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Case Study: Chick-fil-A

MKTG 3301 | Principles of Marketing

1-18 Give examples of needs, wants, and demands of chick-fil-A customers,

differentiating these three concepts.

If we want to understand marketing, these three concepts are essential to understand.

Needs are basic things that people required, some examples of needs would be hunger, sleep, the

need for communication or affection. Wants, are the form humans needs take as they are shaped

by culture and individual personality. And Demands are a potential desire for specific products

when they are associated with power and willingness to buy.

So, we can say that Needs are common and stables, for example, the need for food is common to

all human beings. The Wants are many, they are unlimited and variable because they are

influenced by the cultural environment and personal motivations. And because resources are

limited and desire unlimited, these begin to be valued based on the individual’s satisfaction and

purchasing power. That is what leads to turning desires into Demand.

Customers Need food but Want Chicken-n-Stripes with waffle potato fries from Chick-fil-A, and

they Demand to have a good service and food.

1-19 Describe Chick-fil-A in terms of the value it provides customers. How does Chick-

fil-A engage customers?

Chick-fil-A has an important role in the customer service of their restaurants, it is clear that the

most important factor for them is the customers and the food, but they already have an excellent

product so their main focus is the customer service.

They engage in different ways with customers, some of the strategies they uses are; first, is the

customer service which begins by the high hiring standard according to the Reader’s Digest

(Cutolo, 2020), they have a long interview process by which they can find the perfect fit for their

MKTG 3301 | Principles of Marketing

team and always polite saying ‘it’s a pleasure”, also they have this delivering each order to the

customer’s table with unexpected touches such as a fresh-cut flower or ground pepper for salads.

Second, the fast and accurate orders which are very important because they are a fast food

restaurant and even though they have all these services which are a plus, they still have to serve

fast. The company instituted a parent’s valet service, so it’s more easy and pleasant for families

with children and babies to go out and have a great time. Third, Design and cleaning, the comfort

of the clients it’s also key to have an excellent experience. Fourth, Chick-fil-A has many events

in which customers get more involved with the brand, they have Cow Appreciation Day in July

when customers who go to any Chick-fil-A store dressed as a cow get a free meal (Patel, 2018).

Another tradition is when the company is opening a new restaurant, the first 100 people in line

get meal vouchers for a whole year. Also they have an in-store family challenge, Family night,

and they also get customers engaged by social and digital media. Fifth, the food quality its

perfect in order of flavor, temperature, and fresh ingredients.

1-20 Evaluate Chick-fil-A’s performance relative to customers’ expectations.

Chick-fil-A’s performance is excellent according to customers’ expectation, as we can see on the

book’s review and others, they try to make customers happy, enjoy their meal, have some fun,

and sometimes they give the customers free meals or desserts. The company’s best interest is to

make every visit to the restaurant a customers’ experience. (Kotler, 2018)

1-21 Which of the five marketing management orientations best applies to Chick-fil-A?

MKTG 3301 | Principles of Marketing

I think Marketing and product are the marketing orientation that best applies to Chick-fil-A.

Product, because the company has a very good product and its easy for the customer to buy and

Marketing because they care about the customer’s needs and wants. (Mates, n.d.)

1-22 Can Chick-fil-A continue to provide exceptional customer service and sustain the

level of growth it now enjoys? Why or Why not?

I think Chick-fil-A will keep growing because their main focus since they opened the first

restaurant is customer service, as they say, they don’t care about money but they do care about

the customer service. So as long as they keep the food quality and the customer service, they will

for sure keep growing.

MKTG 3301 | Principles of Marketing


- Cutolo, M. (2020, January 29). Reader’s Digest. RD.


- Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2018) Principles of Marketing.

- Mates, n.d. Commerce Mates. Commerce Mates.


- Patel, D. (2018, November 12). Entrepeneur. Entrepeneur.

MKTG 3301 | Principles of Marketing

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