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Angel Puppo

Dr. Brian Morley

Foundations of Biblical Studies


Reflection Paper on Motives: Why do I do the things I do.

In almost all of my opportunities for evangelization my speech begins speaking about the

heart, and for that matter I use the story of the anointing of David in 1 Samuel 16; many of

Jesse’s sons past before Samuel and surely they all had many perks but the Lord says to Samuel

“Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For

the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the

heart.” (1 Samuel 1:7) and then here comes the youngest, which probably by his young age did

not fitted any requirements a prospect king must have, and that insignificant children was the

chosen one from the Lord, a man which we later realize committed terrible mistakes, but a man

that would be called “a man after God’s heart”

This opening already kills any notion of being justified or loved by works, and this sets

the tone to start speaking about intentions, why do you wake up every morning and what that

says about you, about your lust, arrogance and idols, this therapy still gets me every morning of

every day. This book has been an amazing addition to my repertoire, as to my self-evaluation, at

first I thought it was a good self-reflection look at yourself and do what you know its right book,

but them it included so many passages and situations I have missed that I feel eager to have a
new opportunity to talk about this matter, one that I feel is fundamental for people to see

themselves as they really are and recognize their spot as servants and God’s spot as king.

“The very human heart is a factory of idols to which we see that it is by a wicked heart

that idol worship is conceived.” John Calvin.

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