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As one of the measures taken THE PARTIES REACT At Pulgcerda th .s judge a.IBo
to prevent a repetition of the roo- AGAINST PATROLS unearthed a whf.le a.rse~ of
ElIIt dlBgracetul events in Catalo- 21 rifles of unsl,ecitled type. 79
nia., the Government on June 4th On May 115. therefore. the Ple- Remlngtons, 2€ idausers. 20 MUsk-
dlsolved the PatruUas de Control num of the United Socialist Party ets. 26 Wi,.. _nesters. 49 Carbines.
(The Control Patrols). Some ex- demanded their suppression. Pre- 384 Sh('~-guns. 126 hand grenades.
planation of this may be useful.
vloUBly. that party's delegates had 11 be>'.es of rItIe ammunition. 74
After the July days street vigi-
been withdrawn; the U . G. T . had case" of dynaml-te, 4.000 percUB-
lance and the control of communi-
cations were nooeasari-ly In the already done the same. Then the shn Clilps. a case of machine gun
hands of the Popular Front orga- Esquerra (Catalan Left Republi- i.Jelts. two sub-machine guns and
nizations. While ettootive. there can Party) ordered its representa- a mortar, The types indicate that
was naturally little organization tives to withdraw booause on the this material had been stolen from
of the work. with the result that morning of the rising "the patrols the Aragon Front which the Trot-
far too much man and rifle power received orders frankly hosWe ,t o skyites say has been starved of
was ueed. Barcelona. long after aU the Governmen". (Who gave these arms by the Valencia Government
danger had paSBed. appeared ftll! orders? ~ acting on the orders of Moscow! '
Meanwhile the spoolal judge ap-
pomted to enquire Into the events THE LAST STRAW ANTONIO SElJa. G ...eraa Sec ......".
of May 6 had been compelled to 0'tho U. O. 'I. of CaWo..... _ _
dlsolve Individual patrols. For ins- Then. during the Govem.inent·s ....... .7 ,....fuel.. 010_".
tance. on the 23rd of May the Jun- search for arms in Barcelona the
quera Patrol on the French border provoca.tlve role ot the patrol WII8
was abolished. In this region some put beyond doubt. Assault guards.
of the Patrols were working In while searching a house for Illegal
conjunction: with terrorist bands. arms. were shot at by memberB
of a patrol: The National Guard AcconliDc to news from rebel
118 at Orriol where the same judge
who protested at an illega.! house SpaIn. June 'I. wu to be Ute day
arrested 4 men who had taken that a Govemment pl'fllllded by
search by a patrol was murdered.
part in the murder of 17 Innocent Geueral Mcila was to .. 1netItli-
Other crimes finally diBgUSted
people. mostly peasants who had ted. TIaIe ,ovemment \~ to lie
even their last supporters. WIth
objected to such things as forced the people hating the incontrolla- formed UDder the oatil or Gene....
collectivization. This ba..'ld had te- bles of the "control". with res- Franco. chief of Ns.Uonallsts,.ID.
rrorized a whole region. the villa- ponsible organizations like the without waiting for tbe filii of
ges of Orrlol, VUabur. Calabuig U. G. T.. the Esquerra. and the BIlbao.
and BA!cara. At P. house called tTJ':l1 ted Party denounc- The ex-Cou.llt De Bodezno, fer-
Hostal de Dalt (The Upper Inn) Ing them. the Government dlsolv- mer leader of tho C....Dl!t Par\7.
a large "tore of modern arms was cd the counter-revol~tlona.ry units wu to have UIe Portlello of ~
LVI! COMPANYS. Preal ...... of tho mlnIatrator at Jl'orelp Aftaln.
O ... enJltat of Catalo .. la. a discovered. on June 4th.
frlo ..d tho Popul .... Fro.. t. The acoompll.8hment of this
8daeme WIle prevent« by Uae
''WIfortunate'' death of the "be-
of an armed poulatlon. Ritles ne- loved" General MoIa, aDd now It
vertheless w ere lacktng at thc
frorrt! FinaUy. in order to regula-
appears that In ~ew of ladl,IWI'
pl'fl8MUe by foreign countries to-
rize this work, in October the Ge- ward the lateet fascist atrooltlee
nerality created the Pllltrullas in the fo~tlon of tltls Illegal ca-
which were rcpreseJltatives of all binet will not take place. at Jeut
parties On the whole this was a not at Ws time. n.e ne"", chief
distinct improvement. of the fuelat at But," .. Ge-
Unfortunately. many elements neral Jordana, a fa!ICI1It poDt:clan.
were admitted w.ho bore no loyalty bed-mate at IDtier aad MuuoUni.
to the Popular Front Government ;
Trotskyites. Incontrollables. and
other disrupters. The result was
that there were grave abuses In FroiD reDabie lIOurcel It II leu--
certain districts. As a result of ned tbat tile rlcb banker. 1 _
theee and of the dimln1.8hed utility Marcb. arrived at Gibraltar a lew
of the Patrols masses of people days ago after bavln, railed
began to demand their suppres- 800.000.000 francs for Franro
sion. Borne of these patrols even abrOad. Collecting tn-3t bl, C3m-
played an active part in the fase- ml88loo. be tunted the ba!ance
!~t and counter-revolutionary ris- over to bill stoop. Franco.
VICENTE UamE and ALVAREZ DEL V,4.YO. two .tronlf cuu.rantee. of
Ing of May 6.
progress and demo('.racy In the New Government .

The Spanish field workers and po&Sess reaping and blilding ma- in the greM mountain chains which
~8Jlantry are on the eve of the chinery, mostly imported from are the feature of the Spanish
climax of the agricultural year, abroad, but a very large part of la.ndscape. The trillo Is a kind of
the reaping, threshing and win- this work will be done by sickle sledge on the underside of which,
nowing 01 the wheat cropll. Upon and scythes. The comrades of the Instead of nmners, are'rows of
the successful carrying out of this transport sevice may see the scy- sharp flints embedded in the
work, undertaken at the end of the and cradle in use; with this wood. (The artist has had a shot
June and throughout July, not tool a deft movement of the wriBt M dra.wing a trillo and a scythe
only the prosperity of the field leaves the wheat in a Deat pile a.nd cradle.) More modem exam-
workers depends but the welfare ready to be gathered into sheaves. pIes have blades of meta.!, whUe
of the anti-fascist army and the trillos. of industrial manufacture
future of Spain. THE THRESHING FLOOR are fairly CODllDOD. These are in
Before describing the me8.8ures principle the same but have ranks
taken: by the Popular rFont Go- It is in the threshing that the of sharp edge IIteel discs or wheels
vernment to assist this work it greatest difference is -to be seen'. instead of fllnts or blades. Thresh-
may be interesting to know how To begin with the most primitive ing machinery elso exists.
harvesting is done in Spain. Natu- tool, the flail . All comrades will
rally there are many grades of know what this is, in prlncipie THE MEANING OF A PHRASE
technique in U!le from the most two sUcks ot wood with a flexible The manner of using the trillo
modem to the most primitive. As Joint of le&ther or chain with is simple. Whe8lt is thrown on to
a general rule the methods will which the wheat is beaten. This the era. or threshing floor and the A "trtIIo' and cradle 8cJ'the.

be quite different from those used however is not much in use in trillo is drawn round and round
In the States or In Great Brltaln. Spain. Almost as primitive Is the by a.n ox, horse or a mule (or
mixture ot chaff and grain. The
To begin: with reaping. LR.rge "trillo", the oldest from of which yokes of them) thus cutting up
biblical phrase "Thou shalt Dot
collectives and cooperatives will is still widely in use, particularly the whole ,s ta.!k and head into a
muzzle the ox that treadeth the
"com" refsl'8 to jU8t this opera-
BEHIND THE LINES tion. It is posstb1e that comrades
will already have noticed the
"eras" or threshing floors. They
look like small dancing floors aDd
in fact du:ring village feasts 8.T'l
often used for this pUl'pose. Usua-
lly circular, they may have a
floor of beaten earth or Of brick
paving or tine cobbles and very
often are surrounded by a low
wall, to prevent the wind blowing
directly onto the floor and about
the right height for taking a
During the operation of thresh-
ing the long stalks are raked nut
by women or children a.nd from
time to time the short chaff and
grain are swept aside. This mixtu-
re is then flung into the alr for
the wind to separa.te, this opera-
tion being usually done by women'.
Motor-driven winnowing plant was
gradually coming in, but W8.8
usually too expensive for the pea-
It is to thls back-ground then,
that the effort of the government
and the Popular Front Parties

Summer work on wheat fleldH , no longer under 'the la~h of the landlords and tor their prqfJt.
must be related.

TIlE OOMMUNIST PARTY tural authorities in purcha..~ing re- tion and the army will be gua-
giODBand presented for indorse- ranteed their bread without which
On the 8th of June the Natio- ment to authorities in selling re- the Spanish people cannot defeat
nal Agrarian Commi88ion of the , gioos. Applications from Ha&- the fascist invaders. All .QUCCeB3

Oommunillt Party iBsued a stir- que and Catalan areas muat be t o the Minister of Agriculture !
ring appeal to the Popular Front made direct to the Minister of
~, from which we take the Agriculture. No wheat may be
following: "Comrades, we are un moved without permit.
the eve oL the gaUlE-ring at the Article 5 . Permits will be gran- NOT E
wheat harvest. In conjunction ted to municipal supply commit-
The printer of last week'.
with th~'l there goe; a whale se- tees and official organisms. All
edition robbed 5.400 of the
ries of cancrete measures to assu- other bodies requiring special con- meals_ In the article "The
re tbe people. bread. The pre- CessiOIlB must apply to the Mi- Development of the Peo-
paration of the machinery, clean- nister. ple's Army", subchapter
Ing of the grain stores, the creat- Articl£: 6. Neither provincial "The beginnings of a Cen·
tral Intendencla" we inten-
ing of shock brigades to work all nor municipal councils shall pla-
ded to say that t.he V iIIet'&8
nec~sary hours in competition, the c~ taxes on wheat. Regulation
T7p1ca1 CaeWJan peaaant.
unit of the Communist Par-
opening of tffncheB or plowed of wheat comme rce is entirely in t~· supplied 6./lUO meals a

areas to preveClt spreading of fi- the hands of the Minister. day not ROO. We ask rea-
res aD the larger sown expanse.!!, Article 7. All other l'egnlation Mr" to .. x cnse spelling rnIs
to elaborate plans to guarantee takes as the Spanish com-
and this in order to foil the in- are annulled. The present law
the gathering in of the wheat rades who set lip the "Vo-
cendiary activities of the enemy shall be presented to CorleB (Par- lunteer" find the English I
crop. In all important towns
avie.tion; the helping of towns by liament or Congress) . language more troublesome
Assistance Brigades muat be for-
other towns, etc., in order that not The Minister CYf Agri ··ulture re- than the ,...&duo;; fInd th.'
med to go into the countryside ... " Spanish,
a single grain remain uDgllthered cently declared that it WIIB n.eces-
In Madrid these shock brigades
IlAry, in order to encnurage pro-
have already begun to be organi-
duction, to guarantee to the gro-
zed. Groups of mechanics in pa r_
wers that they shou! I not be des-
ticular are being collected to tend
poiled by "incontrollabil's", and
the agricultural machinery. To
bring all these operations into an
that a fair price should be given JEAN HARlOWE DIES
orderly plan, to insure the PM-
for produce. In this decree w e IN HOllYWOOD
see that he has kept his word . Jean Harlone, ",,,II knowlI mOl-
sants and field workers receiving
No more chaoR in agri culture! N o lion pic ture lOI·tres~, flied III HolI,'-
justice and a fair price. as ,,'('11
more so called "socializatiun" wood a few days a!i:0.
aa to conserve the grain in the
a.gainst the will of the peasants : Although ght, wa·.~ often ,'·"111,
Il108t efficient way, the Minister
In thIs way the civilian popllla · JM'lled to act In In,.lpld or cvt'n
of Agriculture h8.'l lsI!ued a decr .. e
signed by PresidEOnt AzaI\a and rO!actlonnary r6't'''', she ~hvaYIi
dated June the 7th. Summarized HU('(oe<.cled In n.l\('villg the boredom
it is as follows: or vileness of tht' 1,1.,1 by ~1I'lerl)

Article 1. The Minister is aut- "ding..Jean Harlow., WM. Oll(,· ot

horized to take over wheat crops th>lt little I)LUwh 0' ...:t(ll'll, .... hu
on a basis of payment. The pro- for years wo:ked tl>wlI.rd" !he
portion necessary for seed wlJl be lInionl7.ation of the motion picture
reserved. as also that required for Indu"iry. Bt-f".... her - death IIh..
the collective or individual con- ~aw t.hfl crail urglUllzed, an~ In
sumption of the owners of 'the
mllitaut ..eUon.
crop .
.4. peaaant-eoldJer. a com mOD .'«ht
D.ow. Article 2. Enacts that the local
8uthori ties shall fUrnish lists of
RELGll lM (j()\' l, Rl\M)'~ST (;I-
crops and storage places and other
and that not a aingle arm remain necessary information to the agri-
idle in the rear-guard. DurIng- cultuml authority of the region. The V~n 1''''''I.... tI Un ,",' rnme 11 t
this campalgn in every t:>Wll or Article 3. Chiefs ot agricultu- of Belgium ba.s ju~t ("HltriiJntA'd
ral departmenUl will exercise ins- 250,(J()() francs to Ih,' Interna.tio -
village throughout loyal Spaln,
n'l.l C~mlmltte" of the Crill RoJ"
the MuntcJpal Councils, the Agra- pection in order that Article 2
(or the aJd of Loyal Sll!tin. In tit"
rian Commdttel'.8, Administration Jhall be observed.
PB8t. w<'6k more than 1110 maSH
Co m mt t te e 8 , Field Workcra Article 4. All operations in meetingll wer'- held to (''''pres" the
Unlona, Collectives and Peaaants wheat shall h e authorized by per· snlldarity of the B<' lgium workf'r~
The editur does thh, 80metimes for
CooperaUve. muet get together m its tal:en {Jut from the agricu l- awank. for the SpIU'J8b p'·ojlle.

TOWARDS THE U. S. S. R. foreign poKcy of thereacUonary

Yet another paradox present it- problem emerges in the world it
firmly supported a gen('ral policy
self, the fact that the British Go- Is Communism which Is at the
of IntemaUODal Disarm.unent and
vernment and the British fine.n- bottom of It. If the masses of In-
WHAT IS IT DOING AT HOME? collective 8/lcurlty (but without a
clal oligarchy haa aided German dia demand their liberty, It Is
great army e.nd navy, how could
reannament and has . pursued IJ. Communism. If there Is trouble In
The outstanding, mountainous India e.nd the Eastern poeee.ssions
policy toward the Hitler Govern- the Far East, then the Commun-
fut Is that the British Govern- be forced to remain in the Em-
ment which has undoubtedly in- ists are about to drench ChIna In
ment Is conductlug a terrltlc re- pire?) This the British Govern-
h~ocd. The French Popular Front
armament. In the OOUr8e of the ment has not done. It has done creased its arrogance. Not only
Government is Communist, the
next (; yeai'll It proposes to spend the contrary. Failing to strenghten did Hitler tlnd financial help in
Span.lsh Government, above all
at leaat 10.500 million pounds 01· the League of Nation.s and failing the city, but the mae~r trust Im-
when It defends Itself, is yet
42.000 million dollars! It will another mask for the Communist
spend 88 million pounds In 1937 on rerll. And above all, seeing and
the An- Force alone, while 148 LlTVINOF hating the tremendous successes
warsblJlll are at present In cons- of the Soviet Union, the British
truction, 5 of them giant battle- Government turns towe.rd Hitler
ships and 20 the most modern ~.s a dam to the Red Flood.
type of cruiser. BrItish industry And yet there can be no doubt
Is thua being converted in a start- ::hat it was primarily the fear of
ling m.&mler a war baBia, with a German rearmament which promp-
cOlUlefluent beem in engineering ted the British Government to its
stocks. present colossal arms drive. Es-
pecially when Hitler and Goering
AGAINST WHOM IS THE BRI- demand the restoration of former
TISH GOVERNMENT ARMING? German Colonies and begin to en-
tertain speculations such as "if
It Is the British Empire which we had only a tiny fraction of the
the Government seeks to defend, British Empire." But there wa.s
naturally, and principally what another outlet for German Impe-
may be called the Great Line to rialism, mentioned by Hitler ut the
the Far East; that line of exploi- Nurenburg Congr~.!:s of the ~azi
tation which leads through the Party. The Ukraine.
Mediterraean Colonies and areas And that provides the solution.
of Influence, Palestine, Arabia, "Why not remove the peril of
Egypt and the Sudan, and on- Communism and the danger of
ward Past Kenya to the center German Imperialism by encourag-
point of India, thence to East In- Ing Hitler to attack the U.S.S.R.!"
dics, Borneo, New Guinea, the This was the brilliant Idea which
British interests in Malaya and the British bourgolsle conceind.
finally Singtllpore and Hong-Kong Meanwhile, playing always for .ti-
and the huge capital investments me, the British Government piles
up a crushing mountain of arm7t-
in Southern and Central China.
The three danger points are ment (crllBhlng to thOlle wbo will
obvioualy the Far East, the Medi- bave to provide Ltc protlt.'1 and
terranean, and the English Chan- the Interests). The armaments n:a:r
be necesaary. If (krmany attacks
nel. The first no doubt has hitherto
been the moet likely spot for an the U. S. S. R. auo.! 13 Oeatcn? ...
Or If In the last nlIJOrt the Briti.ah
outbreak of war, the English
Government decides to go to the
Channel has certainly been the
most vital strategically. It beco- aid of Hitler the Moscow
terror? ... Or If Hitler stril(e3 at
mes more vital to control it now
a spread-eagled and shaky Empl·
that the war peril has so drama-
tic'J.lIy shifted to Europe. The re? In any case 10.500 million
pounds Invested and yielding pro.
question, therefore, is who might
gain control of the Channel and fits will provide some comfort.
Therfore, for the present play for
the Mediterranean and how can
that be avoided, according to the Champion of a reKencrnted and effective l.ea.I'U6 of Nation •. }'eared by time. Even if Spain be martyrized
littler and Mu •• ollnl . because of a sightlees and blunde-
British Government, until such
time as its reannament is comple- ring' policy which actually bring"
WRr nearer by strenghtenlng fas-
elsewhere to pursue peace poli- p~rial Chemical Indwitry haa sup: cism.
cies. In 1931. for instance, the plied Germany with the vital war
BRITISH FOREIGN POLICY IN Uni~d States Government twice neceSl!lty nickel. Why has the IS THERE ALTERNATIVE
POST WAR PERIOD vainly approached the British Go- British Government taken thiR POLICY?
vernment to get It to lMue a joint line?
A brief analysis of this will protest Japaneae aggres- Perhaps It was not simple cOJl-
help Wl to answer the question sion in Manchuria. The Brltlah fusion that prompted the BrItish
against whom III Britain arming. FEAR OF COMMUNISM Goverrunent's Non - Intervention
Government preferred to shift the
It would have seemed most rea- Far Eastern war danger north- Here lies the key to the con- policy. Aware of the canker at
sonable for Great Britain to have wards, away from Hong-Kong, and fusion and contradiction In thc the heart of British Capltal1Bm,


The advancing movement of the way Companies have rejected the
Industrial wor\<e1'8 in Britain has men's demands for increased wa-
suffered a severe blow as a result ges and Improved conditions. The-
of the settlement in the London re is a very strong feling among
Busrnens strike and the proposed the Railmen that the demands
Minera General strike. should be taken to the National
In both instances the workers Tribunal and if refused that strong
have failed to achieve their full action ahoula be taken.
demands, but in the case of the The Association of Postmasters,
He.worth miners they have gained the National Union of Clerks, the
recognition of the M. F. G. B. and International Textile Workers and
by the fus'on with the Spencer the Co-operativo Womens confe-
Unioo tr" miners as whole are rence have all gone on record for
in a Elt. onger pQSltlon to exercise the 40 hour week.
cont 01 over the Spencer officials. The Silversmiths hawe won all
l'he fight of the Raworth mi- round wa~ increases whilst the
T.era was weakened due to the engineers, dockers, aircraft wor-
North coast of Mallorca. Ita.llan. hope to fortify thiA and niake a nf>W
Gibraltar. sectional character of the Miners ke-. insurance officers and engI-
Federation of Gt. Britain, the Fe- neeI'lll In the chemical Industry are
confronted with "dissension" in the Spanish Government its rights deration being composed of DIs- all advancing wage claims.
the Empire the British Governe- under the Covenant of the Leagu< trict unions, one of which was the The movement shows every sign
ment began to look longingly of Nations there would have beel Nottlngham.!lhlre Miners Union. of develo&ling and has a real ba-
at the apparent fascist solution no world, war, and collective :.~­ The strike has shown the serious sis In the cost of living which has
and to think that remocra~y curity would have received a need for a single Union with cen- risen slnde 1933 by 2s 4d. in the
was dangerous. Democracy began mighty access of strength. Hitler tral policy. pound ai'ld the terrific speed up
to look like Communism; espe- and Mu.ssolini would not h·4ve The Busmens strike was ham- in Indostries, which has been In-
cially Spanish democracy. The pitted themselves against a le&O- pered at the outset by the refu.sal tensified in connection W1Ith the
Spanish Popular Front Govern- lute world. There was another of the E. C. of the Tra:nsport and _Uoaal government's rearma-
ment of February 1936, liberal in line, the line of the Soviet Union General Workers Union, to allow ment programme.
program, and without a Bingle So- and Popular Front. The way of the Tramwayrnen to come out
cialist or Communist among its democracy and peace. alongside the Busmen.
ministe1'8 was yet another danger. .t is from this stand point that The decision of the E. C. in or-
Fearing a European war would we must view the recent appeal dering the men back to work on
break out before it was armed to of the Spanish, SociaUst and Com- the vague po88lbHities of a Be-
the teeth, yet fearing the Popular munist Party and the U. G. T. ven and a half hour day, has
Front democracies as well, the To their respective Internationals created great anger and diappolnt-
British Government adopted 1ts demanding unity of action in ment among the men.
present confused and disgraceful defence of Spanish democracy. It Despite these experiences the
llDe tbwards Spain. A line which is not too late! If the world pro- wave of unrest is rising. The Rail-
brings Its own nemesi.B in the letariat, and with it the progres-
strengthening of German and Ita- sive middle CIIlS8eB, begin a sweep-
Han Imperiallsms. ing drive for a change of pol·icy, Br6uckere of the Second Intern-
Yet h&d the We.\Itern Democra- above all if the Labor Party, and ationaJ has replied that the Pres-
01ee taken a firm line and given the English Trade Unions begin ident and Secretary have not the
such a campaign the British Go- neeessary powers to adhere to the
vernment may yet be forced to Committee of United Action pro-
abide by the Covenant of the Lea- posed by Dimitroff.
gue of Nations and come to the It is the U. G. T. organ "Cla-
aid of Spain. The British Govern- ridad", in its number of the 10th .~lI~'rr .\Il'S';OLlXI 1M ItbMolll'rly
ment might even be driven out 'f of June, which makes the foilow- Rhamel" ...
offiee. What will the Second In- ing bitter comment. "The I.F.T.U.
ternational and the I. F. T. U. do? and the Serond International are
One thing is certain the Spanish boycotting all organic anrt effic-
people will fight on, and with them ient action on the part of the In- YUGOSLAV STUDENT
the true democrats of the Inter- ternational proletariat in favor of PROTEST
national Brigades until the fas- Republican Spain."
cist invader is defeated. On Span- Hundreds og Yugoslak stu-
But this must not be allowed
ish soil the freedom of the world dent8 demonstrated recently befo-
to continue, the call must go out
is being defended. re a Belgrade hotel occupied by
again, from the Spanish mass or-
ganiz&tions, from Comrade Dimi- the German Government official
schemer, Von Neurath, protesting
What do the Second Inter- troff, from every sineere demo-
national and the I. f. T. U. crat In the three Internationals. and Moutlng "Down with fas-
mean? The Second International must cism" and "Down with Hltlerl8m".
To the demands of Spanish dem- change its policy. The peace of The police dlspersOO the demons_
ocrats foJ.' united action among the world demands it. The mas- trator8 and arreBted a number of
the three great Internationals De ses demand it. tbem•
.......... TIM f ...tmarb of fuel ....



In a preliminary report of an
COMMUNIST PARTY The annual conference of the Investigation by the United Sta-
British Legion adopted a Te8Olu- tes Treasury, President Roosevelt
The Fourteenth Congress of the tion in Barcelona and that of reveals to Congress, tbat a "mi-
tlon expressing Ita dismay at the
Cc mmunist Party of Gt. Britain, Russia in 1917 during the Ke- nority of very rich individuals"
lack of provision for 'tbe return
which was h eld recently. was one n'nsky pe l·iud. are dellherately f'Vadlng taxation.
to regular employment of re8er-
of the most important ever held Campb<'ll pointed out the histo-
vista who had recently been called He asks that an end to this prac-
in the history of the British work- rical and practical difference in
to the colours for service In Pa tice be IrnmNllau-ly put Into
ing class movement. Five hun- the t,,:;' s ituations; K (' . nsky re- effect.
\e8t1ne. The mover of the resolu-
dred d('legates attended along presented the fundamental forces
tion Ca!,ltaln E. A . Jones stau-d
with many visitors from other of Russian capitalism. Neither
w crking class organisations. the Government of Catalonia or that it made him wonder at the
The Congress was remarkabk the R ep ublic is K erensky. They Intelligence of the government dt'-
from the outset by its high note represent the Popular masses and partments concerned In expecting
of enthusiasm, which was parti· the decisive influence is in the young men to join the colours
cularly dem onstrated whe n com - hands of the working class orga· when they would not look after
rad e D. F . SpringhaJJ, who was nisations. the reservl!.ts after a Hpecial job
wounded in the fighting on the iT"" fundnmcllfal Jo-rce.~ 0/ of work,
Jarama front , rose to move an Splllli,,11 capitalism m 'e represen-
emergency resolution on the Spa- /"d I}y General Franco! RESULTS OF Mr. DUFF C·O-
nish struggle.
The Congress adopted a strung'
note of condemnation of the J3ri- PAIGN
tish National Government, wh'ch
in the terms of the rE'solution. The ~"ultl. of Mr. Duff ('0-
was " att(>m pting to reinforc{' Oper'1I recruiting campagll all Hta-
FI'aneo's efforts to c.arry through ted In the HoWIe or ('ommon, by , /~""'/...
Ii blockade of Spanish p orts"" . Mr. Hore Jkall""a, hi .. "uCOP!I8Or
has consistently h(>lp('d Franc" are. The latest world ahaklDI' Inv,.ntlo1l.
by itd support or the policy of A defflcieney ill tbe .... gular ar· Huttr-r trum eoal bricks (for prol~­
n tin-interv ent.ion and who t ogt!the- : my on May 1st thb year of 24.67a tarlan C'oD~umptlon) .
with Hitler and Mussolilli i" the as eompart'd wilh 11.755 a ~'ellr
main accompl i('e of Franco", ago.
Th e' Congress stated that the A deffl('lellcy in the territorial
"mediation" proposals of the firi · anny en May 181 was 49.684 a...
li Hh Govt . w ere designed to sa\'" ('ompared with 49.184 III tbe pre· The "Ludln«tDn", United States
Franco from defeat and t o d,'I.Y \'IOU8 ~·f'ar. war transport IIhlp, wlth a cargo
the legal lights flf the Spa nish
of high explosives on the high
Oemocratic t;ovt'l'nmE'nt. T h t'
UAILI' WORKER TIPS DERBY seas, w.-nt up In fIamea. The
Congress stress"d the hpavy res ·
WINNER .. teamshlp "LImon ray" ami others
vonsibllity whi e h lay upo n the
went to its aid upon receiving Ita
leadership of th e' Labour Party
\ tt.'r an at-rial bomhllrdil1W'lnt of Cayton of the DaUy Worker IICO- ~ . O. S. call.
a.nd Trad e \J nion C ungr,·ss fo!'
\ 'alenria. rt'd a tremelldous 8U~S by tip-
having weak ened the fight of dp·
m ocrar:y against the fa s<: lst ons- Iling Mid-Day to \\1n tbe Derby. STEEL STRIKE STILL ON
laught, by its support of the G:,- HI" Ht'lection was made In the
vel'n menl poli( 'Y of " n'-'Il ~intt· t"'\·el ~· Harry Pollitt stated that "we ".me clear and unmistakable JD.IUI- The steel 8trlkes Including mo-
tion" a nd I'e lusal to undertak,· an' A" riously desirous of working n('r which Is a reature of tbe ad- re tban 1110.000 workers In the
any campaigll in ~upport of th(' with the I. L. P. and every other ,'ice glv .. n ill t·h .. worker's paper, states of Illinois, Iowa, Ohio and
Spa nish P eoplt" working class organisation but The Dally Work.. r was the only I'enn!lylvanla, contlnut's with In-
A glowing tribute was paid by Wt, cannot t olerate any longer a national dall.\· II,'wspltJM"r 10 Klv. - I'rl'ased violence In _ quarter8-
the ('ongres, t .. th e British Batta- situation where unity is made the 'lid-Day Sun. To loaJl It all Ca~" The "trlkers are displaying ex-
I,,,,, which it d O"clared "has saved cov('r for disruption and disinte· ton'" lIap "'aterbird aJso won. ('Client soUdarlty and refu8e to
Ih" II/HIU/". of tllf' Brttis/J t(~()"kifl.'l gration· ·. Thl" Doublt, 011 the Tote WBe paid give In unJe811 their chief objetlve
II".I(.~ "~Ol·(;m,ent". ThO" Congress demanded free- out at ·14 pound" for a unit 8takr. 18 ('onceded to them by the steel
The Congress emphasised its dom o f trade for the Spanish Go- Here'8 HeaJth! ..mplo,ver!!, that I_the recogni-
('"mplete solidarity with tht' n .. ..: \'t'rnme nt withdrawal of Italian tion of th .. C. I. 0, _ their collec-
I"'opl"~ F ... JIIt Covt. in Spain and and (;erman "hips and truGps, th:: tlve tmrgaining apney.
th(' policy which it has outlined application of League Sanctions On receiving the news of the On the outskirts of Chicago
and sharply condemned the Trot : · against the F8-~eists , material aid . bombardment oi Almeria, the thou8llnds of strike·rs picket
kyist P. O . U . M . for its attem},t rt:'fuge for the Spanish children London D igtlict of the C. P. im- around a 8tet'1 mill which h_ col-
t.. provoke armed warfare in the ;, nd s upport for the British Bat· Illediately organised a mass lob- I('('ted 2.000 ,lrofe88iona! strlkc-
"'''" ' "in the interest.q of Fr..ncc". allon . bying CJf M. P's. at the House of breakt'rs from the human garba-
,I. H. Campbell Hhal'ply criticised Greetings from the Congress Commons and a great protest 11,,- ge dump8 of the city, Scores of
lh., I. L . P . for its SUppc'lt of ihe were sent to the British and monstration in Hyde Park to l>t> well-anned poll('t' and deputized
I'. (I . V. M . exposing the r. L . P .·s Irish comrades and ttl the Ame- followed by a march through guardll e~cort thp!IP. "lJ('rapA" Into
fa lR(' a nair'g;es b<'tween the sltua- rican Battalion. Central London. the plant.

DIANA CU. G. T . /. - .!.a rra, 6. Madrid

Vol. N.· 5 1837


On June 2nd the Spe.nish Socia- A VIctory for working cIau
llat and Communist Parties and eoIIdarity.
the U. G. T. appealed to the Com-
munist and SocIalist Internationals The fact that the meeting Is to
and to the International Feder&.-·
take place is in Itself a tremen-
tlon ot Trade UniOllB Mldng them dous achievement for working
yet again to undertake common
cla.a8 8OlIdarity. But can we feel
actlon of the most determinpd kind
entirely CODfl.dent that eV(1n at
againBt the FMcist intervention
this late hour there will he no voi-
In Spain. The next day Dimitrov
made known the text of a tele- ces in the meeting ral.sed againat
gram sent by the Communist In- united action?
ternatlonai to the Socialist and Because of previous experienoee
Trade Union to ea- we are forced to ~ tluIt it
tablleh unity of action to defend any such opposition arIBeB, It will
the Spanish people. be voiced by representativeB at
De Brouckere's replied, stating the Britfab. Labour Party, and
that while they realised more this would he exceedingly dan&'e-
thaD ever the need for energetic rous because of the deC'lsive in-
actiOlll, neither the Chairman nor fluence which the BriUah labour
the Secretary had the power to movement commands in the coun-
act on their own initiative. cils of the Second International.
Such a formal reply In face of
A tremendous responalbillty
such grave issues brought many Jo.ll Dlaz. Lui,1 Gello, leU.

protests. The . leaders of the 2nd Inspector of the Brigades to at-

International could not refWle the tend the ~tlng.
demands of the Spanish worker' The Communist International
organisations in the face of the immediately appointed comrades
grtm realities of the struggle in Thorez and Cachin of France,
Spain and the rapidly growing Jose Dia.? leader ot the Spanish
demand of the workers throug- Communist Partie, Franz Dahlem
hout the world, for action In sup- of Germany and LuigLGallQ, of
port of the Spanish people. the Italian Communist Party and
1liBpector of the International
SocIaIJsts agree to meet. Brigades M their representa.tives
at the meeting in Paris on the
De Brouckere sent a furher 19th at June.
te legram to Dlmitrov saying. The Republican press received
"We too believe it is essential to the news with general satisfac-
reach an agreement on action on tion. A number of newspapers
behalf of and without ne- regret the co.stly delay which has
edless delays" and asked the Com- occurred and consider the meeting
munist International to inform as a victory of the working mas-
him of the place of me:ting. ses throughout the world. )Iarcel Cae hiD.
Maurice Thorez.

-u. upon the British worklng

Clue to insist that the meeting
decides for 8 ctlon and to ensure
General luckacs dead, he died a leader IS
and a hero of the International Brigades
that action Is energetically (l8J"-
rled out.
AU of U8 are in touch with
working cla..a organisation. back Ge1teral Luckacs (Matei Jalka) vinced supporters tor the Popular But in the name of General Luc-
home ao:i each of one us haa the one 01 the very best commanders Fron t Government's orders for the kacs hrmself, our great lost he-
duty of informing our comrades 01 the International Brigades, is creation 01 a strong army, united ro, our flags are IVted again, on-
outside Spain of their great reII- dead. He died, hit by a grenade, and discipl'ned, Ilnder a unitied ce more to be carried forward, in
ponsabUites and what thla unity while inspecting the terrain over command. the epic war 01 th e Spanish peo-
of action by the two great Inter- which his unit was to operate.
nationals can accomplish.
He d'ed Uke a hero on the Iront
The tremendous weight of opi-
line, at the head of his troops,
nion which has compelled this ,.,~ ' . ~-.-.'"".-~ ... ..,,_.. .,"'..... -,~ .. -.~ .•..." ..
as the generals of the people know
meeting must be strengthened by
how to die, the generals 0/ the
thouaands of resolutions deman-
gloMoU8 Spanish popular Army.
ding not only food, money and
medical supplies. but above all An experienced commandel',
overwhelming pressure on the and a brilliant cavalry 0 !ficer,
gcverments to end the tragedy well known writer on military
of "non-intervention" which aids questions, a courage0U3 Hungarian
the Fascists; to outlaw the Fas- antifascist lighter, General Luc-
cists and secure the withdrawal kacs was one 0/ the first to otler
of German and Italian ships and h 's experience, his knowledge, his
soldiers; to give the Goverment wisdom. and his courage to the
of Spain its full rights to procu- cause 01 Spanish Freedom.
r~ war materials abroad. To the appeal 0/ the Spanish
This is no easy for too people, cowantly attacked by the
much time has already been lost. rebel generals, traitors to their
but it is well within the powers Country, and threatened by the
of the two Internationals at a ti- airplanes and by the bombs 0/ in-
me when the people of the world ternational lascism, General Luc-
are revolted at the crime.9 of kacs, like a thousand others from
Fisdsm. all landB, left his peacelul activi,
ties to come to Spain and fight
LANCASTER, PA. LOCK for the freedom 01 a brother peo-
WORKS SHUT AS WORKERS ple and for the independence and
WALK OUT l 'berty 0/ all peoples.
He was General and Comman-
LANCASTER, Pa. - F r a I m
der of one 01 the QI'eatest of the
Lock Works Is shut down through
International Brigades. He was
the courage of a group of workers
Iriel/d and brother of all fight ere
who sbut off the electric switch
for liberty, he is a hero among
early Wednesday morning In pro-
the thousand of heroes who, in
test against $14 for 58-hour weeks
this epic war against fascism,

and for refusal of Old Sam Fraim
make great the name 01 Spain and
to negotiate terms with the C.I.O.
COlltillllC the noblcst traditions of
lnto which most of the workers
heroism. General LUCkaC8.
are organized.
He was at Un'mersity City, dur-
ing the m emorable N01,ember
days, ,chen the heroic defense of
Our old friend, Wall Stre< t The blind destiny of war has ta- pIe, in defence 01 its liberties and
tnvincible MadrWi began. He was
Brown Derby strutter, former Go- ken from the PopuJar Army one 0/ its independence and in delet&-
at Pozuelo de Alarc6n, at Boadti-
vemor of Naw York, once Demo- Of its best Generals; ha:s deprived ce of the future of progressive hu-
la del Monte, at Mirabuena, at
craUe Presidential candidate, Al us of one 01 our best Comman- manity.
Majadahcmda, on the Jarama, at
SmIth, 18 In Rome visiting Musso- ders. has taken Irom us a leader, LUIGI GALLO
\In1. It is well known that Smith G-..adalajara. a Comrade, a friend. Inspector-Commissa.r
of the International Briga des ,
I, a "lgoroUs fa'sc1st supporter. He was always at the head 0/ His teachings, however, "email/.
While In the city he prayed at unit, shouJdcr to shoulder with The magnificent military cadres
St. Peter's after being escorted to the most famous Brigades of the trained by his schooling and bJ
the altar by two Swiss guards. new Spanish pop.dar army. IJe h's example also r emain; his
And he was received In prh'ate wI'ote memorable payes of milita- sp'endid unit w;,zz continue its tra-
audien('.e by Pope Pius XI at his ry power and wisdom, pages d'tions ot courage and combat:- In a note, by the U. S. Depart-
summer home. To mark the occa- ,vhich will rema~ in history. v :ty. ment of State, to the Italian G0-
sion the Pope presented Mr. Smith Every Spallish tight er, eve, y vernment demanding payment of
In a few days he madc his unit
an autographed minature. The t'nlunteer lor liberty , bows beto r e Its war debt, Mussollnl, throu«h
into a model of organization, of
gift to the Pope was a mlnature the remains ot the grea t hem. Th e his Italian Ambassador at Wash-
EmpIre State BuildIng of gold. A willingness to fight and Of capa- colors carried in ma!!,'1 battles all:i Ington replied that Italy Is not in
good symbol of amerl('an capIta- city for action. though many victories, are lowe- .. position to meet any flnanclal
lIsm. He was among the most con- red for a moment. obligations at this time.

Spanish news in brief

June 15.- The Executive Com- Yesterday in the House of seas or elsewhere and that they to take? Does it mean that these
mittee of the Catalan U . G. T . ba.s Commons the Sartorial Expert, will take measures such that their Governments will agree to the
annouced that it will not enter Mr. Eden, announced "The Ger- sea and air forces ob!erve these bombing of say Valencia or an
into any conversation with the man and Italian Governments securities. Secondly. With the ob- attack on Loyalist ships moored
C. N . T . until it has received an from today onward recommence ject of avoiqing attack or injuries in Spanish ports ? In any case are
answer to its proposals for a their collaboration in the work of to forelng warships of the Control not Italian Government forces
unity ,p act made on the 22d of the committee of Non-Interven- whe n situatcd in ports of one or already bombing Spanish citie.s,
May. tion and the Sub Committee of the other side, both pa rties are and are not German planes doing
June I6 ,- The pollce have sei- Control. The House will note that asked to make arrangements the same?
zed 3.000 bombs in possession of both Governments have taken with the four Powers (of the Con- So far the Spanish Govenunent
incontrollables! The war ministry this position without receiving trol) naming Spanish ports which has given no official reply thou&,h
has at once sent the bombs to the the securities demanded frem b:>th can be used a.s bases by such Selior Giral, Ii'oreing Minister, has
frent. No doubt POUM will pro- parties in the Spanish cc nflict, " war~hips and appointi.'.1g fafety stated that the S!,anish people
test against this counter-revolu- It would be hard to beat thi s regions in thcse ports, Third . Both have a determined objection to
tionary use of bombs. for cynical Insolence. When a parties must understand that e ve- a llowing any German or Italian
June 16, - Comrade Luckacs German battleship fires on Go- ry infraction against the security warShips to enter Spanish ports
vernment'splanes, and they reply, cf attacks against Control war- c r ·terrilorial waters. The presen-
the German Control Fleet at once ships will be considered as a queG- ce of such ships would be an in-
aails to Almeria !'J\d commits an tion affecting the common inte- ,mit to the Spanish Nation , Mo-
act of war which even no decent rests of the Four Powers, Inde- reover, remembering that German
belligerent w ould undertake. The pendent ' of whatever rapid m earu; and Italian warships have taken
German and Italian Governments of legitimate defense may be an active and illegal part in pre-
at once demand 'securities', and judged neces sary by the attacked venting food supplies relW:hing
Eden, not content with the farce warships, the F our P owers will Spain (sinking of the Kom80mol
of demanding these frcm the Po- seek an immediate agreeme nt and the attempted blockade of
pular Front Government, makes among themselves about what Bilbao and Gijon) are they to be
a hypocritical pretence of impar- measures to take, taking into con- allowed to put into Valencia and
tiality by demanding that Fran- sideration the point of view of r e qui s i ti 0 n food? Probably
co's airplanes shall not bomb Ger- the interested Government." Mr, Eden expects the Spanish In-
man battleships! Thi s is, of cour- What does this disgusting do- t endencia to place teams of dock
se, In case battle-ships cument mean? Does the third ar- w orkers and a regiment or two
should ever open fire on Franco's ticle m ean that if a German crui-
at the disposal of the German
planes! ser again opens fire on Govern-
Admiral, for reviclualling fati-
ment planes that the British Go-
The following is a summary of gues; so that he may then go to
vernment and the French will
What 1M It~ tbe text which Eden has sent both sea and sink food ships.
agree to whatever war measures
to the Spanish Government and to Here is one task for Engll8h
Hitler and Mussolini may decide
and other anti-fascist herc 3s of Franco : "First. It is begged of
workers of the Second and Third
the International Brigades recen- both parties that they give defini-
THE SARTOP.IAL EXPERT- Inte rnationals, to undertake a na-
tly killed in Aragon front were tive securities that they w!ll res-
tion wide campgain to remove the
solemniy buried in Valencia. The pect foreign warships cn th e high
National Government. And this,
ministers of Defe~se, Agriculture
and Education, Comrades Prieto, if the Labor Party will cooperate
Uribe and Hernandez, beside Al- with the other democratic and
varez Del Vayo and other Govern- prcgress ive parties, can definitely
ment figures were amor,g the be done. In the interests of public
since the work cf reorganizati cl'·
guard of ho!' or. Comrade Gallo, begun by General Pozas, nomina- sanitation Eden must be removed.
Inspector of the Inten~atlonal Bri- ted by Valc!lcia Governmrn ·· nd VOLONTAIRE (ingl~s)
gades was also present, with lead- welcomed by Catalan P opu13r
mg representatives of the Spanish
SocialIst and Communist Part ; ~",
Front Organizations. ----------------------.-
JUNE 19.··- Fourtec n more l~·
June 17, -A Plenum of the Spa- HOPKIN'S PROPHECY
c. ders of the P . O. U , M . \Ve ,·~ 3r-
nish C. P . has been convened.
rested amongst them the Editor
First problem to be studied is In a 8peech at Scranton, Pa.,
r f "La BataIla". The whr le of
that of the creation cf One Uni- W. P. A, Administrator, Harry
the buil dings printing shops . a:>d
ted Proletarian Party a :1d the
cffices of the P . O. U. M. organ L. Hopkin'S, prophe8led to biB hili
strengthening of th ~ Popular
and every office and tullding of audlenoe that: withIn six months
Frc nt.
the Trotskyite party in Barcelo- U. S. Labor will have lIf'en com-
Jun e 17.- The police havE' arres-
na havc b~en , eizpd by the Go-
ted the fiv e principal leaders of plett>ly org.mized In the m8118 pro-
POUM Andres Nin, Jorge Aql! (,I'. vernment. Later in the day 50
duction Industrle. "And" he ad-
David Perez. Andrade and O.t'z. more arrests were made. In the
ded, "nobody will be talking about
Nin has be en tran sfered to a Va- San Gervasio h:lrraek ~ of the
p, O. U . M . several thousao!ld com- It. It will Ix- acc('pted aa a fact,"
lencia prison.
June 17 . · - Vigor'ous and succes- p\t't e unifccms and military out- Amerkans In S:··ain wUl have a
Mul offensive on the Huesca front. fits were f c und, hard time recognizing the rapidly
We wish to draw the mention to JUNE 19, ·- Andres Nin has been growing c1as... - oon!icloue U. S,
the fact that the Aragon front transferred to Madrid. when they ll""t back.
Anthony E<lt'D .

question of field workel'B. It waa
said that women could not per-
form the heavy tasks required of
them, but this was false. TIley
had had ro do it under the old
regime often enough, and Anchue-
10 was proof that they were ~r
to help now. She went on ro re-
view the part played by women
In the struggle f8.!lcism .
At Carabafias, for example, 200
women _re collectively engaged
in waahing . and repairing soldiem
60 clothing. At Cereedilla they are
h~lping to run a Home which

Madrld province have slIIt In con-

ference, brought together by the
Agrarian Commlss1on at the Ma-
drid Regional Communist Party. Deep "lowlnr: by means of heavy "lows would save
It was the first time III Spanish many cro". from 1.m1)Overlsltment· by drour:ht. Tbe UD-
J)6nnOllt "Ieture MOWS a tvDe coveted in Snain. Both
history such a conferell()e had youth and old are re,,~nted amonr: the deleR'ates.
been held : In fact, only In one One of tile moet thrIUlnr: thlnn at the Ar:rar1au Von-
other country can there have been terence waa the unity and cordial 1lDderstandlnr: bet;..
a parallel event. For this was ween army and People. The "ieture 011 the rlR'ht MOWB
a commonlv seen "roof of this.
not a conference of trade union
delegates meeting to dlSCUSII wage
Increages or relatloos with em-
ployers. It was a con1erence of have to work desperately to reap Comrade Julia. Bea, the women's supports 600 cbildren. At Villalba.
peasants who themselves worked 5.000 fanegas of land unless a organizer of the Agrarian Com- there Is a collective workshop pro-
their land, with the aid of their shock brigade arrives. There are mission. A group of 20 women ducing ·r~-iIOled shoes for the
government which has reoenUy five reaping machines In that vi- was formed b> carry on in the army. It was a record ol tine
given It to them. llage and no one understands their place of the men who had gone work, but the women were c&pa.-
In the hall of the Madrid Ate- use. Even the mules C8J!lIlot be fully inro the army. Today 30 women ble of playing a far blg~ role
neD, where formerly scholars and utilized because of shortage of are in that group. This at once than they were doing, and thts
aesthetes waged learned debates . labor. In some towns the field brought Comrade Julia, as she is neglect must be remedied.
the peas&Ilts of Castile spoke of workers and workers of other called by the peasants, to her feet.
their problems, often passionately trades have fonned their own The Party units have neglected
and sometimes bitterly, but al- sbock brigades. Colmenar poeses- women's work, sbe said, in this PEASANTRY
ways with that hard sense aDd ses 33 of them, all pledged to
determination which Is the cha- work whatever hours are necessa- At the third eession Comrade
racteristic' of the C&stilllllt peas- ry to bring in the crops. lL this Lister, Commander of the First
ant. Collective, Cooperative, Reap- town there are also special briga- Mixed Brigade, was given a tre-
in.~ , Seed, Land, Shock Brigades! des to defend the fields from pos- mendous welcome by the assem-
These were the key words of the sible fire caused by enemy avia- bled and field workem.
cOl!ference. tion. In the course of his speech he
At Vlcalvaro the Municipal assured them of the sympathy
Council has decided unBDimously and the loyalty of the army. At
that ·t he whole village .shall beco- a later session Comrade Modesto,
Delegate after delegate demand- me a shock corps : "even the poor Commander of the Fourth Anny
ed help. mate riL is, seeds, or shock devil of a sacristan" the delegate Co!1pS, condemmed one recent
briga des to replace the men DOW declared, getting a laugh from the example of shameful conduct, In
in the trenches. A peasant from assembly. which the Intendenc1a of a cer-
the little village of Daganzo, for The delegate from the hamlet tain military unity opera.t1ng in
inst a nce, in a halting yet tremen- of Anchuelo reported that they the Guadarrama war zone · ac-
dous ly moving speech pleaded for had partly solved their labor pro- tually demanded of a village the
l ' . G. T. Mayor report. on hie vUla«e
help. 1n that village 80 me.n will blem as a result of the visit of whole of Its, 130 beuta,

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