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Critical thinking on innovation



In the current highly challenging environment for conducting business, systematic and an

innovative approach is crucial to ensure growth and survival of the business. The improvement

levels in the integration of the organization will depend on the detailed understanding and

competencies between and within organizations. The existence of trust across the organization

will have a positive influence on the development capabilities by aligning technological and

integration capabilities. This will improve their effectiveness and implementation capabilities.

Open Corporation and network competence are important. Other important drivers include the

willingness and open-mindedness to search for co-operators and solutions outside the usual

scope (Zhou, 2012).

To make relationships work well, trust and power will play an important role. They

include a willingness to go beyond what was agreed, demonstrated competencies or acting by the

rules previously set. Frequent unexpected changes that exist when one firm receives deliverables

from another effect the level of inter-firm trust. Some of these unexpected changes require in-

depth discussion before execution. Other critical issues include methods required in systematic

and rigorous business process needed to attain innovation results that are long-lasting (Bullinger,


The issues discussed above differ with product innovation in a number of ways. The

process of innovation involves the ability of people reinventing the new and compelling ideas

than the other part of innovation. It involves how we conduct and organize the process of

innovation from a technical and managerial point of view (Rajaguru & Matanda, 2013). The

system must be complete with solutions provided to the middle managers, senior managers and

other frontline managers that will work together to manage, evoke, and produce innovative

results. In the end, the quality of innovative efforts led to both leadership and survival of the

company and hence an important strategy to the company (Wang, 2012).


Bullinger, A. C., Rass, M., Adamczyk, S., Moeslein, K. M., & Sohn, S. (2012). Open innovation

in health care: Analysis of an open health platform. Health policy, 105(2-3), 165-175.

Rajaguru, R., & Matanda, M. J. (2013). Effects of inter-organizational compatibility on supply

chain capabilities: Exploring the mediating role of inter-organizational information

systems (IOIS) integration. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(4), 620-632.

Wang, Z., & Wang, N. (2012). Knowledge sharing, innovation and firm performance. Expert

systems with applications, 39(10), 8899-8908.

Zhou, K. Z., & Li, C. B. (2012). How knowledge affects radical innovation: Knowledge base,

market knowledge acquisition, and internal knowledge sharing. Strategic Management

Journal, 33(9), 1090-1102.

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