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Adhikari SR et al

Health Renaissance 2013; Vol. 11 No.1; 11-16

Evidences of stress and its consequences

ƒ Original Article

Evidences of stress and its consequences among Nepalese adolescents

SR Adhikari¹, S Bhattarai²
¹Department of Psychiatry
Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital Chitwan, Nepal
²Kathmandu Medical College, Kathmandu


Background: Changing emotional and physical status along with increasing social, family
and academic pressure lead to various impairments in mental health of adolescents.
Objective: To examine the level of stress and its consequences in school going adolescences
and examine adolescent’s adjustment at various places- home, school, peers, teachers and
general matters. Methods: A descriptive and a single stage study were done at one of the
school in Kathmandu Metropolitan. Every section of the class of the selected school was
visited to explain the students about semi-structured pro forma, Student Stress Scale (SSS)
and Pre-Adolescent Adjustment Scale (PAAS). The SSS was used to measure stresses
faced by adolescents during last on year and PAAS measured their adjustments at places
like home, school, peers, teachers and general matters. Results: 104 students participated
in the study, male- 45, female- 59. Children with joint family type showed highest level of
stress (mean 424.67; p=0.002). Among females, it is the broken family type which showed
the highest level of stress (p=0.002). Among boys, second birth order showed highest level
of stress (mean 382.31; p=0.005). Similarly among girls, it was first birth order (Mean
537.67; p=0.009). Among top 10 stressors labeled by students, highest stressor is death of a
close family members followed by death of a close friend. Conclusion: Children during
adolescent period undergo various stresses and adjustment and it depend upon their ability
to cope with stress in various places like home, school, peers and teachers.

Keywords: adolescent, mother, stress, adjustment

Of all life-stages adolescence is arguably the one people to cope7,8,9 and the resulting phenomenon of
most marked by rapid and potentially tumultuous adolescent stress is now well recognized.10
transition.1,2 This is to be seen not just in the domain Well-being of adolescents is largely the product of
of biological development where changes are interactions among the multiple contexts in which
externally manifest3 but is equally evident in the adolescents are embedded. 11 During adolescent
progression of both cognitive4 and psychosocial5 phase, there is heavy academic and social pressure
maturity from that of childhood to that of the fully that results in negative emotional states and more
functioning adult. While the transition through internalizing problems.12
adolescence is inevitable6 the speed and magnitude
of these changes overtax the capacity of many young Methods
This is a descriptive study done at one of the school
Address for correspondence in Kathmandu Metropolitan city and it was a single
Dr. Shailendra Raj Adhikari stage study. This descriptive study was done from
Department of Psychiatry
Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital (CMCTH) January 2008 to June 2008. School was randomly
Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal selected from the bibliography of the Ministry of
Email: Education. Consents were taken from the school

Adhikari SR et al
Health Renaissance 2013; Vol. 11 No.1; 11-16
Evidences of stress and its consequences

administration. This school was established twenty- Student Stress Scale

two years back and is day-scholar only and students Student stress scale (SSS) was developed by the
are from nearby vicinities of middle and lower class adaptation of Social Readjustment Rating
family. Most of the children’s parents work in Army Questionnaire (SRRQ) originated by the Holmes and
and Police headquarters nearby. Some students are Rahe.13 The SRRQ was used in an adult sample of
faraway places of Nepal working as a housemaid 200 as an open ended questionnaire and the most
around the school area. appropriate items were selected. Scale items can be
Meetings were arranged with teachers regarding the classified into personal or impersonal, desirable or
administration of the questionnaire with children and undesirable or ambiguous. The scale consists of 31
their parents. Every section of the class was visited items of stressful life events encountered by students.
to explain the students about semi-structured Subjects have to rate whether the events occurred
Performa and Parent-adolescence Communication in their life during the last one-year.
Scale. Students were explained words by words The scale can be administered easily to literate and
meaning of the scale and how to answer it. With illiterate subjects. Norms obtained in the study on
schools help, parent’s meeting was also called and it Indian population suggests that an average individual
was attended by significant numbers of parents. experiences an average of ten common stressful
During this meeting, parents were also explained about events in a lifetime without suffering any obvious
Parent-adolescent communication scale. During the adverse physical or psychological disturbances.
6 months period of this research, parents meeting Similarly, the mean number of stressful events is
were organized thrice Non-responder forms were approximately two (1.90+/-2.62). Weighted mean
again reassessed and certain students were home score for each stressful event were derived by the
visited and parents were explained about the relative stress experienced by the subject on
instruments again. particular events. The total sums of all weighted
On the basic of assumption that, it takes a mental scores of positive events were calculated. The
age of about 10 years and fifth grade reading skills authors have mentioned that the cut-off score for
for self administration, age of at least 11 years and the Indian population is 300. If a person scores less
of at least grade five has been considered of giving than 300, then he/she is considered to be under a
Parent-adolescent communication form. Thus in this manageable level of stress.
study, students from grade 7 were selected randomly
with the help of school register. Sample was stratified Pre Adolescent Adjustment Scale (PAAS)
random sample where students were stratified into Pre Adolescent Adjustment Scale (PAAS) is an
age and sex and classes (from 7) and from they’re important test of adjustment in the battery of Pre-
selected randomly. Adolescent Personality Test by Pareek, Rao, and
Every section of the class was visited to explain the Ramalingaswami & Sharma.14 Adjustment is defined
students about semi-structured Performa and Parent- as the individuals’ orientation towards his parents,
adolescence Communication Scale. Semi-structured peers, school and himself in terms of satisfaction he
Performa will include name of students, age, sex, class, derives from his interactional relationship with
permanent address, religion, and caste. It will also significant others and himself. This test measures
include family type and birth order of the students. adjustment of the child towards home, school, peers,
Regarding the student’s family- mother’s age, teachers and general matters. Total adjustment is
occupation, educational status will be considered. also measured by this test.
Students were explained words by words meaning of The scale consists of 40 items: home (9), school (8),
the scale and how to answer it. Total of 150 students peers (8), teachers (8) and general (7). For each
from class 7 to class 10 participated in the study. Total area of adjustment a separate score is obtained. The
response from students was 104. Students with total of the five scores gives the score for the total
following conditions were Excluded (1) Children with adjustment. It is a self report scale where responses
mental retardation. (2) All children who do not are given in terms of “yes” or “no” and it can be
communicate or who do not give consent by administered both individually as well as in the groups.
themselves or when parents refused to give consent.

Adhikari SR et al
Health Renaissance 2013; Vol. 11 No.1; 11-16
Evidences of stress and its consequences

There is no time limit for this test but usually it takes Considering birth orders, among boys, second birth
20 to 25 minutes in completing this test. orders shows highest level of stress (382.31) with
In scoring, the scale values for various items for the comparing t-score showing significant in levels of
five sub-scales are obtained from the table provided stress (0.005). Similarly among girls, it is first birth
in the manual. These scale values are positive as orders (537.67) with t-score reaching significant level
well as negative for different items. Scores for each (0.009).
sub-scale are obtained by adding the scale values on Table 3 shows the level of adjustment of male and
the items checked by the subject. In each sub-scale, female students and different birth orders. Boys and
the sign (+ or -) should be used while adding the girls show high adjustment score at home as
sum. The possible score range for each sub-score compared to other places, lowest scores were along
are home (-10 to +6), school (-7 to +9), peers (-10 to with teachers. Considering birth orders, children
+9), teachers (-10 to +6) and general (-6 to +6). belonging to third birth order show highest score at
High positive scores indicate high adjustment in that home and sixth birth order show lowest score.
area, while high negative scores indicate a high Adjustment scores in sixth birth orders are lowest in
degree of mal-adjustment. Scores near zero indicate all situations. Table 4 compares adjustment scores
mild adjustment or mal-adjustment, depending on the in different family types. Score is highest at home, in
magnitude and direction of the scores. The total other family types followed by nuclear family and
adjustment score is obtained by adding scores on all joint family. Adjustment score in lowest at school in
the sub-scale. It ranges from -46 to +34. PAAS has both nuclear and broken family. Table 5 shows top
got acceptable level of validity and reliability and 10 stressors labeled by students. Highest stressor is
significant inter correlation between adjustment on death of a close family members followed by death
the five areas of adjustment. of a closed friend.

Results Table 1: Socio-demographic characteristics of

Total of 150 students from class 7 to class 10 adolescences (sex, family type and birth orders)
participated in the study. Total response from Gender Family Type Birth Orders
students was 104. Male students were 45 (43.26%) Nuclear Male - 17 First Male - 16
and female were 59 (56.74%). Table 1 shows socio- Female – 19 Female – 15
demographic characteristics of adolescence. Table
2 shows comparison of levels of stress in male and Male ( N= 45, Joint Male – 15 Second Male – 11
female students along with birth orders and family 43.26% ) Female – 18 Female – 17
types. Among males, children with joint family type
showed highest level of stress (424.67). The t-test Broken Male – 10 Third Male – 11
Female – 21 Female – 16
computed to compare the mean scores between
Female ( N= 59,
different types showed significant difference with 56.74% ) Other Male – 3 Fourth Male – 4
regards to the experience of stress level (0.002). Female – 1 Female – 6
Among females, it is broken family type with highest
level of stress, with significant t-score when Fifth Male – 1
compared (0.002). Female – 4
TOTAL - 104
Sixth Male – 2
Female – 1

Adhikari SR et al
Health Renaissance 2013; Vol. 11 No.1; 11-16
Evidences of stress and its consequences

Table 2: Mean scores and significance of student stress scale (SSS) (gender with family type and
birth orders)
Gender Family Type N Mean SD t
Nuclear 17 356.31 163.62
Male Joint 15 424.67 181.84
Broken 10 386.59 184.05 2.229
Other 3 308.56 153.56 ( 0.002 )
Total 45 381.30 176.09
Nuclear 19 309.04 163.23
Female Joint 18 315.38 161.22
Broken 21 387.41 81.39 0.343
Other 1 380 78 ( 0.002 )
Total 59 313.64 158.97
Gender Birth Orders N Mean SD t
First 16 346.22 145.23
Male Second 11 382.31 186.52
Third 11 306.15 188.54 2.29
Fourth 4 266.3 166.42 ( 0.05 )
Fifth 1 280 188
Sixth 2 255.42 186
First 15 537.67 217.53
Female Second 17 390.21 196.3
Third 16 447.36 217.53 2.192
Fourth 6 351.77 210.5 ( 0.009 )
Fifth 4 197.54 186.33
Sixth 1 247.72 190.53

Table 3: Adolescent adjustment towards different situations with gender and birth orders (PAAS)
GENDER Home School Peers Teachers General Total
Male Mean 5.75 3.17 3.11 2.93 3.55 18.51
SD 2.84 2.05 2.09 2.24 2.69 8.36
Female Mean 6.11 3.22 3.40 2.69 2.76 18.18
SD 3.28 2.79 3.06 2.48 2.88 13.49
First Mean 3.19 2.93 3.29 2.83 2.77 15.01
SD 2.97 2.64 2.65 2.48 2.86 13.60
Second Mean 3.03 2.07 3.39 2.53 3.03 14.05
SD 3.28 2.77 3.51 2.61 2.25 14.42
Third Mean 6 2.85 3.66 2.66 3.44 18.61
SD 6.14 3.76 4.27 2.29 4.31 20.77
Fourth Mean 5.1 2.4 2.1 2.2 3.7 15.50
SD 4.74 2.16 2.21 2.35 3.37 15.16
Fifth Mean 5 2.2 2.6 2.8 3.8 16.40
SD 4.53 2.21 2.33 2.17 2.75 13.99
Sixth Mean 1.07 1.33 3.33 1.77 1.66 9.16
SD 1.85 2.47 2.78 2.55 2.35 12.00

Adhikari SR et al
Health Renaissance 2013; Vol. 11 No.1; 11-16
Evidences of stress and its consequences

Table 4: Adolescent adjustment towards different situations with gender and birth orders (PAAS)
Type of family Home School Peers Teachers General Total
Nuclear Mean 6.61 1.55 4.22 3.30 3.16 18.84
SD 6.44 4.32 4.88 4.41 3.52 23.57
Joint Mean 5.24 2.45 2.69 3.03 3 16.41
SD 6.34 3.88 3.16 3.89 4.08 21.35
Broken Mean 5.67 1.38 2.93 3 3.16 16.14
SD 6.16 2.17 4.35 3.76 4.44 20.88
Others Mean 7 2.5 4 2 1.75 17.25
SD 5.38 3.77 3.55 2.55 2.25 17.50

Table 5: Top ten stressors for adolescences groups, adjustment levels toward home were better
Death of close family member. than in other domain which has also been found in
Death of a close friend. other study.21,22
Divorce between parents.S Adjustment towards school was also good.
erious argument with close friends. Adjustment with peers was also at a positive level.
Personal injury or illness. In both male and female students, this good level of
Trouble with parents. adjustment is due to strong peer bonding occurring
Failed important course. at this stage and students spending most of their
New girl or boy friend. waking hours at school.23, 24 Comparing the different
Serious arguments with teachers. domains, the level of adjustment towards home was
Too many missed classes / Failed Grades high in all different birth orders.

Discussion Conclusion
Stress during adolescence has serious affect on their The adolescent years are among the most stressful
study. Male children experience high level of stresses times in a person’s life. Adolescence is the time of
compared to female children. Children these days life when children change into adults. Adolescents
face more stresses due to increased academic are between stages. They have more responsibility
curriculum, competition in school and over and freedom than they did as children. But they have
expectation from parents. Parents expect male less responsibility and freedom than adults do. Their
children to be high achievers. These findings have thoughts, behavior, and social relations are all
been simulated by Mahat.15 In contrast to these changing radically. The rate of change varies from
findings, Bruke & Weir16 found girls reporting person to person. Reactions to stress vary with the
greater life stresses than boys. adolescent’s ability to cope, how long the stress
Second birth order children have greater level of continues, and the intensity of the stress. Some
stress as shown in study done by Thenmozhi.17 Joint adolescents withdraw from others, some lash out at
family can also precipitates stress in adolescence others, and some actively seek the comfort of others.
because interference on communication by other Adjustment of adolescents at various aspects of life
family members between child and parent. as in home, school, general environment and peers
Report suggests that girls experience more determine their abilities to cope with stress.
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Evidences of stress and its consequences

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