ane chengest —r Thi, Ic Ui commen one} sevior problem associated Hilly aver Chemie} etcling, ome ot a, olewice climementions are emartier ond tmndiay for tine arrrnetn) etctring, Wherefore We Ute aiferemb etclving Heelmiqne digeremt from wer Chemica} ehelving fe called PRY ETCHING. > Chtving 6 Me longer clone in WF chemical etching Merits Etching fysteont: , Ba tacotropay aa Anisolroptf of ctebing Wi, Selectivity of etching Bale eal Disa iret lat aaah of omy erecting eytlens. > Anish ehching prefenents i y on ad ey .eiching Brive erolly in one cirection, Conty veoh en} clirection) ‘et in bevigentind etching) tng Jove Maiaimed umeler — coh whine dh - Hevsgentou, eh rate AV — Vertjcu} ebel. rate — in Anisotropy old ts seco C Heasgorated etching fe zero) Uhew ‘ 2 MSEC aaa eaagne a ego oa etcling, syst fe perfectly Anzohepy — tn Usetropy ay Ie nm -zero ( Hess gonke4 etching ) Wren | dupe nene di Av dy =det =O Stel gone perfectly ishory: ji, Selectivity | — Kle hove tio metersale AG B, te nee tp etely metered A fort not meterin| & — Kihen meter encounter 4o etetarnt, ax ebclsing wil automortically eteps- thy thing Bystem | metenal & Z sekechvity alto pvet, as Wu ratio ¢ etch imtes gf meted A 4. aelechve, etelret meterr| A, lnk cloes!t etety ond metenr 8 —7 Good Seleckvity bay Clyemital eo ter ge — Fe Chomicn\ etching, Affi Colt to get Anisobhopy etehing « ja FF . => DRY ETCHING commenly vefefees a Flatmin Etewing — Eteling Joker place “ingde a plasma nok in a Chemice coluty > thon ta dy ov place etetring tous Trtroctced inthietly, WG elevice dimenhont wer sor not very emol, ak cory ck, So, UG fine gremetry voq rat enticed ot Uiat time Dry etching reas Wa alkemote do Wx Clamien| etching. Ph any etching We cm ure gate gater Insiead of chemjen| sulubions, (carotive Amde). Hemdling acid am move hagurelian. instene| a Single safe garter, 1 Mtew I tex gf Chemicon etching, tng célution munt be throngs it anray, Wak since they ore corotive acict, Rye dispot mutt be safe ae 1, core EMH Dry etching sysem it musk have easier to emt wast gases. — Ing ie mutt simpler to automate — Tor tke better thronytypt, Ug cystom showle| be antenprteo} — Py ic altemative, safe etebing 40 Wir set etching. —F Chenier) etching TE showing itr MWmihediont’ Ween | fox Wa, Yequive ot imeciigentions added fer ta day etching, $0 Wot pect chetinsy fytkima ane achieved. —> dy Stebing is veferred ag PLASMA ETCHING — Platima is noting lon poabally fonizect qu. “a deqree t- fonized gee fairly (4 ty 10%) low. Anel overoy chorge nubality 10 preserved in this plarma, Ihab kc Mi torat np. Gf ively comet — vel Chowged porvieles ane Wh same qnel no tye G Ve charges and ti deqree qf ionigation i sfaryty tev C1 in ise) — Placma 1s pevrtsorlly ionized gos, 3. We platma We Hen ade Charger ox font amd Ve choerges an & > Ee wre very Ugek particles , heving loo mass, Cp, Wy one pn transfored bho Wr & ome We plasma, Whale fe acing do be Very ent process = &s cay Heb ctromefer tag emorgy 40 the plasma, It Keeps om accumilating energy: — & can actumite very thigh energy. Wt eqatvalend & teep erewep, may be very rigly ipecn Kelvin cx $0, - — Actuod temp. of platma fc rasty wo% 4 x HK — Ayscte Ge playa te E acqured Veny thigh energy, leach is tromslater interms ¢ temp. Kyat te ae tempd & PS 10,000 Kelvin, Where cx Ue tempevreyine cf any meterinl placed in plasma ie going to exceed wore: le a tnighs temnpovrevtone situnben reoiged , Jy aq love demparnt me aminentt — Advantage qf Plasma: Ty a chemi cy etching precets Cam tre place ab a posticniny fempowedine nice, a chomicr tachen taker place. ~ 4 crite of Bry ektthiny alte To inibiete lke taehon, toe howe fo rorse Un temperate collijonb platma, fe in chomicr4 Chelating x dy mo platma nrw, we clo not nee rice of thy, temp: bon the eqevelem E temp, is so dajyty, we cay ohtain ct higly temp: veachens co a mth Iriver temp. That te advomtage, Platma ic VUrolely titeol in WLoT —> Ty me G OY etching ako plaima etching % use. prep fe mace tect. Simple Plea Rector ioe 5 Two Wl plnke electrectt, held oF paar fra chamber, ab leo jeune ions retuwre may be (Ovnfla-te | er ne vale velba = pling drigty frequimey RF voltage | 5 Cae voltage) dig these tre electroetes } aS, (ae {> query <> they tie platma te generated) done ey chemaber @ it emite a chevacterstic glee, feather we ugar ex. Hydvegen plasma, thie emite a pons Pink glew —y he glow potembnt Vp > flame somprises of velychemged fos ome -vely charged €, ancl Ee towe much lighter mats, 40, € ae acing to oltffuse to tay chamtear voalle fastly. chamber wal eat guends (insulting moteriale) chamber. <> Hel clyorgest feng being Concentrated in Wir maidle of uy due elechodey ~ he platma petertinl (yp, glro potential, tar te geing tobe wetve willy vespect to th wally — bjs ral) ane Cenvter park ef Uz plasma region tslnicl lqaz Very fer chewy: eomiers ( &, cliffiicecl to Mpalineel)mmeamae cherged ions arn at Mir center of ta plasma) llwo we have tremstion weqien, thice is liKe a clipletion Aegien, vobieh tk cipleted of charge camiert. thi " enflect SHEATH 10 Mosk ef Voltage that Ie being applied acroee thi deve electrode mosh of 4 ME is dyeppect acre SHEATH. — sheath Is dial ressstve region, th i depleted Y verges ~ & we have Shenth poten. Mp. ae moving qeuter, Ihty going Yo Bite en Ker teal, Bo lhe ingnlovting walk gring to acquire -Ve Volinge. Mn process x tontinned SHI MG walk get stable patential, when ony further movement Se ene eppetice! — Any Insuloding swrface I Wie platea jis everduatty gring 10 acprire ve floating potential — Ab Ua Clectrectes, applied voltage ic AC, for one Analt cycle, chung one tolf cycle, 4 clectoocte te +e ono{ other tt —ve petembnt, Ge, the mementarly vey electccls, te geting to otrack Wie electsone, omol no G have problem im moving. <= eve ay mobility, Keep meving om te Ug elechroete, ~ So tonsoncyy he We electrode, diy) amormk f crment. — RA Mle ve electrode, repel Wiz & towels Ue Fve electrode, tout jue ions ane glove +0 move. towarck -ve electrecte. > Equivatunt ctneuit plasma tt qeiielink Stevi pare ae > whem oliccte is pan flow af ewnent, In tele — whew megrtive cycler, eliote, Me RB, atk like capacitor. Ave half eles a fame Caperciteme’) Sheatty capacitance and forme Sheety Voltage Wnre will be 160 ontoff phate. ab equeh cvnol after come time, — sy Uda Sheath Capacttanre: Arnal electrecte i, emalen 44 ce SA d “2 large electrode 5 Impectance Ic lowger cia We. — Mollage dropped or Oe vtope is lange « — So, 39 prenttice Thevefore, we com aller wis sheath potertinl, electsc patentio eh Kok pavionley elechroot: onl we com alter hx ion hombore| mene eneray —? Wik & fo fay, One cleetccte 1 Smoviiar % Other electrocte it larger, Wow We Volkage leweloped acrore Ure emntiy electscolt, Will be much levrger voc have, #o™< So Wipe clectne field Aum mul laager, £0 Mink I maoms of muauming Ihe ton bombedment enaray (hon Une) will be mpre af we arbstrate placed on Une smullcyy electrecte, ip will experiance mul bager ion bembore ment ensrgy —> Jen bombermont energy i bia Key factor, in Wie Day chebing system, > ty tess of We reactor pls @ “ery impestqave vale jn ctecictings he iy bonbordment energy, Pegged so ings f, Af we owe inentoting eurgare, Link Inauloding eurfore always aba mall negotive porential, AE conducting surface, condcting ecbroclee, Mau, we are going fo shove 4 isd ont-oft Sheath, potenti] clevelopee| across east of these clechosles, rate, mecpaltule of Wis potentiad well be depenatint em ly acted aus i Wie electroctes Hee fallax te ana electrode chewing yaicy voltage ame\ Wrretove, tz larger bomvborelment energy. my additen do tha duo Other peyremeters, 1, Freseunc Y Arequuncy. ee, Ac We mete i lower, itm Sheath, thicKnese te acing 40 brent, te plasma pokembd fe allo increased, ome Ug emergy Te ako inerentect, jon bambovral mend Toiser presonne | => Trescateel ten bownboelment eng energy D- ‘S, tatty iy the limit | Pechuchion ty frequency, Vem cleo Sheath potential mill thereat, amd ti ion bambeadmant energy woil ineweace ako => ten bomborrelment is oleciclecl lay 1 Reactor Geometry © tmediar electrode | lange etettvede) i, Preseune Coo) 40 1 tor) wi, La Clower) Flatma Reactor p: Le ae Ab A amocle potestint is zinc a ea ae Pasete Subotente it Jace ve RGM amecte ~? We sub strove places on inemoding meterson in aicle Wa plaima, Wie veitnge cliference i going to be Vp-Vp = Emin Vaden C electrode amof Ug conbal portion of Wir plasma, potembel difference, ond thentore ion bambarrelent- emergny ssl Re ee com further inerense for bevmeloeynd rena ley be lodering Me maria, enel lowering Wit frequency p mewding: Wie electrocle _a7¢4 cathode electrocle emnlew” temnpared to enodte mae Newt : => How fen bovmwoovrel ment emer gy will help to ete wg ee Platme Fl " Plasma Reactor : Ee Trgonet of Mente 7 Pees: i Anteobropy y- oh adv i, Seleetoity tethede heats Choma nor siamese | Lochent, ~ aelose—filting cover gor bhatt of oite/oond —% Arresting Cubecte thet, Patentiay by My mercinrg Cntieole epee! tate %, Ce BAY lemnllan t toperg] obrope M alo a; larger et. | le Rees qr 4, Rectneion qf Pressuat Ingle ihe Chamber ti, Rectuce Wy frequency —> th petentiof ctifference bly any toe pein, will oletermine lar efectsc field thength, Wet wil clterming tha len-bamirowel ment energy. —7 Tb 18 imposter wohent ie Subchmte te placed, either, woe town places at J placet- 3, ab Dx Growmelec| Clectrocte Ui al Powered electocte er Carthecte electrocte oi, We Gy on inewlating melerinl ot Chamber worl. inssete ee pleeme. z6 depemeting cn when we place Hie sulothate, Ua euleshate ie ring to experjence xe fen ~barmvbere|memt energy fo yeh eterag Wok Unwunted euosteate crea a> Bteing “Mechernisn Rete epectet) vats belp of Eaty generertion of ion “pert t 4 roy. Avighy - ii, Ten- kevmbartment One ea oa meckyorni so Cs aq Uy plasma dive foctert governing Cr aer) Possblc Etoloing insele ti Plawma : i, chernica) Etehing Seely Te teep. enckve cpeciet omd tixey ton dake past in Min chimitd accretion: am extsly generated — § ee veacton product Ie alam ais sehen g ~ xarhon ix taming place fp Var gas face. C qa Rees munck will Wi Oroshrate tngnee ome going to form vatetile proctack , volscly will be camsecl ont from Me mueackhey site. ome Mngrcforr we have etclving. —Cevrbren - betrecflorice fe! Si ebening in CFy Flasma, © CF4 evn) Ci aa - + CF2 in te pleonn- 5 ahve florine — nubrol epecies, cachve especies ; » — RelePlaimn is Nmiked to generohong ike aeachve Species, yet fe Spontorviows — FF apecies spemrthomionely tact Wille ti Sin ercter to generake voloble proclurt , % Saaface ie etctrent, —Uir p Ais at ? pry chemaited Cro jone ane involveol tm tke) etelving Sinvply ey reek NG rol oF OF ke chomicaf type fe isoshophte erecting ts poswsble C Uncter Cubs am petritle) —Apunfect eelectivity 7 poresle. Cgere exfectivity) Seiten wht are ney temiy Bemial, pelesgip PR ae ee, ey oben d it Ba mee 1 gas dle FR prea ike 2 yearn OR peas test ce Mey te te caget a Se teed early Conta Ste oe ~ snaclive at Se ei rt lel et et Bok ee GER MOTE NR One iam rob beh ey! iets merece ©.) Terr — One electrocte i Smallay fe Cattyoe te emalar, compartel to anecde elechocts ~ Cathcts shea) polertial ic inerecscel’ ~ Hom bamberdmemk emeray tf also lorgc. = Wafers anc leacttd ox Keph offmalhic cathode | ~ Yecction ype may be dupe ¥ oy il or WV. ~ Here meqctert Om 1 te § feon-bamvoarelment energy ws inerceting tlovaly onelto 4 reactort, lon-enhomced or ion -~inhibitect reach a ome comoumb of- pirysdeoy epcofnn i porsslol — chemita| etetwng if alto invelvedt, ~ Sing meme Lytton te Anert Sone boecvm Etching — Teo zene yctens Sadoms cre Generortest in one nome (lny tection — barb orelmente energy of nent ges — uetielly Orpen ik used) —omel then accelertect Invrorgyly ome or more ccte of qnicls, te the Becen one whim wafer Keph Here plysice et ching. = Tey energy ic very Anigh- wa.CiEn ie Spombiheowy reed Here thenth prlentint > S00V. Cen Be) preter ato wille << 0.002 Torr. = Tac es ial semeval of poy sed eb claing « = gro Anisotropy. — Rub a Naas Sehecthyt hy Te improve Wr tolechvity, ge wile = RIBE™ @.5). Reative ton Beam Etthing: CRIBED nf fre = 18 26 mH — inetend of Inert gas, we ute atachve get ge, WAR tome meant af chamaien aracon invel veal — Seleckvity 1 obtained €). Mico Kleve plavace * = RAR Gy ohep = Vem lente plavelik at aaAoOEnh sims y mr cecal I ¥ a 1 sh potewbal. es Boos te ce ea lore > phetanne < 0.00) Terr we get Anischrepy cawcior when yxcted Tere — Win — Deven strenany zone -eachor. _ specialiged applienbens Hware plea. _ Vem por oho toon fom get we Ue ene —> Than, bated on geometny of Aeattors, aac uuseot for fpeelfst applica Hon a Cl: tegen pete © eheting Felauteel LZ dehing ajay

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