A Reclassification of The Die-Filling Stages in Pressure Die-Casting Processes

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ELSEVIER Journal of Materials Processing Technology 57 (1996) 259-265

A reclassification of the die-filling stages in pressure

die-casting processes
Y.B. Lui a,*, W.B. Lee b, B. Ralph c
a Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
b Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
c Department of Materials Technology, Brunel University, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, UK
Received 5 October 1994

Industrial summary

Traditionally, the die-filling process in pressure die-casting is divided into three stages. This paper initiates the concept of a
'five-stage' process for one-shot pressure die-casting processes. The concept of a 'five-stage' process retains the familiar first and
second stages, breaks down :Lhe third stage into two and adds a fifth 'residual stage'. It is shown that the maximum metal pressure
developed at the end of the fourth stage represents the compressibility of the molten metal and the hydraulic oil. Equations for
the dynamic pressures during the fourth stage are derived. There is still a lack of information on the bulk modulus of various
molten metals. From the equations derived, an experimental method for the determination of the bulk modulus of molten metal
is suggested. The analysis of the five stages, which links the metal feed system with the fluid-power main circuit of the die-casting
machine, gives a set of mathematical models for tackling the problem in question.

1. Introduction
The injection of molten metal in die casting is a Pressure of molten metal
complex process. A great deal of work has been done in / (e,).,
an attempt to correlate empirical knowledge of the die
casting process with scien'fific principles. A knowledge of
the injection phase is necessary to determine the opti-
mum machine setting and the gating parameters in die
design. Pressure die-casting engineers and researchers Fill time • P,a
are used to classify the cavity-filling process into a 'three z t~ ll[ 5
stage' (I, II, III) process, as shown in Fig. 1, which
becomes a basic tenet in constructing theoretical and I/x~---, Pre.~ impact time t,
practical investigations. In the first stage, the plunger
advances slowly until the base of the shot sleeve is 1 / Pl
covered fully with molten metal. In the second stage, the f
die cavity is being filled at a virtually constant pressure,
whilst a greater force is applied to the piston to over- - - pot
come friction. The last stage is typified by a high rise in
packing pressure when the die cavity is fully filled.
There seems to be no doubt that the third stage is the O~;, Time
most important, and plays a key role in completing the
whole function of a pressure die-casting process. Since Fig. 1. Reclassification of the pressure die-casting process. Tradi-
tional 'three stages': I. slow shot; II. fast shot; III, filling shot.
Reclassification 'five stages': 1. slow shot; 2. fast shot; 3. filling shot;
* Corresponding author. 4. pressure impact; 5. final pressure setting.

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260 Y.B. Lui et al. /Journal of Materials Processing Technology 57 (1996) 259 265

He e~fity

I t~ p AetuaLor
0il pump


pressure relieve valve
Fig. 2. Metal feed system diagram.

the seventies, many experimental Studies have moni- Na Ah cf

p = --pa - ~ p u - - ~ (2)
tored the process parameters and provided useful infor- a a a
mation [1-6]. Whilst most of the results show the In comparison to the pressure forces, the friction force
variations of the oil pressure with the travel of the can normally be neglected, so that Eq. (2) can be
plunger, measurement of the metal pressure in the die simplified to:
cavity indicates a rapid pressure build up at the end of
die cavity filling. The third stage in the traditional
classification combines two physical phenomena into
P= ~Pa
Aa __
Abpba (3)

one, which can be misleading. In this paper, a reclassifi- As 2 -- q/a and 2 = Qa/A,, the continuity equation can
cation of the die-filling process into five stages is pro- be expressed as below:
posed. The first two stages are retained and the third
stage is divided into two separate and distinct stages.
q = Aaa Qa (4)
Further, a residual-flow stage, which controls the final
dispersion of the air and shrinkage porosity, is added. For the quasi-steady state; 2 = constant, Qa = constant,
The fluid power requirement related to each stage of and the molten-metal flow rate q = constant.
the die-filling process is outlined.
The aim of reclassification of the pressure die-casting
processes is to create a set of mathematical models, 3. A reclassification of the injection process
especially for the filling and pressure-impact stages, i.e.,
the third and fourth stages, in order to be able to tackle The traditional 'three-stage' classification (I-III) is
the problems encountered in design and performance shown in Fig. 1. However, exactly the same history of
prediction applied to pressure die casting processes. a single-shot pressure die-casting process can be re-
classified into five distinct stages, as shown in Fig. 1
(stages 1-5).
2. The equations governing the metal feeding system
3.1. First stage: slow shot
A schematic diagram of the hydraulic system of a
high pressure die-casting machine is shown in Fig. 2, The first stage is sometimes called the pre-fill stage,
which illustrates the various components of the hy- where molten metal fills the shot sleeve at low velocity,
draulic circuit, starting from the accumulator, then to a low velocity being used in order to expel air from the
the plunger cylinder and then to the die cavity. The shot cylinder and avoid air entrapment. After the 'start'
force balance equation can be written as: signal is given, the hydraulic actuator stabilizes in a
short time. For the steady first stage:
- - JC "~ CfX = p a A a -- p b A b -- p a (1) Qa = Qpump (5)
For the quasi-steady state, 2 = constant and 5d= O, so (6)
Qb = ~ Qpump
that Eq. (1) becomes: /1 b
Y.B. Lui et al./ Journal of Materials Processing Technology 57 (1996) 259-265 261

Eq. (3) can be rewritten in the form: Re-writing Eqn. (10) gives a clearer physical picture,
Ab a
Pa = Z P b + ~ P (7) V = /)pump + Vaccu (11)

In the first stage, the pressure of the molten metal is where Vpumpis a small part of the plunger speed that is
low. In the cases of a dry shot or cold-chamber ma- generated continuously by the oil pump. In general,
chines, p = 0. However, the back pressure Pb is deter- /)pump is a constant and/) . . . . is a much larger component
mined by the oil return circuit and may be calculated generated periodically by the accumulator.
by the Bernoulli equation:
3.3.2. Gate velocity
p v~ From Eq. (4), the flow rate of molten metal, q, may
Pb = Z Apb + -- - - (8)
g2 be calculated, and the main gate velocity can be
where E Apb is the total pressure loss in the oil return obtained:
circuit, and every component of pressure loss may be
calculated from experimental data given in relevant Vg ~ -q- (12)
handbooks. From an energy conservation point of
view, Pb should be desiglaed to be as low as possible, 3.3.3. Working pressure of molten metal
but retaining a particular amount of back pressure is From Bernoulli's equation, with known cross-sec-
beneficial to the working stability of the actuator. tions at the plunger surface and filling gate, as shown in
Fig. 2, the pressure of molten metal can be expressed
3.2. Second stage: fast shot as:

The second stage follows immediately after the first P = ~ gP ( v2 -- V2) "-~-Pa0 -~- PZo '[- ~ Apf (13)
stage and continues until the molten metal arrives at
the filling gate. In this unsteady stage, the oil surges Eq. (12) can be reduced to a simpler form:
from the accumulator to the hydraulic system, which
causes fluctuations in tile working pressure and the Vg = Cd~/2~gpp (14)
back pressure on the actuator. The dynamic perfor-
mance of the second stage depends mainly upon the where ca = x/(1 -- Z Apf)/p, and EApf is the total pres-
dynamic performances of the control valve and the sure loss of the metal feed system.
accumulator and upon the boundary conditions of the From Eq. (14), when the pressure and other condi-
metal feed system. tions of the metal feed system remain unchanged, a
lighter metal will result in a larger filling velocity.
3.3. Third stage: filling shot Assuming Cd = 0.97 and applying Eq. (14), the relation-
ship between the filling velocity and the pressure is
According to the new classification, the third stage shown in Fig. 3, from which it is seen that the velocity
ends at the instant when the pressure begins to build of brass flow is equal to 57% of that of an A1-Cu alloy.
up. The gate velocity and the pressure in the cavity are Eq. (14) also shows p oc Vg 2 or p oc q2. Excessive gate
maintained approximately constant. In this case, the velocity, Vg, will not only cause liquid splash, influenc-
accumulator represents a perfect performance in ing the quality of the castings, but will also waste
providing a constant plunger speed, a constant molten- energy by increasing the working pressure.
metal flow rate and a constant gate velocity. Four
important characteristic.,; of the filling shot may be 3.3.4. Fill time
calculated below: The fill time of die cavity is equal to the volume of
cavity to be filled divided by the flow rate of the molten
3.3.1. Flow rate and plunger speed metal driven by the plunger as:
It is easy to understand from Fig. 1 that the flow rate Vca.,
of the actuator may be considered as arising from two tf = - - (15)
components, generated by the oil pump and the accu-
mulator: Eq. (15) is simple but important in stating that the fill
time tfoc Vcav and t r ~ 1/q. Many empirical equations
Qa = Qpump-k- Q.... (9) regarding the fill time suggesting a compromise between
Similarly, the plunger speed is determined by: the surface finish and the internal soundness have been
advanced [7], as quoted below:
v = Qpomp+ Q .... (10)
Aa Ulmer's method: tf = 16 H 2 i n (15a)
Rearwin's method: tf = 17 n mni 2 (15b)
262 Y.B. Lui et al. /Journal of Materials Processing Technology 57 (1996) 259 265

v~ (m/s) AI-Cu alloy

100 • . /
0 ~i~,--
O0 . . . .

J Zinc

'° i| ffi I ~ ~ ~ ~ Brass
__.__ . ~ . ~ ~

~0 ~ - -

/ I ..
2O 40 ~0 0o 1oo J2o 140

Pressure of molten metal P (bar)

Fig. 3. The calculated relationship between the filling velocity and the pressure of the molten metal.

Die Casting Research Federation (DCRF's) method: velocity and in the pressure of the molten metal, but
this also cannot reduce the fill time.
tf = 35(Ha - 1) (15c)
Owing to very complex flow pattern appearing in the
In practice, the minimum casting thickness is difficult to cavity of dies during the injection period, the third
define and the average wall thickness is also difficult to stage greatly influences air entrapment and porosity
calculate. In the UK, the Zinc Development Associa- associated with the quality of the die castings. There-
tion recommended a 20 ms cavity fill time for plated fore, the third stage becomes a key function of the
castings and 40 ms for non-plated castings. For the UK process, and a specific research topic; see Refs. [8-12],
this is a sensible recommendation, since there is a and other literature.
limited variation in casting sizes and a surprisingly
small variation in casting wall thickness. From results
3.4. Fourth stage: pressure impact
collected from a wide range of foundry research and
practice in the UK, Europe and the USA, the British
The fourth stage lasts only from one to five millisec-
National Foundry (BNF) found the best relationship
onds immediately followed the third stage [1,2,4,13].
between the cavity fill time and the average wall thick-
The reason to separate such a short time period into a
ness, as recommended below [7]:
separate stage is that this stage represents a special set
For Ah tr= 40 H (15d) of fluid-mechanics conditions, which in turn requires its
own mathematical solutions.
For Zn, high-quality chrome finish: tf-- 6 H + 7 (15e)
The above equations, from (1) to (15), represent the
For Zn, low-quality non or chrome finish: fundamental behavior in the first three stages. These
equations have a common background which assumes
tf-- 7 H + 13 (15f)
the incompressibility of the liquid. At the last moment
As the metal feed system has been designed and of the third stage, the cavity and overflow are com-
fabricated with a fixed capacity oil pump, the fill time tf pletely filled with molten metal. The metal feed system
should be calculated from Eq. (15). Once a casting die and the hydraulic power system become two separated
has been designed, the total volume Vcav will be fixed. closed spaces. If oil is driven continuously by the oil
The only way to change the fill time is to alter the pump and forced into the actuator, the compressibility
plunger speed (which is directly proportional to the of the fluids becomes a dominating factor in the hy-
flow rate, q, of the molten metal) by a flow control draulic power system and in the metal feed system also.
valve in the fluid-power system. Therefore, whilst the Accordingly, the pressure in the actuator and the pres-
flow rate of the oil pump associated with the plunger sure in the cavity will build up rapidly (1-5 ms has
speed is fixed, the value of Cd can only affect the gate been reported for a number of different test machines)
velocity and pressure governed by Bernoulli's equation, to a high peak value about 2-4 times that of the
and cannot affect the flow rate of the oil pump gov- normal filling pressure [1,2,4,13]. This is, in reality, the
erned by the mass-balance law; i.e., cd is irrelevant to pressure impact in pressure die-casting processes, which
the fill time. Similarly, it should be noted that a reduc- is similar to the water-hammer phenomenon in fluid
tion in gate area will result in an increase in the gate mechanics.
Y.B. Lui et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 57 (1996)259-265 263

3.4.1. Peak pressure of the molten metal dpa A a dx (22)

Referring to Fig. 4, when the actuator moves for- d---/= Boil Foil dt
wards together with the plunger an elemental displace-
dpa Aa
ment, dx, displacing an elemental volume, a dx, the - floil (23)
molten metal of this elemental volume is compressed dx Foil
into the whole metal feed system. The resulting peak (Pp)oil = A Voilfloil (24)
pressure may be derived according to the definition of
fluid compressibility: where

Fm~t Aa/corrl
a dx = ~ dp (16) AVoil - (25)
The rate of pressure increase with time is:
3.4.3. Relationship between the dynamic pressures of
dp ~ dx (17) the molten metal and the oil
d t = flmet Vmet dt Combining Eqs. (17) and (22), permits the relation-
ship between the dynamic pressure of the working oil in
The rate of pressure increase with displacement is:
the fluid power system and the molten metal in the
dp a metal feed system to be obtained from:
-- - - /~met (18)
dx Vme`
dp flmet a Voi1 dpa (26)
By integrating Eq. (18) the total peak pressure of the dt flon Aa Vmet dt
molten metal, (mp)met, is obtained:
where integrating Eq. (26):
(mp)met ~ Vme-
~"/~met (19) ~'dp=~%flm~t a V°i~ldpa (27)
where a/co m is the total compressed volume of the f af /~oil A a Frnet
molten metal. Furthermore, Eq. (19) may be rewritten: Assuming that timer and floil are constant, a solution can
be found from Eq. (27) to establish the relationship
(gp)met = A gmet/~met (20)
between the two dynamic pressures in the fourth stage:
flmet a Voi 1
alcom P = Pf "~ Boil Aa V~et (Pa -- Paf) (28)
A Vinet = (21)
At the end of the fourth stage, as shown in Fig. 1, the
3.4.2. Peak pressure of the oil in the fluid-power oil pressure reaches a peak value, the decaying to the
system stable setting pressure of the pressure-relief valve. Simi-
Similarly, the peak pressure at the actuator can be larly to the trend of the oil pressure, the stable maxi-
deduced: mum pressure of the molten metal is given by:

flmet a Voi~
Pmax = Pf + /~oil A a Vme~t(Prel -- Paf) (29)

3.4.4. Bulk modulus of the molten metal

The bulk modulus, of the molten metal /~met, is very
large, and actual data on values is difficult to obtain
experimentally. However, an experimental method is
suggested here which may permit the measurement of
the bulk modulus of various molten metals. On the
plunger basis of Eq. (28), the area of plunger and the actuator,

f '~-metal feed syatem cloaed the total volume of the molten metal, Vmet, and the
total oil volume in the high pressure side of the fluid-
power system, Voi1, as well as the oil bulk modulus, /[]oil,
are known. If p . . . . Pf, Prel and Par can be measured
simultaneously during the fourth filling stage, then/~met
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram showing the liquid compressibility in the
may be obtained from:
metal feed system: dx, elemental compressed length; Vmct, total
volume of molten metal in the metal feed system; P, pressure of the flmet = Boil Aa Vmet (Pmax --Pf) (30)
molten metal. a Foil (Prel--Paf)
264 Y.B. Lui et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 57 (1996) 259 265

3.4.5. Pressure impact time (the time of filling during this with a 'five-stage' process, a systematic system of
the fourth stage) equations from (1) to (34) covering the necessary
The duration of the fourth stage is very short (e.g., mathematical equations for the die filling process have
1-5 ms), and may be derived on the basis of volume been generated. Eqs. (1)-(15) present the nature of
balance. Substituting q dt = a dx in Eq. (16) gives: the first to the third stages of the filling process.
When performing calculations for the metal feed sys-
q d t = flme----~tdp (31) tem, it is best to obtain the basic information on the
plunger speed history by a dry shot test [1]. Eqs.
The flow rate of the molten metal, q, is reduced to zero (16)-(34) expose the nature of the pressure impact in
at the end of the filling in the fourth stage, which the fourth stage to be a manifestation of the com-
reduction is approximately linear and can be expressed pressibility of the molten metal, which provides a
as: sound basis, using these equations, to attack the
q=q( l) -- t
problems of pressure impact and associated air en-
trapment, porosity, and machine settings. In addition,
the above results of the reclassification for one shot of
Substituting Eq. (32) into Eq. (31) and then integrating: a pressure die-casting process can provide a funda-
mental understanding of the complex flow of the
_ 2Vmet
tp qflmet[(Pp)met-- pf] (33) molten metal, which provides a sound basis, using
these equations, to attack the problems of pressure
Alternatively, tp may be expressed as: impact and associated air entrapment, porosity, and
machine settings. In addition, the above results of the
2 [foil
t p - Qafloil [(Pp)oil--Paf]
(34) reclassification for one shot of a pressure die-casting
process can provide a fundamental understanding of
the complex flow of the molten metal through the
3.5. Fifth stage: final pressure setting
metal feed system in order to afford a sound back-
ground for design, research and development of pres-
In this stage, the fluid-power system has a maximum
sure die-casting machines.
power output due to the maximum pressure. The key
role of the fifth stage is to set the final pressure of the
process that governs the pressure impact in the fourth
stage. To state this more clearly, the valve of the final
pressure is set by the pressure relief valve of the fluid-
a area of plunger
power system, the degree of pressure fluctuation de-
pending mainly on the dynamic characteristics of this ag area of gate
relief valve. A simple pressure setting is a result of Aa working area of the actuator
many complex factors. The positive effects of setting a Ab area of the back surface of actuator
high pressure may be concluded as: (i) under high Cd discharge coefficient of the metal feed
pressure impact, the results from compressing the system
residue of air will tend to eliminate big blisters, giving Cf combined friction factor of the actuator with
reduced porosity and making sounder castings; (ii) a the plunger
high pressure impact encourages penetration of the g acceleration due to gravity
liquid through the film into residual air spaces and H casting wall thickness
converts these to solids, which strengthens the casting; Ha average casting wall thickness
and (iii) a high pressure impact has a densifying effect Hmin minimum casting wall thickness
on the casting surface, and produces a sounder surface loom total compressed length of molten metal in the
on the casting. Nevertheless, excessive pressure peak plunger
will cause negative effects such as: (i) a high pressure P pressure of the molten metal
impact that may damage machine parts; (ii) a high Pa oil pressure of the actuator
pressure impact may cause flash to be formed; and (iii) Pb oil back pressure of the actuator
a pressure impact which may be associated with noise. Pr pressure of the molten metal flow in the third
filling stage
Paf pressure of the oil in the third filling stage
4. C o n c l u s i o n s Pao air pressure in the cavity; with proper venting
Pao = 0
On the basis of breaking through the restrictions of Pmax stable maximum presure of the molten
the concept of a 'three-stage' process and replacing metal
Y.B. Lui et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 57 (1996) 259 265 265

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