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noumenal extrasensory existent society

in all there is

Tuesday, April 21 – April 26, 2020

1.)Unexplained Missing People...001

2.)Skinwalker Ranch...007
3.) On The Authenticity of UFO Cases...007
4.)Antarctic Pyramid...007
5.)Waffle Rock West Virginia...008
6.)Pinellas Atlantean Ruins (New Discovery!!!)...009
7.)Eye of Africa...011
8.)Nuremberg 1561 Aerial Phenomenon...011
9.)Miami Circle...011
10.)Dwarka Underwater City India...012
11.)Haʻamonga ʻa Maui Tonga Megalith...013
12.)Plain of Jars Laos...013
13.)Koh Ker Temple Cambodia...014
14.)Borobudur Temple Indonesia...014
15.)Gobekli Tepe...015
16.)Access The Akashic 1-30 Special Addendum

1.) The Purpose of NXXS420 is to Continue in the Path of Access the Akashic, doing honest
seership, without preconception, on the mysteries of the known world. Authorship by John Gilbert,
always presented freely, licensed creative commons non-commercial. Distribute freely, read and share,
please no altering or editing. Thank you.
Beginning with the most frustrating, hopeless topic of today's known world—Unexplained
Missing People in National Parks and Elsewhere, NXXS420 will peer into the horror of losing
someone you love without ever finding them and leaving no trace except a broken heart. Now
switching to first person for up close, open-ended discussion and personal frankness let's begin this
long-awaited episode into noumenal extrasensory existent society.
This is such a terrible and terrifying subject to work with and it can be pointed out that many so-
called mediums and psychics (bless their hearts) have walked away from attempting it as well. Let me
cover some of the socio-psychological aspects in addition to revealing the nature of the cases. This
phenomena has been burning in my heart and mind for several years and I could not gain access to the
higher level clairvoyance needed until now. I had some notions (as most people do) as to what or who
is perpetrating the more paranormal cases of missing people worldwide but mostly in Australia and
North America and especially National Parks and/or Reserves. Previous notions can be thrown out the
window when the readings begin. I have no choice but to follow them where they lead because of the
accuracy of this methodology.
First of all I would like to apologize to the families and friends of the victims in every way
possible that I sincerely hope there is healing from the trauma and that my attempt at looking at this
occultly is not going to cause any further grief of credulousness. I can sense the urgency and anxiety
surrounding this subject, please try to ignore it, don't react and stay calm. It is an affection of the
creative consciousness in this instance and will digress a bit after this has been released into the public.
I am not doing this for any fame or fortune, that would limit my ability to accurately review this in the
mind's eye and inner self. As it is known in previous issues, I do not use any guides or higher, external
deities or beings, yes call it pagan if you will but it enables the accuracy. By accuracy I mean
clairvoyant without faulter however there is room for error as well since we are on earth and there is no
truth currently existing here. Only snippets of truth. The rest is up to the individual self, like yourself
reading this zine, to put the pieces together and ultimately decide. As well as future re-reads,
corroborations or psychic mediums who need a stepping stone to go from there, John Gilbert, NXXS, is
now presenting to you this horrible topic with all due respect to the individual victims' families and
No names will be given. I downloaded about 232 files of photos of Missing Persons. Some were
multiple photos of the same person. These cases are the most publicized online. I had the names
attached to the files to better access them astrally. It took about 3.5 hours to read 30 random cases. I
hope you will understand the purpose in not giving names for the sake of avoiding any credulousness.
It is my opinion that the world is not ready for the truth of this, but here it goes anyway.

1. Victim tells me: “They took me,” “I am flying high above trees. They have no shape, no
form.” “I don't see or feel anything.” (status:deceased) She felt strange before the event
but didn't see or feel anything. Who are they? Incorporeal beings. NOTE: this case
brought back a memory of my own. I was car camping in Grant's Pass, Oregon and
experienced a strong, jarring spiritual entity/force. I did some clairvoyance after this and
it turned out to be called a “strong polar wind” It may not be the same entity but it
showed me that these existences can take on a physical side and that they live in places
like Oregon. Also note that the Vortex is near Grant's Pass (not this missing person).
2. He was with friends, had some tasks to do in a National Park—something got him
instantly. He was “shattered” before it happened. No form. Strong. Occult. Ancient.
Long before advent of humankind. They live in the seas. “Shattered me...then I was
gone.” Malevolent. Faceless. Nameless.
3. Another National Park...was walking, an experienced hiker. “Wait” “What is that? a
Bear? “” “suddenly I'm being taken somewhere” oh no, it's bad. It's a JINN
(the victim did not know this). He went to another dimension. It gets difficult here, as if
he is not deceased but in another state. I have personally had some encounters with
other dimensions in the Florida woods involving an unusual encounter with an elf-like
man who was walking with baby pigs. The second time I saw him he gave me a stare
and walked away with the classic body-turn (similar to patty-gimlin). I am certain that
this is an inter-dimensional being who looks like a short human, wearing very plain
flannel like country clothes. It was very odd and I never returned to that area or if I
must go through there I make certain to leave them alone. The place has a very timeless
atmosphere with other accompanying phenomena.
4. Taken in a spaceship this one. Short trip to the park. They were bad looking with eyes,
slit for a mouth, small. Making a commotion. The person was dismembered. They might
be from Rigel. They are not Zetas nor Arcturians.
5. One woman was taken into a cargo van. She is still alive. Maybe in Europe, France,
Saudi Arabia, maybe being traveled about. They get money. They keep the victim(s) for
the rest of their life. A sexual slavery victim. They do a lot of bad things to them. No
Justice. Some of the other details need to be inferred. I am going off on a limb as it is
and still keeping with the bounds of the NXXS. It would be a rather serious process for
me to go off the page of NXXS and enter into a territory of extreme personal risk. I hope
that these readings shed light on the cases to the degree that it can be useful in karmic
6. Here is one that is so dark in nature. I could not read it. Unless I were to solely look at
the case alone by itself for an entire day instead of randomly breaking into it (and
potentially changing my life for good). It can be done later but not at this pass. (Note: by
dark I mean spiritually dark realms).
7. One of the girls fell in the falls. Maybe she went a little too confident of hiking skills.
The body was in a spot that they—search and rescue—couldn't get to. So yes, some of
the mysterious disappearances have a natural cause.
8. This guy wasn't a bright man, a drug user. He was fighting. He had his brains smashed
in. But by who? No eyes, no back or butt. Not sure of what it is called. It is not
sasquatch or ET. It was from a cave. Maybe a relative of squatch. That was all I can get
since I'm using their minds at the time in addition to the astral recording. Let's just say
he was a foggy thinker, this man.
9. A hunter. He had no chance. “Whoa what!” He was cut to smithereens. Not squatch.
“Not really a guy” A small sort of blue beam. No face. Who is it? Very brutal within 3-5
seconds! His body is in the dimension they came from. He wishes he could tell what
happened (note: this is more or less a postmortem desire, in other words, his final
wishes) My reaction for this particular case and the aura surrounding: weird.
10. Dyatlov: they went to sleep. Saw some crackling, hissing, faint glow. Thought: thunder?
“wow it's getting brighter!” It entered their tent. They don't have a chance now. Fast,
let's move. It was very very frightening. They ran for it down the side and up again. It
visited them. Like a bad dream. No humanoids. No faces. Yeti was not in that photo, it
was the guy goofing around. Just a strong, strong spiritual force without any problem
tearing them up and eating into them. Why? It was his territory.
11. A little kid, parents with him. Strong parental supervision, very normal. Out at the park
for a day trip. Not squatch. Another one of those things. Definitely categorized as “a
spirit.” No form, no head, no eyes. In the granite or hard rock. Visible to no one except
the victim. At this point I ask, is there a reason why German lineages or highly educated
people disappearing coincidentally? Actually, no I don't think there is a “reason” for it.
12. Here is another guy, one of the well-known cases. Extremely similar same thing. The
body is with “them.” Instantly devoured. In this instance he was not aware of it before
hand. They live in the lake.
13. Male victim reading. Big bad. Hair all over. Little eyes. Ridged brow line. Big Muscles.
Going on 11 ft. Tall. Fangs. SQUATCH, “I want you.” He can come up on someone so
quickly. He stays in the woods. Long periods of time without action. No reason for the
attack, just a timing factor involved.
14. Even if it is the same locality there may be a different cause as is the case here. Yet
another no name, no face, spirit being attacks and devours helplessly. Not “the jinn.”
This particular victim knows that he is deceased.
15. These readings are in the same order as I did them. At this point #15, it is another similar
case. Right away I can tell so I can't out of necessity expend the energy to view it.
16. Hostile beings carried her away. They are there (National Park). In a place somewhere
unknowable by us. Taken to that side.
17. A guy was abducted, put on a big ship with lights about it. It has a big area inside. He's
alive now. There are people there. A big community of people. Somewhere else in our
galaxy. Human Aldebarans took him (I'm not 100% sure but it's my guess).
18. Dark...but similar stuff. I can't read it all not in this setting. It's too much to see with the
inner sight. There are side effects in the brain and senses including dreams for the reader
of such phenomenally dark material, although it can be done with further preparation.
Necessity would have it otherwise.
19. It is very creepy. (I move on to the next one).
20. Same.
21. Here's a famous NP. He went alone. He is finding a cool area. “There's nothing like it!”
He says/thinks to himself. Not the same thing here---> More like he found a portal and
didn't come back. He's gone---changed---different – but maybe still alive...somehow.
The place was behind the trellis. A little cubby way. He was attracted to it, wanted to go
there. A lot of stuff happens when you go into one of these places. Later on I asked
about how portals function and the reading explained that it isn't able to be known by the
very nature of it. Well, that my response to that.
22. At this point I feel the sadness of people leaving. Here is a major NP case. Another
example of a non-paranormal event. Many people have had this suspicion as well. A
girl--->taken--->room--->no clothes on. The perpetrators put her down a slide, gagged
her. She was waiting. She was then assaulted. They took her to Guantanamo. Satanically
abused. A concealed area. Military connected. Deceased.
23. Exploring in a weird place. “Woops don't go there” “It got me!” A vicious, non-living
being from the outermost sphere so-to-speak. It “lives” resides in these areas. It is bad
stuff. So how can one protect against the encounters I ask. The only sure way--->don't
go to the woods. “It” is there, so you might find “it.”
24. Yes there are random psychopathic child killers/pedos out there who are not necessarily
connected to any secret society, etc. Just waiting. (...bastards...)
25. Even though a case may seem paranormal or paraphysical child abduction as well as
young adult can take place. I've noticed that sometimes the times of disappearance are
not fully accurate. Also it is possible that someone involved may want the case to
appear paranormal for their own cover. And in other cases serial killers may use weather
planning, stalking out NPs waiting for an ideal time. Fn Btards. May justice come.
26. It should be noted that some people possess more thoughts enabling me to better access
their personal perspective making the reading more desirable or inviting. This man left
the country with his friend(s). He lives and is still fine. He just wanted to end it all
prematurely and live a new life.
27. Here's another one where just maybe a kid was taken by his mom and is happy now with
a new identity for whatever reason. Just maybe a few paranormal cases are indeed
natural causes with strange stories attached to them and much of it unknown to the
people closely involved.
28. Several times I was at the National or State Parks and noticed some bad stuff. Like a
time at the Smokeys on the trail. I sensed the presence there and decided to turn around
at the pass. It was a good 8 mile hike anyways and made me tired but I began to realize
the presence of dark beings or bad ET there.
29. A man was hiking alone. He was probably not inexperienced. He was not an antisocial
guy. He just goes for chill walks. All of a sudden he was in the sky. He was a target from
birth. Who knows why. I don't think it is genetic either. He was not a hybrid. He's gone.
The ET used him for research (RIP) way up there. At this point the readings were
beginning to freak me out. My nerves were shot.
30. Obviously these strange beings and other paranormal occurrences cannot be brought to
justice. Isn't there a Law of Earth/Universe that should be in place preventing such
atrocities? Is it pointless to wonder too much on the physical natures of ET above us
from the Universe since our perspective is solely conditioned here? Taking people
against their will is it not against the Law of Earth/Universe/Cosmos. Maybe Justice is
still on its way but this time it is happening but in the long run they will be punished.
You can't help but to wonder these things and maybe clairvoyance does not offer a
definite answer in such matters. Another question is about whether a genuine seer (be
they considered psychic or medium or whatever) go to the locality and point out the
portal areas etc~what would be the purpose if we already believe retrieval impossible.
The answer is an emphatic no. No one should go there. You could be destroyed. Doesn't
matter who it is. Do you see the Dalai Lama investigating these places? Would he? But
how did the Indian Shamans come back from portals? We may never know...yes I have
heard stories about these journeys taking place in S. American prehistory.
31. Next Person Young man. All I can say is--- “entities that live in a lake.” It is not ET,
squatch or jinn. Something else---seems difficult to grasp. And that was it. No dramatic
events. It's like they're gone. Not even traceable. At this point I'm realizing all these
missing people have karma and stories. Individuals have completely different make up,
lifetimes, unusual events, special places and friends, unique tales, etc etc.
32. It's Play-day in the Sun. Out cruisin' takin' it all in. “Living my life the way I want to
be.” “Let's go see something...” “I'm Foggy” (Bad---) taken off-planet this guy. Whisked
away. Never to be heard from again. Never said good-bye. GONE. Culprit for this
particular case? The Grays, Zetas.
33. She was hiking with a friend. A very outgoing active person, very intelligent. “It was
like a man with no shell, just his shadow. I fell down and couldn't walk or run or yell for
help.” Very desperate. Culprit: hidden in the rocks, a very malevolent bad being that
breaks peoples' necks takes them, runs away, hides and destroys the evidence.
Maliciously devours. She knows “I'm no where to be found” leaving thoughts from the
mind of the woman.
34. A girl. No human took her. It's serious. She had a flight to catch (a schedule). A strange
being. He had no invitation. In the hotel getting ready. An insectoid (very bad) from the
stars. The male was the one who took her, but they also have a queen. They are out
around the star system. Very Sick. Very Serious Extraterrestrial. Let me note something
here: I was car camping near a Navy AF Base. I just happened to be in the vicinity and
took advantage of the parking lot. Since I'm easily astral I happened to have an
unprovoked encounter while asleep. I believe I saw the insectoid queen variety. It took
me through the woods into a lair of sorts. This is in the dream or astral experience. It
was not funny. I had to use immense spiritual protection upon waking free from it.
Oddly enough the ending of Alien Resurrection when they battle the queen is extremely
similar in appearance. The same evil vibe.
35. Another case with a man, a hiker guy. Alone at camp. Night time. He feels something.
Like a presence. A bump. He's very still / motionless. Trying to figure out... “All right I
don't have a clue.” He's going to find this. It's bugging him. He was aboard a spaceship
in no time. Then from there do not even wonder. Sucks.
36. Here is a woman. Killed violently. But not by humans. But by who? Hotel at night. An
extradimensional visitor. Called? They don't have a name. Satanic for sure. Demon is the
best term even in the occult verbiage in this particular case. It's big, black, pointy eyes
and small mouth. Not archon, not shadow being, not jinn and not alien. Sad.
37. Yet here's another guy outdoors, beautiful day. Sun all around. Weird (I say). Major case.
Cell phone was there. I pick up on the fact he has his doubts in life like sometimes a
person can. He was abducted matter of factually. Into a triangle. No questions asked---
voom, no trace. It has a bad bad smell on board this...Greys but not zetas. Another one.
It is earth they are looking at with intent. Small ET with big eyes, little mouth almost
zero body just arms and legs disproportionate to face. Interchanging our DNA for
mankind. Geneticists. Making babies with us. Tending to it. Causing hell to people for
their own agenda. I don't believe they are truly getting away with this. I think their
origin may be near Pleiades, in that neighborhood. Not Pleiadeans per se. On the second
reading of this case, I noted that America has the most alien abductions because of the
genetic pool. Many ethnicity/heritages. He was taken – no sign – no one knows or
understands. I also asked how are we to deal/address the issue? The answer was not the
status quo approach in that it said, “Don't Talk About It.”
38. Similar Case.
39. Similar Case Again. Details may differ, but case will fall under one the same categories.
Now that the overview is presented and the main categories understood, the overview
technique has created the possibility for another reader to investigate within the bounds
of the out-lay. The hard part is finished. The fear transmuted to a degree that it can be
dealt with in each individual person case. Each of them are important it is just not
practical that I myself look at each case if they are the same culprits or class of entities.
40. A hunter. The guy got killed. Totally gone. Flying ship. Alien yes but no bodies. Just
little head almost no eyes. Not all ETs have physical bodies (this is all relative to our
own perception of physicality). They used a destructive force. Very bad scene this was. I
can't go further here. It was horrific.
41. Last one. A man, “I'm camping out.” A very bright sky. Stars, moon, clear, nice. Solo
camping. Medium weather—chilly but OK. No problems. Well-equipped, well-prepared.
He has a lot of wisdom. “They're coming.” “I know.” No eyes. No mouth. Bad feeling.
Invisible, unseen dark malevolent beings who live in the wilderness in rocks and cliffs
shattering peoples' lives.

Statement: Yes the victims are good people. Learning the causes did not bring me peace just
further awareness and answers with more questions. Where are the malevolent beings origins? Before
Earth was created, they fought against the LIGHT. The world was in Chaos. They ruled before the
Dawn. Before the World had LIGHT. They are still in the Chaos. They can straddle the darkness and
here because those rocks, lakes, bodies of water are the oldest areas in the world. Can they be fought?
No. Are they the beings of the Necronomicon? No. Quite frankly it is scary in terms of occultism.
These things are among the worst to pry into yet someone has to do it. The evil occultists and black
magicians have always aligned forces with these things from time immemorial as is well known. Yet
they want to conceal it. Here I have revealed it by very hard readings even for the more advanced seers
and mediums. Yes it is very nasty stuff. I do not recommend psychics get involved because they could
easily become victims of the forces. It would take a great deal of protection (psychic, spiritual), zero
ego and right motives. The good thing about these atrocities is that at least these people are not alone in
their victimisation (I hope this does not sound insensitive). They share each others' fate and so they are
not alone at all.
2.) Skinwalker Ranch. An inhabitable zone. Fraught with disaster. No place for humans to be.
DisIncarnate. No man's land. There is a group of JINN there that do not like the ranch. The head male
is known as a BAIEUN. He is the head of them. They may have gender types, self-awareness,
individuality. It's uncertain but it is a group as in a collection of individuals working and living together
albeit JINN. “We're not gods.”

3.) On The Authenticity of UFO Cases. I purposely try to avoid this topic but nonetheless I
wanted to point out that I believe the Donald Shrum Cisco Grove ET Battle to be a genuine case. It is
fascinating stuff, that is, unless you were there. One does not ponder the nature of ETs during a close
encounter. At that point there is nothing to ponder, as you are in shock and must act if possible. He was
lucky and fought them with success to tell about it. Others have not.
From what I can tell many other UFO cases may not be factual. They were either imagined, the
person(s) suffered psychological disorder, outright hoaxes or lastly but not least, an undercover
hypnosis operation designed to test the human faculty of belief and suggestibility.
As to anyone seeking out the experience, extreme caution is urged. I have some of my own
personal encounters to thank for altering my mind to telepathic realms unknown by the earthly and
increasing psychic intuitive senses.
One other thing about hoaxes and hoaxers. Yes they exist in every field. Instead of pointing
them out (sure I'd like to ;) I'd rather ignore them and just spend time focusing on the real finds. This
way the true findings are looked at with a symbolic magnifying lens.

Note:I think both are the same structure. The bottom image is newer.
4.) Antarctic Pyramid. Disclaimer: Many people are creating a belief system around these
findings regardless of fact or not. Besides there are no facts to go upon. I'm not presenting NXXS420
as irrefutable fact, it is in its own category. Since I only want the truth, similar to The Secret Doctrine,
looking at the various ages of the planet, realizing that the things that really happened way back when
are not the imaginings of various groups of scholars, pseudo-scientists, new age communities,
theologians, or ancient alien theorists. This approach is obviously flawed if the truth is the sole desired
This is one of the newest findings. Going into this reading I knew that it could be anything. In
comparison, pyramids on the ocean floor of the Azores are more obviously tied to the Atlanteans. This
is way down in Antarctica, a place not known for architectural relics. My reading has told me that we
are seeing less than half of the entire massive structure here. This place has a good vibe. It was
demolished in a flood 37.5 million years ago. Meaning the functioning quality of its original structure
was demolished. It was a paradise. A big sea port. Tremendous amounts of brick work. Pagan to its
roots. Mystical. Tropical Climate. 20 foot tall people. Serious brow ridges. The reading ends here.
Much more could be added. I did not sense that they were Atlanteans necessarily. Maybe a part of it
somehow. It was a worldwide civilization. That does not mean that any ancient (ie in the millions of
years ago) was or had to be Atlantean. Considering the great time frame being considered, many
nations of people could have come and went.

5.) Waffle Rock. West Virginia USA. This is an amazing one. I had no idea what to expect. I
figured Atlantean though. It turned out to not necessarily be Atlantean proper. As explained above,
there could be numerous nations and races who emerged and left the scene in the time frame of
millions of years. Indeed it is hard to fathom but here we go.
Not Native American. 2-3 Million years old. It had a purpose. It was the back side of a ship.
Underside of the boat. They come from where it was found. He was a Great Ruler. It was not cold.
There was a sea. Very mysterious. Very important. His name---> Askanolleh. Powerful King. Very
Strong People. Ancient Peoples. Dry and warm climate then.

Pinellas County Atlantis Structures
New Discovery By NXXS

Clearwater, FL Notice the congruent “islands”

6.) It is funny when something you have looked at nearly your entire life growing up by it and
never once noticing or questioning the perfectly aligned islands that pop up along the coast of the
beaches. Several of these I have kayaked to before. They clearly have no evidence of anything but
seashells, half of them eaten by birds. On to the reading.
A series of ruins from long ago built by the priests of the Atlanteans. (Note how this is clearly
Atlantean while the previous two readings did not so indicate.) Buried under millions of years of dirt
but still can be seen (the second reading corroborated this to 1.45 million years). Since these parallel
the roads and Native American sites (ie Safety Harbor) as well as any other structures that were
destroyed by real estate developers (as was documented) in the early days of the area, it can be
postulated that the Atlanteans laid out the original Native American sites here. The ruins were covered
with gold emblems. Long forgotten and destroyed. A very important discovery. No better time than
now to find this in our own backyard! My mind is blown! Sometimes you need a different perspective
or state of mind to see the mundane turn into mystery and beauty of the earth. How you get to that
state of mind...that's your business.
I felt a bit of questioning of the quality on the first reading here so I did a second one for
verification purposes. Massive structure. Not even known about. Carvings, engravings, monuments.
Atlanteans made them. The land was dry for some time not known about by conventional geology.
They were not pyramids. They had a different shape (see below). They were 35-48 feet tall. All covered
in ornamental design. The age is estimated at 1.45 millions years ago. Very exciting discovery.
7.) Eye of Africa – Atlantean. Ruined by a Splash! For years, intense floods. When it was in
service, people couldn't go there. It was a landing pad for their spaceships. They went to the Moon. Yes
Mars maybe once, but definitely the Moon.

8.) Nuremberg 1561. The famous mass sighting with the accompanying text and picture of
flying orbs and triangles. Here's what I got: Space. Flying. Craft. Enoch. It affected the people with
heavy emotion. A bright beam, many colored spheres, intense light, all throughout atmosphere. Wow
they gave it deep thought for years. Magic! Must be connected to some magician or lodge of that time
period. Enochian beings were penetrating the atmosphere.

9.) Miami Circle. Here is an example of one that I thought would be an Atlantean high
technology discovery. Here is what the reading gave me. Not Atlantean. Not Alien. Not Native
American Indian. GIANTS. 63,000 years old. In a time when Leopards & Hyenas roamed. They made
it so they could see people. 15 foot tall with pasty olive skin. It was something of a look-out tower. 60
foot tall structure. They just wanted to know if anything was going on.

10.) Dwarka Underwater City. Two readings. Palaces. Millions of people. Endless insanity. A
Great City. It's not that old. Original Hindus. 1500 years old. (Note: hopefully this is correct, it does not
seem very old in comparison to many other findings). One of the biggest, brightest, most effective
areas in the world that the world has ever seen. Amazing stuff happened there. Gold, statues, stairs, tons
of people, laughter, fun, games, dozens of scenes of enlightenment. Beauty was Dwarka. Markets,
cows, families, friends and music galore. 500 AD (also second reading so hopefully it is correct within
a certain amount of reason.)
Haʻamonga ʻa Maui Tonga Megalith
A million years old.
It had more to it.
The stone was carried there.
They lived there.
Very lush surroundings.
It was paradise back then.
Happy People.
Long Long Time Ago!
16 Foot Tall People.

Plain of Jars Laos

In comparison to the last reading where the people were joyous and happy souls which brought me a
tremendous feeling of goodness, this particular place had the opposite. The inhabitants and sculptors of
these jars were not friendly. They were about 12 feet tall. It was about 17,000 years ago. There were no
people there (like us). These giant inhabitants albeit small on the scale of giants, were capital B Bad.
Don't ask me why, it takes all types if you get my drift. The jars were used for food storage. I did a
second reading to make sure I was really right about this. What else could I learn and there was not
enough to increase the depth of this place. They were just bad. It made the reading hard. As in not
enough good energy to investigate. Thus the first reading stands as it is.

Koh Ker Temple Cambodia

This one is a big deal. Mysterious secretive technology. Crystals. 6000 years old. Move stone with
force from rubbing two hot sheets of carbonized metallic filament into each other until burns. It makes
a lot of sound. In their voice, “We have a lot of stuff that can carve, chisel, grind, move, motive. A very
serious hidden group of builders. The outside world could not come there. “We have many things
unknown to you.” “It would take a lifetime to uncover it all.” No flying cars or chariots. They would
kill you if you uncovered it. “We don't teach anybody.” No Rivals. Building Superiority. We Make
Stuff. Underground Stuff Too. Many Stories Up. Fine Art. Technical Stuff.

Borubudor Temple Indonesia

White skinned adepts. Long Eyes. Telecommunications. Many people were there. No Problems. A Lot
of Work and Toil. High Beliefs. Almost 4000 years old. It's Deep. I'd like to look at it more (future
issues). Precise instrumentation down to millimeter accuracy.

15.) Gobekli Tepe. Here is the reading verbatim (to reiterate, as most of these have been). A man
runs it. His wife is the priestess. Yes they have rituals. Sun festivals. Equinoxes. Excitement. Many
different events. Young people too. Who? Not Atlantean. Not Egyptian. Not Greek. Yes, Chaldean from
long before. Akkadians if you would like to name them that. 12,000 BC. Their dwellings are still
buried. They were not elaborate people. Very Interesting. Maybe their time was short. “We had our life.
We did stuff. Chanted. Loved Dancing. Making rhymes. Crafts, ornamental jewelry, braids, hair, cures
for ills, medicine, anatomy, wise about the planet. Not subject to fear. Promoting Peace Amongst
Ourselves. Music. Loved games. Fair skinned and dark hair. Naked around the Fire. Pre-Sumerian
Connection. It was fun. They weren't into Aliens. They were really into Dreams. A Venusian kind of
race. Wealthy. There were not many rivals at that time period. They gave gifts. They were bound by the
times/time frame. They lived within the bounds of the time period. Maybe that was their one detraction
was the times they lived in were limited by some matters unbeholden.

John Gilbert
April 26, 2020
Freely Offered

Access The Akashic 1-30 Special Addendum
The Complete Zine 2014-2018
Topical A-Z

Table of Contents
Akashic Theory
Aleister Crowley Past Life
Alexandrian Library
America's Stonehenge
Ancient Aliens is a Vulgarization
Ancient Chinese Interpretation of Tinnitus
Antikythera Mechanism
The Astral Light is a Baphomet Allegory
Avebury Stone Circle
Bat Creek Stone
Battersea Shield
Baghdad Battery
Balzac The Pantheist
Bigfoot Reality
Bucket of Salzburg
Ceres, A Planet of the Jupiter System
China's 2010 UFO At The Mongolian Airport
Clairvoyantly Seeing The Doctrines of Pythagoras The Monad
Comet Shoemaker-Levy
Corroboration of ATA Findings
Crop Circles Special Edition
Diquis Delta Balls
Do People Need Unsolved Mysteries?
Earth-Quake Awareness
Easter Island Heads Built By Ancient Chinese
Is Every Underwater City Really Atlantis?
The Extraterrestrial Paradigm Since Blavatsky
Final Opinion Aleister Crowley's Past Life
Flat Earth Mass Hypnosis
Fluoride A Low Harmonic Luciferian Chemical
Furze Platt Maidenhead Handaxe
Gobekli Tepe
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
Gundestrup Cauldron
Hand Axes Botswana
Hartmann's Magic White and Black Review
Hitler's Past Life
How to Break a Hex
How to Simply Defeat Psychic Vampires
Humanoid Flying In Saint Petersburg, Russia
Kensington Runestone
The Kiev Spaceman Artifact
Klerksdorp Ball
Leo Tolstoy Birthday
Life Forms on the Moon?
A List Of The Mystery Schools
Lord Lytton – Inner Earth
Magnetite Uses
Manpupuner Pillars Russia
Mars, The Unequivocal Dream
Message For Tarot Users
Microchip in Rock Labinsk, Russia
Mysterious Green Balls of the Australian Beach
Mysterious Purple Spheres Found in Arizona
Nebra Sky Disc
Notes on Koot Hoomi Contact
Number of the Beast is a Fiction
Oath of Silences
The Occult is a Hoax
Olmec Colossal Heads and the Wise Kings of Africa
Oregon Vortex
Oswald Wirth
Paranormal Research without Occultism is Empty
Piri Reis
Primary Fallacies of Dowsing
Proclus: The Man Who Saw Every Initation
Puma Punku
Questions As Great As Answers
Questions of People Now
Real Atlantis Location
Revisable, Updatable and Evolving?
The Rohonc Codex – It's Not An Occult Work
Root Race Theory vs. Racism
Sacsayhuaman Benches
Saqqara Bird
Sathya Sai Baba
Shamanic Plants & Hallucinogens
Slow-moving Snouted Mongoose-like Creature
Smartphone Psychic Interference True Story
Sun Soul Planet Atom
Rudolf Steiner Helped Prevent WWIII
Spiritual Significance of the Names of the Devils
Story of King Cepheus
Sumerian Fish/Bird/Reptile Man
Ta Prohm Temple Dinosaur Carving
Thomas Taylor
Tubes on Mars
Tunnels Near Košice, Slovakia
Tunnels Near Sacsayhuaman
Udayagiri Caves
Uffington White Horse
UFO in Artwork Explanation
UFO's Over Washington D.C. 1952
Understanding Occult Invisibility
Usage of the Witch's Hat Fungus
Venus of Willendorf
Voynich Book – Second Look
Voynich Manuscript
What God or Entity Does The Scientist Work With, If Any?
Who Is The Greatest Contemporary Occultist?
Wisdom Highlights of Mahatma Letter 30
Wolf Messing

Aeschylus, Greek master of the play, floats in the endless sea of the beyond. The beautiful
afterlife is his home. Strong and united in eternal bliss, float on Aeschylus, float on. He is with
children and mother and father and with love we admire from the temporary earthly abode. He
welcomed the next world. Beloved of the endless water. Comprehend the Great Endless drift of the
seas of timeless eternal life. Earth is a trap, Aeschylus admits. Beautiful Greek playwright of the
eternal endless, boundless spirit. Endlessly no distresses, no thoughts of hate or fear. He is not on the
way back. No thought of the pain of earth or ever returning. Pure Immersion. See for yourself the
endless mystic air. Thank you Aeschylus.

Akashic Theory. Free-thought approach to knowledge, with mystical Socratic Method, a quick
lecture on the method revealed and revisited.
The most frustrating thing I have seen regarding Akashic Reading and Astral Light is the
profanation of the actual meaning of these terms and their incorrect use. I am almost convinced that it
cannot be learned by only a very small amount of people which is too bad but at the same, it is to be
expected if it genuinely exists.
By Akashic it is meant the Astral. The popularization of the term Akas (from Hindu trad.) is
based from Edgar Cayce who used a sleeping astral guide to give him occult knowledge and then he
gave it out to people. This is not the method that will work in the long term usages. However I am not
concerned with his method. I chose the term Akashic to help gather interest or a slight amount of
popularization. It is a level of perception of not only the Astral arena, but also a clear kabalistic
method. It is not easy to understand. There are several problems. The biggest issue is the
popularization from Cayce regarding it. He had a lot of occult gifts and abilities without a doubt, but
he did not go through the rigorous initiatory aspect of the Astral Light. It is very rough to deal with and
can cause severe mental strain and nervous agitation resulting in various menacing scenarios unfolding
on the physical plane. Regardless of this, when considering what is the Akashic, one must distance
preconceptions away from what is known and toward what is unknown.
As far as I am concerned, there is no real Akashic Records or Great Hall. These terms seem to
be obvious profanations of states of mind or seership that do not have visual illustration in and of
themselves. If you want to believe that there is an Akashic Hall that is your choice, and I am not
bothered by that at all. However it still causes me frustration by the sheer lack of questioning involved
in rapidly accepting everything that has stemmed from one or two persons rather than a cumulative
searching through the ages of written wisdom and comparative study including that of the Book of
Tarot, as mystical and unknown as it truly stands, even now.
Check the facts again. Three accepted terms, those being, Akashic Records, The Tarot and
Kabala are most certainly new age dogmatism at this point. This could also be known as profanation,
materialism or the opposite of free-thinking. Self-delusion can happen at a certain level of occult study.
I will also have to maintain a strict check for myself in order to stay level-headed as well. With these
three terms vaguely understood and then on top of that several layers of dogmatic theological zaniness
from the new age and new-age christianity, etc., there becomes even more problems in explaining that
the NXXS Zine is called Akashic as a commentary on the over-use of the term as it stands already.
Therefore simplicity is better, especially from a European or Western creative mindset, and so it
serves to simply explain this fact: AKASHIC RECORDS ARE NOTHING BUT...The Astral Current or
Astral Light in a more Subtle Refinement than is easily attained by people who have not built up their
workings over several cycles of initatory work. Several levels can deceive the student. He or she may
become satisfied and not attempt a further level. Most of the time then they say that they access the
Akashic Records at this point and stop there, although it was several levels further. This has something
to do with Intellect being applied on par with Spirit and Patience. The same amount of Intellect should
be used as is Spiritual Presence and Meditation as well ie skrying if you like to call it that. It does not
matter the name or terminology so much. It's the meaning that matters. The meaning of the term,
Akashic for NXXS does not mean the same thing as the new age doctrine today means it. It is simply
the refined and more subtle Astral Reading. That is all it is. I presume to believe that the Great Hall of
Records can only exist within the Seer's Greater Self and not in a place somewhere out there. Also the
idea of Akashic Records, or Great Hall existing and that one must seek for it in order to gain
enlightenment of some kind is not necessary and could prevent higher development at any cost.
Kabala is very misunderstood. This Kabala is outside of any nationality, ethnicity or tradition.
That may be the reason why it is not known about. Nature is the Source of Kabala. Therefore it is
Universal and does not need to follow an exact doctrine already laid out for you. It will not be so easy
to acquire. However I have personally found out the TAROT has a non-western based Kabala easily
discernible within it. The difficult part is isolating oneself from almost everything that has already
been said and written about it in order to progress the path of knowledge in a genuine direction. So
with this refinement, the help of the One, and the already innate natural intuition that develops with
practice and practice and more practice. For example, I performed TAROT readings for myself only
every single day of my waking life for several years solid. There were weekends that I did not leave
the TAROT altar. This is because I sought for the abstraction of what is known and went to the
absolute form and found out that within the absolute (hint: Numerical) form, there is awaiting a serious
system that is not written about except for NXXS ATA and will not entirely be followed for a long time.
Akhenaten son of Amenhotep III, father of King Tut
The author of this weekly zine decided to clairvoyantly look into the life of Akhenaton.
Admittedly he does not have memorized all of the historical details of Egyptian rulers, so he found out
by clairvoyant means that the King's health was a central issue of his life. After the session was up,
looking at the internet about the man, brought the question of his health into keen focus. This is one of
the several beauties of the occult art in its essence.
According to the reading, Akhenaton fell into ill health. Be reminded that clairovyance is never
conclusive as that would not be in accord with nature's laws. Research on this subject is tremendously
helpful to the human family at present. Transcripts from the clairvoyance are as follows:
“His Father is telling me he got sick because of something he was doing. He had a serious
condition. It might not relate to the stuff we know now. I have a feeling he was addicted to some kind
of substance. He was taking something for his condition. He was taking something really weird. It's
not normal. He died from it. His family was concerned for him. It altered his bodily form. It was
something in a pill form, possibly an opiate.”
This sums up the research up to now. Further work may be done as time is made available for
this segment of human history of the unsolved sort. The author would like to emphasize that according
to the reading, Akhenaten was taking something of an addictive, degenerative and socially
unacceptable nature, that it was apparent in the “read.” Obviously it did not affect his ability to have
children, but was probably the culprit for altering his bodily shape. Give it a try and see what you can
find. Besides this, more questions will come from the search including the question whether or not he
has been reincarnated yet.

Greetings! A difficult time between now and the last ATA issue has transpired. Let's look at the
initial reading of the most recent past life of Aleister Crowley's. (NOTE: Past life readings are
generally in bad taste and are never going to become a focus, let this and a few others be the exceptions
to the rule.) This reading was done approximately in 2014 and was never revisited.
A heavy feeling came on with this one. Disclaimer: most past life readings are inaccurate, due
to incorrect theoretical applications, once again, forgive this venture. Aleister Crowley was a French
Royalty with a long name. He was associated with Philip V of France. This is around 1300. This is
about an average time frame for normal reincarnations, maybe a little less, but that's ok.
He was a Count, a Black Magician, a Solomonist. He was no peasant, that is for sure. The
House of Valois, possibly Philip VI were his associates. The reason the reading gave Philip V also is
because of my method. More on that some other time. I like some things about Crowley and although
I don't follow him, as always trying to be unbiased in everything. He was known as “The Prince” and
someone very into magic. He was tyrannical, sadistic, only forgiving if one were to pay him. I'm not
sure of the actual name and maybe that would have to take a further amount of research outside of the
internet. To me personally, it does not matter much. I have gathered that he was an associated
personality ranging from Philip IV to Charles V, etc. It was evident however there was a strain of black
in this era and as I have previously stated, the undecipherable and misleading VOYNICH
(Necronomicon) “may it never be solved” was authored by this era Nobility of the French who may
may not have been directly in association with the Personality that was Crowley prior to his lifetime
that we have held so dreadful and at times so dear...but if he was not right there, he was very near in
timeline. The exact details are not so important, but it is related. (ATA 18)
In summary, Crowley was someone known as “The Prince.” Maybe he was Gilles de Rais but I
don't think so. Someone with more historical background in this era of House of Valois and secretive
practices may have a better idea who “The Prince” so fondly was referring other words, he
gained that title out of infamy and fear, which ever nobleman he was in that incarnation. I did not
continue to search for the actual name of man since it is not of much use to me and the amount that I
did uncover was plenty, although be reminded that a practicing black magician may not have ever come
out publicly in those times. The unforgettable impression that I got out of this, is that Crowley became
a better person and used the elementals from this black magician to gain powers and occult influence
over our world, although in his most recent lifetime, he was less of a black magician than he was in
France in those days. Hopefully in his future lives he will continue toward utilizing his skills for
bettering the world in occult knowledge, light and truth.

Clairvoyance upon the Alexandrian Library (friends of East). In order to get a pass you had to
apply and get on a waiting list. There was a six or seven months wait. No rites were conducted there
because it wasn't a temple. The patrons and associates studied night and day (yes it was open at night).
It was a repository of wisdom that included strange things that we have no recollection of whatsoever.
It contained stuff that isn't even remotely known about now. Pliny was there. It was only a 200sq foot
building. A collegiate (King of Wands) ran it. They would make you leave if you started giggling or
act in any way unfit. There were pads instead of what we consider books and they were stacked to the
ceiling in drawers or columns or something like that. They might beat on you if you're not in there and
not working. But if you see something in there you want to know about, they'll get back to you.
Therein contained hermetic charts about the planets and worlds. Students could sit in there for hours
unaided and learn. Early hermetic works we have no understanding of were there and the author could
see these through the lens of clairvoyance, some of which mentioned Pythagoras.

America's Stonehenge located in Salem, New Hampshire is an old Norwegian site dating from
the 1st Century AD according to the NXXS opinion. The Norwegians liked the area and wanted to
settle there but of course the Native Americans gave them problems. They cut the rocks out of stone.
Nothing from the reading indicated a burial function to the site. It may have been a settlement marker.
There's a likelihood that they had a 20 year old girl and 15 year-old boy with them, along with a typical
sailing crew. More can be seen about this, but for now it will be left at this satisfactory point.

Ancient Aliens is a popularized occult fanfare fiction, now largely vulgarizing some of the
truest forms of science in the universe. What if the masses could have actually comprehended the
reasonability of reincarnation and the beingness of all life including such as those known as
What if indeed some superior beings have taken on the appearance and bodies of superior
humankind and instructed the progenitors of the world's societies, including the Druidic, Persian,
Ancient Indian and Egyptian? It is indeed a possibility that leaves more questions than answers at the
mundane level of unnatural reasoning that is now materialistically prevalent.

Ancient Chinese divination and interpretation of the tinnitus sounds in the ears. The source of this
information is not known. The point is not to take a literal approach to this seemingly simple wisdom.
Chances are it is not esoteric and simply an outline for making your own interpretations of phantomlike
tinnitus. Note that the time of day (meaning: timing) is important, as with any synchronicity or
magic. As you can see it is weird indeed. The point is that you can receive information in so many
various ways and that it has to be structured so that you do not believe that chaos itself is completely
meaningful, but instead look for individualistic ways you can interact with some unknown forces, etc.

The well-known archaeological find known as the Antikythera Machine or Mechanism is

actually less significant than what is commonly believed. Basing your superstitions upon modern
science and its inherent flaws, may lead you to believe in some things and not in others. In fact, it
almost seems as if the contemporaries in the physical sciences needed an “occult relic” for themselves,
otherwise why would even the most corporate of all online encyclopedias make such bold claims for
the Antikythera device? If you look at the internet entries for this finding, the claim is made that it is
100% certain that it was a computing device or sort of astronomical calculator. We will not rest solely
upon the mainstream status quo, as so many do, but will use the clairvoyant methods of theosophy and
inquiry for each and every questionable artifact, phenomena or mystery that presents itself in our time.
It seems arbitrary that non-occult science would chose this finding over all the hundreds of
others for making a “scientific claim” about it. The device apparently has some zodaical markings
upon it. But that does not mean it is an astronomical calculator. The clairvoyant believes that, within
the scope of this finding, those zodiacal attributes found on the machine are simply characters used in
telling the time. Since this is a sort of insider's zine, we just state the facts, clairvoyantly achieved and
let you to decide for yourself the facts from fictions. Proven time and time again, the facts are more
outrageous than anyone had ever known, stretching the very fibers of the imagination and on the other
hand, the fictions are abundant although less abundant than what is expected.
The device was used in a timer for the shipping port. This is around 200 BC. It made a sound
signaling for the ship's captain to pull forward and unload the packages. This machine was important
for the business. This shipping port was a major trade area indeed. It was a sort of stop light and it had
a contraption connected to it, something similar to an arm or lever rising above. The ship's captain
would wait maybe 20-30 minutes, look at the signal from the device and then once it rang out and
motioned they would pull forward and conduct their affairs. It is definitely a timer and nothing more.
The port was busy all day. There were other forms of machinery in their day, but not to the extensive
amount that make believers would imagine. So it was not an esoteric stellar calculator or anything else
extremely spiritualistic or mystical, but simply a port-timer for a busy place in the near-ancient world,
Greece circa 200 BC.

We have heard it time and again that the idol Baphomet also serves as a symbolical allegory for
the Astral Light. This idea seems famous indeed. This is because of a gnostic outlook that Blavatsky
took toward the Templars, and before her, Eliphas Levi.
Baphomet is a demon in the pantheistic sense and would correspond to the XV Devil card of the
ROT(A) although not represented directly by it. As a diabolical entity, Baphomet is used by
ceremonial oriented people who do perverse acts in the name of sorcery and summon his material
godship. However, it is pointed out esoterically that the idol serves as a reminder of the manifold
layers and spiritual reflections of the astral current, which, when approached with haste becomes a
diabolical entity to those who work with it.
As above so below. The entity of Baphomet illustrates the impossibilities of mediumship and
contacting the departed. It explains the tremendous difficulty of magic. The astral light reflects by the
darkness of the hermaphroditic body and does not show clear imagery unless reduced by pure
kabala. This kabala is not easily acquired, hence the inaccuracy of nearly all forms of astral
spiritual thought and/or readings, thus obscuring the inner wheel.

Avebury Stone Circle should be renamed Avebury Pagan Circle. They were caucasoid mound
builders. They created the circle for lunar cycles and to keep time accordingly. They were the Druids
and this monument was built around 5,000 BC. For the new moon they did something special, like a
ceremonial procession. The circle has the time contained within it. They also had a lot of mounds.
They were Adepts, Masters and were advanced in Occult Histories. They performed something akin to
seances and summonings, although more arcane and accurate. They were in possession of runes and
scripts. Although the Druids of Avebury Pagan Circle were Masters and Adepts they were also
frolicking, merry, good natured and free-spirited.

Here is the author's initial look at Baalbeck and the mystery of its massive pillars. It appears to
be 50-60,000 years old. It was a big stone structure that is not fully there now. It was very glamorous
in its day. It was quite an edifice in fact. They brought the stones from 30 miles away. They engraved
on the stones their temple name and things. In order to complete the task they decided they would do it
and did not turn back. 70,000 of their men pushed the pillars on rollers. Eight days and nights straight
of total work. They had some kind of ancient machine that assisted pushing by levers. It may have
been the world capital or center in those times. Were they cyclops? The author not certain yet, but it is
a possibility. On the other hand, they were not giants but very strong people who stood six feet tall.
They could push 300 pounds with their bare hands. This was during an age long gone, long before the
ice age. It was a living hell to construct this structure but they did not waver in determination. Let's
put it in perspective: They were great employers! So much more could be looked at here and someday
soon it shall be done.

The Bat Creek Stone or Inscription is an artifact that was discovered in Tennessee. It seems like
we are still at a time when the idea of multitudes of ancient civilizations still unknown are possible.
Ideas rule the world as it has been said, so it will be until the idea crops into the mass consciousness
that the possibility of amazingly rich histories across the globe are recognized and not frowned upon,
by even the academicians.
The Bat Creek Stone, according to NXXS, is no forgery or hoax whatsoever. It is frustrating
when obviously great findings are classed as hoaxes for the sake of the experts and their status quo.
Enough commenting on what is already known in occult circles. There's probably only 1/9th of true
history in the official textbook explanations. Let's take a look at the artifact.

So there it is. You see some sort of inscription on it. Nothing too wordy is to be seen, but the
important factor is that it is similar to ancient alphabets but this one is not known about. Read along
and find about why it is not known since it is from a far off place. It is a beautiful piece of stone and
authentic as the sunshine.
These travelers were there in Tennessee. There are probably many more of these tablets
scattered about, still unearthed. Something somewhat esoteric in nature is inscribed upon it and it is
read from right to left. This inscription speaks of the very long journey back home. They were at a
place of no return. They made it because to them it could express their feelings. The clairvoyant wants
to impress upon you that this event is recorded as a memory in the world soul. The desire of
communication to their families back home was imprinted on stone. In the background of the
consciousness at some point in all of our lives, we feel deja-vu for things not of ourselves. This event
is certainly like that. Can you imagine their longing for returning back to their place of origin, all the
while so far to be in the landscape of Tennessee along with the natives. They may have had one
hundred of their people with them on this journey. Guess what? They came from the region near the
border of modern day Krygyzstan and Kazakstan, triangulating around Balkhash-Almaty-Bishkek
including Lake Balkhash as a sturdy identifier for an ancient area of human inhabitation. The tablet(s)
were inscribed roughly 10,000 B.C. Tennessee was colder back then. Sometimes they had fights with
the American natives. Some of them wanted to leave. These tablets may have been a form of artistic
relieve, human expression or form of inspiration for the others in their group. Why did they go? They
were explorers looking for adventure and knowledge. Trade was probably also involved. There might
have passed through the Greek Islands and Mesopotamia during their journeys.
At this point Gilbert is going to assume that the readers have access to a computer and can
research some of the known supposed “facts” about relics and items, and can deduce for themselves
some of the pertinency of the historicity of each. The clairvoyance must be perfected worldwide to a
point where corroborations can be obtained from any and each level and this can only be done with the
right guidance and best of the best when it comes to teacher selection (ie choosing Blavatsky over
The first reading on the Battersea shield by the author illuminates the following. It was a tribal
heirloom and it did not leave their family at any time while it was in their possession. The containers
on it held sacred family relics, possibly a piece of the finger skin from the father(s). Probably around
eight generations held this piece, which is quite a considerable time. It is not related to the sea or to
voyages as some have proposed. It's orgins (from the clairvoyance solely) indicate Roman Era Celtic
Isles and the archaeology corroborates this fact.
Four of Pentacles r Five of Pentacles
King of Wands
Five of Wands r
6sr XIII r KnC
7s/Ap r/Kvw Ir Qwr (1) Aw/VIII/Qs
The Baghdad Battery is actually relatively unimpressive. Yes it is a great find for mainstream science, but as
occultists we know far better discoveries are awaiting and have already been found. But nevertheless ATA is a zine that
covers a wide range of things, already in its eleventh issue, so expect more to come. This finding could light a flame and it
was a source of artifical lighting. The owners would exclaim, “now we can see!” They knew about polarity. They may
have found the instructions written upon a wall near a temple site. It was a permanent flame although it emitted an odor. It
is fascinating to realize how the ancient world differs from ours because their source of media and information was not
computers or billboards, but ancient temple walls and markings on old landmarks. The ancient world worked in such a
different and beautiful way, but that is not to say that our world is so new either as one day it will be considered entirely
historically. Stay tuned for more ATA each and every Tuesday at The Noumenal Extrasensory Existent

It is always a good day when the author discovers an occultist among the various authors, artists
and world figures. Balzac was such a person. A brief reading about him brought out the knowledge
and wisdom that he possessed. He was a pantheist and he was attracted to occult works. He figured
out every single thing in his mind without despair. He had a vision. The people didn't actually know
him for who he was in life. He had a flow. There was also someone who wrote for him. Balzac is very
worthy of being a key player in the NXXS occultism and more in-depth readings about him may be
found worthwhile. In the meantime, the author is looking at several other phenomenal things, obscured
histories and some very deep topics. ATA is meant as an overview of the research into arcane subjects
and metaphysical reality. If you would like to share thoughts, opinions or likewise just send an email to
the address as seen above in the title. Unlike the days of old where several
clairvoyants, adepts or priests worked alongside each other, the author currently feels a darkness out
there now as to the state of occultism since no one has contributed to the research yet. The spiritual
rewards are greater than financial ones, if you are working on becoming a clairvoyant. Feel free to
work alongside with the author and contribute to the big picture of discovering the real history of the
unfoldment of knowledge and wisdom across the aeons of time on our planet and possibly others. In
the spirit of Socrates, a dialectic is established so that personal bias does not interfere with Reason in its
classical sense.

There are two videos of Bigfoot that the author believes to be genuine. More footage may exist
but only two have been seen that he psychically verified. Here are screen shots from these two videos.

The Patterson Film is Real

Bigfoot Yosemite 2013 (source:Youtube)

Thankfully the author teaches at a way to accurately get clairvoyant readings with
kabalistic Tarot, so the common methods of fact-finding are completely done away with because it is
not necessary at all. An amazing piece of footage, as great as the Patterson film only except it is from
much more recent times with updated equipment for shooting the footage. Isn't it wonderful? The
psychic imprint is upon this footage for genuineness. Many may ask, if you are so psychic, then what
exactly is 'Bigfoot' or rather, what is a Bigfoot? They are not human or animal. Yet they might be
related to bears. Sasquatch (or Bigfoot) has understanding and psychic intuition. People can't find
them because they are always one step ahead. But be not confused, in the same way that it is said “we
come from the Creator,” Sasquatch is also a part of the kingdom of life on our planet. They are
probably evolving alongside the human race through the millions of years. Don't forget that
Sasquatches could tear you to pieces. But it seems they may like humans also. So he falls somewhere
in between humans and animals, but neither, he is his own type of creature. They can jump with one
foot explaining missing prints. They are probably adept climbers and are obviously able to go to places
in the wilderness inaccessible to humans. Respect them and do not try to hurt them. That is why the
female is running off in the Patterson film, probably for fear of her life. They realize they may be a
prize for a cruel hunter hoping to get his ego exalted by contemporary science. Be kind to these
creatures and they may let you see them once or twice.

In 1885 an Austrian iron smelter worker found a rare find. It is called the Bucket of Salzburg
and up until now it is pretty much not understood. It is definitely from a very old civilization and it
was used in sports. They were not especially knowledgable in metallurgy as may be assumed, however
they melted some stuff together and managed to form this ball for sport. It is as old as Stonehenge for
sure. The author's initial clairvoyant look at this item dated it at 370,000 years old, however the strange
art of clairvoyance mixed with the fact that this artifact was found embedded in a place in the earth
considered over 2 million years old. Either way, the exact date is not essential to the initial look at such
a strange find. The important thing as always to note is that this is a genuine find and not a fabricated
hoax or otherwise unimportant item (there are always several hoaxes from sadists and go-getters
available in this field of research).
It was used in a rolling competition. The referee would say, “Okay, go!” and the contestants
would toss it down a hillside to see how far they could get it to go. It may have had something similar
to rubber stretched over it as a covering of the actual metal ball. I hope you enjoyed this Akashic
History. Now on to the next piece of research into the arcane and forboding.

Ceres was recently photographed by the space program. It has mysterious lights on its surface
within or near a crater. This planet is part of the Jupiterian system of life producing spheres also known
as a chain. Theosophy is not understood much, most think it is just another religion, etc., but not even
the more occultic new-age beliefs have much in the way of actual Theosophy, in fact, maybe
Theosophy as it is now does not know much about the Ageless Theosophy that has no beginning or
end. This may be a grand generalization and unnecessary, but it grinds in the back of my mind and irks
my sensibilities that so many people cannot understand or fathom the Mystery of Life on Ceres as we
have witnessed it (partially).
If people do not understand that Ceres is a life-bearing sphere and chain of spheres attached to
the Jupiterian system of life bearing Planets in our Solar System, then they may find the mundane
explanation for the lights sufficient. This explanation would be something akin to “gaseous emissions
on the surface” or “moisture” etc. Everyone in their deepest psyches must also subconsciously know
that these statements are not the truth.
A.P. Sinnett in his book, Super-Physical Science, mentions the probable existence of a lifebearing
Planet within the asteroid belt connected to the Jupiterian system. To find out more about
Planetary Chains, consult with the texts of old Theosophy such as The Secret Doctrine. A lot of
misunderstandings are surrounding this text and actual Theosophy vs. whatever masses of people have
interpreted it to be, thus, Ceres is a living Planet, as is ours, Earth. Consider that the glowing lights are
an actual civilization, not imaginary or dreamed of, but actual. They actually exist and we can see
them. We do not see them as we would like to see them, just like we appear to each other within the
Planetary Sphere that we exist, so we dismiss it as some form of material or chemical reaction rather
than seeking for enlightening understanding of the unending forms of life all around us, in the invisible
spheres above and below and within.
The mainstream science and mainstream occult/new age has not gotten too much out of the true
Theosophy that explains higher dimensions, or more refined, forms of living existences all around us
and especially on other worlds far differernt in their density. To put things in perspective, Pluto is not
an actual life-bearing chain, and is more like rubbish on the outer parameters of our Solar System. This
also explains why the most-problematic Nibiru is partially visible, since there are realms in our actual
universe so invisible to us, so unknown to the mainstream, yet known about from time immemorial by
sages, wise men and theosophists (synonyms for the same thing).
To my frustration, as many months went by, I could not express my desire to share the truth
about Ceres and its lights. It is phenomenal and absolutely beautiful that a civilization prospers there.
It is like explaining fairy tales to children, hoping they will believe, although the myth of a fairy tale is
also beyond comprehension since it is an allegory to the wise ones, yet hidden away. The same for
understanding outer space and its incomprehensible reality.

There was a tremendous UFO sighted at the Mongolian Airport in China in 2010. It looked out
of this world and the photos are available on the internet. This great big ship was shining lights out of
it, with some sort of flight cabin visible. This photo fascinated the author and he did some skrying on
the subject to find some interesting information.
This one seems less common than others, and the photograph illustrates this fact by its very
shape and general atmosphere or aura around it. It's definitely something deep. These ET's might not
be human in appearance. It seems they are “space tourists” and are just passing through and wanted to
have a look around. There's a chance they find Earth to be fancy and will stay for awhile. This is a
Queenship or mothership and they have “baby on board.” They might have to wear costumes to stay
here, if they do. This is a big ship and don't forget that. The dowsing results located their origin at a
star near Cepheus, circled below.
The Clairvoyant of NXXS did a reading on the nature of Pythagoras' existence a while back and
discovered that he was an incarnated being, an avalokitesvara or The Monad. This was very important
to discover and classed him with the utmost priority in occult research. With that being said, another
reading was done about him which corroborated the first finding: he was The Monad, Avalokitesvara,
from the 5th Round, comparatively known as Vishnu also. Yet not only that, he was a pauper with all
the riches of the universe. He's still around in a spiritual way but instead of contacting him in his
present existence, John decided to take a look at his doctrines in a clairvoyant way, so that it can be
assured to his modern-day followers of his reality and lessons of immense proportions without the
interference from pea-brained scholars and their ilk.
While this area of his life is not as important as his teachings, it seemed as though his father was
a man of importance, possibly a doctor and probably an interesting person. His mother was not
necessarily out of the ordinary in any way but she was kind hearted and loving. The reading also gave
an overview of his teachings as including a doctrine of cycles, spheres, lives and souls. The lesson
would include the past, reincarnation, the being or Self. He wore a crown and made people cry for his
attention, which indicates his fame for being a master.
It is one thing to have all of the supposed books on an ancient master and lineage and believe
them word for word and it is another to have the ability to clairvoyantly see those things which the
master spoke of, including his essential occult oratory. Now let us see where today's reading on the
teachings of Pythagoras from the subtle akashic region of mind leads us to understand for those who
are capable of attaining enlightenment.
He would start with matter. Its density, thickness, ratios and how it is appealing to your eyes
and bodily functions. This begins the instruction and he says, “what you don't know...” It is part of an
invisible field and has supracosmic energy attached to it. Supercosmic ideation. “If the intellect is
weak, you won't comprehend my words,” he says. When you are born out of nothing you are a self
(this term self is the exoteric form of another more occult one). You are a different person than you
once were. Your self carries on. “You're going to have to comprehend what I tell you,” he says. The
Golden Wheel of Horus.
There was nothing he's not able to touch upon and speak about. He did not even go to Asia. He
continues. You have a divine spark, a flame, it lights your life in all three directions. Those directions
are here, there and everywhere. Of course there may be five directions also but the three are the
essential ideas. There is sound of the presence.
If you were his student as he had many of all ages, including as young as 23 years of age, then
you would say to him with determination, “keep on going.” The upadhi, the vehicle for which it
emanates is vibrating at a course of speed. This vehicle tells you the thoughts of people who once were
but are now high above the material plane. The origin of the knowledge is very immense. It can take
70 days to see one aspect of it.
“You're pushing me so I'll keep going,” he may say to the group at this juncture in the speech.
Keep in mind that the teaching of Pythagoras is Timeless. He is positioned at the divine center. It takes
a long time to master his doctrines. This applies for those who were living during his time, yet what we
have now in book form is only a portion of his lectures and speeches, hence the reason why
clairvoyance in the occult sense and not mediumisticway is helpful to begin to rebuild the past without
He continues, “there is a beginning of the race that you are—for instance, at the end of the
cycles of many long periods of time there is a pause and things start anew.” It's called rotation and it
has to do with the life cycles of humanity. The immoral filth of the world can't see this knowledge.
One must approach with sincerity first and secondly, a clean heart to see the things that Pythagoras had
in store for his students. His students were people who were into wisdom and always searching for the
knowledge of those things. Not at all surprising to NXXS, at the last portion of the reading he
assuringly mentions the Amanita Muscaria and its value as well as its connection to the Orient, the Rg
Veda and the mind. That it's all true...just so you know. Pythagoras had a strong astral counterpart who
could go to and fro in the Earth (yet not leave it). Thank you for reading, it is my pleasure to give you
the true clairvoyant sight without hindrances from dogmatic falsehood and sectarian nonsense currently
found across this planet, reviving the ancient sages and their methods. Stay tuned for more Access the
Akashic zines and stay informed.

Briefly, here is a quick finding to consider. Pieces of something designated Comet

P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 that hit Jupiter in July of '94 are considered to be of natural origin. In the
clairvoyance of the subject however, something else is to be noted. It appears that this event points to
someone who is trying to get our attention. They are located in a place of ice. Beyond this, the subject
has not been looked at, due to timeliness and some temporary discomforts.
Confucius was a vessel for the powers of destiny. He was on the level of Krishna or the real
Christ (but not crucified obviously). But he had that magnetic, loving power and made all the people
see in him a great friend.

He was a hero. He was the light. There was absolutely no one like him. There was nothing
like knowing him! So unexplainable. He likes me and he likes you. He was healer. He was burly in
build. He made bread and butter. He ignited passion. He was the best person they ever knew. He was
into magic and illusions. Confucius could alter your perceptions and he could vanish. He had a
woman as a lover. They played games and made love. He had his books and thoughts published. A
great voice of the love for beauty, soul and meditation. Then there was Mencius...

If you have any inclination for psychic research, especially of the clairvoyant order, then you
can help out the world and contribute. For every finding Access the Akashic releases, you are given a
chance to read for yourself the findings and corroborate them. If you have never tried to do readings on
ancient artifacts or other non-personal things, now is a good time to give it a go. We are in the second
cycle of Blavatsky, and it was her who told the world how the ancients used to corroborate all of their
clairvoyant findings.
Since this is the beginning of a secondary cycle, when we will be making findings across the
globe about important, hard-to-decipher mysterious items and manifold questions there will be a
necessity of all the potential clairvoyants and mystics to contribute. It is easier to seek fame and
fortune as a psychic rather than selflessly help and aid humanity in her search for occult progress and
hidden realities. This holds a far greater reward for Self and Individuality than the materialistic
psychics-for-pay. There is no reason to be competitive in this area, because that simply hinders the
ability to actually See and Know.
Access the Akashic is allowing the world to peer in on the goings-on of a clairvoyant initiate
who does not merely look at cards and tell whimsy stories of one's future or daily, mundane life. The
task ahead of us is immense and it will take lots of effort, but with each clairvoyant contribution there
will be a greater recompense. If you can get your psychic ability to a hearty 90% accuracy, that is very
good. If ten people with 90% accuracy are working in accord, then that is exponentially greater in
force, thus limiting the total errors to a minimum.
Disclaimer About Crop Circles and Clairvoyance Concerning Them
First of all, this is the first real attempt in the world to truly uncover the hidden meaning of the genuine crop circles, as left
on our planet by an extraterrestrial life form. Clairvoyance is a tricky term. It's not necessary to fully understand it. Please
note that “psychics” in general are not operating clairvoyantly. May it be noted that this is a three-fold operation, in line
with gnostics, occultists, clairvoyants and the general meaning of Pythagoreanism. With this being understood, crop circles
are an amazing mystery of our planet. These designs—those of the true designs—come from a higher specie than ours. It is
possible and probable that outer space and the Intelligent Hierarchy of Extraterrestrial Beings (physical, and etheric) are
actually higher dimensional beings. There is some relation to religion and spiritual contexts that is not fully understandable.
We must accept this.
There are no tests available nor observations within the framework of scientific hypotheses that can make it possible to
understand the variances of higher dimensional beings and ET's. This is of no use to us now. Only the MASTERS of the
occult science would even come close to knowing the intricacies of such realms. Let us appreciate this fact and not press
too impetuously. Thank you.
Access the Akashic has been under pressure from the “Guardians of the Shadow” for some time. Please consider this.
Note: Instead of indicating that the crop circles and designs presented here are genuine, there will be an
addendum that
displays numerous man-made crop circles, based on the clairvoyant's guidance. Thank you

This shows the moon of Saturn. It says the ones who live on Iapetus have visited us and are friendly. It shows the other
three main moons of Saturn. It indicates the knowledge of these beings.
This may possibly be the code or the key to the other genuine crop circles. A 9-pointed star with the 10th point as the center.
There are 9 circles in the outer area with the 10th being the outer circle. It is a clue that this particular design and all of the
genuine designs are part of a symbolical mystery. As any beings, if they are in the hierarchy, would also not hesitate to
prove. This is some kind of ring.
This is displaying something that we cannot see, but what is it?
This is something they see during flight.
It is something that we do not know about.
But they take great pride in their ships,
and this is a part of what they see during flight.
When their craft or ship makes a sound, it is generating these things.
It is the engine. It powers the ship (or craft, ufo, etc).

From the original clairvoyance:

“This is a highly sacred form. I am not reading it. Respecting it as such.”

This is a number system that the extra-terrestrial helpers are teaching. It is a graph of thought.
It is a numerical formula. In other words, “here is how you count.”
It is similar to kabala, but not spiritual (not in this case).
Here we are introduced to a special way of thought in mathematics.
The concept found here is that this design is a signal from their world to ours.
It is from far away.
It is from another Race.
It is, “a gift from us to them.” (From them to us, 2nd person)
A basic representation of their self (selves).
It is a flight glyph. It is a sound.

This is the sound. It is something from the ANCIENT MYSTERIES.

It rings on and on and on and on and on.
This crop circle's meaning could take awhile TO KNOW. They are aware that this design is something which is also found
on our planet. It is a highly initiatory, meaning that we do not uncover its secrets very quickly.
Please take note of the importance of this one.
They are pointing out things we have not understood about the real truths of things.
Carry it with you everywhere.
This is the life. Struggle to see it.
It's above and below.
This crop design is not man-made. However it is not made by the same aliens who have designed the TRUE designs.
Let Reason Be Your Guide in This. This does not indicate that the aliens who are creating the genuine crop circles and
designs do not appear in this form. But this is from BLACK MAGIC / FALSE ANGELS
When you achieve clairvoyance and feel the true spirit of the real circles, you will feel also that there are several
non-human designs that are an attempt by BLACK MAGIC to create a stir in humankind as well.
For those in the know: you may not need further explaining.
They have interfered with many aspects of human beings.
Leave this one be. I regret having to display it among the true designs.
There is always a possibility that I am wrong, indeed. But when placed alongside the nature and feeling of the spirit
behind the genuine MYSTERY of the real crop circles, this design is especially FALSE.

Ice is melting.
They are saying we had better watch the melting ice caps.
That's what this crop circle is saying.
Here is the reading on the above true crop circle:
A unity is the center circle.
They have visited our world with admiration for it and for us.
They are pushing for a new destiny between us.
Mutual Agreement.
“We have a destiny with this Earth.”
We are like you inside.
Let us be allies.

This crop circle is a timeline. Their star is visible in our night sky.
It may indicate when they left for us what year it was in our perspective.
We are the dot on the right.
What measurement of time may this be?
If you calculate this glyph, you can figure out what star they are originating from.
It is a calculation, a distance.
This is about the family of lives. The child is the middle center circle. They grow from their parent.
As they are telling me in the reading: “this gives you a general idea of our family structure.”
Their babies cry similar to how we do.

This crop circle / crop design was an odd reading at first. Readings can take time to gather information and decode them.
At first a reading like this is like a puzzle.
This is a diagram of something very very very small. It fits in the pocket. This is scientific.
It is something like a ray gun that they carry.
They don't use it, but they have it.
In retrospect of the reading, I feel the true spirit of our as I call them, “higher cousins” with this image.
It seems as though for them to make a true working agreement with us, they must tell us many facts about themselves.
If this reading is true (and I believe they are of course), then it is very upfront and open on their part.
Thank them for sharing this info.

This one is artistic.

This crop circle is of the inner self. It is about being a part of something.
It is an emblem of higher light.

This crop circle design is a very deep study in and of itself. Not all of them are on the same level.
It is as though they have tiered levels of education.
This crop circle is about planets in other solar systems.
The planets have a chain of being.
The reason there is three is because that is how they align.
These are divine beings who created the crop circle designs. Their souls are enlightened just as there are enlightened
human souls as well. They also have divine light, an immortal soul. This crop circle is intended as a landmark in order
to instruct you or me or anyone on the divine race. To help us understand the existence of which they partake.
This one is not a specific message otherwise.
Not now anyways. Thank you.
People have heard a buzzing sound during the process of the crop circles. It is the sound of the ship, or craft, sending out
the substance that makes the designs appear.
This crop circle is the design for an immortal frequency.
It carries through the substance of the ground and of the planet.
It makes a resonance with several other ships that are in space.
Their priority is to instruct humankind and to leave behind a remnant of knowledge.
This design has a frequency to it and it can make you sick if you were to stand by it.
The AKASHIC record of the Earth is now imprinted with this design.
We are talking about the astral sphere of the Earth.
When was this design last imprinted upon our planet? According to the subtle astral recording?
This is conjecture. This is now definitely imprinted in the astral record (or AKASHIC record).
This is now in the “books” of the astral record as it is called.
The “books” of all time and space regarding Earth.
Here is the beginning of a new groundwork for cosmic enlightenment.
The proper orientation of this crop design is the opposite end up. It is upside down in this photo.
This crop circle design is something of a test.
It has a rudimentary design.
It may have had something to do with getting the crop field ready or just
giving it a pre-run. Something akin to that.
The skeptics will definitely not perceive the understanding here.
As with all of the crop circles, they are not exactly definable by our human standards.
This sort of understanding is exterior to what we call definable.
It is a test design of some sort. A skeptic would say well,
if they are so advanced they do not run test designs.
They are still a part of the natural world we inhabit, at least in some regards.
This is a very curious science and highly mind expanding.
To say the very least!

They are sending ideas for our space scientists.

This crop circle design is related to their spacecraft. It displays positive and negative energy.
They know that we do not understand how their ships work.
The idea is that the diagram will make it possible that we can get the ships ourselves.

This is very esoteric and the numbers and math in it are very deep.
This is right and just and true.
It is theo-sophia.
It regards the light.
Yet also the dark.
It represents law.
It is self-explanatory.
They, the “higher cousins,” the “astronauts” are many more in legion.
This one is an example of the extent of their great knowledge.
This is a diagram of wormholes.
Somehow they appear.
It seems that they are always there but somehow they have to appear.
This is nothing like what we understand about physics or space.

This crop circle may appear man-made in its simplicity.

However this one served as some kind of communication.
A decision was being made by the extraterrestrials with this crop design.
The logistics of their space program is evident.
During the readings some of the photographer names were “too loud” and interfered with the process.
Access the Akashic has always been offered freely. I blocked out the names initially. With that being said, let's move onto
the meaning of this crop circle.
What you see here is a curious triangle with latticed spheres/circles within it and an outer circle.
This crop circle illustrates a technology of communications. In other words, it is communications technology.
Clairvoyance is a tricky art to master and in this instance technology came first and then communications.
These are parallels in harmony. That is the concept being applied.
This creates long range, long distance devices.
This is a device.
Possibly in the neighborhood of 600 feet wide.
They can communicate to their home.
But that does not mean that the communication is instant.
Maybe it takes a year to get back there, it is not certain, but this is an estimate.
This crop circle is strange. It is real.
It seems to be indicating that the astronauts/higher cousins/aliens/ET's whatever you want to know them as,
were being interfered with by another party.
The interfering party was another space-race, who wanted to get in and write some
stuff also. This may come with the territory.
By this I am saying, in the business of what they are trying to do, interference from other space people “aliens” may
just be a matter of fact.
Think of it from their side, they have a space program to enlighten our world and other planets assumably.
By this point in the readings (reading #27),
I could see which ones are the genuine true, hierarchical crop circles from the true,
divinely inspired friends of our planet,
who originate from another solar system, versus ones that are man-made, or made by
a less-wise/less-initiated extraterrestrial type.

Less decoding is necessary with this crop circle.

It explains that everything comes from a central source.
The King Lucifer
The hierarchy producing these designs, known as aliens to the uninitiated,
are not devil worshippers or anything like that.
But this is the design
known as King Lucifer.
It is very deep.
It also instructs us, as outsiders, on the reality
of the true depth and meaning of this KING.
This is not the Sun, Mercury, Venus, or Soul or anything else.

This design is a harmony.

It contains secrets.
(To be clear, this is in contrast to designs that are intended
to be specific illustrations of stuff.)

The crop circle above is a symbol from another world,

and probably from theirs.
Very serious artistic conception can be seen.
It means very little to you, but to them
it has great symbolical meaning.
It is a great symbol.
A deep astral place within the SELF.
Something within us.
Yet this symbol is not known to us.
It is very well known to them and probably by many more “aliens.”
This is merciful.
In some way it projects. As in projection.
The Guardian of Thoth.
It is definitely a pentacle.
There is a certain feeling in it.
Specifically it relates to the ability of clairvoyance.
Magicians have used this pattern for centuries.
The extraterrestrials are aware of these truths.
It is obvious.
There is a certain cleanness and non-human factor to the genuine circles.
If the crop circles did not instruct or give higher wisdom then what value would they offer?
Little to none.

This crop circle is about a variance or a variable rate.

Something mathelogical.
The meaning of these glyphs can be pondered for centuries.
The intention was deliberately astounding and almost deliberately incoherent,
on purpose.
But since there is a key (as there would be with any Intelligent Beings),
it is not all entirely confusing.
There is an Arcana.
It is a stepping stone to the highest truths of the world.
Thank the Extraterrestrials.
This is a sign of animals.
It is for the creatures that inhabit the world and that inhabit space.
We have not yet discovered those creatures that inhabit the space.
Some of the space jellyfish have been noticed though,
as one example of the possibilities.
It is a song that they sing.
They like the creatures.
This is about their flight.
The circle in the center is the “UFO.”
The patterns are intended to be perceived as being above and below the craft.
That is how it works. It is very dynamic.
Very beautiful.

This crop circle really turned on a light for me.

Think about this, if it is genuine, and I believe sincerely that it is,
then it is so very unreal.
There are doors on the side and lights above.
At the end is the entrance...
the entrance of the infinite.

This is meant to make us wonder. Like a baby that wonders at the sky.
Not all of the genuine crop circles (from the same beings mind you) were made
in order to say something specific.
This one has an attraction.
Maybe it is about time and wonderment.
This is an illustration of the active principle found in all forms of life.
It glows red like embers.
It makes heat.
As the ET's are saying,
“it is very essential to us.”

This crop circle at first glance looks like a cd or something similar.

But in the reading it comes across as something else.
This is about the world.
It's about the differences among the different nations and classes of people.
This is about the grievous condition of the world. This is an explanation about why
they will not meet with us now.
The world is without a feeling of connectedness between the people.
That is why the lines are not joined together in this circle.
We are not ready as a world to meet them yet.
A very beautiful and gorgeous crop design!
An amazing work!
Wow, incredible design!!
The foolish will not perceive...
This one is called, “the brilliance.”
The proportion is immensely gorgeous and perfect.
That is the point intended by it.

This crop circle or crop pattern is celestial.

This particular one is a very difficult one to interpret.
The ball inside the oval is the Sun.
The larger circle is a planet.
The oval line is the orbit.
The other circle on the right outer side is another Sun.
This one is very hard to understand.
This has a deep deep deep understanding to it.
Similar to the Tao design,
this one is going to take some very deep meditation
upon the subject to grasp
its understanding.

An early crop pattern from 1990, I gather this one to be a practice run.
It was created long before the main ones.
It is genuinely extra-terrestrial and assumed same beings.
This one shows the amount of spaceships/UFO's that they have. The small dots are the
orb-shaped craft. The larger circles are the disc-craft and the banana-shaped is another type of craft.
The motion lines indicate that these ones are in orbit.
The two outside UFO's are on their way.
It may have been intended as a test to see if we would get the meaning of this,
in contrast to the more complex symbols previously mentioned already here.
In confirmation of the clairvoyance, the smaller orbs have a similar pattern of flight
as have been noticed around the world, particularly in Mexico.
So maybe there is a chance that the alien race responsible for the glyphs have also
been involved with the UFO's that were (and still are, presumably) being spotted.
If this is the case, then it is a visionary monument to world peace.
I do not know more than what I am stating.
This is a crystalline sphere. The outer bubble depicted is an actual sphere in figure.
It's an actual motor and can move stuff.
Think in higher new ways when you perceive this.
It must be in a gravity-free environment to make sense.
Here you have hyper-dimensional physics right in front of you.
That's incumbent on how your brain can handle this material.
It is deep to learn and without reference, it is difficult.
Difficult especially to a race like ours who has never traveled outside their own solar system.
This crop circle shows us the way to create
a hyper-dimensional motor,
the ones you see in the UFO's that have blinking light mechanisms.
Here we have a schematic of the UFO/ship/craft/etc.
The section where they sit is marked 'A'.
We see all of the ship when we see them flying, however,
this diagram is not fully facing us in terms of perspective.
The eye-shaped section is implying dimension, while the
two concentric circles are the oval of the craft, when seen from that side.
It's very very advanced technology, so to simply explain what each part of the
diagram indicates is foolhardy.
As far as the nodules go, this is inexplicable on or with our terms.
One must use a universal idealism to grasp the nature of the designs.
In summary, here you see a ship diagram with illustrations of parts.
The side view is implied while the interior and exterior are laid out symbolically.

Here is a diagram explaining how they can double up on their ships.

They can power each other. They can combine their force.
The center circle is bigger because it is a combination of the ships' force.
They can gain a lot of momentum this way.
A Very Serious Diagram.
A pattern about life.
A most powerful configuration of stellar harmonies.
It vibrates in all directions, above and below,
and emanates in every way.
It runs throughout all the worlds.
It is very stable.
It's stability is unparalleled
in the world of form.
It can make you enlightened.
Thus it is also a symbol of enlightenment.
This shows that our current understanding
of extraterrestrials from mainstream entertainment
is dubious.
This is a marking intended for other Extraterrestrials.
This is not really for me to know about.
It's a private message for some other beings.
They are watching the ET bases...
This represents a place of power of other ET “cousins.”
They are being watched.
They have weapons that can destabilize them if they begin to interfere.
It means they will protect themselves.
If there is a misfortune here on Earth caused by malicious
ET's then they will retaliate and make putty of them.
They are vicious when it comes to war.

This is ART.
No message.
Something for children, etc.
Another ART piece.
A sphere with symmetrical design, somewhat basic.
Not a message about crafts or other technologies here.

A Great Design to Know.

In order to explain to us how old they are...
Here they display an emblem from our planet.
This means that they witnessed the Atlantean Race.
Yes, according to the Tarot and real clairvoyance,
this symbol was the great seal of Atlantis.
Now we have witness of it.
Our own planet is as another.
We know so little about its ancient past.
A great condor, 200 feet across.
The symbol of three-in-one.
The Great Solar Orb.
The ANCIENT DOCTRINE is kept by these beings, our friends and teachers,
considered aliens to us now, in our infancy of knowledge.

This is the diagram of a plasma-oriented molecular weapon.

It can make things disintegrate into thin air.
This is all I know about this design.
The Great Arc
A Transcendental Mystery

This proves the ET origin of the crop circles because

this design has never been seen before on Earth.
It has been some time since the people have acknowledged the crop circles' authenticity.
This depiction shown is not originating from the Solar System.
This is a symbolic Extraterrestrial Monolith on our planet.
It is also a visionary representation of Life on Other Worlds.

A crop circle depicting the Perfect Equilibrium between Sun, Earth and Moon.
There's more to the Cosmos than Humankind.
This equilibrium is perfect and true.
The world functions on this design,
and it is very structured.
“It” being not only Sun, Earth and Moon but
also Cosmos and Universality.
A design that is intended to display the emotion of happiness,
joy and good cheer.
It is funny how the designs can go from overtly technical,
entirely Cosmic and Initiatory, to something as plain and exciting
as human emotion, bonding, maybe even love, but definitely HAPPINESS.
Maybe this crop circle shows the future of our world.

Please do not for one minute think that my mind is not at all blown away by these discoveries, with that being said, let's
look at this rather well known crop circle.
This shows the Black Triangle Mothership.
It is 3 or 4 miles across.
They are populated on the inside.
It can take you other Suns.
If you fly near it, it will open its hatch and
pull you right into it.
They are a part of the stars.
They are not
They will use the material from your ship if you go near it.
You would already know better if you were an astronaut on this level.
Get out of the way of it when you see it.
(This reading seemed as though the ET friends were implicitly
telling me these things directly, consciously).

This crop circle shows an esoteric timeline of the Earth.

It makes sense if you look at it as a stylized graph.
Five million years on each of the diamonds.
The activity of the races and their upheaval.
Periods of activity and abundance and intermixed cataclysm.
See Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine.
This makes sense if you ponder about it.
A treatise on the ages of the races and the planet can
be drawn from this symbolical representation.

This design is highly secretive and respectfully,

I am unable to talk about it at this point.
I do not know anything except this fact.
I would like to as I am a curious person,
but the initiatory restrictions of knowing these things are
on a high level.

This Crop Circle explains the mathematical solution to the circle.

The Geometry of the Indivisible.
Squaring of the Circle.
The end-all of mathematical truth.
It's all there.
The reason that this crop design was found on the fish had something to do with
“silencing the critics.”
The whole scenario surrounding this discovery is not known to me, but I would imagine
that it had something to do with disbelief.

Within five minutes the craft zips over the field, drops the 'substance' upon it and leaves.
This shows the Sun in the center. Notice the rings.
It is possible that this explains that the interior of the Sun is solid, and not gas.
That it is not fiery inside. The two rings are part of its outer bodies.
There are two sets of 11 circles or spheres outside the Sun.
This may very well indicate the 11 bodies that orbit the Sun.
Why is there two? It explains the dual nature of the orbit, possibly.
The following ring contains a small circle and a larger one, the larger one has a ring around it.
The larger of the two may be Nibiru.
It explains that Nibiru does not have a symmetrical orbit. The second smaller sphere or circle must be part
of Nibiru's system.
It's not symmetrically aligned as the 11 bodies are in the previous circle, placed inside of it.
This may explain its mysterious function outside of our planet's rotation (or revolution rather) and
possibly not from our Solar System.
Another possibility is that the second circle on the Nibiru orbit is in fact Pluto, which is also a part of another planetary
system and not from our Sun's System.
There are 15 circles around the entire diagram. These could be bigger spheres that we don't know about.

This one is simple.

Yet, as always, profound.
This shows and is intended to show,
that everything spins.
The rotation of a ball.
It is simple enough that a kid could understand it.
In all stuff.

“You won't get this one”

The clairvoyance tells me.
Pass over this.
Even the very nature of this is not understood.
It is very profound and beautiful, etc.
But the book of it is not being opened toward us.
This one may not be known by us (humans).
Maybe it is theirs and theirs only!
Yet then again,
maybe another clairvoyant session some day
will reveal its intention, let alone its actual understanding.
But this is hierarchical, alas.

This crop circle is a gift to our world. It is very memorable to me.

It is an image depicting what kind of dwelling in which we should live.
Those are blocks on the four corners.
We shall live inside the dome area.
The four outer edges are the outer exterior edges of the house.
It is a gift to our world.
This is a plan they have given to us,
in order that we might live better on our world.
Yes, this is real.
They thought about this and it is conceived
in the minds of “astronauts” or “higher cousins”
millions of millions miles away.
This crop circle indicates the moon and its rotation around the Earth.
They have calculated our moon's eclipses and it is important to them
to show us this diagram so that we know
that they are scientists and that we understand the moon
as it relates to our world.
You must imagine what it is like from their
perspective of the universe that each planet
has its own parameters.
It is a good display of knowledge from them.
(note: Awhile back there was a supposed archaeological relic of this design found near Roswell I believe.
My reading of that item was a fraud.)
This is a very true crop circle design.
It does not depict their spaceship.
(Sometimes in readings, knowing what things are not is just as easy as knowing the opposite.)
There is definitely a BIG meaning to this particular crop circle.
This is the kind of design that needs its own dedicated clairvoyance.
It is one of the biggest, most important glyphs that you can understand.
This one could take some time to grasp its understanding.

When reading this, I immediately knew this was theirs.

This is a diagram of something.
The outer dots correlate to the dots around the center shape.
It is a visual representation of something.
It seems like they are introducing their own way of thinking here.
It is very deep and important.
It seems as if the balls around the outer edge can be placed
on the inner pattern's empty sphere points.
It's their way of teaching that we are not familiar with and
when we begin to learn this style of teaching then they will be there
to assist us. But what it is exactly indicating I am not sure of and
it is another important one to grasp on its own terms,
although not on the gigantic level of the previous crop circle.

The center circle is our planet.

They really want to show us something here.
Yes, this one is an advanced level crop circle.
This could be an explanation of the length of the Earth's life cycle.
The Earth is connected to the Sun by the line.
The individual circles are indicators of ages of time
and then pralaya at the close of the manvantara.
And then at the base,
it explains where the Earth will return.
So it might be a glyph of this nature.
This crop circle displays a problem that we will run into in science.
Do you see that it shows a cube within a sphere?
It is a bit of a problem for the minds of physical Earth.
This is how they measure space.
It is an occult study.
You can figure this,
but to make it work,
it's a difficult gap.
So, in other words,
it seems like they measure the vast distances
of space and the sciences surrounding such things
as a cube within a sphere.
This is genuine and is to be considered as a gift to us.
It is a very important symbolic form that is in direct relation to us
in the reality of their existence.
This form is in regards to the life force
at the basic level of form and reality of life.
It explains the sequence of existence from one into many.
It has the diagram of life itself.

This crop circle shows us a highly advanced symbol displaying the planetary emblem
of a very well known planet.
It is not a planet within our solar system.
It is far away.
It indicates a power of this planet and its keepers.

A celestial serpent glyph.

In the center of the emblem, there is found the dual nature.
The flux of light and dark.
The tail is the crux and the head is the forge.
It is so basic, yet so intrinsic to their flight.
There are serpents throughout the worlds.

This is a very precise diagram of a mechanism.

It creates FISSION.
This is a cosmograph.
A design of inspiration.
It has significance in that they made it for us.
Extraterrestrial crop design.
Very Blessed.
This is clearly a visual form of signal.
Can you decode this?
If you can, then they (our higher cousins) can recognize this signal.
It is a ratio. These clues may help us to know
how to make this signal reach them.
It's not radio, audio or microwave.
We have not quite figured out how to create this type of magnetic pulse.
But it is something they would recognize and this is its layout.
So figure this out, geniuses of Earth.
It is variable.
It's a module that generates a form of signal that is yet unharnessed.
It's magnetic, it is simple enough, yet it is not quite here yet,
in terms of technological advancement of our kind.

Clearly a strange design. It has a lot to it.

We are seeing it at an angle.
It is a docking bay where they prep the crafts before they leave.
It moves through the chambers from the outer circle to the inner portion.
If they make it through each stage they are ready to fly.
The larger circle is the trajectory path.
This contains 40 outer spheres/circles.
They each have two orbiting circles.
Assuming that the smallest ones have them as well.
There are two circles with the center at the line.
The Earth is the large circle that is negatively filled in
at the portion directly above the small orbiting circles.
The outer circles are the Sun in its progression
through space at certain time intervals.
The two circles near the line are markers of time.
This is a very very advanced symbol and I am only taking
minute guesses at it now.
It deals with the life cycle of the Moon-Earth-Sun and its rotational field.
It will need to be dealt with at great length to be comprehended.
But this is the direction in which to begin, as with all of my readings here.

We see a very beautiful and genuine crop design.

It symbolizes the very reason they have visited Earth to benefit us.
Do you see it?
Do you see the symbol?
We are the catepillar now and with their touch of friendship and benevolence,
we may become like the butterfly and open our wings.
...and become a space-faring race.
This is a diagram of the E.T.s' place of dwelling.
It is their 'houses.'
The smaller circles are the stabilizers.
They can communicate to each other.
(Obviously they can if we can.)
The dwellings may be in the shape of ovals,
similar to the classical UFO shape.
No, these are not domes or exact spheres.
They are resting on the ground of their world, I believe.
Yes, this equates to one construction.
This is boundless. The designers are not from our planet (emphasis).
We have acknowledged their extraterrestrial nature being so vastly different from ours.
Even though they are not from our planet,
this spiritual design is magnificent.
It is preserved by them for us to see.
Be Silent.

A BIG design. There are major Earth-shaking ideas in this one.

Let this one rest until its appointed time of discovery.
A very serious message.
The intention behind this is to illustrate a concept of endless and infinite possibility.
It means that there is no end to what we call SPACE.
Infinite possibilities and endlessness being the key points of this illustration.
It's not even remotely beginning now.
The endlessness.
To Comprehend It
This is their version of a jelly-fish. This is a fun and playful artistic take on it for all to see.
It is good to know they are able to relate to us in this way.
Maybe there is a more esoteric reason they chose the jelly fish?
Here we see the beautiful planetary motion of the orbits of planets.
I think that the small balls on the outside were man-made and not pertaining to this crop circle.
This crop circle is mathematical and shows the orbits of planets.
They are making it known that they are experts in astronomy.
This illustrates the three higher aspects of the Higher Self or Soul.
Known to the Eastern Wisdom Religion as
Atma, Buddhi, Manas
The three parts make up the one.
This is from the Masters
This is a very esoteric design. At this point here is what I see from this:
The interlacing pattern of squares within squares has to do with the crop fields.
It is like a rope. Something you can walk upon.
The rope design indicates the wheat / grain fields that they have placed their designs upon!
But the true symbolism of this particular design is very esoteric
meaning that it must be explored and meditated upon further
yes indeed all of them can be looked at with further clairvoyance,
yet some are distinctly meant for such developing awareness.

This design goes back many aeons. It's very sharp, intrinsic stuff.
A very provocative representation.
Don't deny it, this is the real stuff.
It is very purposeful.
It is a variation of another design that has a cube within a sphere
or square within a circle, yet this one does not touch
the edge of the sphere.
It is impossible to describe exactly, because this itself is the intrinsic quality,
and it cannot be conceived.
So it is as it is shown, to be known by its own reality and life.
It describes what you see.
that is what it is
This illustrates the laws of flight motion.
This must be the nature of the aether in the UFO flight patterns.
The smaller moons are indicative of “stops” and the other three outward patterns
are potential turns.
The center space is “at rest.”
If you have seen UFO flight patterns in videos
or possibly even in real life,
this does make sense.
They are desiring to share their higher knowledge with us,
as it is a common thread in all the real crop circles.
Note also that it seems to be rotating in one direction.
This is very important.
This rotational direction known as clockwise,
is probably something of a universal constant.
At least in our terms of what the “universe” is,
or within the galaxy itself.
We simply don't know.

This emblem has its existence elsewhere in this universe, not just in our crop fields.
It describes a STARGATE.
It is part of NATURE, similar to how a VORTEX is, although we know little of its true nature.
A million light years per second may be far too slow.
It is an opening in the aether and the dimensions of time intersect.
But you have to go a certain speed and it becomes inherent in the surrounding field
of time and space.
It is very blessed to be aware of these facts of science and mystical vision.
This is their array.
It sends and receives galactic messages of great or little power.
If you make one of these you can hear messages from across the sky.
It makes a crystal clear reception of almost anywhere.
It is invisible (cloaked) to the naked eye.
It is reflective.
The particles that collect upon it can be zoomed in on
and they can be peered upon.
I estimate it to be approximately 400km across.
It is designed with a substance unknown to this planet.
The crop circle ET's (higher cousins) have this design
particular to them and they hold the keys to its intelligence, construction and operation.

They want to promote metaphysics to us.

Duality of light and dark, earth and sky.
They have given their approval of the Eastern Doctrines of Wisdom.
The truth of it captivates them.
They are visiting for a purpose and for a reason.
This crop picture demonstrates that truth.
Do you see how this crop circle is aligned with the other true circles?
There is a common thread and similar heart in them.
This symbol is the name of the crop circle designer.
This is his (or her, probably androgynous) name in their language!
It represents him.
It's highly decorative.
You can really see the brilliance of these characters and insignia.
This is the mark of him who has created these designs and machines
as shown in the genuinely true crop circles.
He carries a certain precedence over the others who are of his like.

This is real.
Very real.
A Sacred Symbol, not to be touched upon.
Revere it and stay silent.
The Higher Cousins realize that their designs will not be entirely conceived of in the human mind.
They realize this vast difference in knowledge between us.
It is obvious, but must be given great consideration.
This design is displaying their creative abilities. It is a SCIENCE that they have mastered and
it is illustrated here.
This one's message serves as an intermediary between the other crop circles and their intended meanings.

This diagram illustrates orbiting satellites of the Sun.

The Higher Cousins (ET's) have a mission involving these satellites.
The satellites are not visible to us.
They are slightly higher than our realm and not visible to us.
However, I feel that some of them are showing up on the recent videos of the Sun anomalies.
Maybe what is being seen is some kind of reflection of them and not the actual things.
Apparently some Suns have them and so this makes up a portion of the ETs' (Higher Cousins') mission.
The satellites have their own dimension.
They go around for immense periods of time, around and around and around and they gather dust.
The cones here are the Sun's Rays.
The Higher Cousins are on a mission to find something in these orbiting bodies.
It is hyperspace stuff, and what they are looking for exactly would not make sense to us,
unless we were one of them.
Can you tell that it is a gift to our planet to even remotely know about this stuff?
Thank you for letting me share these things I have discovered.
They are there at the Sun now.

This one is cool because they used it as a calibration for their systems.
So there is no actual “message” in it.

This one is different from the others.

This is some kind of device.
What its use is, is a bit unclear.
It is another one that is extra special and needs to be looked at more.
Apparently the ET designers of the crop circles (the Higher Cousins as I call them)
do not see with their eye lenses, but use their mind entirely.
I almost want to say that this is a kind of magic square, used for calls.
I'm not sure though.
The movable squares may be button that light up. That is all I know.
It seems very esoteric now.
And may remain so for a long time.

This amazing huge crop circle is about the oceans of our planet.
This is a great gift and wonder to our planet.
It mentions how the oceans can be affected by exterior,
extra-planetary forces.
It brings to mind the water that flows across the oceans of our world.
It brings to mind that the same water flows across the whole globe.
It is moving throughout the planet.
The same water...from one end to the next.

The mind in its three aspects. This is how they became so blessed.
It is very spiritual, in the esoteric true sense.
Three parts of the mind.
This concludes the reading portion of this episode.
My name is John Gilbert.
I am offering this freely for the people of the Earth.
That you may know.
Now, let us look at some of the false and man-made crop circles.
First off let's give you the run down of those FALSE ANGELS / BLACK MAGIC crop circles.
(You might be able to feel that they have a different spirit than the true circles.)
false angels/black magic
oddly enough the receiver gave me a good reading
just consider the possibility of high level evils
The spheres that were seen are not from the makers of the true crop circles.
It is false angels.
They are trying to get some spotlight etc. Occultists will know what is meant.
Also, it was noted above, that the famous CD holding “grey” alien which says something akin to,
“Beware of false gifts, etc”
is another false one in this category! Beware I say back at it!
From Germany 1992: A very sinister entity behind this and is not at all related to the true crop circles.
False angels, malevolent spirits or what have you. It is not worth conjecturing about.
The clairvoyance will make these things apparent but not necessarily at first glance.
It is a confusing realm to deal with and that's why there are practical zero other clairvoyants
working on these things now.
You do not want to bother with this kind of energy.
I Performed Clairvoyant Readings on Each of These
It was not always so easy to tell which were real and which were man-made.
I am not saying that there was much wrong-doing by these people,
only pointing out the man-made ones for sake of the real true ones.
And then you can decide.
Here you go~
these are man-made
Certainly there were 100's of other man-made (or human-made) crop circles and designs. These man-made designs were
the most debatable because they could have been the real thing. The 100's of other fakes are extremely obvious.
The point is that even if some of the obvious man-made ones were in fact actually ET originated, then their content
matter is not sophisticated enough to warrant attention anyways. So there is no argument for clairvoyance on all the
unsophisticated, alcohol-inspired circles that are nearly all certainly man-made.
Even in the slight chance that they are not man-made they are not related to the arcana of true crop circles and
it is of no use to investigate. It won't be necessary to systematically go through each and every crop circle.
That is not the right way to do clairvoyance. It's a secondary elimination system of working. You may figure this out on
your own if you attempt it.
It seems that there is about another 100 important crop circles that have not been touched upon.
As of this document's creation these are the only ones I have looked at clairvoyantly.
This took around 1.5 months to do.
I had to stop where I did.
There is not a second issue in the works.
There may not need to be.
It may be sufficient to look at one at a time after this is released.
To take an entire issue for one circle.
I do not despise a systematic approach.
Indeed this involved a filing system and method of approach similar to systematizing.
But over-systematizing is unhealthy and dogmatic, robotic and uncool.
The method of clairvoyance is not openly shared.

Another interesting clairvoyant study that came the way of the author of this zine recently was
the large, mysterious stone balls found around Costa Rica called the Diquis Delta Balls.

According to the author's findings these balls cannot be a hoax at all. The men who made these
balls were as big as a house--around 12 feet tall. These balls were the giants' olympics! They made a
game of it. The spectators pushed them and cheered them on. This was a competition among the
giants to see how far the competitors could throw them. This could have taken place millions of years
ago. They had great personalities and enjoyed life as much as we do.

Do you need to be told the truth about every unsolved mystery of the earth and beyond?
Assuredly there are living beings who know all truths from fictions, but have people reached the point
in their spiritual progress that every unknown mystery of our planet should be divulged? Is
humankind, as the little brother/sister of the cosmos prepared to once again take that plunge into pure
science? Even if there is blindness in faith or in believing, is there some kindness in leaving certain
things unannounced as to their origins? Maybe so...
The occult is the study of the unknown in its exactitude. Take for instance the extraterrestrial
obsession common in today's world. As a theosophist, classical magician or occultist, is it fortunate of
humankind to take an interest in the spirits of the other worlds? Or is this obsessive interest being
taken too seriously as an ultimatum? In plainer terms, will people be continually misled by the
phenomenal universe, further walking down a path of distraction or will they learn to maintain the
quest of ultimate salvation while the phenomenal world goes through its change? It is not clear. When
Santa Claus no longer could entertain the peoples' fancy, even though he was and is very real
(remember, Santa=Odin or Santa=Satan) as he was connected to the mysticism of the Amanita
Muscaria Vedic tradition. Many spirits exist above and also terrestrially. Sadly there is no evidence
that meeting extraterrestrials will lead to a knowledge of the Higher Self, the True Inner Sun, the One

Today's date is December 20th, 2016. Earthquake prediction awareness. There is a strong
possibility of a natural disaster in the near future that may come in the form of an earthquake or
something of similar potentiation. There is more chance for natural disasters than there are for
humancreated ones, although people with fearful persuasions have prompted the masses otherwise.

Easter Island Heads

The current explanation is that the Rapa Nui people carved these monuments. This explanation lines
up with the modern day exoteric and materialistic explanations for things occult, paranormal and
It is not that I disagree with the mundane explanation.
About two years ago, I did a couple in-depth “akashic” readings on these popular statue-heads. I did
not immediately consider releasing the findings because it would not support the faith that these are
Lemurian ancient monuments constructed by the giants of lore whom they represent. However
looking through the archival readings and doing some back-logging, I want to share the preliminaries
on the statues because I think it is corroborative to do so.
Ancient Chinese possibly First Century BC or AD. I think closer to First Century AD. Regardless of
the precise date, I was stunned by the astral record left behind on these statues because they are
generally regarded as very very ancient mystical monuments created by Lemurians or similar people,
even by occultists.
Did the Chinese have ships and world maps in the First Century AD? It's possible. I also believe that
there were ancient maps available to the “higher ups” even back in the BC times. I have reason to
believe that the Norwegians had developed some world maps long before the Viking era. I also believe
the Piri Reis is a map derived from Norwegian sources possibly among others, Phoenician maybe even
Access the Akashic is a free-thinking work that is always updating itself and correcting inaccuracies if
possible because of the neverending search for truth.
Consider the reading. First Century Chinese travel by ship or ships to the Island. They must have had
maps and the knowledge of its locality. However it is also part of a massive magnetic ley line and
possible vortex system so that would enable it to be easily discovered by Ancient travelers because they
were more reliant upon natural energy as their guides. I also believe the ancients utilized ley line type
energy patterns to discover regions and geomantic localities of sacredness. Easter Island as mentioned
in Secret Doctrine is most likely a remnant of Lemurian times maybe Atlantean as well. I believe this
region of the Pacific to be a source of much knowledge as to the genuine age of the Earth and Human
Evolvement over the various cycles of races.
This leads me to believe that the Ancient Chinese in all their adept-ness to the ancient occult reality,
had a doctrine as to the facial structure and proportionate size of the Lemurian ancestors who are
written about in many legends, but now disbelieved by the mainstream world. However, the skulls and
skeletons of giants have been unearthed and rumoured about. It should be assumed that the adepts of
China First Century would have had more working intimate knowledge of the Lemurian/Giant peoples,
“gods, titans,” and so on. With this being said, it is curious that the two readings I developed over a
couple of months on this surprising find, related a story of Chinese sculptors working and laboring
intensely to create a monument to the Ancient Race of Giants on an island that was probably known to
them. Maybe there were other islands in the Pacific that aided in their travels in those days, it is not
known. However the amazing aspects of this discovery, while it is still awaiting corroboration, is that
the monuments are not indeed 10s of thousands of years old or more, but merely a couple thousand and
that the Chinese built them with intense labor, almost nearing slave-like qualities in order to create a
mystical monument.
The disclaimer for this is not to detract from the wonder and amazement of these mystical stone beings.
Nor to deter from the skill of the natives, however, many times natives inhabit regions where previous
cultures exhibited craftmanship above and beyond their natural abilities. This knowledge was on my
heart and I personally had doubts about it, although the clearness and recent-ness of the activities made
it easy to do a second reading and double check several weeks or more later since the time inbetween
the readings can allow for accuracy as well as a clear head approach.

From the clairvoyant findings presented here, it is clear that he was at home with the Tarot.
Etteilla was an occultist and he was an early proponent of the magic of Tarot. He impressed and
astonished people by his clairvoyance. He changed the world for the Hermit. He knew the gods and he
was a charming guy. He looked and knew the things of the Science of the Adepts. If you paid him, he
would read for you and nothing was too difficult for him.

Why is every underwater city found considered to be Atlantis? Has anyone noticed how every
time there is a new underwater ruin discovered that handfuls of people claim that Atlantis has finally
been unearthed? You look online and see a website with pictures of the discovery and alongside it is
found the explanation of how Atlantis is finally solved. If you are a rational person, yet still have belief
and knowledge of the existence of spirit, then philosophically you would be frustrated with the Atlantis
obsession. Consequentially we will never get to the bottom of the mystery of Atlantis if people
continue to over-mystify it and only approach it from blind-faith or washed-up mysticism.
Unfortunately sometimes spiritually deep subjects are not given enough space for the Light of Reason
to shine through, and thus it is the lack of patience that clouds the mind.
Sometimes it seems like Theosophical writings only offer deep, drawn-out philosophical
explanations for everything, when clearly people have been desiring some exact responses on various
highly intriguing mystical subjects such as the alien/ufo phenomena, Atlantis, Bigfoot, outer space,
Machu Picchu, etc., thereby this weekly zine will be an opportunity for a more detailed overview of
any and all subjects under the sun. This means that the articles found here will not gloss over the
exactitude necessary to convince anyone that magic is a true thing and the study of ancient wisdom is
not only for involving oneself with great idealizations but also for sifting through the lost passageways
of actual clairvoyance necessary to advance the human race on earth and beyond. According to the
author's dowsing work, Atlantis' location is about 1000-1500 miles off the coast of Africa near
Nouadhibou, the northern coastal border of Mauritania. Certainly enough, after his dowsing work on
this subject, evidence cropped up on the internet of some sort of ruins near that Atlantic location (but as
of this writing, no further investigative work has yet been done). Other ancient underwater cities that
have been considered by some to be the ruins of Atlantis include the Yonaguni monument of Japan and
the Bimini Rock formation of the Bahamas. The Yonaguni rock formation is not as old as Bimini, and
it was part of an empire/civilization that upheld the war hungry practices of the Samurai. It kept slaves
and invaded a great deal of territory. An amazing history is there, no doubt, but it was entirely human
as we are today, Ancient Japanese, and evolving in the timeline of our known ancient past. It is not that
old when compared to Bimini. The Lemurians lived at the site of Bimini Wall. Whether or not
Blavatsky is entirely correct in regards to the Lemurian locations, the author has yet to correlate, but
regardless, Bimini is a site of great importance to humankind. They were not humans as we know
humans today, but much taller and they wore tall hats. They had a beautiful outlook on the world and
were entirely friendly and had a great civilization. It fell somehow due to an internal conflict or
because they did not have enough intellect to protect against the downfall and were caught unaware.
Regardless, much more psychic energy can be observed from the Bimini ruins because of their great
antiquity and the wonderful observation of those people who were part of a different root race before
our present humanity. Much more will be observed on this as the whole picture is formulating as to the
history of the earth and the wonders present in it that can only be known from Akashic picture viewing
also known as Astral Light Reading.

The extraterrestrial paradigm since Blavatsky's days has changed but not as much as you may
think. Certainly we are being visited by the celestial beings and people of other worlds (aliens) more
than in the late 1800's, yet books like Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine do not fail to mention the
existence of the so-called aliens. If anyone knew ahead of time about the reptilians and their illdisposed
plans, it would have been HPB and the author believes that she did know of them. We take
for granted the advances made in flight and the space program since her time, that it is impractical to
imagine a world without such technology.
Terms such as “The Builders” and “Celestial Spirits” and “Igili” are present in Blavatsky's
writings and indicate what we call aliens today. It is clear however, that their skies were not littered
with extraterrestrial craft as they are now. It is quite magical to comprehend the true existence of our
neighbors scattered across the Milky Way, including the well-known Sirians and those of Procyon who
more-than-likely helped establish our planet and the pyramids. Isn't it a wonder to behold the living
fact that we are not alone? In considering the Theosophical doctrine of the planets, it makes more
sense that so-called “inter-dimensional” portals exist and that an Inner Earth does indeed exist (the
North Polar entrance having been edited out of Google Earth no less).
We have come to know some outsider information on the various extraterrestrial races and the
like. It is not always clear whether the beings are from outside this sphere or are physical in respect to
us and the mechanics of it. Theosophy can help and aid one in establishing a universal view of the
ancient realms beneath and above, with knowledge of the spheres of the globes and the septenary
cosmic soul of humankind. It seems obvious that if HPB and the Theosophists were in a world filled
with UFO's that they would have made it a topic of their discussion, considering that they were (and
still are) masters of the ancient worldview that have existed in our modern age. Some believe that the
aliens have visited in regards to the atomic technology and its related sciences emerging on our planet.
Quite possibly this is the case—but who will know the thoughts of such far-removed unearthly forms
of life?
It has come to be known by the author that, on occasion, it is possible to see an extraterrestrial
walking among us. This phenomenon will be left up to the reader to discover for the time being. There
is no doubt that Blavatsky's works mention “The Builders” and also maybe “The Watchers” plus other
cosmic races of highly intelligent gods existing in our cosmos who have visited us. But she did not
mention directly the greys or reptilians or other strange phenomena of our day, although in passing she
mentions little green men or martians, etc. In perspective, it seems important that we should look at the
phenomena of extraterrestrial visitations or even interactions as explainable only through magic, the
ancient wisdom.

And now the final decision on Aleister Crowley's Past Life (Most Recent One)

Charles IV of France

Mass Hypnosis? Is it possible? Taking a step back from the extreme “akashic” readings of this
manual ie the nxxs-blog ATA journal/zine, let's ponder this relatively new and hopefully shortlived
phenomenon known as Flat Earth.
In brief summary, Flat Earth-ers are currently raging upon the world-wide internet, especially
on the video-internet (Youtube as they call it). Videos purporting to reveal the hidden mysteries of the
Earth by claiming that we actually do in fact live in a non-globe Earth that is flat. These videos were
easier to ignore a year or two ago, but now have sprung up into the millions of views category.
The views are mostly positive views with thumbs up and little to no videos against the Flat
Earth Theory, which is odd. In other words, the “Globers” are ironically not given much voice and the
pro-Flat Earth-ers or Flat Earth Society as they call it are given a preferential stance on what they have
considered to be a valid topic. Looking through the history of mass hysteria, one can find evidence of
strange behaviors in society that have started small in one or two persons and managed to work their
way up into many individuals all acting on the same accord. For example, the case of a convent that
meowed like cats or the Salem Witch Trials, etc. And then one must consider the relationship between
mass hysteria and its historical incidents and the idea of mass hypnosis which this phenomenon may
categorically be placed.
Examples of mass hypnosis are somewhat varied from that of mass hysterias, but they are interrelated.
Mass hypnosis seems to have a more political side to it. This is because hypnosis deals with
the repetition of statements to provoke a kind of mindless adherence. This type of effect is attempted
by marketing/television adverts and fascist politicians. However, the Flat Earth because it is currently
ongoing, has not yet been categorized as a prime example of mass hypnosis because the quote-unquote
society of it will take offense and by sheer numbers force the naysayers to be brandished as “ignorant”
or such similar undesirable descriptives.
So is Flat Earth a political movement, still yet untapped by a controller-politician willing to
convert the mass hypnotic energy into propaganda? Was the Flat Earth movement created by a sinister
force of political measures? Or more probably was it just a small idea at first prompted by previous
conspiratal videos and theories with incorrect dogmatic literature sources and theologies-gone-wrong
and through mass hysteric/hypnoses converted within a few months into a mass movement on the
internet? Possibly this is an effect of the internet's ability to influence the mental-scape of the
individual in a near-hypnotic state, devoid of reason, and create social groupings around such
ignorance. Maybe it puts them in a trance and with the aid of multiple wills a form of stage magic or
minor sorcery is affecting the total mental processes of the individuals supporting the movement
becoming a chain-of-will in a mass destruction. As Ouspensky points out, and is well known, that the
masses always destroy the works of the individual and they are more like a jellyfish than an higher

Fluoride. Is it that bad? It is added to the tap water. It is based from Fluorine. In small does it
is harmless. It has a low-harmonic luciferian resonance to it, though. This is not easily explained,
although under certain astro influences the effect can be felt. The reason it is placed in the water is that
it maintains the government's spiritualism over the general public as a sort of reverse evil. In general
the effect is not noticed and it is non-negative. However if there is a full moon in the 8th house or
similar, then it resonates a negative under-harmonic of the luciferian energy. Don't drink any suspect
water when occult sympathies are present, otherwise it is simply harmless when looked at isolated from
all the other impurities found in today's municipal and “spring” water.

It is possible that psychic vampires will not be utterly defeated...but here's how you can deal
with them. Two types persist: the conscious, nefarious sorts who dwell near large populations and
various Earth-energy spots in order to facilitate their necessity of financial black art, and the terrestrial
entity inhabitors who unconsciously eat and consume bio-electric magnetism for themselves.
Both types are similar in that the counter-measures useful in guarding against them utilize
similar force-phenomena. First of all determine the amount of energy necessary to counter balance the
vampire. Do not let them know they are identified in the astral. Now penetrate their mucoisial ether
with Supreme Thought and Balance.
According to clairvoyance (as with all the ATA stuff), this handaxe is actually part of an axe that
had a handle. It was used by twelve-foot people, approximately 6-16 million years ago (!!?). They
needed a tool like this to hunt some big, BIG animals. Those animals were remnants of dinosaurs, it
seems. Damn!

Gobekli Tepe is human-based on the other hand, and the original vocabulary of its designation
resembled something to the effect of, “oral, ora, ura, or uro.” The construction took them a number of
years to finish. They had naked females dancing there. It was an Initiation site. There was a
Priesthood. It is a Paleolithic temple. They make the desert come to life (in present tense as in the
duality of clairvoyance, here nor there, it is). Who were they? Not sure yet, but they made mounds too.
Desert dwellers, the nomad-monad, if you will. Northwestern Mesopotamia with sand all around.
Many more readings would have to made to pinpoint a lot of the details. It is with some
hesitation that the author releases the first findings at this point, but we haven't much to lose either. If
some of the scientific cultural findings for some reason do not exactly match the clairvoyant research
findings, there can be several reasons beyond the obvious reason of inaccurate interpretation (that is
rarely the case, though). Those reasons are not necessary to be explained in full, but regarding the art
at hand, sometimes things are in fact perfectly aligned by another form of reasoning and only need to
be double-checked to the original clairvoyance. That is why this comes to you straight from the journal
of the author.
Furthermore, where did the Gobekli Tepe folks get their ideas? This is the original universal
religion of theosophy being showcased here. Even though modern history puts the pyramids at a much
lesser age than occult wisdom, the author believes the pyramids were in fact already built before the
times of Gobekli. The Gobekli temple had a door. There is for certain a procession performed here.
Lots of regalia and people would take part in the occassion. The priests were involved in the
construction directly. The things we don't know abound!

Here is an interesting person to ponder. He was very adept. He didn't have a problem. He was
guided by his intuition and by alchemy. His philosophy made him powerful. The world he was in
respected him. He had the philosopher's stone and was in every way gifted. Who is this guy?

Let's be honest and admit that not much is actually known about the Gundestrup Cauldron. It is
certain that anyone with some psychic ability beyond the mundane level would be able to pick up on
the negativity surrounding this item. To find out the details as to why, the author likes to use the Rota

in order to have verity and the ability to double check the findings by the ancient reduction methods
inherent in the Rota. Although there are better powers available to access the akas more head-on
without Tarot hieroglyphs, those who use it know that it just accesses the INTELLIGENCES of the
Trump cards taken from a sacred, initiatory priesthood. Anyways, back to the cauldron.
The reading was brief because of the nature of the piece and its level of interest to the
clairvoyant. The Nordic ruler would cleanse himself with water from this bowl before killing people in
order to purify himself from the atrocious act. It was not a good sign to see this bowl. There is a dread
associated with it. The accepted date is probably close enough, since the clairvoyant will only brush
over a finding like this particular one and exact date will make very little difference to occultism. It
depicts Odin and the art on the bowl is Wotanism 100%. This bowl was a part of their sanctuary. It
was used in other types of moral cleansing by placing the hands in it. If someone was brought to their
court and at some point during the procedures, saw this item, the person would immediately know his
fate. It may have also been used for mercy killing of the terminally ill. Perhaps this was not the
brightest ornament during the Nordic culture.
What we may consider artistic may have actually been utilized for more than mere decorative
purposes by the original owners. And now it just sits there doing nothing.

These “hand axes” were discovered in Botswana. They are similar in style to some that were
found elsewhere although it turns out these are not directly related, as would be expected. According to
the genuine occult clairvoyance these are 60+million years old. They date back to a time when Earth
was one continent and somehow they were preserved. The people who crafted these and used them as
utility knives etc. were around 33-38 feet tall (but not over 40 feet). They are basically hand tools of
the giants.

Recently I acquired a paperback version of F. Hartmann's Magic: White and Black. It is an

excellent read. It is of the highest initiatory quality. I had been looking for a copy of this book for
about seven years with no luck. I would have bought an old hardcover of it if I saw it. I was a resale
bookseller during that time.
It is a book of initiatory magic. The title is meant to deter the uninitiated. It is a curveball.
Hartmann does not pretence to denounce black magic since he was into (and involved in) classical
theosophy. This is because of a lost realism reaching back into victorian and blavatskian times in
which they did not formulate doctrinal prisons or theological conundrums.
It is clear from the start that this book will not appeal to the lower senses or those seeking a
thrilling occult/ceremonial new-age text. It has nothing to do with that and many will not even notice
such a variance. I am glad I have read it and it served its purpose of bringing me closer to Master
Hartmann, even if for a brief time as an Initiator and not as a sole Guide into the truth of occultism and
magic (which are the same).
Anyone that can recognize the truth of this book and attempt to comprehend it with actual
working wisdom and practical approach, shall also realize the value of Hartmann's words and soul. It
is a grade A book without flaw and with full intention to assist in the occult initiatory realization of the
seeker who has already learnt a great deal of sciences and various methods who needs to better clarify
and concentrate towards accessing the “akashic.”

Recently the author did a reading asking if there were any well-known reincarnations. The
answer was clear within a few minutes of interpreting the layout. That result was Adolf Hitler, but it
also indicated that there were others, but his was a big one to figure out. This finding was not
attempted until approximately a month later when time presented itself. The results of this work are
uncanny and beautiful in a karmic way.
The process of finding a past life is similar to doing any other type of Tarot reading. It is less
apparent on the surface, though. As is explained on, past life readings have a distinct color
when it comes to actual clairvoyance and not some fanciful fiction of the same subject. To be accurate
is imperative, therefore this discovery would not be released without due diligence on the angles of
approach. The process is outlined at and will not need to be repeated here for time's sake.
When it comes to Hitler, some folks are convinced of things about him and other people are
opposing those ideas. To anyone out there who is a clairvoyant then you know exactly what kind of
person he was and have no questions as to the overall Nazi goals. But enough of that. Adolf Hitler was
Attila the Hun. Just look at the similarities in sound and phonetics in their names. It is pure karma at
work. Basically the same person, looking at it from a higher perspective of reason, the occult
explanation is reasonable. Of course it is not natural to assume that the phonetics of names would lead
you to any conclusive evidence for incarnational ties, but in this instance it is remarkable. During the
process of the reading, there was a map dowsing for Hitler's past life origin and it came out as West
Siberia, slightly north of Petropavlovsk. This indicates that there is a probability that the Huns were
Germanic or related to Germanic people. Chances are likely since the Germanism played a strong part
in the incarnation of Hitler as it must have to the Huns, even though in a different stage of existence,
however negative it may have been. Look at the similar strategies of warfare and compare their deeds.
Now you can imagine the effects of Attila's campaigns upon the people in a similar karmic illustration
as shown by the 20th century Nazi's. Even Blavatsky mentions in the Secret Doctrine that Attila was
likely to make a return soon. She did not make many predictions, but synchronistically the author just
happened to be at that section of her book a day after this too-true discovery.
Once again, just look at the strategies of the Huns and the Nazis. In order to stay out of the
unnecessary political arena, we will only hint at what you may discover. However it may be true that
the 20th century Huns were only looking for an excuse to see how many victims they could add up on
their score card of death. Common rites of blood and the practice of tribalism, plundering and
provoking fear all relate uncannily to this incredible story of reincarnationism.

To break a hex, chant the vowel syllables, ground thyself to Earth, perform a kabalistic
banishing and trace a “spiritual” symbol in each of the infinite sacred directions.

It is possible that psychic vampires will not be utterly defeated...but here's how you can deal
with them. Two types persist: the conscious, nefarious sorts who dwell near large populations and
various Earth-energy spots in order to facilitate their necessity of financial black art, and the terrestrial
entity inhabitors who unconsciously eat and consume bio-electric magnetism for themselves.
Both types are similar in that the counter-measures useful in guarding against them utilize
similar force-phenomena. First of all determine the amount of energy necessary to counter balance the
vampire. Do not let them know they are identified in the astral. Now penetrate their mucoisial ether
with Supreme Thought and Balance.

Changing courses, let's turn our attention to the skies. Flying humanoids. Some are alien/ET
and some are secret military equipment. How do you know which is which? It's not so easy. The
Tarot is one place to begin because it is the exact representation of the mental universe. When you
differentiate from one kind of thing to another, it makes a great difference in how you perceive these
phenomena. Without Tarot, one could eventually fall off the deep end because of a lack of spiritual,
adept knowledge of humanity and the surrounding immediate globe. There is no definite knowledge of
how advanced these humans or “human-oids” really and who they serve or patrol. Now let us look at
the photo of the flying humanoid from Saint Petersburg, Russia (taken from a youtube video):

The occult findings are as follows: They come here in craft and get out and fly around. There
is a sphere we do not see that surrounds him. There is a capsule we do not see here. It is invisibilized
with a harness. He is wearing something and it has an energy field. He probably has a ray gun. This is
a really strong reading (as the author's notes indicate). Their technology we witness here may use a
gravitational, polar alignment with the earth center. They come from a massive colony and they seem
aggressive granted their position in the reality. From the author's dowsing work on this subject, they
seem to be from the moon of Saturn, probably Iapetus.

For whatever reasons the Kensington Runestone's authenticity is still being debated. Certainly
some of those reasons are motivated by the usual unwillingness of people to leave behind egotism in
search of the deep. At any rate, the author of this weekly astral zine has the objective of strengthening
our collective search for the unknown. Now let us take a look at the Kengsington Runestone:

Since clairvoyance is an art with several difficulties, it is the assurance of accuracy when a
reading shows you beforehand what the documented facts contain. In other words, in the case of this
reading, the author decoded the message of the stone (since it is not that old, it was easy to pinpoint)
and then only later looked on the internet to find it was verified. It may be better to approach readings
this way, but similar to a jury who already has information on the presented case, many times the
background and details of a given subject of psychic study is already in the public consciousness.
The findings about the Kensington Runestone were very affirmative. It is a real artifact. Maybe
the controversy over this artifact is how it can disturb some of the status quo. Yes the Vikings were
great explorers, wisemen and artists and according to the Vinland Saga made their way to America half
a century before the “discovery” of the continent of the popularized textbook persona. Not much is
known about the Vikings' stay in America, if they left completely or possibly made homes and families
here. With real clairvoyance, it is not hit and miss, we now have direct access to the subtle akashic
realm where the astral plane is aggregated into unified power. There is no book in the sky you read to
get access to the records of the universe, or at least, our planetary habitation.
The Kensington Runestone, in the opinion of the author, was written and created for friends
while the group was hoping their luck would change. They were on an expedition. They were stranded
and lonely. They were not going back. They created these stones as communication symbols or signs
intended for their colleagues on the journey. It is very sensible indeed. Imagine how they felt being in
such a far away land. Certainly they would have been happy to talk to anyone. This means other
Vikings were out there traveling. In a desperate situation, knowing the spirit of the Vikings, there was
always hope they might have seen someone. If you read the Vinland Saga, the natives were not always
friendly and it wouldn't have been them they were desiring to see. Yes, they stayed in good spirits even
in a bad situation. They probably wanted to reconnect with the other travelers, get supplies and food in
order to be able to start the trek backwards to Canada or maybe even to Iceland. Some of those details
are unnecessary for the impression found here. Many conclusions can be drawn without the use of
psychic energy because each clairvoyant knows there are too many things to consider and each and
every reading takes a certain amount of personal subtle focus that is not good to over-exert, but at times
one will do so for the right reasons. The most important factor of this finding, is that it backs up the
inscription of the stone and it may help to restore the true history of the Vikings in America and give
credit where credit is applicable.

The Kiev Spaceman artifact, is probably about five inches tall. Whoever found it was
extremely lucky. In fact, this piece is without doubt a priceless item. The artistic style of it is definitely
strange and archaic. Take a deeper look at it:

Yes, odd.
Previously unexplainable, except within the realms of faith and mystery, since the proper
formula of kabalaä of rota was not known. And yet now, it is possible to take an ordinary person and
allow them to peer into the akashic field. This spaceman, to the relief of the non-skeptics out there, we
(all of us collectively) have a truly awesome extra-terrestrial discovery at hand. It does not actually
matter if the original piece is in circulation or not, because the picture is enough to gain access and
telepathic connection. Yet whoever does own this piece is standing on a priceless item, one of which
could not be bartered in the trade of the original Mona Lisa.
You know sometimes truth is stranger than fiction because in the reading of this item, there is a
strange story connected to it. This has been double checked—though the author does not ever claim
infallibility—that indeed extra-terrestrials who were visiting our planet had an incident take place that
made them lose some items. All of a sudden some issues arose and they had to leave Earth after some
brief deliberations. Yes it is hard to believe that such advanced people could lose anything, but this has
been corroborated twice now.
Maybe it was a necklace piece for their child. As you can see it has two holes for a possible
connector piece for jewelry. A dowsing has given that they were originating from the Procyon system.
As with any ET findings, the exact whereabouts are not so important (and even harder to prove) but
that the finding is in fact ET in origin is sufficient enough to stir the dreams and imagination of all who
are open hearted to the concept of an endless universe. It seems that they were going so fast that the
item slipped and it might have been in a container with other items. Later on they realized they lost it.
Yes, it's hard to believe they could lose things, but these fictions are always the same while the facts
sometimes fall outside of the probabilities of our mind. The date of 4000 bc seems correct.
The Klerksdorp Ball is a funky piece that was dug up in South Africa. One look on wikipedia
and you will hear the skeptical voice of our world. Other than that, the rest of its story is up for
speculation. Access the Akashic is not a place for speculation but for serious occult study and purpose.
A meat-free diet, ages old magical practices and specific exercises are among the basics of the entrance
into the ability to see stuff from the past as if it was happening right now. You will we go along.
The hiatus was necessary. And now we have a format that features one item, but more slowly
and with introspection. That means less interference. But you have seen what Access the Akashic is
capable of, and now we as a group of investigators, continue on the quest for Akashic Wisdom.
The Klerksdorp Ball (the one shown above is the one that has been “accessed” for this reading)
has been read (clairvoyantly) by the author twice at least. Just today, another reading was done and it
coincides with the previous. This is important and as you will see it also coincides with previous
readings about the late, great history of the Planet Mars, one which will only be seen through eyes of
the inner, subtle astral records contained in the mass directly above our minds. According to the
reading and not internet or other sources, the ball is approximately six million years old. According to
the clairvoyance, both times, people who came from Mars used this ball as a spectator sport or game.
To be plain, it was a sport with the goal of seeing who could roll the ball the furthest. One of the
reasons it is steel is because that gave it some weight and thus it was challenging. This raises many
questions as do all readings and there is never an end to the knowledge one can gain by this practice,
although it is best to round the corners and get the basics fully covered before answering specific,
harder-to-pinpoint answers.
You can see there is a place for an attachment on the ball. There was something that wrapped
around the contestant's arm so that they could lunge the ball out onto the playing field. The participants
were the King's guards. The author believes they called the game something akin to “IKAHr.” They
would bring this game from Mars to this planet. The King, his right hand man and the princess would
watch. They lived on a rig and they had life suits on. The competition was only to see who could win
and find out who is the best. It gave them something fun and competitive to do. They found it an
amazing sport to watch. A very big strong guy was one of the throwers who would latch the ball onto
the arm band and spin and throw it. The author received a sense that they were good and honest people
who would simply enjoy a sport to watch with each other. The Queen was referee. There was a
countdown before playing. If one of the people lost, they would feel rejected and walk away a loser. It
made them merry, jovial and brought excitement to their lives while here. There was another man who
was the coordinator who would set up the playing field with all its boundaries. A day would come
when he would approach the king and say, “Do you want to play?”
But what were they doing on Earth? This is back when Mars was still an active place with the
people there. They went to Earth and to our Moon. They traveled in highly evolved technology unlike
ours of today. They may have actually been looking for a safe haven refuge because of the wars back
on their planet. That's a long, long, long, long, long, long story. Thank you for reading.
Today is Leo Tolstoy's Birthday. Happy Birthday, sir. A person of passion, vision and strength.

Tolstoy was a very strong personality. He had a rough life. He hoped for change. He was
courageous. And his writings stay with us.

Hey everybody, remember this photo?

You must realize for every awesome finding, there are several that must be tossed out into the category
of hoax, fraud, let-downs or artistic illusions. Well this is not one of those, in the opinion of the author.
The object found in this famous moon photo, is a life form. The two holes are not eyes, they are where
it gets its food or breath from. These things crawl around the moon and if you were there, you may see
them here or there. There may be a lake or underground moisture zone where they can fester and grow
before coming out to roam. Don't suppose that life has to follow the rules we have on earth. The
author supposes they are three to four feet in height. It has skin and is not see-through. This life form
is bad news. It may have been attempting to approach the photographer in this scene. They live in
groups. They will kill you. It might have fangs, claws or suckers (something we have not seen on
earth). This thing is a lunar life form that will kill you instantly if it gets you! And you thought video
games were fun! Nasa is much more fun than Nintendo! Thank you Nasa.
A List of the Mystery Schools:
Arcadian Cult of Despoina
Cult of Attis
Cult of Cybele
Mysteries of Isis (Isaic Mysteries)
Cult of Trophonius
Dionysian Mysteries
Eleusinian Mysteries
Mithraic Mysteries
Orphic Mysteries
(from wikipedia)

Lord Lytton is one of the great occultists and living legends of the Madame Blavatsky lineage.
I hope to investigate more about him soon. Let me tell you what I saw.

Lord Lytton during his life, found the entrance to the subterranean Inner Earth. Ancient Sages
live there. He was underground for three weeks in the cold and damp. There's someone down there!
The reading comes to a close abruptly. I am aware that Lytton is a genuine living spirit and close to
Blavatsky in knowledge and spiritual equality. This magazine will hopefully cover more of this man
and his undisclosed researches into Inner Earth and other research.
Magnetite is useful for a wide range of garden variety spiritualistic uses. Some of these include
base/grounding, protection, attraction, meditation, magic, etc. Lodestones are also magnetite and work
similarly. The magnetism of the rock is useful for polarizing the mind, body and its Will.

The clairvoyant of NXXS/ATA recently looked into the Manpupuner Pillars to see if there could
be an artificiality to them. At any rate, he found that they are natural in origin. They were always
there, since time could remember ( this is obviously not to be understood literally), formed by volcanic
action and ice. Over the ages, people would pass them by and look at them. The rock formations are a
strong landmark, a vortex and rest upon a ley line center of the Earth. It would be nice to hear if
anyone has done any dowsing work or magical experiments at the area.
Growing up it was taught to us that the red planet was a lifeless ball of rock out in space. We
were always told that no other life existed in the solar system. A group-consciousness dictated to our
lives that we need not question too much about Mars. We were constantly reassured at every form of
questioning that there was indeed no such thing as life there or anywhere out there. In a strange way, it
seems the group-consciousness of our planet had gotten dimmer over time, and less and less
questioning of anything became more common. It seemed to have gotten to the point where
questioning was totally out of the question and we were doomed to spend our lives without space
The dream is beginning to take form like never before. Mars is clearly inhabited. Although this
thought has not entered the group-thought or collective mind, if you will, it has entered the hearts and
minds of individuals planet-wide. Is this the dream we have been waiting for? Yes, it is in fact the
greatest discovery of our aeon. Now we may connect the dots with ancient history and find a similar
heritage or lineage between our two planets. The idea of planetary isolationism is beginning to lose
steam and obviously has no secure future. Who knows? Maybe there will always be idiot doubters who
choose to close their minds to the ever-increasing photo evidence of people on Mars, but evolutionary
law seems to favor the opposite outcome. Indeed we will discover that Earth is the alien and we have
not been doing everything in line with the example of our partners in the universe.
Mars has life. Venus has life. The list goes on and on. The important part of it is the focus on
Mars. If the time is coming for their presence to be revealed to us on a mass-consciousness level, then
either we will become permanent universal friends and allies or there will be a planetary conflict. It's
unlikely the latter will take place, but the climate of Earth is one of such low-vibration that an
unspeakable atrocity of ignorance would not be surprising. Unfortunately the general populus across
our planet is peaceful and desires zero conflict with any space people. In fact, the universal mindset is
gaining power because the internet is unstoppable, no matter how hard the low-vibration countries are
attempting to censor it. There is a living force behind the multitude of network lines, the nature of
which is not fully understood and aetherial support is giving it strength.
Mars is the dream of dreams. We are becoming aware of their civilization. Even if the images
are secondary in quality, it will not stop the scrutiny of imagination and the desire to make clear what is
not clear. It's so special to our well-being on our planet to find out that we have neighbors on the red
planet, who live their lives similarly yet also differently then we do here, that we can learn immensely
from them in many ways, even if they are just people and not “gods.” Maybe the time of the gods is
not currently happening on Mars as much as it is not happening on Earth—we understand this. Pause
for a second or three and imagine if we could have internet chat with Mars people. Think of logging
into an internet that has more than one planet! Think if we could talk to them directly through the
internet somehow. All it would take is a radio transmitter, but we may have to send them our form of
computers or vice versa because it is likely that they do not have the same forms of technology (it
might be quite odd when compared to ours!).
It is as if the previous world we lived in was a dream of a lower order and now we have
wakened from sleep to a better dream, even if it is still just a dream. The hopes of humanity are locked
up in dreams waiting to give back to the universe its ancient unknowable past and vastness of spirits,
thoughts, life-forms and unbelievable truth and beauty from all ages and illuminance. With the old,
pre-Mars world (of say 10-20 years ago maximum) we could only have faith in the fact of life
elsewhere but now it is standing before us and waving at us! Instead of having to travel there, let's
figure out a way to log-in to the Mars internet, get some kind of converter or have them send it so we
can begin to make friendly, universal contact with our neighbors, greeting them with unassuming
friendliness and goodwill. People may eventually take it for granted that somewhere along the line it
became known that Mars and other planets are inhabited and will not remain skeptical or dazed about
the discovery, as is the case now. Naturally with every new breakthrough there comes new problems ad
obstacles in the way. For every action there is an equal and opposite action. With the breakthrough
that we no longer need cults or creeds that do not benefit all and that all wisdom is universal, then what
unforseeable mistakes and sidesteps may hinder our existence after this? More on this to come...

Tarot has changed on the astral since 2009. Now it is more difficult to obtain what are
considered readings. Do not fool yourself about it. NXXS recommends to abstain if possible from
what is considered 'tarot divination.' Should an explanation be necessary?
The year 2019 will be a year for Tarot practice. It will become clear that the XVIII MOON is
also the XVI Tower hiding within it. If you have penetrated into the XVIII MOON arcane symbol,
then you also know the meaning of XVI Tower. Be careful. Why? First of all, Tarot is not exactly
what has been taught about it.

Recently a video on Youtube came to the author's attention. It was another in a thread of
discoveries that include very very very very very old pieces of archaeological significance. The Aiud
Artifact comes to mind as one of the most prominent ones of intellectual and esoteric discovery,
although this one is also genuinely unfathomable. As an occultist or first-school theosophist, the author
sees many videos and articles on the internet which have unfathomable discoveries although the
frustrating aspect of these videos are is the fact that there are several frauds or hoaxes for each genuine
discovery. However, it will not be possible to simply list the hoaxes without backlash, as you may
understand, so it is best that the genuine articles (in the opinion of Noumenal Extrasensory Existent
Society) are focused upon rather than distracted from and no time is spent on the lackluster illusion of
hoaxes when indeed genuine articles do in fact exist. The amazing part is that these genuine articles
such as the Labinsk, Russia microchip do in fact exist, and that is very mindblowing.
Now let's look at this image. The microchip is embedded in an extremely old rock and the
people have decided to give it an approximate age of 200,000,000 years. The Access the Akashic
author has done a reading on this image and the astral-akashic reading around it's existence to find out
that it is indeed a true relic of cosmic proportions in which no story could be retold to give it justice.
The clairvoyance shows that it is 600 million years old—even older than the supposed date from the
video. The dowsing results indicate that the extraterrestrials who used this item in communications
were from Jupiter, and possibly also a star in the Southern Cross. Their exact origins is not specifcally
important to us. It does indicate the use of a base on Jupiter and maybe that planet was orange in color
at that time. The very last of the dinosaurs must have been visible during this era, but maybe not. It's
not clear just yet. It doesn't have to be, because when the clairvoyant author of this weekly webzine
and of is astounded enough to have verifiable Rotic proof that the image shown is reflecting a
genuine article of absolutely immense antiquity by all means. Furthermore, this microchip, as we may
call it, was used in long-range communcations. It is very difficult to perceive on any real level and the
great agelessness of such a time period brings it to cosmic proportions, yet in universal time-dates the
idea of highly technical and advanced beings inhabiting the globes outside of ours brings to mind the
great akashic question.

Montezuma (Moctezuma II) the last Aztec ruler has been misrepresented by history it seems.
The clairvoyant of Access the Akashic zine has taken a look at this particular figure in time and
discovered something very deep is there. He was a kind, generous person. His ancestry may in fact be
Mongolian (up until now the author believes Machu Picchu was created by Mongolians, more on that
later). He had spiritual knowledge of vast things (this translates to quite a great deal of occult
learning). They hid the gold (as we have already known). There is definitely more to the story than
what is recorded, to say the least.
The Aztecs of Montezuma believed in sorcery and they were a clan which still survives. They
were palace builders and they certainly wouldn't treat people like the xtians did. They may be the
remnant or even direct lineage of the golden age of the Mayans (definitely not the sadistic, torturers of
Chichen Itza). Maybe it correlates to the Quiché but they called themselves in their own language by a
different word. It's just so deep that the High Priestess of Tarot has made a big impression about this.
It's very important and more looking will be done on it. Their fate fell under the Inquisition so not
much will be said about those details because negative things are not focused upon here. But take a
good look at Montezuma (Moctezuma II) the final Aztec, and realize not even half of the truth has been
told about them. Consider with awe and understanding about how very important they are to our lost
histories! They were definitely not indigenous tribesmen whatsoever and that was very clear from the
start of this initial reading.
Mothman. This took about two minutes to clairvoyantly decipher. Very bad. He came here
from the 8th sphere. The eighth sphere is difficult to describe but it is a locality outside of the realm of
life, a place where beings are separated from the other spheres. It is a concept found in all of the occult
teachings throughout all ages and true occultists do not dwell on it, even though they are aware of its
existence. Naturally as occultists we deal with all of the realms, but that is beyond the point. The
mothman is not alive. His sole purpose in coming here was to devour life and it's not good if you see

Welcome to another episode of Access the Akashic. Let's take a look at a mysterious finding of
very recent origin. Due to popular mass media, organized religions and other similar things, humans
today have little knowledge of theosophical concepts. When theosophical concepts are applied to real
world mysterious and phenomena, a truth may be approached about the subject in which one ponders.
These strange, algae-like mystery orbs are currently washing up on the shores of Sydney, Australia
(specifically a place called Dee Why Beach). No one really knows what they are, and as usual, you
will not generally find a theosophical explanation, or more broadly, a generalized occult explanation.
It's frustrating, yes. Many responses are explanations without occult knowledge such as aliens, nature
or natural forms, and what-have-you.
The clairvoyant of this newsletter and co-founder of Noumenal Extrasensory Existent Society,
has recently dug up the dirt on this “mystery.” As Blavatsky points out in The Secret Doctrine,
mysteries are only useful for false religions and have no place with those in the know. Many people do
agree with this idea and come from different spiritual backgrounds, but the majority do not possess the
initiatory knowledge.
The Green Balls of Sydney are speaking with an urgency. Do you recall how at certain times
there have sometimes been signs or wonders accompanying their appearance? I believe Plutarch
mentions things like this in his works as so do others. The balls are not extra-terrestrial in origin. They
could have been, but according to the clairvoyance, they are not. So are they a life-form we do not
know about? No, they are not a life-form in and of themselves. There are not an animal or form of
As the author gazed into this special mystery, it took patience to allow the hidden realm to make it
self appear clearly. What are they, you must be asking?
Patiently consider the finding that these green algae-like balls are from the etherial dimension.
They are an occult phenomena. As the reading was taking place, the author at this point was seeking
the answer as to what the implications and reason for these things appearing. A reading like this, that is
not easily explained is of greater importance and it is the true clairvoyance that has to evolve alongside
the questioning in order to gain the sufficient realism necessary in answering such things. NXXS
requests that if you are able to handle and examine one of these objects, that you will take note as to the
thoughts that come to mind during the instant of contact. It will be especially helpful to the world, and
Australia specifically, that an individual(s) with psychometric ability will get access to a green ball in
order to take down notes in this psychic direction. As a matter of fact, that is the reason they are
Do they speak to the heart? Are they resonating the heart chakra when they are held or do they
correspond to another area? At what vibration are they singing out. What are they saying to the
sensitive human? This is important to do. Someone please do a psychometric reading on one of these.
Does holding it invoke a dread? The clairvoyance made it clear that you had better pay attention to this this sign. They are condensing down now, as of the writing of this, from the aetherial and are
floating to shore. The aetherial realms are trying to speak directly like this now and it's for a purpose.
The majority of humans now-a-days don't mention much about occult or magical principles, as outlined
by Blavatsky and many others, that we should always attempt to speak to the aetherial dimension and
higher vibratory or spiritual spheres. Many doubt this is a reality. If only one person in all of Sydney
could find these balls and make a serious clairvoyant investigation of them, it may help considerably,
although the author here will now explain to you what they are most likely saying.
This communication of condensation into our realm from a higher sphere (not the highest by
any means) is a way that people may begin to make that realm happy by communicating with it more,
as in the times of old. Do these balls make a noise when you step on them? They probably do, but
that's not so important, only another fact of condensations from higher vibrations into our more dense
realm. Aliens from other star systems or galaxies are not the highest beings since they are dependent
on some level of physicality. Likewise, these balls are condensing by way of an Intelligent Being or
Beings unexplainable except through Ancient Theosophy and its kindred arts. Furthermore since this is
a kind of message, a prophecy or ultimately even an omen, this may indeed be a message of planetary
climate change. Recall that NXXS has zero political ambition or motivations, and that as occultists or
theosophists, magicians, etc., we know that there is some reality to climate change outside of the
attributes of humankind's doing. It's sad, but true and the omens before events come because there is
kindness and sympathy throughout all the aetherial spheres and beyond. Through the kindness of
spiritual intelligence, an urgent message is being presented to the lowly inhabitors of planet earth who
may have forgotten the alterior existences found throughout nature's entirety micro and macro and
throughout all time. What if Australia, because of it being an island and its proximity to the polar
region, is hit by a major onset of dramatic-climatic changes? Let us hope not, but then again please let
these green hairy balls of wondriment speak directly to your occult intuitions.

Recently there was media coverage of a mysterious unexplained finding in the Arizona desert.
Someone discovered a cluster of shiny purple spheres that were grouped together sitting in the sand.
They appeared to be around one or two inches in diameter and the overall cluster was a couple yards
across. Not much insight was gained from the media report. They took the usual route with the story,
taking a phenomenal occurrence and somehow making it even less exciting than the common person
would see it. However there is still quite an interest surrounding the spheres to be found on “the com.”
The author has conducted a simplistic astral reading upon this subject with very important
results. The mysterious purple spheroids are some kind of life form. They grew or emerged. They
have the density of water. Something might hatch from it. They have no brain, no eyes. They are
unknown about. It is an animal in a sense similar to sponges being considered animals in our
definition. Wow, the infinite force of life has manifested in this case, similar to sea life, yet isolated in
the Arizona desert. The earth is a tremendously fertile place and we should remember to use less
plastic, styrofoam and pollutants as much as possible. Protect our world, increase awareness and
reconsider every thing thrown out since all we have comes from earth and goes back to her. These
spherical creatures did not consult the science textbooks before appearing, because if they do
eventually receive their proper study and classification, it might be found out that they broke the rules
of limited present-day zoology that does not have noumenal generalizations.

Another archaeological oddity of science is the Nebra Sky Disc. Many things have been said
about the item, but naturally the findings of the mainstream are held with distrust by occultists.
Whatever the claims may currently be about the item, they too may go through changes. The
clairvoyant findings probably back up most of the mainstream claims anyways, as is usually the case
(but you will see in future releases how some items are majorly propped up in the peoples' minds). The
Nebra Sky Disk according to clairvoyance is a calendar with the seasons. It shows the time for harvest
which was consulted. The markings around it were a primitive form of prognostication and/or
divination. Money or things of wealth were obtained by the usage of this piece. It was probably used
for divinatory assistance in travel decisions—across the sea for instance. A leader, a big man in his
field of influence, was the creator of the disc and also the discerner of the signs it contains. There were
other leaders of the tribe who were brought into the discussion of the divination it procured for them.
Something About Koot Hoomi Contact and Responses
Let me speak in first person,
Hi this is the author of Access the Akashic. I put a video online showing me doing a live Tarot-card
reading in which I made contact with Koot Hoomi. Several comments were headed my way
eventually. A good comment came through. Other than the first good comment, the other comments
were disappointing. The science behind this contact was denigrated viciously by some of the occultist
people working with the masters. I'm not sure what group they were involved with—it doesn't matter.
Here are some facts straight from me.
• Firstly, KH/Morya the group known as KH contacted me, not me to them.
• I have gained nothing financially whatsoever and suffer in this area.
• I was reluctant to do the reading publicly, but was prompted by KH
• I am not a “channeler” nor am I a traditional Tarot reader by any means.
• I never give Tarot readings for kick backs and I realize the perversion in that (receiving money
for spirituality)
• I did not know what KH would say to me through the communication for the video shown
• He did not say what some of the believers expected, and therefore they were not “convinced” or
• It seems to me that some people are seeking them out looking for a savior equivalent
• I stand by the video reading to this day as being sincere, and entirely unique
• My method is completely unique in Tarot and I have little to do with any other contemporary
currents of thought in this. But those who would comment with condescension did not see this,
or were displeased by it.
In summary, it is clear to me that very few know the real science behind the contact of the masters and
find a different standpoint that involves more of the exoteric. I do not wish to carry on long debates
about this because it spiritually unprofitable. The Tarot is not what people believe it to be and I have
only hinted at my extent of ability with it, however I do not use it currently.
I am nearly astonished at the level of incorrectness among this Master-seeking community. I feel as
though it would be useless to go through the various esoteric steps to obtain it because of a sort of
doctrinarian clique surrounding them or just base mysticism that obtains little for the Self.
This is in congruence with the results of that reading.
It is to the point where they will write me off completely not based on results or on methodology or on
wisdom, but on something else doctrinary based positioning in lackluster occultism of our age.
It is too bad, but it is not my karma to adjust it at this point. I have rather been urged to back away
from attempting any public instruction. It's esoteric and there are plenty of blinds set up along that way.
To the point where even the most initiated so-called priest or priestess of the high organization for
worship or contacting of the beings known as the Great are insufficiently instructed and do not have the
philosophy correct.

666 the Number of the Beast is a fiction. Why does it have so much weight placed upon it and
why does the Greek New Testament have such numeral indications? There is no natural reason
obviously. This is a sort of mental-magic that has been affecting the post-Catholicization world in
more ways than one and even secular society has taken it upon themselves to propagate the imagery in
logos, subliminal advertisements and religious theocracy shams. The early Greek magic indicates the
number 9999 as the Number of the Beast. What Beast is this talking about in reality anyways? There
is no logical proof of any actual satanistic / occult numbering system that results in 666 being the
number of “SATAN” and therefore it has its limitations in effective numerological science, be it for or
against humanity at large. What about 9999? That is from an earlier time frame of occult numerology,
probably relegated to a smaller portion of early Theosophists and Theurgists (ie pagan priests). This is
only provided as one clue to a larger backdrop of a scenery of truth that tells you that 666 is purely
fictional occultism and ritualizing it will only last as long as the cultural paradigm lasts surrounding it
and is therefore useless in fact. Darkening of the intellect of the modern masses is the sole outcome of
its purveyance.

NXXS Oath of Silences

I don't talk about misunderstandings.
I don't talk about let-downs.
I don't share personal stuff.
I don't involve personal dreams or visions.
I don't say anything gossipy or about other living people.
I have a strong policy not to encroach on beliefs, ideas, dreams or visions of others.
I don't talk about leaving or changing directions.
I don't make up things.

The Occult is a Hoax. This is a reminder to all practicioners and dabblers in new age, occult
science, meditation, psychic channeling, yoga, luciferianism, astrology, rituality and/or alien based
religion. The chances of astral-light reflection and delusion playing a bigger and bigger part of your
experiences is a genuine possibility. In direct contrast to this, let us ponder on why that natural
philosophy and non-sensationalistic magic is almost never respected or sought out in these “occult
scenarios” that are being played on a large level by the mainstream humankind currently. Someone
may question the variability of these supposedly different paths of the occult/new age agenda, yet for
some reason and this reason being philosophical by default, is that they tend for the same circle of
variation without ever consulting reasoning (with a capital R) instead of morally degrading themselves
for an occult experience that mirrors the egotism of the psychic channels rather than the enlightement
of the Self. There is a vast bridge between occult reality and wisdom. Instead of pursuing the
philosophy of nature in regards to the human soul and science, the occult hoax provides the participants
with a sort of lingo, body-language, a feeling of egotism, and sadly, a rather unfortunate outcome. The
outcome of strangulation by occult forces beyond the grasp of the dabblers mental field and therefore
immense intellectual struggle until rather devastating transformation occurs. Instead of avoided, the
“occult hoax” should be questioned in every aspect by everyone who dares enter its realm. To some it
may even bridge the doors between perplexing hoaxes of the shadows or even provide the unsuspecting
neophyte with lesser contracts with actual black magic soul-shells left behind by some sorcerer
thousands of years ago.

Olmec Warrior Statue, La Venta, Tabasco, Mexico

Clairvoyance on the grand and majestic past does not necessarily do it justice and must be set
aside until proper time and guidance can be granted to perform the deeds properly. Let us take a
preliminary overview of the Olmec heads. Date: approx 2000 B.C. Wise Kings of Africa. An Initiate
Society. Jewelry makers. They built the heads by hand, cutting them night and day with a razor sharp
implement. Friends. Builders. Good people. Fleet of 25 ships came over. It's possible that they
purchased the boats and did not build them. The area they settled at was believed to be powerful. The
Africans today are not direct descendents, as it is similarly with Ancient Greek, Chinese, etc (it is not to
rule out spiritual/other links to the present of course). They were a ship-faring people. The author
believes that there was a ship-building trade in South America in those days (as well as in Africa or its
locality). They had seen most of North and South America, but maybe not all of the Pacific. Maybe it
was a hurricane that eventually brought their numbers down. It was a long and cold journey. They
utilized stellar navigation. They were friends among the ancient peoples.

The Oregon Vortex is a strange place. You can actually perceive yourself being a different size
than normal. The occultist that visits this site, albeit a touristy place, wonders within himself/herself
what is the actual cause of the vortex and are there any spirits or entities involved, etc.? The ATA
clairvoyant has taken a precise look at this phenomenon on two occasions up until the time of this
writing and here is what he says.
The Oregon Vortex is very, very deep. It has a bite to it. Do you know what is causing it? It's a
vortex. That is what is causing it. It is amazing. It seems psychically dangerous to figure out.
Speaking directly to the Vortex's spirit, he says, “I inhabit this region and I'm happy here.” He/she/it is
not incarnated though and he has atoms and a nucleus (if not in the modern sense, then at least in the
occult/adept sense of the terms). What is important to note is that this is a vortex and that is the
underlying fundamentality of its existence. It's akin to asking about a cloud, and its fundamental
existence or cause. It's a cloud!
There are about 30 vortices on Earth if you count the Bermuda Triangle (it has its own
properties we may get into at a later time). It makes you see yourself reflected. It's a dense, polar,
magnetic vortex which is as natural as the wind itself—an aspect of nature. It creates lightning, storms,
rain and visions of traumatic events. It can give you extrasensory perception and insight of the future
—if you dare. It's a dense molecular field. From time to time, it shines!
Oswald Wirth was a PAGAN. Earth to Ra he was a special person. Energetically more so than
Waite or Mesmer in the opinion of the author. He squared everything off! This is a good guy...His
Tarot was first in specifically Initiatory. It was created in 1889 (one year after TSD). He was an
Initiate, a Builder. He did the right thing. He was on a very high level and knows things that are
practically unknown to anyone.

Occultism as defined, for the most part, separately from “the occult” and “magick” however
some inter-lineages co-exist within these bounds, is able to explain all phenomena due to its
limitlessness in worldview. Paranormal research is reaching an all-time high thanks to the internet and
access to information at the pinnacle of speed in western history as we know it. Because of many
unknown events relating to the paranormal and so-called occult, ie ghosts, spirits, aliens, hoaxes,
entities, gnomes, elves, bigfeet, parapsychology, past-lives, esp, clairvoyance, clairaudience, black
magic, and ritualism, psychicism etc., people have a tendency to approach this kind of science as the
rest of the modern, materialistic world would approach anything scientific in the recent history of
several hundred years. How can it be possible that some of these parnormal events are genuine and
related to various levels of sacred knowledge, yet misunderstood by the majority of scientific
researchers due to the mindset inculcated into the society via means of bad theology, materialism and
general lack of interest in freethought?
It is very possible to realize from an absolute and platonic view that much of modern science is
based around our present technological empasse, rather than a non-physical but higher dimensional
creative force surrounding our thoughts, emotions, inner and higher selves and the possibility of a
primordial being within the Soul itself. If fifty percent of genuine paranormal cases are in fact based
on some kind of objectivity and have basis in the phenomenal ie natural world around and inside
humanity, then it could be possible that the research into such phenomena without the Light is actually
causing the phenomena to exist and to grant it the life it desires from the human being interacting with
these paranormal events.
The occultism teaches many things regarding the hidden nature of humankind. This does not
mean that one must dabble with seances, tarot or ouija to discover these older, more natural theologies
(not dogmas) that have existed much longer than JC-ity. The spiritual danger of paranormal events
cannot be approached safely without regard to the Light.

Acquainting oneself with Plato allows good fortune to come upon you. It brings the very good
life into your life.

He embodies the essence of neutrality. He was an awesome teacher. He was the kind of person who
took an interest in you. He was the head of the college. There was always another level with Plato. If
you allowed him, he could lecture on and on and on...He would take people out to places and show
them stuff. He was a philosopher of the old school of truth and had eyes of permanence. He is the
opposite of everything shallow in our world. Acquaint with Plato, with Tarot, with Science.

Piri Reis was an Ottoman admiral, geographer, and cartographer born between 1465 and 1470.
There have been questions about the map that he created and how it was obtained. In contrast to the
Oronce Finé map, Piri Reis, as the clairvoyant sees it, actually traveled to Antarctica and gathered his
own data. Oronce Finé found a garbled Phoenician map in the Vatican archives and transposed it into
something readable, but on the contrary Piri Reis has a more fabulous, interesting story to tell and the
author genuinely believes that his spirit wants you to know it.
They went there themselves and surveyed Antarctica. They most likely had approximately two
boats. There were cartographers on board and they had the wherewithal to do this mission. They
possessed very clean, updated vessels. It was a very rugged and exasberating journey, but they said to
their peers, “we're going to map the planet and if we don't return then you know we sunk, but we'll be
back.” About fifty people were with Piri Reis on board. You must understand that they were highly
learned scholars and this trip was easy for them. The voyage was only a matter of power and not
intellect or knowledge. He was indeed a remarkable cartographer by all means. They had Zoroastrian
roots and were familiar with the Egyptians' knowledge. The trip took approximately three months'

A word about Pendulum Dowsing. It is a useful sport, yet with several ignorant fallacies
commonly attached to it. Do not enter into it with much force or else you will fail. The Operator must
be present. The actual swing of the pendulum does not relate to the ability of the Operator and his/her
Daemon to gain access to accuracy. A pendulum can be used however one sees fit, but do not stretch
the odds against yourself. You may not be necessarily getting the best readings until you have total
reach of the astral over the hand and body. To believe that a pendulum is an easy way to become
accurate is a fallacy. Sometimes there are no error correcting tools at hand. This is a problem. Be
careful and smart because once you start trying to read pendulums you may find yourself in the midst
of several pitfalls and fallacies. There is a region of accuracy that can be obtained depending solely on
he or she who operates. You have yourself, the operator, then you have the Operator and then you have
the Daemon and Astral guide (not channeled, but magical) and then you have the actual physical
device. Hold it steady and wait for the go-ahead signal from the subtle field. Now allow the Daemon
to as well give you a go-ahead. This is still not without it's difficulty.

Proclus. He exists. He was bitterly attacked. THIS IS THE ULTIMA.

Three of Cups r Four of Wands
Queen of Pentacles r
Knight of Cups
9wr/7w/4sr 8pr Two of Pentacles III XVIII/XV(1)
Kw/KnPr/XXI (ALL) Ace of Cups r KvC Vr 7s

He saw each and every Initatory Rite of the past and held firmly to his oath of secrecy. Let us
now look at some things about him and his life that are not publicly known, as this is a clairvoyant,
occult overview of Proclus' life and magic. This reading was performed today and took about an hour
to read through, while the astral soul alongside unlocked Tarot (rota) communed with higher principles
to decipher various occult messages as they appear to the lower substance of the normal life. Without
the kabalaa of the magicians it is not easy to hold to a firm footing while approaching the more subtle
region of the so-called akashic records (although we know them now to be easier to access, because the
meaning is demystified by the hierarchical learning of H.P. Blavatsky's occult sciences, reduced and
reiterated by her for the masses of the world from pagan sources).
Let us proceed to the reading. He was jailed for some while, but they let him go. Let us go on a
journey into the power of Initiation and Sacred Rites. He is the 'last of the Mohicans' if you understand
the saying. He could see the seven quaternaries before the stages. The whole thing made sense to
Proclus. Do you follow this? Let's move along.
He had an occult ritual that he could not speak of, otherwise the overseers would find him, and
fast. It was something that he kept hidden within. It is time for the world to know these things and not
just what the mundane written history tells us. Proclus said in his heart, “I am as flesh and bone. I am
naked before the MASTER.” And the ritual was sealed with an oath before the judges. Proclus says,
“They made it very clear as to my obligations.” Withhold in secrecy these things at all times to find the
right path. To make the world a more just place and give equality to all humans. He is in agreement
with NXXS, as he says, “promote awareness of my soul to the world.” He wrote many things that
should yet be studied by the author of Access the Akashic.
“Await the INTERPOLATOR and he will deceive you until you see the decoding of his foul
words.” They did not have to be there present with him in order to see him. They could watch him
from a distance. He was heard about by many people. He had financial ability, and great physical
energy and athletic ability, with average to slightly above-average strength. Proclus also had a great
sense of mystery and depth of spirit. He possessed great awe and wonder for the real science.
The Initator spoke into his bosom the nouns, verbs and pronouns of great MYSTERY. He could
understand it all with wonder. Yet to the outside world he appeared like anyone else, but he had great
wisdom regarding the things of the mysteries. He never put on display any theurgic abilities although
in possession of them.
He had a handful of students. He had a garden. He made people gifts. He helped in shipments
of belongings as an income. There was no other person from his time that was so deeply initated. He
knew he would be reincarnated into another life. So much thought and knowledge surrounds Proclus.
Now here is something interesting that came through the reading towards the last portion of the
clairvoyant working. There is a mysterious plant substance that Proclus had the knowledge of its
proper adminstration and mystical usage. Surprisingly it is not one of the well-known psychoactive
substances that at the time of the reading the author could not identify. The properties, the effects, and
other variables have been described during the clairvoyant session with diagrams as well, but still there
is not a single plant that comes to mind—or more accurately—lines up with the reading. He had this
growing in his garden. There is some danger in revealing this, because the natural people do not know
the difference between recreation and proper spiritualistic usage of herbs and such substances that are
found in nature. There is also the good chance that even if it were to be utilized exactly as Proclus
himself did so, that in fact, the effects will not be the same since we live in a different era. Matter is in
constant motion, thus some substances and plant effects may change over time, etc.
This is being researched during the course of the Tuesday on which Access the Akashic is
generally being written altrustically for the sake of Madame Blavatsky's goals and the strong spiritual
link between her, many great seers and sages from the pagans and also myself.
With that being said, all is well, even if the exact plant species is not revealed or ever
understood. A magician of Proclus' adept ability, would not exactly utilize a substance without total
knowledge of magic, sympathies, proper preparations and keen knowledge for the
behind anything of this sort, and NXXS strongly advises against embibing for the sake of
fun or impractical beliefs about life, the universe and its various entities. He would make a soup of it,
go to sleep and it wakes you up. The herb would produce an amnesiac / occult vision and then it would
describe the mystic eye to the person. But what is it? No it is not ergot. It is possibly yellowish. What
is it known by now? <This is the clairvoyant session's notes transcribed.> No it is not mandrake. It is
the stems. It tastes strong, sort of tart or sour and sweetener had to be added to it. It put you into a
catelyptic tupor. It would open the hidden senses (this effect probably extended solely to those
initated). It is a shrub. It was plentiful then. It may still be plentiful, although we do not have the
modern name for it yet. It has a toxic side that you have to watch for, as the hierophant instructed on
its safe uses to never venture off to the mental/spiritual region where it could seriously harm you. So
you never take it on a full moon.
After some research, the clairvoyant of this article believes the herb to be Aconitum
lycoctonum, the yellow variety of Monk's hood or wolfbane. As an example, in order to instruct,
clairvoyance itself is a tricky art indeed. In depth and in wisdom, you must master the participles of
relative language and then the symbolic sort used in this procedure. To further clarify, the master said
“I-L-C-G-D” among other things, based on the cards in the occult working, not black magic, but just
Pythagorean science, and this was the clairvoyant result of the name of the plant before it was
discovered. As you can see this does not exactly spell out the name, yet in occult usage and astral
vision it is how things go, so now you have an example. It is not simple, yet it is very clear. But the
reality is far beyond ours, and so things are such as in a mirror looking darkly inward, yet with practice
it becomes the normal way of seeing it. The other details of the reading/working/Tarot show the plant
in various ways: it's bush/shrub-like appearance, the oddly shaped roots, the flowers' shape, etc. They
are not exact and that is exactly how a clairvoyant must work through the oddness of astral forms.
With the method employed, it is possible to double and triple check for redundancy and error
The reading showed John that the shrub now grows in Turkey, that a few grimoires had
mentioned it in the middle ages (or maybe more than a few), the bulging roots are what is used in the
procedure. That it is not recreational at all! (emphasis here). That it is a process. Approach it with
dignity and it will teach you anything. This information gathered from the second layout, solely done
for the purpose of uncovering this plant, was enough to build upon while searching internet for the
match, using techniques of elimination. For example, it is not a tulip, it is not a poppy, it is not a lily, it
is not a type of hibiscus and so on. You cannot be 100% literal and logically dry with seeing through
time and space into the oneness because of the nature of our phenomenal world and its beast are not
what they seem. Those with a background in the noumenal occultism will already know the ways of
THOTH. Thank you for reading. It is a pleasure to serve you with information unavailable anywhere
else for many days to come. Please read more and be sure to write with information or questions on
any subject at all times, places or natures. Give H.P. Blavatsky a chance and do her a favor by reading
the books from her pen. Be well and be advised that Aconitum is poison and you will not get a vision
if you use it. The proper method is stored far far away in the regions of boundlessness. That if you
were to know such things, you would also not need to use it.
It takes courage to publish some of these new findings because of just that—they are new. We,
as metaphysicians and mystics, would certainly like to live a life of daily introspection and heightened
senses, but it is not possible. The astral art is one of varying degrees of hospitality and digression, and
thus specialized findings, like these, are as such preliminary readings that will eventually be reduced
further and more refined until they are pinpointed with sufficiency. At times the author feels alone in
this work, but things will change as more people discover the quickest path toward true occult
knowledge in our day.
We start this fourth release of the uncovering of living clairvoyant subjects with a focus on the
Occult Science by taking a brief look at the author's initial workings upon the archaeological artifacts
of Puma Punku in Tiwanaku, Bolivia. This site, like Stonehenge, is being contested about its origins.
It is encouraged that the clairvoyants who are reading this begin to consider stretching their personal
limits by taking the mind out of the previous box it was in, and going full force to attempt accurate
readings on the ancient history of our earthly cultures and see what starts to happen. Obviously this is
not a starting place, but a place someone goes when they have totally done all the readings about their
magical being beforehand.

There have been some speculations about the site in recent times. Who knows if there will be
less of a boundary between the natural and supernal sciences, than ever have been? It may be the case.
Instead of a great chasm between clairvoyant spirituality and rational atheism or materialism, maybe
out of necessity the two camps will clash less and less. It does not matter, nxxs will continue on the
same course.
You may not know the thrills of clairvoyance until you have decided to tackle the surmountable
obstacles towards achieving the goal. Puma Punku is no exception. Through true clairvoyance,
checked at all points by the masterful lineage of schools, one is able to go straight through to the point
in astral timelessness for any and all observations. The practical side of it is important also. Strength is
measured by opposing force and time is also distance. For Puma Punku, it is now observed that the
extra-terrestrials from Cassiopeia made the artifacts. It is noted that terrestrial humans may not have
been in the vicinity during the construction process. This is not the only time a relationship to the
Cassiopeians has come up in the clairvoyant research. A fleet of these beings was involved in the work
found at what is now known as Puma Punku. A sonic instrument made the cuttings. They are an
ageless race. They are not here anymore. By the law of karma, they have left to do other things in
other solar systems. They were purposely creating these sculptures for us to discover and it is very
very inspiring to say the least. Absolutely amazing and very benevolent by all means. This is the kind
of thing that changes a person forever on the magnitude of a new birth!
They put things on the moon, according to the seer. Only karma will bring them back to us
again at a later time. People elsewhere in the universe have need and the right karma for these saviors
of humankind to assist their respective planets. We must look to the site for ultimate enlightenment and
progress according to the higher intelligence who created the artifacts. What's important to realize, in
conclusion, is that the author has discovered that there is something at Tiwanaku that we cannot see but
it's there and as of now, no one knows about.

Some questions are as great as the answers to those questions:

Who were the builders of the Great Pyramids? When were they built? What were the happenings and
events that surrounded these buildings and civilization? How do you perform telekinesis? What is the
method? What about levitation, materialization and more? What is the truth of H.P. Blavatsky's life
story? How did she materialize things? What is the ultimate crystal ball to acquire? What about other
crystals? Where can they be found? Who were the foremost occultists of all ages, known and
How can the forest return? Where were the biggest, most magical forests in the previous age?
What was the cause of the Oregon Vortex? Are there underground cities below the planet's surface?
Who were the alchemists, occultists, magicians who never came out from the underground that we do
not know the names of? What are the greatest uses of dowsing rods? What's the deal with John Dee?
Where are the locations of vortexes on Earth? What are the most mystical places on Earth to visit?
What were the Cathars really all about? Who wrote the Tarot? Where does it come from? How many
planets are there? Did people really see another sun? What caused the Siberian Tunguska devastation?
What was the Alexandrian Library like? What is the basis of reincarnation—individually and
culturally? Who were some well-known reincarnations? Who did a lot of black magic that we would
not have thought? How far back can past life readings go? How do the people of Venus live there? Who
is the entity on Neptune? What's really at the North Pole? An opening? What is the Aiud Artifact?

Let's take a look at the questionings of the mass-consciousness of the world in the day we are
now living in and see what is going on. It seems like people right now are wondering about the
Are we aliens?
Is there a way out of this planet?
Do people live on Mars?
Are we visiting other planets (secretively or otherwise)?
Do they know us (the ET's)?
Who are they out there?
What aliens are out there?
What are we going to do?
Is there stuff in space?
What are the secrets of inter-dimensional reality?
Can we fly to other universes or parallel worlds?
These are twelve prevalent questions in the mass-idea of the world today. Generally speaking
most people do not believe in spirits because it's not science. In effect they see outer space in a
physical level similar to our earth. These questions are being pondered inside their souls day in and
day out all across the world. It will stay this way until the ideas themselves shift until the pattern is
completed. As far as answering these questions, some are easier than others to give answers to, not
because of the details of the objective facts but because of the spiritual nature of all life and knowledge,
therefore these are more or less effects of the commonplace mindset of today's world rather than a true
search for occult answers.

The real location of what we term “Atlantis” is off the coast of Africa. Every other sunken ruin
is not Atlantis-related. There are other eras of human beings, such as Lemurian and other ancients.
The visible part of the Atlantean ruins is at 31°20'01.27” N 24°09'13.43” W found close to the Canary
Islands, yet further out from Africa. You have probably seen the picture from Google Earth:

Yes indeed, Atlantis. Approximately 850,000 years ago. The original souls of this planet.
They had another name and did not go by Atlantis. There were other people there, from other worlds,
divine beings maybe. Flying machines. They were invincible until the flood. They were the
foundation of the earth's societies. This is 100,000 years before Bimini which was Lemurian. They all
saw what happened. They are in you.

Why does the Access The Akashic Webzine say at the bottom “All findings are Revisable,
Updatable and Potentially Evolving?” Does this mean that the findings are not accurate or that there is
some dark, plutonic realm in which the author does not guarantee to be 100% lacking in the realm of
chaos? No neither of these, yet in a sense both of them also apply.
Clairvoyance and its accuracy depends upon the clairvoyant and many factors influence it.
Although all of the findings released in this newsletter are believed 100% by the author does not mean
that influences can alter and improve the perceptions by which they were originally understood. There
is also the possibility of any sort of misreading, yet this is rare wherein the real Tarot is unlocked.

Some people have wondered if the Rohonc Codex is somehow as mysterious, or in some way,
related to the undecipherable Voynich Manuscript and if it has any occult significance. The author
decided to take a few moments of time to consider this codex. First of all, it is not an occult work (as
the Voynich clearly is) and it was used for informing the royalty of an impending political battle or
even war. They sent the message in this manner and it involved a limited time-frame with the intent to
warn them to get away and with such details that the message demanded. It is a witty invention. The
people who created it fulfilled their duty and to this day scholars do not know how to interpret it. This
codex helped to save someone. Only a few people knew how to decode it. Some of the topics found
within it are armament, deception, brilliance, legal matters, imprisonment, quandary and possibly the
Pope, a potential attack and it was made for protection. It is however, an important historical document
and may make for further in-depth clairvoyant analysis.

The theories of Root Races and their accompanying Rounds is mostly if not wholly due to
Madame Blavatsky as is well known. However this has been one of the darker areas of popular
understanding and still to this day, considered a potential source of esoteric Racism.
Let us set the record straight. There is no preference of color or race in true occultism. It would
be absurd to judge based on externals. The Root Race in which we belong, belongs to the whole world
at present including all races on all continents. (There was some contention about whether or not
Aborigines belonged to the very end point of the previous Root Race, but this is more esoteric than
generalized occultism.) Every person alive today on every continent is part of the same Root Race.
The Rounds theory explains that our planet has an occult (or hidden) history of various time periods in
the millions of years that accompanied evolutionary cycles of humanity in different stages of
development. Evolution is not based on natural selection but on an entirely esoteric knowledge that
involves the invisible spectrum of Aether, Astral, and Spiritual that are explained partially in The Secret
While no one knows the entire Doctrine of the Occult Humanity, Blavatsky and associates did
not attempt to promote an idea that was limited to themselves, except a humanitarian and universal
outreach to all peoples in all nations of the world. Anyone should be able to see beyond the limitations
of the Victorian Age to which they belonged in some of their seemingly intolerant opinions that it is a
matter of societal conditioning to which we have become accustomed that did not exist in the Victorian
This may open up a bag of worms because of many unanswered or even unanswerable
questions regarding the intricacies of Occultism, since most of the genuine occultism is shrouded in
further misunderstanding than ever before thanks to many false doctrines being promoted currently.
Sure there are a small handful of genuine fascist racists hiding themselves within a false Occultism that
does not go beyond the exoteric knowledge of every entry level neophyte. Quite factually, you will be
hard-pressed to discover many individuals who actually regard Occultism (note the difference from
Occult Ritual) as a humane, non-judgemental form of belief and/or study.

Clairvoyance is a fascinating art at all times, but in the case of findings like this, it is more than
simply fascinating. It is mindblowing. According to NXXS findings, these stone benches or prayer
platforms were already in place by the time the Sacsayhuaman civilization had developed here. Those
people may have come from Europe whose ruins still stand there, but more on that at a later time.
When findings of this magnitude present themselves, they are placed in a special file of eternal
importance in order to be studied more.
The benches are incredibly old. They are from a previous root race. The people who made
these platforms were approximately 15 feet tall and were descendents of the giants. Okay folks, unless
this finding is proved as a misreading or other inaccuracy the benches are 50 million years old—or
older! Yes, that's insane to perceive! There is no doubt about it though, according to the initial
clairvoyance. This is the time period leading up to Atlantis and the Aiud artifact may have even been
after this in fact. They were from The Destiny. They were scientists and possessed reading and
writing. Mind you that the world was very different in those times. This is a high tech civilization who
instructed the Atlanteans and other people. They prayed here at the benches and had sex at the site.
There was a temple site at this location. They also ate meat. There were vicious animals in those
times, but no dinosaurs. They were geniuses who possessed high-powered machinery. Use your astral
mind and intuitive faculties to perceive the reality of these findings while you gaze at the image and see
for yourself. This is mind boggling. They eventually died out after a very long period of time and then
Atlantis began its society.

The Saqqara Bird, a controversial figure of antiquity. No worries on this, friends. Let's take a
look and see...

The keyword for this artifact is DYNAMIC. Now let us peruse the clairvoyance (how does it
work, check NXXS.ORG for more information, thank you). The Egyptians of this era speak and say,
“we have the concept for flight, but only models.” They knew the rotors had to move fast. They (the
priest/kings) searched for the knowledge of flight in the records. They actually did not know the
technology themselves for flight, even though the hall of records had the instances of flying machines.
This can be corroborated by the Abydos hieroglyphs that exist to this day, but assuredly there were
more records available in the ancient times (even if it was the latter Egyptian period). They didn't see
anything on exactly how to build airplanes whatsoever, because the ancient Egyptians did not possess
them either. As far as NXXS is concerned, the priest-king of the Abydos hieroglyphs (of ancient flying
machines) definitely did not possess the technology themselves and only witnessed it* but flight was in
their dreams as a people and their wives and children were also in love with the idea.
Sathya Sai Baba is known as a religious leader. We are not going to look at the theological
aspect too directly here. You know the reasons for that if you have read back issues of A-T-A or have
read at any length. What we will look at is this man's ability to materialize objects. The
clairvoyance was clear about his abilities. That was enough to know to file his photograph away and
save it in order to gain understanding of how he worked.
Haven't you always wondered about levitation, materialization or other unique talents of the
eastern magicians? Yes indeed. Before doing the two readings on Sai Baba, the author had many
guesses at what steps were taken in order to materialize objects. Guesses were for example, certain
exercises, conjurations or other obscure techniques that only presented themselves via direct oral
communication rather than books available to the public. The good news is that it is not as complicated
as that. Everyone should know how to materialize for themselves instead of letting religious leaders
take advantage of it. In fact, everyone should eventually learn to read the astral records, but that is still
some time far off in the future.
Scoffers would find great humor in finding out the truth about it. Some things are simpler than
assumed and other things are far more involved, yet even if they appear simple on the surface. The
human way of looking at the surface of things has not increased special abilities or the valuable tool of
subtle awareness development. Sai Baba did not have to do advanced conjurings or special mantras to
make objects materialize. He made use of four-hour concentration sessions of extreme endurance. The
mental stamina involved is not easily attained, although that is all that is necessary. The concept is that
there is a strong concentrated meditation on the desired effect and the concentration is held in deep
focus for several hours. During this time, it is certain that hidden properties of the mind are brought
into function and availability. As Blavatsky says (she too possessed the ability) there is a precipitation
and release of will right before the materialization. It seems that there is some natural talent necessary,
or maybe just a very strong desire to complete the lengthy mentalization. In other words, the mind is
going to the pre-phenomenal level, creating a visualization with the aim of objectifying it. Then there
is a precipitation or condensation. And as Blavatsky mentions, it has to be tied-off in order to stay in
the physical. This also serves to illustrate the fact that spells and certain gods invoked during magic are
not necessary except to invoke the operator into his/her own mental focus in order to get effects.

Shamanic plants, hallucinogens and psychotropic/psychoactive substances will be covered in

this release of Access the Akashic. This area of knowledge is being covered since it has always played
a part in theosophy, yet it will not become the focus of the zine. How is this to be understood? The
author's opinion & research will be presented. Please consider the previous issues of ATA as far as
material goes, because it may be surprising that the area of hallucinogenic plants would become
another facet presented. With that being said, the author has done TAROT readings—those of the
occultism, not to be found studiously in any other works—about the various questions he has had about
the pagan influence of certain materials to be found in nature that alter the perceptions and create a
mystical experience. It is the author's opinion that the concepts cannot be fully explained to his
satisfaction and therefore, you must appreciate this issue at hand (that of current misconstruation).
Instead, look it over and be free from any previous doctrine that should limit the outlook of the
discipline. Chances are this issue will be taken the wrong way. Regardless, let us look at the readings
plainly, openly and with reason as our guide.
First off let's take a peak at the marijuana. Now mind you this is advancing occultism and
covering a very non-essential aspect of it by covering ethnobotanical/psychotropic plants. Marijuana is
known by most people. Certainly it can be useful and has been useful to the author/tarot reader in
meditation and forms of creativity, especially music. But however, let us look at this interpretation.
These opinions are not necessarily steadfast and thus are welcomed self-evolution, changes in thought,
and the open-mindedness of reasoning and dialogue. Marijuana, according to the reading, is relaxing.
It makes you hungry. Yes it can show you occult stuff. What does “occult stuff” mean? Mystical
visions, altered mind-states, enhanced perceptions, that sort of thing. Men make tons of money from
dealing it. It causes some despair at the end of the high. It makes you vegetate. Its healing is well
known. It contains a deep state of energy. It causes one to perceive differently. Was a reading done
about Lebanese Hash? Well, no. Terence McKenna mentions it as being the best version of marijuana.
Maybe it has further occult properties, maybe it falls under the same general category as is presented.
This part of the debate is not essential to the overall outcome of this reading although maybe dabs are
better than Lebanese. Let us move on.
Salvia Divinorum. She is a plant goddess. The Mother. She was calling out to the author right
before this series of readings were done and essentially provoked them to be performed. Main
question: How does one properly use it? Asking the guidance of the wisdom of the ancients, the
answer is that one should “digest as much as possible by chewing it up while on an empty stomach.” It
will open you up. It is fast but effective. Chew it and drink water. If using it with an MAOI it will last
longer. No offense intended, but smoking Salvia Divinorum (in any form, extract or not) is the practice
of fools. As far as Peyote goes, the reading told the author to only do it in a group setting. Nothing else
was touched upon in the reading. The common knowledge of it is therefore good and to be considered.
Morning glory seeds. Do not use. Negative. Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds may be included
in this category (and why not, they seem to be more toxic). Indeed this is a personal opinion presented
in conjunction with the wisdom of occult readings, as has been said here. Do not take them for
shamanic work.
Another plant never to bother with using: Mandrake. It is the tool of sorcerers.
Another plant whose reading came to the author as an emphatic no: Wormwood.
What about Aconitum (varieties of monk's hood)? ATA Issue 20 contains the uncovered
information about Proclus' use of Aconitum. The methods of which are lost to posterity. Without
wisdom regarding its safe psychotropic/initiatory use, common sense prevails here.
Coleus usage? See the explanation for the use of Salvia Divinorum above. The Coleus with the
most bright and “trippy” leaves are to be sought for in attempting to use it psychotropically or
shamanically. The author has not done a Coleus investigation yet. Sounds fascinating, especially with
the reading backing it.
What is the deal with Galangal? Not much here energetically besides that it is a mild stimulant.
Let us touch upon Datura now. Shamans and wise men used to use this plant because it was
available. That is to say that had they had access to a variety of plants they would have opted for
something else. It is never to be used (author's personal opinion). It is very toxic, although Datura is
not as toxic as A. Pantherina (see below). It may be said that Brugmansias and the like can be
somewhat classed under the Datura realm. To clarify, let it be said that it is not likely that much
investigation will be undergone in this area. That is not to say that it cannot be done, though.
What about Passion Flower? The reading said, “leave it be.” Supposedly it is an MAOI. So be
it, that does not mean it is a good choice for this resource.
What about Mugwort? Drinking Mugwort tea under the right circumstances can increase astral
perception. Its effects are light enough that it would not be considered much of a psychotropic plant,
yet under shamanic practice its use is valuable in a quiet, more subtle context (as are many spiritual
Other herbs have effects on the shaman whether or not they are produced by chemical or by
spirit cannot always be scientifically viable. Nevertheless, oregano smoked before bed time has been
stated to create vivid dream-visions. The author can verify this, yet the dreams do not occur every time
it is used.
Heimia salicifolia (Sinicuichi) or Sun Opener is claimed to be an hallucinogen from the Aztec
culture. Not much is known about the actual Aztec culture, let alone how they ceremonially used
certain plants. Here are the results of the reading. The power of it has to be opened. Sun opener,
instead of being about the sun “opening” it implies rather that there is some process of opening the
power of the plant or its accompanying spirit(s). It does not work unless you open it. There is a
shamanic mantra or spell involved. You repeat this mantra. You boil it in a very big pot. Do not
smoke it. The TAROT and its associated genii may be trying to reveal the original practices of the herb
in question. With that being said, one falls asleep for awhile after drinking the tea and after using the
spell-mantra-invocation the practicioner will experience visions of people dancing around. Something
will then happen. A certain vision is known to be seen. Beautiful things and dancing people are a part
of this visionary plant. It is noted that the ceremony originates from approximately 10,000 BC! This is
part of a custom that has not been revealed except by this zine. Always remember though, 10,000 BC
to us seems archaic, yet to those people of those times, it was to them considered today.
LSD is one of the strongest hallucinogenic substances. In the reading, the emphasis was on
strongest. Balls to the wall stoned. You cannot come down for 20-30 hours, even days. You will feel
the sensation of being pulled around and shifted. There is nothing you can do about it during the time
that it is in you. It came about by an accidental laboratory discovery (as we all know, but the reading
has stated this as well). If this comes off derogatory it is not. It makes you the sense that
you cannot see the world the same after the LSD trip. It has caused some serious problems for people.
No not all, but some people never came down. Where is it from I asked the TAROT? It is from some
stuff in the Cosmos. It is most similar to mescaline in concept and it is on the edge. I also inquired, is
there an unknown psychedelic compound like LSD yet undiscovered but beyond it? When it is time, it
will happen was the result of the reading on this question.
What about DMT? According to the reading, the crystalized form is too minute. It is not
spread out enough (in its materiality). This form is not good for you. It is scary. Use the real
Ayahuasca only. The author has used 5meo-dmt and was disappointed by it since it is basically a body
buzz without the visions. Besides now he would most likely take the reading's advice in against trying
crystalized DMT, as it is almost 100% of the time wiser to follow wisdom and thus if an attempt were
made at DMT, then it would be Ayahuasca, and thus the most natural, most applicable approach.
What about DXM? Interesting because not all readings come to the author as he has vaguely
already assumed in the back of his thoughts. This is very good, since it implies that the wisdom comes
from a more intelligent energy, being or daemon. With that being restated in order to reinforce the
concept of non-bias within such a difficult subject that lacks structure, DXM could have been worse
than i.e. morning glory but on the contrary this reading indicated that DXM has a way to teach you
things. It's not like Amanita Muscaria in that it is not divine per se, but something is there. It does
something unreal. It can kill you though, just as some of the substances covered in this issue can when
administered haphazardly. But it does something akin to reading the spirits (as a vague way of
explaining it). It was also mentioned that Psilocybin and DXM together will really give you something
(not that the author is recommending this). In summary, DXM has some occult/shamanical properties
that the reading has uncovered. Be mindful that this approach is a serious one (nothing recreational is
being considered).
There was a reading on Ibogaine, although it was brief. The reading was to find out if it is
worth investigating or not. Yes indeed it has something of value and importance. Maybe the region in
which it is found (West Africa) was once a place where the wise kings of Africa lived and did magic.
Maybe this explains its presence in that region. McKenna mentions how much of Africa is nearly
devoid of psychoactive plants. It is possible that a correlation/symbiosis exists with human and plant,
although this is just speculation.
The author at the time of this writing believes that Amanita Muscaria is Soma (at least in its
plant form). Only the RED muscaria are the true kind. This may not have been the case in the days of
the origins of the Rig Veda. When the argument that Muscaria is probably not Soma comes up, one
must also consider that the Rig Vedas are much older than is generally believed. With this occult view
of history only one can consider in their mind and beliefs that it is possible through thousands of years
of climatic change and species differentiation that some of the older species of Muscaria are no longer
present. So maybe there was a green and a white variety, that back then--who knows how long ago,
that had less toxicity and more of the spirit and occult power the proper red, true variety contain now.
Quite possibly there is a shamanic or spiritual kind of preporatory ritual or working or mantra that is
involved to activate the divine power of the true Amanita Muscaria and this may not have been written
down exoterically in whatever has come to us considered the remains of the Vedas now. It is important
to consider that with any sacred text there has been a process of it being passed through various hands
and translators who may have purposefully hidden things or alternatively through ignorance
accidentally obscured them further without a clue as to the original occult content. The point is that
Amanita Muscaria can be the Soma when viewed through an occult lens and conversely a shamanic,
magical practice is applied to its benevolent and spiritually wise bodily ingestion. The Amanita
Muscaria vars do not have the energy as the proper red fungi, but there is an exception to this rule. A
reading was performed on the persicina var. and it definitely does not contain the same substance (or
magic if you will) as the red muscaria. Guessowii the orange/yellow variety is in fact the same as red
muscaria. It has everything the red muscaria has and the exception to the rule is found here. It is the
deadly varieties now that may be a mirror of the past a time before the Rig Vedas were written. Maybe
they were a different even more detailed and esoteric papyrus long before being condensed into the
Vedic text. Conjectural, yes, but with an open mind one can begin to see why Soma indeed can be the
A. Muscaria. A very, very fascinating reading occurred when it was asked, “what about Pantherina?”
Pantherina or Panthers should never be used!! One would be better off taking Datura! Panthers do not
have the same spirit as A. Muscaria, the true Soma variety. They are better than Persicina as far as
energy goes, but do not be misled here, please. What is being said is that they do contain something
visionary. Sure they do. That does not mean they are recreationally/shamanically/or in any way safe
whatsoever and should never be ingested. It was emphasized in the reading the words, “VERY
STRONG” and “YOU WILL NOT WIN.” Something that comes through with that much emphasis is
very memorable indeed. The reading will leave an indelible mark everytime the author sees a
Pantherina growing in the woods he will remember and think, “wow.” The Pantherina is awe
provoking because of its danger. It will put you down. You will be tripping. It can send you to the
hospital! So naturally it was asked, “Is there any way to shamanically subdue it?” The answer was
then given without hesitation, NO! Never to be messed with! Ever! Even though it is able to show you
lots (once again maybe it is a reflection or remnant of previous true Soma species that are no longer
with us). Who could take it for fun you might ask? NOBODY.
Psilocybin is not as high of a vibration as Amanita Muscaria (when properly used). The reading
said not to play with Cubensis (or Psilocybin for that matter). Maybe this is personal for the author,
although he has experienced Psilocybin and its influence. The hidden wisdom is that Psilocybin is a
drug. Yet it can turn you on. This means it can turn your mind on to some hyper-real levels of
consciousness and associated ideas, but on the other hand you can lose sense of reality too. By the way
sort of unrelated, but there are P. caerulipes that grow deep in the woods in Florida and the author has
seen them (but not conscious of this fact during it). It is pointless to seek out such a variety though,
because one could more easily mistaken P. caerulipes for something poisonous. Why not stick with
Copelandia or Cubes and not go off into Gymnos or stranger ones.
Trichocerus Bridgesii (this may apply to any San Pedro varietal). In a way these have registered
higher than Psilocybin mushrooms. They produce a 12-18 hour state of reflection. Do not mix with
alcohol or anything else. Stay totally clean approximately ten hours before use. Boil little pieces of the
cactus for around 20 minutes and drink with guava juice or another sweetener. It hits or peaks within
two hours. And then shamanic stuff takes place.
The big stuff has been covered. No to cocaine or hard drugs obviously. No to new chemicals
without proper readings and observations with skepticism. What about Belladonna or Nightshade? It
is some real heavy heavy heavy stuff and very real. The author was not able to jump into this area and
it must wait until another pass. Parsley smoking can be another hard experience. It seems like a
negative experience similar to the energy of Belladonna possibly. Illinois Bundleweed? Since Terence
McKenna mentioned it over two decades ago, it has not panned out to anything of interest. Besides it
was completely unknown to Native Americans as far as is known about. Prickly Poppy is crap, avoid it
altogether. Mucuna Pruriens was at one time used in sacred art, for divination and there is something
real good in them. Dried rosemary can be burned for what is known as “releasing spirits,” similar to
the act of burning smudge sage. Syrian Rue seeds and plant material have been known to be ingested.
It produces a mental, closed eye trip accompanied by intense stomach nausea and possibly worse. Be
careful. Not recommended. Raw, unripe mulberries are heard of to create an effect. It is nothing to
write home about, except for a slight light-headed feeling and yet again, not a recommended thing.
Kratom is quite powerful, with similar to morphine effects and highly un-recommended. Nitrous
Oxide is okay for giggles and the composition of limericks, probably not a great idea though. Blue
Lotus extract produces a mild sedative or lower resonant euphoria (when compared to cannabis for
example). Not too great. Brugmansia leaf can be smoked or incensed for shamanism or witchcraft.
Ingestion of its plant material is assumed to be similar to Datura as are all of the scopolamine plants
although any expert shaman would tell you that each plant species has its own character and spirit. It
does not sound like a good idea to try Brugmansias (Hells Bells / Angel Trumpets). Beautiful flowers
and powerful energy. The real magician can experience these powers as if just looking and not
ingesting its fruit.
And now...Just when you think everything is completely wrapped up we're only getting
started...Nutmeg enters the equation. With the author's advanced experience in getting nutmeg to work
well, plus the TAROT's wisdom at hand, one might wish to take note. Be careful on the dosage and
note the amount or increment by which to increase the dose according to the individual. Measure the
whole nutmegs by halves or quarters and the powdered form by teaspoons or by hand. Be advised that
nutmeg contains some toxins like “the old strychnine” stuff. This is why to use it moderately. It can
peak up until eight hours after ingestion. Be sure of the quality of the environment and aura it is being
utilized under. There is no smoking of nutmeg. It is fat soluble and can be extracted, but be careful. A
high dose can be too extreme and not a good idea. An average person may consider one to two whole
nutmegs to be plenty, but even still, be careful with even half a nutmeg. Also note: drink lots of water
because of the essential oils and the “strychnine” stuff going through the liver. Nutmeg can get a little
help from some chocolate prior to the peak (preferably good dark chocolate, which is a mild MAOI).
Be sure to eat a good meal with it because the food helps the body to absorb the mix of substances in
this unique psychotropic plant. Here are the results of the reading now. It can make you very lethargic.
It has some serious mind-bending abilities. Far beyond marijuana. Empathy is enhanced. It makes
you feel profound ideas. It has a sedative effect on the nervous system. (Editors note: Much of the
consensus is that Nutmeg is crap! This may be due to false recreational attempts at utilizing its
potential or this may be due to its unappealing kitchen spice attribute placing it in the psychic tier
alongside smoked banana peels, but regardless...) You will crawl right away into another world. As far
as comparing it to other plants there is nothing else available that contains the same energy. It is very
different from all the others. It is medicinal in small quantities and on rare occasion. It seems that it
can help the body in various healthy ways, but of course different people react differently to every kind
of plant. Its effects when used in a non-recreational context are in fact more interesting than marijuana
but it seems to be synergistic with THC or a mild threshold Psyilocybin experience. Some people may
not feel anything because they are highly concerned about its potency and do not want to attempt an
honest and non-biased experience. Maybe it is too difficult to separate it from the preconceptions of it
being one of grandma's favorite holiday flavorings. That is why the author did not start with nutmeg
but ended up giving it a try during a clean streak. Obviously it is not A. Muscaria nor is it like the
enlightening effect of Psilocybin, nor is it as internal as San Pedro, but it has something else. It is far
more superior than credit is given to it at this point. Maybe this misconception may be due to a lack of
knowledge regarding its potential and how to regulate the dosage in a correct shamanic or intellectual
setting. The slightest variation in dose can affect the user in a different way. It is very susceptible to
environmental influence. Also it seems that certain times of the lunar cycle and other astrological
influences can have affect on the “trip.” Although it can cause damage to the body thanks to its toxins,
it is not that bad in moderation. Maybe the sort of toxins are similar to drinking 10 beers for a medium
to strong dose (3 whole good quality nutmegs for a medium sized male). The lethargy can last up to
two days after the trip has subsided and can be antidoted with coffee. There is an intense energy
associated with the peak which lasts about 2-5 hours. Nutmeg has another world in it. There is a
method by which the nutmegs are broken in half and given a sort of sortilege or reading by the patterns
of them (yes similar to tea leaves). This may be helpful in deciding whether or not the nutmeg is good
and if it is a good time to take part in it.
Wrapping up: don't do anything illegal. Start with very small doses and work into the level you
want to reach. Certainly there are many more chemicals of a hallucinogenic or potentially shamanic
nature that were not covered because the need to was not present. Most of the known plant resources
are covered here, however, and that is the core of the human knowledge regarding shamanic plants. At
some point in time these plants were considered sacred and used by the sacerdotal class in strict ritual
settings. Nicotiana rustica (tobacco) for example is now widely desecrated but it was brought here
from another star system and is the most important of all the plants although its use may not be
understood in our world today. Cocoa is also abused now instead of regarded as sacred. To the
shamanically inclined, those who see the world as originating from a non-physical realm, there exists
the paradox between chemical influence and natural occultism.


Part V. The Slow-Moving Snouted Mongoose-like Creature

I personally recall the first time I bought a Smartphone or Android Phone. Around the time of
2010 or 2011 I was constantly trying to improve my psychic readings. Psychic is a term loosely used
in this context. I was a little late in getting this technology. It may have been out a couple years before
I tried it because it helped me to make money selling used books.
One of the reasons I had skill in psychic work was because during college I used to wear noisemuffs
on the ears for prolonged stretches of time. I also experimented with sensory deprivation, but
not much. The ear-muffs for sound were sensory deprivation and it seemed to help my inner
concentration and musical awareness. In those days I especially wanted to improve the musical ear
through any means available.
After college and some years forward I began an interest in more book learning and actual study
of the occult sciences. This was branching out from mysticism and general metaphysical spirituality,
some basis in Christianity and then also psychedelic and natural shamanism as well. By 2009 I had
personal lessons in Tarot from a highly trained and revered teacher.
In late 2010 or 2011, a heightened form of psychic work was being done. I had access to a very
quiet water setting in which to live, so it was perfect for reaching out further into the possibilities of
science in the spiritual/metaphysical/occult sense of the term without bounds. I was practicing any type
of game that could increase intuition and subtle awareness and this even with microtonal sound. Most
would agree that it was a dangerous way to approach stuff like that, but I had enough natural
inclination to do so and would probably not recommend it to others.
For the record, let it be known that the very day that I unboxed that so-called Smart-phone with
Android OS I could hear the phone when it was turned on, even in the next room over from where I
was sitting. This bothered me greatly. I found it quite strange and absurd. I found a shielded box to
place it in when I did not want to use it and I made sure to keep it turned off most of the time when it
was not necessary.
In analysis, it seemed to me at that very time of this discovery that the energy it was giving off
was destructive to any elite psychic work. It seemed to block off the quietness of mind and heart
necessary for seeing in the other. I defined this noisy device as a kind of bio-magnetic or mind-wave
interference phone. I did not immediately take the stance of paranoia or suspicion. I felt that the
technology itself was inferior and had to utilize so much of the etheric current around the person's body
who was using the Smartphone at the time. Lastly of course I was frustrated with the fact that the
99.95% of people around me did not notice the subtle etheric interference caused by these most basic of
Smartphones. I've owned a few phones like this since then, using them from time to time not all the
time and being conscious of their operation as much as casual.
Do they purposely interfere with the etheric bio-magnetic sphere of the body? In some regards
yes, but most likely the technology is inferior to actual occult science and utilizes the airwaves in a way
that will someday be considered absurd and incredibly obsolete. Life was different before the
electromagnetic towers everywhere and most conscious people were alarmed by the immediate
obsession of cell phones around the turn of the century/millennium.
I did not feel sick from the emanations of the Smartphone. I could sense its operation even
from the distance of another room in the apartment. The second it was turned on I could feel the
mental energy it produced. Sort of like if you are sensitive to television media programming. The idea
is that the air field is a magnetic receptor even without the idea of transmission. It causes pollution of
the element of air and even the etheric magnetism is polluted. In other words, a psychic person can
pick up the transmissions in the air without seeing the phone or television because it is being
transmitted through that medium of air and on a more subtle level the Mind of the person seeing it
(psychically, as it is called) can interpret the transmission. This takes years of practice, or natural
ability or a combination of both.
It seems that in retrospect, there are frequencies being emitted by the electromagnetic devices
that purposely interfere with the etherical element of the human being. However occultists, psychics,
and magicians of various sorts have always been known to engage in banishment, cleansing of space
and elemental purification before serious investigations into the unknown astral sphere.

The supposed starchild skull, in the opinion of the author, is no great discovery because its
reality is morally disgusting. It is assumed that the educated reader out there is a little bit peeved by the
over-usage of the term “space aliens” since that is a viewpoint from materialism and hocus-pocus
science fiction. Certainly extra-terrestrial life exists all across the entire vastness of the multi-verses on
different planes and different realms, much of which is not accessible to our mode of thinking and etc.
The NXXS has seen the reality of this creature's life through the astral recording of the events around it
using the Tarot deck and the prescribed, obscure methods found hidden deep within Blavatsky's works
among other true seers and occultists.
It was around 3000 years ago when the strange creatures were originally found. You see,
someone was manufacturing them off the coast of Mexico on an island just south of Baja California. It
seems that these genetic manipulators were carting them off and making money on them. They used
disgusting cross-breeding over a lengthy period of time to create the “starchild,” who was probably a
full grown speciman. Yes someone powerful 3000 years ago could create genetic mutations. At some
point, someone benevolent and connected to the highest civilization in the Andes (or possibly C.
America or Mexico) happened upon a group of them inhabiting a region, like a valley or plateau. They
were captured by them. They had colorful, bright gold eyes, or possibly other colors (purple or blue)
and their skin was nearly transparent. They did not talk and they had no thought or mental capacity.
They were dangerous and they would scream, kick, bite, crawl and pinch anyone who came to touch
them. They only made howling noises or high pitch 'yowwwls' and they were strange, little humanoid
people yet with normal sex differentiation. There was a couple (male and female) who were captured.
So it definitely seems that the original, ancient bio-engineers off the coast of Mexico had probably
dropped the stock off somewhere at some point (or maybe they escaped, it is of no use to read on it)
and thus the high civilization people (i.e. early benevolent Mayans or Aztec) picked them up as anyone
would do if they saw such an anomalous creature(s) sitting out somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
The starchild is not alien or extra-terrestrial but came from this planet.

An Atom was photographed recently and it made the news tonight. It is amazing to perceive
that this little dot of light is an Atom. An atom according to the occultists possesses the possibility of
consciousness. According to occultism, all of Nature is filled with living reality. A fallen stick off of a
tree is not dead. A Planet is a living being, filled with the possibility of living beings and evolutions of
those beings including humans, and higher entities. The Sun is …

Rudolf Steiner 1861-1925 was an occultist who did not practice much sorcery or even mainline
theosophy. He helped prevent World War 3 because he was successful in approaching the black magic
of the NAZI regime and defeating many of their powers through the use of occult knowledge in regards
to the Ahriman spirituality and other various means, many of which he did not publicly disclose. To
the disappointment of the fear and war mongering idiots who populate the world wide web, there will
not be an event known as World War 3. Thanks in part to pure souls who came to assist the Great
Eastern Magians, such as Rudolf Steiner, but thanks also to many others, some of who remain to this
day nameless. To consider that each and every Great Soul would want personal fame or fortune for
their work on this human earth—it being a celestial body as well as a ball of rock—is to sidestep the
Greatness of such Beings of Truth who entered into human form throughout the Ages and known by
many names. They were able to see through the veil of ritualism and form and into the Great Cosmic
Serpent of Positivity and the Yin and Yang of Universal Meditation to help prevent the forces of false
occultism to create shadows to deceive the entire planet into retribution of slavery, mental and
otherwise and to coerce the Dragons into submissive cooperation with the Natural Life that is Free to
All and does not need to be achieved through another man but through One's Own Higher Self.
People say the Devil in Tarot is Baphomet. They are similarities and probably a similar root,
but the Devil – 15th Card of the Tarot – is not called Baphomet but his or her name was “Bath.” So
maybe, Bath is related to Baph of Baphomet as many concurrent themes in occult history commonly
occur to be philologically related. The Tarot was discovered by Marco Polo. He may have had a
female assistant on his journeys. Gyaur Kala was the place of discovery of the wooden tablets of
“ROT” as the Mongolian hierarchy had called it. We have most of the cards. Marco Polo had to hightail
it out of there, back in those times it was not a safe area to proceed. This area of Turkmenistan is a
place of mystical antiquity as is known, and who else would have brought the Tarot into European card
making besides Marco Polo? He was a genius.
The other various names of the Devil in Christian thought also may have ancient sacred roots,
as has been pointed out by a few writers on the misnomer of the Devil's name. In Gnosticism and other
“poly” or rather Pan-theistic realities and religions, devil, seth, sath, satan, are all just various aspects of
the duality of nature and the Godhead of oriental kabalism. Do not forget that every Major Arcana is
Sacred. This indicates that the Devil is also Sacred, even though this card may indicate absolute
materialistic energy and various lower spirits of many kinds, it does not mean that those properties are
un-sacred. Everything is sacred to the occultist, except that form of Ignorance that creates a demon of
good and a demon of evil that battle each other instead of dwell inside the mirror of self and that on
many levels before and after initiatory proceedings (now many are lost to modernity—worldwide).
In Greek mythology, Cepheus was the name of two kings in Aethiopia, grandfather and grandson. The
better known Cepheus is the son of Agenor and grandson of the other Cepheus. He was married to
Cassiopeia, with whom he had a beautiful daughter, Andromeda. At some point, his wife committed
hubris by boasting that she and her daughter were more beautiful than the daughters of the sea god
Nereus, the Nereids. This triggered the wrath of god Poseidon, who either flooded the lands of
Aethiopia or sent a terrible sea creature called Cetus to ravage the coasts of the area. Cepheus and
Cassiopeia consulted an oracle on what they should do, and they were advised to sacrifice their
daughter to Cetus in order to appease the god. They chained Andromeda to a rock close to the sea, but
as Cetus drew close, the hero Perseus arrived in time to save her and kill the monster.
Let's take a look at this Sumerian deity. There is not much to say about it. We've all seen this
deity mentioned on the internet about ancient aliens and the supposed matrix of fallen beings, ad
infinitum. The author has recently looked at this clairvoyantly and has the following to say about this
hybrid man-bird-fish-reptilian-etc-etc winged, elemental thing.
LOL “Don't thank the lizard, thank the Science behind it.” This is a story, at this point in time
and until any other clairvoyants will corroborate or debate the finding it shall be this way. It was a
story invented to prevent psychological or social disruption. Remind yourself that 9/10 times people
generally project our world upon the ancients and not vice versa. For them it was not an issue whether
this being was real or not. Maybe for us it would matter, but for them maybe it did not. Quite clearly
we do not live in the ancient, pagan world of mystery and song and dance. Sumeria and even
Babylonia were ones of many civilizations that have flourished. This is not to say that extra-terrestrial
contact did not initiate their society at some time and place within their cycle. We would not profane
the sacred.
Imagine the oratory connected to this deity's story! If you could only hear the orator! The
clairvoyant can see the impression on the astral filament of the imparted sacredness of Apkallu or any
of his inherited designations. As a critic of all things mundane, in our present time we see too much
superstition in regards to “ancient aliens” rather than “ancient pagans and their ways of life” and with
this reading, you can 95% be assured that this figure provided the Sumerian culture with a separation of
church and state because this deity is not mortal. It is very much a dream of their day only minutely
present in ours.

Emanuel Swedenborg was a practicing occultist but not openly. He was a clairaudient, seer, a
metaphysician. He was hindered by Roman Catholicism. He was a lay chela and the occult doctrine
all made sense to him. He could see peoples' thoughts. He even knew how to destroy with psychic
force if he ever would have done it is doubtful though. He could basically watch anyone at anytime.
He dissolved bad relationships in his life. He suffered from strange feelings. He also had some artistic
There is in Cambodia a temple with a famous depiction of a Stegosaurus carved onto its walls.
This is fascinating, but with a little temporal clairvoyance the solution is quickly to be found. The
NXXS opinion on this is as follows.
The Khmers who built the temple were into scientific research. They held a deep interest in the
fossil findings of dinosaurs. From the observations they obviously realized how the dinosaur looked
while alive. They knew they used to live, but of course they never saw a living one!
Thomas Taylor (1758-1835) we have to thank for translating the heavy duty Greek
philosophers. He was a vicious linguist, no doubt. He worked intensely and laboriously with all the
details. We should not take his effort and work for granted. He certainly had to endure personal pain
along his path taken. He set himself to this immense undertaking. He was always busy. Vowels and
sounds were among his domains of mental courage. It was a solitary task and not for the weak-minded
fool who could not handle it. To the detriment of his personal life, he sacrificed everything in order to
translate Aristotle, Plato, Iamblichus, Porphyry, Orpheus and others because he knew it would assist the
occultists. He knew it would benefit humanity and ultimately save the world. Let us not forget the real
labor that he endured. Let's never take for granted this visionary.

Mars Tubes – First Reading. Note: The Martian Archaeology and Ancient Sites/Anomalies are
more curious than anything we've seen, but we do not even know everything about our own Earth, let
alone Mars! This is the reason I have taken clairoyance about Mars, another planet, albeit a close one to
Earth, with mysteries beyond comprehension, with baby steps. This analysis of the famed tubes on
Mars, goes back a couple years or so and I present what I found, unaltered.
Let it be known, that the tubes on Mars were seen by telescope in the late 1800's or early 1900's
and A.P. Sinnett mentions them as being pipes. In our times, people want things extremely factual and
detailed, but in the late 1800's they had less “factual” information and used their minds to extend the
possibility of a reality unknowable, except through the thoughts and imagination. I feel distraught at
the stage we are in, because we are presented with tremendous amounts of “facts” from space and
cannot necessarily come upon a universal agreement on the truth. We may blame authorities for lying,
but they would not be able to lie to a questioning and truth-seeking population anyways, and so one
goes with the other. Here is a photo of the tubes:
These tubes were one of the very first anomalies, long before the community of anomaly
hunters had come about. My first and only reading thus far, said that the white lines are ice. It said that
this is a water aqueduct for drinking. They get the water for it from deep down in the well. You will
get punished if you go near it. It is for their subscribers only. They clean it. It is a business. Millions
of gallons of water are being pumped to the colonies. It is a major source of income. Some how its
construction was tied to the completion of a war. It runs day and night. This ends my notes on the
initial reading. As with any reading of an absolutely unknown topic, there will be other facts coming
about that also have to be corroborated in subsequent, further readings. If this reading is incorrect, so
be it...that is part of the game. If it is 100% on target, that is good and it will check through down the
line on further investigations into these details, if needed. This makes it clear that any proper reading
will raise more questions than intitally given. Many people have offered their theories as to what these
tubes could be and these ideas have run the possibilities up and down the entire spectrum. Another
popular theory was that these are the transportation tunnels. In giving the reading to the world, I am
offering a possibility that may be checked by other clairvoyants who have knowledge of Reasoning in
the Socratic sense, so that we may be cooperative in our efforts and ultimately begin to understand
some hidden truths. A planet like Earth or Mars has millions of years of history. Our own history has
been fabricated and indoctrination had occurred without the masses freely questioning its validity.
Because of the long term effect of this “dumbing-down,” the subconscious current of our day is
burdened with demonic energy and entirely materialistic skepticism. Access the Akashic may have to
dodge this lack of interest by promoting a free-thinking viewpoint, in terms of H.P. Blavatsky, in that
free-thought, theosophy and occultism and the emerging pseudo-sciences (as they may be called) will
help a select few who can maintain the enlightenment energies of the planet while things shift in our
cultural landscape, in the midst of a chaotic time-frame of post-modernity.
I hope to find out more about who runs this water subscription service, although I think it is a
race of human-like aliens from another system who protect the interests of Mars from potential threat,
ie alien races of subversive nature who may wish to destroy the globe itself or run it for their own
against the Great Brotherhood (it includes sisters too :) Wondering about where or who the
colonies are inhabited by...if it is dwarf-like, sex-crazed Martians or other ET Humans of highest
intelligence that co-inhabit the planet until things improve there. At this point it will have to be left at
that. But because we lack the very basic background information, readings can come in at some
strange levels, this being the least strange when compared to Four-Armed Reptilians living in Cairns on
the surface, it becomes very difficult to want to release the findings until several checkings can be

Clairvoyant findings on the tunnels near Košice (49° 12'00 N, 20° 42'00 E): The underground
tunnels here are further than you can venture into. They are very insane! But they are not necessarily
an inner earth portal. It is an interconnected network of tunnels however, and it's not probable that
anyone is actually living down there. In this case, it is not likely that they are somehow manufactured
artifically (although theosophically, Intelligent forms of life are present in all natural reality). They are
part of the deep, having always been there, tunneled out by time. Very wondrous, but not inner earth.

It's becoming more and more easier to do this, firstly because 21st century conceptions about
seership and clairvoyance are slowly coming into view and the older way of seeing it from the previous
millennium are fading. It's only helpful because in the natural view of things, a new millennium will of
course bring about new phases and modes in overall human perception, while all the while, specific
people and their higher beings have always been a million years in advance of the rest of the human
race. Noumenal Extrasensory Existent Society brings to you a finding on par with Proclus and/or the
Alexandrian Library...maybe even more so—something Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton would be taken by
the discovery thereof and especially since the author did not have to go there himself and bury himself
within the Earth to clairvoyantly see.
There are several tunnel entrances near Sacsayhuaman which can be seen from the locality.
This is around Cusco, Peru. This is an Inner Earth entrance. Mind you the author only performed
clairvoyance upon the photo of one of the entrances, yet it is probably all interconnected and we need
not worry. Blavatsky has spoken of tunnels around this area which connect to Chile and Bolivia (of our
time). We must work together and string together all of the clairvoyant findings to improve accuracy
and reach a height yet unknown to our planet in knowledge and sight of the unknown things of
This is very powerful during the reading. The astral light is flooding the room and heart.
There's an entrance to another locality. The Lunar Race lives down there. It is very deep and it is very
mystical. Inner Earth—another dwelling—another visage—highly adaptive. They're aware, a w a
r e.
They aren't imprisoned there. They have three senses. No nose. They have eyes, ears, taste and the
skin is absorptive or minute. There is an entrance.
Speaking the words of the astral soul directly to mine, they are saying: there's an entrance,
there's a jettison. It's on the terrace. They don't believe in the surface. They are the previous globe (as
in occultism). They cry out! Winged and the Inner Earth beings can float. They don't have hair like
we have. XVI Tower displays occultly...a definite civilization. One hundred miles down.
You would be sorry you went there. It is very interdimensional. Far beyond normal human
existence. They were already there, before the first root race.
Please take a look at the original drawings from the clairvoyant session on the inconspicuous
looking tunnel entrance. The Egyptian tunnels for instance, are not anything but ancient water
resevoirs, in contrast.
Sometimes the clairvoyant does a reading without first reading the established viewpoints on
occult history. This may be a better approach since it allows for the absence of bias during the reading.
Total liberties of interpretation are not being sought here and after all, many many readings line up with
the establishment in regards to facts at least, enough of the facts to be corroborative. But what if they
do not exactly line up? With this being said, let it be understood that occult history does not always
coincide with the established knowledge. Being careful to avoid the uncommon misreading, and also to
be swayed by anything but the akashic reality for each site, NXXS/Access the Akashic brings you yet
another occult finding from the world vault.
Udayagiri caves in Madhya Pradesh, Northern India were originally from about 4,000 years
ago. During those times, this Brahmin Hindu establishment was off-limits to everyone except the
officers of the government. Anyone going near the area would be punished severely, according to the
clairvoyant reading. They may have even hung someone for this offense. There were 500 soldiers on
duty. This place represented the military of the state and the temple was funded by them. They
watched all the territories from this location. Although it was somewhat ceremonial of a site originally,
that was not its primary function. This was where the administration of the society took place, along
with the treasury. According to the reading the people looked Asian and of light-skin in those times.

The Uffington White Horse formation may actually indeed be an image of a jaguar. Yet because
jaguars do not gallivant in the area, mundane people have generally attached the moniker of horse to
this odd and highly irregular earth-works formation. Now let's see what the clairvoyance attached to its
existence indicates.
It is an extra-terrestrial creation upon this terrafirma. If you could see the Tarot spread from the
author's perspective you would also be highly intrigued. This formation is a type of communication
between earth and the beings of this distant world. If you care to know, these “people” came from the
solar system around the stellar world of Beta Trianguli Australis in the sky of the southern hemisphere.
They came here in a spaceship and subsequently designed the earthworks. They were humanoid yet
not entirely human.

This reading is specifically for the above example of a UFO in old medieval or renaissance
artwork. There are a handful of UFO's found in European art. In the clairvoyant's opinion, they are not
always examples of UFO sightings during those times. But let's look at this example strictly.
This artist put this character flying through the sky in his work because he wanted to make the
art more talked about. They put it in as part of the design. It's something the artist imagined. It
indicates that people have always considered the idea of travelers from other planets. The artist was
also affirming that it is all right to think about or consider visitors coming here from other places. In
some ways, this means more than what was once thought, even though it is not exactly about a specific
UFO sighting and simply transferred to canvas. It is more artistic, imaginative and thought-provoking
than what is generally believed, not to mention that art can be prophetic and intuitive by its very nature.
The infamous UFO's over Washington D.C. 1952.
What are they? Who are they? What are the various physical and etheric levels in the cosmographic
semblances of UFO interdimensional reality and so on? Perception is key, but here is one that is easily
considered, believe it or not. So here goes,
Directly from the clairvoyance: Insectoid bugs. Really really strange. Their reasons for visiting are not
exactly comprehendable. Big eyed insects. And there's a billion more of them. It's really ODD. There
is even a disgusting Queen. Maybe they just thought they could benefit by merely showing up (?!?).
With stuff like this, it is definitely outside the limits of human minds. Possible origin: SE of Arcturus,
SW of Alphecca. Reminder: Stars and other solar systems have varying degrees of existence in
relationship to our definition of such facts.

Utilizing occult invisibility. At some point during your workings, you may need invisibility.
This means you are blocking those who may see with their subconcious unwillingly or competitors
who willingly enjoy the possibility of your defeat. Bodily invisibility is the least needed, but it is very
possible as well—at least in the astral.
Compose the spell for invisibility, focus upon it and perform it completely. Utilize an
alternative magical current than those who would be willing to see your demise in the initiation. It is a
difficult power to master but its rewards are fruitful.
Finally some information on the usage of witch's hat mushroom.
Note: this picture is not the only variety of witch's hat.
The author has personally seen a more orange and pointed variety in North Florida.
You will unmistakenly know it is the type upon seeing it.
Witch's hat got its name from actual witchcraft usage. Whether this began with the European or
Native American tribes, or several millions years before them, it does not matter a whole lot. Here is
the scoop. It is used in potions. You do not ingest or eat it. It will send you to seek medical help if you
ingest it. It is useful in witchcraft. It has a dark entity. It will connect you to the witch who is residing
in it from a very long time ago. It can be used in rites of the full moon, rites of power, second sight,
and clairvoyance. This is a secret art that no one knows about (-except now, JG). It is a visionary herb.
It is not necessarily classed alongside the well-known baneful herbs, since it's use has not been
divulged. The author has not personally tried it at all. Only an experienced witch could use it properly.
Most psychedelics are considered drugs and likewise contain certain chemicals that are detectable. A
witching herb of this magnitude may not have any specific chemical constituents that relect its spiritual
nature (ie it involves 'activation'). It is visionary and other worldly, widely unknown in our day as to its
proper usage. It is also satanic (perceive). It may be in a class all its own, connected to other more
etheric and underworld kind of plants that have strong spiritual entities attached to or within them. It
can also make things disappear. As with all things witchcraft, it depends on the operator at hand. It has
a bad side too, if used under the wrong circumstances. Please be careful, it is assumed that if you
experiment with witch's hat you will have already learned the basics of your craft.
Science in its modern irrelevance can only explain boring, dead details about anything,
especially items like this, which to the rational student of dense materialism, know little or nothing
about the true spirit that lies beneath the material corridor of Illusion (maya). With that being said, this
was someone's idol that was lost. They bathed with it. They would call it “you come here to me.”
They were kissing it and doing things like that to it. It was a showpiece among lovers. It's something
akin to black magic, but it's also so awesome!
Yes, the Voynich Manuscript. Plenty of fiction and research has been dreamt up about it. Now
let's get down to the facts. It is Anne of Brittany's work. It is triple encoded in three directions and you
have to have the key to decrypt it. Gilles de Rais used to help her on this stuff. Mind you, he is almost
certainly not guilty of the atrocities he was accused of (this is ascertainable by a quick glance at his
natal chart).
Several things you must be aware of when understanding the book are as follows. Be warned
by NXXS that you should not even look at it or ponder it for very good reasons. Unless you are an
absolute die-hard materialist, this book can spiritually hinder you. Now back up and consider a few
more things, while we slowly proceed.
This is not worth decoding. Not at all. The book features strange plant-like imagery and other
assortments of alchemical or astronomical appearing materials. These are blinds. The text itself does
not follow along the lines of those pretty pictures. No, not at all. It is not Cathar at all.
They knew no one would open the book, especially because of their encryption style. In fact it
seems, from the astral account, that something occurred, the author(s) got in some kind of mishap and
they themselves never “used” it either. Well, if it is so tremendously powerful, impossible to decode
(except akashically) and exceptionally wicked, what exactly is its purpose, you may ask?
On the record, which may very well out live its author, there are a handful of fictional
necronomicons, albeit based upon real sorcery/incantations from Greek or other Pagan sources, those
are nothing but grimoires. For whatever reason if a clever individual happened to decide upon
decoding and working the VMS out for themselves, the karma should not fall back on the NXXS
master because you have been given this information out of love and pure compassion for occultism in
its truest sense.
The Eighth Sphere, as defined by Madame Blavatsky and others, serves a purpose in the
universe. Otherwise it would not exist, correct? There's no need to get into the specifics right now.
But you must realize that under certain occult conditions and workings, in the baneful and harmful
usage of spells and so forth, non-living spiritual beings can be summoned into this terrestrial plane.
They have at times been brought forth by whatever conditions might have arisen to make this possible
(as in Mothman, also covered by Access the Akashic). Thus the proper definition of “The
Necronomicon” would be a book that accesses this realm and attempts to summon the non-living
species of that realm into ours. Paranormal things do exist although, we as average day-to-day humans
do not necessarily experience them that frequently.
Much more could be debated and brought into the discussion on the Voynich, based on past
researches. No other occultist, clairvoyant and spiritualist has ever fully researched the background of
the book, and then attempted to astrally discover its meaning and/or intention. Noumenal Extrasensory
Existent Society has already done so. The study of the magical, philosophical and theological world
surrounding the work is fascinating and highly rewarding in itself and will bring the student into direct
comprehension of great people such as John Dee and H.C. Agrippa. The oh-so-curious fool will now
find the Voynich to be a thing of great wonder and elite danger, hoping to experience the “Real
Necronomicon” without realizing the extreme hazard to the Self, because for whatever reason they
were safeguarding this working from the unknowledgable so that they would never be able to decrypt it
and use it on themselves or anyone else for that matter.
The clairvoyant of NXXS and author of this web-article, was stunned and destimulated for
several weeks after the knowledge came to him about the Voynich's real substance. At this point, John
Gilbert had officially determined to discard all associations with such material and to abandon
completely any reminiscence or shadow of its heinous subject matter. The scholars will continue their
quest in attempting a “scientific” analysis and decoding of this black magical text, although it will
remain unsolved. The Immortality of the Soul and the Living Spirit of the Human Race are at the heart
of the Noumenal Extrasensory Existent Society (see Key Players) and would not dare risk losing those
things most dear to our lives, if this manuscript were put into play.

The 18th issue of Access the Akashic covered the truth of the Voynich. It was found in 1912,
therefore it was after Madame Blavatsky passed away, so she did not see it. There is no reason to doubt
that she probably had an idea that an Necronomicon was out there floating around Europe somewhere,
but it is not essential to this second look.
I studied the fact sheet (Elegant Enigma) on the Voynich completely before attempting
clairvoyance upon it. This had benefits in itself. The document covers a broad range of occultism and
magic surrounding the era in which it was supposedly composed. Unfortunately these topics have an
initiatory aspect to them, therefore they seem to be something to the outsiders that to the intiates they
are almost the opposite in reality. With that being said, I found out that John Dee had nothing to do
with the Voynich at all, neither did Roger Bacon. But to the outsider, it would make sense that because
it was a “magic or alchemical” document, that Bacon or Dee were somehow involved—which
necessarily was not the case, in reality.
Madame Blavatsky would have had an interest in the Voynich, had it been discovered (or rediscovered)
in the late 1870s but she may or may not have had the time to give it a whole lot of
thought. She would have most likely recognized the “Necronomicon” upon seeing it or shortly
thereafter. It is indeed a thing of astonishment and wonder, even to the white magician of Theosophical
leanings such as herself.
I did not dare to jump into the clairvoyance of this book at first, mainly because I wanted a
thorough approach to the background study (Elegant Enigma, namely). This was a rewarding
experience in itself and highly recommended. It may start an interest in alchemy, magic, occultism, or
history of the same in the young mind. Generally speaking, it is only a one in several million people
who would even attempt any sort of ritualistic working associated with such a document such as the
Voynich. In this regard, it is “okay” to release the more refined knowledge of what it actually says,
what it was used for and how we, the occultists, can protect the world from its black usage.
In occultism, gnosticism and magic (ie Theosophy), many times things that appear to be sinister
or dark are in fact the other way around and vice versa. This is an early aspect of the proper initiation
into non-ceremonial magic. It will be discovered by the newbie along the portion of the path that is
initiatory to say the least. The reason that the Voynich was so misunderstood for so long, is because
none of the possible personages thought to be associated with it were actually associated with it. As a
matter of fact, the infamous hieroglyphic book of Edward Kelley and John Dee, probably had little to
nothing to do with the Voynich whatsoever. Quite frankly, John Dee is given more credit than he
deserves. He was a decent astrologer, a dabbler in occult/magic but had no clairvoyant abilities and
enochian magick is a dangerous, erroneous system, not directly related to the Voynich at all. As you
can see, it is possible to be duped by the esoteric nature of John Dee and his (non)involvement with the
Voynich, etc. Maybe there was a possibility that Dee was involved in moving the document to
Rudolph. If that was the case, he did not know anything about it because he wasn't clairvoyant and not
an actual occultist, more of an astrologer.
This second-look at the Voynich is intended to clear up some frustration about the nature of
occultism in this 21st century. The Voynich is genuinely not as important as it is being made out to be.
In other words, if the Voynich was an esoteric document containing secrets of space-travel or
worlds (as the illustrations would like the novice to believe), then it may have grand
importance to the development and progress of many areas of human knowledge. Since that was a
possibility from the beginning, many investigators were hopeful that it would be decoded and in fact be
the illustrious dream of imagination that the inquisitors thought was possible with it. However, as with
many types of satanic and/or sorcerous works of text, the grand design is one of ultimate
I am happy that I eventually clairvoyantly uncovered the terrifying secret of the Voynich. I
looked through the fact sheet (Elegant Enigma) and did minor readings on each topic because at first
this seems like the most confusing set of data regarding one work. It seemed incredibly daunting to be
thorough and not come up short in info. Sure I was motivated by a sense of “fame” if one were to
actually decode something of this magnitude and other people have been motivated similarly. Now
looking back, notwithstanding the reason for ATA zine to be released free, is that sometimes the ego has
desires that are a driving force, but in truth do not have much form in and of themselves. It is merely
the frustration in the conscious element of humanity regarding this work that I have personally wanted
to contribute to the wholesome and fearless understanding of it. We may never know all the miniature
details of forgotten history from hundreds of years ago, but is that truly important or essential to our
progress in spiritual or mystical life? Looking back on my notes (about 50 handwritten pages) I can say
that most of the ideas surrounding Voynich and potential histories are not necessary or add up to much
in regards to its true meaning.
If any readers have any historical names, concepts, or deep questions that may seem
unanswered and not covered by the occult investigation into this topic, please contact soon with your
question. In other words, if you think a topic from Elegant Enigma was brushed over and not
considered, feel free to write.
It won't be decoded because the keys are lost and only an actual black magician (sorcerers are one thing
and black magicians another) would even be idiotic enough to consider going near!

The God/Entity of choice and primary purpose for the sake of real clairvoyance and occultism is
Thoth. Thoth is Mercury. Psychology, myth and symbol combined three-in-one. Thoth is Tarot Card
One, Thoth the Magician. No difference except the subtle inter-related one. Thoth is Satan, if you will.
Seth is Thoth. Many many names but the same idealized daemon. The Magician does not worship any
demons or gods, no, but the representation of Thoth is a Mind. Mercury is Thoth. Mercuria. No true
Magician has ever ignored the Way of Thoth. His realm is Being and Thought.

Who is the greatest living, contemporary occultist in the world today? This question probed the
mind of the author, considering the fact that not many self-proclaimed occultists are on the world scene
now-a-days. The Tarot responded with none other than Alejandro Jodorowsky! Fabulous discovery it
was indeed. And now a little about him for those who did not expect such a magical result to such an
obligatory question.
The Holy Mountain, arguably the greatest movie ever made, contains the knowledge of occult
magic, theosophy, kabala, alchemy and the grand trumps of the Tarot. It is an epic film, directed by
Jodorowsky, with plenty of symbolism, psychology, hints at hidden meanings and references,
shamansim, conceptual art and absolute visionary weirdness that no one else but a self-proclaimed
“spiritual guru” could have conceptualized and brought to film. Back in the 70's, when this film was
made, it was dangerous and cutting edge, and consequently did not experience a true release until
sometime around 2009. Up until then the author only had an underground version with subtitles and
censoring. This is a life-changing film if you let it be and it has so much initiatory and magical
concepts within it that there is no doubt that Jodorowosky, although mostly an artist, would also be
considered the greatest occultist we have living among us today.

Mahatma Letter 30 was written by H.P. Blatasky and Morya. It was received by A.P. Sinnett. It
is an important letter in the Mahatma Letters, although all of them have importance, some of them are
very profound, while others are snippets of communications. Here are the highlights of wisdom of it.
First of all the letter mentions the misconceptions of newcomers to the theosophical fold. It
mentions the differences of understandings in the true quest for wisdom and the prescribed societal
vows of religion, and outward displays. It says that the religious people are on the wrong path, even
though they are high up in their Brahmanical caste and so forth. The reason is that the ideas of real
wisdom versus what is thought of as wisdom by the masses is in conflict with each other. Slowly and
surely Morya (in concurrent mind of Koothoomi) was attempting to expediate the teachings of the
esoteric school and not the worldwide mayavic separation.
Next he goes on to say how Hume and Sinnett had no real beliefs to contend with, so that was a
plus but that they were dealing with bad magnetism from shaking hands with certain societal people
and harming their true occult practice. Morya explains it is not that essential and could easily be
cleared, but more importantly, the result of having faith in God or the Gods is worse. He says this
attracts “millions of foreign influences, living entities and powerful agents around them.” He explains
that these influences would take more than just ordinary powers to drive them away, and implies that
this sort of working would probably be outside the bounds of their oaths. Next you see that he admits
that Planetary Intelligences actually impersonate gods and other well-known characters. This is a
valuable moment in the Mahatma Letters, since many occultists from different backgrounds have an
awareness of this fact. Re-read that and consider how the term “Planetary” and “extra-terrestrial” could
at times, and not all times, be similar in meaning, though not in usage, etc. With this being said,
though, the occultist will make all necessary associations between terms and their meaning(s).
In result of this idea, he makes it clear that there are a difference in qualities of Planetary Spirits
or Intelligences. This idea is that there are those who are existing during Manvantara and those who
exist during periods of Pralaya. This also makes sense in more than one level at our present time with
the advancing knowledge we have of the specific Intelligences of darkness and of light. It is the
difference between Dhyan Chohans and Chohans of Darkness. In essence this letter has summed up
the past 100 years of occult activity and especially with the following quote:
“These are the gods the Hindus and Christians and Mahomed and all others of bigoted religions
and sects worship; and so long as their influence is upon their devotees we would no more think of
associating with or counteracting them in their work than we do the Red-Caps on earth whose evil
results we try to palliate but whose work we have no right to meddle with so long as they do not cross
our path.” Imagine that, a magical letter from the Adepts that sums up everything going on. It is also
explained in the letter that the brothers (mahatmas, adepts) can not destroy evil, but can only help
eliminate the suffering involved. Then he goes on to call the gods of mankind simply invented
monsters. Then of course Blavatsky signs the letter, “Yours in the love of Jesus,” just to be funny.

Wolf Messing is worthy of notice. He was born in Poland when it was part of the Russian
Empire. He lived from 1899 to 1974. Some folks may doubt his story, but when a clairvoyant study
was undertaken of him it is verified and then some. Messing was the kind of person who had such
psychic gifts that you would not want to mess with him. He was crazy. He could make you sleepy
with his power of somnambulism. He had his own methods in order to get powers that are most likely
not teachable. There were plenty of people that he personally affected. He is very cool in a certain
way. It was very real and amazing. He possessed a genuine resevoir of occult ability.

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