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agreements beLween parties so SpaiD. The result was that the A TELEGRAM FRO M TID.
wus, a,p&rt as the CoIl8ervative right ~ government was able
Pa.rty .and the Commllllist Party. to bear down murderously with fiOUERIIME/lT OF THE SOCIALIST AND COM-
pe.-plte good work,. (In the first all Its weight tJiPOll the isolated MUNIST PARTIES
year it created 7.000 new SIlhools) heroes of Aaturias.
there W&II still not that degree of TELEGRAMS
After this the gains of the Re- "The ClHlrdinatinl" Committee
&gJe8II1entwhich w01ll1d have ena- public were steadily ~yed by Doctor NEGRIN. recOInends to all its sections, tmd
bled the Republic to stabilize con- successive Right governments, the Cabinet P.resldent. militants, to observe an absolute
ditions. Above all the Agrarian leading figure of which was Gil Valencia. serenity during the solving of the
. Refonn of 1932 was too slow and Robles, the cathOlic C. E. D. A. "Meeting International Briga- Governmental crisis, by conform-
too hesitant to satisfy the land Miniater of War, ''machIne-gun- des Commissaires In name al1 Vo- ing to the desclslons which they
hunger of the starving peasantry. ner by proxy", DOW skulking In lunteers greets and pledges ent- receive directly fl'<lIIl the N lOtiO-
The result WaR that as a reault of Portugal. In the face of this trem- husiastic adhesion new Govern- nal Oonunittee8 of the two par-
the Noverciber 1933 electiOl18 aided endous danger tbe policy of the ment Spanish Republic expression ties. It is necessary, not to sup-
bycoolqui8mo, or. boss rule, the Popular Front, was laid down. people's firm will to do everything port nor te particlpate in the at-
Rigbt regained Mome of Its lost Many parties Loyally rallied to it to quickly and definitely crush titudes of th.- elements who are
ground. The Radical Party of Ler- and finally, In 1935 a program fascism enemy liberty and pro- lriterested in creating difficulties,
touxbegan to seek allies·upDA the was drawn up and signed by all. gress.-LuIgi GALLO, Commis· wblch the solution of the cri!
Right "'Lther than the Left, finally It is worth DIOticlng that this saire Inspector of the Internatio· might provoke.
Inviti~ three catholics of the treaty was signed by the P. O. U. nal Brigades."
reactIOnary C. E. D. A. Party into M. That ,party, upon whose nar-
the government. row shoulders inlil!t fall the bla- Indalecio PRIETO.
This was the signal for .revolu- me for the crimina.) rising in Bar- National Defense Minister.
tionary effort, the Socialist Par- celona was shortly denouncing the Valencia.
ty at once began to prepare for Popular Front Government Which "Meeting International Briga-
action and on October 6, the re- came into being after the elec- des CommiBsaires greets you 8.8
volution broke out. The Astur-lan tions of February 1936. It must chief of all armed forces fighting
miners after a glorious struggle be understood clearly that these for the crushing of fascism and
that has thr!1led the wo.rkers of elections were only WOn because places itself enthUBiastical1y at
a definitive policy had been drawn your orders certain tbat under
up. That policy was broad enough your guidance and under the gui-
to secure the loyalty of parties dance of new Popular Front Go-
such as Republican Left which it- vernment we shall march quickly
self was placed 10 office. It con- to vlctory.-Luigi GALLO, Com·
tains such points as consolidation missaire Inspector of the Interna-
of the church reforms, cleansing tional Brigades."
of the army, speeding up of the
Land Reform, and an amnesty for
General War Commissaire.
the 30.000 political prisoners ly-
ing in Spanish jails. For such a
policy the C. N. T. followers vot- !lIn name all Commissaires and Vincente Uribe minister 01 Agriculture
ed, despite their theoretical ob- volunteers International Brigades
jections to the ballot box. we send you warm greetings fe- Fa~:Z VaiZlant-Couturter, leading
It was against this government
licitations for your confirmation French Oommunist, writes the fOl-
leading post General War Com· lou;ing in the "Httmanite" alter
that Franco rebelled, to be met by
missariat eloquent evidence your an extended visit to the Basque
defeat in all densely populated
high merits in creation new Spa- prov nces:
parts of Spain.
nish Popular Al"' and as inspi- "While the Nazi aviators were
At this point It becomes abso- rer prompt victory fascism to gunning at us, and, hu,gging the
lutely vital to make one remark. which new Government is a gua- pampet, my cheek against the
The masses supporting the Popu c rantee.-Luigi GAI,LO, Commis- fragrant earth, I wa.s listening to
Jar Front Government were im- saire Inspector of the Internatio·
n,ensely aided in their victory the throbbin.q Of the blood at my
An american machine gun crew nal Brigades."
over the rebellious army by the temples, I could hear in that sa-
the world, were defeated and mer- fact that they llad a government me rythm the voices of the peo-
cilesly subjected to the most blo- to help them. It was not the peo- 2000 refugee chi I d r e n from ple of Paris" Airplanes for Spain!
ody repression of modern times. ple alone which captured Monta· Euzkadl arrived in London aboard Airplanes for Spain!" I assure you
But the truth is that the objec- na Barracks in Madrid but the the S. S. Avana. The pro-Bil- that that cry, spontaneously born
tive conditions for success did not people aided by the loyal Assault bao Conuuittee of London bas de- Of the popula)' conscience 01 Pa-
exist. There was DJ nation wide Guards. And the pe()ple themsel- cbrred itself ready to give ade- ris in defense of the world's libert-
agreement between the U. G. T. ves were armed by the Popular quate shelter to all the 2000 chil- ies, was living in me.
and the C. N. T. The Catalan Front GoVernment. MOreover, had dren. And the crime of the blockade
"'. N. T. leaders indeed, denoun- that government been built on too 11i1i1i1i1i1i1ll11li1i1i1i11li1i11i1i1i11i11i1i1i1li1i1i1li1i1li1i1i1i1 appeared to me more horrible yet.
!d the General Strike which pre- narrow a foundation great sectnl~ mission of 1923 was the resu It of And I was ashamed to bring to
'lded the rising. The countryside of the public might not have ral· a lack of a broad and popular the heroes surrounding m.e this
did not respond and because of lied to Its side. And had the gov- unity. The magnificent resistance measly consolation, consolat ion
the narrow bases of the appeals, ernment represented ODly the of July 1936 and the forging out which, however, was moving them
lIliddle class parties like the Es- more moderate of the parties, It of the great, discipline and com- to tears, and which they were
tat Catala and the Esquerra in Ca- would not have had the courage to bative army in 1937 demonstrat- welcoming with their "U. H. P."
talonia witheld support, as did the arm the people. es that t;IC Popular Front has Of gratitude: our food ships and
RepubJicao Parties In the rest of To sum up, the immediate sua· saved Spa;',. the evacuation of children ..."

THI: HISTORY OF THE GOVERMENT CRISIS ficiaJ note that it could not enter
the government presided over by U. G. T. to call Natio-
(Cnntinllcd frum paA'e ont'.)

.,erat4o!l3 of the People's Army a new c&blnet. It was a8 follows: .

Negrin, neither directly nor indi-
rectly. It said that Negrin had
nal Convention
t"'ughout the country. U. G. T. , three ministers, ·p rlme proposed a c",binet of nine minis' shortly
•. Reorganization of the War ministry - ship and a reorganized Lers, one from each of the parties At a plenary meetlq of the
Commissariat and creation of a ministry of a defence (to be held and orga.n:.zations of the Popular National Comml«- of the UDion
DeW directive wmmlttee, to be by one person), with fOllr depart- Front. General de Trab3jadores held in
composed of delegates of allor- ments, War, Marine, Air, and Mu- At 10,45, comrade Negrin an- Valencia Tuesday May 18, and on
gaDizations entering the govern- nitions. Foreing affairs, and ho- nou.n.ced that he had fonned his motion made by the Federation
m£Clt. It shall be responsible to me affairs. cabinet and this had been accep- of Gra1\c Arts, supported by the
the MinIstry of War and to the Socialist Party: ted by the President. The posts Building Trades Federation, Tea-
Supreme Council of War, but Ministry c·f Economy and Agri- are distributed as follows: chers Federatio.n, Workers of Pe-
aha.u control the . political direc- culture, and of J'ndustry and Com- Prime Ministership and Public troleum Products aDd 0 the r
tion of Ita wortL merce. Economy, Juan Negrin, Socialist Unions, a cledelon was arrived at
II. The PrIme Minister ~hall Communist Party, Public In- Party. to call at an ....rIy date .. Nation-
occupy him.oeif exclusively with struction, and Labor. Foreign Affairs, .Jose Giral, al Convention of the U. G. T.
the 'l"ork Or this department, and Lett Republican Party, Public Lett Republican. .Severe criticism w .... e:l<pJ'e88ed
theMiniatry of W I1.r Is to beheld Works and Propaganda. National De fen s e, Indaleclo by the repreeentatlves of .,veral
by another person. C. N. T., Justice, and Health. Prieto, Socialist Party. union.. OR the attitude of the .Ex....
Tbe tlnal point proposes that Go- T·h e C8il.a1an Left Republican Justice, Manuel Irujo, Basque cutlve Commi«- at tile time of
Yernanent 'Program shall be drawn Party, and the Basque Nati..,al- Nationalist Party.' the Government crlAIIo.
up' lind '!II&de public on the same 1st Party _re to receive Minis- Gobernaclon (Public Order, etc.) , The National Convention will be
day the calilDet t&kes otflce. The- tries without portfolio (ie. without JulI4n Zugazagoltia, Soc I a lis t called not only to cUlIeU88 and jud-
ee apIDIODS were a.m<plifled in a definite departments). Party. ge the conduct of tile Central
letter ~d to the Pres.l dent This plan W&9 accepted by the Health 8Dd Education, Jelllis Committee, but aloo to deal with
by comrade Jos~ Dlaz. The Com- U. G. T. executive and the Re- Hernandez, Communist Party. all the problelD8 arl&lnl' from tbe
DIWlf8t Party demanded the tho- publica.. union, but rejected by 'Agriculture, Vicente Uri be, war and of tile revolution.
roug~ reorganlzat4on of tbe enti· the C. N. T., the Socialist Party, Communist Party. NOTE.-The last National CoR-
I'!war machinery In all its as- the Communist Pwrty, and tbe Public Works and Communica- ventlon of the U. G. T. was beld
peCts, tI1ti conducting of the Net- Left Republicans. The principles tion, Giner de los Rios, Republi- in 1932.
lon's ~ustry and economic lite for rejections were: can Union .
. to a centr&! pl811 designed to end The C. N. T. refused to accept Labor, Jaime Ayguade, Catalan
the war speedily, and the infle- both a pOSition of Inferiority with Left Republican.
sible. maintainaDce of public or- regards the U. G. T. and 'o f equa-
In a general statement of poli- What are they going
lity with the Communist Party,
which, it said. had provoked the
cy which was at once made pu- there for?
bliC, thE> new Govenm>ent hoped
criSis, had not shown the same "L'R1IIDBAlU," of P&rls publlah-
that the U . G. T. and the C. N. T.
degreee of loyality .... the C. N. T . as thi8 omlno_ piece of ...._
would change their attitude, but
and which was a smaller body. Al- "From conililentJa1. · and reUab1e
nevertheless believed that the cab-
so it that whHe it was in 8ource8 we learn tbat a number
inet represented the -b road mr.!)-
agreement with tha U. G. T. hold- of non-eonunl8s1oned offlcle.... of
ses of people. It promised to keep
l."g the war ministries, It could the Italian Army have been ..ent
order in the rear guard inflexibly
not . conseot to all contructive to serve In the German Army and
and to permit nO organization to
posts (economy an d Indu£.1ry) , In territory adjoining Poland and
provok, disturbances. Fur the -
being in one persoE's hands,. and Checko - Sluvakla. In Italian f&9-
more, it announced its intention of
declared that the C. N . T. had clst centers It 18 Insl8tently wJUs.
most enthusias-:t1 fer this work. .reorganising all war and economic
pered that a tascl8t putsch, buek-
activities and of calling the Cor-
Finally, the C. N. T. said that ed by fascist InterventloD, Ie
tes together at the earliest poss-
the government o.s constituted helng prepared and 18 sebeduJed
would be conservative and allti- ible date.
to start within one montll agaln8t
proletarian. It must be borne In reind that
The Left Republican Party ob- the mass of the U. G. T. Is com-
jected to the P,ime Mi"i£ter being posed of ' Socialists and Commun-
ists. The Typographical Union,
Jeslie lIernandez,
MiDi.ter or He"Uh and Education.
Minister of WH, and the Commu-
U. G. T . has protested against the
French nation helps
nist . Party In rejecting Largo
Caba.llero·s plan pres£ed !h·. same U . G. T. executive's refusal to en- Bilbao
der and l.:de suppression of pro- point, and the Socialist Party de- ter the Government.
On Thursday May 12, the Pa-
vocation. clared that It would not enter the (N. B., the executive of the U.
ris BUbao CommIttee receIved
On Saturday evening "Mundo government without the Commun- G. T. was elected in 1932 and the-
30.000 fran"" and three tons of
Obrero" in a leading article infor- ist Party. re bas been no National Congress
food for the Baeque people. 130.000
med that the Government's re- As a result of these negative during the last four years.) Ma-
francs had '-n collected pre-
llignation bad been necesll8ry b3- replies, comrade Largo Cabailero drid demonstration of the U. G. viously.
cause Its errors had led to the gave up his effort to form a new T. May endorsed the government.
Trotskylte's revolt in Catalonia, cabinet, whereupon comrade Ne- Summing ' Ui', it Is clear that 1I1111111111111111111111111111111HllllllllllntlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI
. md bad been re1Iected in the pre- grin, . former Minister of Econo- the formation of the new Govern- the Government when they wish.
BeIlt military Inactivity and the my, was given the task. He at ment represel'ts a serious effort The present cabinet Is a true Pop-
cbaotlc ata.te of Spanish Industry. On~ visited the offices of .all par- to reorganize the machinery of ular Froot Government and re-
Sunday, May is. tie.s and organizations. war and to plan the nation's eco- presents the people's desire' and
DurIng the monz1ng Largo Ca- Monday 17. nomy. The way Is 'open for the determination to intensify the
ballero made publIc his plans for The C. N. T. declared In a of- dissldeot organizations to enter fight apInst the f8llClst Invadea.

DIANA (U. G. T .> Lura. 8. Tel. fl.lUfi.-K&drkI.

Yol. N.· 2 June t 1137


Development of the regular army of the Spanish Republic
PABT I which improvised forces, losely or- learning at last that war has Its MadrId there reDl&lned the In-
ganized and badly trained were own objective nature, and that It mediate necessity of repulsing
:It I. the object of this article expected rapldiy to defeat a pu- rigorously Imposes Its OWn laws the enemy marching on the city.
at once to trace the growth and rely Spanish fascism . upon a government, the Popular The tlrst torces were organ-:
development of ·t he Republican 2.-- The Awakening period. In Front Government begins to evol- !zed, Dot .b y the government, but
Army and to show that It Is a this period the enemy makes use ve a nation-wide plan for the by trade unions, syndicates and
real People'. Army. Just as we of the vast resources given him whole mutta·r y and economle Ute political parties. Often the a el
llav~ beell told that the PopulllJ" by toreign tasclm, both In mater- of the country. groups were nothing more than &
Front pollcy was responsible for ial.. and technical advice and per- number of friends who rallied
the event. of Barcelona, we have Bonell. The Republican forces be- round the strongest character
alao had to listen to the rldicu- gin to crystallze Into a regular ar- THE JULY DAYS among them. There was, Indeed,
loua .tateD)ent that we of the Po- my but no reserves are created. When the people aided by some talk ot torming a govenl-
pqlar Front are creating a new 3. -The Realist period. Faced the loyal Assault Guards had mental army and two "qutntoa~
dqer In bulldlllg up a regular with Invading fascist armies and deteated the tascist rising In or conscript drafts were called
army. up. This had no effect, partly be-
ThIs &rgUIXIent win not carry cause the men called upon W81'e
the BUghteBt weight with thoee already In the torces, and partly
iJ'!~.'~lt ~ ~- ";/~a
who have tollDwed the whole
course of the arIrl)"s evolution :':~.. :~. ;~~; .:,:~ ';('1; because those who were not pre-
ferred to go to the companies or-
since the July days. General Mla- ganized by their respective poli-
ja, defender of Madrid, in an in- tical parties. In these early days
terview with the writer, recently . "/t~ Madrid was detended by an Irreg-
declared that ."the regular army ular army of a bewildering and
hl\8 grown up from below, out ot. complex mosaic pattern. There
the people, it has not been impos- were Socialist companies and bet-
ed trom above". This Is abeolu" talions, Communist and C. N . T.
tely true and In a matte ot tact companies and Left Republican,
bllotorical way. At every stage the ' all ot whom preserved' their ""par-
parttcular forms the army was t o ale headquarters and particular
take, Its methods, content and or; stafts.
ganlzaUon, can be seen In em-
bryo long befor<!> a government de- BEGINNING OF ORDI<;K
cree regularizes or clarifies the si- Nevertheless a cryslalizing mov-
tuation. And without the constant eroMt can be seen evOl in t!llB
compenetratlon of the clvllian peo- purely popular period. The Fifth
ple and the armed torces It would Regiment, beginning with ils Com-
have been ImPossible to bring the panies of Steel, began aL once to
preeent army Into being. propagand for a regular army
upon the OMls of definile organ-
ization and sound milltary train-
ing. This Fifth Regiment, which
The history of the war may be was to become the IllIJst famous
divided Into three ptIas<!>S: of Spanish Republican forces dur-
l,-'nLe Romantic ph&.le dur\llc' "PASIONARIA" formerly bODorary Commander Sth iWsimcnt. (CoDlinuetl on P-£e 7)

Marshal Voroshiloff
MALAGA A. MARTYRED CITY to the Red Army on
500 refugees from fascist spain arrive at Valencia. May Day.
More tban five hundred refu- jails and from the ship "~ut!s the morning every. night, they
Marbal Voroshilolf, the fW8aIan
gees from MaLaga arrived at Va- de Chavarri" at 8J1chor in port. took lar~ groups of prisoners out
War Commissar, addressing the
lencia from Gibraltar on May 25. 'l'hen followed 300 Italian tanks, to the cemeteries or to some out
parade in the Red Square, said:
They had m8J1aged, I!omehow, to m8J1ned by Itali8J1 crews. After cd' the way street where the vic-
enter the British Zone in their them, in - three columns, came no tims, tied with barbed wire were Only the Red A"my hinders Fa-
fr8J1tic esc~e from the fascist leas than 16.000 ita.l1an tropa, .hI shot. scism fram attacking the country
bands, at the time of the fall of fuU Italian uniforms. 'rhen ca.lne Of the SoViets and lieginning a
MAlsga. the artillery, machine guns mor- new world slaughter. Faaci8m is
When they left Gibraltar, com- tars. Everything was Italian. La:st, SIVES lULLED the most deadly enemy 01 the
pelled to do so by the British Gov- bringing up the rear, were small workers and peasants. The Red
ernor, wh<> feared an epidemic, sections at fascists, falangisls, The first to be killed W88 the Army has been, is, and wW lor
Popular Front Mayor Eugenio wer . remain the guardian · of the
Entrambasagua. Net content with
peace Of the entire world, howe-
having murdered him, they drag- v er much our enemies may dese li·
ged his body thl'll the city iltreets. be it CI8 predatory and preparing
Then came the turn of Juan Del- to attack neighbouring State. All
gado president cd' the Left Repu- these insinuations cannot cOttceal
blican Ycutlh, then Rafael Trigue- the fact that Fascism hC18 already
ros, a man W'ho belonged to no entered on the path Of war and
polltlcal party, but who was ex- arson.
tremely popular in MAlaga.. Three " The Red Army is preparing to
catholic priesls Who had matle attack." shout those' who have
common cause with the people themael1Jes alrelUly attacked and
were also killed. are de.9trcying whole _tlo..... The
On Ea.ster Sunday a speCial rei- Red A rmy does not exist for
ebratlon was thought neccessary. attack, but to annihilate attackerlJ
200 prisoners were shot. The day utterly.
after, the bodies of more than two
(mildred gir<1s, iIIlembers of the
Young SocIal1st League were pick-
!\Ialasa re'u~" C"M at Almrria. ed up In the .streets. Altogether CONSUMERS POWER STRIKE
this terror lasted for mol'e than OF MIOHIGAN ENDED
beca.use of the appalling over- and rebel civil guards. As the n. month.
crowding of refugees escaping troops were ma.rching thru the Men were found hanging from The Michigan Consumers Pow-
fro m the international fascist city, going east in pursuit of the trees in parks and fields; victims er strike Involving over 7.000
terror unleashed over Andalusia, refugees fr8J1tically fleeing to- Were out to pieces, horrible mu- workers and affecting chiefly the
everyone of then chOBe Valencia wards Motrll and Almeria, or tilations perpetrated. Even nurses General Motors planla In F1lnt
as his deatination, 8J1ywhere away {rem the fascisls, working in military h<l8p1tals and LanSing was ended when the
They are all peasants and work- from two Italian and three Ger- Were killed. United Automobile Workers Union
ers, people deeply a.ttached to man steamers squadrons of air- (C. I. 0.) and Governor Murphy
their homes, their fa.m.llies, their pl8J1es were being unloaded, white were aocepted as mediators.
fields and their pitifully small German crews of specialists hur-
worldly goods. Their homes ..bsnd- riedly assembled them. Today MaLaga Is a German city.
oned, their famlJles scattered, F o r a perlcd of ten days the The lash and the clu'b 80 dear
their fields lost, they arrived In oity was calm. Then the terror t o the German terror work over-
Valeneta a sad but hopeful crowd started. During the ten days of time in Malaga. Workers are ma-
The only topic of their conversa· calm, l':luny naively belieVed in de to work under the lash of for-
tion is the terror they witnessed. the premises made by the fascist elng overseers.
leader Jose Estrada. They reenter- Malaga's hospitals, meanwhile,
ad their homes and resumed their are full of wounded. More than
work. Secretly llste of proscribed 9.000 cd' them. The houses and the
pe~ple were being prepared. The churches also are full of the
The,y tell of the 18.000 Italiano agents of fascism were making wounded from the Almeria and
entering MAlaga while the city in ready. Once the lists were made Cordobe. fronls.
a restless ·and fearful sHence was the arresls started. In three days The "Maine" is on its way back
wondering what wculd happen. 6.500 persons werearre8ted. In to Gibraltar to bring another load
The coming of the fascisls had one single night 209 women, most- of refugees to Valencia.
been preceded by promises that ly girls, members of the Young This is the work of fascism at
the fascisls would not carry out Socialist League were taken to its most t~ical.
reprisals, that everyone would be jail. After the arrests began the Badajoz, Guern!ca, MAlaga! Na-
forgiven, even the militias. "Black Squadron" was organized. mes of fascist victories over
The Italian entry was preceded The components were 400 youths unarmed clvlllan populations, but
by a strong patrol of Fal&ngists drawn from the scum of the bour- also names that today loom large
whose first act was to free all geois underworld. Theirs was in the minds of the workers the
the fasctpts priMners from the night work. From one to five In world over! "'If!~in~ h,.rorf" Ih .. lialian innadeu.

Fascist Spies in the THE SPANISH GOVERNMENT Soviet Union Makes

.United States PRESENTS ITS PLEA TO THE Peaceful Conquest.
The anl)ouncement by the So-
A fa8c.lst spy and anns-purchas-
ill« ~y has been exposed in LEAGUE OF NATIONS viet Union that its scientists have
.... UDlted States by HIe publlca- conquered the arctic regions of
At the time of going to press derstand that it consists of over
tlen In the Dally Worker of Iet- the North Pole marks another
the present session of the League three hundred pages and contains
~ 8I1d documents issuing from gloriOUS page in Soviet scien-
of Nations is not sufficiently ad- photographs of Italian and mil-
the offlees of Dmz and Garcia., tific advances.
vanced for us to make long com- itary. orders and other documents
stNm*ip operators, 17 Battery There now exists at the North
ment. This will appear net week. all proving that there is indeed
Place, New York. The head of this Pole a Soviet scientific colony
So far the Spanish Government an Italian Army of Occupation in
o~tlon is a fonner Spanish whose base is situated on a huge
has rejected the proposal, backed Spain.
" ...... ·&ador to tbe United States, block of ice registered on a list of
by England and France, for med- A scheme for the withdrawal of
IlIUl .......ncilOCo de CardeJlJl8. wbo Soviet polar stations under the
iation between Franco and the foreign volunteers is to be discus-
claims protection of a fink diplo- name of "North Pole No. 56". The
Gcvernment. AJJ Comrade Negrin sed. In this respect a government
matic passport.
has pointed cut, mediation can be spokesmen has declared that Hit station has been constructed as the
Tile DaRy Worker has publil.h-
effected between State and State, is impossible to confuse breaches central polar directing point of
ell pbotostats of all corresponden-
but not between a Government of the obligation of not authoriz- the sea route for ships, and its
ce pa88lng between spy centers,
and a group of rebels. Only one ing the departure of volunteers, air field, recently established is
from wblcb It is seen. amongst
kind of umediation" is possible. with the organization and send- the landing point for airplanes.
otber things, tbat the f ....cist gang
the total defeat of fascism by the ing by the Italian government of Throughout the Northern polar
augpsted on Marcb 5th, 19S7.
People's Government. a definie expeditionary force".
that a speedy anned sbip be sent regions wireless telegraph points,
We may point out that these In other words, the International
to tbe strait of Yucatan to block radio centers, beacons, ports for
proposal for mediation always co· Brigades are a real volunteer for-
shipping from Mexico to the ships, and coal and oil bases have
me when the situation is especially ce which governments have tried
Spanlsb Rel'llblic. "u tbere were been set up. In definitely conquer-
favorable to the government. They to prevent being formed. (The
such a. chip" one letter says ttnot ing the North Pole the Soviet
have occurred before. and now, French g(}vernment for instance
olle of the Hhips 'With armaments
after recent victories at Guadala- has closed its frontiers.) The ital- scientists have a regular plan of
would get through".
jara and Pozoblanco and the fom- ians are not volunteers and have air routes and waterway routes
Tbe documents also disdose that
ation of the new government been sent by their government, into the most haza.rdous point.!:! of
this ring b .... conspired to violatc
they are being repeated. often against their will, and by the arctic.
U. S. by pUr(~ha8e of arm:i
The government has made the means of cruel deception. Pravda, Soviet organ, say s
for li'ranco, and that there t>xist'S
first diplomatic distribution of It was stated in Paris that in that Robert Peary, who first vi-
a network of agclwies in Vera
Cruz, Mexico and Havana, Cuha. the White Book on Italian inter- all probability, Portugal would sited the North Pole, like other
Spies in these places send rpg-ubl r vention. This volume is sure to oppose the withdrawal of volun- great explorPfs had no elements
reports on th~ movement of 8,)311" provolw intense interest. We un- teers. nor forces for the scientific or-
Isb shipping, through New Yorl, ganisation of work at the pole.
to f ..sdst H. Q. in Sj,ain. Ui(lln- He wass not able to place his dis·
malic plots comp within fhl' S('olU' coveries into the hands of scien-
of the ('ardf>:lUlS outfit; 0114' h·tt~·r
tists and the people. But the So·
ren~al!oi that 011 April M. HJ37. tht·
viet f'xplol'ers have behind them
fascist agent Diaz was in Hantlla
the entire nation.
touting for recognition of Fran-
The name "Stalin" is propost"'d
(~o'S "Goverl1lnent" by Cuhu.
F'ake aid socit"tit"s
han' ht'1'n for central base of the arctic,
formed, in partic'ular thl' ('0111- The Juan Negrin, new Prime
mODwt"al Spanish Ue.lipf FlIlId, a>w Minister Spain. through the
fourth An_~., and f.h,~ :\nwri«-all press praisel the Soviet Union'/
ComnliUt't" for SI)allish Udil'f, mu' for its wcnuerful polar and scien-
of whose prpsidE"uts is Og-d,'n tific achievements.
Hammond, fornwr ,:, S, .\mha"i- The Red Flag of the Sovkt
sador in SI)uin, 1'his ('nlln'rn (tut's CJlicn waves now at the Nnrth
things in an ~lIJ1hassadt)rial st.,·I(',
H. Q. is at Vand('rhilt Hutl'l,

ONF; SI'I'R\<;l\U; ('OI'RT ,,,'I)(;t;

;\,'n <tHuht in a j{liJWlh'r flf n'-
Bett~· HOOl) and PupI',n' an' UII t II r II i II ~ inil-lliJ,;"l'JI('(', Suprf'Hw
Hf,rike in N t·w Y fJrk ('it ,v. Ollt' ('ourt ,Justi('" Yall Il"nanh'r n'-
hundred Du'mbel'S of tht' wt'll sig'I1t'<1 from his po!';itiuli. l'ht' g-t'H-
known animated c'artoolls arl' dp- th'mall j", 7X Yf'ars old.
maDding regular wag-t's. Thf'~ \\'ht'n Pn'sitlt'nt }{oost"\'l'It heard
claim that the 15 dollars a wec'li thp news, h~ smiling-I,V COmnll·11t~
they get does n't kt"t"~) tht"m ill pd: "This mah,t"s 011(' point. Thert'
!>tJ)ina(·,h. a rt' fin' HJOrt' to go,"

The Problem of the land In Spain
In recent days we bave beard A ragon, during 1932, the writer Lands of Sahagun... land of Sai- another 20.000 schools were to be
from certain quarters the charge discovered tbat tbere bad beoo amanca, wbere bardly three or built.
that the Spanish revolution has a famine during the preceding four times tbe quantity of seed Tben, on the technlcal aide of
been betrayed by the formation winter, dUe to the absencc of sown is returned. Land without Land Reform, vast irrigatiOl\
of the new govemment. In pass- wind. How could an absence of trees, without cattle." These arc schem ... were drawn up In 1932,
ing, we may -p oint out that POUM, wind Cal.1S':: people to die (;f hun- extr~me cases but a yield of nine aiming at the watering of 5.000.000
one of tbe organizations making acree of land, at a coet of five
this charge, had aiready said that thousand million pesetas, to be
previous P opular Fro!lt govern- spread over 25 years. Many of
ments had never begun the revo- these schemes were begun, BUch
lution. Probably P . O. U. M . un- as the lower Gaudaiquiver Valley
derstands by revolution the shOOt- Canai, the Gaudaicaciu Reservoir
ing of workers by tbose who pro- and canals . the GenII workB, and
fess to serv" them; nevertheless, elsewhere.
it Is vltaily Important to know
what bas really bappened ir: the LAND FOR THE I't:ASANTIS
Spanish countryside.
Fitty-slx per cent of the Span- Mos t Important of all the Mar-
ish peoplc live on tbe land ; the celino Domingo Agrarian Reforms
agrarian problem, therefore. has of December 22, 1932 pn:lpOSed to
always been tbe m ost critical of take over vast estates, upon a
Span ish problems. " Andaiucia ~s­ basl.s of compensation, to be dlvld-
te. muri£ de hambr . ... Anda- cd among the peasants and their
lucia is dying of hunger. The cla'- organizations. Certain of the nu-
sical pbrasc was true of Ca,tilla' bles implicated in the anti-repu-
In Ihf' uld dQ ~' " under Ih~ mOdllreh)' one and h.1r 1''-lMltaa" day Cor l:t huuni wurk lIud".r 11
a.nd Extremadura and other parts SINtihi.h Itun. blican rising of Augu"t 1932, wcre
as well. In 1930 the writer found to !'eceive no compensation. Tho-
whole dl.strlcts, in the neighbour- ger? Very soon mem bers (If the times is considered good in pros- ugh this reform was slow and
hood of Plasencia and Caceres Internatlonai Brigade will have perous parts of Spain, whereas in hesitant, much waa done to im-
(the city where the hero Duffy an opportunity of und""tandlng the U. S. A. or in Elngland 18 to prove the field workel'>l' condition.
made his H. Q. before running how, for the mont-h s of reaping, 1 is quite usual. The Popular Front Government
homel, while tbe average wage July and August, are followed by It Is not Lhe natural imposslbi- of February 1936 was -p ledged to
the winnowing weeks, when the iity of watering and manuri,n g the speed up this iand reform, which
chaff and the grain, trodden out f ields which has impoverished would have destroyed t-b e power
by oxen, are tllrown into the air Spsin, but lhe neglect of absentee of the semi-feudal classes repre-
for the wind to separate. In that landlordo! and tbe abeence of plan sented by Franco.
year in Javierrelatre there had characteristic of a seml-feudal
been no wind and the fermented s tate. Furnlsbed only wltb a light
_ mixture had become usclcsH for plough, often of primitive Roman
bread. type, tbe peasant waa unable to
undertake deep plowing which
THERE WER); GASOJ.lNt: would protect bl.s crop" against
And with this poverty went Ig-
norance and liIiteracy. In 1926
forty-two per cent of the nation
was Uliterate and there were
whole districts where the propor-
tion reaclled was ninety per cen't.
There lies the cause of ~'p"'in's Even DOW: after tbe efforts of
agricultural backwardness. Thc the Republic, a great proportion
poverty of the peasant, and thc of the men of the twooty-fourth
c rushing rents, in the impo~sibi­ battalion, Fifteenth Brigade, fine
IIty of watering their fields ade- fighters anu goou comrades, are
..\ lood COlllrlulC', but Ih f" Intlll.rd, ~· .... n'r
tltu;::hl hint to rrad or wrilC', quately or of manuring them, re- illiterate.
sUlting in low yield. A Spanish
of the flelu worker was one and economist says "Soria lands, bare
0"- 19S1
a half to two pesetas a day. Tbe hills of Almazan . where tile plOW
same was true of Salamanca, only ~cratches the seil a~d after First, In the matter of educat-
formerly Gil Robles' seat and now the (fforts of a" untiratle farwer. ion; in two years the Republic
Von Franco's. only yields t.hree times the vol- created 9.000 new scbools; by :\ Ulcdi~ul .«hnique. In Ihe hilla Aruund
Again, at Javierrelatre in High ume of seeeds put into the ground. means of an Education Loan )0" wunlt"fI MUll"rill ."noM" tlli" wa,.o

WHAT HAS BEEN DON"; MINCE If in that valley there is any pea- culture bas said lithe government lectivisation. At Villanueva de
JULY 1986 sant who, hefore tbe fascist ri"lng has taken the land away from the C6rdoiJ8. last July the civil guards,
paid I'ent to a landlord, then he no proprietors in order to emanci- disloyal to the government, cap-
In the words of Comrade Vicen-
longer does so. The landlord and pate the peasants, not in order to tured the town and caused a great
te Uribe, minister of ~griculture,
tenant relation no longer exists. emancipate four committeea t
• • part of tbe people to flee to the
It hu been the Government's po-
The peasant pays not a single The government will continue fields. The citizens were not dis-
lley "to elOpropriate the great
penny of rent, though wben the to prevent tbese injustices. It wll! mayed however, and headed by
lUuIlorda, enemies of the people,
Ume comes, like every other citi- prohibit so-called "socialized" con- Julian Caballero, field - workers
D live the land to those who
zen, he will pay his dues to the trol of village commerce, it will leader, they collected all the arms
work on It... we have cleaned loyal
state. At present he may freely give practical aid to the peasants. that could be found in the dis-
SpaIn cl the foui disease of boss
rule, of the oppressor of the field trict. After a sharp battle VllIa-
WOl'kera" • nueva was recaptured. In that
No longer are there vast estates town where {ormerly there ruled
like those of the Duke of. Medlna- an absentee landlord, the a.verage
cell wbo owned two hundred thous- size Whose 40 estates was 01. 1500
and acres. The one 'hundred and acres, Julian Caballero is now
twenty fi ve 'housand acn)li of the Mayor, idolized by the emancipa-
Duke of PeAa.randa are In lbe ted people.
Iwldo of. bi. peaaants and work- Villanueva has organized splend·
erI!; 80 are the ·b Uodn!d and seven- Id battalions of peasant fighters,
teen tbousand acres of the Duke but it ha.s also solved Its land prob-
of VllIabermosa, the eighty-seven lems. The estates of the form er
t.IIousaolu of tbe Duke of Alba, parasites are noW cultivltted col-
Franco propaganda agent In Lcn- lectively by members of the Field
don DOW, wbo has declared that Workers trnion.
the Comrades of the IntematiODaI There is . nothing resembling
BrigIIdee are thieves and er!n:o'D- ccercion in Villanueva. The small
&Is (8IId be did not mean marely proprietors have their own aBBO-
the quartermaster). AI!d the onc elation and oultivate their la.nd
million acres which belonged to individually. Land was also given
only fourteen fascist Dukes, Counts to those who owned a yoke of
and grandees of Spain has also burses, mules or OXeD. Even In-
been divided among the people. side the Field Workers Union there
rc.Mat ",,·~re ....... up .. hoeI:~ In Ja Vi,..en de 1. tAbeR. Here they .rc lHM:D is a small group which without
ALTOGETHER FIVE'lIIIInON . . ",i,......i. libe.......
hindrance demand. the parcelling
EIGHT HUNDRED THO U - out of th,e land . ..
SAND AOBES OF LAND UA- enjoy the use of nationalized land. Ove,' and above the yift of land
We ot the Popular Front have the government has loaned to the The quality of all work is ex-
been told by the theoretecians of peasants about 45.000.000 pesetas, cellent. The olive trees have been
Tbl. figure represents eighteen tbe P. O. U. M. that we have be- through the In.titute of Agrarian zealously tended and the fields
per cent at the ·cultivable area of trayed the revolution. Because we Reform. scrupulously cleaned. All last
SpakI, morover, It excludes wbatwlsb to put our greateot efforts Besides this, specialized credits year. crops bavlng been gathered
bas been done In Catalonia, cer- into winning lbe war we are told have been granted to olive oil pro- and the town Is DOW collectively en-
tain part. of AragOll, and In tile' lbat we are counter-revolution- ducers, vineyard workers and rice gaged in the production of olive
relions of Santander and Astu- \ aries. Yet to lbe rear of our lIneo, growers, for the caITying out of oiL The natural economic diffi-
rias. comrades, you can see a cOUll~ry necessary work and the purchase culties of Vllianueva, excess of
It I. true to say that in tbose without tyrant landlords, without cf seeds. And all this to the tune m'eat and oil and insufficiency of
regions ' wbere tbe land problem corrupt bosses, without usurers cf 45.000.000 pesetas. Instead 01 wheal, have been overcome by
was abarpest It has already been and village money lenders. Upon fomenting !!trife in the city streets collective exchange with othcr
solved. In the province of Cludad the land behind the fascists' Ji- in the name 01. revolution, tbls io chan"n els. ",' hen the war time re-
Real,tex: IIlstance, 1.855.000 acres nes, the weight of oppressioll wbat lbe Popular Front govern- :iugee ·p roblem no longer burdens
have been liven to workers organ- still rests. ment has acheived on the land. the town its prosperity will g'o
Izations and collect! ves. In lbe Despite the provocations and tile forward by leaps arid bounds.
provice of Albaccte, headquarters WHAT IS THE Nl'lW OOVERN- local tyrannies of irresponsible
Let no ene pretend that the in-
oi the Internatlo~ Brigades, MENTS POLICY! village Caesars, last autumn acres, in Jaen, 900.000, wheat sowing was up by 7 %. te rests vf the Spanish ffi""ses ha·
The CommunISt Party, in its re- To encourage production it is ve been neglected or betrayed . It
In the province of Madrid, 3.0.000
acres In Cuenca 325.000 acres bave cent letter to Sellor Azalia declar- necessary to guarantee a remun· is these conquests at Villanueva '
been ex!proprlated Valencia work- ed that the peasant must be pro- erative price. Apart from the cor- which the comrades on tbe C6r-
era and p _ t s have received tected against forced collectivisa- rection of abuses this can be done doba front are defending; tbcre
235.000 acrell, tbe hungry people tions and extremist experiments best by large scale ministerial advance is bringing release to
of Guadalajara, Granada 8IlU Mur- and that ' the small proprietor purchases and by the creation 0f thousanrls of other peasants for
cia have also been helped. must be left In posseo.ion of cooperatives. Already in the Med· whom life has hitherto been a
Besides this dlrecUy expropriat- his land. This has been one part iterraean coast districts these savage and brutali~nb oppression .
ed land hundreds of thousands of of the Government's policy, and cooperatives are giving good re- And in holding their Jines the
acres have been taken over In will continue to be. sults. comrades ef tite 15th Brigade are
other ways: If comrade!! ' of the Here and tbere cases have oc- likewise driving back the enemies
!klgllsh and Lincoln Battalion of curred where se·1f appointed com- HOW TO RUN A COLLECTIVE of the people. Comra"es, the Pop-
tile 15th Brigade look back from mittees have collected rent from ular Front Government Is guard·
their Hoes they will see a broad, those who working national- Here Is an example of success- ian of the true Spanish and dem-
peen and w'!ll cultivated valley. ized land. As the Minister of Agrl- ful and properly conducted col- ocratic revolution'.

American finance imperialism 200 Submachine guns bought on

account of the French Fascist are
In Spain seized In switzerla nd
American comrades, students like love, or common or garden The SWI'8 Federal police hilS gler by the name of Jean Roa-
of Imperialist technique, may like faSCism, its a racket! Ta~e an- jU8t dIscovered a new ........ 8Rlug- chi, ... whoee po8itlon we... f~
to know of an example of Amer- other shot over thc parapet at the gUng organization. 20 slIb-machlne guns, and 8 b0-
ican Imperialism in Madrid City. frientls of th e Telef6nica. Following the ..ne8t of a 8mug- xes containing 2.500 rlne" car-
We refer to the Telefonica , the tridges, several searcheM were
Telephone Company of Spain, who- made In VllriOU. Swiss e1t1e& 200
se heau office, a skysc raper-like Hub-machine guns were found.
building, they may have seen.
This company, headed by the
O'Duffy's inglorious Dupes It I. believed thllt tbJ. Krulll'
of smngglers WIlS pllrt of " lar-
notorious Col. Behn, Is an off- O'Duffy has given some amaz- trayed the struggle for Irish In- ger, gang, members of which were
shoot of the International Tele- ing reasons for the quick re turn dependenc e, and murdered the real arrested Illtsly In several French
phone and Telegraph Company of of his much-boosted Briga<le fr om fighters for Irish Freedom could cltle8.
New York, one of th e Morgan Spain. n ever expect to maintain the con-
I.ately, custom guards arresteJ
conce.rns. The ideas of this Brigade seem fidence of the men they had re-
!:fevera} known to be
In 1924 tlle T ele foni ca obtained to have changed considerably in cruited, in a sustained and bloody
at the "ervlee of Doriot and of
a monopoly conce ssion from Dic- the few months since they set out wa.r. De La Roque.
tator Primo, which for cool impu- with such ardour to "sa ve religion Certainly men who :would not
<Ience surpasses anything Wall or in Spain". fight for the freedom of their
Threadneedle Str·eets have been According to O'Duffy's state- own land would quickly lose
able to put out. If anyth ing it sur- CHARWTI'E S. C. COTI'ON
ment, they don't seem to have sa- their enthusiasm for a cause in
passes the achievements of Mus- ved much or done much since they which their religion was being MILL WORKERS STRIKE
soHni's diplomacy, or army can- arrived in Spain. Either Franco used to cloak the most brutal op-
teen prices. did not value them very highly or pression. The flr.t hlllle resulting from
The monopoly runs contrary to they just refused to fight. Possibly by now, O'Duffy's du- the C. I. O .•• in South-
eve ry principle of the Spanis h They appear to ha ve spent most pes, sadder and wiser men, realise ern textile m1II8 i. on. 1_100
constitution and every law of the of their time catching colds in the that the Irish Catholic Hie rarchy worke,. of the Marlboro Cotton
Civil Cod e in that it puts an 1m, "wet trenches". when it induced and financed Mill o( Bennett-ville and McColl
pa rtant political power in the O'Duffy says they have, "now the m to go t o Spain to fight for S. C. went on strike Mloy 9. Th~
hands of a fore ign company. For been in the front line trenches Franco a g a inst the people a nd Ca- strik~ WH.8 quite 8ponta.neouH. Ac-
example, during the 1932 Sanjur- since February 19th, s ubjected to th olics of Spain, betrayed them. cording to the llev. R. Lawrence,
j o monarchist rising in Sevilla th e umceasi",g s hell fire and bomb- as it has betrayed the Irish peo- co-ordinator for the Textile Work-
Republican G<lvernment was un- ing -we have left "seven" dead in ple's struggle so often in the past. er. Organizing Commieee, the
able to make telephonic contact the field. many seriously wound- If th er e was any "incerlty workerl5 went on strike when
with that city. ed and many others suffer ing am ong O 'Duffy's men, then the their patience was exausted. Or-
By its contract the T e lefonica from shellshock, pulmonary dis- massacre of the Catholic people ganization work had been proeeed-
Is entitled to use stalc powers and eases and rheumatic tever devel- and priests at Cuernica and Du- Ing very ....plclly prevloU8 to the
is exe mpt from every kind of tax. oped in the trenches during the rango would give them a real in- 8trike. When the men went on
local or national, In the present incessant rain of February and s ig ht into the religion of Franco strike 96 % were already msn-
or in the future. In one year the March". a nd the priests who support him. bers of the Ualon.
Telef6nlca thus avoided a normal It was then too cold for O'Duf- O'Duffy adniits that the men
bu~in e"s tax of 3,800.000 pesetas. fy's men, now it is too hot. made a unanimous de-cision to
while its total 'If percentage .p ay- "The greatest trial of the wa r return to Ireland. No greater
ment to the govhnment only came will undoubtedly be the danger of contrast could be made. than
to 3,420.000 pesetas. The cost of Typhoid aod other fe vers trom between O'Duffy's dupes and the STEEL WORKERS STRIKE
plant was s tagge ring. bel~ now on. . the complete absence of Irishmen in the British and Ame-
878.9~3 .ooo pesetas. aU of which water for either drinking or sani- rican Battalions, who have so Beca.Ufte of the ('A)mpa.ny'K rl~ ·
must be repaid. plus 15 ';' , in !lOld, tary purposes , have had serious gloriously upheld the great tra- (usal to Hign .. Union Oontract
if the R epublic o f today wishes to effec ts o n the health of the Iris h ditions of the Irish people. 25.000 steel workers in the JonPH
regain control o f the system. troops alread y." Our comrades have once again lind LKughlin AIlqulppa and South
Moreover, th e Spanish Company N o clearer light could have made a great contribution to the Pittsburgh planta were called out
mu"t pa y t o t h e American bee n thrown on the types which struggle of the oppressed against on strike by the Steel Worke rs
Company 7 'j, of J/ross income O'Duffy re cruit r d th. n: the light reaction and tyranny. OrganizaUon CommIttee. Becau""
yearly, besides a 5 'A commis3ion of his own stateme nt. The real It will be a great pity if the of the .. (J nholy AIlI..nce" of the
e n import ed .plant. on which prof- fighters for Irela·n d n ever threw Irish people allow O'Duffy bacl< Independent steel manufacturer.
it has presumably been paid in up the baltle because of the hard- in Ireland. When St. Patrl<:k got under the leadership of Eme.t T.
the statcs. Or was U. S . A. imper- ship.q of the tr"",ch or the coldness the snakes out of Ireland. they Weir of National Steel, It I" beUev-
ialism so charitable as to sell a t of th e cave On the hills;de . k ept th em out. er that 110.000 more workers
('ost pr ice?) This commission C$\.- The "Wild Geese" left Ireland will be on .trlke within a few dliY"
me t o 43.000.0(10 pesetas. many years ago and fought with in the 1'Ittsbllrgh and Younpwwn
FinaJly, with a highly modern all armies, in all -climates against region.
system the SrJanis h sta le in six the rapacious army of British Im- UNIMPORTANT NEWS
years has drawn 20.000.000 pes e- perialism and won undying honour
tas less than with th" old outfit. for themselves and for their peo- Rockefeller died at the age of SWEDEN. - The Trotzkylte
which clo.e.y .l~sembled battalion ple. To_ day O'Duffy covers him- 96. Wally says 8he will marry the Kllbon has been expelled from
heatlquar'en field teleph one. Boys. self with Ignominy. Men who be- Duk., on June 20. the Swedlsb Socialist . Party.

OUR ARMY IS A PEOPLE'S ARMY to continue, in an advisory capa-

city. until the lut FIfth Regiment
.9OldI~r had entered the army.

dlsciplioed." The heroism of these membered that the Fifth Regi-

comrades was beyond all question, ment, originally intended to be HUGE EOONOKY IN EFFE()-
.... the lIrst two periods of the
but Comrade Lister was certainly 1.000 strong, had reached 70.000 'ftVF.8
war..... organized upon a Popu- not exaggerating. In the Madrid regton alone. wi th
lar Front baaIa by one of the
another 45.000 in other parts CYf The importance of this volunta-
rreat popular political parties of
Spain. The varioUS departments ry surrender of autonomy can be
SpaIn, the Communist Party. The
THE FIFTH REGIMENT of command were therefore pro· seen by referring to a speech by
directors of the Fifth Regiment.
gresslvely suppressed. By a bri- Comrade Llater. given on the 23rd
Comrades castro. Lister aDd Con-
Before relerring to the results gade order of the 15th of Decem- of December.
tre...... from the very beginning
for military organization of the her the First MIXED BRIGADE Referring to the new army he
organized all their companies upon
historic defence of Madrid during liqnldated aU the separate batta- said that efficiency would be enor.
a deftnlte military basis. with pro-
mously increased and added "We
per training. and with technical
in the Fifth Regiment had already
statts and specialised departments.
begun a cleam,ng up Which is still
It was In the 1i~t week of August
very aecesaary in certain .p arts.
that the Fifth Regiment began to
;"or eXlllllple. such battalion used
appoint political commissars, who
to have I<ros own command in Ma-
functioned without legal status. un-
drid. to each of which there be-
til the goveInment. decree of Oc-
longed approximately a hundred
tober 15th. The first article de-
bureaucraLf. Many stripes, and
manding formation of a regular
many stara. while the majority
army awea,red on August 2nd in
had not Been the front even from
"MU1cia Popular", the organ at the
a general barracks! All this has
Fifth Regiment. Here we see In
been suppressed. Two or three
these two Instance8the appearan-
Indlviduala to each commaDd are
ce of characterisUcs that were to
more thlln sufficient for ali the
distinguish the army In the second
office work which a battalion can
two periods.
occ&8I011. Xou will understand
I.-THE AWAKENING PERIOD the importance of this when I tell
. Largely as a result of the effi-
you that in Madrid there used to
ciency and propaganda of the Fifth
be 60.000 meal rations Jlven out
Regiment there was a widespread
every day to people who had not
and powerful popular demand for fired a Bingle shot."
a regular army and on October Finally, on January 27th a vaat
10th the old militias were milita- public meeting in the CIne Goya
rized by an order of the govern- was held to celebrate the comple-
ment. As a result of this th<! te liquidation of the FIfth Regi-
FIRST MIXED BRIGADE, com- ment, and this it must be remem-
manded by Comrade Lister. was bered, wu long after the event had
formed. Commenting upon this actually occurred. Other political
governmental decree in a speech parties began to follow the aame
on the 11th of October at the bri- line and with the final Incluslo.
gade bar.racks Comrade Lister re- of the C. N. T. troopa in the reo
fene<! to the RomaDtlc Period gular army thla proceaa came to
thus: "We have seen day after day an end.
small bands and little groups of
militiamen going out to the war the first two weeks of Novemher lion commands which it had in
front just when they took it in it will be useful to tra~e the various parts of Madrid, surren- WHAT DOJ:8 mls I'JU)(JE.... ·
mind to do 80. and who enlisted growth, activity, and eventual dered all war materials and 'p er- DEMONSTRATE'
whenever they chose. When any- merging of the Fifth Regimen t in sonell and entered the Hortaleza
one approached ,them and kid the regular army. It must be born barracks to begin a corporate It is obvious at the first g\II.D.ce
"this pOSition must be occupied" in mind that the Communist Par- exlstsnce. Again by a Fifth Re- that th" vast bulk of the men in
they used to reply "who are you, ty had not organized the Fifth giment Ord.eT of Dec. 28 every mi- the Republican army have been
you are wearing stars!. thM you Regiment in order to possesB a litary department Operation Inten_ drawn from the poli tical reg-
have nothing to do with us. Even force of its own and It was as a dencia Or Supplies, Sanitary Ser- iments which grew up in the Re-
if you hadn't got stars we should result of Its Own propaganda that vice, Shoemaklng departm .... t. tail- mantic period. That they make up
take no notice of you. Our chief itB members were handed over to ering department, armoury, etc. a People's Army there can be no
Is this comrade" . And the chief of the govemment. While the form- were handed over to the brigades. possible doubt. But the olficers of
the group was olten one who. for ation CYf the MIXED BRIGADES Comrades responsible for these the new ·brigade<!. "uch as Lister
one reason ·')r ar.other, was l~ot in~ began on October 10th there was departments for the m"",t part be- and "Campeslno", have also lar-
terested In fighting at that mo- still thirty per cent of the Fifth gan similar work in the regular gely been drawn from these ear-
ment And thus we found that we Regiment remaining under its army; . thus we see that not only lier formations. These had ori-
hsd at the front several thousand own command on the 27th of De- the forms but the actual personell ginally received their appoint-
combatants, but only on paper, cember. Indeed it would have of the new army was derived from ments from the various political
because in fact they did not fight been disastrous to abolish that military forces not directly organ- parties belonging to the Popular
when necessary, not by reason command until every soldier had Ized by the governm""t. Of all Front.
of their own fault, but because heen fitted Into hi, place In the the department, only those of Soc- But more conclusively tl>&n till_
they were neither organized nor new brigades. It must be re- Ial Work and Organization were the special charllCterlatic of the

Betore tbe July rising there bad GERMAN GOVERNMENT OON-

been within the old Civil Guards TlNUES HELP TO FRAN(J()
both polttical fractions and Po-
In aplte of all pledces &lid otate-
p ular Front groups. and while the-
mentA to tbe oontrary. the Ger·_
se were not strong enough to en-
man Oov~mment continues 8enct-
sure the loyalty of the majority,
Inll' of no end of armament. to
they did much to wtn over many
the Span/lilt fasclat arml_
guard! to the Republican move-
The otory of the Marlenboura'
18 a good iUuatraUoa of what I.
After t he Franco rising these
ha&ppenlng. The Marlenbou..... a
groups definitely worked for t·h e Danish f,..,lghter flying lIIeply the
suppression. or COClverslon of the
fta". of the Republic of Pana.-
force. and finally became strong
w .... about to oafl from Hambur".
enough to do this on their Initia- a month ago loaded wltb boue
tive. muked "Cbocolate" and other
A central committee w as for- 8uch Innocuous freight, One of the
m ed, headed by Sergeant-Major chocolate box.. broke open aDd
Vega and from Its offices In the the 101l1l'.ho.......,n foulld to their
basement of J.b.e Ministry of the HUrprl8e that It contained a 1IIaIp-
Interior In Madrid. began l<> re- mt'nt of dum-dum bull.. ta. on...
cruit tnto Its forees. Th..... for- work.. rs Immediately Ilt8JK't'ted
C.\lIPF.sINO. (:nmnuuuJl"r ul .'ilh n"ghnenl ,'i.tlll w.r indudry tudor )'. ces. it must be understood from th .. whole cargo. which Wll. found
tbe very beginning were on a mi- to oon8lot of airplanes, to be sa-
Republican Army. its possession
of political commissars. was derIv-
decrees governing the status and litary fooUq of long aervlce and
rigid discipline. Like tbe FIfth
..,mbled, of tan.... nmehIne IItIIU
work of pOlitical commissars. The and to a con8Id,,""'" part. of
ed from the nature of the poli t i- order of October 15th. given by Regiment It was origtnaUy iI1teD- topeclally ...... trueted eleetrklaJ
co.I war in which the whole peo- the Minister of War. appointed ded to be a small body yet 8wltcbeA for uee In torpedo _III.
ple was engaged. These commls- Comrade 0 . 1 Vayo as Ccmmlssar by November about 15.000 ......., .0\11 In",ructlon. to tb...... I."tm-
.sars. which exJst and will continue General. He was to be alde.t by w ithin Its ranks. There quality .....ntK were In' Spanleb,
to extat. have as one of their tas k s . 4 sub-commtssar generals drawn can be aeen from this. of the • .000 The city of Frelburg In Baden.
the maintaining of jUlt that kind from the greater organizations of fully trained men on the Hadrld Germany. Is exdted .,.,.,..... .....,ry
the Popular F.ront; these sub- Front a1ane by November 11. 206 three day. a "'Iuadron of a1rplaa.-
commissars were to appoint lower were dead and 693 wounded; about e. wltb all GfI....... arIIQ' 1....._
ranks. But within the ranks of 22 %. nla painted over. arrl.... at &1M!
the actual field commissars them- The forms Its general atatt airport. The avlatora make no _
selves. no grades or categories adopted again ahow the popnlar cut of the fact that tbey ue
were esta blished. because the ar- and political nature of the Natio- bound for SoutMrn !ilpaln_ PIa .....
my itself had no uniform organic nal Guards. It baa four sub-com- ""part moml .... after ~YaL
structure. In other words. the mltte.. ; Investigation. to prevent .o\long tM 8wlllll border tbe Ger-
people were still making their ar- tbe ent~ of fascist and disruptive man Government 10 buIIdI .... &reM
my from below_ number of ~ 'l'IIe IIIIDIber
As the army crystallzed Into de- of soldle... otaUonl'ld now at that
finite .hap> as a reBult of party border Is live t~ .. great ...
propaganda and experience. the before the last war_ ('"",otant
decrees began to dlstInguJsh ranks maneuvres are taking placle In
in the commissars . F or instance, soutb Germany. New barrack. an!
the order of November 25th. by oprouUng Uke mushroom .. In Rn-
which date about 65 ';' of the dolphzell, on tile !ilwl.. border, a
Fifth Regia:ent had been merged new barraclao h .... just been otart.
with the Mixed Brigades, establi- ed whIdl Ia to bold _raJ tbou.-
s hed the ra.!Iks of brigade, battal- and Infantry ""Idler.. mae.blne-pn
ion and company COmmiS98rB. crewe. antl-alreraft batterl..... etr••

THE N-'TUlN-'I. HtJ"'tDS

types, and Promotion, to appoi:l t
The g cn(>r a l argument can be oHk:ero on the basis of good aer-
( :'\RI .U S ( -\ s. s upported f!'Om the his tory of de- vice ; the other two department.
rU"u~r IJetruil .\lIhllIlUIlIlI' nurk.' r . • :dilnr
finit ~ g ove rnmental forces, such at that time (November) being
or ( :hiC': nJllo ~' nrL("r' M IUII'I'", (1In'lI"r Pnliti j'nl
(:olUn1i-",ur or Ih .. :;.h Iit-I.dlllrll!, i,.. nnw ill a. the N a tional Republican Guards Organization and Supplies.
ch ...... or prell,a •• ncln IUlIuuJ;"" I'"nf"III)' rallL ..
Rnd th ~ C arabineroa. Summing up so far. the argu-
of political enthu8iasm which gua - The National G uards are the ment tbat tbe formation of the
rantees that the army shall n evel" s U CC f' ~ sor!; of the old universally Regular Army cOllslitUtes a dan-
become a dangpr to th C" demc J(' r a l· bated C Ivll Guards, former strike ger f or the Spanish popular rf -
Ic Republic. breakers aDd political tools . Im- volution Is founded . when hone.t.
bued for the most part with re- upon ignorance of the army's hr..-
AI.Wi\. \ 'S I"ROM IU;1..0W
a ctionary Ideas and practi sing the tory. However. the objection I.
Th e way in which g overnmenta l m ost brutal of methods . This con- usually made In bad faltb. Next
decrees in this Awakening period version (tid not come about 'a s the week we shall stUdy the .slege of
tended to legall?e exi, tant facL• . result of a government dec ree but I.ISTF.R. Madrid, especially in Its relation
rather than to Impose a structure as a cOJlBQuence of & m ovement to the evolution of the Higher
from above can tie seen from Ih., from wlthlll.
~::~~~~:'~~~'~~I~:~,:!.~bd ":':~::-~(i·..!~ ComrnUld.

mANA (1.1. n . 'r.) S.arra, O. Tel. tU()(I.-Kadrl4.

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