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Subject Industrial Electronics

Tutorial 1
Topic Operational Amplifier

Name: ……….…………………….………………..
1. Set R1 = 20kΩ and Rf = 40kΩ. Adjust Vi so that Vo = 10V.
2. Set R1 = 30kΩ and Rf = 60kΩ. Adjust Vi so that Vo = -20V.
3. Set R1 = 10kΩ and Rf = 40kΩ. Determine the range of output voltage that can
be obtained for inverting and non inverting amplifier by adjusting the input
voltage from 2.2V to 4.1V.
4. Set R1= 20kΩ and Vi = 5V. Predict the value of Rf required to cause Vo =
5. Set Ri = 20kΩ and Rf = 50kΩ with Vin = 7.5V. Determine the range of output
voltage that can be obtained using non inverting amplifier by increasing and
decreasing the value of Rf by 10%. Comments on your answer.

6. Design a three-stage amplifier with gain of +10, -18 and -27 using a feedback
resistor of 270 kΩ for all stages. What output voltage will result for an input of

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