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November 2009

Vo l . 1 • N o . 1 L
U H Y LLP C e r t i f i e d P u b l i c A c c o u n t a n t s

6851 Oak Hall Lane Suite 300 Columbia, MD 21045 410-423-4800 Fax 410-381-5538

COBRA Premium The Red Flags Rule

Assistance Payments for Fighting Fraud
by Deborah Crown
By Kerry Duvall
id you know
D oes your com-
pany have for-
effect for each AEI until the earliest of
1) the date when he or she is eligible
D that if you work
at a company that
mer employees for coverage under another group
whose employment invoices vendors
health plan, 2) the date the maximum and others after
has been involun- period for COBRA coverage ends; or
tarily terminated services are provid-
3) after nine months of premium ed or goods are sup-
between September reduction.
1, 2008, and Decem- plied, you may have
Deborah Crown to put together a
Kerry Duvall
ber 31, 2009? Are How it works written plan addressing identity theft
any of those em-
The assistance eligible individuals prevention by November 1, 2009?
ployees eligible for health care cover-
will pay 35% of their COBRA premi-
age under the Consolidated Omn- The Federal Trade Commission
ums to the former employer. The for-
ibus Budget Reconciliation Act of (FTC) created the “Red Flags Rule”
mer employer then remits 100% of
1985 (known as COBRA), and did as part of the Fair and Accurate
the premiums due to the insurer,
they elect the coverage? If you Credit Transactions Act of 2003. The
which consists of the employees’ 35%
answered “yes” to both of these Red Flags Rule is an anti-fraud regu-
plus the 65% paid for by the employ-
questions, you are eligible for a 65% lation, requiring creditors and finan-
er. The employer is then effectively
subsidy for the COBRA premium cial institutions with covered accounts
reimbursed for the 65% paid by
payments paid for by your company. to implement programs to identify,
reporting it as a credit on quarterly
detect, and respond to warning signs
Who is covered? payroll tax reports (Form 941). In
(red flags) that could indicate identi-
order to claim this credit, the
Assistance eligible individuals ty theft. The enforcement of this new
employer must actually collect the
(AEIs) include the former employee rule has been delayed three times but
35% from the AEI and then timely
mentioned above and any spouse or currently its enforcement is set to
remit the total premium to the insur-
dependent of that employee who er prior to claiming the credit. For continued on page 2
was covered immediately prior to COBRA coverage provided under a
the involuntary termination. self-insured plan, the employer is
Involuntary terminations include deemed to have paid the 65% sub- Be sure to visit
layoffs, furloughs, or other suspen- sidy when it receives the 35% premi-
sions of employment that result in a um from the AEI.
loss of health coverage. However, a You can download a helpful
mere reduction in hours isn’t an It is possible that some AEIs will have
publication called, Fighting
involuntary termination (unless the paid the full COBRA premium (rather
reduction in hours causes the than the reduced 35% portion) for the Fraud with the Red Flags Rule:
employee to actually leave the com- first and/or second period beginning A How-to Guide for Business.
pany). The 65% subsidy remains in continued on page 2

UHY LLP brings specialists in for-profit solutions in accounting and tax.

November 2009
Vol. 1 • No. 1

COBRA Premium payments are added to the payroll the credits are claimed. If employ-
tax deposits actually made and com- ers have not claimed a credit on an
Assistance Payments original Form 941, an amended
pared to the payroll taxes due to
continued from page 1 determine an overpayment or bal- Form 941-X may be filed.
ance due for the quarter. Any over-
on or after February 17, 2009. For these payment is then either refunded or High income recapture
individuals, the employer must allow credited to the next quarter’s pay- It’s important to note that if the AEI’s
the excess premium to either be roll taxes. The employer may claim modified adjusted gross income for
refunded or used as a credit against this credit in the quarter actually the tax year exceeds $125,000, the
subsequent premiums. However, if the paid, or can choose to report the personal income tax for that AEI is
credit will not be used within 180 days, credit in a later quarter. Just be sure increased by the subsidy received.
it must be refunded within 60 days. that if you are reducing the payroll
tax deposits for the credit, the reduc- There are several record-keeping
How to report the credit tion is done in the same quarter that requirements related to the credit,
The 65% premium payments made the credit is claimed. The number of which are not submitted with the
by the former employer are reported AEIs are required to be reported on Form 941, but should be retained by
on line 12a of the Form 941. These line 12b of the Form 941 in which the entity.

The Red Flags Rule tion of credit; or any assignee of an write a program, but you do need to
for Fighting Fraud original creditor that is involved in conduct periodic risk assessments to
the decision to extend, renew, or determine if you have acquired cov-
continued from page 1
extend credit. Accepting credit cards ered accounts through changes in
begin on November 1, 2009. as payment does not in and of itself your business over time. This is not
The Red Flags Rule requires many make an entity a creditor. When an just a one-time test.
businesses and organizations to organization or a government entity
The best way to proceed to deter-
implement a written identity theft defers payment for goods or services,
mine if these rules apply to your
prevention program to detect the it would be considered a creditor.
company or organization is by going
warning signs of identity theft in COVERED ACCOUNT Accounts to the FTC website and check out
their operations. that involve multiple payments or “Fighting Fraud with the Red Flags
So the question is Who must comply transactions, or accounts that present Rule.” There is a how-to guide and
with this new rule? The Red Flags a reasonably foreseeable risk from frequently asked questions sections
Rule applies to financial institutions identity theft. that will provide additional informa-
and creditors with covered accounts. tion and guidance. If you determine
Once you have determined whether
Let’s start with some definitions you will need to write a program, the
your company or organization is a
under the Red Flags Rule: site has a Create your Program guide
creditor, then the next step is to
to help you.
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS A determine if you have covered
state or national bank, savings and accounts. If you determine that your Before you dismiss this as something
loan association, mutual savings bank, company or organization has cov- you will take care of later—or just
state or federal credit union, or any ered accounts, you must develop and decide it doesn’t apply to you—be
other entity that holds a “transaction implement a written program to warned: there are penalties related to
account” belonging to a consumer. detect and respond to the red flags of violations of the Red Flags Rule.
identity theft. Your program should Currently, the law sets $3,500 as the
CREDITOR An entity that regularly take into consideration the nature of maximum civil penalty per violation.
extends, renews, or continues credit; your business and the risks you face. Each instance in which the company
any entity that regularly arranges for If you don’t have any covered or organization has violated the rule
the extension, renewal, or continua- accounts then you are not required to is a separate violation.

The statements contained herein are provided for informational purposes only, are not intended to constitute tax advice which may be relied upon to avoid penalties under any federal,
state, local or other tax statutes or regulations, and do not resolve any tax issues in your favor. Furthermore, such statements are not presented or intended as, and should not be taken
or assumed to constitute legal advice of any nature, for which advice it is recommended that you consult your own legal counselors or professionals.
UHY Advisors, Inc., provides tax and business consulting services through wholly owned subsidiary entities that operate under the name of “UHY Advisors.” UHY Advisors, Inc.,
and its subsidiary entities offer services from offices across the United States. UHY Advisors, Inc., and its subsidiary entities are not licensed CPA firms. UHY LLP is a licensed independent
CPA firm that performs attest services. UHY Advisors, Inc., and UHY LLP are independent U.S. members of Urbach Hacker Young International Limited.

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