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LA Problem Sheet 2

1. Use Gaussian elimination method to solve each of the following systems of linear equations. In
each case, indicate whether the system is consistent or inconsistent. Give the complete solution set,
and if the solution set is infinite, specify three particular solutions:





2. The final augmented matrix obtained after Gaussian elimination is given below:

[ ]

Write down the solution of the associated original linear system of equations.

3. Find the quadratic equation , that goes through the points (3,18),(2,9),(-2,13).

4. Let ( ) ( )

Find a matrix . Don’t find inverse etc…

5. Let V and W be two vector spaces. Prove that is a vector space if and only if one of them
is a subspace of the other.

6. Prove that the intersection of two subspaces is also a subspace.

7. A is an m x n matrix. Then the C(A) is a subspace of ____ while N(A) is a subspace of _____.

8. Is the solution space of Ax=b a vector space. Give reasons for your answer.

9. A is an m x n matrix. B is obtained from A by appending rowwise-that is B=( )

What comments can you make about the N(A),N(B); C(A)C(B); R(A),R(B).

11. Let be the subspace of spanned by ( ) ( )

( ) . (a) Find a basis and dimension of . (b) Extend the basis of to a basis of
12. Let be the subspace of spanned by ( )) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) . Find a subset of the vectors which forms a basis

13. Let V be the vector space of matrices. Let W be the subspace of symmetric matrices.
Show that diim(W)=3 by finding a basis of W.

14. Let V be a vector space of dimension n. Any (n+1) vectors of V will be linearly dependent.

15. Let be three vectors in pairwise orthogonal to each other. Write down a matrix
such that ( ) . Is this matrix unique? If not give another matrix. Let B be a matrix with just
one row . Write down N(B). Is this unique? If not, give another matrix.

16. Null space of a matrix is orthogonal to ________ space of the matrix.

17. Can any vector be orthogonal to itself? Justify your answer.

18. A is an matrix. Show that N(A) is the orthogonal complement of C( )

19. Write down ( )

20. The number of linearly independent rows of a matrix A is r. How many columns of A will be
linearly independent?

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