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MU3522 Aesthetics of Music Essay - Due 8 May 2020

Write an essay of between 2000-2500 words on any ONE of the following:

(1) To what extent is Kant successful in his treatment of the judgement of beauty in
relation to artworks? Discuss in relation to Kant, his critics and music.
(2) To what extent does music open up the possibility of the sublime? Discuss with
reference to both philosophy and music.

(3) For Schelling, art/music is an important vehicle of truth articulating what

philosophy/logic cannot say. To what extent is Schelling justified in this belief?

(4) ‘Musical aesthetics up to now has for the most part laboured under a serious
methodological error, in that it occupies itself, not so much with careful investigation
of that which is beautiful in music, but rather with giving an account of the feelings
which take possession of us when we hear it’ (Hanslick, 1891, p.1). Discuss and
evaluate Hanslick’s perspective.

(5) With reference to musical and philosophical sources, evaluate Marx’s thesis that
the evolution of the arts is determined by material, social and economic conditions.

(6) ‘Auschwitz demonstrated irrefutably that culture has failed. That this could
happen in the midst of the traditions of philosophy, of art, and of the enlightening
sciences says more than that these traditions and their spirit lacked the power to take
hold of men and work a change in them…. All post-Auschwitz culture … is garbage’
(Adorno, Negative Dialectics, p. 366). Discuss and evaluate Adorno’s stark
assessment of the failure of culture and philosophy. 

(7) Music is ‘the highest of all arts’. It is the most general [art]. Every art has
musical principles and when it is completed it becomes itself music. This is true even
of philosophy’ (Friedrich Schlegel, 1798; Grove p.614). Discuss and evaluate
Schlegel's statement, making a case for or against his high view of music.
(8) Music ‘speaks a language which we do not recognize in our everyday life’ (W.H.
Wachenroder, 1797, 1910 edn, p.167). Discuss and evaluate Wachenroder's assertion
regarding music as a language.  
(9) Discuss and evaluate Hanslick’s view that music is ‘an automonous art’ consisting
of purely sounding forms.
(10) To what extent does Schiller’s emphasis on ‘the moral functions of beauty’
weaken art’s other functions (the work of art as it is in itself [ontology] and the work
of art as an organon of truth (epistemology)? Discuss with reference to specific
(11) The aesthetic does not make us free, moral and truthful, but enables us to receive
and respond (Schiller). Discuss with particular reference to music and philosophy.
(12) ‘I consider that music is, by its very nature, essentially powerless to express
anything at all, whether a feeling, an attitude of mind, or psychological mood, a
phenomenon of nature, etc… Expression has never been an inherent property of

music. That is by no means the purpose of its existence’ (Igor Stravinsky, An
Autobiography, 1935, Calder and Boyars ed., 1975, p.53). Evaluate Stravinsky's
statement on expression in music in relation to philosophical ideas on expression and
musical works (not necessarily by Stravinsky).
(13) ‘Edward Steuermann once expressed .... that music, at least great music, whose
concept extends from Bach via Beethoven to Schoenberg, is a transient character,
bound up with the bourgeois era and fated to be forgotten’ (Adorno 2002, p.137).
Discuss and evaluate Steuermann’s belief.
(14) Discuss, analyse and evaluate the unique importance of music in Schopenhauer’s

Guidelines on completing the Essay

• Each student is expected to demonstrate evidence of serious preparation for the
essay, which should be reflected in the quality of research that has been carried out
(reading widely, thinking, analysing evaluating information and arguments); the
articulation of positions and arguments that are presented.
• Whilst each of the essay titles is rooted in the work that was done on the course, for
the purposes of this essay it will not be sufficient for you to rely on class notes from
the lecturer’s PowerPoint presentations or from the articles which were prescribed for
each week’s class. You do not have to ignore this material. It can be useful to you in
your essay, but you will need to go far beyond it in your reading/listening. Try to use
examples which are not those given in class.
• Bibliography and Footnotes: This is a level 3 course with level 3 expectations in
terms of reading. This will take the form of books and scholarly articles. It is
important for your essay that, in addition to completing all of the class reading, you
also read independently. Students hoping to gain the highest grades need to show
evidence of independent working in addition to demonstrating understanding of what
was covered in class. The bibliography should be laid out according to departmental
guidelines as found in the student handbook.
• The entire essay should be supported throughout with footnote references. Only
source items that are used in the essay should be included in the bibliography and no
credit will be given for items that are listed but not used. This does not only apply to
quotations but also to material that is presented in your own words. No sources should
appear in the footnotes without also appearing in the bibliography. Information that is
not sourced will be inadmissible. Footnotes should be formulated in line with music
department guidelines as laid out in the student handbook.
• Please consult section 11 and 12 of the music student handbook for information on
writing essays, producing a bibliography, producing references and all aspects of
• Be careful to ensure that the material which you present is accurate. This is a
minimal requirement, but nevertheless an important one. While historical matters may
well be important for the case that you choose to make, it will be important that you
draw on the properly musical and philosophical aspects of the question.

• It is understood that most members of the class are students of music and not
philosophers. Nevertheless, it is important for you to show that you are appropriately
well-read in an area of Music Aesthetics and that you have the skills necessary to
articulate convincing arguments leading to compelling conclusions. Similar
understanding is also appropriate for non-BMus students taking the course.
• It will be helpful for you to consult the CGS criteria for written work in the BMus
handbook (on MyAberdeen). You should also consider the following learning
outcomes which are taken from the course guide (also on MyAberdeen).

Main Learning outcomes:

• To develop knowledge and understanding of some paradigmatic aesthetic
standpoints in relation to music
• To consider the mutual implication of music and aesthetic ideas
• To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each aesthetic standpoint in relation to
• To develop a more informed vocabulary for discussing music
• To develop critical awareness and interpretative insight in dealing with
philosophical texts
• To contextualise and evaluate arguments, and to articulate conclusions
• To develop skills in oral presentation

Please refer to the Music Student Handbook

( for information
about the preparation and submission of written coursework.

Assessment Proportion Week Date due Feedback

of overall due

2000-2500 60% 40 Friday 8 May 2020 CGS mark

word essay
Annotations to script

Feedback form

Essay length
The essay should be between 2000 and 2500 words in length. Essays either 10%
below the lower word count or 10% above the higher word count will automatically
lose one mark.

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