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— PrAemctite. Butane AT on Ori dasion Kinelrcs of Oviefetion —> Oxide ie reel ay maning ersvemt, whic usec for surface passvehon ~ HER used in gate omicle in Mot devices, —Cride came rwecl ay ielation behvcen dvicee Si ie greed affinity ef owen, ‘ Caffintty meank a nero) Hning for), very simple to oxidize evith! Si — bse omveleten fan he done tay orion methedlt, Wink I TM we beh hs Site) niasc acid, form a owicle layer. Wi ie cobeol Chemaienl errideshon use Si in elfen balan bat in 9m lectreliyichic Gelurtsen , a tm amecte’, notte metal ax cothort apply voltage blo Whe 2 electors, him alo roe cam orm a layer of crite will form on $i. th, ic called — aneclic_oxieltion FAK — Thermal oxidation of Sikcon, ME qnedity of hermnt oxrdaben, ik by ger Uae toscef, al ote Prem on we Si, WE Gundity 4 Hurmel cvicle te Oe beet ~Miwrmn) owldevyon ie wwielely seo to vise Tecbndtogy. Fe frinciple GY Intra) onicdntion: Take $ Sample, pur th inssele ug furmace vee nse th termpercctnne of inp furnace cone aller, ity OIG ey Lenter” to flo, and S teil! net etter sill: Origen or weit wonder fo form Silicon ctinewicte GO, BO, ———aao tae Diy OX dorbon)) SP 420. tee SiO 2a roe oni dahen) / 9 My ewidiging Species cittua oxigen ox tater Vaper, tml ic Defence] as hy onitiging Speciee by ome dimee ag line Oniderte lar ene vole is oniiging $i- —> by radic achve Stressee it tyne been ectrtitehee) Wak ft fe Ihy ore SG) mar Ie caus movememt- of- Wir Onieliging species th to lke Wg oxidation a si oxictigingl Species cam meve insiele tte sitter. _roxictized Species move <5; Can move oie Oxfee eam gro outsiete of $ x & - + By radio active Shresces, tintin by Weng Melio metive exleligng species, IK os been -feumef tint ie hi mevernent of oeiel ging Species Indo te Silicon ame nob movement of Si Onk Sele. Fe $9 @ Je Whe cower process eijen precese , oxislizec! Species tan move ingjele <> Dining fremmyal on J {ne movemataat Aarongla cxicle layer ema cnencts evil tye Sheen of be interface gp mevemenb ic rewerse clirecten, Mint I >In anodic Cridetion, Si mevet Cub om react at Ide enter curface . F > Advantaye in thirmet oxtelmtion , mer, contermainntion ig on ine Berface of Wi %. amel Oriele specter con form in gsele the & surface not om the S Surface , Watm Sry conteymi notion, preterm On Ms Sy owe will yok affect Wye Performance, etuning eer In Kermal Oxidation, interface quewity is geet, Mats selny , ‘ Used in MOSFET Gute exicte Gest quokity gf onicte, ties Oni. it tre fies ef Oxidation ik preaicted by Peal 4 Grom iy sem. =U cay, how . faye , “evo Species an Pemspertar,aenctly 1 thot ar the flares, Happening Grieg Wiz that ie c oridation precese hak Mr thy Krnetres gf the cxidation — tT ereplains Ferma oxrdetion quite Aetrctely , except? tn fers pockets (trons backs) Thermal Oxidation Kinetics od) Caan: tchere a Gat SiO, Si nom zero Sid, layer ie congilere : sled) ieee aE ha ave = Cf ae — inibiewlly owiele layer Te nak thine 4 4 gt Wis Rene, bt thin onicte 2B a 5 preceeding, we hewe ovide ‘ 5 ae ae layer on 8, frrtoes oxide 3 zs et z a 45) oe ie dawing place iy preconce Prom 8. Sse, | cricte kuper Calremcly gro). faterfore A herface Process © ! oxidized Species in gat, from Ute ger trem, Sk Muth be tromitered te Wg Oxiete que Inter face. process @® i Onte ttle ewidiging Species Gave vuenchecl, Owisle gar interface , ik mutt oliffuse Horevgt ug existing eit lagen, inoveler to rtnch thi Sj, Oxicle inderface, ben exidetjon con tate place mevementk of omidizert species mevement towards Me § surfare. Process > Once rete exicliging Specter strelr Wiz Si SiOv musk recct evilly Ui Si Mhzne - herface) th > we con way three S gluwer assocretect evil Wie, fluxes ax fom Fy where & — Cencentravion a evieliger| Species in Wi Gay Coulk’), Ss = Cencenherhon af rr Specieg newt to Wy gos Oxide interface. fo = Concentration of oniclégec| cpecres at Wi outer Surface of we SiO, Cowicte layer). cr = Cen cenvhovyon 4 ow icll cof species oF Wie Inner turjace of HE GO, Comiete) layer. CP Gailtoyum concentnnee qf Mix omrctiged species in the Oxide (502) Ak each flue : — a Ris Wie fle of U2 (pas Clr) oxictiging -tpecier ' lr ah qu. from We G4 yet nem to ie oaicte gar « nbenface ~ Fmt be difference by concenrertiory spotiank, As hg CG -Cs) whan hg Prepertionsity. const he gatface mace trometer + & omd 6 com coefficie mh. replaced by papeantne Spect I 4 Pe ng. Specier resin of 1 P of Mie rikaas «lass oy gu a. he Switiging Species Py KT Uh J At Misc dime, invoke Cr law crleol ¢ — Sister Wink In equilib sain, WE Concentration of Species Ie prepesbenef to tye Perley pceswx of Wirt species in Wi suvowmding gat, willyin a solr, by tremdny's Ina, ® ie pepetional te paabol pretina of Wie Onidtizing peciet ty thy eccrine 1G os baal nd Fo Che 4g where H — Henelri't Condbomt So SHR ahem Co outer emnfare of Ovide, Pe he pentane reece of oxidiged speciet to yr mewh fo thr gat enjde surface . ee ae CS) HKT ——— he Oe: —& whine he Ht 3 en =o a > FF F ic wwloted tollu movement of tee oni di ging species throngl~ Me Wg enisting enicle layer ~ why should eniciging cpectet voll] move toro enicte layer? hez of tt concenhaten greciont, ic aiffess ng ccross the eniehng omic layer. : — Diffusion 1k aloayr prepostion te thr Concenhaton qracticat ~ we howe liner concentration grerctiamt fmgeec, CG ) D- diffasson censhevt | aes aac ci) A— Oriole Cenrebing) Tite At Fa: ie elated to lai earkien a Si willy orvicliging specter, F. — %3 Interface lenge amount ef Sj of the inherface, Wg rearben qeremed by Me owalalaility Y oxrdiging Oren Bia chenety shove conection hhaxe three rffivmes arc equal Fy at Penely . State conelibon > Yelotion vit aeapec} tp Suber &urface Concentrabon at thi inner surface meat am te very Small , Ce Co eee im, oval emalley than Co for dange onicte Baty % jc larg 4 ic large : se eg Gin ean @ + 3 2 Ke Cf % Kel = FageK sil eae So D "OD = eq" @ we com ger h Cot cee ake. hc. ms eae 14 Ke x 5 co hC et to)Ci4 MARS EKG ee h Mey] ek Ke % =| Ke 4 OTe eee (is) bic Aina) foo ee Ke eh (ig hex) fet OEM pth bs oa Sa SO oe aa Ke thy Kexh D —© —~@ — Geis tee WO Ak fo] — } d=0 HER In, Gj very Sol a cy) xD Seo “Zl de, axe? dem © AP Mfietson Covbetling WU ei deen > link i Warcwer the owiete, move clifrak to diffase hie oxieliged a Urine ir S10, Taye Cote Om 2 ic Nery fone. ct Do? Si eee aS %. Vy i « GD fa 072 Gass 1 Ke 5 Here Oxidaton te uachen limited. SP Dore Diffinssen mited co limited. pow Reatkon Okxicle Grow Rote t One motecniny % Sunes leith tend wnelicunn “og oxigen ©, ) vill give oH molecule H0,- tay Day: Cntdntyor — One mapete molecular 5 neat will too moleculowe of 42.0 vonter will ave one ratlecufowy 4 $50, ly Wek. Onieleahen, ©,) Ny = no. o} Oxidemt mefecute Cit com be etHies Cmigen ox conker 5} 7 Umit Valin of Oxiele.(50,) PEO Ny = a iyi for 0-N, = 2422 x0'™ =) Oeiele Groth rope te ae it Nn, o i — flue of toe omy Specter From Fe fle Ny ox ee Bs Fr Fan Ke Ol di- ts ¥ iii ae eke © Ke x = oa peeemreate re ak 4 en oy Ke a = pe Oxicle Grok rote " equ: Ny de ie ad free h We tom get evict Ahacknere scailh respec to time iG +8 \ ch af 4 Ke ole is | WOE ake wo KF yp. 2D ae ‘ ne pe Inbeqrovken evatunte mberyrekien Con’ Comite stank P AL NG inihinf comdihon 12 beapring of the Kine , inibyel omiete woWT We Hovemnecs 4 Ki at bao CMa KO 4 20 multiply cod cloidy willy 2 Gath petite) bP Re x+aCi¢ Ks) 6 2 = KES aoe Cy tn Oe Ks Naa 5 x ’ +x E+ Ax = BE 4 xt +(IE Ks) 20 5 hee Ke . im Ne A chet) , 2 apnc* RAK = REM? 4 AX) B+ fia aa VrAn = et 4 GsAn 1 Ee. t | 4a @(t +e) Deals Grove tegen. "1 tohen pp AG t~ eS vooke qf Mi pert eaae equ" aan = BCE +o wy Ax —0Ctt et) =O = “i nt{ oq tear ne reer vsilh give prevebsenbly extctest Ve ts not existeel, a ty HV ary ance) - ter a tomsdened — Umibing Cates: i tuo be cesta ais il) ae > For there time, 42004 7) hecome witty emer 4 CEEPD for bro Smell time x12 V6 for tae fer large Hume. rohtne s Wear yete Constomnt BR — parabolic vate constomh- Oxidestion Rote Comite | Temp CT c) aye ACum) | ®Cpmifh) ele 7 05 0.203 0-406 920 DRY 01235 0.006 0-09) WIET 0.05 0-42 ea 1200 ae DRY: shine 0.045 Cae oe 1¢ qivew ie pane Cry) 4, ig rv. Omen = 30n1D CHET) a —> For Ket oxidation large Oxidaben rete. compare to Bay oxidation, RN ik danke iy me gf Web compondd to chy. bez. in doy one vwnolecnte ville one meleente of $3 will give onc oneleenrte of S705 — in web Cate one molecerte + Si wyilty 2 yo Meuter ef enter Coy will give one moleente of $505 > Yo get ticker ewicle growth we thin wing steam Omtgent - fer marking, field ovidatens. we ure ‘roet will be may Oxy oxicfahon quality amach _betbea compcvicel towels the cenbrollec| thinner erie, weet fer awe owideti Oniclation. fee increase} etic 'relpeor fe“ Ieocolke Tome 7; ORs ace NS ASS 3 bez, D> aiff. effi, inercores ths ex Be adc () nt D =p, exp( 2 thin Incacate in dD mail temp, B odio imerentes wilh” temp, > B lmeny rere tonthomi ak different temp. x + be D wil np be eff — ineveate in Ky Imerenre wile temp, Neve Witse ecteef DB mutt be ea— Ativerbon energy: py > 124 ev —Cnry') ‘ so.pev (ier) cancellecl, A silt temp + ben Ke Crveachon mite const.) B milk alto Mereote ville temp. A A ts deerented Wilt veapect te Increase In temp A comassh Din nnmarnter G Ky in eneminnter, DG Ke aK ocases With inemate ig temp. them A fe decreases with incrcote in termrp. toy eee if oo TRO pr iek eo ot ae ih ae Oo ie ia Tak a ee Keene Sime at constomt ternp ee ge FR tray. BI Kone ab _gsigtn BEBE nicl. He AB amen > byway i, Accor ling to Deal § Grove mectel Melty bel | lowk, tet is passes throng om gine tows frrachcah cone > FUT wid give 4c outers or mere ewislation tote will temp. wo Sparing wills F100} empshod entation: Dy] Suavet muuk pos “rong ty origine Day Fe nok posting thronyiy onziar M9 pa Oxicletion primorshy, governed ny We cli ffssson procesc. —> Oxidation me is alte baste on aliffavion Ff improsty epwnt retec, ‘ 2 GS doped voile tumvily (PY, Bim TE onleliger fouter, companee) (FS mrcturetely deped sample. st all temparmdunes, $7 dope voile p heavveedy heavily Cnt), thin deo Peidiges fasker compare to ao rodeo ly sloped mmple at off tesrpourntuses, a lower emparevtone ab high temp beth exe somplic can owielige egely, Oxidation Yate ie fruter bez, —> Boren (1G) convente Borosilicate cS amd dliffussen Uy onidiging Species aeemellente gts pond difusion 9 ‘ into tk foutew Forengye W5 bexon eloped yO, (vohich tr Beroerlicate glatt) YM eee Th Geog tte Gefen interface , wobiety ; Increases Uz -reathion mete, dev Areewily olopect p , foster oxtchizes toKes place ak lover tempevreotmt Chere lincewy rape is dominated ), ~A orecdes atiperts, bem Anodic Oxidation np <= ant 4 oH CAs 25 ee ar cS : Si +20% —> SiCoH), 2 SH), — SiO, +H, Ettore Glycol in O-0HN KNO, veil + 1 2-57. Wo adetibbon Ia gros of 8 42b 4 2,0 = Sjob Hat? M Al (0s), ao Poy Wi thennnd caidetion eteping prof will chernge, ot fempovrertunt vises, i dopents vill oto move, Mir acsidt will nob be accwrete ateping mople Cab very Ligh deonporretinnes), % 7 Amodic oxietatjon k useful, bex Anodic process Me ab oom fempa- yotune, $0, it does effecr Mn eloping propl- YS Another adoomtage 1, Bik, Ihr kibemness of ir ampclic onicte Te directly Poperienl to tye Voltage that ig clevelopeel across Ut amocte aadowatedsy As ta orice Gros, Wie voltae arrott the 4000 electrectes alco Wil buildup, Wis com be accuroviely linked! to He wide Aaseryness — I qollows GA per 4 Voir. fe IOV an olewelopee} across hv clectrorl, Ve 6 loxa A ie 30n 4 onide qrow- — Jy VLSI Tectnology it ix 0 stander} proces, dee E thermal cniclaion ic ti tender} process — Buk amotic ic used for cliagmestic tool process. > Anodic ik peat Few prone to contamination, bez, durtoliquictt, mere prom do tentomnine ten. > Allarnate Jo Amocite Oxidaben proce, Plata Oviclody ~> Bs plasma onidaben te Same at Anoclic oxideton, thr To fh : incterel of clectroligtae bar, plasma. of Onictigings Gna > valustion of Oxicly preperttes 92) Oriel Toseunes by Eary Woy to find WR em rrece — Oxiete by, cae of My owiete, fea shroms peyrem film , green 7 9 opee Substrate, — Y it aubjected fo menoero mastic tg pempemotreter — lgtt, Then thew vill be intemssty enhancement al Agen where n - fefractve Incix of War fihy a aa neni qf — Uisenness of Wie ple aaS- Integer like 42,1,--- 8 — Y Wie Homiporent gil 7 subjected! Yo whibe ligit Ceompesih of- oll Mgt) thnk ibn appeeree| ag coloured , corvesponeling 10 Woove lengthy A — depending On Use Yoickmess of onfsle, Ib appears ty aliffenemi Coley C blu: or pine ---) Ty the teppei inclers ¢ Ss Keven = 1) he He 4G ond Conveapen dling, color A, te con evaluate Ihicwre, of: oniete = clepemeting on te Pobae 4 Ky

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