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Name: Baguinda, Janifah G.

Date Performed: February 12, 2020

Group No: Group No. 1 Date Submitted: February 17, 2020
Section: 12 – Competence Rating:

DNA Isolation from Cheek Cells

1. Draw the setup done during the collection of the DNA strand with glass stirring rod.

2. Describe the strands of DNA you have isolated.

3. Compare the DNA strands you isolated with those of your classmates. Describe the
possible factors that influence the differences in the observed DNA strands.


Post-Laboratory Questions:
1. With the action of detergents learned from this experiment, describe the potential harm
of the practice of disposing large amount of detergents into bodies of water has an
aquatic organisms.

2. Give other possible scenarios wherein DNA isolation and analysis are useful.

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