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Annotated bibliography



Norkin, V. I., & Boyko, S. V. (2012). Safety-first portfolio selection. Cybernetics and

Systems Analysis, 48(2), 180-191. The author describes the strategy used by technology

companies such as AT & T to increase pace and effectiveness of internal innovation process.

One strategy involves the use of portfolio management that is controlled by an online

crowdsourcing platform that has a large number of creative ideas of AT & T Company. The

portfolio has attracted over 130000 subscribers globally and $44 million has been allocated to

develop the online innovation pipeline (TIP). These ideas have resulted in notable launches such

as AT&T drive modes, SmartMic and NumberSync. The AT & T company has 24/7 access to

submit, collaborate and vote on ideas on the TIP platform. Feedback from peers is used to refine

the ideas on a real-time basis.

Suharno, R., & Rule, M. T. The Analysis of Innovation Technology Implementation of

Hybrid Corn in Alebo Southeast Sulawesi. Forest, 1(5), 0-45. The author talks about the

processes involved in the implementation, evaluation and overall management of the

technologies developed internally. For example, he talks about how ideas are evaluated by

executives. Weaknesses and strengths are uncovered. Employees are engaged in innovation

workshop with each employee being given a credit card to build the prototype and test the idea.

The employees will pitch their prototypes to the executive, who after getting impressed, they will

fund the project and take it to the next level. Only one executive is needed to say yes and the

project will be moved to the next level for testing and funding.

Lasagni, A. (2012). How can external relationships enhance innovation in SMEs? New

evidence for Europe. Journal of Small Business Management, 50(2), 310-339. The author talks

about how external innovation influences innovation. Bayer Company has been used as special

case. The author reveals on how Bayer pharmaceutical company has utilized external innovation

to a large extent. The company has offered various forms of cooperation in its value chain

including strategic research alliances, traditional licensing agreements, and crowdsourcing.

Initiatives such as leap by Bayer has been introduced to spearhead the innovation process.

Tapping into external innovation will offer the possibility of gaining new ideas since they have

peripheral knowledge of the issues that need to be solved. The external innovation provides more

benefits and costs less. New perspectives can be found from the external innovation rather than

recycling ideas internally

Berchicci, L. (2013). Towards an open R&D system: Internal R&D investment, external

knowledge acquisition, and innovative performance. Research Policy, 42(1), 117-127.This was a

report that was commissioned by the Bayer company to influence the consultative expert group

working with the World health organization on research and development. The article was

written and presented as a prize on the global health innovation with specific focus on the

tuberculosis diagnostic devices. The Bayer Company doesn’t support the use of only internal

innovation, but rather embraces knowledge acquisition from external sources and innovative

projects from outside the company. The author compares the impact of both internal and external

innovation in medical field.

Brunswicker, S., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2015). Open innovation in small and medium‐

sized enterprises (SMEs): External knowledge sourcing strategies and internal organizational

facilitators. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(4), 1241-1263. The author vividly

describes how evaluation of innovative ideas is done to determine the extent of scientific

expertise and know-how that is developed beyond the existing boundaries. The innovations as

driven by strong digital technologies and business models should be evaluated based on specific

parameters. The innovative ideas should be assessed based on customer centricity. We need to

serve and understand a wide range of consumers and customers. The product or service should

focus on cementing a long-term relationship with customers.

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