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Electrooculographics Systems

Ing. Jesus Talavera Suarez


Manuel Y. Carreño Vilca Carlos A. Durand Mendoza


Jorge C. Ramirez Vilca Roger Vilela Arias


This project involves the design and construction of an A. Electrooculographic systems design HARWARE
acquisition system biopotentials inexpensive to capture and
display the electrooculographics signal (EOG) and can be used The system comprises a signal acquisition phase,
in biomedical applications. The project aims to have an through the electrodes, the pre-amplification, a filtering stage, a
amplification system hardware fully functional from which we amplification and offset, a phase encoding and conversion of
can capture at EOG signal and display it in the form of data, the signal and finally a stage with intercom PC below been
which were appropriate in software created in Visual Basic 6.0 given a description of each circuit.

EOG signal biopotentials is one of the weakest of the human ELECTRODES
body on a scale ranging from microvolts to a few milivolts and
a bandwidth of very low frequency. The system hardware must
perform signal amplification and filtering it to unmask the DIFERENTIAL
signal from the electromagnetic interference that accompany AMPLIFIER
always considering safety in design of the experiment. Thus,
the system hardware consists of an isolated stage differential
pre-amplification, a stage of filtering and signal processing that FILTER
defines the bandwidth required with minimal distortion, and a
final amplification stage.
Electrooculographic signal obtained is transmitted via the PC
USB port, the circuit having 2 different types of
microcontrollers, a charge for the conversion of analog signals OFFSET - CONTROL
and the recognition of a pattern generating a code for each type
of movement, and the other for intercommunication with the PATTERN
pc. The signal obtained has to propose to serve as the RECOGNITION
fundaments for a future deployment to biotechnology (PIC 16F877)
application, to help physically disabled people.


The electrooculographics system design is divided into two VISUAL BASIC

parts, the design of hardware (circuits) and software design
(interface with PC) Fig. 1. - Electrooculographic systems design HARWARE, Block

For acquisition the signal had to be applied to the input filter or RF, and others signals that can be capture for the electrodes,
directly to the electrodes, the circuitry of vertical motion of then this signal enters a one stage of differential and pre -
horizontal movement, which only vary in the horizontal motion amplied by INA114,which is a cheap OPAM of biomedical
has an electrode over the reference electrode which generates instrumentation, it has a amplification of G=1+50Kohm/RG,
The emergence of a TL082 on the board of the horizontal RG=560*2ohm, generating a gain ( G= 45.64) , the next stage
movement, by this feedback is used, taking into account that it is a eighth-order filter with a cutoff frequency of 15HZ
is not necessary to have two reference electrodes, below show (fc=15Hz), below a stage of amplified formed by two
circuit in stages. amplifier, a fixed and an adjustable amplifier, where the fixed
amplifier has a gain of 10, and the adjustable amplifier is
For the vertical movement: regulated to what the output signal works with the saturation of
OPAM, thus having an output signal of 5 and -5, the signal of -
5 is regulated by the Zerner diode thus ensuring an output
signal of 5.1 and 0V.

Fig. 4. - Gain trace.

Fig. 2. - Vertical acquisition circuit.
Signals from the circuits above are respectively:
For the horizontal movement:

Fig. 3.-Horizontal acquisition circuit

Descriptions of circuits

The signal is captured for the cables electrodes then passes

through a RC filter to delete the Electromagnetic noise, signs Fig. 5. - Signal acquisition circuit vertical.

Each circuit of the filter consists of 3 TL082. They give us a
frequency of 15 HZ.

For Data Analysis and Interface USB:

Fig. 8. – Interface USB circuit.

B. Electrooculographic systems design SOFTWARE

For electrooculographics system design part SOFTWARE,

describing the part of both microcontrollers and the design of
the interface in Visual Basic 6.0.

Fig. 6. - Signal acquisition circuit horizontal.

Programming the PIC 16F877
Signals have the following characteristics:
The PIC is responsible for the acquisition of analog signals, as
well as conversion and identifier patterns as well as the
generation of a code for each type of movement (horizontal,
500ms/div 2v/div
vertical, up and down).

It is necessary to use 2 channels of the module ADC. The

For the noise filter: detection of the movement is in 11000000b (~4.4 volts) and
in 01000000b (~0.6 volts). To achieve this, a comparison was
made bit by bit, and thus detects the movement and thus can
send data to pic 18f2550 to display on the computer

PB = 0
PB0 = 1
PB1 = 0
PB0 = 0
PB1 = 1
PB2 = 1
PB3 = 0
PB2 = 0
Fig. 7. – Filter circuit. PB3 = 1

Programming the PIC 18F2550

The PIC has the task of sending data from the PIC 16F877
circuit to the PC via the USB port, which is designed to operate
with the program. For this we use the programming PICBasic
PRO program, the power we used to have a good system
performance data transfer.

Program in VISUAL BASIC 6.0

The interface is made in Visual Basic 6.0, which was

performed with the help of software HIDE, which served a
very useful when communicating with the USB port. The
software is made so that circles show positions in ways that Fig. 11. – LEFT – RIGHT movements.
represent the 4 basic movements of the eye: Right, Left, Up
and Down.

Using IF ... THEN instructions in Visual Basic, the bits

generated by the pic16f877 are detected, changing the color of
the circle which indicates that there is a movement in that
direction. In the block text. In the text block shows the
movement detected, which may be right, left, up and down

Fig. 12. – DOWN – UP movements.

The position of the electrodes is crucial for a correct signal.

Fig. 9. – Interface. E. Conclusions

C. Materials • The acquisition of the signal was made by means of

electrodes that are connected by cables, which for lack
Microcontrolador (PIC16F877A, Microchip) of resources had to be manufactured by ourselves, it
Microcontrolador (PIC18f2550, Microchip) was initially built with type coaxial cables, then turn
Instrumentation amplifier (INA114) to tow, and finally produce electrodes with our type of
Operational amplifier (UA741, TL082). twisted pair cables, it is worth noting that an
Electrodes important factor was taken into account in the
fabrication of the electrodes was the same weight
D. Electrode Position which is a source of error because they produce a bad
connection between the electrode and the face of the
person you are testing.

• To correct the data acquisition by means of the

electrodes was necessary placement in the circuit filter
at the entrance of each electrode which contributes to
Fig. 10. – Without movement. the noise generated by the movement of the wires of

the electrodes (RF) that initially be despised, but the
course of the project is concluded that it was vitally
important to remove such interference.

• As the signal sequence of microvolts the position of

the electrodes is another factor that can go wrong to
take the data, that is why the measure was taken to
capture the movement "Right" and " Left "must be put
to the electrodes 2 cm from the eye (to the respective
sides), to capture the movement of" Top "equal to 2
cm (top), unlike the movement of" Down "which has
its electrode connected to only 1 centimeter of the eye
(near the lid). For the reference electrode may change
its position only requirement being that a bone in his
face, in our case, place it in the forehead almost to the
center of the face.

F. References

• Thijssen JM, Pinckers A (1974) Contralateral effects

in the electrooculogram. Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh)

• PROJECTE FI DE CARRERA- Desarrollo de un

sistema de adquisición y procesado de señales
electrooculográficas para el diagnóstico de la ataxia.

• Juan Ramos Castro ( ), Tesis de

Doctorado “Detección de micro potenciales
Auriculares de alta frecuencia”, Capítulo2.

• Jhon G.Webster, “Médical Instrumentation

Applications and Design”, Capítulo 3,
Amplificadores biopotenciales, Interferencia de
equipos Eléctricos, Pág. 249.

• Jhon G.Webster, libro: “Médical Instrumentation

Applications and Design”, Capítulo 3,
Amplificadores biopotenciales, Tabla 6.1: “Sumary
of Performance Requirements for
Electrocardiographs (Anonimous, 1991)”

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