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Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of

Master of Business Administration

By-Trishla Sharma
Batch (2018-20)
University Roll No: s183f0044
March 2020

Under the guidance of Dr. K. Valentina

School of Business, Public Policy and Social Entrepreneurship


This is to certify that I have successfully completed the project titled CSR OF ITC (WITH SPECIAL
FOCUS ON E-CHOUPAL SYSTEM) submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
Degree of Master of Business Administration at the School of Business, Public Policy and Social
Entrepreneurship, Ambedkar University Delhi. It is further certified that the submitted report is based on
original research work carried out by me. The material obtained from secondary sources is duly

Name: Trishla Sharma

Roll No: s183f0044
Batch: 2018-20


(Faculty Advisor)
Table of contents

Executive Summary.................................................................................................................1

Introduction and Rationale of the study................................................................................2


Research Methodology...........................................................................................................11

About the Company...............................................................................................................12

ITC E-CHOUPAL..................................................................................................................13

Recent CSR activities of ITC................................................................................................34

Current Scenario of CSR in India........................................................................................36

Results and Discussions.........................................................................................................37

Conclusion, Recommendations, Limitations and Scope of Future Research...................38

References :.............................................................................................................................39
List of Tables; boxes; figures

Gross Income.......................................................................................................................................27
Profit before tax..................................................................................................................................28
Profit after tax.....................................................................................................................................29
Dividend ratio......................................................................................................................................29
Official record......................................................................................................................................30
Profit ...................................................................................................................................................30
Executive Summary

Corporate Social Responsibility, now-a-days has become really essential for any organization. It is
mandatorily present in their corporate strategies. It not only gives a face value to any organization but
also helps in earning big numbers in terms of finance. Organizations, now have become highly concern
and put special efforts in making their CSR work more noticeable. For that, they have designated teams
in their organization, which are known as CSR teams. These teams help in running the whole process
smoothly, they help in making certain policies, plan the strategies (how to achieve the best out of them)
and also sets goals to make the whole process even more systematic and well aligned. They conduct
various CSR related programs within the organization as well so as to make all the stakeholders into
action. Organizations have special allocated budget for the CSR activities and they leave no stone
unturned to achieve for the same. CSR has successfully helped in making a difference in the society and
has helped in highlighting the image of the organization at a positive side. It has improved the work
environment as well as helped in improving the quality of the other stakeholders; especially society.
Corporates are no longer only money making machines, but they are also focusing on various other
societal aspects and has come out as a successful player. It not only add values to the present for the
company but also help in securing a healthy and successful future, which has goals to follow on. It is a
continuous process, not a one day thing. One cannot successfully handle it within a few days or improve
the surroundings within a fortnight. It is a long- term process which has a great significance in terms of
the sustainability. Whatever work which is accomplished by a company, in terms of helping out to others
or the society, not only helps in improving a better relationship or a healthy reputation but also it sets an
example for the others to look at and become like one. It encourages everyone associated with it to work
for the wellbeing of the society. With the help of this project study, I have been able to identify the CSR
practices of ITC. I have taken their e-Choupal initiative on a special focus and have tried to grab the
information regarding it, with whatever data is available on the various websites. How the CSR activities
of ITC has helped in becoming the company what is it today? I am sure there must be some scope of
improvement in this project work but I have tried my level best to attain as much information as possible
in this.
Introduction and Rationale of the study

As the times are changing, businesses also needs to change themselves. They simply cannot rely on the
traditional way of doing business. They need to update themselves and do the need of the hour to run
their businesses in the today’s era. They need to understand the world around which they are doing the
business. Corporate Social Responsibility has a huge history behind it. The modern era of CSR began in
our country in the years 1960s -1970s. Starting from there, stakeholders are considered to be an integral
and essential part of any organization and they were started to be treated as important, specially focusing
on the society and its well-being because the era was so. It was said that in order to be in the business
and to sustain for long, then the organizations should take care of their stakeholders. They should do
business in such a manner that it not only makes their business profitable but also benefits the society,
the stakeholders which are associated with your business. It could be done in many ways. It could be in
the form of a charity, various programs for the welfare of the society, carbon check and many more. It is
considered to be the moral duty of any organization and they should perform in a dutiful manner and
should execute it at their business level. The basic idea behind CSR is that if you are taking from the
society, then you should give it back to you in the best way possible and there should be a sense of moral
duty within. As they take resources from the society, it could be in any form, then that is their right to
give it back to the society. They should perform all such activities as per the law. The ultimate goal
should be to give a healthy and positive impact on their stakeholders, it could be the employees,
consumers, the communities that they are associated with and even the environment. CSR can not only
helps the society but it also brings various benefits to the organization. It reduces the risk in business, as
the face value of the organization would be healthy and good. It builds customer relationships to a next
level. It helps in saving a lot of money on the brand promotions. It will help in building up a healthy
work environment.
CSR is a rapidly growing part of any organization’s strategy. It has become an integral part for the same
and is continued to be the driving force behind building the healthy image in the society. The willingness
to do something for the society and also maintaining an ecological balance and building a sense of
responsibility makes the companies move towards the Corporate Social Responsibilities. It is basically a
concept of willingness of any organization, to come forward and work for the betterment of the society,
making a healthier work environment and thereby enhancing and improving the quality of life around

About the CSR

CSR is that one major contributor which can help the business as well as the society simultaneously. It is
not only a contributor but acts as a facilitator to any company. It is done not only for the development of
the society but also to enhance one’s own image and making the business run smoothly and profitably.
CSR is done for the well-being of any organization and also to make it more sustainable, as it is the need
of the hour as well. High rate of sustainability in business can do wonders and CSR can help in
achieving this milestone. In today’s era, where everyone is focusing in making big numbers, in that case
if companies take the step forward and do something for the society, then it does makes a difference in
their fan base. It can further leads to making big numbers as well.

CSR cannot be treated as a punishable compulsion but should be seen as a moral duty towards the
society where they are living in, where the organization is working in. They should be in a mental state
of paying it back to the society. Such implications by any organization can be understood by the TBL
concept, also known as Triple Bottom Line concept.

People related to the healthy as well as building morally healthy relationship with the labor they are
working with, after all, because of them they are what they are. The moral obligation should be towards
the community and the region in which they are working in, without which they won’t be able to get the
necessary resource. Without their support, an organization cannot work properly. Being an integral part,
organizations need to have commitment towards the people they are working with and providing the
society in return from which they are earning so well.

Planet means to have healthier practices which doesn’t harm the environment and no misuse of the
resources which are already present in scarce. Such practices should be followed within the organization
so that it doesn't harm the environment in any possible manner. They should understand the importance
of nature and its resources and use them properly. It’s a basic rule, if you help someone today, then you
will get help later on. Such is the current’s scenario between nature and the organization.
Profit is more like a monetary term. Because of this only, one starts a business. Profit making is really
important to run a business, or to run a successful, stable and sustainable business, to be precise. It is that
money which comes after a lot of hard work and it obtained after reducing all the cost which occurred
while running a business. With the help of CSR, organization can also increase their profit. It can be
done by making a face value of the company, enhance its branding.
Advantages of CSR:

Corporations know how important CSR is for them and has considered it an important way in which
they can stand out from their competitors.


1. Helping in monetary terms

2. Helping in maintain the operations
3. Product's safety as well as the liability
4. Diversity in the workforce
5. Increase in sales as well as customer's loyalty
6. Enhancing the brand image of the company


1. Education, employment and home security

2. Medical help

3. Welfare programs

Environmental Benefits of CSR

1. Raw materials can be recycles up to a greater extent

2. Renewable resources are used largely

The key drivers for CSR

1. Direct Economic value/Brand Reputation

2. Laws and Regulations
3. Competitive Labor Market
4. Philanthropy
5. Supplier relations

Codes and Standards for CSR

1. Social accountability 8000

2. ISO 26000
4. OECD guidelines for multinational companies
Theories of CSR

Stakeholder’s theory was first given by Dr. F. Edward Freeman. He says that everyone who is directly or
indirectly associated with the working of an organization, can be termed as a stakeholder. He further
added that each of them have their own set of responsibilities in an organization which needs to be
fulfilled with true honesty. With the support and hard work of each stakeholder, any organization would
sustain, failing to which they cannot work for longer period of time. It is the support of them only that an
organization sustains in the business.
[ CITATION htt \l 1033 ]

Literature Review

1. Dr. K. Basavaraji & O.N. Enock, KU (2013) – CSR OF ITC AND TATA COMPANY
CSR holds an essential and responsible place today, in every aspect and in every field. The guidelines
which has been set by the government of India has helped a lot in contributing towards the society and
these two companies have also contributed a lot in the field of CSR towards the welfare of the society.
They follow all the norms and adhere to the rules and regulations shared by the Indian government,
when talked about the CSR. The paper talks about the activities which are done by the two respective
companies and also shared how they are fulfilling the requirements of it. It also gives out various
methods and the initiatives, the programs, funding by the two companies. They are fulfilling their
responsibilities and doing work in the area of uplifting the society; be it innovation in the area of
agriculture as well as education and also saving the environment in that manner. We can conclude to the
fact that environment, education, community as well as company's help towards the society is
contributing a lot.

2. V.K. Joshiya & Bhupender, AP, DU (2012) - CHALLENGES AND ISSUES OF CSR IN THE

As we know that CSR is not new in our country and due to the expansion it has included both economic
as well as the social interests in the country. Organizations have now become more transparent as well as
conscious while performing such activities. They are now liable to report each and every activity and
there is a continuous pressure from various stakeholders. The paper talks about the current status of the
CSR in the country, the challenges which the companies are facing due to practicing CSR, various
policies of CSR present. It also tells how this whole concept of Triple Bottom Line has emerged and sort
of rooted at the global level. There are many negative as well as more positive sides while performing

3. Ravi Kiran and Anupam Sharma, SBSBS, TU, Patiala, India (2012) –

This paper tells how many firms in India have taken and have started practicing CSR activities which are
focusing on various needs of the society. This paper helps in understanding the current status, the
progress, and various initiatives which have been made by the large organizations of India in the field of
CSR and its policy framing as well as the implementation. Though the country has entered in this
venture and sort of has taken a transformational change at all the levels by engaging itself in various new
CSR activities.
4. Dr. A. Jain (SME), Rajkot (2012)-CSR: AN EXPLORATIVE REVIEW

This paper talks about how different companies have been successful in establishing a corporate identity
and has sort of build their image and gain reputation by doing CSR activities and including them in their
core business strategies which has eventually become an important factor and reason for the success of
their business. It has helped in gaining competitive strategies.

5. Jeff Hittner and George Pohle in their study

In this paper they have highlighted that the head of the company and the CEO’s are being more
responsible towards the various groups of the stakeholders- be it employees, the community members
and also the investors. But due to the rapid changing business scenarios such sort of accountable
relationships are changing and also with the increase of the globalization, organizations are becoming
more answerable towards the labor law practices and the issues and also the working conditions of the
employees as well.

6. Paul H. in his paper on “CSR”

In this paper the writer is trying to say that there is no “universal size” concept while performing any sort
of Corporate Social Responsibility activity. Each and every firm has its own unique features and
characteristics which will affect how they will go about performing these activities and also how they
would define their social responsibilities. Every organization’s approach varies and the awareness of
CSR issues and also the way of implementing the CSR activities is different. There are following steps
to execute CSR by any organization. They are as follows:

1. Conducting a Corporate Social Responsibility based assessment within an organization

2. Developing a CSR based strategy which will align to the company’s mission and vision
3. Developing and implementing CSR commitments within the organization
4. Continuous reporting and verifying the progress of these activities
5. Continuous evaluation and improvement of the activities should be measured.

7. S. Ramakrishna Velamuri, R. Edward Freeman, B. Moriarty in their study

In this new approach to CSR the writers have picked different elements that if some company is
enhancing the quality of lives of its stakeholders, then again bringing out this question of whether they
are socially responsible or not makes no sense and it is of no use, hence making it a senseless question.
If the organization is performing and doing everything to make the stakeholders happy and satisfied,
then in true sense they deserves to be praised and also should be offered as an example for the other
firms to mirror the same. And if they are not performing these activities satisfactorily, then they might
give them chance to perform better.

 To analyse the CSR practices of the company, ITC.

 To figure out how such practices are acting as an epitome of their success.
Research Methodology
The research starts by looking for the articles already published, various research papers and websites
associated to the topic CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).Then having a thorough and detailed study
of the same.

Efforts of ITC in the field of CSR has been taken into consideration and they have been analyzed. After
analyzing them, there is study of the results in which it is shown how it has impacted their business. Also
what are the positive results which came out after this whole process?

Then there is an explanation on how it has led to the rise and increase of the profits and is among one of
the reason of their corporate success. The special emphasis on ITC is done so as to explain and
understand the topic more effectively and also to achieve the desired objectives.
About the Company

ITC Limited (Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited) is an Indian company. The organization
business is more than six hundred and twenty million dollars. The company ranks among the top pre-tax
profit making companies in India. The head of this conglomerate is Sanjiv Puri. There are over 30,000
employees working at ITC.

It is one of its kind organization having a diversified portfolio and has become one of the leading
organization headed by the private sector. The market share is quite humungous and is continued to be
so in the ahead of times. The organization employs more than 26,000 people.

This transformational and life changing strategy for the organization as well as the Indian farmers, is
commendable. It has also been a center of attraction worldwide. Even the Harvard Business School, take
ITC as a part of their case study and this scenario is likely to develop for the company and is creating
and providing a huge rural distribution infrastructure, which in turn enhance the Company's marketing

The organization also works well in the IT sector and has been successful in providing services to their

23 percent of Indian Gross Domestic product is captivated by Agriculture and farming related activities
and a humongous 66 percent of work force is engaged in this activity. After Green revolution our
country’s productivity has increased multiple folds which had made our nation Independent in various
sectors which mainly includes food grains, but the low point is that our farmers have stayed poor
throughout these times. There is no change in the plight of them.

The main reasons behind all this the old regulations and feeble agriculcultural system which is
dependent on small and inefficient land. The other reasons include our bad infrastructure framework,
over dependency on monsoon/ rains also various other intermediaries which don’t provide the benefit to
the farmer directly. The output of all these does affect quality and the costs of the yield generated, which
makes it difficult for the farmers to sell and gain profit in the market.

ITC’s response to these issues is the e-Choupal framework; one of the biggest technological data
innovation. It is one of its own kind of intervention by corporate company in the remote and rural areas
of our villages which has turned out to change the Indian farmer into an awarded and informed
individual. This platform basically provides farmer with knowledge and empower them in to becoming a
responsible citizen. ITC’s motive is to provide every farmer with expert level information and upgrading
and raising their yield to market competitive standard.

E-Choupal is derived from a Hindi which refers to”Meeting place in Village”. E-choupal basically is a
Hindi term which refers to “A meeting place in village”. It is a commercial marketplace where farmers
and peasants can buy and sell their yields/output and can get better cost and price for their produce. Also,
they’ll have more options of buyers with them. E- Choupal aims to provide with access and knowledge
to crop related data to improve the quality and amount of their produce, also it aligns the farmers to
produce the yields as per the current anticipated demand of their produce in the market which helps in
less wastage being generated and further low down in prices.

Farmers can access the latest trends and data related to their crop, scientific cultivation practices and it
also provides the rate at which other farmers are selling their produce through the web portal which is
available in multiple Indian languages that includes Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, and Telugu.

The Traditional Model

Indian farmers currently rely on the word of mouth and few government agencies which includes

Agriculture Department, Government colleges and a handful of insurance companies. Farmers sell their
output to input retailers who route and source them from wholesalers as they are in contact with
manufacturers. Also, post-harvest these farmers bring their produce to mandis as per their output
generated in that particular year, where there output is sold to the merchants and of the multiple
companies who process the output to generate the final poduct. The government also praises and
promote these sort of activities by providing subsidies to both farmers and buyers and also fixes a
minimum support price (MSP) to protect farmers from being under paid of their produce.

The harsh reality in the present time is that with each intermediary person being added in the chain, the
expense/ price increases as the that intermediary person adds his/her margin in he final cost despite
farmers being paid the lowest in te whole chain.
E-Choupal and the traditional model

The basic and main benefit of e-Choupal is that it removes the need of the intermediates which generally
are present in the farming produce procurement in India, they are termed as mediator and makes a huge
impact on the overall price of the product. E-Choupal removes the need of this mediator and unites large
and small producers and users.

e - choupal is a virtual platform where farmers and buyers can unite. Also, location constraint is not an
issue in the e copal.

Also this work place promotes data symmetry and transparent transaction processes are involved which
don't impact the farmers directly.

The payment too in mandi is pretty fast mode of payment as farmers can opt for Direct Bank Transfer
which can be processed in 2 -3 hours where as in 1-2 days in mandi.

Some more focuses are:-

• Customer centric and not dependent on intermediaries.

• Easily scalable once it is verified.

The e-Choupal business model

The e choupal model requires a datacenter in which computer associated with internet should be present
in the rural and remote villages.

Also a local commission agent and specialist is also present known as Samyojak (Collaborator) who
provide logistical support.

There is a person named Sanchalak who creates trust in the fellow farmers and urge and motivate them
to promote farmers to sell more of their produce.

Sanchalak gets commission for each transaction processed through the e-Choupal and also gets perks
that goes with the position. Sanchalak needs to undergo basic computer training and basic
communiaction skills just enough to persuade the fellow farmers to convince and sell their produce.
Sanchalak basically is a public officer who does make sure to have farmers trust and assess the quality
inspection of crop that is being produced.
Figure 1

Figure 2

To start off with the sales and to get into the system, the farmer brings the sample at the e-Choupal
center and then the quality test is being performed by the sanchalak itself in the presence of the farmer
only and the sanchalak tells the farmer what exactly the quality test says. Such sort of regular simple
checks will guarantee the transparency in the system where such checks happens at each and every level.
If a farmer passes the quality checks which will include all his details- name, his village, approx.
quantity, report of the quality test and the conditional price as well. They are also known as collection
points. Their centers are within a radius of 30-40 kms. At the hub also, the samples are taken and are
kept aside for the lab test. The results of this test does not alter or effect the price of the product. The
weight of his produce are measured and after the clearance the payment is made in full cash at the
payment counter which makes the whole process even more easy. He is also reimbursed with the
transportation cost bared by him.

Each and every process is appropriately done and there is no scope of cheating with the farmer and is
also given copies of all the reports done, the payment slips etc. Also Sanyojaks are there who are given
huge amount of responsibility of handling the cash, hub logistics, labor and store management,
transportation handling.

It delivers the accurate information and also knowledge depending upon the needs and requirements of
the individual farmers. They get to know about the fair price, quality is transparent, the whole process is.
It sort of creates a without hindrance medium for them to market, they can eliminate the wastage of time
and money and the risk of multiple handling. Some of the benefits are as follows:

1. Digital transformation- Digital transformation at the village level can be seen

2. Credit and Insurance- Farmers are provided with credit and insurance facilities

3. Leadership development- It boosts the confidence of the farmers as well.

E-Choupal provides and delivers ample amount of relevant technologies and advancements. Not
only this, ITC has a diversified portfolio in terms of their CSR based activities. In working for
the development of the country and luckily has become very effective for the poverty elevation.
The organization also cut down the amount of middlemen between the farmers and the end
consumers. Due to this simpler options are available with the farmers.
cos5. The payment process is faster

6. Farmers are given recognition in this.


E-Choupal initiative which is continuously have been a successful initiative by the company has always
been helpful and supportful to the ones in need. It is one of the best and the finest initiative started by
ITC and has continuously been given higher return on investments to the company. The brand value of
the organization has raised since the inception of the initiative. It is widely popular especially in the rural
sector of the country.

ITC has gained a lot through this initiative, the amount ranges from more than fifty million to sixty
million, which is insane.

Due to its wider outreach also, it has gained huge fan following, especially in the rural and a great
recognition with its fantastic work towards the development of the country in the urban sector as well.
Weakness and the challenges of the initiative

One of the primary reason in front of the company while doing this initiative was that there was lack of
technological knowledge in the rural sector, which is still there. The challenge was how to make them
able to understand that this system would help them and would save them from any sort of cheating or
oppression which they have been feeling since so many years. There was a lack of adaptability among
the farmers. They don’t rely on technology, also they had a fear of using that. So to make them convince
towards this and pull everyone was also a huge daunting task for the team. Lack of mediums in the rural
sector was also really challenging. Also illiteracy and the reluctance played a huge role and became a
There was also an organized sector present there, which was difficult to understand at first. Then only
the whole task could have been performed.

Technology and illiteracy were all in all major challenges for them.


This initiative of ITC has been the biggest advantage for the people living in the rural sector,
especially in the regions of Madhya Pradesh, UP, Maharashtra, AP, Rajasthan, Haryana and
Uttaranchal where this initiative was performed and it came as a miracle for them. It gave them
access to good price for their crops but also a completely fair trade, which was missing in their
areas due to the oppression by the upper caste people. They get better payment for what they were
getting in the past. Also now they don’t have to go miles away to sell their crops, the transportation
cost is reduced, which is insane.

All such fare trade and the ease in the process of buying and selling has made their work easier
and effecter.

As the initiative has been successful so far, ITC is now also providing the villagers with special
programs related to the societal issues such as women empowerment, medical and hygiene based
workshops and many more.

They have also been successful in providing the better experience of the buying and selling process and
also gave them a sense of responsibility and pride in the society.

By making them familiar with the technological advancements, they have helped a large chunk of the
society and is continued to be doing so.


Performance of the company:

Figure 3

1. 2000-19 (Rs in crores)

Interpretation- The graph which is above is of the gross income of the company between the
year 2000 till 209. It clearly shows how the income is incresing in an exponential manner since
the inception of this initiative, which is the year 2000. The increase is more than 200% which is
a great raise, in monetary terms, that too having faced such diifficulties and in such a short span
of time.
2. 2000-19 (Rs in crores)

Figure 4

Interpretation- The graph which is above is of the profit before tax of the company between the
year 2000 till 2019. It clearly shows how the income is incresing in an exponential manner since
the inception of this initiative, which is the year 2000. The increase is from twelve hundred
crores to forty eight hundred crores which is great in monetary terms, that too having faced such
diifficulties and in such a short span of time.
3. 2000-19(Rs in crores)

Figure 5

Figure 6

Interpretation- The graph which is above is of the profit after tax of the company between the
year 2000 till 2019. It clearly shows how the figures are incresing in an exponential manner
since the inception of this initiative, which is the year 2000. The increase is great in monetary
terms, that too having faced such diifficulties and in such a short span of time.
4. 2000-19 (Rs in crores)

Figure 7

Figure 8

Interpretation- The graph which is above is of the dividend per share of the company between
the year 2000 till 2019. It clearly shows how the share of the company is incresing in an
exponential manner since the inception of this initiative, which is the year 2000. The increase is
great, that too having faced such diifficulties and in such a short span of time.

Official date on the ministry’s website:

Figure 9

As per the data given by the government, the CSR spend of the company is among the top 10 companies
in India, amounting to about 215.05 crores( as of 2019)
Details of ITC (2016-17)

Figure 10

This was the latest detail which I got from the website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Here the
prescribed expenditure is same to that of the actual CSR spent, which shows that the company is very
well spending on the CSR and is taking it very seriously.

Awards in the year 2019/20

Recent CSR activities of ITC


The Company's spearheading afforestation activity through the Social Forestry program greened 33,982
sections of land during the year. It is at present spread across 16 regions in six States covering 3.29 lakh
sections of land in 5,087 towns, affecting more than 1,21,557 poor family units. Together with
Company's Farm Forestry program, this activity has greened almost 7.33 lakh sections of land to date
and produced around 135 million man long periods of work for provincial family units, including poor
inborn and minimal ranchers. Basic to the Social Forestry program is the Agro-Forestry activity, which
in total reaches out to over 1.12 lakh sections of land and guarantees nourishment, feed, and wood
security. Other than improving ranch level business, producing earnings and expanding green spread,
this enormous scope activity likewise contributes definitively to the country's undertaking to make extra
carbon sinks for handling environmental change. Notwithstanding the abovementioned, the Social and
Farm Forestry activity of your Company, through a multiplier impact, has prompted improvement in
pulpwood and fuelwood accessibility in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh and
Odisha. In the province of Tripura, this activity is additionally making a bamboo wood source that is
appropriate for agarbatti producing.

Organization's waste reusing program, 'WOW – Well-Being Out of Waste', empowers the formation of a
perfect and green condition and advances maintainable jobs for squander gatherers. During the year, the
program kept on being executed in Hyderabad, Coimbatore, Chennai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Muzaffarpur
and significant locale of Andhra Pradesh. The quantum of dry waste gathered during it was 50,196 tons
from 562 wards. The program has secured 77 lakh residents, 33 lakh younger students and 2000
corporates since its commencement. The Program makes reasonable jobs for 14,500 waste authorities by
encouraging a powerful assortment framework as a team with city enterprises. Additionally, the
intercession has likewise made more than 80 social business people who are engaged with expanding
esteem catch from dry waste gathered.

The Soil and Moisture Conservation program advances the improvement and the board of neighborhood
water assets in dampness focused on territories by encouraging town based interest in arranging and
executing such measures just as building, restoring and keeping up water collecting structures. The
inclusion of this program right now reaches out to 42 locale across 14 States. During the year, the zone
under watershed expanded by 98,180 sections of land taking the combined inclusion zone till 2017-18 to
over 8.74 lakh sections of land. 2,341 water reaping structures were worked during the year, taking the
all out number of water gathering structures to 12,440.
Current Scenario of CSR in India
 In the year 2018, it is seen that there is a rise of about forty- seven percent in the spending on the
CSR based activities, while comparing it to the sum of seven thousand five hundred and thirty
six crores which was there in the year 2014. It is a huge jump which clearly shares how
organizations are considering it an important spend.
 In our country, there is almost a spend of more than ten thousand crores in various programs,
initiatives and the welfare schemes in the favour of CSR.
 In the government’s schemes as well, there is a hike of one hundred and thirty nine percent
which is commendable.
 Also there is an expected rise of about ninety seven to ninety eight percent in the field of CSR by
the end of decade.
Results and Discussions

 Through the in depth study of the ITC’s E- Choupal system, it is found that they select
high quality farm products and do business fairly with the farmers.
 It is found that they have a strong brand image due to their E- Choupal initiative, mainly
in the rural sector.
 They have relatively low revenue from their Tobacco products, and they earn majorly
from their diverse business portfolio.
 They are growing in personal hygiene as well
 It is growing at a high pace due to the social recognitions
 Their stock rates are increasing due to their CSR activities
Conclusion, Recommendations, Limitations and Scope of Future Research

With help of this thorough learning of the CSR activities of ITC, we can get to know that an organization
should focus on their CSR based activities a lot. They need to provide complete information to all its
stakeholders as where and how they have benefitted the sales. Numbers work great in this as the sole
reason of any business is to earn money at the end and taking the stakeholders into consideration works
well in this case. By focusing on their CSR activities, they can grow profits which would be beneficial
for their sustainability. They can also build healthy relationships with their stakeholders and can grow
profits at the same time, so there is a win-win situation for them. One thing that is missing out is that
they are not taking customer directly into consideration, as they are one of the prime stakeholder for any

As we know building such a huge empire is not easy and on top of that maintaining it would become
even more difficult. So in order to sustain in the market and to ensure that each and every stakeholder is
align, such initiatives are necessary. In today’s era, without the help of CSR no one can build such a
huge empire.
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