NAD06 Worlds of Android Earth Gatefold v1.0 PDF

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jonathan Mechan (Order #19712534)


Ristie life is a constant stream of the finest At plaza level, shopping centers, social Within the arcologies, many of the retail The least affluent residents know their
comforts technology can offer in a secluded venues, and entertainment districts span tens and service positions essential to quotidian place is on the bottom in an arcology—
world atop the towering starscrapers that of floors. Many luxuries are imported from life are filled by androids. If a resident so both figuratively and otherwise. Vast
literally place them above the masses. These across the globe. From Mumbad come the desires, he can spend, acquire, and con- underground complexes of hex-tubes and
luxury arcologies are cities within cities. finest smartfabrics that morph and twist to sume anything he likes with a wave of the ramshackle cargo containers date far back
Every service that a citizen could desire— the wearer’s digital demands, changing color hand. Clones prepare what foods require to the founding of New Angeles or before.
shopping, style, education, security—is and style to suit the latest season (for a nom- a more tender touch than a robot can pro- These are filled to the brim with middle- and
at the fingertips of the upper-middle and inal fee). Genuine grass-fed meat instead of vide, while bioroids serve as couriers to lower-class workers who are glad to have a
upper class in every megapolis, from New the mass-produced gogs of the Amazonian ferry shopping bags from retail outlets to permanent address at all and dream of one
Angeles to Mumbad and beyond. feedlots—produce grown in sunlight rather their assigned destinations. For those who day ascending to the plaza level or higher.
Self-sufficient in many respects (includ- than the emulated wavelengths in an agrop- live in these sky-high palaces, anticipation Luxury arcologies are literally shining
ing food, water, and even power gener- lex—all is served on a fingernail-thin crystal is momentary; one’s every desire is instan- examples of the world reserved for the
ation), arcologies ensure that society’s platter flowing in pleasant waves of holo- taneously fulfilled, often before one realizes business elite. They perennially stand as
wealthiest need not venture far for work, graphically projected colors. he wanted it at all. incentives for the lesser classes to strive
home, or play. Business centers feature The vast majority of a ristie’s work time Some risties choose to never venture ever harder for advancement in their
offices for the arcology’s system administra- is spent enjoying the lavish entertainments beyond the luxury afforded to them, obliv- careers, regardless of whether such aspi-
tors, project developers, business managers, the arcology and surrounding New Ange- ious to the stark realities of the world rations are likely to be stifled by corporate
brand officers, insurance adjusters, budget les has to offer. Designer hologolf courses outside its walls. There is no underway inertia, background checks and blacklists,
analysts, and efficiency experts. Nearby cor- serve as the new board rooms, and business access to the most exclusive arcologies; the catch-22 laws, and no shortage of corrupt
porate arcologies, easily reached by slide- is conducted while listening to concertos residents who do leave take hoppers or ele- politicians. Rags-to-riches stories on NBN’s
walk or hopper or Metro, provide the other played on exclusive instruments—some as vated skywalks only. Those who try to claw content streams might be popular, but in
white-collar and knowledge-based careers old and treasured as a Stradivarius, others upward and sneak their way inside aren’t the real world, downward social mobility is
that pay far more than anyone outside an on the cutting edge of technology and lit- in much luck either—AI secretaries rou- much more common than the reverse. The
arcology enjoys. Residential towers feature erally one of a kind. Networking is done at tinely screen entrants for biometric data, megacorps are the gatekeepers of the ristie
posh apartments and homes interspersed galas for aficionados with similar interests and if a visitor isn’t a resident or approved class, and those lacking the connections
with greenspaces and artificial beachfront in art, food, fashion, and every other cel- guest, a sec-team or designer g-mods for intelligence and
for recreation and relaxation. ebration the elite can justify (which is to quickly arrives to beauty are at a marked disadvantage.
say, anything that comes to mind). Privi- escort him or her
leged children and wealthy spouses spend out. Thick plas-
their days in leisure at attractions the poor crete walls, dig-
At the top of the arcology, park
can only dream of—holoparks, mag-flight ital gatekeepers,
and recreation areas boast
zones, roller coasters that span hundreds and well-paid (and
Residences make up the breathtaking views of the New
of floors—no recreation is too exotic or too often well-trained) Angeles skyline.
bulk of the arcology’s
levels. Each suite comes expensive for the residents of an arcology. prisec forces ensure
equipped with a secretary that the lives of
AI to modulate climate con- Arcologies have wide vanes that the elite are unin-
trols, schedule cleaning and can fold inward to protect the terrupted by the
maintenance, and monitor topmost observation and world at large.
the residents’ security. lounge decks from rain.

Despite cramming most of Aeroponics systems are inter-

the life support facilities woven with the arcology’s
deep underground, resi- living quarters to provide
dence-heavy towers still decoration with fresh air
have to import food. and food supplies.

Pools with raft islands pro-

vide recreation for
the richest arcol-
ogy dwellers.

Administrative and white-collar Public hopper landing

Plumbing, electricity, the goods areas occupy the upper levels and charging pads are
distribution system, and hopper of the arcology to provide the fastest and most
elevators run vertically through easy access for clients travel- direct mode of transpor-
the arcology’s center. ing by hopper. tation for those who
can afford them.

The white-collar business center

contains shopping venues along
the outside layers, although
most goods are circulated or
imported through a distribu-
tion system.

Communal areas allow The Bio-Industrial Center is the primary

residents to relax and food production module for the arcology.
socialize in style. Work here has minimal noise and pollut-
ants to keep living conditions good
for residents along the edge
suites and above.

UV-blocking transplas
tessellation covers
most arcologies.

Lower-grade residential
offshoots are built to
house wait-listed arcology
candidates or temporary
workers. Many have just enough
money for the buy-in, but can no longer afford to
leave. These areas are safer than slum living, but
they can feel prisonlike as well.

Nearby the Public Rela-

tions Center are shops,
social venues, hiring
Monorail train lines to neighboring
stations, and other commercial
arcologies offer private transporta-
attractions for non-residents.
tion options for residents. Slide-
walks on the lower side cater to
the health-conscious.

This divider was constructed later as a second “farm initiative.”

The platform built over the slums—and the scaffolding through
them—was meant to shield residents from New Angeles’
frequent acid rainfall, but it would also provide an extra
barrier to keep slum dwellers away from the newly
built arcologies. An air circulation system
was later added to keep the undercity’s
miasma from wafting upward.
Support struts for the kilometer-tall
arcology stretch deep into the
ground to provide stability and
earthquake resistance.

This is one of the rarer “bridge tow-

ers” that connects the upper levels
to the subway system via a series
of elevators. Contains high-security
apartments and offices.

Historical housing projects from the

middle of the twenty-first century
still comprise a surprising percent-
age of the underlevels.

Shipping containers have been

piled onto old buildings to
add floors or fill nooks
and crannies in the slums.
Each houses an average
of four people.

These hex-shaped apartment tubes

used to be part of the first massive city-wide
urban aquaponics initiative decades back.
As the technology surpassed them, they
slowly eroded into slums. New Angeles’
massive appetite for housing has prevented
them from being demolished.

Kirsten Zirngibl

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