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Chinese Literature- Affected by the impact of the Internet, which has become an important

medium for the dissemination of politically sensitive works.

Resurgence of science fantasy not seen since the late Qing dynasty

Sinophone literature-redefines Chinese literature as a field determined by language rather than

purely by geography

Modern poetry- Depends on end rhyme and tonal metre for its cadence

Characterized by its compactness and brevity.

No epics of either folk or literary variety and hardly any narrative or descriptive poems that are
long by the standards of the world literature.

The Chinese Poet- Stressing the lyrical, it refrains from the exhaustive.
Marks instead the heights of his ecstasies and inspiration or the depths of sorrow and sympathy

Japanese literature- marked by a strong and intentional break with tradition and the nation-
centered and group orientation values.

This break included:

A strong reaction against established religious, political, and social views.

Feminism, individualism, internationalism, liberalism, and proletariand emerged during this


Concerned with the subconscious.

New literary forms and style like:

A novel in 1st POV is written like an autobiographical confessional type of narration.

Indian Literature
Realism-Outcome of the creation of a reading public which was trying to construct an identity in
the context of the anti-colonial struggles and nation-building.

This combined liberal-reformist ideology with an affirmation of an 'Indian' cultural specificity.

This concept however was middle-class and Hindu

Simultaneous co-existence of the postcolonial state apparatuses with an ideology which was:
Liberal and Humanist, seen in the areas of public life like the academic scene.

The Realist Novel- Its focus on growth and individual freedom is transformed in the Indian
context with the economic conditions of uneven capitalism.
Basis for Realism
The economic: seen the existence of capitalist exploitation
-Political, and
-Social conditions

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