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Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 12 (2002) 167–176

Spinal and supraspinal effects of activity in ligament afferents

Per Sjölander ab,∗, Håkan Johansson b, Mats Djupsjöbacka b
Southern Lapland Research Department, S-912 22 Vilhelmina, Sweden
Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, National Institute for Working Life, S-907 13 Umeå, Sweden

29 October 2001


In this paper available knowledge on effects from joint and ligament afferents on spinal neurones and pathways are briefly
reviewed, and possible functional implications discussed. Ligament afferents may contribute to joint stability, muscle coordination
and proprioception through direct polysynaptic reflex effects onto ascending pathways and skeletomotoneurones, and/or indirectly
via reflex actions on the γ-muscle spindle system. Theoretical and experimental evidence indicate that ligament afferents, together
with afferents from other joint structures, muscles and the skin, provide the CNS with information on movements and posture
through ensemble coding mechanisms, rather than via modality specific private pathways. The existence and functional relevance
of ligamentomuscular protective reflexes, that are triggered when the ligament is threatened by potentially harmful loads, has been
seriously questioned. It seems more likely that peripheral sensory inputs from ligament afferents participate in a continuous control
of the muscle activity through feedforward, or preprogramming, mechanisms. In line with these ideas it has been suggested that
ligament mechanoreceptors have an important role in muscle coordination and in the reflex regulation of the functional joint stability,
by contributing to the preprogramming of the muscle stiffness through reflex modulation of the γ-muscle spindle system.  2002
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ligament; Afferents; Proprioception; Motor control; Joint stability; Muscle spindle; Fusimotor neurone; Skeletomotor neurone

1. Introduction threshold nerve endings there are both slowly and rap-
idly adapting ones, whereas the high threshold endings
Ideas of ligaments as sensory structures that, via affer- appear to be mainly slowly adapting. Although there are
ent input to the CNS, contribute to proprioception, motor nerve endings in the joint that are active throughout the
control and joint stability have been discussed for more normal range of joint rotation, it has been demonstrated
than a century. As a consequence of a growing number that the majority of the low threshold nerve endings of
of experimental and clinical evidence, both from studies the joints are most active when the joint approaches the
on animals and on human subjects and patients, such limits of its normal working range. Nevertheless, the fact
sensory functions of ligaments have recently become that the ligaments contain mechanosensitive nerve end-
widely accepted. ings with low thresholds and with static and dynamic
Recordings from joint and ligament afferents in ani- response qualities, clearly suggest that these nerve end-
mals have shown that there is a wide variety of response ings are involved in providing the CNS with information
characteristics represented in the sensory output from about joint positions and movement.
ligaments (for reviews, see [1–5]). There are receptors Afferents emanating from joint mechanoreceptors
within the ligaments that have low thresholds to mechan- have been shown to project to spinal motoneurones and
ical stimulation, and others that are activated only when interneurones, as well as to a number of supraspinal
the tension of the ligament is very high. Among the low structures. Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation of the
principal pathways by which mechanosensitive ligament
receptors can contribute to joint stability, muscle co-

Corresponding author: Tel.: +46-940-144-94; fax: +46-940-153- ordination and proprioception. The conscious ability to
53. recognise positions and movements of our extremities in
E-mail address: (P. Sjölander). relation to each other and the body can be transmitted to

1050-6411/02/$ - see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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168 P. Sjölander et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 12 (2002) 167–176

Fig. 1. Schematic organisation plan of the mechanisms and pathways by which the mechanical and sensory properties of the ligaments may
contribute to joint stability, muscle coordination and proprioception.

cortical areas through direct spinal actions on ascending 2. Ascending pathways, supraspinal projections and
pathways, or indirectly through reflex effects on the γ- proprioception
muscle spindle system. The latter implies that signals
from ligament afferents, via reflex actions onto γ- Most knowledge on supraspinal projections from joint
motoneurones, are integrated in the proprioceptive input afferents originates from electrophysiological studies
provided by the primary and secondary muscle spindle made on cats and monkeys. The pioneering work was
afferents. The ligament afferents can contribute to motor made by Mountcaste and Gardner in the mid 20th cen-
control and co-ordination through polysynaptic interneu- tury (e.g. [9–14]). Based on their and others work it has
ronal pathways, and, again, via reflex actions on the γ- become evident that information from joint afferents
muscle spindle system. reaches supraspinal structures via several ascending
In addition to the sensory properties, the ligaments pathways. Thus, signals from joint afferents are trans-
have a mechanical role by causing restraints to hyper- mitted, through the dorsal column and the spinothalamic,
rotation of the joint (Fig. 1). However, the functional the spinoreticular, the spinocervical and the spinocereb-
stability of the joint (i.e. stability during active ellar pathways, to different parts of the brain stem, the
movements) is not only a result of the mechanical cerebellum, the reticular formation, the thalamus and the
properties of the ligaments, but also of the restraint somatosensory cortex. Neurones in several of these sup-
caused by the joint capsule, the joint geometry, the fric- raspinal structures are significantly influenced by activity
tion between the cartilage surfaces, and the compression in low threshold joint afferents emanating both from
force caused by the body weight and the muscle activity slowly and rapidly adapting receptors.
around the joint. Among these factors, an appropriately The ascending transmission of information from joint
adjusted muscular activation pattern around the joint has afferents appears to be rather powerful. In early animal
been convincingly demonstrated to be of crucial impor- studies it was shown that a high proportion of the thal-
tance (for references, see [5–8]). Thus, since afferents amic neurones is extremely sensitive to joint movements
originating in ligaments are involved in the control of (some as sensitive to alterations in joint angle as the low
muscle stiffness and co-ordination, it can be conclude threshold joint receptors themselves [13,14]). By using
that the ligaments contribute to the functional joint stab- microstimulation technique, which permits selective
ility by a combination of their mechanical and sensory electrical stimulation of individual afferents in human
characteristics (Fig. 1). subjects, it was found that activation of single afferents
The objective of the present review is to give a brief from finger and wrist joints can induce distinct sen-
overview of available knowledge on effects from joint sations, i.e. a sensation of innocuous deep joint pressure
and ligament afferents on spinal and supraspinal struc- or joint rotation [15]. There is also evidence that sensory
tures, and to discuss some functional implications of nerve endings in ligaments in humans have ascending
these observations. Special emphasis has been put on projections that reach consciousness. Electrical stimu-
interpreting known effects on supraspinal structures, ske- lation of afferents in the normal anterior cruciate liga-
letomotoneurones and the γ-muscle spindle system. ment (ACL) during arthroscopic surgery has been pro-
P. Sjölander et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 12 (2002) 167–176 169

ven to elicit clear-cut somatosensory evoked potential, hand, are causing infrequent and week postsynaptic
indicating that ACL afferents indeed have cortical pro- reflex effects directly onto skeletomotoneurones [24–
jections in man [16,17]. The finding that joint and liga- 27]. However, when effects from low threshold joint
ment afferents have potent supraspinal effects are per- afferents are facilitated by simultaneous activation of
haps somewhat surprising in view of the relatively small descending or spinal reflex pathway, significant inhibi-
number of afferents emanating from joint mechano- tory and excitatory postsynaptic potentials can be evoked
receptors, and of the fact that the information mediated on extensor as well as flexor motoneurones [26,27].
by these afferents are transmission in polysynaptic The findings of week reflex effects on skeletomotone-
ascending pathways with convergent input from a num- urones from low threshold joint afferents are supported
ber of different types of muscle, skin and joint afferents by studies indicating that knee joint ligaments have to
[e.g. 14, 18–21]. Nevertheless, these findings show that be heavily stretched before measurable EMG responses
joint afferents have strong supraspinal projections, and are evoked in passive muscles [28–31]. Recently, how-
that activation of just a few joint or ligament mechano- ever, it was demonstrated that low intensity electrical
receptors might be enough to induce conscious feeling stimulation of the intact ACL in humans could induce
of joint rotation. clear-cut excitations or inhibitions of the isometrically
Over the last decades, a number of studies have contracting quadriceps and semitendinosus muscles [32].
reported reduced proprioceptive ability following liga- Similar findings were reported from prestretched, ton-
ment injuries, i.e. a reduced accuracy of the perceived ically active quadriceps and hamstrings muscles during
sensation of position and movement of body segments in application of small traction forces to the ACL of the
relation to each other (for references, see [4,22]). These cat and dog [33]. The latter indicates that low threshold
observations indirectly support the idea that ligament mechanosensitive ligament receptors may evoke con-
afferents have supraspinal projections with access to siderable changes of the EMG signals, provided that the
consciousness. However, it should be remembered that activity level is high in the motoneuronal pool and/or in
the proprioceptive deficit caused by a ligament injury the γ-muscle spindle system (i.e. a tonic stretch reflex or
rarely is due only to sensory and mechanical dysfunction a high gain in the γ-muscle spindle loop). Miyatsu and
of the ligament. A ligament injury is often accompanied collaborators suggested that the EMG-effects were likely
by damages to other joint structures, e.g. the joint cap- to be mediated via reflex effects on γ-motoneurones,
sule and the menisci, implying that the disturbed sensory rather than directly onto the skeletomotoneurones [33].
feedback from these structures are likely to contribute Yet, to what extent these effects are mediated through
to the reported proprioceptive deficits. Even in cases of interneuronal pathways directly to the skeletomotoneu-
an isolated ligament injury, contributing effects from the rones, or indirectly via reflex actions on the γ-muscle
surrounding tissue cannot be excluded since the sprained spindle system, is not possible to elucidate using only
or ruptured ligament induces alterations of the normal EMG-registration technique.
biomechanics of the joint. Thereby the loads imposed on For quite some time it was generally believed that the
different joint structures and muscles will change, caus- principal role of joint afferents was to prevent joint injur-
ing altered sensory feedback from mechanoreceptors ies by activating protective muscle reflexes (for review,
within and around the joint (cf. [23]). Thus, disturbances see [4]). It was supposed that when the joint approaches
found after a joint injury regarding e.g. proprioception, the limits of their normal working range, high threshold
muscle strength and motor co-ordination, are usually mechanoreceptors in the capsule and ligaments would
caused by a combination of altered sensory input from prevent damaging hyperrotations by activating fast reflex
the injured tissue and surrounding structures, implying pathways to surrounding muscles. Although the exist-
that such disturbances rarely can be ascribed exclusively ence of synaptic connections between joint/ligament
to deafferentation of the injured joint or ligament. afferents and the muscles acting at the joint, is proven,
there is no evidence that these reflexes actually provide
joint protection through ordinary feedback mechanisms.
3. Skeletomotoneurones and muscle responses On the contrary, there are both experimental and theor-
etical arguments against the concept of joint protective
From early animals studies it is known that electrical reflexes [3,4]. As described above, the experimental and
activation of high threshold joint afferents elicits clear- clinical results are ambiguous as to what extent joint
cut reflex effects on skeletomotoneurones (α- mechanoreceptors are able to induce reflex effects that
motoneurones). The reflex actions induced from these are powerful enough, and appropriately co-ordinated, in
afferents, which largely emanate from nociceptors, are order excite and inhibit a set of muscles that could pre-
characterised by excitatory effects on flexor motoneu- vent the joint from damages. Even if such reflexes do
rones and both excitatory and inhibitory effects on exten- exist, the functional relevance must be regarded as mar-
sor motoneurone [24,25]. Joint afferents originating from ginal since they would be too slow to provide joint pro-
low threshold mechanosensitive receptors, on the other tection other than during very slow movements (cf.
170 P. Sjölander et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 12 (2002) 167–176

[32,34,35]). It should be pointed out, though, that this qualitative and quantitative properties of the convergent
does not rule out, of course, the possibility that sensory input influencing the individual pathways (e.g. [20,21]),
endings in the joint may contribute to muscle co-ordi- a given input from a set of joint afferents will be differ-
nation and joint stability through feedforward or prepro- ently mixed with input from skin and muscle afferents
gramming mechanisms (see Section 6). in various pathways. In addition, the muscle activity, in
Based on the limited functional relevance of the contrast to the conscious impressions of movement, is
hypothesised joint protective reflexes, it seems some- also the result of inherent motor control properties. Thus,
what surprising that these ideas have attracted a renewed spinal motoneurone pools and supraspinal areas are dif-
interest over the last decade. One concept that has been ferently influenced from a given population of afferents
rather intensely discussed is a potentially protective in various postures and movements. This implies that,
ACL-hamstrings reflex loop [30,31,36–39]. The ration- based on motor responses induced from an injured joint,
ale behind this idea is the synergistic action of the ham- it is impossible to draw safe conclusions on the ability
strings and the ACL in preventing posterior tibial trans- of that joint to provide sensory information of relevance
lation. In an attempt to investigate the properties of this for proprioception.
putative neuromuscular linkage, it has been found that
the latency between the application of a posterioanterior
shear force at the knee joint and the appearance of an 4. The g-muscle spindle system
EMG-response in the hamstrings muscles, was signifi-
cantly longer in ACL deficient knees as compared to in It has been firmly established that the muscle spindle
uninjured knee joints [38]. It was suggested that the lat- afferents have a crucial role in position and movement
ency differences observed could provide an indirect sensations (for reviews, see [4,41,42]). This has become
measure of the proprioceptive ability of the joint, as well evident from a number of observations, of which the
as an objective measure of the protective ability of the most important are that:
hamstrings muscles. In addition to the fact that it is
impossible to selectively stimulate sensory receptors in 1. muscle spindle afferents have strong projections to
a ligament by application of an external shear force at several supraspinal structures, including cortical
the intact, or nearly intact, joint (cf. [31,32]), it should areas;
be emphasised that these suggestions lack experimental 2. activation of muscles spindle afferents, by muscle
support and are based on the misconception that the pro- vibration in a stationary limb, induce illusions of
prioceptive ability can be measured by analysing simple joint movements;
motor responses that are evoked by spinal reflexes. Later 3. removal of input from the joint and the skin around
studies have unsuccessfully tried to repeat the obser- the joint, leaving muscle afferents unaffected, reduces
vations of Beard and coworkers [38], and it has been the proprioceptive acuity only marginally; and
proposed that the prolongation of the EMG response 4. microstimulation of single muscle spindle afferents
could have been due to an absence of a normal short- may evoke distinct sensations of movements.
latency autogenic stretch reflex in the hamstrings muscle
[39,40]. This seems conceivable since the experiments Based on these findings it has become widely accepted
were carried out only a few weeks after surgery, that the muscle spindle afferents are the prime contribu-
implying that nociceptive afferents activity could have tor to proprioceptive sensations, although maximal accu-
suppressed the excitability of the α- and/or γ-motoneu- racy requires information also from joint and cutaneous
rone pools. receptor afferents.
Lately it has been claimed that investigations of motor With different methods, on animals as well as on
effects elicited by activity, or lack of activity, in joint humans, it has been shown that the normal co-ordination
afferents provide an indirect measure of the propricep- of the muscle activity and muscle stiffness to a large
tive ability of the joint. This is questionable, however, extent rely on input from muscle spindle afferents (for
since it is unlikely that the perception of positions and reviews, see [4,5]). The importance of input from spindle
movements, on the one hand, and the unconscious motor afferents is evident, for instance, from the fact that about
responses, on the other hand, are similarly influenced by 50% of the muscle stiffness (i.e. change in force/change
activity in given sets of joint mechanoreceptors. Infor- in length), during activity levels comparable to those
mation transmitted to the CNS from joint afferents is occurring during standing and walking, is explained by
spread to a number of ascending and reflex pathways effects of the stretch reflex [43]. It is also known that the
within the spinal cord. These pathways do not only muscle stiffness vary during co-contractions, voluntary
mediate joint afferent information, but also afferent dynamic muscle activities and rhythmic movements, and
information emanating from sensory endings in the skin that input from autogenic and heterogenic muscle
and various muscles. Since there are large differences spindle afferents can increase the muscle stiffness by up
between various central pathways with regard to the to 100% [43–46]. Since the sensitivity of the muscle
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spindle afferents is controlled by γ-motoneurones spindle system. Since the γ-muscle spindle system is
(fusimotoneurones), it would be expected that peripheral influenced by descending information and reflex inputs
afferents which induce reflex effects on the γ-motoneu- from joint, muscle and skin receptor afferents, it operates
rones should participate in shaping the information as a premotoneuronal system that integrates descending
mediated by the muscle spindle afferents. Accordingly, and reflex input [57]. The structural basis of the network
if ligament afferents have strong reflex projections to the is the interconnections between secondary muscle
γ-motoneurones, then they could have a significant spindle afferents and γ-motoneurones [62–64]. In con-
impact on proprioception and motor control through the trast to the primary muscle spindle afferents, the second-
γ-muscle spindle system. ary spindle afferents project back to γ-motoneurones
In the 1980s and 1990s it was shown that electrical, innervating spindles both in the homonymous and other
as well as physiological, activation of afferents from low ipsi- and contralateral muscles [57,65]. This implies that
threshold joint mechanoreceptors in the cat could evoke each muscle spindle is influenced, via the secondary
potent excitatory and inhibitory reflex spinal effects on spindle afferents and γ-motoneurones, by the activity in
static and dynamic γ-motoneurones of muscles around other parts of the network [57,65]. Such a network would
the joint (for review, see [47]). The static and dynamic be able to encode mechanical stimuli with a very high
γ-motoneurones are controlling the static and dynamic fidelity, and it has been suggested that, due to its intrinsic
sensitivity of the muscle spindles to various muscle reflex regulation, the γ-spindle network would be highly
lengths and length changes, and are thereby essential in suited to integrate and mediate sensory feedback of parti-
generating optimal muscle spindle output in different cular importance for muscle coordination and execution
postures and movements (cf. [69]). Recordings from of finely tuned movements [57,65,66]. In contrast, the
muscle spindle afferents have revealed that the reflex rather stereotypic reflex pattern found on α-motoneu-
effects on the γ-motoneurones, evoked from low thres- rones appears to be more efficient for initiation of auto-
hold joint receptors, are powerful enough to significantly matic motor responses and for regulation of coarse
modulate the activity of the spindle afferents. Clear-cut movements [57].
effects on the γ-muscle spindle system have been found
to mechanical stimulation of ankle and knee joint cap-
sules and of knee joint ligaments [48–51], and to chemi- 5. Coding of afferent information
cal stimulation (e.g. bradykinin, seratonin and lactic acid
and ions) of the capsules of the knee and cervical facet The research on neuronal coding of peripheral inputs
joints [52–54]. A remarkably high responsiveness was has for a long time been dominated by studies aimed at
demonstrated for the muscle spindle afferents to low lev- identifying receptor properties and pathways that trans-
els of knee ligament loading (i.e. loads compatible with mit specific sensory modalities or qualities. As a result,
those generated during normal activities like walking sensory endings in peripheral tissues have been divided
and running). Another major observation was a high into different modality specific categories, like e.g.
degree of heterogeneity in the response patterns found touch, pressure, vibration, muscle length, muscle force,
on individual spindle afferents to stimulation of different ligament tension, temperature, and chemosensitive
ligaments. Yet, behind this complexity there was a trend receptors. Attempts have also been made to subdivide
towards dynamic fusimotor effects to loading of the ascending pathways and cortical neurones according to
ACL, dynamic, static or mixed dynamic and static similar modality principles (for references, see [65,67]).
effects to loading of the posterior cruciate ligament, and However, the assumption that sensory information is
dynamic or mixed effects to loading of the collateral coded in a modality specific manner, and that modality
ligaments. These findings suggest not only that the syn- specific information is transmitted separately in different
aptic coupling between mechanosensitive ligament affer- ascending and reflex pathways (i.e. the labelled line
ents and the γ-muscle spindle system is strong, but also concept), has been seriously questioned over the last
that ligament afferents are significantly involved in the decades [65,67–70]. The functional relevance of
complex reflex control of the static and the dynamic out- modality specificity based on adequate stimulus is
put from the muscle spindles [49–51]. ambiguous since most sensory endings are sensitive to
A comparison of the reflex control of γ- and α- more than a specific stimulus quality, and since the sen-
motoneurones shows that the γ-motoneurones are more sitivity of the sensory endings can be significantly modu-
easily influenced from low threshold joint afferents (for lated by other stimuli (e.g. sensitisation due to changes
reviews, see [4,55–57]). Another difference is that the of the chemical environment). The hypothesised trans-
reflex control of the γ-muscle spindle system is consider- mission in modality or receptor specific pathways does
ably more complex than that of the α-motoneurones not conform to known convergence and divergence pat-
[4,56–61]. This is mainly a result of larger and more terns in central pathways and neurones (for references,
individualised receptive fields of the γ-motoneurones, see [4,56,71]). Finally, a system that relies on specific
but also of the network properties of the γ-muscle modality transmission in separate pathways would be
172 P. Sjölander et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 12 (2002) 167–176

open to dramatic sensory disturbances as a result of loss sensory nerve endings, afferents and central neurones.
of even a small number of receptors, afferents or neuron- The polymodality is an advantage since the number of
es. different messages that can be encoded in a given popu-
A more compelling concept on how peripheral stimuli lation could greatly exceed the number of units within
are coded in afferent signals, is the ensemble, or popu- the population (cf. Fig. 2). The signal-to-noise ratio is
lation, coding theory [67]. In this concept it is assumes reduced in population responses, as compared to single
that several receptors are responsive to a given stimulus, unit responses, which assure reduced response variability
or set of stimuli, but that their individual responses are to identical stimuli. The accuracy of sensory coding in
different (Fig. 2). Ensemble coding implies several discharge patterns in a population of units would also
advantages over the labelled line concept [65,67–70]. be less vulnerable to irreversible damages of some of
The assumption that the individual afferent and neurone the units.
participates in the coding of several different stimuli is In addition to the theoretical arguments in favour of
in accordance with the polymodal characteristics of most ensemble sensory coding, there is experimental support
for the concept. In animal studies, using principal
component analysis of simultaneous recorded individual
afferent responses, it has been demonstrated that the
information content in ensemble responses is consider-
ably larger than in individual afferents [65,69,70,72–74].
By recording from slowly adapting receptor afferents
from the knee joint of the cat, it was found that the popu-
lation response, generated by even a rather small number
of afferents, demonstrated unique response patterns to
different joint angles and movements [72]. Similar find-
ings have been reported from studies of ensemble
response properties of muscle spindle afferents. Thus,
the ability to discriminate between different muscle
length stimuli is considerably larger in ensembles of pri-
mary muscle spindle afferent responses, than in the indi-
vidual afferent responses [69,70,73,74]. Furthermore, the
information content in the ensemble responses is con-
siderably reduced after denervation of the muscle
spindles, i.e. after removal of the fusimotor innervation,
suggesting that the reflex control of the γ-motoneurones
is critical for optimal sensory transmission in the muscle
spindle afferents. This proposal was reinforced by obser-
vations that muscle fatigue, which alters e.g. the activity
of the γ-motoneurones, reduces the ability of populations
of muscle spindle afferents to discriminate between vari-
ous muscle lengths [74]. When the discrimination ability
was compared between populations containing only pri-
mary muscle spindle afferents, and populations contain-
ing both primary and secondary spindle afferents and
Golgi tendon afferents, it was shown that the information
content was significantly larger in the ensemble
responses from mixed populations [73].
In line with the ensemble coding idea, it seems con-
Fig. 2. The population coding concept illustrated by the response of ceivable that the sensory information on movements and
three hypothetical neurones. (A) Neural response function of the neu- joint positions are transmitted to the CNS in population
rones. Note the overlapping sensitivity along the stimulus dimension.
The different stimuli are represented as P, Q, R and S. (B) Histograms codes created by those muscle, joint and cutaneous
demonstrating the responsiveness of the three neurones to the four dif- receptors that are currently active. An implication of this
ferent stimuli. Note that a single neurone cannot adequately encode a is that it would not be very relevant to ascribe specific
stimulus since an identical response can be evoked by more that one proprioceptive or motor control functions to particular
stimulus. (C) Ensemble coding patterns (i.e. across fibre patterns). The classes of peripheral receptors, e.g. joint mechano-
histograms show the specific patterns of activity in the ensemble of
the three neurones (i.e. ensemble codes) evoked by each stimulus. receptors as end-range sensors, muscle spindles as mus-
Adapted with permission [67] (copyright  1968 American Psycho- cle length sensors, Golgi tendon organs as force recep-
logical Association). tors, ACL mechanoreceptors as initiators of protective
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hamstring reflexes etc. On the contrary, the ensemble bounds in the muscle. It should be pointed out in this
coding places the emphasis on response patterns in func- context that increased muscle stiffness does not show up
tional subsets of different types of receptor afferents, as an increased electromyographic activity in the passive
rather than on the response properties and the principal muscle, but rather as an increased resistance to length
function of the individual receptors. changes of the muscle. Since the intrinsic stiffness is
always present and thereby provides a continuous, but
not constant, restraint to muscle elongation, it has been
6. Reflex regulation of muscle stiffness and joint denoted the body’s first line of defence against pertur-
stability bations [82]. If the joint mechanoreceptors have a sig-
nificant impact on the reflex mediated muscle stiffness,
As discussed above there are several lines of argu- via the γ-muscle spindle system and perhaps through
ments against a significant role of ligament afferents as direct effects on the α-motoneurones, then they would
initiators of joint protective reflexes through servoregul- also have an impact on the intrinsic stiffness. This is
ation mechanisms (see 3. Skeletomotoneurones and mus- because the number of actmyosin bridges, which to a
cle responses). The major limitation in these feedback large extent determines the intrinsic stiffness, is related
mechanisms is that they are slow, i.e. they involve a to the excitability of the α-motoneurone pool. Conse-
certain delay between the time at which a stimulus is quently, the capacity of the muscles to protect the joint
applied and activates peripheral sensory endings, and the against potentially damaging movements or rapid pertur-
initiation of the motor response or movement adjust- bations would to some extent be determined by the
ment. Therefore servoregulation mechanisms are only effects on reflex mediated and intrinsic muscle stiffness
efficient in the control of slow movements. For the induced by joint and ligament receptors. Yet, the relative
execution of fast movements, the motor programs need importance of signals from joint afferents in the normal
information about the conditions of the limb prior or stiffness regulation in various movements and postures
early in the movement [75–78]. In such control mech- remains to be clarified.
anisms, feedback delays are avoided as they assume pre- The relations between the activity in joint and liga-
paratory adjustments based on sensory information gen- ment afferents, the reflex control of γ-muscle spindle
erated prior to the movement. There are evidence that system and the regulation of muscle stiffness, have also
preprogramming of fast movements to a large extent been suggested to be a contributing factor to the patho-
relies on velocity information, in contrast to servoregul- physiology behind some chronic musculoskeletal pain
ation of slow movements that largely depends on pos- disorders [54,64,83]. The essence of the idea is that
ition information (e.g. [77]). It has also been demon- when the ensemble excitatory input on the γ-muscle
strated that peripheral input about position and velocity spindle system reach a certain threshold, positive feed-
of joint rotations can trigger additional motor responses back loops consisting of γ-motoneurones and secondary
during the execution of a movement [79,80]. Although muscle spindle afferents are activated [54,63]. The rever-
explicit evidence remains to be shown, these findings berating activity in these feedback loops is suggested to
indicate that both rapidly and slowly adapting joint and maintain a high static sensitivity of the muscle spindles,
ligament mechanoreceptors could have a significant an increased muscle stiffness, and to amplifies input
function in feedforward mechanisms controlling muscle from other sensory endings and descending pathways on
coordination in various movements. the γ-muscle spindle system. The positive feedback
It has been suggested that a significant function of loops could be triggered in various conditions, i.e. as a
mechanosensitive nerve endings in ligaments, and other result of a small but long lasting increase of the afferent
joint structures, is to contribute to the functional joint or descending input to the γ-muscle spindle system,
stability by preprogramming the muscle stiffness and/or of a sudden massive afferent input to the system.
through a continuous reflex modulation of the γ-muscle A whiplash trauma, for instance, is bound to cause a
spindle system [3,49,50]. The idea is based on the obser- substantial excitation of afferents from mechano-
vations that low threshold joint receptors exert potent, receptors and nociceptors of cervical ligaments, joint
but complex, reflex effects on the γ-muscle spindle sys- capsules, tendon and muscles. This acute and massive
tems of extensor and flexor muscles, and that the activity input, together with a delayed inflammatory activation
of the muscle spindle afferents is crucial in the control of chemosensitive nerve endings in injured joints and
of the muscle stiffness (see section 4). The muscle stiff- muscles, could trigger the positive feedback circuits and
ness, i.e. change in force over change in length, is com- result in increased muscle stiffness. Due to the elevated
posed of two interacting components, the reflex mediated muscle stiffness, the blood flow would be reduced in the
and the intrinsic stiffness [81,82]. The reflex mediated muscles and the production and liberation of ions and
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motoneurones, whereas the intrinsic stiffness is the result mine and bradykinin). The increased intra-muscular con-
of the viscoelastic properties and the existing actomyosin centrations of these substances would then excite chemo-
174 P. Sjölander et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 12 (2002) 167–176

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mental Brain Research 1984;54:23–32. He continued his work as an assistant professor
[77] Sittige AC, Denier van der Gon JJ, Gielen CCAM. The contri- at the University of Umeå until 1992, when he
bution of afferent information on position and velocity to the moved to Canada to commence a 2-year post-
control of slow and fast human forearm movements. Experi- doc training period at the Department of Clinical
Sciences, University of Calgary. In Calgary he studied sensory properties
mental Brain Research 1987;67:33–40.
of Golgi tendon organs in an animal model. In 1994 he received an associ-
[78] Hasan Z, Stuart DG. Animal solutions to problems of movement ate professorship at the Swedish National Institute for Occupational Health
control: The role of proprioceptors. Annual Review of Neurosci- in Umeå, where he began studying the pathophysiology behind chronic
ence 1988;11:199–221. musculoskeletal pain conditions. After a year as principal at the senior
[79] Bevan L, Cordo P, Carlton M. Proprioceptive coordination of high school in Storuman, Sweden (1996–97), he has held the post as direc-
movement sequences: Discrimination of joint angle versus angu- tor at the Southern Lapland Research Department, Vilhelmina, Sweden.
lar distance. Journal of Neurophysiology 1994;71:1862–72. Over the last few years his research interests have been expanded to
[80] Cordo P, Carlton L, Bevan L, Carlton M, Kerr GK. Propriocep- include clinical studies of the efficiency of various treatment and rehabili-
tive coordination of movement sequences: Role of velocity and tation methods fro chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions, and epidemi-
ological studies of the health and living conditions of the Sami people
position information. Journal of Neurophysiology
(the natives of Scandinavia). He is a member of the International Brain
1994;71:1848–61. Research Organization, the European Neuroscience Association, the
[81] Houk JC, Crago PE, Rymer WZF. Function of the dynamic Society for Neuroscience, and the Nordic Society for Physiology.
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[82] Akazawa K, Milner TE, Stein RB. Modulation of reflex EMG and degree in biology. His postgraduate studies
stiffness in response to stretch of human finger muscle. Journal of involved electrophysiological examination of
the reflex regulation of the muscle spindle sys-
Neurophysiology 1983;49:16–27.
tem from chemosensitive muscle afferents and
[83] Johansson H, Sojka P. Pathophysiological mechanisms involved joint afferents in animal models. He earned a
in genesis and spread of muscle tension in occupational muscle Ph.D. from the University of Umeå in 1996. Fol-
pain and in chronic musculoskeletal pain syndromes: A hypoth- lowing that he did a one-year post-doc training
eses. Medical Hypotheses 1991;35:196–203. period at the Department of Clinical Sciences,
[84] Johansson H, Djupsjöbacka M, Sjölander P. Influences on the γ- University of Calgary. In Calgary he studied
muscle spindle system from muscle afferents stimulated by KCl fatigue related changes in electrophysiological
and lactic acid. Neuroscience Research 1993;16:49–57. and mechanical properties of single motor units. After his post-doc he
[85] Djupsjöbacka M, Johansson H, Bergenheim M. Influences on the returned to Umeå to work as an assistant professor at the Centre for Mus-
culoskeletal Research, National Institute for Working Life. Over the last
γ-muscle spindle system from muscle afferents stimulated by
few years his research interests have focused on the pathomechanisms
increased intramuscular concentrations of arachidonic acid. Brain behind work related musculoskeletal disorders, with an emphasis on the
Research 1994;663:293–302. effects of muscle pain and fatigue on proprioception and motor control.
[86] Djupsjöbacka M, Johansson H, Bergenheim M, Wenngren BI.

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