COVID 19 Medical Position

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Docteur Carole DONNAY,

Occupational Health Department

Paris, February 28th, 2020

Since end of December 2019, a novel coronavirus (named “SARS-CoV-2”) is causing an outbreak of
respiratory diseases (named COVID-19) in China. The virus spread worldwide, 57 countries on 5
continents have detected cases of COVID-19.
February 28th, WHO has increased the assessment of the risk of spread and risk of impact of COVID-
19 to very high at the global level.

Most cases reported have identified epidemiological links (close contact with sick person or person
from a country at risk). However, there is an increasing number of cases without a defined chain of
transmission. This situation is at risk of ongoing community transmission and the emergence of new
outbreaks outside China. Actually, it is the case in South Korea, Italy, Iran, and probably in Japan.
Extraordinary public health measures have been implemented worldwide and strong efforts are being
made to identify, isolate and test contacts in order to contain the outbreak. In Mainland China, the
epidemic shows signs of slowing down. In Hong-Kong, Macao, Singapore the situation seems to

The symptoms of respiratory infection caused by Covid-19 are fever, cough, shortness of breath or
breathing difficulty. These are the same symptoms as the regular flu. The diagnosis of COVID19 is
confirmed when the test carried out by an authorized laboratory is positive. The evidence gathered so
far from an analysis of COVID-19 cases is, that COVID-19 infection causes mild disease (i.e. non-
pneumonia or mild pneumonia) in about 80% of cases. More severe disease occurs in about 20% of
cases, with about one in four or five experiencing critical illness. The great majority of the most severe
forms of illness, and deaths, have occurred among the elderly, particularly those with other chronic

The virus is transmitted by close contact between two persons: family, same room or having had direct
contact, face to face, within 1 meter of the confirmed case during a cough, sneeze or a discussion, in a
closed environment (e.g. classroom, meeting room, hospital waiting room, etc.) for 15 minutes or more
and at a distance of less than 2 meters. The incubation period for Covid-19 (i.e. the time between
exposure to the virus and onset of symptoms) is currently estimated at between two and
14 days. However, the person asymptomatic or with mild symptoms may transmit the virus.

Containment measures for contagious persons/ persons at risk of transmitting the virus, travel
restrictions and follow up hygiene recommendations are the most effective measures to protect
themselves and prevent the spread of epidemic.

Siège social : 17, bd Haussmann - 75009 Paris - tél 33 1 44 35 20 20 - fax 33 1 44 35 25 00
Adresse facturation : 152, bd Victor Hugo - 93487 Saint-Ouen cedex
Adresse postale : 15, rue du Helder - 75439 Paris cedex 09
DANONE sur Internet : -
In our company, it is important to follow the recommendations below to limit the risk of Covid-19

1) follow up hygiene measures:

- Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash
them with soap and water.
- Maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or
- When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue –
throw tissue away immediately and wash hands;
- Avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough;
- Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek
medical attention and call in advance.

2) Follow travel instructions on Workplace “Danone security group”

3) If you came back from a trip to areas with ongoing community transmission (whether in a
professional or personal context):
- Inform the manager/HR
- stay at home during 14 days and monitor your health condition: take your temperature
twice a day

4) If you have been in contact with person with confirmed Covid-19 infection: We recommend to
call your healthcare provider, to stay at home during 14 days and to monitor your health
condition: take your temperature twice a day
- If no symptoms appear after 14 days post exposition, you can go back to work.
- It’s not necessary to apply quarantine period to the person(s) you’ve been in contact with.
- Inform the manager/HR

5) If you are affected by the containment measures decided by the public authorities.
- Follow the instructions of public authorities
- Inform the manager/RH

6) If you develop symptoms, during the 14-day period at home

- Follow the procedures of your local health authorities.
- Limit your contact with other people as much as possible.
- call the local health emergency center and do not go directly to the doctor’s office,
emergency room or hospital.
- If you have easy access to surgical face masks, use one, and dispose of it safely after use.
Remember to wash your hands after disposing of a mask.
- Follow appropriate disinfection/hand washing rules to avoid spreading the virus to others.
- Inform the manager/HR

Siège social : 17, bd Haussmann - 75009 Paris - tél 33 1 44 35 20 20 - fax 33 1 44 35 25 00
Adresse facturation : 152, bd Victor Hugo - 93487 Saint-Ouen cedex
Adresse postale : 15, rue du Helder - 75439 Paris cedex 09
DANONE sur Internet : -

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