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The subtle discrimination in workplace- a vicious cycle.


Background and Problem Statement

Subtle discrimination can be difficult to identify and can be intentional or accidental. It is based
frequently on deep-rooted conclusions or on convictions. The hardest part of subtle
discrimination is that it is frequently accepted socially as contrasting to overt discrimination’s
political incorrectness.

In today’s world, most of the countries consider it illegal to discriminate openly against
employees (i.e. discriminate employees because of disability, age etc.). Therefore, the
discrimination and prejudice at workplace has taken a subtler form. [ CITATION Jon17 \l 1033 ]

Some studies have addressed the problem of discrimination by implying the consequences and
originators of discriminatory attitudes (discussion about what are the factors that contribute to
the creation of discrimination). There is a lot of room in exploring the factors/ elements that may
act as mediators in reducing such discriminatory behaviors. A lot of work is required in the area
where one can actually suggest some elements that can balance the prevailing subtle prejudice in
organizations (DeSouza, Wesselmann, & Ispas, 2017; Ghuman, Ryan, Barclay, & Markel, 2013)

There has been a notable amount of research that has discussed how experiences of incivility and
discrimination at workplace lead to job satisfaction, job identity and job stress prevalent to
sexual and gender orientation. While the amount of literature that discusses about more unspoken
factors like discrimination of low status (less privileged) employees, sexual minorities (for
example, transgender). Therefore, there is an urgent need to discuss and explore such
discriminatory subjects that are not more broadly discussed. (Dhanani, Beus, & Joseph, 2018;
Miner & Zurbrügg, 2016)

Most of the research related to the area of discrimination at work has its roots in developed
countries or else in the countries where some sort of policies exists regarding discriminatory
behaviors. However, there is very limited literature regarding this area when it comes to
developing countries or else in the countries where no such legalities are present. Therefore, it is
very important to explore such experiences specifically in the context of Pakistan (DeSouza et
al., 2017). [Problem Statement]



The study of subtle discrimination at workplace will be significant in many ways. To bridge the
gap in existing literature; using deficiency model, this study will cater some major areas.

First, it will add evidence in literature about this particular sad reality “subtle discrimination” at
workplace. Second, it will explore the forms in which this sort of discrimination takes place and
how it affects the mental wellbeing and self-perception of employees. Third, it will assess how
this vicious cycle continues and how individual employees can facilitate to stop this ongoing
process rather than acting as a bystander. Fourth, it will be beneficial for future researchers that
can explore this area at more complex and longitudinal level. Lastly, it will be significant for
organizations because it will accentuate on how the well-being and self-confidence of employees
affect their performance and in turn the sustainability of organizations as a whole.

Research Questions (RQ)

RQ1: How subtle discrimination at workplace is affecting employees?

RQ1a: How minority workforce is getting affected by subtler discriminatory behaviors?

RQ2: How subtle discrimination is affecting the mental well-being of employees who are facing

RQ 3: How employees as individual can stop this ongoing cycle of discrimination?

Aims and Objectives

● To explore how subtle discrimination is affecting the employees at workplace.

● To find how subtle discriminatory behaviors are affecting the minority workforce.
● To explore how subtler forms of discrimination are affecting the mental well-being of
● To find the role of employees as individual in this vicious cycle of discrimination.

Study Design

The approach of our research study will be Inductive in nature. As this research is aimed to
explore about subtle discrimination and how it can affect employees and we will get a deeper
understanding of the individual experiences of employees who have ever been a victim of this.
Therefore, this study will employ qualitative strategy (Mark Saunders, 2011).

Study Population and Sampling

The purposive sampling technique will be used in the study and the sample will be homogeneous
i.e. all participants will be employees of Pakistan in private sector telecommunication
organizations who have faced workplace discrimination.

The sample population will be the 2000-2500 employees of Telenor, Zong, Jazz and Warid.
From this population 30-40 employees will be selected for conducting interviews. The diversity
of sample will be kept into consideration i.e. males, females, transgender, older and younger

Data Collection Methods and Instrument

Interviews will be conducted from employees. The site of this research will be the private
organizations of Pakistan in the city of Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. The interview guide will
be well thought out. A “pilot testing” of interviews will be done with 2-3 employees prior to
formal conduction of interviews to minimize the issues regarding validity and reliability of
interview questions.

Data Analysis Method

The process of “thematic analysis” will be employed for data analysis of this research. At first, a
thorough familiarization of data will be done. Then codes will be formed i.e. labeling each data
unit with a code which will summarize or provide an extract to it. Both in vivo (exact terms used
by participants) and a priori (derived terms from theory and literature) codes will be used. After
rigorous coding, certain related codes will be gathered and the relationship will be derived in
terms of themes. This step will be followed by further refinement of themes and testing of pre-
determined propositions by relating them with themes (Mark Saunders, 2011).

Mechanisms to Assure the “Quality” of Study

The research notebook, reflective diary and self-memos of research will be regularly updated
with every passing day to minimize the issues of transparency related to qualitative study
specifically interviews. In these memos and journals, a thorough transcription of interviews will
maintained and at the time of analysis the familiarization phase will be kept rigorous. We will
revert back to interviewees after transcription phase and they will be contacted to give a go ahead
regarding the accuracy of our interpretations of interviews to minimize the influence of biasness
on research (Creswell, 1994; Mark Saunders, 2011).

Participants in the Study

The participants of this research study will be 30-40 employees from Telenor, Zong, Jazz and

Ethical Considerations

Ethical measures are greatly considered before conducting the study and they will be well-
thought-out while research study, collecting data, analyzing data, reporting, sharing and storage
of data afterwards.

These are some of the ethical issues that will be kept into consideration;

✔ All the literature sources are selected without any personal biasness and preferences and
these sites are approached through university library without any unethical act.

✔ The concepts and ideas of other authors are be properly acknowledged by providing
references in the collection of literature.

✔ Participants will be informed about the purpose of research prior to data collection to
avoid any ambiguity later.

✔ Participants will not be forced to agree the consent form, rather they would be given
proper time to make their decision.
✔ All participants will be treated equally.

✔ The responses to each interview will be used only for research purpose.

✔ The privacy of participants will be kept safe.

✔ The safety of employees will be kept into consideration i.e. any question or discussion
than can possibly harm the participants mentally will be avoided.

✔ The research findings will be written without any personal objectivity or bias (Creswell,


● One of major resource we will require for our research will be to find the gate keepers to
access the organizations.
● Secondly, we will require a wise investment of our time since we have to complete this
research within a limited time span.
● Finally, we will require up to 20k for the final completion of this research study because
we have to move from one city to other and we might need to buy some specific software
for the analysis of our software.

DeSouza, E., Wesselmann, E., & Ispas, D. (2017). Workplace Discrimination against Sexual Minorities:
Subtle and not‐so‐subtle. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des
Sciences de l'Administration, 34(2), 121-132.

Dhanani, L., Beus, J., & Joseph, D. (2018). Workplace discrimination: A meta‐analytic extension, critique,
and future research agenda. Personnel Psychology, 71(2), 147-179.

Ghuman, S., Ryan, A., Barclay, L., & Markel, K. (2013). Religious discrimination in the workplace: A
review and examination of current and future trends. Journal of Business and Psychology, 28(4),

Jones, K., Arena, D., Nittrouer, C., & Alonso, N. (2017). Subtle discrimination in the workplace: A vicious
cycle. Industrial and organizational psychology, 10(1), 51-76.
Miner, K. N., & Zurbrügg, L. (2016). Gender, sexual orientation, and workplace incivility: who is most
targeted and who is most harmed? Frontiers in psychology, 7, 565.

Creswell, J. W. (1994). Research design: Qualitative & quantitative approaches.: US: Sage Publications,
Mark Saunders, P. L., Adrian Thornhill. (2011). Research Methods for Business Students Pearson
Education India (7 ed., Vol. 5, pp. 436-468).

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