Dark Chapter 1

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Darkness. No light. No sound. Nothing. Not even a faintest whisper.

Then I realized that my

eyes were shut tight.

I opened them, and what a strange sight! I was lying on a cold hard steel table, and I could
see everything, everyone.

But it's odd, there's a profound silence that I could not understand.

Where am I? What is this place? How did I get here? What's happening?

A million questions run through my mind- all waiting to be answered. Suddenly, I


It was an accident- a mistake. Even now, as I think about it, I could not believe that I am
still alive.

My day started as usual- I grabbed my breakfast of toast and jam and then bolted down
the stairs of the miserable-looking old apartment where I lived. The university is a few
minutes ride from here, but since I can't afford to have a car, I have to ride a dingy bicycle
lent to me by the kind old woman next door. Thanks to her, I was able to survive my first

I was able to make it to class barely minutes late. The class had not yet begun, but the
professor is already checking the attendance. I hurriedly sat in my chair, and then he called
my name. After checking the class list, he began the lecture. It was boring- so monotonous.
He droned on and on and on. I paid him no attention. Anyway, I knew I can ace his exam
even if I'm not listening. everybody can, since he practically gives away everything- almost
spoon feeds us. Such a kind sir. Finally, the bell rung.

As soon as we were dismissed, I went over to where my best friend sat.

" Hey, Ashley, what's up?" I smiled at her.

"Oh, it's you. Nothing unusual. Say, Brent, what's that thing on your face?" Ashley said.
Then she moved closer to me, and placed her hand on my cheek. My heart turned a
sommersault and I couldn't breathe. Everything spinned. Then she laughed.
"You know, Brent, you're so funny. Anyway, you better return to your class, the terrorist is

Right. I can see the head of the school coming towards our classroom- Ashley's sit is
near the window. Grudgingly, I went back to my sit at the opposite corner of the room.

You guessed it right. I like my best friend way too much- more than what a mere friend
is supposed to feel. We've been best buddies since we learned our letters , and it is almost
10 years ago since that time.


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